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>gold plated everything >constantly shitposting on twitter

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>gold plated everything
>constantly shitposting on twitter
>constantly getting into "beefs" with someone
>said he could shoot someone on fifth avenue
>5 kids from three women

Where were you when you realized that Trump is a class-A nigger?
How long does it take you to send out three tweets a day, fag?
>muh tweet trained orangutan
This. He probably fires them off while he takes his daily shit on his golden throne.

Then you spend a whole week getting bent out of shape over it, and you're not even American, never mind relevant.
>missing the point this badly

Classic americans I suppose.

The post was not about Trump's tweeting habits, it's about how the supposed "savior of the white race" has surprisingly niggerish traits.
Let's set the facts straight here: you stalk a man's personal twitter, by choice, expecting a level of professionalism you know you will not find. Then, you choose to let this get you upset, and you spend more time whining about it then Trump did making the offending posts.

He wins, you lose. You're addicted to Trump. Cry more, faggot.
>kike ass kissing orange retard
he used to be ok but man oh man did the jew pandering really push me to unsubscribe my support to him.


Opps, nope. He actually cant be a nigger.
Hes the pimp ,you are his bitch .Just based on all attention you give him from him posting couple irrelivant tweets
Again the burger misses the point. Starting to think the stereotype is real after all.

I couldn't care less what Trump tweets, and how the libs shit themselves in fury over it. You seem to have confused me with "le ebin SJW boogeyman" in your head, undoubtedly because you are a redd*t immigrant come along with the election.

This was a shitpost meant to rile up some discussion, by noting how Trump acts like a nigger. Maybe take a breather, realize you're in a cult of personality, and learn how to take a joke?
>I couldn't care less what Trump tweets
And yet here we are, with you crying with your panties in a knot you'll never untie.
Jesus christ you mong, get it through your skull.

This has nothing to do with what he tweets, rather that he acts like a nigger coming straight out of compton.

A real white man does not stoop so low.
>class-A nigger
so true
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>mfw you're right
>A real white man does not stoop so low.
Muh no true scotsman

You're so upset you've started reaching for the most blatant of fallacies.

Just go cry your eyes out for a little while and come back when you feel better.

Brace yourself, though. I'm sure Trump will trigger you again tomorrow, nancy boy.
Can't be a nigger if you're a successful business man
Or if you pay your share of taxes, alimony, and child support
>macedonia calling others niggers
I have no idea where I was 2 years ago
fuckin BASED
>he keeps connecting it to "muh god emperor's twitter"

Nothing to do with that.

If you must know, I was glad he won over Shillary, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have his flaws.

Tell me: do you really see him as your messiah, or are you just playing?

Whiter than you, Esteban
Nothing wrong with gold plated products, you are just a jelly poorfag.
>Tell me: do you really see him as your messiah, or are you just playing?
He's just a man, which you should keep in mind while you're unknotting your panties from half a world away.
maybe, but he is /ournigger/
>initials are DJ Trump
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They do say orange is the new black.

>he's just a man
>joke thread immediately gets swarmed by t_d reddit*rs defending him
I'm sorry you're upset about being told you're upset, while also finding out that not everyone who disagrees with you fits into the niche in which you place them mentally.
But I'm not upset.

You know, not everybody in your little cult is constantly butthurt, and not everybody in your little cult is a liberal either.

>not everyone who disagrees with you fits into the niche in which you place them mentally.
What, because I called you a reddit*r? No offense, but you clearly are. This election ruined this board for good
>But I'm not upset.
>makes a thread on /pol/ about the pettiest of complaints, posts repeatedly defending his pettiness

Choose one, faggot
He's fucking wonderful
are you upset that he shoved your president?
Oh fuck, I forgot about that.

No wonder OP's so full of impotent rage.
See, that's how I know you're a reddit*r.

Can't take a joke.

