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If someone steals from you, and are running away from you with

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If someone steals from you, and are running away from you with what they stole, do you think you should be able to legally shoot them in the back and kill them, in order to get back what they stole?
Yes, my daughter is diabetic, if someone stole her insulin she would die
well I guess it depends on what they stole
Yes, my property is worth more than the life of a criminal.
In hindsight, it'd probably be easier to say "no" since, you aren't going to get your shit back anyway.

However, as long as he's still in your house, it is fair game.

Alternatively, if he doesn't have a gun himself, shoot his fucking nutsack.

If a shithead has my wallet, the effort of having to re-obtain all my cards and identifications would almost making sitting in court for non-fatal wounding worth it in this country.
ye even more if he threatened you, it would count as self defense :^)
Let's get hypothetical to feel big and tough about ourselves....
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it depends, can we use it an excuse for hunting jews?

Yes. Break the NAP, take a dirt nap.
>kill them

shoot them in the leg you fucking barbarian, why would youw ant to shoot and kill a man in his back? you're a pussy.

i honestly thought they allowed texan flags for a second, i need my vision check
Answer: Yes
Courts: No

Damn courts
I would not do this, unless me or somebody I cared about might die without whatever it is that the person stole.

And if that was the case, I would not give a fuck if it was legal or not.
You already are dipshit
We can't have gun owning niggers killing someone else's property.
With good reason, it's not about the isolated incident. You can't do this in CA and get away easy. Probably have charges pressed against you. Property crime has skyrocketed. Now imagine things change tomorrow. The next week there are 1000 dead property criminals, all shot in the back. Word spreads on news, and through criminals; if you steal, they'll just shoot you. Property crime drops. It's the same reason people don't often try to rob police stations, military bases, armored cars. They know they will get shot. Suddenly, people getting shot in the back wouldn't be an issue, because not many people would try to steal.
No, we should strive to create a country in which we don't have to worry about a situation like this.

Unless it was another firearm, then yes, so save John or Jane.
this anon is into something
Yes. He is in possession of my property, so even if he isn't on my land I have a right to shoot him to retrieve stolen property.
>implying they weren't shot before they set hand or foot on anything aside from my front door.
It's legal here though.
Yes. Don't steal.
What if someone stole your feelings?
How do you think you would you react, in your hear of hearts?
Legally killing people who are stupid enough to break the law is kind of like eugenics when you think about it.
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Yes. I took great care to produce that toddler and I don't fancy letting someone just run off with it.
Absolutely, if you DON'T kill them you're a c u c k.
>playing red dead redemption
>anon I am poor guy out of luck
>slow down
>he steals my horse
>kill the horse
>hogtie him
The crime would probably be mayhem since he lost use of a functional body part
Let me ask you this: If you had a terminal illness with only a few weeks or months to live, and you were attacked, should it be legal to kill them in order to save your own life?
Possessions represent the time it took for you to make/purchase them. If someone ran off with an object that took 6 months salary to purchase it is effectively the same as killing someone with 6 months left to live because it represents the time taken to acquire the object. Not to mention the time stolen from you dealing with the police and insurance.
You mean let crminals be criminals without consequence or repercussion for their criminality?
What do I look like?
A self-loathing retarded Democrat?
It's called a "Mozambique Drill."

That is murder.
It is legal where I live, so yes. But it must have some value, like a smartphone or a laptop.
You can't kill someone over a candy bar.
That's reasonable for me.
Yes, but if it is some stupid kid who stole something small it's not worth it to kill him
>t. a nigger
If he is white no,if he is non-white yes,since they are worth less than dirt.Even so personally i would be satisfied if they let me chop one of his arms off no need to kill him let him suffer in the gutter now with only one arm....kek.
Why not shoot them before they run away?
Only if they're black.
Yes, but it obviously should depend on what they've stolen. If it is something cheap and easily replaceable, like a cheap pair of headphones or lawn furniture, there's really no need to shoot someone dead over it. If someone steals your computer, your car, or a cherished family keepsake, then you should be allowed to use as much force as you deem necessary to stop them and get your property back. It's your property, and if this piece of shit gets away you may never see it again.
Yes, he had no right to steal from me first, I am the victim, not the nigger
This. I dont want to cap someone because they stole my grocery bag
Yes, because when you steal something from someone, you are also stealing away the amount of time that person invested in his life to earn that thing he bought with his money and hard work. It's not materialism, it's a natural instinct to make your life and investments as worthwhile as they can be in the short amount of time we have on this earth.

