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"Germany went to war with the entire world and lost, this

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"Germany went to war with the entire world and lost, this is obviously the jewish peoples fault."

Shhh, don't tell the proud "Nazis" that the Americans had negotiations with Germany pre-Pearl Harbour but Hitler gave them the instructions to tell the burgers to go fuck themselves and so lost an awesome ally for no fucking reason but blind hubris.

History and fantasy don't mix well.
Here's the thing though. They did it twice, and it was close both times!
America """"saved"""" us.
Why did World War 2 REALLY happen?

Poland made war inevitable:

Myth of massive Polish death toll:

FDR wanted war all along:

Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union was preemptive:

Who declared war on who?

They rejected Hitler's peace offers:
lmao nice lie you faggot
Hitler had hubris and was so blinded by ideology that he led Germany to its grave. His refusal to see German soldiers as anything but übermensch one-man warmachines only led him to overestimate them and thus sentenced them to die. Blind ideolouges like him should not lead wars.
Plenty of other people in other countries so it that way too though. Stalingrad proved otherwise
Germany didn't go to war, Judea declared war on them and then it dragged America to fight too.
>I dropped out of High School this year (9th grade)
Why hello there underage fag
The entire world went to war with Germany and won, this is obviously the jewish peoples fault.
Everything is politicized. It's hard to not have a political opinion in high school. Teachers are also shit at keeping their mouths shut
Adolf shickelgruber declared war on the united states, learn some history you fuck
After USA declared war on Japan, Hitler's ally
Germany actually went to war with Poland and lateron Russia.
The rest were dragged into it by GB.
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Go to Summer school, OP....
Your ignorance is so cringe worthy.
Well they put the world up to it also,Chirchill would have not been in power without bootlocking the jews and Germany would have not went to war with the allies.
Kike faaaaaagot.
Stop being such a raging fag, I always speak my mind in class, don't think too much about consequences because teachers here aren't overly political. If you give the socialists and liberals in your class a monopoly on speaking their mind, you're only helping them.
I said in class in 7th grade "Whites were slaves too." After class I got reprimanded for violating free speech.
There are other based kids in my classes though so I'm not too worried.
And I'm doing home-schooling, so I'm still learning.
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>use free speech
>get punished for violating free speech
And I thought my country was Orwellian
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>Germany went to war

No, Germany was forced into war because the youth didn't want to get cucked for what their ancestors did.

Sound familiar?
Best part though: After this, I told my parents and they went to the school and ""talked"" with the teacher. I got the best seat in class "back row" and was allowed to speak freely again.

Another story, actually happened this year: In the computer lab, some teacher I was talking to this super Jew kid next to me and I said "Didn't Reagan go to work right after he got shot though?" And some super liberal teacher across from me goes "no,no,no,no,no!" and starts blabbing on about some bullshit.
Trump won though, so he can go suck it

To prove you are the masterrace? Hitler the retard went to war with poland and russia to get Lebensraum for the germanics and was too dumb too realise that maybe other countries would intervene
Reminder that a coup attempt to install fascist government in the USA was in the works shortly before Pearl Harbor.

American whites were mostly German immigrants. That's kind of important.

Hitler was our guy.
Most Germans got Anglicized after WWI though
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>faggot don't know nothing about history
Learning about interesting facts like the death of roughly 58k ethnic germans in Poland before the war happened, rather than learning about lies like the nail marks in camps during the war makes me pissed as shit.
Fuck this pro-jewish school system.

You do realize that Soviet was getting ready to invade Nazi germany before Operation Barbossa took place, right?
Stalin got backed by the US since years back to restart and re-arm the Soviet army, which was why he accepted the non-aggression pact over Poland, so he got the extra time to re-arm his army.
Hitler made mistakes later in the war, Operation Barbossa was needed and their only chance to completely crush Soviet before the commies would backstab them with jewish money.
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"Hey, Germanic Servant! Check it out! Iam made of Gold!"
>You do realize that Soviet was getting ready to invade Nazi germany before Operation Barbossa took place, right?
I'm gonna need a source on this. I'm pretty sure that Stalin (stupidly) trusted Hitler. Trotsky would've invaded
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>meanwhile in Germany
>I have issued the command -- and I'll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad -- that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formations in readiness -- for the present only in the East -- with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space (Lebensraum) which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?

Hitler's own words. It's just fucking mindboggling that he and the germans thought they could get away with an outright declared genocide of an entire country.

Germans were truly the chimps of the 20th century.
>I dropped out voluntarily, not because I'm stupid.

No, you didn't.
It is amazing indeed. Gold is a very valuable commodity. You are very powerful and i have no choice but to submit to my servile instincts and become your vassal. I totally didnt have any plans for independence or world relevance by the way.
>Reminder that a coup attempt to install fascist government in the USA was in the works shortly before Pearl Harbor.
Fascism had close to no actual support in the US at the time and any such coup would've certainly failed. Still, might be an interesting read. Sauce?

>I dropped out voluntarily, not because I'm stupid.