>North American """""education""""
Well if you spend the time to edit a CNN logo into a video just to spite someone you don't like, that's a level of devotion usually reserved for the unemployed.
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You're right it was Montenegro, who cares in any case your countries are the type you only hear about here because NATO had to bomb it
>defending against claims he's upset
I-it's just a f-fucking joke guys

>replying every time to take the opportunity to tell us he's not upset
You're full-mad, kid, and obviously too new to spot entry-level trolling.
It wasn't a joke you little fuckin faggot, you're here shilling against Trump for retarded reasons.

He doesn't act like a nigger. You're just too beta to recognize a real motherfucking MAN.
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>Jobs being created at an alarming rate
>National unemployment rate at 16-year low
>Some states are experiencing their lowest unemployment rates in their histories
>Pulled out of the Paris Accord
>Going through with building the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines
>Wall beginning construction in San Diego in September
>Travel ban in effect
>Kate's Law - harsher penalties for previously deported criminals
>No Sanctuary For Criminals Act - deny federal grants to sanctuary cities if they don't comply with federal immigration law
>Illegal border crossings down 76% since Trump took office
>Illegal immigration arrests up 38% nationwide - tens of thousands arrested
>Number of refugees taken in is down 50%
>Eliminated DAPA and will let DACA expire
>Ending "catch and release" immigration policy
>Stocks are hitting all time highs - trillions of dollars in gains
>Pulled out of the TPP
>Pulling funds from to the UN - billions of dollars
>Signed an arms deal worth more than $350 billion and various other investment agreements with Saudi Arabia
>Food stamp usage is down countrywide
>Federal debt reduced by $100 billion
>Increasing funds to and modernizing the VA - better service + more accountability
>Appointed a super conservative judge to the Supreme Court
>Seeking the harshest possible punishments for criminals
>Sending the Feds into Chicago to fix their crime epidemic
>Eliminated 1200 man hours of wasteful paperwork requirements including Y2K preparedness
>Re-established the National Space Council
>Cut wasteful staffing requirements: dropped "czars" & Michelle's bloated FLOTUS staff from WH payroll saving $22 Million
>4 out of 4 special election wins




>Where were you when you realized that Trump is a class-A nigger?
does that make him /ournigger/ now?
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Its modern day Presidential.


Your professional hero published the titile of a degenerate porno every night in the paper.
The "Americans are dumb" meme has been dead and buried

There exists no country on earth who is as Free as America. You're all willing slaves compared to us who do not know freedom.
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Ill just leave this here.
Deportation when?
88 confirms, Trump is the good guy prexy
>gold plated everything
That's what the wealthy do
>shitposting on twitter
same as all the other whites on twitter
>Getting into "beefs" with people
yeah people disagree with him and he stands his ground he's not physically fighting with them he uses words.
>Said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue
Actually he said he could shoot down 5th avenue and not hit a single supporter its called a euphonium.
>5 kids with three women
Women are gold diggers so, he supports and cared for all his children.

Actual niggers
>steal and sell drugs to get gold shit
>Shot people over tweets
>Fight or kill people over disputes
>Will actually shoot someone on any street
>Has 5 kids from 3 women that they don't ever see.
But he does all of that without being reliant on the government. Also, he didn't abandon his kids
Trump doesn't raise his children. His wives do that for him. Literally nigger tier (aside from the fact that he does marry them before dumping them)
After Trump, anybody can become president....

for good or worse

Clitory on life support
The Rock
Chris Rock
Jeb Bush
Carrot Top
Define successful. Trump's success was creating the Trump brand. Every nigger rappers success is creating their own brand.

What's the difference between a ((nigger)) and Donald J. Trump?

A nigger doesn't have 7 billion fucking dollars in the bank.

