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How did your country media reported about Trump's wrestling

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How did your country media reported about Trump's wrestling gif against CNN?

Fuck. The bias here is so big. They didn't even mention the whole Porject Veritas videos exposing CNN bias. They just painted Trump as a lunatic with a persecution complex, and said that he "incited violence against REPORTERS". Not even one mention to WHY he did that, or the clear comical purpose of the gif.

You know, at least the United States has a pretty big alternative media. You people would not believe the bias of information people get outside the US.

Typical media Jewry.
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10 seconds skit that went more or less like this
>Journalists are mad that the president tweeted a gif inciting violence against them. here is the gif in question
>Not even one mention to WHY he did that
this is always the case with """""""""""""reporting"""""""""""""

they report on how horrifying something like a shooting is. never once do they ask if they deserved to die.
uh, some elitist national review never trumper types just went on about how it "distracts from the agenda"
I still have no idea what this gif is all about. I heard Alex Jones rant about something to do with it, but nothing as yet from my other news sources.

NPR said something nonsensical about Trump memes and possible antisemitism and the growing tide of media hate. They also had somebody who said Trump should keep tweeting because it makes him look like the asshat he is, or something like that.
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“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” when Trump said that I started to wonder myself if he was fit for office.
>They just painted Trump as a lunatic with a persecution complex
well he kind of is, he's also narcissistic and petty
>project veritas

0,7 cents have been deposited in your account!
>the President's tweets "are indeed official statements"
>instead of worrying about the failure that is his healthcare bill, the growing unrest in the world, and all the vacacines in administrative positions... he's posting reddit memes

Trump sounds like a man of sound mind and body.
That was actually part of the NPR guy's point that distraction tweets would probably be good for his health care agenda vs. policy tweets that would be likely to lack sufficient technical detail to motivate the health care agenda.

imo it seems increasingly clear that nobody likes these health care bills and the going plan is to just ditch obamacare and leave it at that. And I'm entirely OK with that. I would hope that the people who have become dependent on that monstrosity get grandfathered or handed off to some other way to get taken care of, but, structurally pre-obamacare is better than post-obamacare so repeal and leave it at that is still a net improvement.
instead of worrying about the failure that is his healthcare bill, the growing unrest in the world, and all the vacacines in administrative positions... he's posting reddit memes
Because tweeting takes so much effort nothing else can be done.
Here the anchor even compared Trump to our corrupt politicians. That doesn't even make sense, but the regular people will buy it, no doubt.
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Shut the fuck up, Fake News CNN faggot. Keep mining that salt, you soulless, disgusting kike.
idk I don't watch my countries news
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Uh, the going rate is 0.9 cents wtf
you responded to the wrong post, read it again
why? seems a killer sentence to me. And you americans gave always been like that anyway.
minus taxes, brother
>tweets at most 3/times a day
>people who make 100, retweet 100, and like 100/day tell him to get off twitter
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You are correct, and I apologize. Very low energy on my part.
Most media after WW2 is owned by USA, this is why i have to watch their asses all the time. I always look for channels where there are no Americans and their American pop stars, very hard.
Didnt mention veritas here as well. News just said something along the lines of "trumps war against media continues"
It was sarcasm. Obama said it.
I find not having a TV helps a lot with that.
I agree. This argument of "wtf he should get out of Twitter" is so stupid. It's not like he has to focus 24/7 on the presidential stuff. No one works that hard.
Also, if someole like Obama had posted a meme gif like that everyone would have been "wow obama is so cool xD"
I don't watch TV a lot, but when i do i avoid mainstream. When watching American television it's almost like there are only 10 scientists on planet, only 10 musicians on planet, 10 cooks on planet..etc. I especially hate fast moving, constantly switching Hollywood style nonsense. I like picture to be calm, with as little as possible cuts.

Hopefully itll scare Brazilian niggers off from coming here.
Slovenia just got tv a few years ago it's still new and exciting for them
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>instead of worrying about the failure that is his healthcare bill, the growing unrest in the world, and all the vacacines in administrative positions... he's posting reddit memes
NO, the "media" is talking about Trumps tweets instead of reporting the fucking news you bloodsucking heeb.

