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Reddit is unironically better than /pol/ as an discussion platofrm

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Reddit is unironically better than /pol/ as an discussion platofrm

The only reason why you waste your time here is because it's the only place where you can complain about niggers and mooslims 24/7

Can we finally all agree on this?
Name 2 goals the user base of Reddit has set, organized, and accomplished as a cohesive group.
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We can complain about kikes and faggots too. Faggot.
>unpopular opinions are basicly not visible
>better discussion platofrm
If you can't complain about the very real problem of muslims and niggers, then it is by definition not a good discussion platform
Reddit censors free speech. Now go back to your echo chamber, you little baby.
>implying this is a discussion platform
kys my man
I say there fellow redditor, what say you on the seeming higher rate of violent crime amongst your African Americans?


My mistake old chap. How about the incidences of, dare I say, terrorism, committed by our dear Muslim friends?

I got banned from /r/trackers because I said seedboxes are stupid. one other guy agreed with me and made some good additional points. the mods who have money in the seedbox companies shut it down.
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>literal echo chamber, any opinion remotely dissenting with the mods is immediately removed
>identified and apprehended the boston bomber
>marched against drumpf (metaphorically)
>Posts arranged by upvotes rather than date

No OP, you're just a dumb faggot that likes to go with whatever the popular opinion is so you think it's a better discussion format when in reality it's just better for retards like you who can't think for themselves.
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something something sage fuck off niger
I got banned from world news 5 times for stating africa is a shit hole. Good times.
This, Reddit functions as a hugbox because of the upvote system rewarding goodthink and punishing badthink by making the goodthink very noticeable and burying the badthink. Not to mention the banhappy faggot mods, ours are shitters on some things but generally not too bad. 4chan on the other hand operates in reverse, because dominant opinion posts are common but get few (you)s, lowering visibility. Whereas posts that challenge the status quo get many (you)s, increasing visibility. I'll admit most of those (you)s will be shitposts, but as long as your post isn't "POL BTFO" tier you'll get at least some intelligent discussion.
>better discussion platform
You can't even form an unpopular opinion without being downvoted or just banned from the subreddit. I was actually on there for years, so I know what I'm talking about. The big subs are just no-go zones and most small, decent subs gets annihilated by shitty mods or popularity. The limit was around 50k subs before the subreddit just turned to absolute shit, circlejerking and censoring anything but the most popular opinion.
>ledditor faggot
I know, fuck off. At least I have a say for actually enduring that bullshit. Tried the alternative Voat for a while after I got shadowbanned, but it was just Edgy Reddit with less activity.
Shadowbanning is just hiding everything you do and have done on the site. You don't even get to know about it. You just become a ghost.
wouldn't say better, but yes - you can actually have conversations there. /pol/ = politics, race, etc. Reddit = everything else.
Let me up vote your opinion that I agree with! Oh wait, I don't. Downvote
Faggots like you are running /pol/ to the ground. Why do you choose to poison a space in which you are not welcome
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aww snowflake needs a racist safespace now?

fucking losers, get a grip. Stormfront infiltration ruined what little good was on this board.

>Went to r/politics

>2 pro trump posts

>perma banned

i don't even attempt to engage in discussion here anymore, it's not worth it since the majority of these threads devolve into some version of "I'm right because you don't love trump as much as I do"
/pol/ is just a safe space for people on a certain part of the right, and that's all it is, and that's all it wants to be
>identified and apprehended the boston bomber
Well eventually. Not without really fucking some innocent peoples lives up first.