Trump's wives do the women's work? We can't let this crazy bastard get the nuclear codes!
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Nice try nigger!
A-class nigger who happens to be doing a great job.

hope he roots out all crime in chicago, then bombs LA.
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>implying it won't either be Pence or Rand
>Trump is actually a nigger
Sheeeiiit it all makes sense now
The amount of worldwide butthurt Trump has caused over the last six months is fucking golden. I love everything this man does, every word that comes out of his mouth. He just does not give a fuck.
Do you unironically believe this? You must have a sad life if you do.
>That's what the wealthy do
>being a noveau riche nigger
your entire post is nignog poorfag tier
His father made most of his money by exploiting government programs. Trump inherited his father's company
Except the father shouldn't be absent while raising the kids.
>being this irate
You are the living example that this meme is very true.
Oops, forgot about those....

But I think people won't want politicians anymore

After Obama "motel" 8, Trump looks extra good and he was not a politician

Why have a politician? They are just fucked up corrupt and untrustworthy..

I think Trump will have a positive effect in the world in a way that people around the world will say : If the land of democracy does not need politicians, why do we?
Odd, seems like I can find plenty of photos of Trump with his kids in all stages of their lives.
>savior of the white race
I thought his motto was MAGA not MWRGA
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>his nation's greatest achievement is a self-righting 3D sculpture

At least you have sense enough to keep muzzies out
I'm autistic and I love arguing with people
We all know where we are
>Spend the time to edit a CNN Logo

He got it from le plebbit, dumbass.
I wanted him to expose the idiocy that is politics. On that account he's done admirably well. I know, he won't name the jew but hey, shitposting is a start.
>divorced wife
>received custody
>and alimony aplenty
>they all take after their father
>"I raised them myself"
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>5 kids
>implying a white guy having many kids is not a good thing
>jew detected
The only criticism here is that he should have at least 6 kids.
Lol watching you trumpcuck fail this hard warms the cockles of my heart :) Guess this is what you get for not passing 6th grade
>gold plated everything
he build his empire, nothing wrong with this
>constantly shitposting on twitter
15 minutes a day is 'constantly'
>constantly getting into "beefs" with someone
I'd say it's the other way 'round, people keep getting into "beefs" with him for whatever stupid reason
>said he could shoot someone on fifth avenue
>5 kids from three women
I'll give you this one
wtf I like niggers now
Daddy's money and the opportunity to inherit his company is more important
Niggers chimpout, they do not tweet. Too complex.
Sorry retarded anon. Trump is trolling, does not give a shit, and you have no clue.
Joke on you.
>5 kids from three women
But he's fully financially supporting every last one of them.
>he build his empire
He inherited his company from his father, under-performed the average, tried to start some other ventures, failed, then went on to do the thing all nigger rappers do - build a self-centered brand about how rich they are. The gold plating is part of the brand (for nigger rappers and Trump).
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>nouveau riche
I don't think you really get what that means
But 140 characters is so elegant and complex
lmao, enjoy your corporate wage-slavery and constant surveillance
You guys should replace the two-party system. That would be a big step forward. And please stop glorifying politicians, land back to the ground.
Posting fake job stats like that doesnt do your side any favors. The unemployment rate today isnt much lower than it was when Trump took office, and job growth has been in line with projected values.

Pence stays almost entirely out of the limelight, and is basically as well known now as he was before. I don't see him running or winning.

Rand, well, nobody really cares.
Trump is the first black President
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Yes toothpaste, the fucking president of the United States literally sat down at his computer and made that video, frame by frame, with the CNN logo just to upload it to his twitter.
That video/gif was around since before the election, do people really fucking think that Trump made that? The same video went around with Ted Cruz's face instead of CNN logo after the primaries.
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Good shitpost MaceBro
It did for all of us except self identifying alt right man children.
The wall just got 10 feet higer, Macedonia.
hey Mustafi, does your neighbor know you stealing his wifi?
this man is an honorary slav, think about it

why does it take so long to mobilize a few trucks and contractors to get the wall done ? they only need to prepare the terrain and put concrete/steel, not build a dam
mfw you're right
you left out he cheated on his wives and he's a scam artist
and you know his twitter stuff is getting out of hand when even republicans are suggesting he tone it down
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