That sentence is a non-sequitur. If you didn't drop out of high school you might know what that word means. Go back to school kid.
Dropped out/left

Is there really a difference?
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>The only citation for that quote is from an American journalist who was imprisoned in Germany in a propaganda piece against Fascism

Come on now.
Britain declared war on Germany
It's a debate amongst historians. Of course the "right thinking historians" claims that Soviet wasn't ever planning to attack Nazi germany until the nazis betrayed them.
But other historians that follows pure facts, claims that Soviet were funded by "allied countries" way before operation Barbarossa took place, in order to bolster their industry and army.

The same people that controlled Russia back then (jews that took control over Russia after the 1917 October Revolution) controlled the huge american industries.

You can watch this if you have time, he explains it pretty well.

You need a diploma or equivalent to do anything in life. Even to get an apprenticeship. There's a debate as to whether college is really worth it or is a trade better. However there is simply no debate as to whether completing high school is "worth it." You have nothing really you can or will be doing for the next 3 years. Take this and take it now from someone who's going back at the minute to resit their "SATs" (equivalent) to study medicine. You need the diploma.
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I thought that Germany was able to get so far though because Stalin was unprepared?
Because Germany invaded Poland, who Britain had already vowed to defend if attacked. Germany didn't do it the proper way and formally declare war, which is why France and Britain did it. Hitler knew very well what he was getting himself into.
I'm doing Home-Schooling (well did;it's summer now). My dad kept telling me to go into a trade. But it's not like I was learning anything in the fucking brain-washing camps
It wasnt close at all. America alone would have destroyed Germany. Germans did alright in the beginning steamrolling through neighboring european countries, and they even came close to taking the USSR out.

But thats not really a world war. Its not coming close to taking over the world either. If the war dragged on a few more years America would have just nuked Germany into an atomic wasteland.
Nice fake sources.

Also lol at Hitler pre emptively invading USSR. Stalin was so caught off guard and unprepared for war with Germany, that ppl fleeing from the Wermacht invasion to tell people about the invasion, were called liars and executed until it became undeniable.

Russia had no plans to war Germany. They just wanted to grab some clay using the opportunity Hitler created with his invasions of nearby countries.
They were unprepared for a pre-emptive attack.
If it was only America vs/ Nazi Germany, how would we "destroy" them? We're across the fucking Atlantic
After Japan launched a surprise attack on Hawaii and killed Americans.
>Because Germany invaded Poland
You do realize that Germany invaded Poland from the west and at the SAME TIME the USSR invaded Poland from the east

Why did Britain only declare war on Germany?

Why, if they cared so much about Poland and her sovereignty, did the Allies let Poland get taken over by the USSR after the war?

Yeah they really "protected" Poland didn't they
Thanks for this great ammunition
Got any on the holohoax
Well the USSR invaded Poland around the 26th of September
Stalin's invasion wasn't imminent, probably would've taken a few more years of planning and organizing. It is true that the Red Army wouldn't have collapsed if it was indeed close to launching an invasion, and it wouldn't make sense to go into such a big war only a little more than a year after the Red Army's incompitence was revealed against Finland. However, war between Germany and the Soviets was inevitable, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact only delayed it. Hitler wanted the caucasus oil fields and Germanic Lebensraum, while Stalin wanted to spread communist dominance in Europe.
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Never forget the 9.17 bazillion krauts gassed in polish death camps
nice, more jewish lies
because we don't have enough already
They invaded 2 weeks later and Britain did not declare war on the soviets, why?

Why was protecting Poland against Germany important but not against the Soviets?
But it still took those subhumans 7 years to beat us. LOL
By the way, the majority of white US Americans are from German ancestry.
If they wouldn't have come you would be piss poor to this day.
You should speak German instead of English.
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You're about to take the final redpill, dood.
No, the Soviets invaded two weeks after the Germans did.
So by the time the Soviets entered Poland the Western half was already occupied by Germany.
>58k germans died in poland.

No sweetie what happened is the SS staged a false flag using corpses made to appear like germans being genocided by Poland, because Hitler wanted a pretext to invade.
I dropped out of school too, but my mom was addicted to crack and my dad was dying of cancer. You should go back and finish, I wish I could.
Poland is fake shit.
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"Hey France you know what would be a great idea? Declaring war on one nation that is technologically far superior than us, and another that has more men then we have bullets!" Doesn't that sound smart?!"

I agree with most things /pol/ says but come on
Go back to the brain washing camps that probably has even more niggers now? Sounds like a great idea
What's your point? That Britain was angry as fuck about Germany taking one half, but didn't give a shit about the USSR taking the other? You can't spin this, Poland was nothing but an excuse for Churchill and his likes to to to war with Germany. They did not give a shit about Poland, as evidenced by the fact they gave it up to the Soviets completely after the war

>Britain will protect Poland's sovereignty (but only against Germany)
Its a non sequitor because you added the last part "but not because Im stupid."

Your intelligence hss nothing to do with dropping out of school voluntarily or not.
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Yes, of course
Brits and other weak europeans- TO THIS VERY DAY- are completely brainwashed by kikes.

They have no conception of what Freedom is. Only false arrogance fed to them by their media and pride for a nation that stole everything and contributed nothing.

The Renaissance was Germanic and Italian. Britain's fortune comes from JEWS LOOTING THE CHURCH.

The "greatest ally" meme they spout is a coverup for the fact that BRITAIN IS JEWISH.
Also Poland effectively doesn't exist.

