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Why do so many people fall the buddhist meme? Most of the reasons

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Why do so many people fall the buddhist meme?
Most of the reasons I hear about it can be summed up in "it gives me balance".
because the teaching makes sense.
They're just looking for something to fill the void left by their rejection of God.
What do you call a good looking Buddha?

Buddha Hands Up.
What teaching? be good, don't let your problems overcome you, etc? Do people really need to follow a religion/philosophy to get it? Not baiting, I'm genuinely asking.
Come to think some of the people I met practicing Buddhism are quite fucked up in the head, they probably need some sort of authority to function, even if a chill one like this.
Im a Buddhist and to me what it means to be Buddhist is to worship meditation. At least how I see it. My gf is from Lao and she thinks its all about being nice.
Buddhism is a great philosophy
But it gives no answers to life
It is literally don't be a cunt and that's it
Also it is extremely nihilists
T.former Buddhist now Christian
buddha is not even religious, you are specifically told not to have faith in anything, and then you have zen.
People are idiots and need mystical "eternal" wisdom to tell self-evident facts that some of us can deduct using the mystical and magical superpower of common sense.

It's not just buddhism but even christianity. "Do to others what you want them to do to you" really? Some fucking secrets wisdoms right there.. I have to read an ancient tome to realize I'm not supposed to be an asshole to everyone else. Holy shit what a divine revelation.
Buddhism never really came into contact with abrhamic gods till way after it's establishment
It was to fill the void left by Hinduism about the worth and meaning of life on a personal level
Buddhism actually has no god
you're not really "you"
you're actually just a sentient being trapped in it's thoughts and thinking these thoughts and ideas are "me", but it's all in your head.
You're actually not a sentient being either, you are actually consciousness experiencing this existence as a sentient being.
And that consciousness is one and the same for every person, animal, plant, angel, alien, space itself etc and it is what people call God.

But, I'm just talking out of my ass at this point, cause I'm just a person in the practical sense. Also, people involved in any religion tend to be annoying cunts.
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>Do people really need to follow a religion/philosophy to get it?


You need a tradition to stay grounded and to understand the journey; otherwise you're gonna end up in the loony bin.
Well for most people have faith to fill the void that is the emptiness of the universe and to give life a real end goal and meaning
The commandments are just the basics of forming a stable society
it has esoteric knowledge unlike cuckstianity
>tfw Buddhist and cunt
Yeah Im Nihilistic. Its why Sunyavada Buddhism was the religion for me since Sunyavada means Doctrine of the Void.
>and then you have zen

what is wrong with you
Lmao what are you talking about Buddhism is the most simple religion
Siddharta was a piece of shit who abandoned his family for his own selfish reasons, and could always fall back on his family's wealth and position.

Buddhism is a meme religion in which the ultimate goal is to deny your human emotions and attachments and lead a worthless, joyless existence.

Karma is a bullshit concept. A God is sentient, whereas Karma lacks sentience, and yet is meant to be able judge the morality of actions, regardless of the context of the situation, and all the subtleties involved in human lives and decision making.

Reincarnation is bullshit and pointless. First of all, the number of sentient life forms has increased over time. Is Karma making these extra souls? Secondly, the very concept of a life form being punished or retarded on the basis of actions which had nothing tot do with them is bullshit. Someone having the same "soul" as another person in Buddhism is fundamentally meaningless; it is is a different individual with different thoughts and experiences, and a different worldview, but you're somehow supposed to be rewarded or punished based on Karma's views of how that person had lived their lives.
budhism and hinduism are true white man religions. hinduism especially, as hinduism was created from indo-aryan hymns from 5000 years ago
>I once picked up a book with Buddha and now I am the enlightened one
Karma is not sentient but it's more of a point system, not accurate but simple to understand. If you have positive points, you may be reborn as a person or even go to heaven for a limited time
If you are a bad person the opposite, born as a person or go to hell for a while
The number of souls have increased as some animals go existent they are reborn
>so much this.
they're passive cucks
>We wuz Brahmin and sheeit
Hinduism is from 1500BCE
Stop being a nigger lad
Buddhist just wanna be left alone
They go on genocidal rampages from time to time
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Because life is suffering
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yall jokers
>positive points..bad person
Who decides, and how?

>The number of souls have increased as some animals go existent they are reborn
This wouldn't increase the number of souls. In the beginning, you had fewer life forms. Over time, more life emerged. An extinct animal being reincarnated as a non-extinct animal in no way addresses this.

Are Buddhists atheist creationists?
>First of all, the number of sentient life forms has increased over time. Is Karma making these extra souls?
I actually questioned this point with a buddhist and she told me that you can reincarnate at any point in time in fucking anything. I'ts fucking cheap if you ask me.
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Renunciate falling back on his families wealth. In Hindu society you do not go back from becoming a renunciate.

Way off, holy shit!

Its basically just trying to teach dumb cunts about the law of cause and effect.

