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I'll Start. 1. Celtic 2. Germanic 3. Italic 4. Hellenic

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I'll Start.
1. Celtic
2. Germanic
3. Italic
4. Hellenic
5. Slavic
6. Sino
7. Scandinavian
8. Japonic
9. Baltic
1. Celtic-Germanic
2. Baltic
3. Central/Northeastern Slavic
4. subhumans who don't fit the first 3
1. Finns
2. Mongols
3. Hungarians
4. Chimpanzees
5. Everyone else

1. Swedish race
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implying swedish is a race
Scandis are germanic
i dont think the op means extinct races
Night Elf
>Americans haven't posted yet because they don't understand there's more to races thsn skin colors.
Kek, fucking mutts.
Are we talking men or women here?

Turkic (not Turk, Turks are mostly Arabs)
Everyone else

East Asian
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indo-European_languages I was separated Scandis from Germanic as i wanted to make a distinction between North and South Germanic
1. Anglo

9919293919229. Everyone else.
those aren't races, you moron. those are ethnicities. there are only 3 races. caucasoid, negroid, and mongoloid.
trick question there are no races
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There's not really that many celts left, theres a whole native american style situation going on.

In scotland the "nationalist" party take the gaelic peoples land and either give it to migrants or flatten it and build a wind farm.
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Even the english had to save them with brexit, now that the uk is leaving common fisheries the islanders might get to fish their own waters again and avoid starving.
are there people outside scotland who can understand this shit?
>Master race
>Good tier
Northern Indians
>Okay tier
poo-in-loo indians
>absolute subhuman tier
Everything else
1. Anglo
3. Celtic
4. Slavic
9999999. Medshit
1- Anglo Saxon

2- Everybody else
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You forgot to include the true masterrace of romanic countries - Romania
Language is not the only distinguishing factor of race many English speaking people in Ireland and Scotland are fully blooded Celts and at least in Ireland the government is fully committed to preventing the language from declining however successful they'll be is another story.
1. white
2. everything else
3. kangz
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the rest
Bulgars are the master race
Only a Bulgar can drink wine out of a Byzentine emperor's skull
Bulgars are amazing
SWEDES, Germanic is fucking languages.
>How are you Norman? Hows your farm?

Ow its just fine, I had a visit from alex salmond at the weekend

>Hold on lad, you aren't voting for the snp now?

Like fuck I am, the farm was flooded with loonys (crazy people) asking me stupid questions about the EU. Little did they know I voted to leave, everybody around here voted for brexit.

>What a relief eh? They can go fuck themseles.

Don't worry yourself, those cunts will be gone soon, I guarentee it, would you to get a glass of whisky?
1. Germanic
3. hellenic
4. Japanese
5. Celtic
6. Nordic
7. turkic
8. Mongol
9. Iberian
10. Slavic
btw, mongol includes hungarians and finnish
Your country and ethnicity are named after some steppe subhuman, you have the biggest amount of Turks in Europe, you have shitton of gypsies, a lot of "locals" are mixed with gypsies, your subuman diaspora was one of the reasons for Brexit(yes Bulgarians are this unpleasant). Your most famous national is a cigan pederast. Videos related
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1. White People
2. Everyone else

although if we wanna get into the specifics
1. Celts, Germanics, Slavs, Balts
2. Meds
3. East Asians
4. Everyone Else
when tokkie tries to be a raciologist
The people in the lowlands have compeltely lost all culture, they are a marxists wet dream,

To have a nation you need the people, the culture and the land. The scottish nation barely exists outside of the areas on that map.

You need to go to the middle of nowhere to find anybody who could be culturally scottish.
Show me a helmet that looks like that
im not a tokkie lol
Gnomes master race!
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search up anglo saxon
*anglo saxon helmets sorry
Ashkenazi Jews
Germanic (including anglos,scandinavians etc.)
Irish & Celtic
Baltic & Finnish
West Slavic
West Mediterranean
East Slavic
East Mediterranean
West Asians (Chinese, Koreans etc.)
Native Americans
Other Jews
South Asians (Philippines, Thailand, Indians etc.)
African-American blacks
African blacks
Australian Aboriginals
1.Caucasoid and Mongoloid
2. Everyone else.
Thanks for the translation.
>Ashkenazi Jews
"Bluepilled". Jews dont run our world. Jews don't control it, they leech of it. Hilarious. Jews are not a master race that controls everything. Just a cancerous ethnic group. Kikes are spontaneous retards. They have no grand master plan, most of them just fucks you over every chance they have. They don't control the world, they are just the most cancerous ethnic group. They can't even control their own country.
They can't even contain your own people and country from being POZZED.
Reuven Rivlin Has Proven That He Is President of the Real Israel
"Israel, Rivlin said, is fast becoming a tribal state composed of four groups — secular Jews, religious Zionist Jews (also called national religious), ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jews and Arabs, all of them fearful, hostile to one another and even to members of their own group. “Today, the first grade classes are composed of about 38 percent secular Jews, about 15 percent national religious, about one quarter Arabs, and close to a quarter Haredim,” Rivlin noted..... All these different groups, said Rivlin, are here to stay."

