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You know it's getting played out when South Park is

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You know it's getting played out when South Park is sick of making jokes
Good, last season was hot garbage on a dried turd plate. Maybe they've remembered how to make jokes

The burnout is hitting quick! Not even 6 months since the swearing in!

Also he's probably sick of being ridiculed by Trump supporters for being a cuck who married a single mom stripper, the "my wife's son" meme really twists the knife with him. Especially because of his mormon roots, deep down he is troubled.

Probably getting sick of his nigger stepson's bullshit.

Maybe this faggot will unjew himself and come to his senses.
this is probably the most confusing couple of years in the show's history. Trey and Matt are smart guys and probably the closest to /pol/acks in the mainstream media, but they're also insanely rich and and famous and have been for over 20 years - which means they live in walled gardens.
The cognitive dissonance between Trump obviously being unqualified for the presidency (to them) and Hillary being a criminal is confusing for some.

be famouse for potty mouth 8 yos

ridicule trump

> does not compute
> my wife's son
This meme is so potent and true it brings a tear to my eye every time
they should stay out of politics all together and go back to being a fun, crude, political incorrect show about kids being kids like it used to be when it was good.
This show thought there was nothing to satirize in 8 years of Obama.
Or maybe it was because they are cucks married to niggers with literal wife's sons.
he literally said that in the article
Yah, but the season before that was good
They did...
Good , fuck them both they are so out of touch now!
This is where Trumps power comes from though, if people just start ignoring him and all the crazy things he does he will become a lot less popular among his already diminishing base of followers, who all salivate for mainstream reactions to his antics.
Here it is in all its glory. Good on you for paying for some nigger's pump and dump.

They either see how cliche trump jokes are already

Or they are legitimately burnt out from trump

Either way trump is winning hard. The American people, the media, they can't keep their breath. Trump will lap them soon.
oh wow they didn't touch Obama at all and they didn't even make fun of either but rather presented them being on the right side wow savage brutal so amaze
I like South Park but fuck it, it's been on too long. All those shows, The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc. They just show that there's nothing fresh or interesting; it's all rehashing the same shit. Cultural rot is setting in.
oh wow the satirized white people how daring amazing Obama must be the perfect man oh wow
the funny thing is, liberals will lap it up 24/7 if they could. that one fag on SNL does the shitty trump impersonation and they all can't get enough.

liberals are so culturally handicapped they can't move on in any way.
The truth is they never imagined Trump could have won so they blew their load too early and killed Trump off in the universe of their show so now if they were to go back to it, it would just turn the show to a bigger pile of shit than it's become.

The best. PC Principal was the perfect villain and Cartman manipulating feminism calling out its selfishness was tops.
They didn't want to, but because they already in season 19 had made mr. Garrison Trump, they felt forced to honor it, and Trump went on much longer than they thought
How about the one where Obama was elected president so he could steal the Hope diamond and go to Hawaii with McCain and Palin while everyone in the US thought they died in a plane crash?
Both Stone and Parker are independent voters

that wasn't really making fun of him. if anything, made him seem even more intelligent

The only crazy things he does are publicity stunts anyway. If everyone ignored him he would just be a regular right leaning president.
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They never make fun of him. Not once. Not one criticism. 8 fucking years. Nothing.
>and Hillary being a criminal
They portrayed Hillary as barely functionally retarded, who couldn't win an election being handed to her.
It's because they secretly want/need Trump to be president so they can fulfill their 24/7 reality show needs. He's portrayed as the ultimate evil bad guy in a childish cartoon manner that they can easily understand like Voldemort.
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how did these two guys end up marrying black chicks?
The double ďubs make it even better!
Apperently checking is considered spam now...

Comparing the president to George Clooney in oceans eleven is not making fun of him. It lionizes him and as far as I remember, that was the last major obama episode. There are literally no scathing Obama jokes in South Park even after 8 years of his presidency. South Park was exposed a long time ago.
i think all he got was that lame duck that quacked and shit everywhere, but that was so small i wouldn't even count it. unless i'm wrong and that was someone else.

just wish cartman would go back to being a nazi and doing anti jewish stuff. that was always funny with kyle's jew gold and shit.
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>still watching South Park
>in current year
>couldn't win an election being handed to her.
I forgot about that, thanks anon
did they ever tie up the memberberries story?

