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Ummm America do you realize just how hard the rest of the world

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Ummm America do you realize just how hard the rest of the world is laughing at you?
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Bush 2.0 I mean Trump has turned America into a laughingstock. Boy those Republicans work fast.
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We don't care what the rest of the world thinks
WTF, I admire Merkel now.
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kill yourself shill rat
I'd trust a business-related degree/experience over a science-related degree/experience though for a country's leader.
wtf i hate multibillionaires now
I guess all those chemicals fucked with her common sense.
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Merkel will save us.
>Be euro
>Laugh at americans to distract from families daily enrichment gang rape
Back to fucking Reddit you go.
Europeans believe America is degenerate and evil?

hmmm where have I heard this before
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> Merkel has been in power for 12 years and will be re-elected with no opposition
> German """""democracy""""

Good thing Trump is a Democrat
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They won't be laughing for long...
Actually he attended 4 different very reputable schools, including the New York Military Academy, and got several economics degrees. Overall OP is retarded.
your first day?
She's a slimy warsaw pact commie, and one of the worst possible outcomes from Germany's reunification.
she's still killing our Nations with her actions.
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>Not mentioned her being a member of Free German Youth - basically young communist.
good thing the rest of the world doesn't matter
One destroyed their country and one is fixing their country. Pretty clear Trump is better, merkel should go back to wasting state money fucking around with "quantum chemistry" and never producing anything, at least she won't be ruining anything in the process.
It kind of is though
too bad for you sweety, politics isn't about being upvoted on facebook.
based obama leaf
PhD. in science means nothing to a country in need of an economic boost. I'll take the kinda loony guy who built a real estate empire.

Stay in your lane.

t. PhD. Student
How embarrassing, all those degrees and she still aint shit
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Yeah, those PhD's sure are helping Germany. You'd think with all that chemistry she'd know that mixing some particular elements is just a big no.
>only thinking one step at a time
>people in power would never do stuff to distract from things that are really going on
>"the whole world is laughing"
he still is and will be president and all the pathetic european countries are still going to pay the nato 2%
being a billionaire is what you call failed?

also I'm not a Trump fan, just trying to view the ongoing situation without feelings, just facts
Based magapedes.
Yea, laughing so hard I'm shedding tears. Just look how far her amazing qualifications got us.
>germans let a social justice warrior flood their country with refugees
im not concerned with her opinion.
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>Quantum Chemistry
I love it because it's an incredibly obvious troll but 99.7% of liberals will love it and claim to be scientifically literate.
Global warming is a hoax, anyone with an IQ > 100 and can spend 20 minutes looking at the actual science can see it's bullshit political propoganda
Only country to land people on the moon, and we are proud of it.
>implying we care
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Mutti regelt es schon
Merkel did her degree in the GDR. Nuff said.
give me the single best piece of evidence that disproves global warming

a dyke chancellor that opposes gay marriage. lol
Merkel is a simple book scientist. She's done nothing of noteworthy as one. Meanwhile, Trump has built his own empire without a PHD attached to his name. I'll take Trump over Merkel anyday.
fucking east german commie spy is what she is
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>denigrates low-IQ ppl
>uses 'lesser than' sign instead of 'greater than sign
>Aussie been kicked in the head too often by roos
I was unaware that Merkel lived in the DDR.

Does Trump have any businesses that haven't either failed outright or declared bankruptcy?
Horrible bigot who literally wants to gas gays.
>IQ and success can only be measured by (((University))) degrees.
Both of them are kikes, who cares?

She's got a re-election to worry about. She's pandering to the voting moderates and there are much more moderates than the other blocks. They need to wake up and stop it.
Empire PhD-less, or country, with a PhD? The first is better sounding, and shows you don't need a PhD to do well.
>merkel all these great things capable of so much
>becomes a slimey politician instead of tap her potential, misrepresents her people and fucks over europe instead
All of them. Trump is doing well. And good.
>Does Trump have any businesses that haven't either failed outright or declared bankruptcy?
'bankruptcy' including restructuring?- yes
What ppl should understand is that Trump was never bankrupt- which is the part that matters.
And Trump's bankruptcies were accounted for in the interest rate at which he borrowed- a certain (large) porition of interest rates is to make up for loans that are not paid back.
I want term limits desu
But the allies need their puppets
Germany is going to be an Islamic caliphate by 2066, laugh it up.
still better than any EU country
Been laughed at before. What difference does it make from 1774 to presant? We will always lead the way, and hopefully we won't be in the spot light anymore. Then we can do our own thing and fuck the rest if the world.
CO2 traps 50 w/m^2 up to 300 ppm, we've gone up 1.6 w/m^2 for the last 100 ppm, the window is closed, it's like shining a light through paper, put enough there, it doesn't make a difference how much more paper you put in front of it.