It's just a tool Jews wield against Germans.
You ever think that the most persuasive lie is the one you're telling yourself?
>You do realize that Germany invaded Poland from the west and at the SAME TIME the USSR invaded Poland from the east.
The Soviets invaded almost a month after the Germans.
>Why did Britain only declare war on Germany?
Declaring war on them would have been fucking suicide on behalf of the allies. Unlike Hitler, they knew when to not bite off more than they could chew.
>Why, if they cared so much about Poland and her sovereignty, did the Allies let Poland get taken over by the USSR after the war?
The Yalta agreement. The Soviets wouldn't have just given up the opportunity to lay much of Europe under their sphere of influence. The allies thought having most of Germany non-communist and keeping dominance of the Mediterranean through a non-communist Greece was better strategically.
>Yeah they really "protected" Poland didn't they
Things rarely turn out as intended, especially regarding war
>vow to protect a country
>the enemies arr too strong, were pulling out, but we'll continue fighting against one of the enemies even though the reason were fighting them is bullshit
actually read history instead of hauling shit out of your ass and pretending your right...
I made no other point but stating that the Soviets invaded 2 weeks later. It was planned between the Germans and the Soviets.

And it is well known that the Brits wanted a war against Germany no matter what, even if they didn't invade anyone.
This had economic reasons, Germany was outpacing Britain at an enormous rate:

GDP Germany 1918: 17 Billion $
GDP UK 1918: 18 Billion $

GDP Germany 1938: 56 Billion $
GDP UK 1918: 25 Billion $
>German people started dying just outside German's border as a lebensraum operation was being enacted
How fucking CONVENIENT, you little nazi shit
You mean the same Jews that Stalin sent to gulags or had executed after he seized power from the Trotskiites were supporting Stalin afterward? Are Jews cucks or something?

Russia's army was woefully outdated and inadequate. Claiming that the USSR trying to modernize or somehow build up its industry and army, particularly at the same time Germany was going full fash and building up its army and beating the war drums, is somehow proof the USSR intended to invade Germany, is just ludicrous.
Because of the Anglo-Polish pact of 1939.

As in history.
they forced the USA into a war they didn't care about thanks to carefully manufactured propaganda.
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I blame it on the japanese, they let USA join the war.
I'm not a Nazi sympathiser but it is true, the Poles and others tried to genocide Germans in territories they gained after WWI.
I wouldn't be surprised if Brits/French facilitated this by giving these countries assurances of international support.
Our historians here are very cucked for obvious reasons, but even they do not deny this fact.
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THE same way we desttoyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki you mong.
By the time you would prepare nukes they would already conquer half of America.
>The Soviets invaded almost a month after the Germans.
You mean barely two weeks after Britain declared war
>Declaring war on them would have been fucking suicide on behalf of the allies. Unlike Hitler, they knew when to not bite off more than they could chew.
So what you're saying is that protecting Poland wasn't the primary motivation? How was going up against Germany not suicide? Seriously, I don't buy these arguments. Poland was nothing but a strategic diplomatic pawn and nothing more, Brits did not care about Poland they cared about going to war with Germany. Sad that you can't see that and continue to make excuses
>The Yalta agreement. The Soviets wouldn't have just given up the opportunity to lay much of Europe under their sphere of influence. The allies thought having most of Germany non-communist and keeping dominance of the Mediterranean through a non-communist Greece was better strategically. Things rarely turn out as intended, especially regarding war
That point I will give you, but doesn't change the fact that the reason Britain declared war was BS
No, Germany would have been unstoppable on Continental Europe without the Soviets sacrificing 25+ million soldiers.
US military involvement did not play such a huge role as Hollywood makes it seem.
Germany on the other hand wouldn't have had a way to project power to US mainland either, therefore such a war would be pointless for both sides.
Doesn't mean the US is weak or something, the Atlantic ocean just limits what you can do in terms of troop and equipment transport.
In Eastern Europe some of the largest battles in human history were fought during WWII, some of them involving multiple millions of soldiers on both sides.
That's a scale the US or UK couldn't have produced on the Western front.
I want a source.
So we'd just fly over the entire Atlantic Ocean, have the bomb drop and have the pilot kill himself either over the ocean or over Europe, due to not having enough fuel. Only then to have opened America up to being nuked ourselves

You are fucking stupid
You don't have to rub it in. We're pretty fucked now too Muhammad
Churchill wanted to nuke the soviets after the war too and if you read his writings you'll find he hated the commies.

But that would undermine the Hitler dindu nuffin narrative he a gud boi just wanted some lebensraum until mean ol' Churchill the Jew came to crush Germany.
>Churchill wanted to nuke the soviets after the war too and if you read his writings you'll find he hated the commies.
I already knew that. But considering Britain just finished a devastating war, and every ally was exhausted, that couldn't really happen
If america. Had not joined that war. Y'all would be speak in German right now, and we'd be in the fucking stars gassing martian jews. All of europe. Would have fallen. For the better, considering the sad state of the place now
>Churchill wanted to nuke the soviets after the war too and if you read his writings you'll find he hated the commies.
Kek, his "writings" you can't be serious, Churchill was a fucking drunk

You're an idiot.