Not only that it just highlights the fact they will never be the real dad even though they have to make all the sacrifices.
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>not playing Drumpf stuff 24/7 for ratings
It would take way too much work to continue to make Trump funny. Whereas Mr. Garrison has been a solid source of comedy for years. It's just far easier now as they are coming up with ideas for the coming season to simply ignore Trump than it is to reconfigure the show to try to keep their Trump funny.
Well I'm a little bit Clinton..
And I'm a little bit Clinton too!
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Hopefully he is a disgrace to all ex-mormon atheists for this.

Maybe they will start making fun of SJWs and the anti-Trump histrionics.

Like all they have to do is portray Trump as though all the lies the crazy left has told about him are true. Rapist, has dementia, murderer, pee, etc etc etc etc Kathy Griffin cuts off his head and it is revealed it was Satan in a costume the whole time, once the left finds that out they are okay with him.
>Trey and Matt are smart guys and probably the closest to /pol/acks in the mainstream media

One of them is literally a kike. I seriously doubt it. They're your typical faggot libertarians who just want guns and dude weed lmao. This makes them better than marxist cunts, but it doesn't make them /ourguys/.

south park has been hot garbage years

it's almost as bad as the simpsons, i don't know how people still like this piece of shit show
I think they're put into a difficult situation because everything about Trump has already been done to death and barring some total meltdown it appears like he's not going to give them that much more ammo.

Its so sad, just look at that trashy goldigging stripper coalburning worthless cunt. Look at Trey's face. I swear the kid is probably Will Smith's.
This... so this. These fuckers shitpost so hard with south park that mocking Trump or anyone who does something like it makes them little bitch hypocrites. They are too dumb to realize they just became Matt Dammmonn
Game sold too well. I doubt they put in half as much effort as they would normally do into the older seasons. It fucking showed. One episode stretched into a dozen.
It was hit and miss, even if I liked it overall. While it was helped out by the fact that their satire was well thought out for the most part, their insistence on continuing storylines sabotages opportunities for more cutting jokes and forces them to drag along albatrosses that they could just dump in a standalone episodic format.

Also, anyone who says "hurf durf, you only liked that season because you agreed with it!" needs to kill themselves. The SJW Jock analogy was well thought out and executed, then followed through to show they actually empathised with them, even if they thought they were wrong. it's such a pity that the fake news shit dragged it down so badly near the end
To contrast, the trump/clinton jokes were as shallow as you can get
Somebody shop the hair and bloodshot eyes on this cuck.
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>south park has been hot garbage years

Simpsons did it!!
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(((South Park)))
There is only one animated comedy that is worth watching because it names (((them))).

They did the same in regards to Bush. They said something along the lines of 'if you want Bush bashing look down the road.'

Nah they realized they are on the losing side of the Great Meme War and are trying to pull out to preserve some bit of relevance.
Animaniacs does it quite a bit as well.
This is bullshit and it's been debunked.
> Go on Colberts YouTube channel
> search "trump"
> results almost identical without the filter
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Ignore Trump by Announcing "I will Ignore Trump."


I will not even think about Trump.

Not for one second.

Never again will I think about Trump.
Hey Beter
>all the hardwork
>the success won at great personal costs
>for this
>this is not what I dreamed of as a child

"l am a Pozz-Cuckold. You want to know what that is? Well, let me explain.

The normal cuckold wants just one gift from his black bull: A black child. But the Pozz-cuckold wants more. He wants three gifts. We are greedy little bitches. But first, here's how it goes.

Normally I drive in my Mercedes to a street gym where ripped blacks train their muscles, there skin shining with sweat and the air filled with their scent. I am already a bit hard just from thinking about it. Sometimes I cum a bit in my pants. I get out of the car and ask who of them has AIDS. Then they know what happens.

The black man with AIDS gets into my car and we drive to somewhere isolated. Then I take a small knife and stick it inside the hole of my penis and twist it a litte. In the cuckold community we call this the AIDS twister. Sure it hurts and causes me to bleed. But it is worth it.