Fuck (((anyone))) who tries to rationalize or humanize thieves.
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This shit right here, especially on farms. If you trespass on posted farmland you deserve whatever happens, especially if you're an armed intruder.
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could I spear the fucker?
Not in England. However if you let your constabulary know ahead of time you might be allowed to shoot yourself.
>officer pointing a gun at you
>pull make a move towards him and make a finger gun and point it at him

Wow, good thing those genes got kicked out of the pool.
>Shoot them in the leg
You go for body mass dipshit. This isn't fucking Ghost Recon.
Why not take a disabling shot?
>Got redpilled by a video that was supposed to have the opposite effect
This dude really thought pretending he was pulling out a gun at a police officer was a good idea? Deserved to die.
Which race is the robber?
way to easy to abuse. i could give you something and then kill you as you walked away with it as long as i could prove it was my thing you had.

Sad video. That officer used the utmost of restraint.
>acting aggressively toward cop with his gun drawn
dead men cant sue you
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>Shooting center mass for someone stealing something and not putting your life in danger?
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>Answer: Yes
>Courts: No
The State of Texas disagrees with you, along with a few other states I'm sure.
>I believe single post+meme flag should = sage
Especially when it's an autistic donkey meme flag.
i would aim for the legs. i get my stuff back, and the thief gets sodomized by the legal system
Of course. If you want not to get shot, don't steal from someone who has a gun. If you want to be a decent human, don't steal from anyone.
Illegal in the US to aim to wound.
Far more likely to miss and hit bystanders because limbs are smaller and move much faster than the torso.
Far more likely to over-penetrate even if you hit because there is less mass.
Far less likely to stop the target even if you hit.
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Yes you should be able to 12 gauge someone in the back if they so much as mug your groceries from you
>But what if they're just trying to live/feed his family
The state has so much fucking welfare to give out from stealing from the working class, go to the fucking office and get you some
>but what if it's a kid who doesn't know any better
Implying little shitheads don't know exactly what they are up to at all times
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I do. If you're a thief you deserve death.
You never shoot to wound. Highly fucking illegal.

That webm is from Arizona, not Texas.
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What happened, Dad?
Ye, if a firearms or weapon was stolen you're right

If you're 100% sure then power to you, you're gonna have to prove it in a court of law still, Texas does have a provision for shooting felons if it means you can recover property so thats great!

yes, absolutely.

stealing = murder. the thief has no way of knowing whether or not your life might depend upon what they have stolen. thus, they take actions in complete willingness to destroy you; their lives are forfeit, and you have every right in the world to track them to the ends of the earth and gun them down.
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Didn't realize this was up for debate. I fucking love Texas.

No. Only if they are/were armed.
Or if what they stole is very important.

I don't think shooting someone in the back is proper, or civilised.
>Let's make assumptions about other peoples motives to feel smart and intelligent...
If the person is clearly trying to escape (running out the door etc) then it's probably pretty fucked to shoot them in the back.
However, the main problem with NOT shooting is: How do you know they're not just temporarily retreating to better cover in order to fire back at you? Or running to regroup with reinforcements who will then come back at you?

Hence the saying: I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 etc etc.
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depends on the value of what they're stealing.

there should be no duty to preserve their safety if they're stealing your livelihood.

In other words, fleeing felon rule. If the value of what is being stolen is over say $300 then it's a felony and you can shoot them.
what a fucking cop-out
if you steal, be prepared to pay the ultimate price

I have actually seen a nigger stealing something from an old man and run away.
The old man starts screaming and points a revolving to the nigger. He then decides not to shoot him (he'd most likely go to jail) and keeps on threatening him and calling him names. At some point the nigger (young early 20s or adolescent) looks back and sees the old man had a pistol, the nigger then stops running and starts walking towards the nigger slums.

I think the nigger probably realised he could have been killed and that the old man was gentle enough to spare him his life.
Yes. A man has a right to his own property.

Is it my impression, or is this thought really, really deep?

What's a Mozambique drill?
I would say yes, because there are a lot of things that are one of a kind that can't be replaced if stolen. If somebody was trying to run away with something like a family heirloom or antique item I wouldn't hesitate to shoot them in the back
Why? What's wring with shooting a crook in the leg?
Your heart

Are you fucking stupid?
If you were the cop, what would you do?

0 racism here. I think he was probably acting more crazy than niggering.
FUCKING OF COURSE. One must have the right to defend himself and his property. Otherwise one is not free.
If they were large enough to pose a threat to life or carrying a weapon, there is a legal argument for putting them down

How can you be sure they are stealing something if they are running away potentially at night? Tressspassing and then running away should not be a death justifying crime unless the shooter can argue he was protecting life

Non-lethal weapons should be legal to use on tresspassers
you can in some states like texas
something I agree with

If you didnt know them and you want it back? Yep

If you know them... meh
but you REALLY want it back? Yup
That's worse than muslims. A hand is perfectly sufficient.
>stealing someone's property in the first fucking place?
In case you missed it, that's the topic of the thread.

