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>Legalize cannabis >Money gets taken out of the pockets

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>Legalize cannabis
>Money gets taken out of the pockets of rich pharmaceutical Jews
>Money gets taken out of the pockets of Latino gangbangers
>Money put back in the pockets of working and middle class whites
>The overall health of the white race increases as opiate prescriptions decrease and addiction rates drop
Why are so many sheltered teenagers on this board against weed when it's legalization is objectively beneficial to the white race?
>The overall health of the white race increases as opiate prescriptions decrease and addiction rates drop

Do potheads unironically believe this?
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Fuck you and your gay liberal sources faggot
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>Daily Caller
it's kinda sorta a demonstrable fact, isn't it?
>legalize cannabis
>niggers become too lazy to vote
>can't vote for more govt
>can't make niglets
I like this
He probably still believes refer madness propaganda lol
Wtf I love weed now
>addiction rates drop
yeah nah
My family is going to get some THC edibles for our dying doggo on the advice of the woman who grooms him.
Dispensary owner here. 40% of my clientele are old people trying to stop taking oxycontin because they hate the side effects.
damn dude, I hope your doggo lived a good full life
yeah i fucking hate how easily the jew doctors prescribe shit like oxy and create an army of pill heads
It's a demonstrable fact. Look at heroin overdose rates in states that legalize.
Try getting CBD tinctures instead.
>legalize marijuana
>nigs still selling
>even more people high + brain damaged
>massively overstated profit expectations leads to a market bubble and crash
>"the solution to the problem is ignoring the problem"

fuck off liberal
Only if you 100% legalize it and don't regulate it at all
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I think all drugs should be legal because the government has neither the right nor mandate to tell us what we can and can't imbibe. I think the drug war is in clear violation of the Constitution and any reps who support it should be impeached. Anyone who is in favor of smaller government must necessarily advocate for the destruction of the drug war, else they are a hypocrite and an authoritarian scumbag who hates America and freedom.
>alcohol is fine but alcoholics are bad
>weed is bad because of stoners

How do I have this epic way of thinking?
>the liquid jew
I'm high right now. 420 blaze it bro's! Hahahaha.

I'm not against weed entirely, I'm against chronic weed use

Its ok to smoke weed because you broke your leg

its not to smoke it every to """socialize"""
>>Money gets taken out of the pockets of rich pharmaceutical Jews
As someone who owns a dispensary I can tell you there are a SHIT TON of heebs in this industry. Buying and selling companies never building them, obvi. In fact I just got a solicitation earlier today for "Kosher" tincture mixes. The good news is most of the industry is white men and until opening a retail outlet all my dealings in bulk sales were exclusively with whites.
>brain damaged
>overstated profit expectations
Where do you get your information, DEA shill?
>Market bubble and crash
How about we focus more on legalizing a more legitimate drug such as Psilocybin Mushrooms instead of creating cultures of brain dead stoners that only care about weed and getting high. I don't see any of you pushing for the other natural substances that have just as much if not more value than weed to society. Stoners always get butthurt when you talk about anything other than their precious herb.
That's the point though, nigs aren't selling. I own a dispensary in southern Colorado, and why would anybody buy from nigs anymore when you can just buy it in a store? I regularly get white folks who drive here all the way from Louisiana and Mississippi just to buy pot.

>"The solution to the problem is ignoring the problem"
Yeah because the war on drugs worked out so well, yeah? Fuck off, leaf.
>legalize a drug that's literal poison and swells your brain

Not so fast there stonehead
This man speaks truth
>chronic use: AKA recreational use
what kind of faggot has to smoke a joint because they broke their leg

THC is a neurotoxin -> casual mechanism of memory impairment. The red pill on the fag pill is brain damage

there is a massive promotion effort going on by ((big weed)) to sell shares in preparation for legalization. Demand in the market is far below anticipated profits. You heard it first from me, there is a coming crash when the hype fades.