Then the black man docks me until we both cum and I contract his AIDS. I already have 4 types of AIDS from this. That is the first gift. Then we drive on to my house and he fucks my wife, who has also contracted many types of AIDS. That is the second gift. And then 9 months later the third and best gift arrives: a black child who also has AIDS."

-Trey Parker in "South Park - Behind the laughter" interview
Kyle is a jew and constantly ripped on
Typical rainbow family gen-xers. Then they struck it big and were in a state or arrested development once the cash came in. They're stuck in their 90s brainwashed state.
Nope. I'm still here. Still ex-mormon and still atheist, and have been since I came here in 2009.
they said they wanted to make the show about the kids again, which would be nice
>Wanting freedom makes you a faggot.

Kill yourself.
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Make the show about kids again

>implying they won't do as told by their corporate masters

Even Jay Leno said enough is enough.

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>lefty cucks are getting scared of insulting the God Emperor
We cannot stop winning! This is amazing.

The Hollywood jew behind them literally owning and pimping them out, wow.

I wonder if they hang out with the same sick Hollywood pers as the Wachowski sisters.
To be fair, they did ONE scene with Hillary being dumb. The rest of the season was nonstop shitting on Trump. They were very clearly biased as shit, considering Hillary gave them comedy gold to use during the election shit
>No episode where Garrison interrupts Hillary during a debate nonstop asking her to open a jar of pickles since she's soooo healthy
I mean come the fuck on

Trey Parker: I Just Can't Even
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gas yourself, lolberg scum
so is jake tapper

something something his wife's son.
Yeah, I dont mind a small second story or refering to other episodes, but the episodes should be able to be watched individually. Several part episodes should be saved for really big events, this is what Futurama got complete wrong. Making unecessery split up episodes that cant stand on their on.

easily the best meme. It drove Rick Wilson insane too that his wife was a coalburner.
Is this winning?


I thought it was his daughter. Although it wouldn't surprise me if his wife fucked niggers too while he watched.
sorry daughter not wife
I thought daughter in my head but hands typed wife
>tfw this is probably what most women want

Why even bother dating anymore?
south park turned to shit when they made the "osama bin laden has fartypants" episode (2001) and got into pop culture.

gj watching this shit show in the CURRENT YEAR

OMG biting satire really took the Obama's down a peg
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Trump jokes are like late 2007 bush jokes.

They aren't funny. They are worn out, they just aren't fucking funny anymore.

For fucks sake does anyone remember this turd?
pretty obvious hes a trump supporter.
Member when South Park was good?
>I thought daughter in my head but hands typed wife
I'm sorry, you have latent islam
source my nigger
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They made fun of Obama, mostly because the only other people "making fun of" were laughing because he is so charming and nice allegedly.

American dad called the obama kids adorable. South park insisted that Obama was elected to try to steal jewels.
Is that white Condi?
kill all leafs
>i got this show for a Christmas present once
Holy fuck this niggery.
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Basically an asshole considered an opinion leader among liberal fuckwits indirectly admitting his epiphany that liberals should wake up every single day, praise God and kiss the ground because Hillary Clinton isn't president.
she has a Kobe tattoo you retard
Oh god i remember this. Its toddler neo cons, " i do what i want"
Damn he got absolutely rekt by our memes
South Park's on bo0rrowed time anyway

All they've got anymore is fart jokes and piss jokes

So democrats must be their immature target audience.
South Park sucks now
It's probably dying
Blue pilled satire is dying? You dont say.
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It still has Jewish writers, Lois is voiced by (((Alex Borstein))) etc. You're never going to see a western TV show that criticises jews in a damaging way, just "lol this whacky stereotype doesn't like to spend money" tier stuff.
>All they've got anymore is fart jokes
It's like you have never watched South Park before?
Jokes that where ok
> Fuck Denmark
> Fuck them all to death
> So I stick my finger in this chicks asshole
I don't understand OP.
How could hearing BONAL KRUMF on every radio show, podcast, TV show, late night comedy show, standup tour, youtube video, reading it on twitter, facebook, and every last website for the last 10 months possibly get old?
I mean it is fucking comedy gold!
I mean have you seen his hands! So small!
And he is orange lel XD
I am glad intelligent men like Stephen Colbert and John Oliver can really tear into him because no one else is.
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I don't get it though,it's one of the only shows to use the word kike and Cartman names the Jew all the time. How is this not a /pol/ show?

