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Sweden's biggest newspaper call Smash Bros sexist because

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The whole article is about her looks in Smash 4, and it comes to the conclusion that her design is sexist because her butt is fat - which is not believable for a bounty hunter and only meant to sexualize her. Her butt should've been fit according to the newspaper.

Are they right?

>caring what swedish media thinks
>Caring what fake news CNN thinks
Oh look, a lot of people actually do that!
What the fuck were you doing in a swedenigger blog?

Her ass is fucking lame, in any case.
GF_Sybb writes for a Swedish newspaper?
I'm failing to see how that ass is fat. It literally looks like an athlete's ass.
Literally who?
Why is sexualizing wrong, anyway? Humans are sexual beings; it's how we all got here. Sexuality is as fundamental a function of our bodies as eating, breathing, and walking.
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I think they mean that it is too big to be just muscle. They don't say it's obese or cellulite cottage cheese, but that it's fat and not fit.
>Are they right?
Oh my, would this fall under fat shaming
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>This is Swedish news
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>Caring what New Somalia thinks
Really Allahus my ack bjork.
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You would think they would be more sensitive to ass men.
Which is the same as fat.
they also said super mario odyssee on the switch is racist to mexicans, who cares what they say .
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>conclusion that her design is sexist because her butt is fat

well let me get this straight. if her ass would be fit it would also be meant to sexualize her anyway, wouldn't it

also swedish media is fatshaming
They're right. An ass that big on a body that small is fat for sure. Which is sexist design.
They're a "beta" test for us. Anything stupid Sweden does, that's what we'll be doing in a decade.
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Didn't this game come out like, four years ago?
No, because if her butt looked fit it would make sense for her character. They don't attack her butt because it's big, but because it looks fat.

the article is just saying some burgers are rustled about sexism in nintendo games

it even links to an american male feminist blog
>Making Samus a slightly fat 6/10

Nips have no taste I tell ya.

I'm with the Swedes on this one. Samus should be F I T. An idealic breeding sow to bring forward the next generation of space aryans.
Cue arthur and the ass what fat pics.
>samus aran
>fucking high heels

i would gladly torture and murder who had this idea
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I think if they just had made it a bit smaller, it would've looked firmer.
>A lot of people
>Under 5% of the US
2 million people (max) care! Oh no!
The point is they would attack it either way. You cannot please these people, they make their living off of being triggered.

What the fuck do they want?


Give them that.

>Thats sexism!!!

They're never fucking happy. I just wish one day a game developer in response to someone accusing him of Sexism would take out his dick and orally rape the reporter there. I've just had it.
That's incorrect. They don't complain that Samus is fat. They just complain that her ass is fat, and that it doesn't make sense.
The retarded heels should have been a big clue that she's being sexualized in Smash
If she was a legit fit bounty hunter, that shit is just impractical. Isn't Zero Suit supposed to be a stealth thing? Why does she need glowing high heels?
>that poll again

Why not make new ones, like what would you do to Samus' butt?
Like the elevens give a fuck about what swedish feminsts think
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Don't give in to their demands ever. They will always find something to complain about, it's how they make money.

Ridicule or ignoring are the only acceptable responses.
Wait til they see Nier Automata

God, I want to marry 2B's ass. Only the asscheeks
It's more about the guy in charge of Smash doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks
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>Her butt should've been fit according to the newspaper.
I guess they haven't heard about the Super Smash Bros. THICC mod
What's sexist about it? I thought big was beautiful? Make up your damn mind.
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>Thicc Samus will never dominate Pit with her weight
I just said they didn't complain about the size, they said it looked fat.

Liberals are fat blue-haired land-whales who are ashamed of their bodies. So when they see sexy women they get triggered.
lord jesus dat ass
What doesn't make sense about it? Relatively thin women with above average asses turn my dick into a stalagmite.
Women are supposed to have fatter asses, anyway. My seed needs dat DHA.
That she is a bounty hunter and has a fat butt. That's only made to sexualize her according to the newspaper, and that's why it's sexist.
Is he still around asking everyone which version of Samus has the best/most flabby ass?
Samus really isn't the best example for their argument
When she's bounty hunting, she uses magic power armor that does most of the work for her. It's also magic in that it can contort and shrink her body into a perfect sphere, so the size and shape of her actual physical body inside doesn't really matter as long as the armor fits.
God I fucking hate ZSS, her frame data is just fucking obsurd
Are you implying that larger women are incapable of the athleticism required to apprehend criminals?
Fatties are not athletic, no. And don't tell me sumo wrestlers are worth a shit; their matches have been proven to be heavily rigged.
No, but her body isn't big like an athlete's. Only her butt is big, and that's why it looks fat.
>Her butt should've been fit according to the newspaper.

But if her butt was fit then it would not have been body-positive and it would be fat-shaming.