The media needs to do its job. No fucking joke, a headline on MSNBC was "Fallout from Trump's Latest Twitter Attack" and they went fucking on and on for hours about it. It's been days and they won't cover the actual news.

It's just "yellow journalism" bullshit. There is no content in the """news""".
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maybe you should start to reflect on your own life and fix what is going on there, rather than project your bullshit onto the rest of us who do not want to hear it. (((we really don't)))
I watched it first on the webpages, and it was mostly dramatic headlines "Trump hints at violence at media", and no talks about 3 CNN people who got fired for their fake stories, nor the o'keeffe videos.

Then came the daily evening news shows. First story. Trump lashes out on media. Dramatic turn in the escalating rhetoric from the President. Blah blah blah. And again, nothing about the 3 fired people or the videos.
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>A Jew will always tell you he has been beaten but never for what
If someone tries to kill me with a knife I intend to kill them with a gun. All's fair in love and war.
>His healthcare bill
He isn't even supposed to write legislation obamadrone
They are desperately trying to recreate the Bush hate for Trump and are failing miserably. The more they continue to slander Trump the more people get tired of the same washed up stories.
I listen to NPR on the way to work and they sometimes are good about being unbiased but that brought someone in who had said something along the lines of 'A redditor took claim for making the gif, here's some other posts by him: 500,000 muslims dead, kill the rest then I'll be happy" or some shit and I was dying listening to that shit. Fucking hilarious that this girl was reading theDonald reddit posts
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Incitement isn't illegal when the president does it.
>They just painted Trump as a lunatic

Yeah, it's not a very hard thing to do.
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Due to the distinct differences culturally, politically, and economically between western and eastern Canada, myself and a group of other Western Canadians are starting a libertarian movement called the Western Alliance, which proposes that British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories and the Yukon secede and become one single independent nation, in charge of our own destiny.

If any of you have advice for our movement or are interested in joining, follow us on our official Western Alliance Twitter account:

I hate how they purposely say it in a way that implies that the media has done nothing wrong.
Yeah. It is fucking insane. Not even one mention. They aren't interested in quality journalism.
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>They are desperately trying to recreate the Bush hate for Trump and are failing miserably.
there was reason to hate Bush. People were unquestionably loyal to that ape/puppet after 9/11 but after the 2004 election, Hurricane Katrina, the unending quagmire in Iraq and Afghanistan, the housing bubble and the near collapse of the United States everyone hated Bush and his Neocon puppet masters.

Trump is just "mean" on Twitter. I mean, who gives a flying shit. There's not much to criticize considering he hasn't done any real damage (yet).

But it's not about that, it's about "ratings" and the Jew fucking media doesn't care about news, just sensationalist bullshit and clickbait.

Americans are more fucked than countries with state owned media propaganda machines. We have news media that has only loyalty to money from ad revenue.
dank memes aren't incitement
Not that tv was ever any different, but it's gotten far worse recently in terms of appealing to the dumbest subset of people because that's about the only ones who watch it, especially once you factor in dvr.
Also the media went after Bush at most 1/10th of what they do Trump.
I agree with the state owned media thing. It would be fair to have something like a Russia Today in the US. Tweets and YouTube channels only get you so far.
I haven't had a TV in like 20 years, so sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between what has changed since then and just not being under constant assault. But I'm pretty sure it's worse than it used to be.

It's mind boggling and often depressing when I visit somebody who just has the TV going. And then I realize I really am living in a different timeline.
theyre doing the whole 'its really dangerous what trump is doing' narrative
Noticias Falsas (((Televisa))) bitched and whined like they always do.
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>Also the media went after Bush at most 1/10th of what they do Trump.
yes, but there was a reason why. First they kissed Bush's ass because it was good for ratings (support your troops™ dogshit) then when people hated him and his administration, they started airing "bad news" about him, for ratings.

The media is just milking the delirium that Trump creates. They cover him more than Bush or Obama. Obama couldn't get on TV, the media fucking ignored him. Trump is their darling and they love to hate him.

