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French President Emmanuel Macron has proposed a radical overhaul

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Speaking at the historic Palace of Versailles, he said he planned to cut the number of lawmakers by a third.

Doing so would produce a more efficient government and put France on a "radically new path", said Mr Macron.

The French president says he has a broad mandate after sweeping wins in presidential and parliamentary elections this year.

If his proposed changes were not passed by parliament within a year, he said he would take the decision to a referendum.

In his 90-minute speech, the 39-year-old leader vowed to return a "collective dignity" to France.

"In the past, procedures have taken preference over results, rules over initiative, living off the public purse over fairness," he said.

The proposed cuts would reduce the number of National Assembly members from 577 to 385, and the numbers of Senate members from 348 to 232.

He also said:
The European Union had "lost its way" in the past 10 years amid growing bureaucracy - a solution was a "new generation of leaders"

France's electoral system would be changed to allow more proportional representation, so more voices would be heard at government level

France's state of emergency, put in place after terror attacks, would be removed by the autumn

Good luck, frogfucks. You're going to need it.
i'm liking him more and more. maybe he isn't that bad after all. look at the pic, he looks like the new napoleon
Sorry France, I know things didn't always go your way. Nonetheless you will be missed. F
>Doing so would produce a more efficient government
Lol no, it's meant to ensure his total control, since with less people, you need more percentage of votes to get seats. It's a total censorship of smaller paties.He will sell it by saying it's against the FN (which technically he has no right to say but the media will eat it up), but it will also kick out other smaller parties, and typically opposition parties made from people leaving the big 2s.
He also closed frontier to immigrants the past days and claims it won't take more from Italy,
Where we wrong about him guys? Is it possible he is actually so mentally ill that he is abusing his power in an advantageous way for us?
>would be removed by the autumn
Wrong. It will be made into the normal system, which is why it will "not be there anymore". This includes warrantless arrest, and private civil servant being able to shut down medias without any counter power, or even the need to publish who and why they cut it.
That system already exist but is there as an emergency measure. Now it will be the "law" (but it's not the law since it's out of the legal systems and juges grasps, it's more or less a speech gestapo)
>He also closed frontier to immigrants the past days and claims it won't take more from Italy,
Doesn't France take a lot from Marseille anyways?
so after the roachking we will get the frogking? we are truly slipping back into a totalitarian age.
Actually a dose of proportional representation would increase FN representation.
except he wishes to be hitler, but his spineless delusion is closer to Mussolini's
>Reddit outing itself
Now that Europe is ready, they're moving to the next step of the plan
You didn't think their endgame was to fully populate Europe with muslims, did you?
Hopefully desu
Don't know, If they take them is a ridiculously low number, in the order of hundreds probably, the bulk comes from Italy. If he closes the frontiers like he is doing now(I have no idea why), since also Austria and Switzerland are closed than Italy would become so unstable the government would be forced to stop immigration influx otherwise it risks popular insurrection
FN is going to be made illegal, since part of the reforms includes making political parties civil servants paid by the state under its approval.
>/pol/ supports the autocratic anti-european shabbos goy Russian funded candidate who wouldn't change anything except shoot France in the foot by leaving the EU

>the French elects her opponent, a man who literally revolutionises the French political system, revolutionises the EU and also fucked his high school teacher all while being the youngest candidate to ever become French President

I have no problems with totalitarian military states, just gtfo the disgusting niggers and shitskins, if the kikes plan was to create dictatorships I dig it very much
>put France on a "radically new path"
>The proposed cuts would reduce the number
Yeah, radical new path alright
That's what I thought. Pushing out the opposition through the guise of trimming the fat. Only a moron wouldn't see that.
Hollande would fuck him up in a street fight.
>I have no problems with totalitarian military states, just gtfo the disgusting niggers and shitskins
how bluepilled are you?
They are bringing in niggers so they can create a dictatorship you idiot. White people aren't as easy to govern as niggers are.
>You didn't think their endgame was to fully populate Europe with muslims, did you?
I was starting to think that, yes.
Is Macron /ourfrog/?
Honestly, did Le Pen end up throwing the election to Macron? Would he have won if she wasn't running? I can't help but feel that all her voters would've gone to Fillon, who isn't as good, but still better than this platonic ideal of EU ZOGcuck shill.
Of course not. He aims to concentrate all powers in his hands AND is a Rothschild puppet. Nothing good can come of him. As has been stated in this very thread, his "radical reforms" aim to destroy any and all political opposition and place the remaining political parties under state control, which ensures permanent control over all branches of power (since the judicial branch isn't really independent in France either).
Are you stupid? It isn't in the interest of French people
Oh boy... I wish i was still like you, with hope.
What the fuck are you talking about? Whites are perfect subjects! devoted to their values and states they don't care who governs them as long as their secular rights are respected! Niggers and muzzles on the other hand.... chimp out constantly, impossible to govern, violent and useless. If their endgame was to govern Europe they fucking made a hell of a poor job. I think they want to destroy Europe instead and wipe it out of the face of the earth, in a social historical and racial sense and maybe the frog macron isn't easy to control as they thought since his ego and craziness is off the charts level. Maybe they needed quickly a candidate to defeat lepen but they miscalculated
is he the real LePenn?