Everyone hated the Commies except for jews. So what? The UK was loosing grip of its Empire and needed to crush Germany somehow to not slip into irrelevancy.
It was and is obvious to the elite to this day that a united Germany (remember, Germany didn't exist until the late 19th century) is a grave danger to their power interests in all of Europe precisely because Germans invent shit, work hard and produce enormous amounts of products which they cannot match.
This was true back then, this is true today and it will be true in 500 years.
Once Germany gets access to unlimited resources like for example peaceful cooperation with Russia for an extended period it will be inevitable that Germany will solidify its grip over all of Europe.
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No. Read. You'll learn more that way anyway. The education system in the United States is a federally funded propaganda machine. All it teaches you is how to be compliant and think murica did nothing wrong. Critical thinking is kept to a minimum in a process that mandates codependency. My gpa was .4 btw
After it wasnt a surprise because we were previously supplying them with raw materials in their war against China and just decided to dip.
You are a massive faggot no one gives a shit about having a shitty teacher in high school. Fucking leave your thoughts to yourself in class no one likes a jackass talking about politics when the rest of the class is trying to learn.

Question for the krauts; if a political candidate used this as a running slogan, how fast would the thought police strike them down?
blame that retarded race traitor jew lover of Enrico Fermi he bretrayed his own country to donate the bomb to Usa & co.
Fermi's lab in Chicago is actually quite based if i do say so myself
Actually make an argument.

The US had every advantage against Germany. US industry alone was enough to crush Germany. The US at the height of the war with its industry in full war mode was literally producing an aircraft carrier every week, and ovet 100k tanks a year. Even if you maintain German tanks would have remained superior past 1945 and the US continued to make Shermans (which wasnt the case as the US began rolling out higher caliber guns that could beat german tanks and by the end of the war had the Pershing tank being deployed which was superior to german tanks and could be mass produced in far greater numbers), the US would have drowned germans in sherman tanks.

Same for aircraft. Same for everything. Germany absolutely cannot win a conventional war against the US; to say nothing of having to actually attempt an invasion of US mainland (otherwise US would keep sending tanks, planes, ships, etc until Germany physically ran out of resources).

And by 1945 the US had nuclear bombe. Germany wasnt even close to such a thing. You would have to be completely ignorant or delusional to think Germany had any chance to win once the US entered the war and began throwing its industrial might at it.
Germany did not went to war with the entire world.
The entire world declared war on Germany
Dude, you are delusional thinking that the Atlantic is no heavy limitation on your ability to project power in Europe.
If Germany decided so it wouldn't take more than 3-5 years for them to become close to invincible again to any kind of attack from the US.
The US entered the war against Germany so late because they did not have the will or the ability to sacrifice 25+ million men like the Soviets did.
They had to wait until the Soviets and Germans wore each other down.
During William Dodd's envoy as US Ambassador to Nazi Germany there was several high level talks between The Americans and the Nazis on the basis that if they stopped cracking down on "Za Jews" then the US and Nazi led Germany could work closer (This was before anyone in the West heard anything about any Holocaust business) Not only were the talks hardly attended by the Nazis they stiffed the Americans so hard that Dodd came back telling Roosevelt that Hitler and his regime were mad to the point Dodd wanted off the assignment and not to return.

If the Gnat-zees had sweet-talked Dodd and kept him away from any information on Jews being mistreated they could have had proper talks and cooperation. Instead they stonewalled the negotiations and Dodd (Who history laughably now calls "Anti-Semitic") came back with a message that Hitler's regime wasn't to be negotiated with. Then Hitler's land-grabs and Pearl Harbour solidified the US stance against the Nazis.



History Channel also had a documentary that had a segment on the early Nazi - US talks that I couldn't find a link for.
US involvement militarily didnt because the USSR did the brunt of the work.

It does not mean the US was not instrumental through lend lease and its considerable industrial support, nor does it mean if the USSR wasnt fighting the Germans, that the US wouldnt have been able to win.

Keep in mind the original premise is that Hitler "almost won" which is absurd because "almost" would require a plausible scenario in which he would have beat the soviets, somehow staged an invasion of the US, conquered/subdued the US, and all this while the US was producing weapons, tanks, ships at a rate of like 10:1 to the germans or more, and was rapidly advancing its tech to the point American tanks were on par/superior end of the war, US had atomic weapond (which no one else did) and so on.
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Can any bro follow up with a tl;dr version of this?
I would love to read and know more about details but my schizophrenia and short concentration span makes reading all of that a fucking horror show.
Have you heard of the Romanian bridgehead strategy? The Plan was for the Polish army to pull back and hold out to the mountaineous southeast near the border with Romania, through whom the allies would ship materiel and troops to reinforce the Poles after passing through the Mediterranean and the Bosphorus. The idea was for the Poles to hold said redoubt until a proper counter-invasion from France into Germany could be organized. But the Soviet invasion crushed those plans.
And by the way, most white Americans are of German ancestry anyways.
I don't see lots of blonde people in the UK. Where do you believe they come from?
>History Channel
>the same channel that airs Ancient Aliens
American education
We were on the topics of slavery, and when I talk about politics, the topic is politics. Go use a spike as a dildo you ignoramus
No you fucking retard. The pilot would take off from an aircraft carrier, of which the US was producing at a rate of one per week while Germany couldnt even build replacement tanks because they didnt have enough iron or factories.

