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I've been on here for years and I'm sorry, but the

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I've been on here for years and I'm sorry, but the whole, "The jews are trying to destroy the white race because they hate whites" just sounds kind of cartoonish in my opinion

If there was an elite group though, I will admit they are pushing degeneracy and propaganda. But I feel it's more so for a corrupt degenerate "Profit" reason rather than a sense of "Trying to destroy the white race" for the sake of it.

I mean, Hollywood and Music had a bunch of "Jews" working in that department from the 70s and 80s, hell, even back in the 30s. I don't recall too much degenerate pieces of media from those era. Most of /pol/ looks back at media and culture in the 30s - 80s fondly.

Don't get me wrong. There is something wrong with our society today and there is a coming number of more degeneracy. But I feel the elite's unpure motives are done for "Profit" rather than some sort of self centered "They hate me because I'm white" thing
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>Really wonder who could be behind THIS post.
I knew I was going to get merchant memes.

I'm not really mad or annoyed because I expected it.

But I'm just curious if anyone thinks like me.

These are just shower thoughts.
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This is exactly what a jew would say
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it's just how jews act. an extended phenotype. just look what they do over and over and over again. and you wonder WHY. WHY ARE YOU RUINING SHIT AGAIN???? and it hurts... but then you really see. and once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
תודה על הפוסט שלך, 2.30 $ יתווספו לחשבונך
Agreed. Ethnocentrism hasn't made sense since the dark ages. Greed is the great unifier.
No chance you were here for years.
When the world is made up of 60% women/40% men, it is in the best interest of (((business))) to minimize the differentiation of product aimed at humans. Think about it, if (((business))) could eliminate the production costs of producing goods made specifically for only 60% or 40% of all humans, and instead make goods for a single gender fluid class that essentially consumes the same thing all the time, then they reduce production costs and retool for all 100% of the population, sinc enow they are all genderless bots of human soup.
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Nope. The Jews are responsible.
Would wizchan be more friendly with people of different opinions? I'm not denying Zionism but I feel we tend to take a black and white look at it

Since the Zim Zam trial
It's a slow churn of desensitization to previously held values and principles. By moving populations around the world, into areas with no historical relevance to the migrated populace, the eventual result is a new generation of citizens who carry no value in the traditions of their nations. The disdain the elite hold for the old traditions causes the old traditions to be wiped out basically through generational filtering.
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Majority of people on /pol/ willingly stay within the echo chamber perpetuated here, any other train of thought gets you labelled a shill.

In reality, the "white genocide" probably isn't an orchestrated agenda by a powerful, secret entity, it just happens to be an unintended side effect of things like the women's rights movement, for example.

Leading Western women to focus on their career rather than starting a family, something unheard of in most of the developing world, which explains the differing birth rates among these societies, to a degree.
>don't get me wrong
I got you wrong
nothing you can do about it faggot kike
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The jews aren't everything but they are a lot of it. There are non jew deep state and people whose strings are pulled by unseen masters style stuff going too but I'm telling you, the jews are a lot of it. You need to look more. Here's just one coincidence, don't worry about it because it's all coincidental.
Google "Praktischer Idealismus English"
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Whether or not this is their intention is kind of irrelevant.
A few have admitted that they support the goal of destroying whites, fewer have admitted that they are actively pursuing this goal. Even leaving those cases out, the relevant point is that an inordinate amount of jews have supported, and are supporting societal change which brings this goal closer.

It doesn't matter what their motives are. Their actions are destructive to white people and we are chastised for simply defending ourselves. "The Jew cries out as he strikes you".

Furthermore, if you know anything about history, you know the power and necessity of propaganda. If painting jews as hateful against whites instead of simply being motivated by profit causes more white people to become disillusioned or even fight back, then I don't see any reason to counter-signal the idea.
I'm just as skeptical as you, and I think we all are.. but jews are the #1 suspect at the moment

Since the beginning of history people have been manipulating other people, and the manipulation game is insane right now
>it just happens to be an unintended side effect of things like the women's rights movement, for example.

could in not just be that jews have a disproportionate level of work ethic, IQ etc to the rest of the population
>I've been on here for years and I'm sorry,
JIDF reply to JIDF
Look jews, you're not fooling anyone with these "jews didn't do it" threads.

Give up now you're just wasting your shekels.
??? you called me jidf? I would PREFER if the entire middle east was a crater lol
you're not very good at this.

fuck off jidf
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>Jews tie Assyrian blood to Amalekitte tribe, implicating all european peoples in a genocidal struggle


True to his mission, Amalek has historically tried to destroy the Jews. The first traces of Amalek are found when they fought against the Jewish people as they left Egypt circa 1300 BCE, attacking the Jews out of pure hatred – Amalek lived in a distant land and was under no imminent threat (Exodus 17:8-15). Amalek resurfaced later in history, in a battle against King Saul (1-Samuel ch. 15). Again, Amalek arose headed by the wicked Haman who commanded an attempted genocide against the entire Jewish people, as recorded in the Book of Esther.
So what happened to Amalek after that?