can any frogmen tell me if he is consolidating to push through liberal reforms? He seems more right wing than enything
fake and gay
That is the most mismatched convoy ever. Very unaesthetic
Don't be ridiculous. Niggers and shitskins are extremely easy to control, just throw some gibs at them and they'll end up voting for you literally forever. Look at niggers in the US, endlessly voting for Democrats simply because Democrats threw them some crumbs 40 years ago.
He jew puppet
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>yfw Macron outjewed the jews and now is planning Mosley's European reich
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>Rothschild puppet
in the trash he goes
>Are you stupid?
Are you arabic?

What's your opinion on the immigrants, frogbros? What's the average frenchman think?
Will the military stage a coup?
none-whites vote as their leaders tell them. look at the nignogs in the us. so, buy the muzzzi leaders and you have all the votes you need.
Shitskins are violent, sure. But they are easily controllable in the same way that violent animals are controlled in a zoo
Whites are more civilized, but they have this bad habit of thinking about their condition
He is a total faggot, do you really believe any of his shit will give any good?
Let's not forget that he hasn't announced how they will decide who will stay and who will leave when he cut the seat numbers. People are elected individually,so they can't just say "each party chose their people", It's gonna be a clear "we keep all our seats, then smallest is out, then second smallest, etc.
See it coming and watch French media celebrate.
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>the real LePenn
Marine is a dumb whore
He has a Dr. Evil Vibe that gives me the willies.

Hard to believe this is more preferable to the electorate than a Gilf like Marine.
>Would he have won if she wasn't running
No, French people like familliar faces so he would have been stomped against Fillon or even Hamon. He can't debate so he would probably also lose against melenchon.
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It's actually a serious hypothesis. He may put a Putin on France, that would be amazing.

But honestly i don't think he would, he's a fucking ultra kike freemason banker.
Putin was a jew too but a patriot and disciplined spy and KGB agent, not a degenerate bicurious granny fucker HEC hipster weak bitch.
Did the actual madman actually pretend to be a cuck to get elected, and now is going to make Hitler look like a moderate? I hope so
Things Macron says a lot "France" and "the state". Things he has never talked about in a speech : "French people". Last time he tried, he called them "the nobodies"
>Macron was an average middle-class citizen with a slightly above-average income
>suddenly gets millions of euros literally out of thin air
>suddenly gets hired by the Rothschild family
>suddenly appears on the French political scene out of nowhere as a (((special advisor))) to the President
>gets promoted to minister extremely quickly
>the President does everything in his power to raise Macron's popularity and never moves against him despite Macron openly defying him countless times
>launches a political movement from nowhere, gets millions out of thin air AGAIN
>gets constant attention from the media
>is gradually pointed out as the "obvious and clever choice" for a new President
>all major opponents are plagued with scandals at the same time, mostly outright lies, blown out of proportion to take them out
>wins the election
>immediately proceeds to spectacularly reinforce his power

Please, tell me exactly how he's NOT a kike puppet, my dear magapede.
I don't doubt it, I only doubt he actually does every thing his masters say. It almost seems like he told them to fuck off and that he is on his own now, he is doing things completely opposite on what he should be. The fact that he closed the frontier is either some 4d chess move or something snapped between him and his overlords. One thing is sure though, he is not mentally stable, he married a pedophile and his stare creeps the fuck out of me.
>People elect Macron because they think Le Pen is a fascist dictator
>Macron becomes a fascist dictator

I hope he nukes african sandniggers and niggers
farewell Marseille
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French President Emmanuel Macron is too intelligent to answer questions from reporters, aides say.

Sources at the Élysée Palace told Le Monde that Macron will not hold a press conference on Bastille Day, as his “complex thought process lends itself badly to the game of question-and-answer with journalists.”
He clearly is.
I figured the french election was rigged much in the way the rest were and mine nearly was. I don't want to think about what America would be up to right now if Hillary had won.