>Angela Merkel- Globalist puppet who wants to genocide the white race
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haters stay mad, they can laugh if it makes them feel better about the random shithole they live in
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The us is very much laughing at germany. Anon actions speak louder than words.
Don't encourage the literal faggot who doesn't understand burden of proof.
>literal faggot who doesn't understand burden of proof.
"Show me the existence of non-existence!"

>caring about what the rest of the world thinks

choose one, We really dont give a fuck about such things.
>EU flag

Now come on anon are you guys really ones to judge?
Actually, he's right, you're the ones claiming global warming is occurring, but,
I think trying to show people the truth is good, maybe the faggot will listen and not become a political propaganda pusher.
so? 1.6 W/m2 is still highly significant
the forcing that initiated the glacial cycle was less than 0.7 W/m2 and fast and slow feedbacks turned that into temperature swings of several degrees

>"Global warming is a hoax"
>"show me"
Angela also looks like Steve Busccemi's sister and has no professional education in politics.

she/he/it/xer is on par with trump.
Leaf is on the right side here. He's making a parody of "Prove me wrong" in agreement with me, admonishing you for entertaining the argiment of a retard.
A "Prove God Doesn't Exist" argument.
Trump has an economics degree from an Ivy League university. Seems more useful than physics and chemistry if you want to lead a country, 2bh.
>Fire make sky angry, Thag.
>How you know, Crog?
>Thag deny science!
>quantum chemistry
another field I know must be 100% propaganda and bullshit

thanks merketl
What's market's net worth? She's not even worth auto correct's time
>theoretical chemist
damn it's literally a LARP
>women in Cologne (where the top photo is from) say they had been dealing with an epidemic of sexual assaults on the street long before the refugees arrived


I notice this a lot from both left and right. Despite having more than enough real things to use to criticize their opponents over, they feel some inexplicable urge to make shit up.
Yep, as long as we buy electric cars, right? Where does electricity come from? Do yourself a favor and find out.
>"Global Warming is a hoax"
>"show me"

burden of proof isn't a carde blanche to make crazy claims without having to back them up, that's the exact opposite of how the burden of proof works, you mong
Other countries talking shit about the USA is like a bunch of nerds talking shit about the popular kid

"lol Chad what a loser. I wouldn't sit at the popular table even if they wanted me to."
You guys don't even know. The nickname for it among the physical sciences is Molecular Astrology.

Why are American democrats so salty?
Global warming might happen when we light all fags, dykes, and trannies on fire.
So stop making bullshit claims and demanding the world act on your assertions without proof. The only correlative data for anthropogenic climate change requires carbon dioxide to time travel three years back in history to create the warming that birthed it.
... Now that is a theory I can get behind testing
your beloved childless old communist bitch is nothing to be proud of
>rest of the world
you might notice that the claim we're talking about come from someone else and it was literally "Global Warming is a hoax"

so let me ask you directly:
when someone stands up and says "Global Warming is a hoax", does the burden of proof in your mind mean that he doesn't have to provide any evidence or reasons for this claim?
>I was unaware that Merkel lived in the DDR.
And like other 20% of their population she worked with STASI.
>Does Trump have any businesses that haven't either failed outright or declared bankruptcy?
You seem to not understand how corporate business looks like, so I'll point at startups instead. Some 80 or 90% of startups fail. The thing is that among the remaining 20-10%, there are the future googles and facebooks and that's why they invest in them.
Corporate business practices are like startups but outside of IT. Let's say you invest in Librul_burger restaurant chain and from your 5B wealth you put 500M into it, plus take a loan for another 500M with the loan being bound to Librul_burger, not you as a person. The restaurant chain doesn't do well because shit happens, so you're closing it down. The 1B invested in the chain doesn't exit anymore, it's in buildings, wages, other stuff. Instead of paying the loan back, you declare bankruptcy of your restaurant chain, so everything is seized. At this point it's worth as much as the land it is on, and as such you've cut your loses from 1B+interests to just, 500M you've invested out of your pocket.