Sennacherib, the King of Assyria, circa 500 BCE, mixed up all the nations (Talmud – Brachot 28a). When he conquered a country, he would take a large segment of the population and send them to other countries. This caused confusion among the population so they would never be able to muster enough strength to cause a rebellion. In this way, Sennacherib was able to retain control. Many of these peoples intermarried with each other and their old nationalities became mixed together. Amalek also was mixed in at this time. This means the identification of a particular individual or group, as Amalek by the means of genealogy is absolutely impossible.

Does Amalek exist today?

The story is told about the great Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, the revered spiritual leader who lived in the Old City of Jerusalem at the turn of the century. When the German Kaiser Wilhelm visited Jerusalem in 1898, Rabbi Sonnenfeld refused to greet him. He explained that the Kaiser exhibited the classic signs of Amalek (a tradition passed down from the Vilna Gaon).

Shockingly, the Talmud (Megillah 6b) identifies a nation called "Germamia" as the descendents of Amalek.
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The only link to the region of Germany by Assyria are the expeditions into that region such as the ones by Prince Trebeta who colonized what is today Trier, which is annunciated by the Archbishops of Trier in records known as the Gesta Treverorum.

The oldest city in Germany is Trier, a city whose inhabitants say was founded around 2000 B.C. by the Assyrians.

Josef K.L. Bihl writes in his German textbook In Deutschen Landen, “Trier was founded by Trebeta, a son of the famous Assyrian King Ninus. In fact, one finds … in Trier the inscription reading, ‘Trier existed for 1,300 years before Rome was rebuilt.’” To this day, this story is used to attract tourists to Trier.

According to Greek historians, the ancient Assyrian capital of Nineveh was built by Ninus. The biblical account tells us that the builder of Nineveh was Asshur, the son of Shem, who became the progenitor of the Assyrians (Genesis 10:11). Ninus is simply the Greek name for the Asshur of the Bible.

The original Ninus was Nimrod, grandson of Ham, of the black race. Asshur, son of Shem, who was white, also took the name Ninus. He is the Ninus II of ancient historic record who founded Nineveh.

Archaeological data reveals that shortly after Xerxes’s disastrous campaign, a great migration of the Assyrian people from the Black Sea region occurred. With the Persian Empire weakening, the Assyrians moved from Asia Minor and the southern shores of the Black Sea to the sea’s northern shores—to a land called Scythia. Here they began to be called Scythians, and their identity was eventually obscured. But these people didn’t just disappear into thin air. They migrated west and underwent a name change!
>I mean, Hollywood and Music had a bunch of "Jews" working in that department from the 70s and 80s, hell, even back in the 30s. I don't recall too much degenerate pieces of media from those era. Most of /pol/ looks back at media and culture in the 30s - 80s fondly.

Judging by the fact that they are the only race in history to have experienced diaspora as often as they have, and still maintained the same cultural identity, it is far more likely that it's due to nepotism.
They've been decried as scheming manipulative parasites for thousands of years.
Their religious doctrine literally justifies deceiving and defrauding the goyim.

Your scenario could possibly be the case, just as it could all possibly be (((pure coincidence))), but those are both incredibly unlikely explanations based on what we know.
It's funny how /pol/ constantly brings up IQ statistics about blacks, then conveniently ignores them when it comes to Jews.
What do you mean "conveniently ignores"?
It makes them a more dangerous adversary, we know this.
When has it ever been conveniently ignored?
It's funny how pol has literally never ignored this, not even now that is full of moronic trump supporters who care a lot about based black guys with maga hats, but people from outside have been repeating this lie since 2010 basically.
Jews are why religion is dangerous. They think they are gods chosen people thus can justify doing anything to reach god. I dont know why in this age antisemitism is illegal and people still define each other by a religious terminology.

PS: You can believe in god without religion you fucktards.
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Kalergi plan and amalek. Thats the key to understanding the jews motivations
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Hollywood has been Jewish for more than a century, and it's been liberal that long too. Just watch the documentary my man.
>Blacks who blame whites for their own collective shittude are scapegoating and unable to account for their own fuckups.

>The Eternal Jew is the source of all problems in the whites currently face.
Very interesting.

Makes sense that a japanese/Austrian mixed race individual would push for a future where his situation was the norm.

However in relation to his defence of Judiasm I am confused. It seems Richard's father sought to, in a way, forgive the Jews for creating religious bigotry so as to not make their same mistake. Odd that he and his son would take it to such extremes as to protect the Jewish faith with the same distinction as their own Catholicism.
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I don't hate jews, I hate commies.
Most jews just so happen to be commies.
not funny nor original
don't even bother next time
everyone is thinking it but you're obnoxious enough to dedicate a post to it
Goy Guide to World History:

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>just curious
I agree. White people treat jews better than any other race will and they fucking know it.
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