Perhaps he is operating on raw intelligence and superior merit

The age of the hyper-technocrat is upon us
"1 post by this id" Macron Internet Defense Force is here, I see
He is fuckig Crazy guys, a real nut job. He is also creepy as fuck. We can only hope he is so crazy that it will tell the Jewish overlords to fuck off and that he is now in charge. He nukes marseille and closes the frontiers with Italy, forcing my country to shut ports down. Would be much better than marine imo
No news on the plot to take macron out on Bastille day parade?
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Macron is Based
This guy gives "im a douchebag on surface but a cuckold on the inside" vibe. Hes gonna sell out the whole french froggery to the globalists. Rip Francia
He's getting his agenda sorted out, now is a critical time for his lasting influence as a politician, whether he is an ultra cuck and kike puppet as he seems, or actually a hidden gem.

But france is in a seriously bad way. It needs action and it needs it right now or it won't be saved. The jews are leaving france for israel like rats from a sinking ship, thats when you know shits going tits up, these international jews are the ones with the least loyalty to any country, so they know when shit's going bad first.
>mine nearly was
I have absolutely no doubt that Trump was and still is, by far, the superior choice over Hillary.
But he's turning into his own kind of kike puppet really quickly, perhaps even unknowingly.
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Can someone explain these labels?
the real question is

why does this pic lack of multiculturalism? you better report this to the local multiculture societies for the balant hatred towards people of color and lbgt+ community
link of the story of him closing borders?
t. faggot leftard
The sad part is that France can't impeach their president, so unless Europe, USA or Russian troops kills him, he can do all he wants. putting the emergency state as part of the regular law means he don't need any vote at all for anything. his last problem is politics immunity of the opposition, but he's gonna remove that as well, by putting all of them in the same public system as anybody, which de facto makes debating some subjects illegal or subject to censorship.
Any frogs have info on this?
Literally "Hillary's campaign may have been too smart to win" tier.
Also it's a very convenient way not to answer to anybody. The media are going along with it because they fucking love him (and because they're paid to), but the public doesn't buy it. Public opposition to Macron and distrust of the media have been skyrocketing these past few days, after most of our media started unironically portraying him as if he were an emperor.
>The sad part is that France can't impeach
he can, with a guillotine
This is interesting. It sounds like he is actually pretty right wing and authoritarian. Not a good thing imo.
>new generation of leaders
new generation of socialist leaders you mean? you just know france will start the EU army bulking as they have far better chances at it then the germans, as germans got the nazi stigma

then they come after the rest of the member countries with "sweet deals" to join the army effort, completely fucking over average person of these member countries
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Based on what I read voter tunrout was only 40% or some shit, and the media is acting like he's super popular with a mandate from the people

Reminds me of Canada with Justin Trudeau, he only got 39% of the vote and people act like the country is just rallying behind him or some shit
authoritarian doesn't always mean right wing

for all we know he's going to become the first globalist dictator. It certainly seems that way. he doesnt appear to have loyalty to the french people at all, moreso to the EU.

Could be really really bad if he uses these new powers to assassinate france's borders
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I support LePen anon
I just want to believe he's a psychotic frenchman who'll return your nation to it's proud gaullic roots. It makes me sad to know I'll never experience Paris as I should, but I guess that can be said of any western city now.
Honestly, he will probably be assassinated. He's way too self-confident and people who don't support him don't just dislike him, they fucking hate him. Also he gives off a very creepy vibe and many people are actually scared of him and think he's somewhat insane. Honestly, unless his security detail is really efficient, he won't last long.

The funny thing is, if he dies, the guy who takes up office until another election is organized is the President of the Senate, who is a right-wing, devout catholic and super chill guy.
apparently he's not smart enough to not wind up an actual cuck fucking a passe leather bag corpselet
You frenchies always had a thing for absolute rulers, could be the time you actually all wake up, unless he is a hidden gem like a pol/tard said few posts back
>But he's turning into his own kind of kike puppet really quickly, perhaps even unknowingly.
I maintain my optimism, anon. If he starts to go south, there will be hell to pay.
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Germany going full retard with social media censorship
Precisely this, but I doubt it

I was planning on taking the guy out...but I couldn't afford the flight/hotel.

The plot has been cancelled.
People literally didn't even bother showing up for the legislative elections since it was obvious to everyone they were going to be rigged as fuck. In the end, he got the majority, but not nearly as large a majority as he had hoped, and voter turnout was ridiculously low. His party actually lost votes between the two rounds of the legislative elections.

People just fucking hate him now. They voted for him because they were scared of Le Pen, but they never really supported him, and the fact that he tries to get some kind of royal aura is pissing everyone off big time.
>You didn't think their endgame was to fully populate Europe with muslims, did you?
Why should we not think that?
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>Honestly, did Le Pen end up throwing the election to Macron?