"He called on Israelis “to abandon the accepted view of a majority and minorities, and move to a new concept of partnership between the various population sectors” resting on what he called “four pillars”:

1. A sense of security for each sector, so that it is confident that joining the partnership “does not require giving up basic elements of their identity”

2. Shared responsibility for Israeli society and the state

3. Equity and equality

4. The creation of a shared Israeli character."

Eternal Jew is quite a nigger(not only genetically), when you are smart enough to critically think. Muh reparations vs muh shoah

>1/4 of economy is Swiss controlled diamond trade
Pick one
Danes and Germans?
>Germanic - Scandinavian
Same race
>Hellenic - Italic
Almost the same race
Do you know how I know that you are a shitskin?
Not a race.
European Norwest/Central/Northeast - human
Else - subhuman by default
I think this is danish, looks quite similar to the Anglo Saxon moustache helmet though
Pretty objective senpai
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Forgot pic
1, humans
2, niggers
What do you retards base these lists off of?
That's a larger maingroup, then it splits up. Swedes/Norwegians have been fairly isolated for 1500 years.
Anything you want Personal opinion, Racial accomplishments etc etc.
I forgot, poo is not a race, it's just poo
Angles and Saxons came from the Denmark and Germany, it isn't far fetched to suggest they had similar weaponry and armour.
>people put Celtic above Italic/Hellenic
Only Celts with Germanic influence (Celto-Germanic) ethnicities like the Anglo and France one are based, pure Celts are literally nigger-tier andof nowhere near the Mediterraneans
4.West Slavic
The rest can fuck off
1500 years is a short time. Different ethnic group, yes. Race, no.
i will fix it for you
2.doesnt even matter


White people aren't anything special.
Israelites are the chosen 'race' by God

Deuteronomy 14:2,

"For you are a holy people to YHWH your God, and God has chosen you to be his treasured people from all the nations that are on the face of the earth."

And with Christ, God considered all races and gentiles, blacks, yellows, reds.

Anything against that truth is from Satan origin because hes the father of lie and hate, hes a homicide since the Eden

The more you rage with your blasphemous mouth the more you approach to your penalty in the final judgement.

Thats funny how racism and xenophobia are two characteristics of the Antichristians in the service of the Antichrist.
Nice althought I wouln't put ashkenazi jews above germans and irish&celtic. Also japs are below slavs and meds, but maybe i'm biased since i am both of those...
1. Mediterranean, Scandinavian.
2. Balts, Slavs.
3. Anglos
What's it called, never knew Danes had any helmets
Sorry to break it to you but that's a Swedish helmet. So neither Anglo or Saxon.
>we wuz philosopher n shiet

Fuck that, they're better than us, just admit it
1. Hebraic
2. Goy
mongrel subhuman, please

SPQR was JUST : the nation

Syrian sandnigger Caracalla (Roman Emporor WAS A SANDNIGGER) certainly did a number on you

In Roman Era by the way even niggers were equal citizens;) many of them moved in. and mixed with local degenerates

Free movement and equal rights without anti-miscegenation laws = mud blood

The Edict of Caracalla was an edict issued in AD 212 by the Roman Emperor Caracalla, which declared that all free men in the Roman Empire were to be given full Roman citizenship and all free women in the Empire were given the same rights as Roman women. Before 212, for the most part only inhabitants of Italia held full Roman citizenship. Colonies of Romans established in other provinces, Romans (or their descendants) living in provinces, the inhabitants of various cities throughout the Empire, and a few local nobles (such as kings of client countries) also held full citizenship. Provincials, on the other hand, were usually non-citizens, although some held the Latin Right.


>90% of human advancement and best societies

>first case of European mongrelisation, buttfucking and some ruins

>Iran, Egypt
>tyranny, weird cults of inbred rulers, mass slavery and nothing of value towards the advancement
yes even niggers helped built greatest empire that was ever
Objectivley Roman empire was more advanced than modern day russia
>multiracial society
Coming from gypsy-admixed Dalmation mongrel, I'm not surprised
Everyone had its own state it was tribaly sepparated...
yes it was greatest empire that we ever seen
ffs it had civil facilities that russia doesnt have today

you cant argue with cats
>civilizationcucks will defend this
>state it was tribaly sepparate

Learn to read, gypsy fuck
DNA of Italians(all of Meds) has shitton of nigger, Arab and Jew in it for this sole reason
you schould educate yourself

Also you live in wors country in europe i hope you are white enough and have great genes ,doesnt matter i you wont accomplish anything in your life as long as you are white yeey
>implying finns are not mongols

Why are Balts rated so highly when they've achieved literally nothing noteworthy?
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1. Mixed
2. Pink (LGBTQP)
3. Black
4. Red
5. Brown
7. Yellow
8. Greys
99. White Devils
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God tier

The original Germanic tri

>Aryans (North Germany)
>Anglos (Middle Germany)
>Celtics (South Germany)

Great tier

>North Slavs

Ok tier

>South Slavs

Everyone else is subhuman

Ps. There is no French race. They are a product of many historical waves of invasion and migration. But, they seem great/good tier for the most part.

