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How do we as White Nationalists, solve the (((skeptic)))

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How do we as White Nationalists, solve the (((skeptic))) eceleb problem?
Ignore it
FYI out of 4 girls in this photo, 2 are confirmed coalburners.

Why are coalburners now so attracted to the Alt-Lite? Theyre fucking everywhere in this community, seriously. What can we do to make them fuck off?
Idk that manlet Chrisraygun is red pilling laci green with his dick.
You should stop being a teenager/manchild
Giving her the meat pill
We're not white nationalists...We're ethic nationalist.

Sweden for swedes, france for the French etc. You're looking for stormfront
I wouldn't exactly pay much attention to them. They are just scared of going further down the rabbit hole.
FYI eceleb means earned fame.

Not handed a job at CNN.

eCelebs are the beatles and everyone else is the monkeys.
Speak for yourself.

It is the white mans burden to fix cucked shitholes like swedenistan
Don't subscribe to any (((youtubers))). Don't watch their videos. Don't follow them on twitter or kikebook. Definitely don't support them on patreon. Don't name them. Don't give them attention. Don't post about them.

e-celebs are a cancer that need to die.
I get the idea that we should probably keep America and Canada's demographics a majority European just so we don't become third word but still not a white nationalist
more factionalism but essentially the same result.. What is the point in making this distinction?
figure out what comes after the skeptic movements and it will turn skepticism+ into dust just like the hard-skeptics from back in the day did to atheism+.
Become your own eceleb and actually talk about stuff go down the rabbit hole and explain to people which is what I intend to do in a couple of months
the sceptic community isn't even white, why care?
Their people are censored so yeah....They came to us for help on an anonymous, Mongolian basket weaving image board because they get jailed for speaking the truth.... we should probably give it to them
yes dont watch there shit and they will die.

I can't. June is too beautiful and cute.
Night of the Long Knives
No there is a difference between the extremism of replacing ethnic Swedes with migrants and Nazism
Youtube is replacing Talmud vision and is very influential with under 25s.

These 'ecelebs' are our influencers for the normie youth. Do not let kike shills tell you that ecelebs are bad.
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How about you clean up your own messes first, OP.
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These people speak out about issues on videos which are relatable to normalfags and other bluepills. I know you guys love to complain about Spencer and Nathan Damigo, but they should be an inspiration on how to market white nationalism, cause last time I checked IE's membership was through the roof.
Hahahahahaha no
Nazis only hated Jews and communists you cuck faggot. Back to plebbit with you.
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>bad goy, don't think too much just do what I tell you
>eceleb cancer
just ignore them, their irrelevant asses will be forgotten and out of a job within a year
JP memes are the best on the internet right now.
yms guy and shoe should have babies. oh wait.
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moderate matt
armoured shekeler

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whats going on here
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Not him, just feminists themselves.
I enjoy his commentary on film, but he's a raging faggot

Dude realising he's the ugliest one there so tries to make.up for.it with humour
>white nationalist
>indian mix mongrel Tara McCarthy
no she got old like all the feminist women and was scared that she will live alone with 20 cats and found a loser
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Do you think their entire group of friends would fall apart if Sh0e became a reclusive hermit due to stress?
Armoured Skeptic is such a faggot. Look at that Dreamworks face
yms is pretty cool, his reviews are the best i've ever seen.
>Wait for another autism gathering like OPs pic
Problem = Solved




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damn that is a cringey group.

If you gave a Brit the choice to get off his ass and fight for either mass Polish or mass Paki immigration he'd prolly just tell you to fuck off and go back to watching the telly. Maybe white nationalism works in the European diasporo nations or maybe you need to create an American or Australian etc. identity. But Europe is for Ethno-states. It might create more divisions down the line but right now noone got the demographics for a war against other Euros anyway. Plus I hope WW1 and WW2 taught NW Euros not to fight each other.
People in OP pic are not on our side, they are mostly lefties who observed what their glorious Liberalism ends up in its final stages doing but they only oppose some of the symptons, not unbridled leftism itself. Plus they're mostly trying to make a quick buck.


Love that pic.
Holy hell, the faggot just complains about movies. He is indeed a confirmed dick loving idiot. He does this in every photo because it really doesn't matter, his face is fucked either way.
Because theyre actively going on the offensive towards white nationalists, and the girls are fucking anti-white coalburners to boot.

You realize shes balding and wears a wig 24/7 right? Shes also a coalburner.
Im talking about the anti-nationalist (((skeptics))), not Richard Spencer or IE. The skeptic community hates Richard Spencer and white nationalism.

I do have my own hang ups on Spencer, but thats not related to this thread at all.
Chris Raygun is a white nationalist as far as I can tell.
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He isn't, in fact, I think he voted Bernie, it's just he hates SJWs.
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nukes from orbit, restart the civilisation
Neutron bombs will cause just as much damage while lowering radiation spread.
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> the black guy making a negro face
Oh wait, I got that wrong, it's the opposite, neutron bombs have a minimal blast damage while they maximize radiation spread.
Yeah, just nuke it.
>divide and conquer kike thread
kill yourself schlomo

I would unironically watch porn with her
It gets rid of the 'white supremacy' slur. '
"Hey, we think beaners and kebabs should have their own ethnostates!"