Singapore is an excellent model. We need to kill drug dealers and harass users. The reason you burgers have a failed system is because you target supply and not demand. You don't enforce your laws

>nigs aren't selling
how naive he is
Agreed, this industry, like many, has its fair share of jewry
Where is your dispensary, friend? Southern CO here
>>nigs aren't selling
>how naive he is

Nobody deals with niggers when it comes to weed retard. You are showing us all how ignorant you are.
I refuse to argue with a person who is already closed minded. You get angry at the propaganda against weed yet your completely buying into that same bullshit that goes against Shrooms? This is the main reason why I distance myself from stoners, that doesn't mean I don't partake in weed often myself but you bunch are some of the most insufferable people to sit around and listen to.
>Singapore has a good system
They don't even know what it feels like to chew 5 gum
Weed is no more dangerous than alcohol or cigarettes. Prohibition of weed is costly and detrimental to society.
I agree with lesser drugs but crack costs virtually nothing to make and I'm not sure I wanna be 10 miles within a ghetto where rocks are 50¢
What stocks? Futures? Who is big weed?
I'm going to laugh at you and call it a day

oh shit! How else are 15 year old kids going to waste their money on a poor tax
*weed is costly and detrimental to society

So cal represent
It's demonstrable fact, and I'd rather have potheads than opioid fiends on the streets.
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Always a big pharma shill in these threads.
how the drug liberal thinks
>too many drugs being prescribed!
>we better just substitute one shitty drug for another rather than stop overprescribing them
Everything should be decriminalized, but illegal dealers need to be executed and diversion programs need to be well funded and available to help addicts.
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Cannabis is for gay mouth breathing retards who fuck each other's asses after smoking because "duuuude like free love lmao xD"
those gummi bears will put you out
>Why are so many sheltered teenagers on this board against weed when it's legalization is objectively beneficial to the white race?
Because normies are pro-weed and can easily obtain weed, and this board is filled with edgy contrarian autistic faggots.

broke my back, l3/l4 fractured l4. Smoked 2 ounces of weed per weed and slept on a teeter. left leg was totally paralyzed. Got no surgery, 9 months ago. I'm jogging a 10 min mile now. weed saved my life. fuck the jews and the pills.
decriminalization is just a political halfway house to legalization. You'll get more normalization of the drug and acceptance of it as normal. Do not believe the propaganda being floated around to weaken resolve, enforcement today is far too lax and it's what is causing the problem

>weed saved my life
>wait no, I just broke my back and needed a painkiller

fucking lel. Cool story shill
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Works that way for me.
Other shit makes me feel sluggish and uncoordinated.
I can operate perfectly normal while high from marijuana and while it doesn't exactly stop pain it makes it easy to ignore it.
>I can operate perfectly normal while high from marijuana

in other words, he can't live sober at this point

it didn't save your life m8
I can but prefer not to.
Oh look, you just want to call anyone with a decent reason to smoke weed a liar.
Kys faggot. You have no argument.

I'ma call the Leaf thought police on you
>be Singapore
>opress your citizens so completely that they cannot even chew gum
>tfw the Singapore government is basically a Catholic schoolteacher
No thanks, I prefer to live in a society that promotes freedom and personal decision making, not some nanny state like leafland.

>he thinks weed is harmful to society
I guess you don't know the taxes on recreational cannabis have been used to enhance local infrastructure and support the school system, while taxes in prohibitionist states go to jailing some poor kid who got caught with a gram. I prefer my taxes to actually support the population, not imprison it.
Nice, bro. Mexicans aren't that bad, lol
>thinks he can simply stop the overprescribing problem
Google Big Pharma you dolt
This fucking leaf actually thinks the war on drugs was working. Guess what, faggot? I'll still be able to find weed even if it becomes illegal again.
>why can't I have the freedom to OD on heroin and make other objectively bad decisions I can't be expected to have control over, mom???

