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How many shitskins did he scare? https://www.youtube.com/wa

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How many shitskins did he scare?

Whites on steroids don't scare anyone
Muscular prison-tattooed whites are way more scary and dangerous than niggers imo.
Annoying roid rage jackass.

sissy white boii end up apologizing on video
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>white boiis with tribal tattoos scary
>Muscular prison-tattooed whites are way more scary and dangerous than niggers imo.
Says the leaf fag
Aryan Brotherhood are the most feared prison gang in America. Niggers and spics don't even look at them crosseyed.
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Meanwhile outside of this amerifats cucked head whites D O M I N A T E S strongman. Maybe it's the amerifats genes but I have never seen a nigger stronger than me where I live. >>>Sad<<<
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>spics don't even look at them crosseyed

I think that guy sounds like someone I would hang out with. Probably also fun to drink with
Obnoxious American retard
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I remember that dude, he's cool. Seems like an Orange County bro type. I'd kill shitskins with him in the coming race war.
He made a fool of himself so 0
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>Niggers and spics don't even look at them crosseyed.
It's well known that spics often team up with the Aryan Brotherhood in prison to fight against niggers and keep them in line.
I'm never afraid of loud mouth juice boys. I'm more wary of the skinny, quiet autist that doesn't even bother with banter or yelling. He just follows you to your home, waits till you sleep and then proceeds to physically convey how upset you made him.
Quiet guys with that dead stare are terrifying

You realize that Chinese illegal immigrants which on average have higher IQs than native whites are the real problems this country faces right? We don't even have that many Somalia immigrants.
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>Reddit spacing
>calls me the faggot
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Might makes right. Fuck kikes 1488
>t. Fat spic based civic nationalists

This guy isn't even that big
Lemme guess, you're a big guy
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My tribal side would love to watch this man's back in a phalanx.
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It's sure gonna be comfy watching the race war from my 99.99% homogenous country
wow this is scary this is what happened in hitlers germany... this is not on what our country is founded and based on... racism and bigotry has no place in usa we are all equal... this is trumps amerikkka...
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that's me you're talking about
He looks like a bottom feeding trash of a human
If he was a nig or anything else that's exactly what you would call him
At least be consistent with your stupidity
Pick one
t. Chen
You should learn to speak English better, this doesn't even make sense.
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your face right now
>which on average have higher IQs than native whites
They have only gained that place through the dropping of White IQ's since the letting in of third world excrement.
This is bullshit and you know it. Everytime theres a fight or a riot the whites would hide in the bathroom with the snitches and pedophiles. My Source: mexican mafia member that was locked up for 10 years.
T.manlet grass cutter
Why do American adults dress like children?

Lol you think thats a roided out physique? DYEL shitskin brainlet confirmed.
Most whites in prison are not Aryan Brotherhood.
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Why are they all pink, angry and have the same weird hair color?
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>We wuz mafia n sheit
Nice try Pedro! One of your family members who got locked up for peddling an ounce of weed is not a reliable source.
>go back to mexico
>make my burrito bitch

pick 1
This, I'm one of them and scare the fuck out of people at my retail job, mainly chicks tho, other people just get aggressive but I'm pretty sure I have some form of autism
A fucking white nigger ape. He a shill put there by shill orchestrators as a character with a role and image to play. Muh "big guy," muh "alpha" etc all that shit are big ones.

"I'll fuck your whole fucking family with my big cock"

These shills are giant gay fucking faggots. That's why they shill this shit like the above mentioned, wrote that line for him, had him shirtless like was hot shit or something. This is all their faggoty shilling.
Whites can't fight for shit muh dude, worser than niggers they fight in groups or need guns.

This is what blacks will be like in a race war

What do you mean don't Europeans wear t shirts
The word nigger refers to skin color. It's a bastardization of the Latin negro, which means black. Is that man black? No, he is not.
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Make it two months in to a race war and replace the black man in the picture with an average Ethiopian.
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He's obviously referring to his nigger like uncivilized behavior, nigger.
And the cop proceeds to have a word with the Hispanic guy, why? White guy is yelling and bouncing around, Hispanic guy is standing still behind the fence talking in his inside voice, yet the cop turns to the Hispanic guy and raises his hand to him, for what? If not to agitate him?
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Nigger please.

>watches memea
>conor mcgregor
>The word nigger refers to skin color
No. It refers to that nog right there in the OP.
T.Aztec blooded savages
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>conor mcgregor
>gets choked out by some spic
is this real?
If lefties get to redefine "racism", we get to redefine "nigger".