Cartman is a villain, not a protagonist. He's a caricature of rightwing racist anti-semitic fat lil dick whiteboy fascists with coalburning single moms. Basically The_Donald after it visits /pol/
Fuck off Trey.

Cartman is the good guy. He makes the most of what he has, and he goes for the jugular.
orry for stating my view without running it by you first chief

WE love him. But he's meant to be a punchline.
That's the PC reason he has to give them so he doesn't get lynched.
It's when they try to make a story go through the entire season which makes it shitty as well.
you're right, it's always been degenerate, I guess since I stopped being a teenager or smoking weed I stopped finding it's edgy shock toilet "humour" entertaining.
It started off really good but it got retarded by the end
Also, South Park fell off and turned to shit roughly a decade ago. Anyone who thinks South Park is still cutting-edge and maintains the status it used to have isn't very smart. Everyone I know that still tunes in has poor taste in general.
>Making unecessery split up episodes that cant stand on their on.
CC wanted to avoid season long arcs because it hurts syndication. They play episodes out of order based on popularity. You never see Funnybot or Queef Sisters in rotation because they're awful. But you always see Good Times with Weapons because it's the most popular in the entire series.
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Checked and keked.

I member.
anyone who still watches it? Have they featured Podesta the molesta yet?
Nothing is truly subversive anymore.
The only show in recent memory that even comes close to being subversive is Man in the High Castle.
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>Southpark sick of making fun of Trump because it's not doing any good anyways.

The left is getting tired of losing.

I'm still not tired of all this winning.
I think it is more that they just can't think of any jokes that haven't been told already or that would actually pack any real sting to them. Basically they have no ideas for jokes and are taking the bitch way out by saying they won't focus on it.
I think the Podesta shit came after the season ended. The guy even looks like an ugly South Park character.
Ignore it.
What would it matter?
>actually discussing southpark

KYS faggot

It would probably be done for libel until he's actually caught.

Mind you he doesn't seem to mind the dozens of insinuations he gets to every tweet he makes, which make up about 95% of the comments each time.

Maybe they can have a new character called Skippy who loves pizza and hotdogs a little too much.
Who is this skippy?
Its like i said the show is blue pill satire/porn. Cartman calls out many injustices so thus as a character he is mistreated and hated for it. The character himself is portrayed as they view/mock the everyday american dealing with the jew world. The same goes for any antagonist on the show, mocked without redemption. The recipe gets old after awhile and the lesson learned is be a good goy. The show is co-opted garbage as it wasnt always this way if you watch the older simpler seasons.

Same goes for many if not all the mainstream programs,movies, art and video games these days.
Last two seasons were meh. After a decade of watching and re-watching this show i didn't even bother with the majority of the last season. They've got more tame with age and softball a lot more than before. South Park now and South Park that showed muhammad or Cartman parading people throwing Seig Heils to the Synagogue are 2 different shows.
Seriously, who though "fuck em all to death" joke was funny? Do such people exist? PC Principle was at least mildly entertaining.
someone who likes the kids to be in the hot tub before he gets to the party
Trump will become cult hero if they use him. Literally just animate what he does normally and it becomes amazing, would open up young peoples eyes to how great he actually is. They know it will backfire so that's why they don't put him in the show.
honestly doesn't even need it, it's already there

Seen that before, but the ending made me lose hard.
this makes me so happy
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Thank you for completely ruining south park for me
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What the fuck
they are both nigger lovers
Its a case of practice what you preach. Everytime.
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I remember, and I also remember it not lasting very long.
Trump is a trickster character, it's amazing they struggle in making him funny. They're too deep in the MSM bubble themselves
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I went to junior high and high school with trey, lived in the same neighborhood too.

He was always a jealous cunt, not he gets to raise some niggers child as his own.

I think they call this justice.