The US also would have probably focused on developing rockets or longer range bombers if necessary. Rocketry was invented by Robert Goddard, an American, and the germans just stole his work and put funding into it.

There is no scenario where germany wins post 1945. Either the US begins mass producing nukes and deploys them in combat to decimate german forces, or the US blots out the sky with so many tanks, ships, planes, and bombs the germans drown in it.
He was a drunk who wanted to nuke commies but was forcefully stopped.

Yet idiots will still claim Churchill was only picking on Germany because muh jews. If he had it his way both the USSR AND Germany would have been atomic craters.

>Post detailing the fact that Nazis had a real chance with an American Ambassador who wasn't even Pro-Jews that they entirely blew
>A single line about a History Channel documentary

>The Leaf response is entirely about the History Channel thing

Oh and pro-tip you fucking leaf: The reason I couldn't find a link to the documentary is that this was many years ago early on in the History Channel's life before they went full retard.

I can't wait for The Day of The Rake.
>everyone hated commies except for Jews

Jews couldnt get enough of Stalin sending em to gulags. Really makes me think senpai.

Your inability to distinguish between Trotski faction and Stalin, the way you lump them all together as "Jews" is indicitive of your ignorance.
>Keep in mind the original premise is that Hitler "almost won" which is absurd because "almost" would require a plausible scenario in which he would have beat the soviets, somehow staged an invasion of the US, conquered/subdued the US
The Nazis were 1 or 2 miles away from Moscow. And they encircled St Petersburg for 2 years.
You are by the way delusional if you believe that someone needs to invade the US mainland to win a war against you.
Vietnam Commies won and they never stepped foot on US territory.

The fact remains, the US did not have the capability to place millions of soldiers in Continental Europe, and Germany couldn't do it the other way around. And why should it?
I doubt they intended to occupy the UK, they would have behaved differently if that was their goal.

>and all this while the US was producing weapons, tanks, ships at a rate of like 10:1 to the germans or more
This is nonsense, Germany could match the US easily back then and it does to this day in production, even though the US has almost 5x the population.
Germany had to throw lots of their products towards you know, fighting 40 million Soviet soldiers in the Eastern front.
Oh, and occupying almost ALL of Continental Europe and Northern Africa.
And fighting EVERY industrial nation in the world.
And still it took 7 years for the world to beat them, this is a testament to what WE COULD actually do if we were as militaristic as we were back then.
And it explains why Germany yet again dominates Continental Europe and why it's the elites holy grail to destroy and race mix Germans first.
And? Since when did the US have any obligation to support Japans imperial conquests and genocide of its neighbors.

Your entire argument is the US asked for it by not submitting itself to grorious nippon, and neither Hitler nor Japan are to blame for starting a war with the US.

>decide to stop doing business with neighbor after finding out he murders people and slings dope
>he attacks you and shoots your dog
>its your fault because you stopped doing business with him
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Yeah I'm sure a fucking ZOG like the U.K. wanted to attack their fellow ZOG the USSR. The fact that the attack never, ever occurred isn't proof of anything.
>The pilot would take off from an aircraft carrier
In a B-29? Enola Gay had to be heavily modified to even carry Little Boy, and even then it just barely managed to get into the air from Iwo Jima's airfield. Try to do that on a carrier. Not to mention that it is impossible to even fit a plane with the wingspan of a B-29 on any aircraft carrier.
Stalin treated the jews well, he didn't genocide or physically hurt them in any way except for a few who were very powerful and potentially dangerous to him.
But he did remove many of them from power, but not because he hated them, he did it because their cleansing of so called counter revolutionaries went so far that the infrastructure and military of the Soviet Union began to fail.
And of course popular resistance was growing because people understood very well who starved and genocided them.
Dude you are completely retarded and dont seem to understand what I said.


Sounds like a ZOG man through and through. Churchill was a faggot drunk war mongerer, thanks for confirming
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>Germany and Russia decide to invade Poland together and divide it between them
>Western allies all declare war on Germany for invading Poland
>Support Russia fully as a fellow ally, despite them also invading Poland

Explain this shit, ZOG cucks.
Are you telling me there's no counter to that or that the Germans wouldn't be able to come up with the counter?
They could easily do so but they were stretched too thin because they overextended after being too successful, beating even their own most optimistic estimates.
>most white americans

Most white americans are mutts/mixed ancestry and/or of british descent as America was primarily founded by british colonists.

Not that it matters. America is America.

We are not beholden to Europe or its power hungry genocidal dictators.
>Most white americans are mutts/mixed ancestry
Stop projecting and speak for yourself, you hapa faggot.
But don't ever tell me your success comes from fucking melting pot of cultures and some ideals.
If the US was consisting of 90% blacks it would be a third world nation.
Luckily for you, it does not, so you can have a nice living standard and security.
>Vietnam commies won

You are an idiot and its not worth wasting the effort but Ill try anyway.

Vietnam and WWII were entitely different wars. In Vietnam the goal was a "police action." We attempted to occupy the country and root out communism, not destroy it.