Normally, you borrow more than you invest though, not 1:1 so there's literally no reason not to pull this shit off. This means businessmen start numerous ventures with various chance of caching-on and inevitably, large part of them go bankrupt to avoid paying back the loans. The failed businesses are the equivalent of falling for yet another Elon Musk startup. There's fuckhuge chance it will all fail, but there's also some chance that it will success and the potential profit is too big to ignore it.
>east german scum
get the fuck out
How about listening to the thousands of scientists that arent getting paid to prove global warming is real and have a "consensus" that global warming is a hoax.
that's not answering the question
Global warming is the assertion, every assertion requires proof, because the defajlt answer in science is always "No."
Else I could claim that my hedges being higher than four feet causes meteor showers, because that happened simultaneously one time.
Sighting not only a leftist "activist", but a woman who trust their feelings more than logic, is not a credible source for me. It reminds me of the supposed "campus rape culture" we have here in the us which is pretty much non existant.

Trump is a dumb mother elected for, and by, dumb motherfuckers.

They here the laughter as them winning some how. You're dealing with snake-oil customers who were warned the guy they were blowing was a famous con-man.

Even better, the shit they used to howl and piss their pants about with Obama, they just shrug off with Trump. They're just ridiculous fucking losers, they can't be shamed.
here "Global Warming is a hoax" is the assertion >>132322891

so I ask again: when someone makes a positive claim like that, does the burden of proof in your mind mean that he doesn't have to back it up (and anyone asking him what reasons he has is a retarded idiot who doesn't understand the burden of proof)?
No, hoax is the default answer because the "proofs" are laughable.
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>rest of the world
>doctorate in quantum chemistry
That explains why she thought she could turn Germany into a superstate but instead collapsed the German people into nonexistence.
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Your salt is making my dick diamonds, senpai.
do you then also think that, for example, the people who claim that the 9/11 airplanes were holograms, also don't have to provide anything to back that up and everyone else is required to disprove them (since "hoax" is now the default position")?
You're trolling too obviously now, son. Git gud.
wtf i love romania now
Meanwhile, Rapefugees are allahu akbar'ing and tearing Germany and the rest of western Europe apart.

Keep laughing as your way of life and heritage cease to exist buddy.
Trump's got supporters down under. git gud senpai. also, happy brexit, usa.
I asked you a direct question
it logically follows from your interpretation that these people (as well as every other conspiracy theorist) don't have to provide any justification

that's not trolling
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>the world

You europeans are not the world. Soon you won't even be europe. Your "mama" Merkel is replacing you with third world savages.
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Pretty sure no american citizen actually cares what you think
>Burger Education strikes again
so what's wrong with what I said?
The forcing that initiated the glacial cycle? What? Several degree swings occur anyway.
I don't think anyone is proud to be an American on /pol/. Most people want to be Russian or European. Not me though. I'm the minority.
Pretty sure America quit giving a fuck about what Europe thought back in 1776
that's not how the climate works
temperatures don't go up and down randomly, you have to apply some sort of perturbation to the energy balance (i.e. a forcing)
Not every American on /pol/. Every American here hates their country and wishes to be Russian or European.
>It logically follows
No it doesn't. And if you actually are not trolling I mourn your absolutely obscene learning disability.
This will be my last response to you because I tire of the game, and if it is not a game it is immoral for me to participate in the competition.
Either way, there's nothing to gain for either of us and you can only lose. I don't enjoy things like that.
Speak for yourself newfag

I support your wishes to ex-patriot and can't wait for you to leave.
Pretty much everyone who isn't a LARPer realizes America's moral supremacy.
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spending trillions and trillion of muhdolla
to land on a piece of a cold rock for no reason (just to prove the world something)
instead of fighting poverty and child abuse
>gj merifarts
I'm the opposite of that though. Just look at the post above you. He hates being American and I can assure you years and years on /pol/ is integral to the American guilt epidemic that is a big phenomena on /pol/. You can thank me for not being affected though. I'm simple as a rock.
I guess when your own bankrupt, muzzie infested countries are a rolling dumpster fire about to tip over onto your own face, you need the escapism to stay sane.
yes, temperature swings occur daily, monthly, yearly, due to space areas, pressures, ENSO, and numerous other factors, nothing to do with muh CO2
instead of drowning yourself in self-pity, you could have just explained what's wrong with what I said

your interpretation is a twisted bastardization of the actual burden of proof, which says that anyone making a positive assertion (like "Global Warming is a hoax") has to provide justification. Period.
The problem is LARPers are now 85% of /pol/. Then again that was always the case as some believe. The real problem is how /pol/ actually believes they represent 4chan as a whole. They don't.
>Ummm America do you realize just how hard the rest of the world is laughing at you?

You lionize a woman who is a traitor to her own people? There is nothing lower than what she is.

>Benedict Arnold
>Angela Merkel
>Justin Trudeau
Don't reply to him further. You have nothing to gain.
Come at me, I run a reactor. Quantum Chemistry is on the same level as Spirit Science on YouTube.