You don't know dick about Sanatana Dharma mate.
There is no Buddhist creation story
Life exists in a constant cycle
With the universe being reborn after a set amount of time (kalpha)
And karma is based on the 4 nobel truths
Karma isn't judgment, bro. It's just the natural consequences of your actions.
Lmao yeah
He probably read some bullshit on a website and think he is a arhat
>finautist doesn't realize the time these things were wrote
ehh I thought fins were supposed to be smart
I'd like everyone in this thread to look at their body right now and consider the possibility that you are a sentient being trapped in it's own thoughts.

When we're asleep and dreaming, we accept images and thoughts in our minds to be real. Now we are awake, but we still accept our thoughts and ideas to be real. "Life is but a dream", you cunts.
actually his first teaching is that Life is Suffering
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>Also, people involved in any religion tend to be annoying cunts.
This, basically.
You just see a bunch of shitlibs who hate western culture and hollywood actors endorsing buddhism.
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Sri lankan bhuddhism is a bit different than in other countires. I am on path opposite from you, christian -> atheism -> bhuddism because the basic insight that most of our dysfunction arises from within, and because we tend to overlook or be unaware of how little we know about why we are unhappy. If americans were taught anyhting beyond namste by new age shills, bhuddism would sweep the country.

Last i saw, the monks were getting out of control and rooting even minor slights with violence. Is that still going on? Is there still unrest in the north with tamils and did rajapaksa unite or divide?
In Theravedin Buddhism the laymans don't need to learn about Buddhism. They are just taught to be nice and receive good karma,be bad and karma will fuck you 3x worse.
>t.half Lao
How would cyclical time address any of this? There would still be a gradual reduction, rather than a gradual increase in the number of souls over each cycle.

This makes no sense to me. If you drop a pen the natural consequence is that it falls to the ground because of gravity. If you 1 - perform an action that unintentionally hurts someone else, 2 - Perform an action that intentionally hurts someone else, or 3 - Perform and action that intentionally hurts someone else to avoid harm coming to other, are all of these the same? Because without Karma being able to understand the context, how does it decide the difference? Or is there no difference?
As a follower of 4 traditions of Buddhism and 3 of Hinduism. Buddhism is just dumbed down Hinduism.

They like the consumerist version of it kind of like how they want to appear cultured for watching a sad documentary showing the struggles of poor people in a third world country on Netflix.
I think when we live in a world built around consumption, a philosophy which encourages separation from attachments will appeal to a lot of people. On top of that a lot of practices used in Buddhism are recommended for helping with mental health issues, like meditation and breathing. I don't think a lot of people follow the superstitious elements like Karma and hell realms and dog faced demons, they just take an interest because the practices and teaches have real world benefits.

tl;dr: People want mindfulness, not Buddhism
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Arhat is not a big deal, its nothing compared to a Buddha.
Idk what's so confusing to you about Karma.
Makes more sense than "muh big bang universe exploded out of nothing, muh dark matter, muh heat death of the universe"
It's the last true Aryan religion, faggot. Siddartha was from a wealthy Arya family. His ethnicity was very close to that of the oldest Indo-European migrations.

You think worshipping a dead kike is Aryan? And, while it sucks, the reconstructions of the old Norse and Romano-Hellenic religions aren't a true option either (though we should maintain certain practices for cultural reasons).

In this age of the Kali Yuga, Buddhism is all we have left.
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>being this ignorant of Indo-European migrations and Vedic texts.
Its confusing to me partly for the reason of how or if it judges thoughts intentions without being sentient itself
>muh big bang universe exploded out of nothing
it's not out of nothing, retard, there was a universe before this one and there will be another one when this one fucks off too
>u mad Buddhism calls this Hell?
Oh I recognize they made sense back the darkages but I was thinking more of contemporary religions.
Because they are all nu-age fuckstains, not real Buddhists. They did to it just what they did to religion in the previous decades. They never bothered to learn much and just sort of made up the rest as they went along, turning it into their own personal headcannon or some such bullshit. Couldn't remember if Jesus died on Easter or Christmas, but they still totally believe in god! All that matters is if you believe in god, tee hee.

It's possibly on the same tier as all that homeopathy lemon and bleach enema toxin detox cleansing and chakra building bullshit, they just took a little bit here and there and made their own fan-fiction about it all, regardless of whether or not it is even close to reality. Plus it's a good way to feel superior to other people since they totally don't, like, you know, "get it" and stuff O M G I haven't even read my horoscopes today, I need to ring up one of those psychic hotlines to see if I can salvage my fate!

People are stupid.
Greco-bhuddism. Look up Buddhist morality it deals with no commuting sexual misconduct, no homo. It is a moral code without a deity. You can use Buddhist philosophy to argue against immigration race mixing and corrupt government.
i once did 20 pull ups inside that statue.
My understanding of Karma is a bit different. It's not some magic force, it's your perception of the world influencing your self. If you're a jerk and do jerk things, you're entire frame of reference will be built around those thoughts and actions. You'll see the world as a shittier place and have a shittier life for it. If you're going through life looking for the good in it and not being an asshole, you'll have a better time of things. It's all just about your state of mind.