One nice thing about it is that it outs browns immediately - they don't /want/ their own ethnostate.
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Too bad she's a midget.
Seriously. Just about the whole alt-lite community is either partly brown or married to one.
literally who are any of those people? Do people really get their opinions from literal retard youtubers?
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Just pointing out how lukewarm they are. Remind them why we watch them and not (((Television))) in the comments and messages
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Do you mean Sargon's beta orbiters?They are doing God's work without even realizing it.
it's a disgrace
laugh at them everyday, they are weak inside or cia
Did you faggots see how they treated that one girl who fucked with them at vidcon? Holy shit, some of these "skeptics" are assholes.
fucking woman splaining whe have to stop this
Fucked with them in the literal sense or fucked with them as in had a conflict?

What I gathered is that they got asshurt because she recorded something on her phone and then decided to ruin her.
Dude is a furry faggot or something.
dog fucker
Don't give them any attention, and especially nothing that goes towards allowing them to make money.
> "Too bad she's a midget"
> "Too bad"
And natives for America?
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I mean 4'9 midget.
Almost like a kid.
Curse those skeptics with their science. How do we beat facts reason and logic? Same way we always have. Alex Jones.
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>How do we as White Nationalists, solve the (((skeptic))) eceleb problem?


They're a stepping stone out of the liberal circlejerk, which is good.
Media blames them for what we do.
SJWs see no difference between them and us.

All we need to do is rub our hands.
First off you kill yourself for even giving a shit. The rest will solve itself
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Has Spencer ever slept with any of the liberal women who hate him? He's probably too dorky to do it
Those massive melons say another story anon.
Light shots and throw the at their face
it's an important one to peoples who haven't been made from mongrelized colonists


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>How do we as White Nationalists, solve the (((skeptic))) eceleb problem?

This is a leftist shill posing as a white nationalist /pol/ user. My God they make so obvious.

Shills want us to pull away any support for skeptics in order to hack away our pillars and foundations. The role of Skeptics are the fact that they bring in minor redpill recruits that will later lead to us.

They are ultimately required to win the culture war.
He ain't exactly white either , he said he is half some kind of spic
I subscribed for the musicals and stayed for the chair rolls , I hope the channel wont go to shit with her around
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I think both Laci and him are half Iranian.
I'm a Jew what the fuck does Talmud vision mean? The Talmud is nust a bunch of outdated garbage.
Theyre the ones who are on the offensive faggot. Not me. Youre attacking the wrong person.

TL;DR is good , he lurks ,I don't rember him naming the jew but he talks about IQ-Race and Islam being shit ,There is fairly new 3h video about E-celbes with him on the "Stardusk"'s channel
See here >>132272029 you idiots
I meant in general. Specifically, Any skeptic who adopts leftist language and talking points should be purged. Never empathize for leftist detractors
He was peurto rico or some other pirates shit like that
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Why contain it? /ourguy/ is already more powerful than all of them combined
Why is Bill considered kill ?, He is running a segment for NRA now , The Tv station he was working for died and he just made it Bill Whittle.com and work for himself.The stratospheres around france terror attack were the best stuff."You will loose because you shoot like this(hand aims ak over head) and we aim like this(tacticool operating) and we do this every single day"
Dox them?
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They're cucked. Ever since the Rage After Storm drama they've acted like complete SJWs and their fans started to notice that. The Alt-Right isn't just some low hanging fruit like the feminism nonsense they're used to, everyone already know it's retarded. And the problem they don't want to recognize is that they can't factually argue against the Alt-Right and similar ideas because it's subjective. You can't argue against hard nationalism and pride for ones race, with facts, you simply can't. And they're fine with Israel, which is highly hypocritical.

They're simply scared. They know the movement is growing and that they're becoming less and less relevant. The left didn't stop pushing its shit no matter how much afford they put in their Youtube channels and so people are starting to lean even more to the right to fight that (and that pisses the left even more so it's a lot more fun, not to mantion the better memes). And the numbers won't stop growing until the taboo of white identity dies which it won't for a long time. The skeptic community has become the norm from the rebellion and and the Alt-Righ has become the rebellion from the radicals and people are always, especially the young drawn to that.
Well said, my friend. Glad theres someone here who gets it. Agreed wholeheartedly.
> Alt-Right

Can we go back to calling ourselves /pol/laks, please
Gas Them, Like Hitler Would.
White nationalism = American nationalism - Non whites
pretty fun and intelligent guy, but kinda conflicts with his furryshitfaggot hobby
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Went to the skeptic track at DragonCon one year because I though it sounded interesting in theory but it turned out to be mostly angsty liberals whining about how no one listens to them. One of my friends was really into the movement (Hi Taylor) but ended up eventually growing wearing of the nonstop infighting where everyone tried to prove they're more skeptical than each other. She was ex-communicated by the group when she dared voice her dislike of the group's methods.

