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>antifa is creeping onto steam

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>antifa is creeping onto steam
But is it good?
I am working class and I DONT support more taxes directed to lazy people.
If reviewers can hate games for not having enough niggers and faggots, we can certainly hate games for being Marxist bullshit propaganda.
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>this plays as we get out our AK-47s and curbstomp some commie faggots for destroying private property

That wasn't the question, you illiterate.
Hey "illiterate", I just answered you question you stupid fucking mongoloid dipshit inbred nigger, just said if it's bad based on principle, then this game is automatically bad, you fucking idiot.

Learn how to logic.
>using a communist weapon

Only glorious Mauser
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Just play Panzer Corps
>killing commies by day
>having epic rave parties by night
>everyday working class rebells
post war antifags were never working class, they've always been welfare class.
Not even welfare class, just "live off of daddy's money" class.
Antifa and lefties in general seem to think they're "working class" people when they work retail or food service jobs where they spend all day in the AC and swiping credit cards. They also love to complain and bitch about how hard those jobs are while doing nothing to improve themselves, learn new skills, or even find a job where you actually have to work for a living.
>Working Class

>Erwin "logistics schmogistics" Rommel
>work retail or food service
>not working class
How delusional are you my friend?
? Couldn't find a definition on that online.

Mod that turns the capitalists into communists when?
Leftists here in the US have some grand delusion that working at starbucks or ihop puts them in the same place as people who work construction or welding or other physically demanding jobs. They play it up like they're worked to the bone and have to slave away at work all day when in reality they just fuck around for a few hours, take 10 smoke breaks, and deal with a few annoying customers. People that actually work physically demanding jobs outside tend to be right wing more often than not, and the idea that some skinny cunt hipster with a ponytail thinks he works as hard as a roofer is just pathetic.

They claim they want some "revolution" to overthrow the system in place when in reality they have no skills, talents, or even the raw stamina needed for a job more difficult that writing down an order on a notepad.
>Be antifa
>''We fight for the working class !''
>Be the son of a banker and a CEO
>The working class still votes for the ''Republican fascists''

it is just a saying, that anon is saying Rommel did not care about logistics.
Good lets take away all your benefits and workers rights then, lazy fuck get a real job
>Erwin "logistics schmogistics" Rommel
Ever since allied deciphered every axis secret transmission with Ultra, he could care about logistics how much he wanted but those convoys would have been sunk regardless
I should write a short story with this premise
You sound like someone who's never worked a day in their life
Let me guess: this game is money, isn't it?

>DAE HATE CAPITALISM but also please buy my game XDDD
came here to post this
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>/pol/ is creeping onto steam
Exactly like that, check the community discussion lmao
>I assume this game would be free?
Kek look at the developers response
I don't know about you, but the excuse "sure, fuck my wife" stopped being a valid argument around when you become an alpha and not a pathetic permavirgin neet beta orbiter.
>dystopian future where the few wealthy elite dominate the entire western civilized world
>...working class rebels fighting against the oppression of global capitalism run amok in a dystopian future where the few wealthy elite dominate the entire civilized world.
>...working class rebels fighting against the oppression of...wealthy elite...
>... fighting against...wealthy elite...

seems anti-jew enough
>working class rebels
>fighting against the oppression of global capitalism
So I'm guessing you play as a union worker? Don't know why they have that communist flag, you don't need to join the USSR to get a better wage.
Bill Gates isn't Jewish. The Rockefellers aren't Jewish. Trump isn't Jewish.

Who are these actual "jews" you keep referring to?
pleb tier
I would legitimately have no problem with antifa if they actually attacked (((the 1%))) but they're shitflinging mongs who attack the working class by calling them racist
>t. college student who's never done real labor
So working for your daily bread, whatever the job may be isn't working class unless it's your special specific definition.

That's a load a of bullshit.
hey antifa queers:

ever spent a few years of your life waking up at 3.30am mon - friday? ever worked a real job in your lives? btw 2D = total no talent plebs
Oh, so kinda like the world they're trying to create right now.
Antifa queers don't work for their daily bread. They receive a pay check for barely providing a service, but they certainly don't work.

Hatred is /r9k/ imho.
Steam accepted this and not Angry Goy? Wtf
If angry goy had dropped any racial references and nazi imagery and basically played it as something they wanted to sell rather than as an in joke between at max a few thousand /pol/acks and stormfags then it might have made it into steam, yes
Do you even hear how retarded you sound?
>antifags seize the means of video game production
>automatically regresses 30 years
Great argument for communism

I always stand by the rule that the more hard working your job is, the greater your pay should be. Even CEOs have to work this to an extent considering running a multimillion dollar corporation is no small feat. You dont take many vacations. You have to get up early and go to sleep late. Your business is your life, so anyone that gives the risk should get the rewards. And any rewards that last pass retirement are your just due.

Fuck year america.
I read his post differently.

