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Putin ready to out Pedos in DC

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Putin is going to make trump his BITCH at g20, its going to be so humiliating ... Donald may well be shitting his pants

Yeah, well I've seen articles claiming this for 9/11 and aliens too, I'm not holding my breath.
This is what Flynn was working on, no?
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Daily reminder. Putin is a pedophile. lookit up
Haha this is a bullshit story. I remember a couple years ago there were a ton of stories like "Putin warns Obama to expose the existence of aliens, or he will!" What a crock of shit. I wish it was true though.
Ahh shit, you beat me!
I actually think Putin is more than happy with the direction this is headed.
>relations with EU shit
>relations with Canada shit
>relations with Mexico shit
>relations with China meh shit but neutral
Basically the surge of nationalism pushes us toward a white-centric nation, and aligns our sensibilities with like-minded superpowers (Russia, China). Basically, if everything goes according to plan, Russia, the US, and China may represent White Nationalism while EU and others represent Globalism and integration.
Wouldn't surprise me if pizzagate was real.
Neon Nettle, how reputable
Like minded conservative superpowers I meant to say. Of course China is communist, but from a socioeconomic standpoint these days, they're surprisingly redpilled.
Yeah, and Steve Scalise was working on human trafficking. They certainly learned their lesson...
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'd take a million squatting cheeki breeki gopniks over a handful of zerg scum chinks.
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If this were the case, it would mean Putin really is ready for WWIII. I highly doubt that tbqh. Preparations are not that far along yet. NATO needs to be destabilized along with the EU first.
Hey Ivan, nice try.

We all know Putin's goal is an easily malleable multi polar world. Putin's only goal is to weaken the west, and the only way to do that is to weaken their relationship with each other so he can devise his own deals.
Yeah but I mean that Flynn was working with some Ruski.

The claim was that Flynn go a list of D.C. pedos and Mike pence had a friend on the list so Flynn withheld that info from him.

I think Putin doesn't want to disgrace Trump.

So he will be careful not to.
>it's a /pol/ falls for fake news episode
Who made that claim?
yeah being willing to tighten links NATO in the early 2000's is being willing to weaken the west lmao, Putin was extremely pro west and pro american when he took power, it's your dumb fucking politicians since Obomber that put him in a defensive position with your retarded containment policy, putting sanctions on russia weakened western economies more than anything Putin could have done.
Is this supposed to be funny?
Obviously I meant that China has the same sensibility as white nationalism. Conservative values, harsh judicial punishment, minimal diversity.
Why are they being exposed?
Did they refuse to play ball?
This is what the media has spoon fed you. How on earth can you believe it's in Putin's best interest to bring down the western world? So Islam can reign over every nation besides Russia? So Africans can flood Europe then run over into Moscow? Explain this to me, I'm genuinely curious.
I was actually paraphrasing Putin from one of his speeches dumb ass.

Try harder dumb ass
Leftist humor are just like leftist memes. Just pathetic.


I'm sorry you fell for propaganda memes
yeah sure dumb fuck
God damn I can't remember, boy. Take it with a grain of salt, for now.
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lmfao okay ivan
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... but, but Mourning Joe said pizza gate isn't real, just today!
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look at the shill, trying so hard
look and laugh
you're a moron, that's all I can say
, but again you're american so you're absolutely self righteous in your stupidity
take down the cult of demonrats
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>GF's ass gets slammed by her "male coworker"
>Un-invtes him from his party.
>GF gets mad
>Ask leddit if he's overreacting.
>Munich speech
How many levels of neocon do you have to be on to frame that as anti-western?

Imagine being a traitor to your own people
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I legitimately want to got to war with EU nations in the coming EU civil war.


>I was actually paraphrasing
>p.s. I believe Putin, a former KGB agent, would openly telegraph his plans in an easily-accessible speech
Jesus you're dumb.
If Putin knows that theres somthing positive from this g20 he will act passible and sumissive, he knows how shit works and is one of the most veteran presidents on that meeting.
I expect at least an handshake bettwen them and a micro smile.
You're an idiot lmfao. You have no idea what you're talking about
This is cool.
You go, Pooter!
>conservative values
>minimal diversity
you have no idea what you're talking about to just shut the fuck up retard.
This sounds right. Everyone is watching at this point. All enemies. They won't discuss anything at this meeting.
This smells like a CNN psy op to me trying to bring back the muh Russia narratives again.

you guys know this is literally fake news right?
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Until the Hollywood-DC pedophile axis is exposed, we'll never take this country back.

Godspeed, Poots. Put that good old Russian espionage to good use.
And you're a shill. Go fuck yourself.
Prove me wrong.
This. The anti-Russia shills are deranged.
Friendly reminder that these links are being posted by Adsense scammers.

I Just got called a shill by a putincuck how will I ever recover
The same way you always have, by sucking Anderson Cooper's cock like a pacifier.
Huh? Is that the only name you know Ivan?

Imagine getting paid 0.02c to troll on 4chan.
>still at maximum overshill
>m-m-muh Russians
Based Russia standing on our flag thank yo Pooter Senpai

t. Putincuck

what are you going on about m8
i remember reading about this too
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>Nobody will ask about them Russia Human/child traffic stuff.
A general ""mentalhospital"" in Russia is used as brothel to the lowest of the low.
80% of whites on Liveleak is showing how fucked up and shitty Russia is.

I would love for them pedos to e exposed, but never ever think "it's better/they don't have this shit in Russia". Because FUCK that country is fucked.
What an overzealous retard you are, Shillary.

I dunno if its legitimate or not because there tends to be a lot of false sayings attributed to him but if so, awesome. More power to him and perhaps we can adopt a similar rationale in the near future and ban "lgbt propaganda".
For those shilling for or against him, Putin is not a ally to the west and plays Russian disdain for America to his political benefit but he does have a sense of value, despite however imperfect his political actions might be he places a certain value on Russian citizens they've not experienced under communism or tsardom; he's of course taken some opportunity to enrich himself but he has nationalized Russian oil assets for the benefit of Russian geopolitics and made them a presence on the world stage that was most unexpected and he's the absolute best they've gotten.
Drumpf will be manhandled by Putin so bad
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