No it's Fillon, he was favorite late 2016 then he was placed under investigation over fake jobs scandal and collapsed in the polls in favor of Macron.
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>verticalité jupitérienne
I heard tonight that we have to open the borders now because of some UN day-quota of closed frontiers
I'm sorry I put you with those shills anon
That said, Marine is a whore
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Please be French adolf
My post was literally a joke against Macron
>Légion d'Honneur, la base
Legion of Honor, the bare minimum.
the Legion is the highest civilian and military distinction in France. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legion_of_Honour
What's meant here is that it was a given he would show the famous red pin of the Légion.

>La France "et en même temps" l'Europe
France "and at the same time" Europe

>"Maître des horloges"
Master of the clocks

>Verticalité jupitérienne
Jupiterian verticality
a reference to finance minister Bruno Le Maire's comment that Macron was Jupiter and he was his messenger Hermes.
Shame, you are the only open one left, if you close the borders Italy implodes as fast as the wind, that's what I hope, it would be so bad they would even gtfo all the immigrants here back to Africa and not only close frontiers. Needless to say if we stop this we do not only help ourselves but all of you eurofaggots brothers. Unfortunately as long as things are ''manageable'' no one will rebel against our cucked unelected government
that guy is a massive faggot
I still give him the benefit of the doubt as well. But, well, he's about to reach a point after which things will be pretty clear. If he ever bombs Syria again, for instance, it will be pretty clear he's fallen prey to Jewish interests.
thank you!

>France "and at the same time" Europe
Shouldn't he put his own nation first? A big French flag and a tiny EU flag is more appropriate for someone tasked with representing primarily France. I can understand pan-european unity, but the EU doesn't really represent Europe. If he wanted to show unity with Europe a Europa flag would have been better.

>Master of the clocks
Master of the cucks
The difference is that with niggers you will get a few small chimp outs regularly that is easy to control and doesn't harm anything important other than other niggers.

With whites you get revolutions where they behead and kill all politicians, all elite and all systems of power, and take the power back, but it happens more rarely and takes longer time to manifest.

In the short term, its easier to govern whites, but in the long run its easier to govern niggers.
>If he ever bombs Syria again
That concerns me too anon.
Nobody answered my question before - what does the average french person think of the state of the nation? Naturally I don't trust anything from the media.
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If you wanted an imperial, genuinely badass leader and if the world was just....
You mean the state of France ?
Personally I've completely lost any and all hope, am convinced my country is well on its way to unavoidable ruin, and am trying to find a country to flee to when shit eventually hits the fan.
>(and because they're paid to),
Macron can also cut them off anytime he wants without the aproval of any judge or legal system. That's part of hollande anti terror tools, but its power was made absolute to any subject nearly instantly. Why do you think France can't go on sankaku's boards and gurochan? Protip, you won't find any official reason, because that's their action there, it wasn't done by law.
On a more general note, people are pretty pessimistic overall, and they can't fucking stand shitskins anymore, even most libtards.
>- what does the average french person think of the state of the nation
all polls are in the red. No faith in present nor future. No trust on anybody politic, mediatic or even other people. Macron managed to make people less happy than during the fucking german occupation.
Honestly, this is good rhetoric, I approve
He also made clear he would be more pragmatic about Geopolitics.
«We need the cooperation of everyone to eradicate them, particularly Russia. Two: stability in Syria, because I don’t want a failed state. With me, there will be an end to the kind neoconservatism imported into France over the last 10 years.»

I think he may want to save Liberalism from itself; he stated today a progressist does not have to adopt any new mode that ermerges.
thats the usual way to psy op people, using sertain words that are connected to things they are associating with pleasure. talking as state gives the right to diminish the rights of inviduals to remain free of power hungry tyrants, as its connected to words "french people" without having the same definition in the eyes of the jurisdictional system.

complete word play, its something nobody wants to bring up as general discussion amongst people just because how dangerous it is towards the controlling elite

freedom of speech is the most dangerous weapon against tyrants and you cannot truly posses it with how the media has been for all its time until just recently thanks to the free internet
>"I'm going to cut the number of lawmakers in government."
>cuts only FN seats

Really activates my homemade coconut
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Gloire au nouvel empereur!
It's not cause of the nazi stigma it's just that German army is way under French army.
We are the only European army left now that UK left.
Is there no hope of a military coup?
>less happy than during the fucking german occupation.
The Germans were occupying and you had a resistance, which means there's hope.
>it's a revolution therefore it's good
This. Trustworthy popularity polls are actually starting to get harder to find and get no media attention at all. The gap between the idyllic image of Macron painted by the media and his actual popularity is getting huge. Besides, the presidential campaign kinda shattered everyone's trust in every single public figure, including him. The fact that many of his ministers and representatives in the National Assembly are already embroiled in corruption scandals or simply outed as completely incompetent doesn't help. Right now, he's ridiculously unpopular but no media is reporting on it, which makes him even less popular, and so on.
>I have no problems with totalitarian military states
Just ask people who lived in totalitarian states, totally not a big deal
Huh? Democracy is the biggest (((evil))) out there.
Isn't this just a Jewish trick to make it easier to rig future elections?
>Is there no hope of a military coup?
Honestly, I don't think so. Our military isn't particularly "based", not even high command. Besides, even if they start getting ideas, I think they realize a coup in France would be unthinkable, would probably fail after the intervention of literally every single globalist puppet state, and would result in an even wore situation afterwards.
Good. He may have ran on a globalist platform, but I like his style. I don't approve 100%, but he's certainly better than the last schmucks we've had.