I just want information on how my government is operating and news from around the world. They can't fucking do that.
The media is public enemy #1. We must not stop until they are all homeless and their offices have been converted into Trump TV.
True, all I'm saying is they would love to have the level of magnitude Bush was hated on for Trump because they would get more people watching. They want to recreate that hatred since the Bush hate was an extremely profitable topic, I know a person that made 200k off Bush T Shirts since it was huge around that time, probably 10 times more popular than the hate for Trump.
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At least state own media has loyalty to something.

American media has loyal to chaos. I won't even consider them "liberal".
Which is hilarious since they undermine the agenda at all turns.

The Bush hate like felt legitimate though. Sometimes I'll meet a person leveling legitimate criticism and distaste for Trump, but so much of it is just petty childish bitching about nothing.

It's the president's job to incite the country to war when the country should fight. Also this
Memes are just jokes
BBC not even trying to hide it.
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>there is no room for interpretation, Trump is encouraging violence against journslists
>behavior reminiscent of the darkest dictatorships
>Trump spreads violent film clip: appears to be assaulting a man

Last one is from state media, first two from (((Dagens Nyheter)))
As if the previous presidential elections weren't puppet shows with pre determined outcomes, HA!
At least he correctly perceives the fundamental divide between people laughing at nothing vs. people whipping themselves into violence over nothing.
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How have liberals not incited violence against scalise? Trump is just giving them a small taste of their own medicine when one of his guys shoots up a CNN baseball practice. Modern MEMETIC warfare is going nuclear right before our eyes.

The establishment is meme marking good republicans for hitjobs and then having their easily manipulatable useful idiots attack as assassins.

Trump is returning fire by meme marking targets for his easily manipulatable useful idiots to attack, and as soon as he gets enough public support, his "assassins" will begin to strike his meme targets
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The establishment is scared shitless over this tweet because they (((know))) Trump has figured out how to meme mark targets and now can hit them without responsibility. It's a fascist vs fascist civil war.

Just wait until Trump gives back silencers and SBRs to all his 20 million commandos
>and their offices have been converted into Trump TV.
No. That will backfire as soon as a more corrupt administration takes power. The MSM must not be replaced even if it is successfully destroyed. Journalism should be left to civilians, not to billion dollar corporations.
Saw some dumb news bitch saying the same thing, like his tweeting is all he ever did. They just flat out lie. They can't be this retarded.
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If you don't understand why Trump does what he does, I suggest you prepare for the worst because you have no idea what he's moving towards

RIP bad guys and honorable useful idiots
Evening CNN, is your pants full of shit and on fire or what? Horse fucker network news, horse shit news network. Cunt Nigger Nerds. You shut the fuck up, you shut your fucking face. When NIN wrote terrible lie, NIN was talking about you fucking fuckers. CNN is anti-truth and bullshitters. CNN needs to be judged by a jury and hanged. You lying corrupt fuckers are disturbed and need to be locked up in a insane asylum. You lie so much you're the only ones listening to you. You are fucking disturbed. You are fucking sick. Get over it. Get over you're selves. You are the weakest link good bye, don't let the door hit you on the ass, and go fuck you're selves. Stop shooting you're mouth off you are humiliating you're selves so hard you T-Bagged you're selve and i cummed laughing at Full Retard News Network. I cummed at you retards going full retard so hard. It's time for Croney News Network to stop being deluded and to take you're medicene.
I thought that was a fair analysis. The only thing that surprises me. The supreme court voted 9-0 to uphold parts of Trump's muslim travel ban. The rest to be determine later. Now that is news. Particularly since it was 9-0, and it says a lot about the lower courts that were issuing this ruling. What I don't get is who wants that to get lost in the hype and why?
>Project Veritas
aka, lying fucks. Doctored videos, out of context quotes and fake shit.
Good goy!
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everyone thought it was funny cept MSM and liberals
who cares
>Supporting one liar over another
Yes, yes!
I don't consume any form of Australian news media so no idea.

Can I come? Rural Ontario here.