WWII was about destroying the other side. It was a total war. This means in Vietnam we would not use nukes, but in WWII we would. Your entire premise is retarded and so are you. Im sure Hitlers magic aryan farts would shield the reich from atomic bombs.

Back to stormfront with you.

Since when did Austria start making Fan-Fic

>Comparing the Burgers' loss in Nam' to a straight up Nation V. Nation fight

The Americans could have glassed half of Austria and Deutschland if they went head to head with America after Pearl Harbour in all out war.
Whats your point?

The US would have just produced larger nukes, longer range bombers, rocket delivery systems, or a combination of these.

By 1950 the US had hydrogen bombs. By 1960 we put a man on the moon. I dont know why you think the war wouldnt have been over by 1950 if germany had somehow held out past 1945.

Nukes are end game. Gg. Its over. In a total war the US can just forcefully gain ground and brute force its way to Berlin if it cant find a way to deliver the bombs over long range, by just nuking the german troops.
Yes Im telling you there is no counter to that because by the time Germany develops its own nuclear bombs, the war would be over.

The germans sent all the people responsible for nukes into hiding or caused em to defect, because they were busy genociding Jews.

Jewish scientists, who didnt want to get gassed, fled to America and worked on the manhattan project. Germany was nowhere near a bomb. It would have taken several years at least. Meanwhile America is over here mass producing larger yield bombs and new bombers to reach you with.
>Poland made the war inevitable
LOL poor nazis now want to make excuses why they started a lost war, what's next,
you nazi cucks are so adorable ;)
Why did we ally with USSR? They invaded innocent countries repeatedly, Finland etc, massacared millions of there own population, Christians predominantly, Communist. Nazis would of happily allied with us, helped protect our empire. Yet we threw it all away and sold out the empire to the yanks, bankrupted ourselves for what? The Jews must of been involved somehow, doesn't make sense otherwise
Germany didn't start WWI
Race has nothing to do with the topic you autist. Why are you sperging out?

This idiot was trying to insinuate that the US was in the wrong for not prostating itself before the glorious führor when most Americans were Germanic, and I simply corrected his inane fantasy.

I swear to god for supposedly "woke" people, pol is full of some retarded people.
>WWII was about destroying the other side
Germans wanted to destroy the Soviet Communist government (and kill every single Commie), Soviets, Brits and Heebs wanted to destroy Germany (burn it down to the ground), but Germany DID NOT want to destroy France, the UK, Netherlands or the Poles as a people.
Otherwise Germany would have done so after they took over some of these nations within a few days.
They evidently did not do so, I do not know of any instances where Germans tried to exterminate for example Frenchmen, or even destroy their cultural identity and replace it with a German one.

Yes, your Heeb leadership might have had that goal, but it doesn't automatically follow that Germany had the same goal towards the US or UK.

If Germany would have won decisively in the East then hostilities would have simply ceased as there would be no realistic way to attack Germany anymore after their resources were free to use somewhere else.
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Clearly nazis are bigger cucks than leftists, they started WWII and now they deny it, that it was their fault
>it was da big bad mean poles!!! thats why we had to ally with commies! don't shit on daddy hilter, he was based

you make me sick to my stomach, you cowards

germany deserves all the arabs it gets

also the burger muds who LARP as nazis are a next level of cringe
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those words rhyme for a reason
The US fought a defensive war against Japanese and German aggression and attacks, and would have soundly whooped both their asses even in a solo effort because the US was first to nuclear weapons and had unassailable industry safetly protected by two oceansn and fueled by an entire continent of natural wealth.

Thats the topic. I dont know what the fuck you're on about.
Gah. But the Jews were literally attempting a leftist overthrow of the German government , and bankers...were crashing the economy (I'm talking about the 30s, not present day, same case tho) I can't rightly say that I would have lied about it either. It was up to America to be open eyed on the subject, not Germany's to lie about it. Still, it saddens me to know that things could so easily have been different.
If your argument is that the US wouldnt have used nuclear weapons against Germany, or taken the fight to German and Japanese territory, or wouldnt
have leveled German cities because we didnt do so in Vietnam, I would refer you to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Thats what would have happened to Germany.
>Jews were literally attempting a leftist overthrow of the German government , and bankers...were crashing the economy
hitlerism bankrupted the country so hilter had to start the war to escape the crash

jews were bad, but nazis were much worse
1) made nationalism a taboo subject
2) propelled jews to the forefront of world politics
>>132273615 "Defensive". You had basically been at war with Germany since 1939 economically, and Roosevelt encouraged the shooting of German ships to stage a incident. Roosevelt did everything in his power to make Pearl harbour happen, and knew it was going to happen, deliberately allowing 1000s of innocents to die to get his war.
The US dropped more bombs in Vietnam than all bombardments during WWII combined, nukes included.
You do not win wars like that against a determined enemy.
In a direct war that doesn't involve all of the industrialised world combined against Germany, Germany would beat anyone hands down or reach a stalemate quickly
Germany vs the US would have simply turned into German torpedos vs US aircraft carriers, German AA against US bombers.
It probably wouldn't even reach any kind of high intensity as no side could sufficiently hurt the other one.
>Soviet Russia invades Poland to gain back land that was taken in previous years
>Lol this is fine

>Germany invades Poland to gain back land that was taken in previous years
>US proud British must defend them!
Then why did they in the first place? They knew what they were providing resources for. How retarded do you have to be to back out of a deal with a nation of people that will kill themselves over honor. Hoping no one was going to pick up the ball. But Germany did. How could anyone literally not see that coming?