>inb4 jew
>inb4 "le achmed shill"
>inb4 "le french cuck"
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These people seem to dig it.
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He's actually Macro II;

Whilst Trump did a very right wing campaign and ends being only center right in office and still hated by the MSM, Macron may well end up as center right in office (that is, more right wing thaa anybody since De Gaulle) whilst having the MSM sucking his balls. Truly machiavellian, no wonder he did his memoir on him.

How can a guy with crazy-eyes get elected in a democracy?

And not merely crazy, but serial killer tier crazy?
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just look how bug this dudes head is
what the hell is he thinking
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Wtf? Lowering numbers of public officials? Sees too much bureaucracy in EU?? Dignity? Radical?? New?? Path???

There was a prophecy that after 25 years of ethnic wars in europe there will be only 2 european kingdoms left. Visengard empire as it didn't have muslims, and France as it woke first from marxist utopia. I was sure France was fcked full time but maybe Macaron is the double-game playing prodigy...
>would probably fail after the intervention of literally every single globalist puppet state
Well if my president is not a puppet we could be in an inverted 1776 situation and we'll be your Lafayette.
True, but again, I don't have much hope in the Trump administration or Trump's ability to resist kike pressure. But then again, who knows.
He's very close to the Rothchilds, it can't be good whatever he does.
it is way under. if they werent nazis they would catch up quickly in military power

and bringing up again the wordplay, they can as they will use other words instead of the "german" when the time is right.

they use words like EU, justice, state, UN, tolarance, minorities, rights, komarade. but words they will not use of themselves will be german, german people, french people, invidual rights to defend oneself with armament, love ones heritage, love your own people et cetera et cetera.

its to win over peoples heart without them knowing you are their devil
>more voices heard at government level
Whoever could he be referring to, I wonder. We need cross-Atlantic unity with our American brothers if we're going to fix Europe. Don't despair, and stay strong, France. Help is coming.
mistakenly forgot to mention, invidual words can also mean just one group of military power as well. the EU army, the UN, the forgein legion. they are just ways to make more room for larger army that is one and the same but will be kept seperate to completely fool people until they can bring it under one name, that most likely it will be just called the EU army.

invidual or group is nothing without power of a weapon. eventually you will fall if you do not truly value your freedom to dare to carry such a thing that can end life of another
>but I like his style
not an argument
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Thanks based frenchman, for a second I thought even /pol/ was under the spell of that snake charmer Macron.
Macron is the perfect tool, just look at what is known of his private life and imagine all (((they))) have on him to control him.
He centralizes power. He actually has a goal. He stands upright on the international stage. That's more than Sarkozy and Hollande ever did in their first few months in office. I don't like what he stands for, but he's not an entirely bad man. Wait and see.
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Hes literally a Rotchschild puppet. Look up his bio
Kek! And everyone was worried about Trump. here we have a guy laying out an agenda to consolidate power and reorganize the government. Now this is actually something Hitler did himself, but I bet they wont say one word about that.

>something something "thunderous applause"
>In his 90-minute speech

ahahahahahaha, narcissistic fuck - this, poeple, is why you publicly execute your politicians every once in a while
You post like a French newspaper headline. There's no doubt where you came from, and what you are trying to do there.
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>the 39-year-old leader vowed to return a "collective dignity" to France
>collective dignity
i mean, i'm sure there is a path back from this, but for fuck's sake, he's spit-polishing a turd.
He's a puppet, nothing more.