This. If someone stole my 3DS, I would be very much upset, but I don't think it would be worth killing someone over. If someone stole a gun, they could use it to go commit crimes with it, and so it would be reasonable to shoot them with your own gun. If someone steals your child (kidnapping), shoot them if it would be reasonable to believe that you will not hit the kid.


In my state, you can kill someone to prevent a felony in progress. Petty theft isn't a felony, but kidnapping and stealing any firearm are.
Maybe something like a Chinese fire drill?
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>spearchucker running away with your shit
>illegal to shoot him in the back
>porch monkey turns around
>"Ima fixina fuck you up, whit---"
>he was coming right for me, officer

Problem solved.
I don't care what a Muslim does. They aren't the arbiters of harsh punishment. My policy is if you are anti-social, you don't get to live in society.
If someone steals from you, you should be allowed to shoot them. Period.

So if you steal my cup of joe, and I see you 7 months later, I should be allowed to fire a bullet into your brain stem no questions asked.

IF I am white that is. If I am black I should go to prison no matter who stole what from me.
Somehow in his mind, that was a good idea. Guess he couldn't think under pressure.
Best state, truly.

Why are you so afraid of a simple question?

Only below the waist.
This, tbqh im tempted to say it looks like he was going for suicide by cop. Either way dude is a fucking retard and deserved it

>In other words, fleeing felon rule. If the value of what is being stolen is over say $300 then it's a felony and you can shoot them.

What an arbitrary rule.

Good to know though.

He better have been cleared.
All solid perspectives.

Hood niggers are dumb as fuck.

They literally just think of the police as another gang.

And EVERYTHING is about acting as hard as you can, even if it's completely and utterly self-destructive.
You always want to let them bleed out before calling the cops. You'll get ass-raped in a civil suit if he survives.
Yeah of course. You are the victim of a crime. Defend yourself.

We can do this in Texas.
Yes. But if you do this in Portugal and kill the guy you're the one who's going to jail. You can only shoot the thief if he is facing you and you must tell him to raise his hands and only then you can shoot him (only in the chest) with your faithful 6.35mm pistol. If you do otherwise your going to jail for murderer.
Never do this. If you are going to shoot them then you better kill them. Dead men can't testify in court
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They stopped being human the second they started acting like a nigger via commuting a crime. There is no difference between killing a criminal and killing a rabid dog.
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>.25 ACP
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S-SHUT UP. Enjoy having a AR 15, S&W 0.45 revolvers, automatic weapons and not glorious 6.35mm.
Kys burger
*poster shoots himself with 6.35mm bullet*
civil lawsuits
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*poster shoots himself with 6.35mm bullet*
*is still here posting*

Yes. I'm an advocate of deadly force to protect property.
Kek. But sad.
I wish we had your weapons laws burger bro. Back in the 19th century here we could still fight duels if both parties consented. But since we became a republic those rights were taken away from us.
if someone steals something from you, you can reasonably guess he can't afford what he stole

now suppose you let him run away, cuckly call the cops, and they catch him
only, he's had time enough to sell his loot, and spend it all on meth

how is he gonna repay you?
he won't be able to.

so the only reasonable way not to dun goofed by a thief is to shoot him while you can
yes, you absolutely should have the right to shoot him in the back, or head, or whatever, and several times, at that

any weaker stance amounts to being accomplice in each and erry theft
which means you should be shot in the back, or head, or whatever, and several times, at that
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shooting to wound does not exist. There are massive arteries in your legs and arms. Please let this meme die.
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Trips of truth
Yea why not?
Yes, without a doubt
Probably depends on the item.

Your property is an extension of your life. You work for money, which you use to purchase goods and services. So your time, which is the only asset of your life, turns into work, which turns into money, which can turn into property.

If you buy a truck for 30k; that truck represents however long it takes you to make 30k. If you make 60k a year, than that truck represents 6 months of your life.

Do you have the right to shoot someone who for robbing you of half a year or more of your life?
nope, no longer a threat at that point in time

if they're armed/posing a threat and you chase them then at any point they turn around you should be able to IMO

I mean otherwise just remember this sort of law applies to everyone, while you might be imagining some fantasy scenario where you gun down Tyrone after he's stolen your wallet but it would also mean that Abu at the quickie mart gets to gun down a little white kid who stole some candy bars...
Yes most thieves are humans with kleptomania.
Yes. Its a simple equation. Dont want to get shot? Don't rob people.
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ahaha made me truly kek like i havent in a while.
Absolutely. Don't want to get shot? Don't steal.

Keep going this way, and criminals will be killing innocent people before stealing their stuff.
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I don't understand, if someone broke into your house with intent to steal your shit and you didn't kill them, wouldn't it make sense that you can't be sued since you have automatically have a motive of self defense?

It's always justified to protect life, liberty and property.
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