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What is wrong with the white boyz? They are the depraved animals

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Brendt Christensen is charged with kidnapping Chinese student who vanished three weeks ago: Alleged captor 'read about 'abduction 101' on a fetish website

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4656332/PhD-student-accused-kidnapping-missing-Chinese-student.html#ixzz4lYK40EK9
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rekt that fucking slut lmao
I thought Asian girls were pure?
Let's archive that..

Stop chasing after the Asian goddesses you despicable subhumans. Go reproduce with your own blacked roasties.
>The 28-year-old was under surveillance on Thursday when FBI agents overheard him talking about kidnapping Zhang and holding her against her will
>overheard him talking about kidnapping Zhang and holding her against her will
so that's how badly someone has to fuck up to get caught? real inspiring work FBI, well done.
Whites are niggers compared to Asians
Less intelligence
More Violence
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/r9k/ finally gets a date.
Just looking at this balding white subhuman makes me want to puke.
>yingying zang
Why do they perpetuate the stereoype
What is abduction 101? What are the steps?
step 1: don't
I hope he gets raped in jail. Stuff like this makes me sick.
Step 2: KYS
Step 3: Realize since you are browsing /pol/, you couldn't possibly abduct anyone with your flimsy spaghetti arms and go back to hentai.
truly the face of an Aryan male that Asians worship

Yes. White niggers
Well done
That is what Niggers say about themselves and the white women......You are to Asians what Niggers are to you.
This isn't helpful.
Everyone (and I mean everyone...no exceptions) at UIUC has autism so I don’t blame him.
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Do chinks understand sarcasm?
Just make sure you don't abduct anyone you know personally. That makes you much easier to suspect.
i was being sarcastic
They really are insects.
Mostly they spend their time reading our shitposts
>not using 12 proxies when you do research on your fav site.
Why not? 3 clear steps.
Yes, we're a dangerous and violent place, please tell the chinks this as well so they stop coming here.
the thing about people who are crazy is that they're not very smart either
Was getting caught part of his plan?
No their brains can't into creativity or anything other than logic, which is why bwc runs the planet
reminder that this is the type of person you white knights are sympathizing with


yeah nah
being a disturbed beta is not limited to aryans.

sometimes I think prostitution should be legalized and regulated. it might help prevent losers like that from going off the deep end.

Yeah, but we have big dicku and height with attractive features (Negroes, not so much)

You love it
do you even history?
Do you on the mass faked research papers the Chinese produce?
>ometimes I think prostitution should be legalized and regulated. it might help prevent losers like that from going off the deep end.
Hasn't worked here or in OZ.
the Chinese bootleg everything, so that's a fair point.
I hadn't looked into the aus/nz situation. interesting.

you'd think having an outlet would prevent this sort of thing. but I guess there are some people who can't be fixed.

Most murders with a man and woman is cheating and separation here

Stranger murders are very rare
so maybe I'm right after all.
They almost certainly could be fixedn (pun unintended), problem is it costs and frankly is not worth the cost most of the time.
Same in countries with illegal prostitution.

But we still get violent kidnapping and rapes despite this 'therapeutic' outlet.
If white men are so dangerous to asian womrn why do asian women keep travelling to white countries.
Checkmate asians.
That said I am OK with it being legal, because it really isn't a matter for the state to intervene in.

That said, it being an 'outlet' is bullshit and a shit reason to do something.
America is not a "WHITE COUNTRY". Whites don't own America. We will travel and spread our culture and influence as we please
Reminds me of that Vietnamese student at Yale that was murdered and stuffed into a ventilation duct a few years back. The guy who did it was a total loser who worked as a lab tech cleaning the shit out of lab mouse cages.
Japan would still be living like it was the middle ages if it wasn't for Europeans.
>Whites don't own America.
So Jews aren't white? Interesting.
You need the Dugin pill
that is true, and fixing people would involve too much state coercion.

I honestly think stuff like porn, sex dolls and violent games are outlets that help prevent people from snapping. I would think prostitution serves that purpose too, but I could be wrong.
Pretty sure we all need the viagra pill considering both our respective birthrates.
dont have a cry when some white man nuts in your girlfriend. asian boi
GMOs are turning men feminine
Theres been lots of cases of asians getting murdered because a lot dont use common sense in western countries. Like walking by themselves late at night in rough areas or renting in rough areas or approaching people they shouldnt.
Nips were literally brought into the modern age by the generous and benevolent white man. And how did you show your gratitude? By senselessly attacking Russia like savage barbarians.
The Japs went from a feudal Shogunate to defeating imperial Russia at sea (Battle of Tsushima) in a matter of decades. Northern Europe took over a thousand years to become technically up to snuff with the Greeks and Romans.