The only other explanation is that he sucked the right dicks and kept his head now and somehow suddenly he grew a fucking spine and would go against the people that put him there.
Things like this have happened before but I'm willing to be everything that he ain't one of those people.
Tho whatever happens France is stuck with him for 4 years or more if he and his majority decide to change the rules.
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>French "democracy"
>French "Constitutions"
>French "republics"

Please find a bourbon and fix this french people. I've seen enough of France post Bonaparte/Bourbon to know that democracy just doesn't work there.
I've grown to partially like him. The world isn't black and white. Have the spine to admit that, even if you get shunned by all your supposed internet friends. I dislike several parts of what he does, the man is who he is, but he stiffens the state's leadership and as a person who has incorporated some gaullist teachings as part of his political philosophy I like this aspect.
Even Libération and Figaro are starting to mock him as an emperor or a danger to democracy.
Is this about to be the second most exciting basille day? Maybe the flame that ignites another revoultionary period of political upheavil will ignite in france
According to rumors, police is preparing to urban warfare coincident with job reform, this September
His refusal to answer interviews because it's "too intelligent" makes me think he's really just a puppet, and he knows he can't explain because nothing he does is even from him.
he seems to be better than Hollande and possibly Merkel.

I'm interested but equally as concerned as optimistic.
I hope those baguettes get their asses kicked so hard.
Like his vibe is creepy, maybe we have a psycopath in power, not like the burgers only probably have a weak sociopath, a psychopath in power would indeed obey to his impulses but also probably shed anything not useful to him and that can be considered weak. Isn't a tyranny of the strong and the smart a thing /pol/ wants?
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We want Despotism of liberty and blood over tyranny
The difference is that Hollande was a spineless person, nobody respected him and he knew that.

Macron is really convinced to be the Emperor and that nobody can question him now that he has won, even journalists that liked him.
If two years from now he thinks that far right needs to be exterminated, he will exterminate us.
He's really a psychopath, he's a manual case of a rape victim, he absolutely doesn't care about the others opinion, I have seen this from the group debate. He sees himself has the fucker of professors and conqueror of France.

He does have that whole Robespierre vibe about him. When he crushes the opposition and then the unions the military will start to get nervy about him and then it's only a matter of time.

I'm calling assassinated during a colonels coup when he tries to merge the army into a wider EU one and there's resistance from multiple regiments with more hardcore nationalist commanding officers.
>sn't a tyranny of the strong and the smart a thing /pol/ wants?
The fuck are you rambling about muhamad?
wouldn't his ego bring him to embrace fascist views?
Have you ever spoke to a bobo? They are fascists in regard to democracy, but to enforce multiculti, diversity and other shit
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You imply that the French army still has a core of French patriotism in it like it did historically. I sincerely doubt that spirit survived.

However, if a Boulanger were to arise I guarantee he could successfully overthrow the 5th Republic because the French are so apathetic and lazy. A few twitter compaigns as all the resistance they would see.

Called it already.

Macron is Robespierre 2.0. Hopefully a similar fate awaits him too.
I hope its a reign of terror for muslims and a mad rush to conquer europe.
Robespierre was a fanatic, not a psychopath
It could be an act, but he seems to highly regard France. Given his recent actions (and those of his government), he's taken a rather stiff stance on migrants (no new center in Calais, potentially drafting a code of good behavior for NGOs in Libya with his Italian peers) and overall, I think that if this man has the right vision, his five-year term may be way better than expected.
>A few twitter compaigns as all the resistance they would see.
There would be a civil war. Unions and subruban negro-islamists would chimp out. Students would do a 1968 all over again. It would be a bloodbath. Not that it wouldn't be nice to watch, I grant you that.

What says Macron isn’t as much a fanatical 'centrist' of the sort Blair was as much as a psychopath on top of that?

From the experience of living under Blair it's taught me to treat these so-called 'centrists' with extreme caution and not trust a word of their rhetoric.
Students aren't 10% of the population anymore you faggot, they would be easily contained by the CRS

Too little, too slow, too late, and by far not radical enough. These aren't real changes. It's just a light show.

The irony is so sweet. After being told le pen was the next hitler, it turns out the frogs elected Napoleon 2.0. Enjoy it.
Students of our generation are stupid and lazy. You think the males would leave their computers or weed to go do something in the community?
Unions, thugs, students, as well as all the anti-fa, the communists and the Mélenchonistes would overpower the CRS. If the army actually intervened then we'd have UN troops and potentially foreign interventions. Have you seen how violent our riots are? What students have lost in numbers, they may have won in organization.

The sort of bloodbath that might actually displace most of the shitskins. What loyalty keeps them clinging onto a country that's tearing itself apart with civil war and drying up their supply of welfare? Only the fanatical Islamist ones that want to conquer and loot the country would stay and fight.
The center in Calais was for migrants that emigrated from France to England. Don't worry, he already planned with imams to transform every banlieue in a autonomous Calais.
And for the niggers from Lybia... You don't know them. Nobody wants them, not even other niggers. They fucking bite people and craft spears.
Jesus fuck, just take a look at our riots. Every time a little thing goes wrong they're out on the street thrashing stuff and setting cops on fire. As soon as they have a (((valid))) excuse to do it they'll go full force.