Imho it's more like that starbuck hipster faggots believe that low paying work in Starbuck gives them prole card, while actual proles would rather find themselves in a (((class))) with small time banditry than with starbuck boipussi
I'm not saying they aren't earning a living, I'm saying they think of themselves like roughnecks when they really have relatively cushy jobs.
It looks like shit
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>antifa are so fucking scared of going out into the daylight that they have to pretend to do it through pixelshit videogames

It has been there a lot time.

And you can't even report it because Steam mods are corrupt, and one senior mod is a known paedophile.
Found a pic of the developers on their Facebook.
>no gay hair color in sight

kinda surprised. They still all look like cucks
let me guess
it's set in california
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There is no mom
Made a Drumpf post on their steam forums, dev responded with

>No, the main antagonist of the game is Chet Whippleton III - a billionaire who cares a whole lot about profits and a whole little about worker's rights!
>He does bear a bit of resemblance to the Donald even though we started working on TWR LONG before he was President
couldn't agree more with this, most poor people see rich people as having really easy jobs where they just get money thrown at them when in reality most ceo's cfo's lawyers, etc, work really long work weeks at the detriment of their physical and mental well being as well as stress and strain placed on their families. they earn it imo.
probably just cashing in on a current trend , knowing full well that most 'antifa' faggots would rather live it out vicariously than actually go out and get beat to shit larping as some modern day robin hood.
kek i just saw that post
Ok, but when you have no one to call when your shitter explodes because you told the plumber to get a real job, don't start crying when you have to get your hands dirty nigger.
>they made a political discourse section for their steam forums
>working class antifa

Finally, an escapist fantasy fit for little Tarquin and his pipsqueak pinko friends to enjoy!
buy the game and refund it fuck with them that will teach them
Funny how he looks like Alex Delarge
same thing could be said about white collar workers
how bout you fat virgin niggers get off the computer and get in shape for the war, degenerate fat niggers
Fucking trash game. Silly cunts hyping it up over nothing have it much more coverage than it deserves.

And why is there no rape button? Why is it ok to stick my knife in someone's skull but I can't stick my dick up their bum?

degenarate nips two nukes wasnt enough for you
>tfw I made a rape mod for GTA4 when its modding scene was peaking
pretty funny running around and going through the prostitute animations with any given pedestrian on the street
Was in the process of trying to get it working with ragdolls (dead npcs) when I got bored ;)
I guess the irony is lost on these fucking animals.
>revolting against the rich
pick one and only one
>oppression of global capitalism

They better damn well be giving that game away for free then
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Why am I not surprised...
it was for the lulz m8
It's a like a shittier, paid version of that RAHOWA game released back in December. You guys remember the bullshit with that right?
>Three fatasses
>Two numales
>And a token woman
Wow it's the exact same as every indie dev team ever.

No, this is the /pol/ game.
I bought it this sale and even Postal 1 (non redux) is better than this trash heap.
>be at bottom of pyramid
>get jealous of people on the step above you who have higher standard of living
>this is because they made smart choices and perhaps own their own small business
>decide to claw them down to the bottom of the pyramid
>break their cars
>burn and loot their shops
>the elite use this chance to increase police power and tighten their grip over the sheople

But throwing tantrums in the streets makes us feel better!
None of them look Asian. Go after them for cultural appropriation for the use of Chinese characters in their middle game.
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do your part!!
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You fucking retards. Stop comsuming and start producing. Stop playing video games, but attain cultural dominance by producing them ffs.

Anyone who bought a game from some fucked up PC developer is guilty of financing the enemy and should be hanged on the day of the rope.
Eh, it looks like a fun if simple concept. Looks like you can play as rioters or riot cops too, pretty sure I even saw a nice big beautiful wall.
Is there an option to play as a cop and beat them up?
Is there a Stanlin in the end of the game?
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Greenlight was a mistake
Do you also get to molest swedish girls?
Should we get everyone to fill the tags with sexual content, nudity, gore, violent?

Why arent you making such a game for white folks? 21 days in the shoes of a white person living in a multicultural hell hole for example? You'll have to manage your safety, your money, your mental health and prevent your character from commiting suicide.

GET ACTIVE FOLKS. stop complaining and START CODING.
>that post
>that flag
This got me hard as a diamond
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>ancaps are creeping onto steam
Deutschland Trail?

How entrepreneurial of them.
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>Liberate your land from the oppressive grasp of capitalism today comrade for the low low price of $9.99 [spoiler]plus tax[/spoiler]

Is it coincidence that the people who shill AnCom shit tend to be the biggest consumer whores?
It's not coincidence. As you become more experienced with life, you'll notice leftists and other types of anti-freedom trash are all really impulsive, while wealthy people tend to have a high capability for delayed gratification, which is what makes them wealthy. All those anti-capitalist types are mostly young middle class that lived their entire childhood impulsively and are now terrified of a world where you cannot be impulsive 24/7 as they reach adulthood.
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