...And Merkel bends the knee to Drumpf. Kek.
where does it say that a president has to be a scientist?
Hey now that's not fair, Benedict was actually a very accomplished man before he became a faggot.
you're conflating stochastic internal variability with climate
the difference is very obvious when you just take a look at the pacing: internal variability is random and appears as noise around a given baseline. Compare that to the glacial cycle, which has a stable period of 100k or 41k years.

We furthermore know the role absolutely crucial CO2 played in all of this. As I said earlier: the initial (orbital) forcing was >0.7 W/m2, much too small to result in any significant warming, let alone melt ice sheets the size of continents. That's why, besides the ice-albedo feedback, CO2 is a necessary feedback, without which the glacial cycle can't be explained
Then why would you say "every American" when you yourself contradicts that statement?

Doesn't really matter..

Anyway I think it's mainly liberals posting from leddit as most of /pol/ has chosen different flags apart from regional assignment.
It isn't even organic chemistry.

I'll put my faith in someone who can make less than 5 mistakes in what doesn't even constitute one sentence. (But should really be atleast two.)

>I run a reactor.

Prove it. Prove that you "run a reactor."
What exactly is your position or job title "running a reactor." Is it the reactor runner? What type of reactor is it?
I at least try to explain my reasoning instead of making non-responses that consist of nothing besides youtube videos, cringy memes, whining and accusations of trolling
le angry samefag needed 2 posts to convey his rage

nice trolling anon

Eggheads are shit at leading and managing people.

Managers need to have social skills and charisma.
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>newfag doesn't know what samefagging is.

Thats not samefagging retard.

Go back to tumblr or reddit or atleast lurk more before posting.

Also I seen the second response after I'd just posted mine and the page refreshed itself.
I can humor this one, though.

EMC RTDiv on an A4W.
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I have a M.Sc. in Quantum Chemistry. Worst decision of my life.Now I'm a 38 yo neet with no kids, wife or girlfriend and barely making ends meet tutoring high school mathematics to spoiled and lazy rich brats,
Holy shit, you know we have IDs on /pol/, don't you Juan?
Not an argument

>left:flooded germoney with rapefugees
HAHAHAHA we're actually laughing at YOU Europe!!! Your goose is cooked
I actually feel really sad for you but nvm
At least Trump gives a shit about his country! Merkel certainly doesn't and neither do any of your unelected eurocrats
Hahaha. In what world do you live in where you think your countries opinions even hold weight against America?
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So why are you hiding your country?
yes, but CO2 isn't affecting warming any longer. Glaciers melt and reform naturally, with high or low levels of CO2, yes CO2 has an effect, but as stated earlier, global warming is hoax.
wow I can't believe Trump made enough money from reality tv to cover his casino loses and become a billionaire.
yeah merkel loves experiments
like finding out what happens when you let in a million subhuman followers of a death cult
>Angela Merkel: became physicist because of affirmative action at the expense of men who were actually qualified.
Uhm.. that's a greater than symbol, syrupnig
>instead of fighting poverty and child abuse
instead of giving shitty countries like mine free gibs from your taxpayers' money
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She's a socialist shill much like your Prime Minicuck
>>Be euro
>>Laugh at americans to distract from families daily enrichment gang rape
^ this

be a kraut
fatherland overran by shitskin mudslimes who get a free luxury apt. and $1200 euros pocket money erry month.

chancellor is an ex stasi commie who hates germ many.

cannot post anything online or you get arrested.

laugh at US for fun. Nothing else left.
Plausible deniability. People have fun from time to time and shitpost and meme and bait every now and again, but if you give a man a mask he will tell you his true thoughts. If it's not a script, chances are that more often than not the things people post are what they truly believe.
They are too autistic for self reflection
algore, inventor of the internet and flag boy for global warming said the oceans would rise two feet by 2015.
All that science was flawed by falsified/skewed data.
We need dat carbon tax to save the world.
What melted the glaciers in 2000 bc?
coal and fossil fuel?
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lefties supporting merkel a know commie.... wew lad i did not see that coming
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i travel and even i don't give a fuck what foreigners think about america, it's literally only the eurotrash that hate
Why is Germany proud of having a communist for a leader?
Obama was Bush 2.0. they are even cousins.

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Sage,slide,1 post, fml why do people take tge bait
Bush was from Kenya?!
>spends half a trillion dollars beating slavs to a dead rock
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Try traveling further than your local KFC.
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do you realise how the rest of the world hates germany
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Obama has a white mother. That's the only reason he was able to make it to America and live in Hawaii after being born in Kenya and having his birth certificate doctored before becoming president.
Stop bumping a slide thread, retards.
>They here the laughter

here, here.
another illiterate butthurt hillbag fan.
Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?
Okey, /pol/ americucks. Refute this.