>Le not all blacks are niggers chris rock may may


People who are likely actually strong and/or trained are scarier than porch monkeys that wont get in a fight unless there are 6 of them?

Is this....news?
Yeah redefine it so it's not racist any more. And you're clearly not racist! Because racism is bad, right reddit?

It makes perfect sense, what confused you?
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Getting hate fucked by someone like that would be awesome~
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So this is what /nsg/ skinheads look like.

fucking white trailer trash. Top kek.
>implying /nsg/ has tattoos

the guy is all tattooed up, which means he is trying to impress others
He cares what others think
It is the guys that don't care about others are are truly dangerous

When a man does not fear death, you should fear that man
>Also, that beaner can suck my burrito

>boo hoo racism

a monkey in a suit is still a monkey
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Yeah, you're right.

I'm more scared of pedo-mustache cuck beaner or the snow white's seven dawrf antifa army.

You're waking up the bear.
/nsg/ is probably the most degenerate hick board on /pol/. Nothing but a bunch of loser whites.
Spotted the commie chink
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Go worship your jewish overlords ya faggot.
i dont think hes roided
Yes that fag is on juice/roids, and the sky is up. Now piss off shills.
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the guy probably don't know how to use a gun even less CAR. Just look at this guy, he is one spec ops that had seen a shitload of fight and death. I prefer someone who looks like a bitch but fights like a god that a faggot that looks like a god and fight like a bitch.
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I sure fucking hope he doesn't tread on me
How many scoops is he on?
Stereotype: the human being
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Bullshit, Asians orchestrate those IQ tests to inflate the scores. They don't let inland tards take them. Chinese are no smarter than whites.
Thanks for the rare SGM Vining.
Spics and niggers promote the autism meme to cover up the fact that they are too stupid to perform introspection and long term planning.
>typical commie wanting to be dominated
be quiet black boy
>you should learn to speak cucklish better
Nah, arrogant north americans will be speaking chink & spic by the end of century.
The guy in your pic related just looks especially goofy in that picture.

>"looks like a god"
>that fag in OP
Are you hugely gay with a queer craving for the so-called muh big guy muh alpha muh muscle muh chad faggots? Thats the only way anyone would say that homo "looks like a god."

Funny how much Stormniggers act just like normal niggers.

Really makes you think doesn't it?
>These shills are giant gay fucking faggots.

Case and point

Along with much other shit found here
anthony pls

t. triggered "big guy"

lol, your muscles won't help you against a trained warrior, burger.


Vining is always good no matter the presentation.
hes not scary at all the only reason hes acting like that is the police are there to save him
Being a primitive musclehead is not why Whites dominated the world. This is a useful idiot who is easily jewed.
All of them.

A wrathful white is a terrifying thing.
>Every standardized test shows Asians outscoring whites, even those decades ago
>Asians in developed countries outperform whites on all measures of success
>"uhhh chinese just cheat! sampling bias!"

You honestly think some stupid potato farmer in Idaho is smarter than some rich real estate investor?

black guys know this too
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>You're waking up the bear.

The lion FTFY

>henry rollins realizes punk rock was a mistake
Bull shit. The Mexican mafia run the prisons.

They have an alliance with the AB
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watch your fucking mouth nigger
>yelling at old man and woman
Whoa so alpha and brave...
How tall is he I want to look like this
at least 1 meter
I'm no triggered big guy and you know that. Fuck off troll. Other anon said he looks like a bitch according to the army photo, I said he just looks very goofy in that picture.
>I'll fuck your whole fucking family with my big cock
what did he mean by this?
He's a big faggot, and the shills who wanted him to say that because they find is sexually appealing are the biggest queerbags of all.
This dude looks like one of those meth out "bros" who live in riverside county who drive obnoxious over lifted trucks because of their small penis , wear dickies with black socks and listen to kotton mouth Kings

Dude in video looks like a total pansy ass faggot loser
t. beaner
Go back to playing WOW white boy
He would rip your head off bitch boy. Learn to spell English
everything that's wrong with the right in one picture. well done. truly well done
I got those vibes as well, jose

those aren't prison tattoos

he's a nigger character-wise, but he'll make great canon fodder
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It's likely roids.

But it could also be a combination of roids and some type of meth.

It's hard to tell.

Lol get out of here shitskin
Biz can use his head as a free screaming pink wojack the next time BTC tanks
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