>cigs fund charity
>therefore, everyone should smoke!

you can tax anything. If the money wasn't being spent on vices it'd be savings or taxed some other way

>lol, i said google it
actual origin of the opiod epidemic is the idea of pain management spread by drug docs. Actual answer is to burn the failed policy

doubleposting like the mad, emotionally unstable drug addict he is. Haha. Singapore is the path forward
>its a stoner thinks mexican cartels will go extinct without illegal weed episode

Weed is a distraction, grow some balls and just say you like to get high, it isnt hurting anyone and you want it to be legal. Nobody is interested in some smelly faggot justifying his vice when he lacks the spine to just admit he wants to do drugs without getting in trouble.
Singapore is a nanny state where you get fined for anything. It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live in a society that governs my every move.

>If the money wasn't being spent on vices it would be spent more wisely
Even Singaporeans waste money on vices, anon.

>burn the failed opioid prescriptition policy
How? Pharmaceutical companies have a stranglehold over our politics. We can't even get single-payer because of these corrupt assholes halting democracy.
Dispensary owner here. I love getting high. Legalizing weed also weakens cartels. Of course they still make money with meth, cocaine and human trafficking among other things, but weed used to be a huge source of revenue for cartels. Now, most of the weed consumed in North America was grown here.
What a fucking joke! Look at the laws in California, you've got massive amounts of starting fees and regulations, killing any profit from low-to-middle class weed growers. It's just gonna be mass produced by (((them))).
But muh weed lmao.
This is pretty how I feel.

I like getting high but I dont like talking about it or engaging in "marijuana culture" at all. My favorite part about decrimiilation is I can just have it dropped off with minimal human interaction.
Gen z anon here.

I come from a large Irish family where drinking from a young age is encouraged, and so because of this I tended to stay away from weed because alcohol was always readily available in my house if I REALLY wanted to drink, which because of its commonplace use in my house, was exceptionally rare.

Now, I'm aware alcohol is shit to your body but I rarely abuse it because I've been tought how to handle it.

Weed, on the other hand, has so many downsides: it smells like shit, makes you feel like shit, and of course its fucking illegal.

That said, I'm all for legalizing it. Use the tax money to educate people like they do alcohol, and it will be abused less.
>dispensary owner

literally a self-interested shill, who would have guessed?
see >>132284689
And if you removed the starting fees and regulations?
>Who cares about the supposed benefits, the state would just attempt to screw it up anyways!
What type of thinking is that?
if they legalize it edgy faggots would stop bragging about it, it would no longer be "cool bruh" i am ironicly admitting i smoked and it helped with my depression biggly. i started helping around the house and working harder at work. weed isnt bad and even if it was, what make Oxycontin and other prescriptions any better
>why can't I have the freedom to OD on heroin and make other objectively bad decisions I can't be expected to have control over, mom???
But you can be expected to have control over it you fucking idiot. One adults health should be entirely their own responsibility for better or worse.
>We need the state to use taxpayer money to keep degenerate retards from voluntarily removing themselves from the genepool!
Shaken or stirred, sir?
he's a shill, literally a self-interested drug criminal

it's an addictive substance sold to kids too young to know any better, and the adults are deadbeats. Just because people make a choice, doesn't mean they make the best possible ones
Oh no, thank God you took the profits of a harmless plant away from cartels. I guess they will just rely on the profits of cocaine, guns and prostitution to fuel their quest to monopolize a black market.

Thanks again
?? You're not even disagreeing with me. It is no matter of the state. When minors are involved it should be treated in the same sense as alcohol, obviously having stricter punishment for harder drugs. Either that or it should be the responsibility of the minors parents.
>Just because people make a choice, doesn't mean they make the best possible ones
If an adult makes a choice, they should suffer the consequences or reap the benefits. I don't need any central authority to tell me what the "best possible choice" is, and I definitely do not need said authority to jail me nor anyone else for voluntary actions on everyones part.
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