10 reasons why Germany is better than America
1) Better job opportunities
2) Better gender equality
3) Better place for millenials to gather with new ideas for coding
4) More educated
5) Literally no school shootings, and less terrorism in general
6) Better place for women to start a career
7) Longer lifespan
8) Less conservatives (studies prove that right wingers are less intelligent)
9) Better healthcare
10) Better acceptance for lgbtq+, plus sized people, and equality

Lets to forget that Merkel is a respected leader, and is to be leader of the free world soon.

Meanwhile, Americans voted drumpf. Literally what the fuck is wrong with americans? They voted a literal retard into office. He's so fucking dumb, and everything that spills out of his mouth is just petty, racist, sexists, and meaningless garabge.
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The difference between Germany and US is about 30% percentage of white population and plummeting. Don't worry, you'll be just like us in ~30 years and will also elect anybody who is a 'fuck you' to the left who made this situation.
Well at least Trump has a background in economics and business management.

Merkel only has her background as a former member of the communist party and being a shit teacher who sucked dicks for her position.
website is over 18 there bub
Good kek, my friend to the south
unfortunately this and /thread
Fuck niggers
that picture only makes them like her more
>Does Trump have any businesses that haven't either failed outright or declared bankruptcy?

Do many Trump haters not realize Trump has technically had hundreds of companies that haven't declared bankruptcy? The vast majority are essentially licensing deals and it was only a couple of those which actually did poorly that then get pointed out as these supposed failures of his.

The biggest loss he's ever experienced was with a casino in Atlantic city where every casino went to shit. It's not like he had a place on the Vegas strip. He even wrote a book celebrating his ability to pick himself up after that failure, essentially bragging about how he handled the whole situation financially.
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So in other words she should be in a lab and not government?
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No, of course not, he pulled his billions in Net Worth straight out of your Moms Asshole, right after you came out of it.
>east Germany

Holy shit cucked
>She has a degree
Why do people always note that whoever Trump is being compared to has a degree? He graduated from Wharton for fuck sake.
I can't even imagine ever having a feeling or thought about anything happening in Europe. It's like hearing someone discuss a movie I haven't seen and will never see and don't care to see. If "the rest of the world" cares about us, and we don't give half a shit in a bum's ass what they do, then we must be winning something.
See what Ивaн said: >>132337827 .

How to fight poverty: Kill niggers
How to fight child abuse: Kill Jews

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this Merkel is a Doctor ?

][_ ([]) ][_ Hans ...good try !

come back in 5 years please
Merkel is a stupid cunt who has fucked over Europe. Physics and quantum shit has nothing to do with politics. American is going to shit and trump its trying to shake things up, some things good some bad sure. Overall probably doing better then if the fucking clinton got in.
Trump is running a country not the math team you fucking nerd
Why do you have a Muslim flag?
>>132321405 >>132321566

>caring what idiot faggots think

That flag.
Judge Judy makes $550k per half hour show. She tapes 40 shows a year. Do the quantum chemistry math.
they dont care
>Does Trump have any businesses that haven't either failed outright or declared bankruptcy?
Are there people who believe this?
>177 replies
>1 post from this ID.
Howcome people forget all of his success and only remember the fact he was a TV star?

Didn't liberals almost elect a hollywood film director as a Georgia congressman? And they judge trump for bein part of a TV show which was based around success?
same haircut 50 years later.
>one is a billionaire who mostly made himfself
>the other is the cancer of Europe

I guess this proves that academical knowledge is not always enough
>>IQ and success can only be measured by (((University))) degrees.
H-he has both though?
>Alma mater The Wharton School (B.S. in Econ.)
>He's the president and you're not
>still a loser
>degree from a warsaw pact country
They're literally giving them away for 1000 dolares.
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God I never wanted to be this guy but....America doesn't care. It's a complete non-issue what euros think of us. We have our own issues we have to work through. We get it.

We laugh at you and your leaders for "trying" to combat terrorism through monitoring Facebook posts of citizens. Meanwhile, the bull market for vans, acid, suicide bombs and assorted cutlery rolls on.

Our president says stupid shit sometimes. But at least he's trying to keep the fucking muzzies and spics out. He at least stands for something.
So why is Germany not even close to eclipsing Britain in the sciences?