This map best shows the God Tier population
>Italians and Greeks
1. West Germanic
3. Gallic
3. Italic
4. Hellenic
5. Iberian
6. Nothern Germanic
7. Celtic
8. Slavic
9. Baltic
10. Illyrian
11. Thraco-Dacian
12. Everyone else
1. Jews
2. Dogs
3. Goyim
ITT: People with no understanding of Europe and its people making suggestions about how to divide them. Jdif go sacrifice a pali.
No? We sailed and colonized everything west because we had the best ocean navigation tech in the world. You did the same east. The genetic marks are spread everywhere.
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>disgusting overcrowded streets filled with trash, prison like housing and no freedom or attachment to the land
>beautiful scenery, sparsely populated with comfy houses to keep you warm during the winter, lots of freedom and strong attachment and feeling of belonging to the environment.
I know what I'd choose, medcuck
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2: Nordic
3: Celtic
4: Japonic
5: Other Germanic
6: Korean
7: Franco-Italic
8: Iberian
9: Greek

Everything else is very much sub-human I have hopes for the Chinese though, they may become human one day.

Also, pic related, a picture of a White man with an Oriental woman. Because Japs are white and slavs are subhuman orientals
>Better than Japs/Koreans
Lol, yeah right. Slavs are drunk, violent and stupid. At least Japs and Koreans have jobs
1. Finnic and Ugric
2. Germanic
3. Everything else
1/0. Niggas
I do but I'm from Northumberland and know a lot of Scots.
Mind you, Glasweigan is something else lad. I remember sitting in a taxi with a mate of mine from Glasgow, he was talking the bloke driving and I'd no idea what the fuck the guy was saying half the time - got out, my mate asks "did you understand anything he was saying?", I said "A few words, barely", he said "Yeah I hadn't a fucking clue either".
Anglos are just a combination of the northern German Saxons and the west Danish Angles
Wrong flag, was vpn'd.

Fuck the IRA.
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1. Frankish
2. Anglo
3. German
4. Iberian
Can't rank slavs as i haven't decent knowledge
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1. Germanic
2. Celtic
3. Gaelic
4. Japanese
5. Slavic
7. Chinese
8. Korean
3/5. Niggers
1. Celtic
2. Italic
3. Hellenic
4. Baltic
5. Slavic
6. Scandinavian
7. Jap
8. Turk
>Islamic Byzantine rape babies anywhere near the top 10.
Thats half my heritage and even I think its literal potato tier
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Those are just modern celtic speakers. Celts are anyone from the green area. At least you are practically guaranteed to be partly celtic if from these parts. All my ancestors are, I like to call myself celto-germanic like many burgers are, and you "anglos" as well are basically the quintessential celto-germanics. But then also all the low countries, northern france, southern german, switzerland. Even fucking Adolf himself was celto-germanic, People tend to pick the language they speak as their identity but this is one big megarace and we're #1 in europe for sure.
oops wrong pic meant to add
I was referring to the people most likely to be purebred, the vast majority are heavily mongrelized. Which attracts (((CIVICS))), hence why lowland scotland is so cucked.
why baltic so low? lol. we slavs are more subhuman

1. tatars
2. mongols/finns
3. jews
4. native south americans
5. eskimo
6. native north americans
7. africans
8. indians
9. japs
10. abbos
11. ancient egyptian tanned neanderthals
12. ukrainians
13. anglo saxons
Nordics > Mediterraneans > Iranians/North-Indians > 20 million light year gap > Dogs/loyal animals > Slavs = Chinks = Abos = Eskimos = Pygmees > Kikes
get out of my country
1) White
2) Untermenschen
1. Whites
2. Asians
3. Everyone else

Wew that was easy, nice D&C tactics kikes, can't wait for another thread where pollacks argue among themselves about whether Germanics or Mediterraneans have bigger dicks while our cultures are continually destroyed
1. Italics
2. Anglos
3. Germans
4. Frankish
5. Iberians
6. Japonics
7. Chinese
8. Indians
9. South Asians
10. Slavs
11. Arabs
12. Niggers
13. Abbos
>Chinese that high

Equivalent to slavs desu
euros are just sons of romans
>italy master race
>Equivalent to slavs desu
China : 11,2 trillions and growing rapidly
Russia: 1,2 trillions
Uhm no
1. Anglo
2. Germanic
3. Celtic
4. Japonic
5. Italic
6. Hellenic
7. Baltic
8. Slavic
9. Sino
10. Turkic
You can do that for literally any race compared to China because they have 1.4 billion people
Why didn't they bother with Brittany?
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>Mestizos and slavs are at the same level
>East Asians
>Anglo saxon
>Southeast Asians
If anyone has a list that doesn't have the Anglo at number 1 then your (((opinion))) should be disregarded desu.
Why are Brits like this?

Haven't you realized that the only reason why jews influence spread all over the world was because of you and the germans?
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>Mestizos and slavs at the same level
>both above Germans and Anglos

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