Japs are quick fucking studies.
>Theres been lots of cases of asians getting murdered because a lot dont use common sense in western countries. Like walking by themselves late at night in rough areas or renting in rough areas or approaching people they shouldnt.
that's because in most homogeneous countries it's safe to walk out at night
>/pol/ HOW can our aryan sisters betray us so much?
Well that's the thing, those outlets are all accessible whether it's legal or illegal, but even when it is legal you still get freaks who snap anyway, the same freaks who'd snap if it was illegal.

Like those people who say guns kill people, no it's the fucktard who snaps who kills people, the legality of the action/item has no bearing on them snapping. Heck only the accessibility has a bearing but it's immoral to ban an activity because of a few tards.
>imperial Russia at sea
That's really not impressive.
She was cute, a shame.
Do you think everyone on here is a nazi or a white man? You may be mentally retarded
>you still get freaks who snap anyway, the same freaks who'd snap if it was illegal.

That is correct.

The main thing about legal brothels is that you don't punish the average man that wants to fuck women and pay for it (as well as the woman that wants to fuck for money), as it's a victimless crime when both agree to it.
I suppose it would be easier abducting a Chinese girl than a white.
You could get a big pack and be like:
>Get in the fucking bag!
And just carry them back to your dungeon.
No it isnt. These people come from shittier countries than the west but they throw out all caution in the west because they are mentally children.
This man is someone /pol/ can look up to. As a true White warrior, he eliminated a chink bitch from the gene pool.
maybe that's the solution to divorce rape
we need to meme women into being absolutely convinced that they will be murdered if they try any funny business
they need to think it's a ubiquitous phenomenon and that they are guaranteed to die if they try to divorce, destroy the family, and get a payout
if we can get normies to think pepe is a symbol of white supremacy, then we can do this too
Tell the rest of 4chan to stop welcoming them with open arms
wait a minute why was this dude under surveillance in the first place? if he did something that justified surveillance from the FBI why didn't they jump on him sooner? and how the fug did they get an audio recording of him talking about abducting the slope?
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>shittier countries than the west
In what sense? Infrastructure and environment? Sure. But the streets of their large cities aren't literally overrun with violent criminals and terrorists.
My wife is from the same city as this girl and she's really upset about this.
Fuck, she's wearing glasses. You know how many perv weebs on here hunger for that shit? I bet that bearded cuck posted on here and has a fedora hanging in the closet.
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Looks kinda like that guy from "kill bill".
China has better infrastructure than america in both road and rail.
forgot trip
that's a safe bet.

I've always been able to read people, and his pic screams massive beta.
Lol at the chinese shills itt. You can tell an asian shill because they use one isolated case of a murderer to whoop up antiwestern sentiment.
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If you aren't a White man who believes in our racial superiority and in the elimination of all inferior races you don't belong here.
Yellow fever does crazy things to a cuck.
> fake news.
the fbi actually has him on record while interrogating.. he admitted to it faggot..

read the fbi report.. they did all they can..
seriously I wanna know what he did before this that got the FBI on his back. Why do I read so many stories about these guys who were being watched by some government entity, showed obvious warning signs and nothing happens.

Intent what? going to some fetish website attracts the attention of the FBI? there's no way, he must have done something worse than that beforehand.
>Brendt Christensen (left)
Found your problem right there
Don't fuck with white people. They'll lock you in a basement and make you beg for death.
>while you are in this thread thousands of asian girls are losing their virginity to white men
You mad asianmasculinity?
notice the "white nationalists" in this thread don't call this man a scumbag or even say it was bad
instead you have them ignoring it and attacking Asians
Its because the law isnt a defence force. They have to have a crime to react.
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claim your recently available waifus..