Because Germany is a sweatshop of mechanic drudges, not Scientists.
If trump is bush, he would be bush 4.0.
Obongo was 3.0.
gibsmedats is a waste of money, retard.
>Hire German Nazi's to develop rockets
>We're better than Germans becuz rockets!!!
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Merkel was a fuckin communist, impotent unfit people got jobs just because they knew how to lick ass. the leader of your union is literally a manipulative commie whose only goal is fucking Europe up, how does it feel?
This just proves that education makes you believe stupid shit.
>Trump's a loser
Winners arent losers, small balkan member state, stop falling for bait/kebabposting. I bet that fucker's teeth arent even crooked, fucking sand animal
but the rest of the world is kind of a shithole so.
>He at least stands for something.
Literally this is what is missing in Europe.
>Germany JUST legalized fag marriage
>Merkel voted against solely to appease Christcucks
>Germany also banned any semblance of freedom of speech last week, can't even criticize the government, WhatsApp is basically illegal

Stay cucked
They both ruined their respective countries so I'd guess it's just about being a shithead rather than education level
how's your college debt treating you kiddo
Which opposes gay marriage?
I'm sorry I yelled. You guys aren't so bad.

Or maybe you are, how would I know.
>have ph.d in chemistry
>Ruin Europe

Bravo, bravo
>Winners arent losers
Millions of liberals will beg to differ.
You obviously can't into business I'd you don't even know there are different forms of bankruptcy
You can't out I'd in, doe.
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Fuck off Europoor
and I will bathe in their salty tears.
Some of you bulgarfags are alright...
Don't forget to reinforce the border wall and buy Dinko a new helicopter gunship tomorrow
Yea there was some thing going on in Europe where all those scientists would have been killed if the USA didn't save you. You must have forgot since most of your history is learning about gay righs and mandatory gay pride parades.
Looks like she only paid attention to the part of her lessons where you mix the chemicals, not what happens afterwards xD
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She doesn't even know you enrich gold by removing the shit not by adding it.
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>New US elections
>Oprah runs for President
>yfw this happens in your lifetime
post your face when the hwyte house will be (((zucccced))) in your lifetime
Listen Eurofag, Don't care what the world thinks. Not a popularity contest, so kindly STFU and pic related.
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It would be funnier if the state of your country wasn't so awful.
>"fighting poverty"
>make ridiculous technological achievements instead
Glad we narrowed down the problem.
Call me when we have millions of trans freaks and freak parades everyday and freak propaganda on tv 24/7 and when our leader is pro faggot and freak
But but 6d chess amirite my fellow pede
Im not laughing
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>Not a popularity contest
Oh yeah I'm sure Trump got elected for his wit and intellectual well thought out speeches and tweets.
It tells us that Merkel sucked cock for her degrees.
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You never listen to his whole speeches you faggot.
>Implying landing on a spacerock with no atmosphere was hard to do
>Implying you landed on the moon at all and didn't simply fake the whole thing
>Implying all this tech wasn't stolen from the Russians and the Germans
Trump is a businessman and a bit of fuck up but he still became president what are you doing now with your life?
>Talk is cheap
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good one hans, you showed me. btw germans are literally the biggest bitch-men in the world. they are fucking stupid as well. this german once told me that the swiss are quiet nazis for not taking in refugees because they have a huge country with plenty of space to take them. he also said the only reason they are a rich nation is because they stole all the wealth out of germany after WW2. and this guy was apparently an engineer !

no but in all seriousness, fuck off. i really hope the euro crashes so i won't have to see you deluded assholes ever again.
Too busy getting raped and pillaged by the diversity of rapefugees to even research our electoral process or listen to a full speech. But you can sleep better now that you made a comment on a topic which you don't understand in order to sound edgy. (Pats ahead). Good try.
Multibillionaire, married to a supermodel, 5 kids, 5 grandkids, president of the United States.

Who the hell is merkel? If you were a German, you would not hide your flag. You're a American crybaby that stills cry at night because you've lost.
Kfc deliver now
> Merkel ruined my country

- one of the world's strongest economies
- rules the EU

> trump stands for something

Stupid ineffective president who banned all Pro-Iranian countries from traveling to the USA, because he cucks for the Saudis
You haven't even begun to see funny yet eurofag.
>Brags about what a Democratic President did.
>Elects Laranja Autismo.
>The same man who slashed NASA budget to peanuts

Yeah, you guys were kinda great in the 50's until the 90's, but after 911 your balls were cut by a few Sand NIggers you never recovered. Now everyone laughs at the fat murican

>Trump has turned America into a laughingstock

it always has been
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Thanks, Merkel
>crazed look in the eyes
>dumb look in the eyes
i prefer the idiot to be honest
Coming from a dying Anglo who will soon have to learn a proper Latin language, I like it.
We have nukes. None of what you shits think matter. Also, you're OUR bitch. So you better shut it before I smack the shit out of you.
Skin color joke :-)
My fellow northern nigger

Go fck yourself
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Germany's the wealthiest nation in Yurop.