Russia will be flooding the country with illicit arms at the drop of a hat if it's an chance to topple the EU and cripple a Security Council member that usually votes against it. Given the other glut of useful weapons and tools lying around the country it'd be Ukraine/Syria on steroids within months.
Muslims never leave a conquered territory, remember it. The first to leave would be Asians and slavs.
>a more efficient government

They said that about Lisbon, too, and it's been all downhill since then
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He didn't re-open this center, meaning they won't feel encouraged to come. Carefully study what he has done and I dare you to find one concrete action that will project (((their))) agenda at this stage. I'm not defending him, but seeing dignity in the face of your enemy is an essential part of the fight.
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It would be a fuckfest. Russia, Germany, the US and Britain would probably supply arms to different factions, but as I said before, unions, students and shitskins would wreak havoc pretty quickly. Fuck, I want this to happen so bad.
>This includes warrantless arrest, and private civil servant being able to shut down medias without any counter power,
did the French ever have a Habeas Corpus policy like the US? if they did Macron is basically trying to permantly turn France into a full on police state.
Was he a wolf in sheep's clothing all along?

>Muslims never leave a conquered territory

>what is the Reconquista
>what is most of Greece and the Balkans save a few pockets and Albania after Ottoman occupation
>what the is Crimea
>France's electoral system would be changed to allow more proportional representation, so more voices would be heard at government level
That would actually help the right and le Pen, who got fucked over by the system (which he ironically claims to give him a broad mandate).
What if the puppet is cutting loose its strings? I often thought that patriots should start infiltrating the left, just as (((they))) infiltrated right parties and eroded them from within.
He is certainly further right than I expected. So far all he has really done is concentrate power in his hands though.

Ironically this is why they didn't want Le Pen is it not?

My question is how did a nobody banker learn the ins and outs of the French government fast enough to make all these clever political moves within the first weeks of his presidency?

He's literally doing this faster than Uncle Adolf and but with more elegance and sophistication. The question is what will he do with all his power? Nothing? Center? Left? Right?
tell us about their masterplan then because as time passes it makes less and less sense
The constant state of emergency has been ongoing since Bataclan.
See Bolshevism you idiot.

Started out as a 'republic' that would 'share the wealth' but russians ended up represented by a governing body of 80% Jews with a Jewish dictator.
Le Pen scared everybody off because "muh Jean-Marie" and "muh racists" BS propaganda from the media. But the more I discover about Macron, the more I find the man complex. For all his globalist rethoric he is a very gaullist man. I'd say there's 2/4th chances he's a kike puppet as projected all along for being this quick to take power with so little opposition OR 1/4th he's actually a good thing in disguise. The remaining 1/4th is mystery for me.
Every emigration you listed has been forced with the threat of overwhelming violence.
He haven't even started to make laws and his ministers are already shilling about banlieues.
The progressive left wants democracy out after the Brexit and Trump defeats. And I'm talking about the core of Macron, Hillary, Renzi voters, not some jews plotting in a secret castle.

I could see multiple regions and territories controlled by certain factions emerging within weeks like with Syria. The combined leftists and shitskins would take over Paris and probably one or two other major cities. EU forces would either control or invade from over the entire eastern border. They'd likely be a UK/US aerial campaign against insurgents of all factions and peacekeepers on the north coast. Russia would probably arm multiple rebel sides both leftist and nationalist to ensure total chaos and paralysis for the Western forces. A caliphate will probably end up being declared in a major near majority shitskin city and surrounding region - and there's every chance the Saudis or Qataris would covertly back it. Nationalists could overrun the countryside and certain provinces if enough soldiers join them and share their arms and supplies.
The most violent battles would be in the southern coast. Full of armed drug-dealing muslims and full of armed right wingers.
If nobody blocks the ports, expect muslim reinforcements from Algeria.
That front would spread to Italy too. Genoa is full of Muslims.
Pretty much that, except the caliphate thing. The shitskins wouldn't risk turning the lefties against them. But I don't really see "zones". If Russia really believes in a possibility of a good war then you'll see the nationalist and leftist factions fighting on each street corner. Also, the army's role would be a cornerstone of such a conflict. They'd probably stand on their own (=with the state) and it'd be a nice three-way civil war.