>marched against drumpf (metaphorically)
just lol.
Banned from TD for bitching about a Fox news commercial asking for western gibs for starving juden.
>voting system
>faggot user base
None of these things contribute to honest and open discussion.
i completely agree with you since well-tought opinions on reddit tend to be upvoted and shitpost-like opinions tend to be downvoted altough what i hate about reddit the most is mostly their "hive mentality" where people sometimes dont even give their honest opinion but some karma whoring induced opinion where they just say what will attract more upvoters. also free speech on most popular reddits is basically dead, even if you have a well tought controversial opinion and get tons of upvotes you simply get shitted on by the mods and deleted
Yes, reddit is better. You have your answer. Now go to the better place and stay there.
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>Reddit is unironically better than /pol/ as an discussion platofrm

Up and down votes on a forum is a death sentence because it's a guaranteed lowest common denominator. Anything out of the norm is hidden, the groupthink is promoted.

Internet points create status, status creates egos, egos kill discussion and forums.

I've been online since the 90s these things are gospel truth. Anonymous posting is key to any honest discussion.

You're never wed to anything you've said before, you have no name to defend, no internet points to get.
>hides flag
>1 post by this id
>on reddit
>state opinion contradictory to the hivemind
>no one even tries to debate you
>get banned

>go on 4hcan
>state opinion
>discussion/debate occurs, maybe the word faggot gets thrown around
>anonymous so nobody stalks your profile
>everyone lives on happily forever
niggers and moslems are a threat to the west, get the jews in there and you got the whole enchilda, why is focusing on the problem all the time a bad thing? my dude you better hang yourself pronto
Fuck niggers, fuck muslims, but mostly fuck you.
Got banned from /r/worldnews for pointing out the Holodomor. Got banned from /r/politics for calling Correctherecord shills. Got banned from /r/twoxchromosomes for pointing about abortion's effect on minorities and that it's justified. Got banned from /r/askhistorians for pointing the North and Jewish importation of slaves and their hypocrisy. Got banned from //rsocialism for pointing about the population transfers of the USSR to replace ethnically cleansed areas.
Reddit just reeks of bluepilled faggotry. It's hard to believe that site used to have subs like /r/blackfathers and /r/coontown.
reddit is curated, so no, it's not better.
nah. i go on a few subreddits because not doing so would be retarded, but almost all subreddits are very-close minded, they don't change their opinions, or seeing things differently
Negative, Reddit is run by cucks and I can't shitpost about how niggers and wetbacks are ruining the country there without triggering someone. Here we can and if they get triggered they can fuck off back to Hello Kitty Adventure Island
>state opinion
>downvotes even though it contributes to discussion
>shadowbanned cuz butthurt mod

ya, no
>The only reason why you waste your time here is because you can speak your raw thoughts unaltered by some biased political correctness rules.
>Can we finally all agree on this?
>Stormfront infiltration
wanna know how I know you are a roody poo?
Please take your friends and leave this shitholes.
Indeed. Fuck niggers
Voat is reddit with free!speech yet here we are.
Iamageboards are better than post!voting
I look like someone shaved his balls over a glass of milk. nice guess tho
Places like r*ddit are intrinsically fucked since there's a built in "points for agreeing" system.

Open, anonymous forums like here are where more, actual discourse happens because there's no punishment for saying something a lot of other people might not like.

Which is why places like tumblr and faggit are generally way more left leaning: they can silence differing opinions. Leftist ideals and thought can't survive in a truly open forum.
Reddit h8s free speech.

>plebbit is better
>because you can't complain about niggers
>even though that is a legitimate point that plebbit will just downvote into oblivion

You're an idiot. Kys.
Le Reddit makes me sick.
8pol is best.
>allows doxing/raiding
>actually get's shit done
>specializes in subversive infiltration
>threads are on topic
>hardly any shills or blacked threads
>hardly and r/the_donald fags
>doesn't show up in google search
The only real problem us you need to be way more protected to post on there. I'm honestly gonna be happy the day 4pol officially collapses and becomes an interracialcuckolding forum
>be Venezuelan
> get banned on r/Socialism because plebbit is superior discussion platform