Actually not really, no. France, Sweden and Germany are catching all the flak.

This. Enjoy Getting cucked by globalist Jews once again Burgers.
Didn't he study Economics at Whartons?

I can't even name a German university
probably about as hard as we laugh at you whenever your religion of peace acts up or your women get culturally enriched.
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ban jews
Roo-fuckers have nothing to fear right?
it's not like their capital is literally by the sea and it will be flooded along with all the people that live in coastline right.

I think the Abbos will be fine living in the desert.

>proud of a literal Stalinist as leader
Of course. Every European with any common sense realizes that America has sacrificed greatly to sort them out 2 times....and a 3rd time seems to be on the horizon.
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the inferior always need to denegrate their betters
>Literally no school shootings, and less terrorism in general
You should take that point away considering the death cult migrating to your country by the bucket full
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Trump is still 10000x more qualified to run a country than retard Trudeau, probably a lot more people laughing at him.
SOME of the biggest autists I know
Are stem. These people suck at human interaction and don't get politics. Also, trump was such a successful business man he was given a reality tv show. That's like implying mark Cuban got famous as a tv host for shark tank.
The worst Kubrick movie desu
who is she?

Oh wait, we elected a reality tv host and it was a mistake. Let's elect another tv host. who's show was failing when she retired to her private island.
yet, faggot
Unfortunately, yes. Some people are blinded by their own desperation to hate.
Great idea, elect another nig.
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>le superior ameretards
A degree in physics and a masters in being a fifth columnist for Islam leading the extermination of her own people and culture.
Yes, how proud you must be.

and Trudeau is better than khokhol-puppet Larper
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She's way overdue her helicopter ride.
While he may be far from perfect, Trump is doing exactly what I hired him to do.
There is nothing to respect about Merkel unless gaining political office is respectable...We can all be thankful these people don't reproduce...That's the last laugh on those of left...She is irrelevant.
>t. barely 60% White

Seriously, you're mocking us for running towards a cliff when you're already busy plummeting to the bottom.
Especially in the GDR.
Being able to study at university wasn't based upon your intelligence, skill or grades.

It was based upon you toeing the party line and being the best communist goy.

You are fake news.
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>tfw ameretards had choice between retarded rich clown and corrupt politician slut

ah yes, they had that since Kennedy`s assasination
No amount of nervous laughter will cover up the inevitable - the US is about to take over the world.
...we don't care what you fucking think. We never have an never will. Stay salty
Probably about as hard as I laugh when I realize that there's war brewing in Europe, and the US will be able to make trillions from rebuilding it once again. Hell, we might be able to pay off our national debt.
Personally I'm glad he's such a clown. Would a person who took himself seriously have re-tweeted that CNN-wrestler btfo video? Apparently it was made by some /pol/-like or otherwise shady memer. Trump didn't check his background before using it, and news (well ok just NPR) cluck their tongues at it. I love Trump's high levels of Not Giving A Shit, and if he were more of a serious person he'd be more concerned about image and appropriateness.

>btfoed by fucking Phillipines
>btfoed by Russia and Iran in Syria
>about to take over the world.

you`d better to take over your own ghettos
Merkel is a commie and trump loves his country. I know who I'd vote for
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at least one country isn't overrun by dune coons
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lel, America elected one of the dumbest cunts in the entire west, only they would do something this unbelievably stupid
Merkel is a literal Communist. That matters more than anything else. Plus, Hawking, black science man, and other scientists have shown that scientists should keep their mouths shut about politics.
You do know that merkel was a former Stasi known as I.M. Erika?

>was born in russian noble family

ahaha nice meme
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>Tony Abbotistan
>talking about politics
I don't know man, it's kind of indicative that the last great thing we did was in the 60s, gnome sayin? I bet it's in large part diversity (dem programs) but more realistically it's probably our military buildup, because, why?
that's more of a proof of your stupidity than it is of germany's supposed lack of academia
>A degree in physics and being a part of some science club are now better qualifications than being a successful businessman

We're all doomed.
Abbot was a based PM tho, Stalinist cuck.
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You mean JELLIS of us...
For voting Trump and throwing off the slave master (TPP) because we
>this Land of the Free, He of the brave
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Blue ties looks like cuck version of red one.
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>successful businessman
>implying modern business is not jewish trick and science is for white people
That's sweden you nigger
person in the first pic have never had a kid. she never had a husband. she dont know normal family life. truely a loser in the game they call life. and she is too old to do anything about it. think about the bitterness she must feel when she sees a healthy german family with white kids, i bet she considered suicide at least one time in her miserable and ugly life.

person in the second pic have many kids. lived the high life at the same time. have a beautiful wife for a man in his age. probably not many regrets in life.