>already shilling about banlieues.
Where? From what I see Collomb denied another migrant center from Calais and French & Italian foreign ministers apparently plan to prevent NGOs from doing their shit too obviously in the Mediterranean. Those direct actions with little coverage speak more than the newspeak shilling everybody does nowadays to feed the media machine.
Just looked it up "Master of the clocks" is something he said about the fact that he would be setting the rhythm with his interaction with the press.
The press is already all over his cock, now it's going to be a skull fuck.
that makes sense but this board has 100000 different theories of what's going on in eurabia retard we never put together a definitive redpill on the subject
Bullshit. If you want to be realistic, shit won't happen with muslims. It'll just be riots and a new Mad Max movie with slightly more tan actors. They're too stupid to do anything dumb. Drug dealers don't like sharia law. The south could actually have a chance of being peaceful, since I see most of the fighting occurring in big cities like Marseille, Paris, potentially Bordeaux as well.
all those (((coïncidences)))
imagine the outrage if Trump ever said that

It'd end up a reverse D-Day with landings by a fuckton of North African jihadist groups crossing the Mediterranean to set up their new French caliphate. Would probably end up with a modern-day Catalaunian Fields battle too between the EU/Macronist/NATO forces and the caliphate and allies with the nationalists attacking whoever survives it afterwards.

I think they'd unite and organise under one or two banners to survive as soon as EU and/or NATO forces get involved and one of them is bound to be an ISIS or Al Qaida affiliate that attracts a ton of volunteers from all over the Middle East and North Africa and declares some kind of caliphate.

The leftists/unionists/students and shitskins would initially work together but I think they'd quickly fall apart as soon as it beds down into a proper civil war. A handful would join the nationalists or Macronists the rest would probably turn refugee and head for Germany or Spain. Similar to the Syrian opposition supporters once it turned into a proper war rather than just occupations and street clashes.
Muslims are too poor and too divided here with a lot of crime for anybody to establish any caliphate. That's simply delusional. There could only be small sects controlling a few blocks at the time, that's all. And the Saudis won't get their hands dirty with a far-flung and most likely lost conflict.

Islam can influence french society in peace time. In war time? It's simply delusional anons
>that attracts a ton of volunteers
ISIS & co could indeed send people to take advantage, but I'd see Russia actually sending most of the them. They already loan money to Le Pen and their news media has quite a fan base (Sputnik, RT).
that wasn't really my question. did the French people ever have a Habeas Corpus policy against warrantless arrests?
rip pasta fags
>drug dealers don't like sharia law
Have you ever met them? Most of them are only in a teen rebellion, but when they grow they become the Moolenbeek cell. They are not like latinos that wants only to trade drugs, muslims are far more ambitious

I'm thinking ISIS in Libya would probably make a point of decamping to France, also the ones in Mali and Niger that have been fighting French troops that might decide to seek revenge once their enemy is weak. I have no doubt the average street shitskin is dumb as fuck and would just loot and rob or hold a bloc, but once actual veteran jihadis get there and can provide the organisational ability things would probably change.

Russia I think would turn a blind eye to Chechens travelling out there to fight with any Islamists that get a foothold while getting arms to the nationalists and deliberately fucking with any UN efforts to issue resolutions or peacekeeping missions by vetoing everything. Chinese would probably help them be obstructive too to fuck up the US economy if they end up bogged down in it.
French makes shitty pasta
Fucking cream everywhere
I've grown up in this country, trust me. They'll look for profits. Those making sharia-oriented cells will be few and will most likely be opposed to by everybody else. Islam will play a minor role objectively speaking in the upcoming civil war.
jesus christ you're a fucking pleb
Remember that Algeria is only frozen, and that authorities expect 10-12 millions refugees after the war starts again.
>Implying militias in Syrian civil war weren't looking for profits
Only suicide bombers aren't
Most of ISIS foreign fighters suddenly got a beautiful house, wives and slaves
He met with trump and knew the future was white.
>cuck supports the goyest of goys, working for Rothschilds and flooding the country with shitskins and calls it ''change''
Sure but blacks have remained at 12% of the population since the turn of the 20th century. Why do you think that is? Two reasons

>They do not work

>They do not buy

Global elites need labor and a steady flow of income to keep their power. Of course a socialist cultureless society would be preferred but since negros steal and collect welfare nothing can actually be done with them. However, they can be motivated to vote, so they stick around as a sizable minority.
Everyone will be against them. They'd make it much more profitable by continuing their criminal endeavours.
Except it won't be Europeans who rule over you, it will be Jews
tfw head to bug
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I'm sure he has an underlying agenda, but he's on the correct path of war, against the useless bureaucrats of France and the EU.

I was honestly expecting him to be a lot worse. But as of today, he's a hundred times better than the cuck Hollande.
Lust for power blinds the man. Also most african cunts live under soft dictatorship and kleptocrats. Its only when the gibbs drop or the noose becomes too tight do they revolt. Conversely most hard dictatorship were in Europe and Asia,borh continents share high iqs,look at bestkoreea and tell me that ahit would work with niggers,they are too r selected
>collective dignity
dude you're married to your own grandma. You have 0 dignity.
> we are going to remove opposition

...'Jump in faggot... we are going to storm the Bastille'
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