Cool I could pick her up and fuck her
They are cingey, but any voice adding to the argument is an ally to reason to me.
Chris is the one getting stds, not much of a victory, he probably couldn't get laid otherwise though.
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Look at her, she's just a kid with tits.
That was hard to listen to, even when I don't like a single one of them. Sounded like screechy high-schoolers arguing over a guy.
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But his voice is shit tier and the pic of the stag he uses in his vids is too smug and reminds me of Disney movies.

Literally unwatchable.
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God June is so hot
someone post junes nudes that leaked a few years ago

im watching Total recal on IFC and im too lazy to post them
no, theyre almost at the end where their heads explode on the surface of mars
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They don't exist.
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convince msm they are Nazis.
Blame them for coordinating our hate attacks.
If msm keeps attacking them they might even turn into actual Nazis...
Is this considered "white" in Burgerpolis? She looks like a turk.
> Anonymous (ID: P+qnu5WC) 07/03/17(Mon)19:38:24 No.132284607 â–¶

theres a decent tit shot, and a high res pic of her standing infront of a bathroom mirror on a stool infront of a door that some nerds were analyzing. someone post it
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Have our e-celebs do more debates with them.
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She's part Italian so no she's not considered white
Also not a bad tactic.
i bet at least half of them are just hiding their power level in public.
you can't just come here or eat up our shit and stay a "centrist" forever.
You fags do realize she is bald right? Youre literally jerking your dick to someone in a wig.
do you know where you are right now
Unless I'm in a position to pull her hair from the back I don't give a fuck
Haha yes u can, you cant just come to kek and remain a normie man
if i was hitting june from the back and she was bald i would skull grab her with one hand like i was palming a basketball
Do you have any proof?
Yeah show proof... sounds kinda hot
peace and vegetable rights
>t. Mort Schmuly
Meds built western civilization.
All these faggots get millions of views a month.

If we don't do something quick more people will continue to get indoctrinated by right wing anti immigrant rhetoric.
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Old Meds did, modern Meds are just mongrels
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junes tits
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Solve the only alternative for young normies to the bluepilled mainstream control grip, really get the neurons going
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Yes we have to stop normies from discovering race realism and white genocide because the more that get redpilled the more newfags come here and mess up my favorite website.
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>mfw idk who any of them are

the chicks cute though
birds of a feather flock together, fuck off
>>mfw idk who any of them are
feels great not knowing the autism.
E-celebs aren't a problem anywhere but /pol/, I literally never see anything from any of these people anywhere but here.

red pill her in real time pol
probably mad after they got pumped and dumped by the nigs

They're a great tool for us as they encourage people to be skeptical, which inevitably means the more intelligent of their audience see their bullshit and move closer to full nazism.

Like the born again virgins, they seek redemption where there is none to be had
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I think immigration between european countries of high iq affluent people encourages small government and low taxes. Nothing on a large scale and no poor people though.
Them Indians can go back to india.
shoeonhead sex-bots.

i don't really care about much else, but holy shit, she's like a marble statue come to life she's got such a perfect bod.
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Shouldn't take too long
it's his shtick
>no apostrophe
haha what a loser and an idiot
>crazy eyes
>I mean 4'9 midget.
>Almost like a kid.
I'm diamond
This, just let them redpill normies on the SJW question and then we swoop in afterwards
No styx. He a major cuck too
I would honestly be fine with them if they stopped going full cuck mode and punching us. RageafterStorm went full super saiyan and became icarus. She flew too close to the black sun. The positive is that the skeptic community has not attacked her that bad. Only the most cucked leftists of that community. Also the non-white skeptics too obviously.
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Which ones would you fuck, /pol/?

Any girl that is a coal burner obviously follows trends. So they see the wind blowing the other way now...

No one is a coal burner naturally they doing it for scene points and society trends.
>How do we as White Nationalists, solve the (((skeptic))) eceleb problem?
By having better arguments.

More like, which ones wouldn't I?

Ann Coulter, Blaire White, Margaret Maclennan, Jeanine Pirro and all the black ladies on the right side (except Katrina Pierson). Everyone else appears to be fair game.

Kellyanne Conway gets it in recognition of the tremendous service she's done for our country.
To weaken you.
Rage and Tara are the only ones worth commending. Rage martyred herself and tara is doing the redpilling on the downlow. Not other women is close except for Lauren who is definitely crypto-huwhite nationlist.
this, just keep doing what we are doing. the skeptic e-fags are just a product of our success and increased influence

thread over. Thanks leaf
Why have EU countries been socialist for decades then?

>You realize shes balding and wears a wig 24/7 right?

Yes. Still cute.

>Shes also a coalburner.

WHo hasn't sucked a black dick before?
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