Yet you seem to think that keine-kinder merkel is on the winning side. pretty sure you should go see a doctor, buddy. this smells like mental illness and delusion. did your boomer parents' selfdestructive opinions get passed on to you?

>was a based
>screeched that he will shitfront Putin
>sucked a cock

well, that`s not so disguisting as loosing to emus, but not based anyway
She has a husband you stupid shit
Science asserts that climate change is man made, that race is largely irrelevant to human behaviour, and that people can be born in the wrong body. Modern science is infested with Jewish filth, hence this new "I believe in science" cult.
>You do know that merkel was a former Stasi known as I.M. Erika?
She "informed" on many German families and had them imprisoned in Siberian work camps.
you could have picked this for trump but i know why you didnt lel
He was probably afraid that Putin would resort to Jewish tactics, like assassination.
Well, this move is kinda pathetic.
Lefties would be triggered and any right-winger with half of a brain would see trough her kikery.
As foe moderates, one does not earn respect by changing color of their flag seven times a day.
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>Succesful businessman
Trump is a conman and a swindler who has dozens of lawsuits chasing him. The reason it was so easy to turn his father's millions into billions is because of his dad's connections with the democrats in Jew York City with whom he was well acquainted with and so could easily get the best deals on real estate, inside information and win legal battles no problem because they're all friends, giving him a clear advantage over the competition.
Read pic related if you want to know more.
Land of Free. Home of Brave

>He was probably afraid

typical life of strayan
Also, Trump is not a Republican, he just picked your side because he thought it was the winning side, and it was.
she is married you moron

>successful businessman
loan from his father, while Merkel's father was a priest in the eastern Germany
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>Home of Brave

>bush was an idiot

I love when a millenial gives their opinion on things that went on when they were 7 years old.
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>all the butthurt itt
Feels nice living in a country you won't get arrested for "illegal opinions."
where is her kids then? little beta kraut. even your sandnigger overlords would find it wierd and not fit for leading that a woman her age have not had any kids.

>invaded Iraq
>created ISIS
>so as Reagan created Al-Qaeda

well yes, that`s pretty clever for ameretard to create your own enemies


>Feels nice living in a country you won't get arrested for "illegal opinions."
>what is Kathy Griffin
^ This

Trump did not have the support or endorsement of the republicans until he blew yep and the anchor babbies out of the picture.
>Scientists making good leaders.

O i am laffin
Kathy Griffin didn't get arrested. She was told her vulgar display of ISIS memorial was barbaric and she cried. Are you retarded?
>created isis

That was Obama and his deciding to not continue Bush's war on terror but instead scale it so far back that they had no opposition to growth
it is funny how so many acne nerds and eternal students like you cant seem to grasp how a 1 million dollar loan does not turn itself into 1 billion over night. most of you degenerates would kill yourself in an alcohol or drug overdose if you got a 1 million dollar loan, and you sure as shit would no be able to make it into 1 billion dollars.

>Declaration of an Islamic state in Iraq: 13 October 2006
>That was Obama

Are all GOP supporters that kind retarded or only you?
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>Created ISIS
That's Isreal and Obama
>What is Kathy Griffin?
An ugly irrelevant Jewess. She wasn't arrested, so what's your point Jude?
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>tfw (((Trump))) supporter names anyone else jude
kys faggot
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>muh JV squad
Obama and Hillary nurtured baby (((ISIS))) and you know it juden. And in any case who the fuck cares about Bush? He was a neocon just like his CIA director daddy. Save your D&C for the cuckservatives.
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at first i was like

>I love when a millenial gives their opinion on things that went on when they were 7 years old.

but then

>And in any case who the fuck cares about Bush
>East Germany Academy of Science
>East Germany

ahahahahahahahahahahahahah *my sides*

So a former commie vs a guy who employs 100s of thousands of people.

Hard choice
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>wahhh you're a trump supporter! he's the ultimate jew puppet!
Nice assumption jude. To his defense, you have to at least pretend to play kikeball in American (((politics))), especially in your first year, unless you want to get shot in the head in front of your wife.
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Check IDs before responding you asthmatic fucking kike shill.
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