> claimed
Fuck off nigger.
Notice how the assumption is everyone is a white nationalist itt and the op and asians use it to attack white men while assuming that people dont think its wrong.
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And which I agree with you on, it's fine but should not be marketed as a solution to crazies, proper policing and draconian punishments are the only solution to those cunts.
This is what I want to know.
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awww soo sadd.. what will you do without a strong supportive male available to you all the times hun especially in difficult times like these..
You're not answering my question, why were they watching him in the first place? The FBI cannot possibly track every weirdo talking about their sex fantasies on the internet, he must have done something serious to attract their attention.
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He obviously wasnt that sensitive in the end you cuck.
They were investigating him. Why do you yanks not understand how the law works.
So they were investigating some random dude who had committed no crimes yet. Brilliant answer friend.
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It would be for the best, that's for sure, but realistically what needs to happen is the pay-out is completely removed, make it so women know they're going to fucking starve if they try to ruin their family. No more hand outs.
He was a Bernie Sanders supporter.

They found his car that was on video picking the girl up and started watching him.
Thats what an investigation is.
I wonder how many eggs she had to eat
All of them.
>that ring
Did he get divorced which caused him to snap?
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> implying sensitive people cant be rapists..

it clearly says sad dumbass..
Sensitive people dont kidnap others retard.
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Thousand year old ones? Chinese delicacy.
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but then why did he kidnap fascist cuck

you are almost convincing me that fascists are all low iq idiots

prove it. also...

>Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4656332/PhD-student-accused-kidnapping-missing-Chinese-student.html#ixzz4lYK40EK9
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the fuck?
All I ever did to my Chinese lab-partner was fap using the inside of her rubber gloves as an onahole, fap into her white labcoat pocket, and lick her snacks.
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lol, but yeah this story is sad.
You know islamists are fascists.
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This is why I get a hard on when muslim men culturally enrich white wimminz.
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They werent banging hookers in cheap motels, so they werent doing everything they can
Getting aroused by other men having sex makes you a cuck.
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Step one show the candy.
Step two throw the candy in the van.
Step street say go get it.
Step four ???
Step five profit.
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>throw the candy in the van
The contents of said van.
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They wanted to wait and "see what happened".
Asian women stop falling for bad boys. Shamefur
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Incredibly rare korean gilf hunter
this is a hapa
Sup brendt
captcha: exit despacho
He eliminated himself also from the gene pool. And if you want to do one by one cancellation of each other's populations, whites will surely lose.
She looks like some sort of ancient mayan carving.
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China also has entire cities that are uninhabited because their population is too poor. They are like real life minecrafters. Building shit for the sake of it just to show the rest of the world that they can.
>He eliminated himself also from the gene pool
How's that? Some prisons have conjugal visits, and women love convicts, so you never know...
>Building shit for the sake of keeping it's workforce employed.
It does serve a (very temporary and irresponsible) purpose.
Why do all of these freaks fuck the ugliest chinks? Is it they're just more likely to be alone?
They are building those "ghost cities" in Africa too, which makes more sense considering their neo-colonial plan to conquer the Dark Continent for the natural resources, and living room for settlers.
He shouldn't have killed her.

That was uncalled for.
Criminals are stupid
not surprised considering how many fucking chinese foreign exchange students attend university of illinois
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Thats becuase of evolution, thats explain how they are inferior to asians in anyways
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Serial killers normally kidnap, rape, and murder prostitutes, so you're little plan won't work...
Lol i dont understand muderers its pretty easy to not kill a bish lmao desu
>when you have one wife but want eight and the autism takes over
stick a bag over their head and throw them in a van
Yeah, just think - he could have had her tucked away in a shipping container as a sex slave like this one police freed from a psycho:
that's because normal sex isn't an outlet when what you want is to strangle a girl to death
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Is she wearing a grill?
fuck off tripfag
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>He is facing a further 27 charges of indecency, kidnap and filming private parts without consent, after detectives allegedly found images on Mr Barrett’s phone of him masturbating over her as she slept.
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Am I imagining the resemblance?
Chinless numale BTFO.
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>you will never be a FBI agent that has to read /pol/ and /b/ everyday
What about the Japanese guy that cannibalized a French woman, got a slap on the wrist, and returned to Japan as a fucking celebrity?
Man fuck that guy. Japanese qts are so innocent and trusting. She never even considered he could be a bad person.
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>tfw was a UIUC grad student
>tfw know a girl named yingying
>tfw have walked all those streets and lived near those apartments
fucking hell

Why are you in a white country? Shoo
I bet you're glad you didn't abduct her like you planned to, now.