Finest kek. Nice Canada flag. Who is the homo in the pic?
Is it fuck, voice a different opinion to the group
> LE no ebin up votes for you
You're allowed to shill plebit here with no ramifications. Try the other way around and see how long that post lasts
Stop advertising it to these retards you mong
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Hahahaha are you fucking kidding, any time there's a major happening the admins and mods on r/news and r/worldnews nuke 30-50% of the comments, even benign and innocuous ones. If anything even remotely fails to toe the line, it gets nuked. There is no discussion on Reddit, it's not allowed. There's only forced consensus.
No it's not. It's a propaganda platform and nothing else. Upvotes are for retards.
Why would Plebbit be better than this place if I can't hate niggers there?
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>be from socialist country
>get banned from socialist forum run by capitalist larpers for talking about effects of socialism

What was ment by this?
>a discussion platform
pick one
It's an upboating platform for virtue signalling faggots.
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>i go on a few subreddits because not doing so would be retarded
Anybody else honestly come here for the formatting?

But also

I hate niggers
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and this is a "haha nigger, (jew), etc" echo chamber.

only good for memes, this place.
Voting systems on forums kill originality and diversity of opinion. People figure out what gets karma and they don't stray from their small handful of popular and catchphrases and formats. There's a reason that mermes are born on 4chan but die on leddit
Reddit is a censored cesspool of virtue signaling and propaganda. At least 4Chan doesn't censor things that people don't agree with.
There is diversity of opinion on here? Who are you kidding?



You're right
Nobody argues about anything here
It's just so laughable when anyone tries to say 4pol is better. I can't help but point out the retardedness
>comments hidden because people disagree
>good discussion
They allow progressive subreddits to brigade other subreddits.
/pol/ isn't a discussion platform. it's a subgroup within a discussion platform.

if anything, comparing all of reddit to just 1 board should make it clear just how shitty reddit is now.
Fuck no. Reddit is WIDE open to abuse

That whole site should be burned away
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muh plebbit gold for muh good comment
muh downvotes
muh haha lmao same joke 24/7
I honestly tried Reddit a few times

the layout is God-awful and only the hivemind opinions rise to the top naturally. Also I hate sites with screennames, they always devolve into primadona faggots thinking they run the board and everyone sucking their dicks
Anyone else think their upvote and redditgold system should be hacked. Like we can spam them with redpilled posts and manipulate the upvotes and give the posts several pieces of redditgold to make it seem popular and never go into the negative.

Why do liberals say things that aren't true and assume it is a fact that we are all starting from? It's pedantic and strange.
>Friend recommends reddit
Okay man, I'll try it out
>Try to start a discussion about something
>Get banned
okay I guess I'll see what's on the front page
>Multi culturalism
hmm, I don't agree with this. I guess I should go in the comments and try to start a discussion about it.
>Get down voted
>No one sees my comment except for the people who down voted me.

I don't like this place either that much but at least I had a productive conversation with a french man the other day that had different views than me. I learn stuff here too and get actual recommendations about great art and literature. Reddit tells me to watch Rick and Morty, indulge in nerd culture at an adult age and put things in my butt.
What a horrible fucking place.
Fuckin this tbqhwyfamalama
Groupthink is the enemy of rationality
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but any redpilled boards like /r/coontown and /r/altright just get shaoh'd meanwhile /r/all is like 20 anti trump boards
Reddit has plenty of problems. You get people going through months of your comments to ad hom you or ban you from a subreddit for posting in other subreddits they disagree with.

On top of that the voting system is stupid. Well thought out comments are often buried by downvotes because they challenge a narrative and this goes for both sides of the argument.
Ban of /r/coontown was only reddit's mistake

But still
>mods on reddit delete any discussion to do with holocaust denial
>mods on frequently delete posts that go against established media narrative, despite their validity
>"reddit is unironically better than /pol/"
wow its almost like you need to go back.
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Downboated and sa-gay
Porch monkey
Reminder that www.niggermania.com is still around
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Then why don't you just go back and stay there?
I stay there, actually,
Still checking /pol/ sometimes though, it's like visiting zoo for me
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