Once we separate, we should immediately declare war on Toronto and re-conquer it (after some spring cleaning).
You should clean in the dead of winter desu
Brazilian niggers can't read the news.
Same here, CNN is right about him being childish tho.
But the typical victim role of the journalist is more pathetic, as if they are some kind of untouchable profession that doesn-t have to face the consequences of fake news or defamation. They are crying about muh persecution of dindu journalists already, no pointing at the exposed russia gate fake story or project veritas in general.

Regardless there is no such thing as professional journalism in the US and Trump is being retarded.
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We did it Reddit
Little late to the game for ADL. Abe Foxman must have passed out on foreskin juice.
Hillary: "Delete your account!" (meme)

Trump: *posts a gif* (meme)
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CNN is desperately trying to cover up the fact that they're terrified of the Don's skills in the squared circle
>pic related
>mfw the people who defended this are quick to call Trump's tweet calling for violence.
When you stop and think about, it really is too easy to forget that fucking Donald Trump is the president.
I honestly HOPE these rat kikes at CNN and other MSM get harmed. The race riots they incited for years, even decades, the wars they promoted, the political violence they incited, etc. They have th most blood on their hands out of anyone except the ones directly responsible themselves (politicians) snd act like they're innocent. I wouldn't shed a single tear seeing the likes of Jeff Zucker, Brian Stelter, Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, Van Jones, Symone Sanders, the blonde bimbo CNN kike puppet I forgot the name of, the closet socialist Navarro, Joe Scarborough, low IQ Mika Bazrkikesky, Rachel Maddow, etc all hang high from a rope side by side.
I believe that's
>Psycho Joe Scarborough
>Crazy Low IQ Mika Brzezinski

The difference could save your life.
>Sanders literally comes out and says to "take down Trump's administration"

>Bernout shoots congressman

>Media silent

>Trump posts a stupid meme

What about don faggot lemon?
Did you select the wrong flag or we have gotten to the point where hippies are calling for the rope.
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>Implying that silencers exist
>implying that guns with so-called silencers are more dangerous
>implying SBR are more deadly than weapons 4 inches longer

Your sharebleu is showing.
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Your salt is so delectable. Best 4 day weekend in years! Really gives me a smile from the soul. Some day this war is going to end.
Lol wat?

The saying "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight" is surely as old as the gun itself.
So that CNN nigger was just acting when he said the 'muh Russia' nonsense was a nothingburger...

Tell David Brock to lower his sodium intake. He doesn't need ANOTHER heart attack.
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You faggots all got duped the messiah Obama was the one who said that.
Just by reading your title I knew it was brazil
brazil is still a country?
Imagine a place like the US but where all the wrong decisions about what to do with niggers were took

Add a pile of shit and some mosquitos and you have Brazil
The North Korean US media pretended they hadn't just been killing the president in effigy (multiple separate cases)

CNN sponsored the play where a Trump-like character gets stabbed — an obvious assassination-wish. So CNN is pretty hypocritical.
In America the media reported that Trump clowned CNN and they rehashed that CNN has been publishing false Russian stories. then they went on to mention that the NYT and AP had to issue retractions that all 17 intelligence communities thought Russia hacked the DNC. They went further mentioning that the only evidence they had of russian hacking came from Hiilary's campaign. And then they pointed out the one person who actually knows, Julian Assange, has never published inaccurate information before said that it wasn't russia who gave him the information. The entire media complex conclude that it was a false narrative and began asking who and why the story was planted.
>project veritas
That's like pretending Alex Jones is real news which trump does...

God bless America she really needs it
>yfw Vince is probably thinking of a way to get Trudeau and Abe on the phone so they can have a Three Way Global Supremacy Match
I'm thinking Styles, Jericho, and Nakamura.
>project nothingburger
>implying trump's not the thinnest skinned dipshit we've ever had in the white house

Hmm, well, I am no longer outraged. Now I shall continue my hard work in my career and raise my family knowing America truly is the greatest nation on gods green earth.
They claimed it was inciting violence but also played it on loop for the whole time kek
I hate our news so much
Is Donald Trump a master troll or is Donald Trump a master troll?
I was at a family dinner too, me and dad are the only trump supporters out of 7. Could barely hear the propaganda over everyone laughing
Trump is a very volitile and violent man. God willing, he is going to smash these criminal traitors.
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