Which nip invented the internet or went to the moon or invented the computer?
Oh ya you niggers were still fighting with pig iron swords when we found you , hundreds of years behind
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If it wasn't for the US Navy and the Meiji government you guys would be fucking screwed right now
Nah, fuck Russia, the only bad war the Japs have been a part of since they became a 1st world nation was WW2
>fighting with pig iron swords
The Chinks invented steel centuries before the Bessemer process in the west. Credit where credit is due, Leaf.
>abduction 101
where can i read that? i want to abduct qt asian girl too..
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This obviously bait from the faggots at r/asianmasculinity but since i dont want whites and asians mixing either im gonna allow it.
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it's hard to do that when you're afraid of women and also afraid of being outside without Mother
He looks aztec. Even the asian in america look like they have mystery meat.
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>Even the asian in america look like they have mystery meat.
Says Achmed the "Frenchman"....HAHAHAHA.
why are white people such garbage?
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he killed some stupid canadian literal juggalo. he did the world a service and is a hero.
Why do you keep sneaking into their countries
japanese porn is sickest porn
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I've never seen AMBF, and think I would point and laugh if I did.
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>Alleged captor 'read about 'abduction 101' on a fetish website
>implying whatever some nigger, beaner, chink does changes anything.
How'd they know he did it?

So, he picked her up, they got a wire and they heard him say he did it.

That's still not full evidence, as he could have been roleplaying that he did it with his history.

They'd need something else here. You don't want to get the wrong guy in this sort of thing.
No the statement is retarded. If other people were better than whites they would stay in their countries.
White people are fucking animals. They are barely above niggers in the ability to establish civilized behavior.
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>tfw got a date with a qt Chinese girl in 2 hours

Wish my luck, boys.
it has fuck all to do that, they don't move to white countrie to be with white people.
You do though. They move to white countries because of better living standards around white people.
When 3rd worlders turn an area into a ghetto they start moving out looking for more white areas to move to.
exactly it has fuck all to do with white people and their aberrant behavior. they move there to take and possess what they have. it doesn't make the previous owners of said lifestyle any more or less garbage. it has nothing to do with it no matter how desperately you want to equate the two.

>said the chink as he shits on the street and runs over a 6 year old chink girls and backs up over her again
Good luck. Take her to hammer town.
>continually migrate to white countries
>continually need to follow white people around
>continually need to mooch off white people
>nothing to do with white people
Didn't she read the news story.

How does she trust you
Honestly, a White-Asian alliance might be our only hope. We might just be fucked.
pretty obvious they don't give a fuck about white people, they just want what they have. how much clearer does this have to be?
am i the only one who thinks that looks like the dude from epic meal time!?
I want that rooster as a companion
quints of truth
hope you have a good time anon
Do you not get it are you stupid? Communities having overflowing benefits to being in them. Less crime, cleaner neighborhoods more work oppertunities etc.
When the area becomes mostly third world moochers the benefits of living around white people evaporate.
Put it this way theres a reason your kind are garbage compared to white people because you dont prefer to live around your own kind. Therefore your own kind are garbage and less than whites.
that asian girl looks horrendous are you white boys that cucked you have to settle for trash.
>Less crime, cleaner neighborhoods more work oppertunities etc.
if it were blue people possessing this, the same thing would happen. again it has fuck all with wanting to be with whites and more to do with take what they already possess you moron.
They put so much effort picking those photos
Do people not understand that when something happens the first thing that the fbi does is scan all internet usage in the area for key words?

Why do people look this shit up online?

He is a Redditor apparently, not that you couldn't tell with that stupid overcompensating beard
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All whites should be fucking genocided.
What happens too the leftover Black girls and Asian men?
Boy, I'm sure glad they added in the

If it wasn't for that helpful parentheses, I wouldn't have known who Brendt Christensen and YING YING ZHANG was.
Yeah we do, in our native languages. English...eh...a little hard to catch if we can't hear you speak.
Apparently this guy has a roommate.

Seems like it would be hard to keep someone against their will in your apartment and presumably kill them without your roommates knowing anything was going on.

Weird story.
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He allegedly tried to kidnap another girl before, thats how he caught the attention of the FBI.
>Commercial Law offense?
poor melania
>the american continent had indigenous whiteys
>he's never seen german scat granny porn
cue to countless videos of chinese people doing retarded shit that ends in people dying or straight up beating the shit out of people
She got bleached, deal with it rice cracker
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That's hot, any video?
>i want to abduct qt asian girl too..
>where can i read that
you already failed.
Being killed by a Sharter in the Mart is called being Bleached?
so supreme gentlemen and more dindus raised by their single mothers.
oh wait that only applies to brown and black people.
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