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just proving my case
Yes i did, lived in king's valley Colorado. He was into karate and wanted to beat me up cause I was popular with the ladies and he was a dork who made fart jokes.
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>47 years old
wow like all my friends with their .. fart jokes
at age 15 just farting all over each other then punching each others lights out for spreading feces and disease in the fukcign 20th century. shit nigger

no i meant at age 3 making fart jokes good story bro
well yeayo udo make sense that you would be kinned to them and mkae this story up about them.
It's what they COULD try to work. Taboo shit, man.
and another thing imbecile, trey parker didnt go to columbine, he went to evergreen high school, i know because i used to ride the bus with him
The old east asian man is really showing here.
Sounds like they don't want to make fun of a president they are now growing fond of. But leftists..? Jesus... get ready for a major asshanding the likes of which SNL, Colbert, Oliver, and all your other shills could only dream off being able to deliver.
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and another side note the kids from columbine were cunts who used to go around to parties in our area, beating people up, for no reason.

Justice always gets her man.
I thought it was pretty funny as a child
it only lasted like a season though
>Good , fuck them both they are so out of touch now!
You get the sense that they at least know they're out of touch and are pulling punches as a result. I'm not so sure your average /pol/tard would have as much self awareness as they do if we were as rich as they are. Give em a break.
Trump jokes were never funny, no matter how the media pushed them and the thousands of caricatures.

>South Park is sick of making jokes
Because it normal now. Trump changed the game with online social media just like a president did when RADIO became mainstream and TV became mainstream.
Oh shit
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I dont believe you.

go back to your family noone cares go die kill yourself you hate anyone telling you what you should, do. i mean its the only option left to you, so instead of taking constructive criticism you attack the whole country.

Really fuck youy for running your mouth. fuck you for making up shit about this TOO btw also about him caue its not true. Your just a fuckign liar

There was an episode where America turns into such a massive shithole thanks to Obama, that all the Mexicans start illegally immigrating back to Mexico and Obama was once replaced by a Duck spewing shit from his mouth that no one was able to dell the difference.

They'll definitely make fun of antifa beating up trash cans and have a subplot of Clyde frog as a type of deity.
Seems like they were banking heavily on Hillary winning, so Garrison would just lose and go back to teaching. They backed the wrong pony and fucked themselves
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not everyone was making fart jokes at 15, i was having sex with gorgeous women at 15, its the thing about life, you get what you deserve
kek, what a lame cuck. Is the current pregnancy even his?

If you're still here, please describe how that happened, because that show was astonishingly unfunny.

By mid 2006 I feel like people just kind of gave up on making fun of Bush or really going out of their way to attack him, everyone knew he was fucking awful and making fun of him became tired at that point.

See this classic from late 2007 (by cboyardee): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSaU_armJsM
autism speaks
The left is not the side acting retarded and will be the best butt of the jokes
are you just a god damn idiot? i was just replyign to HIM and what the fuck is your problem? what i say? you decide to huhuh look at me and POST

what a dumb fuck you are you probably lying anyway too faggot talk about them jew dicks yosucked for coke
I wonder at what point of success the synagogue of satan takes over.

Is it a trojan horse all along, or is there a point where (((they))) come a knocking and take over.

Like the Britney, Christina, Miley, Perry trojan whor(s)e, starting off all sweet and innocent, on the Di666ney channel, parents approve, kids get hooked, then at 18 BAM, full on hooker behaviour and satanic music videos.
>Trey and Matt are smart guys
They are approaching Gary Johnson tier.

This shit replaced drawn together
Jesus, either you're an elaborate troll or legitimately a retard. Neck yourself immediately either way.
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Oh dear.
yes elmo from sesame street?

The highlight of the last three seasons was the Grounded Vindaloop episode, everything else has been a steaming load
It had a few good jokes but the rest of it was forced and absolutely terrible.
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I 'member.
You mean Drawn Together?
when is "alt right hate symbol" pepe going to make an appearance
>i was having sex with gorgeous women at 15

Now on /pol/.
Apple <-----------------------------------------> Tree
trey parker is raising kobe bryants kid?

what a fucking loser
THIS, fochrissake.
What original jokes can be made about him at this point? He's stupid, weird looking and in putins pocket has been beat to death at this point
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