It doesn't literally change what happens to you, it changes how you perceive the world for better or worse.
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Buddhism isn't a pacifist religion
Wirathu knows buddhism far better than the cuck Dalai Lama

They just want to be left alone but if you fuck with them....
Enjoy a thousand more reincarnations into a slug.
redpill me on this guy, never heard of him
What started the first universe?
They kill the shit out of Muslims in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, unlike Christcucks who get on their knees and kiss Muslim feet.
me, but don't tell anyone
Islam is the evil in this world and it has to be destroyed level
Oh look, another Buddhism thread where OP bashes it without bothering researching about it. Also, reminder that most "Buddhist" also very likely don't really understand the core teaching of Buddhism either, especially in the West.
>Oh look, another Buddhism thread where OP bashes it without bothering researching about it.
where did I bash it, you tiny yellow cock? I asked anyone's opinions, and I got some good answers.
I have a lot of respect for Buddhists. The issue is that there is real buddhism practiced by Tibetans, Cambodians, etc, and then there are liberal White cucks in the west who say they're Buddhist because they want to be edgy and rebel against their forefathers' religion. And they'll reshape Buddhism into being some progressive leftist circlejerk new-age bullshit, and then when you have things in the news about Buddhist monks fighting back against muslims in SE Asia, or you have the Dalai Lama telling the west to stop taking in all these violent shitskin migrants, they'll write all that off and say "oh, that's not real Buddhism!"

Also, documents apparently say Siddhartha was blue-eyed and fair-skinned
He became very popular when people started getting sick of Muslims and sort of turned into a public figurehead when happenings started occurring in Myanmar.

"Whatever you do do it as a nationalist"

This little clip is a decent primer on the guy
He was arrested for "hate speach" like ten years ago but was given amnesty.
I don't know if he's actually done much but the media love to complain about him
Once again, a timely reminder to read Julius Evola's essay on Buddhism: https://www.counter-currents.com/2013/06/spiritual-virility-in-buddhism/

Plus his book is always well worth a look. There's also this blog: https://unbornmind.com/
>asking why people fall for the Buddhist meme

that sounds like bashing to me, calling it a meme that people "fall" to.

But in case you're serious, I'll sum it up for you. Buddhism basically teaches that:

- Life is suffering
- Actions have consequences
- Desires and sensual pleasure is temporary and pointless, pursuing/being attached to them causes suffering because it's like chasing an illusion, you can't never satisfy them and will most like doing things that have bad consequences.
- Always being aware, be mindful in your actions and thoughts.

That's a very simple form of it but it's actually very practical, and as anti-degeneracy as it can get. It teaches that people will have to take responsibility for their own actions and it's better to reject hedonism.

There are, of course, many different ways to practice Buddhism and there are disagreements over them. But I think that some practices are indeed just a meme. For example, meditation can be good for improving concentration, relaxing the mind but if you meditate just because it's what Buddhist do and not seeing the reason then you're doing it wrong.

Reincarnation can be another angle that people may disagree with. It sounds better to me than "God rolls the dice for you" anyways. Buddhism is also the one philosophy that says that it doesn't matter if God exist or not, because people will still have to pay for their own actions. There's no external savior.
Indo-Europeans invaded the Indian subcontinent and brought with them their religion, culture, and language. I know this is a sore spot for Indians such as yourself, who still don't want to believe it, but it's true. Genetic studies back it up.
Based Vietnam
Karma doesn't understand anything. It's as fundamental a force as gravity. Does gravity pull you to earth more than the pencil because it "understands" that you have more mass? Of course not. The idea is ludicrous.
I'll also add that Buddhism really care about the true, permanent value. So saying that it's nihilism and devoid of higher purpose is wrong. We suffer because we live in a temporary state, most of our thoughts and feelings are just projection of external factors. To find true happiness, you have to find it from within. Because when everything falls apart, when people betray you, you only have yourself left. And you don't want your "self" to just be an echo of the outside world, a slave to worldly desire.
Buddhism is orienting oneself to what self-evidently is.
It's not a belief system.
Gravity does not exist. It is a pseudo force that describes density and was created to give credence to the heliocentric model.

The earth is flat.
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Because if you don't, these guys will find you in the afterlife and say:
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It is more like a set of tools to reach enlightenment than a compilation of stories like western religions. That being said, it has no developed concept of God and can't truly be adopted by westerners because it's not in our dna.

Meditation is the one thing we can learn from Buddhism. Meditate with Christ my friends. Think of it as a silent prayer.
>contemporary religions
and then you have the divesism where you get fucked in the ass and then killed, so it ends up with needing the bible again...
for me, the only really intriguing parts of the Bible were the ones were Jesus gives his allegories and similes. unfortunately, this is only a very small part of the texts.
the buddhist theravada canon however is filled to the brim with similes and images used by the Buddha, easily grasped but deep in meaning, timeless, without "metaphysical" speculations.

depending on the translation of course, but the quality of the translations is steadily rising, owing to dedicated monks and scholars
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