My entire argument is based in the cause and effect principle of getting involved with a bunch of honor bound gooks in the first place.

>decide to stop doing business with neighbor knowing full well he murders people and slings dope
>thinking he won't attack you knowing full well that his sky daddy requires him to
>it's your fault for getting involved in the first place.
>source: stormfront.org

Sure sure buddy, and Kennedy was assassinated by ZOG because he was going to disclose info on alien contact and technology.

Take your tin foil hat off for two seconds man. I know its hard.

Roosevelt didnt invade Pearl Harbor. The Japanese did.

Even if Roosevelt knew an attack was coming, the Japanese are the ones who attacked.

If I am assaulted by a knife weilding maniac on the street, a judge wont accept "he was looking at me funny, said some mean things about me, and he knew I was gonna attack him" as a valid legal defense.

Its very simple really. Japan and Germany thought that America was a punk ass bitch, and they took a swing. They didnt expect America to be a 6ft8 400 pound linebacker and got their shit pushed in.

Such cases.
It might surprise you that I'm not a fan of Hitler, but Germany was far from being economically weak

GDP Germany 1918: 17 Billion $
GDP UK 1918: 18 Billion $

GDP Germany 1938: 56 Billion $
GDP UK 1938: 25 Billion $

Look it up, that was the real reason for the war. Germany was a militaristic, highly productive relatively new nation that was bound to severely threaten century long established power interests in Europe.
Even if they remained peaceful. Nobody back then gave a damn about the jews btw. Even Churchill was an Antisemite.
America doesnt need an excuse or justification for who it does business with.

If we decide to stop doing business with Japan it doesnt give Japan the right to attack us. You're a delusional faggot who makes excuses and apologies for Japanese and Nazi aggression.

Nazi's and Japs thought they were tough shit and got a reality check. Accept it and move on.
The only reason the US could nuke Japan was because its airforce was basically wiped out. That would be rather hard due to Germany's massive industrial output. Not to mention that the post-war US technological achievements mentioned by you couldn't have been done without massive help from German technology and German scientists. Also the scenarios you paint up are nothing short of autistic and has no foothold in reality whatsoever.
Russia's army was outdated even in WWI. They were decades behind the Germans even then. Stalin committed all of the Soviet resources for industrialization so he could invade Germany

And he only turned on the Jews after Israel aligned with the US. The Soviet Union was founded by Jews and many Jews were in Stalins inner circle, not to mention serving as bureaucrats and commissars in the Soviet regime
The Soviet and British war machines were largely funded by Americans, but I agree that a major 1v1 war between the US and the 3rd reich wouldn't be the same due to distance. The US fought the Japs on tons of otherwise useless pacific islands because neither side could mass enough troops for a marine invasion
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This jingoism...

America was aiding the opposition that was in direct war with Japan and Germany. We went into Afghanistan for far less than this.

America was basically also trying to siege Japan and Germany, causing starvation by cutting off merchant vessels with their navy. This is illegal under international law and not even Germany was doing this to those it was in a war against.

You actually believe that Japan woke up one morning and said "I'd sure love to get America into this war for no reason". You're a fool.
>Nobody back then gave a damn about the jews btw
thanks to hitler now everybody gives!
The jews purged so brutally all intelligentsia among Russians that they couldn't even keep their train system running anymore without having hundreds of accidents per month.
The Soviets started to run a campaign about traitorous saboteurs who try to harm them because it was too embarrassing for them.
This was also a big reason why Stalin reduced the jews power, if he had let them have their way they would have catapulted Russia back into the stone age eventually.
He just couldn't have it that everyone with half a brain was being exterminated when a war with highly industrialised Germany was looming in the future.
Only after Israel aligned with the US. Up until then the soviet union might as well have been zion. Even during the purges many Jews were carrying out the atrocities perpetrated by the NKVD
Well I already said, I'm not a fan of Hitler or Naziism.
>>132275233 Dont know why your saying Im from stormfront. All Im saying is he wanted war and got it. I agree Japan got what they deserved, as did Germany for declaring war, however Roosevelt wanted the war to happen and did what he could to incite it. You had long broke the Japs code and knew what they were planning and did nothing to stop it, as a Japanese attack meant Germany were obliged to declare war, so you could get the big target Hitler, thus your European first policy.
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Why are people so fascinated with the III Reich? There is a lot of failed states, but why do losers obsess over this particular one?
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It wouldnt be hard at all because the US achieved supersonic flight two years after the war and would have produced shit tons of jet fighters.

We didnt need German scientists. German scientists based all of their developments on the work of Robert Goddard. After the war he finally received funding and was put to work on developing spaceflight. His efforts resulted in the Saturn V rocket.