You can't win.

>Bitches complain there's no female super heros
>Make some
>Bitches complain they're not frumpy enough

Ain't no pleasing these hoes, why try?
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Well to be fair her butt doesn't exactly look muscular
>still getting polled

Um, pic related are actual fucking bounty hunters. Fuck off with your manufactured outrage, Sweden.
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Good Lord, his fucking skin.

At this point I think it's just about disliking things men like. If men started to enjoy fat chicks for whatever bizarre reason, they'd get upset at fat women in video games.
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Not even on the same level of street fighter R. Mika
Nice doctored pics. faglord
>samus fat ass is swedens biggest problem
makes sense
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Samus thread with no Lauren. tsk tsk
im a proud, fatass female bounty hunter. AMA
>t. has never watched female sprinting
>t. has never been around a competent female soldier
>t. swedecuck faggot who swallows as much propaganda as he does hot arab semen
fucking disgusting desu
>squats are not important

Sounds like something a Swede would say.

Could this be anymore of a "bitchy jealous woman" fiasco?

Jesus get women out of politics it's embarrassing.
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What does this newspaper think about anime?
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I remember when people put their own money into their own websites to review the quality of the video games because they were passionate about them. These people wrote anonymously, or maybe had a small bio page. The content was about the games, games, games. No doubt they lost money on their sites but it was worth it to them.

Now there are career video games "journalists" who act like attention whores on social media and spew SJW far-left politics. I even read a story about a (female) video game developer who had sex with a "journalist" for better coverage!
i know ill probably get flak for this, but back when i played LoL, the reviews by dyrus and dunkey were way more detailed and explained than fucking game "news" reports. and they just posted it in bullshit bideos or forum posts
Aftonbladet is pure sheit. Only retarded plebs read t hat shit.

It's basically our CNN.

Aftonbladet is Sweden's CNN.

Just ignore it and ridicule anyone who fucking reads their shit.
Fucking this
>Giving Aftonbladet views

Anyone using that link is a traitor to every European as they seek to kill you.
What if that was your sister?

Would you want her ass to be like that?

They have a point. It's objectification.

I'm not getting into the can of worms about women loving objectification, though.

Regardless, this should be against the rules and women must wear one piece bathing suits again.
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This is the author...
Just look into his eyes...

He's totally clueless about women in general...
How do they know how fat her ass is? Isn't it a little sexist to assume her butt her fat? Fucking shitlords, stop ass-shaming Samus.
If they made the ass skinny like a skinny bitch, that would be discrimination of skinny bitches. We have it too good, why cant we care more about real world problems, jesus just drop the nuke allready
Ablest much? Why can't bounty hunters be fat.
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>The whole article is about her looks in Smash 4, and it comes to the conclusion that her design is sexist because her butt is fat - which is not believable for a bounty hunter and only meant to sexualize her. Her butt should've been fit according to the newspaper.

>Are they right?

She needs some advanced padding materials otherwise shes gonna fucking die to physical shock on a hard landing.
Wow she looks like shit
Sexuality and access to sex are one of the major controls on humans. They just want to force you to kowtow to get access to 'legitimate' sexuality.
Why did they give her those heals in smash 4
so dumb
I don't care, I'll be sexualizing her regardless :^)
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It looks fat in the game.
>That image quality
Wtf, bro
It looks like he suck cock daily
I've lost track. Is 4 the one on Wii U or is it a new one on the switch?
Heels were invented for cavalrymen and foot soldiers. They are practical in origin.
>competent female soldier
neither have you
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That's fat shaming bro, not cool
Hail fellow Okie, doing anything special for 'Murica day today?
No it's not, because I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it. I'm simply stating her butt looks fat in-game.
>never been around a competent female soldier

No shit, no one has.
It's sad that this is considered attractive to some.
I find Sweeden's biggest newspaper to be discriminatory towards fat bottomed women. Isn;t it hateful to exclude from SSB Samus because of her fat ass?
Just going to the neighborhood carnival.

Aftonbladet is desperate for views.

Aftonbladet is owned by Schibsted. CEO of Schibsted Sweden is (((RAOUL GRUNTHAL)))
It's about discriminating fat assed women, it's about how unbelievable it is for a woman like Samus - who should be fit from head to toe - to have a fat butt.

The only reason she has a fat butt is because it looks sexier, and there you have the sexism.
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>april 2014
I'm only upset that Nintendo retconned her original height of 6'3"
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>feminists condemn attractive women, more news at 11
a-are they fat shaming?
NO they're not. They don't say she's fat, they only say her butt is fat.
So its wrong to have a fat butt?
Thats very fatphobic anon.
No, they don't say that either. They say it's wrong for a BOUNTY HUNTER to have a fat butt, because realistically it should be fit.

The only reason it's fat is because of sexualization. Understand?
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