We didnt need German engineers to build some crude rockets to deliver nuclear payloads. If the situation came up where we had nukes but no good way to deliver em to German targete, I guarantee a delivery method would have been devised within a year. It was all a matter of funding and priority.

the US doesnt even need a payload delivery system. They could have just used nuclear bombs in combat and brute forced a path to Berlin. To destroy the German airforce and gain control of the skies, its enough just to nuke their airfields and supplied/infrastructure. Cant stage an air defense when your airfield and everything within 50 miles of it is an irradiated wasteland.

Stalin sent the Jews to siberia. Jews had no power or influence in the USSR after Stalins purged. The USSR was in no position to invade Germany and you have literally no sources for any invasion plans. Stop repeating your drivel.
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It's pearl harbor, not pearl harbour, you dipshit
It would have been simply pointless to have such a war, it would go nowhere for any side.
Invading mainland US is probably even more impossible than the other way around, but the US couldn't have done much to limit Germans international trade either.

You resort to grade school name calling and have just dropped out of logical causality to adopt moral agenda because its the only argument you have left.

What you're really saying is that America and the UK won the war, which means they are infallible and thats all that really matters to you despite your own country, who was ethnically european at the time of this war, being over run by immigrants and homosexuals due to the fact that America DID win the war.

So what then? your cucking yourself and proud?

Im still the same responder btw, I just switched to my desktop because my phone is a piece of shit
Logical Causality? The hell you smoking dude. Japan invaded the US. Simple ss that. I dont care who you are or how good your excuse, if you throw the first punch you started the fight.

I dont give a fuck about Japan or their lack of resources. Thats their problem. They had no right to attack Hawaii. Pointing at Roosevelt isnt an excuse, all you're doing is deflecting and shifting blame away from the responsible party.

I know you love that national socialism crap, and would gladly sell your country down the river to fellate Hitlers dick, but its time you got it through your head that you dont fuck with America. Period. Full stop. End of discussion. Take your ass back to Nipland, back to Berlin, and dont ever think of crossing this ocean and raising your fists at my country again.

>Cant stage an air defense when your airfield and everything within 50 miles of it is an irradiated wasteland.
And neither can you invade a country if you've turned everything within 50 miles of each military target you encounter into an irradiated wasteland. Unless you want your entire army to die a painful death from radiation poisoning, that is.
Its total war. Radiation isnt instant. If we had to claw our way to Berlin eradicating all german targets along the way, it would have been far less casualties on our side than conventional war.

Airfields can be built quickly. US would just need to move in and set up a temporary runway for bombers to refuel and take off for the next target.
You are so obviously a jew. The power of Satanic Revanchism is strong with you.
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>if you throw the first punch you started the fight.
Thank god no legal system is retarded enough to believe this.

But I'm glad a little cucky like you will stand there and take your bull yelling in your face, shoving you and following you around saying he's going to fuck your wife again. Don't hit him otherwise YOU started the fight!
>get btfo and have no arguments
>call the other person a Jew

Wow! You sure showed me. I love Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany now. Thanks! We should have spresd our ass cheeks for grorious nippon and asked for more. Sorry master for not selling you our oil so you could shove grorious nippon steel folded 100 million times bayonets into chinese womens vaginas at nankin! Sorry. Here you can fuck my wife Tojo.
Ok mate why dont you go test your legal theories and beat some guy up for making fun of you in public. Go ahead man.

No, America refusing to do business with Japan is not a legal or moral justification for them to declare war on us. Get that Tojo dick out of your mouth its affecting your brain function.
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The west is doing really great with America forcing it's progressive culture onto everywhere else.

Leaders of forced integration and negro rape.
One day even you will stand before god and be judged for your deeds in life.
based af
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>Literally lets his bull assault him
You do know that nukes weren't something that you could just mass-produce and launch at whatever target you liked? And radiation is pretty much instant you numbskull, and it is guaranteed to have thoroughly irradiated its area of impact by tens of miles by the time your divisions try to match through it, dying en masse in the process. Are you fucking lobotomized or something?
Ok lets say we know Japan is gonna invade. What can we do about it to prevent a war?

We can: 1. Call up Tojo and ask pretty please dont invade us. Tojo will go oh ok domo arigato mr. Americani, and would delay the invasion. He'd now be tipped off that we have a way to crack Japanese communications, and would change them to negate that. Congrats, we're still gonna be invaded but we gave up our only advantage to delay the invasion temporarily.

2. Counter by attacking first, which would lead to the same outcome (but less casualties on our side). We would still have a war with Japan and Germany. They would still know we cracked their communications and we would not enjoy such an advantage in future engagements.

So you see, just by using your brain snd thinking about the situation, you can see how knowing about an impending Japanese Invasion means absolutely nothing. You can also see how you might not want to reveal you can read your enemies communications, even if it means sacrificing some soldiers, because it can potentially save many more lives or win you the war with a key intel down the road.
What the fuck does that have to do with WWII. Pay attention.


One day you will stop being a homosexual.

Probably not.
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>Germany went
every fucking time. it all started with germany and the US/britain/poland/soviet union were doing nothing in the meantime

>Also lol at Hitler pre emptively invading USSR.
why even post if you've never even looked into the subject
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Most countries would execute people like that, not because they were surprised or caught off guard, but because they don't want the general population freaking out.
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