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https://kiwifarms.net/threads/commo n-filth-radio.23859/ Fa

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Faggots at (((kiwi farms))) are making a concentrated effort to destroy the last person on the internet fighting a good fight against degeneracy. I hope you skin worshipping sodomites are happy that you drove a man of God into hidding.
Becouse God's retribution will be swift and terrible.
has he even uploaded anything ever since his bandcamp got banned?

I've checked Youtube but there's no uploads there too, is he on another site?
You know as much of a faggot as he is I still miss his videos because he's not really wrong, he's just unwilling to work with anyone and has cultivated a defeatist audience.
I wish he would work with us instead of against us.
Stormfags drove him off. He might come back but not where there are sodomites shilling against him everywhere.

He didn't want to work with you becouse he's not a faggot like you are.
his voice aroused me and gay me gay thoughts
>he's not a faggot like you are
By the definition everyone is a faggot and then he has an excuse to never work with anyone ever.
Shit even toilet law stopped coming on
You are skin worshipping crypto pagans. Man of God would rather die that help your sodomites.
>Skin worshiping
Oh my bad you are right we should just pray the kikes away
What I meant was in a very real way he is choosing to side with being overrun by pagans from the south rather than stand with his Christian Brothers
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>pagans from the south
Mexicans are way more Christian than americans. THOSE are his and mine brothers and they should be yours as well if you consider yourself Christian. By choosing skin over God you are proving that you are not.
>You saw a gay and didn't immediately kill him
>Better just let ourselves be overrun we clearly deserve it
>Mexicans are way more Christian than americans.
You have ZERO idea what you are talking about! They may say Joseph and Mary but they worship their old gods
They do but follow the Bible
They do not live like Christ and they certainly do not follow "have not other gods before me"
>They do not live like Christ and they certainly do not follow "have not other gods before me"
You definitly don't. You worship your skin. Just look at the flag you wear and a pagan symbol on it. You should be ashamed of yourself.
>pagan symbol on it
>Celtic Cross
The Celtic cross is a form of Christian cross featuring a nimbus or ring that emerged in Ireland and Britain in the Early Middle Ages.
My priorities are
Why do you imply I cannot be loyal to my folk and God at the same time?
If it comes down to it God comes first, to say I cannot stand for anything else is monomaniacal.
These things are not in conflict with each other
God himself wants us to protect our families as well as be fruitful and multiply.
Luke 14:26 you skin worshipper. Read the Scripture and go back to God before it's not too late.
How is this incompatible with defending your homeland and culture (including Christianity)
Hating Yourself, your sinful nature, doesn't mean you literally want to kill yourself and watch your people be replaced.
This brings me back to the point
What exactly does cf do aside from doom say?
He exposes who are God's servants and who are His enemies. You as it seem already had choosen to be His enemy.
>You as it seem already had choosen to be His enemy.
You could at least make it less obvious that you didn't read my reply before responding
You can't pick and choose. YOUR PEOPLE are Christians, not your tribe. If God cared about blood we would be doomed to hell like our pagan ancestors were.
I want him to post videos again, I find them funny and interesting
This guy is a legitimate nutcase. And OP doesn't sound much better.
It's you who is nutts. You made God your enemy and He is a terrible enemy to have.
>YOUR PEOPLE are Christians
That's right
And I do not wish to see those Christians replaced either.
People like you are so focused on heaven that you forget salvation happens here on earth we have duties here on earth as well. We have communities and churches to maintain and being invaded is not healthy for that.
The church today is focused so on the third world
On the other
What about our white communities? They drown in filth and we do nothing to help even the ones closest to us! Worse yet we encourage degeneracy in our churches!
A white community has historically brought standards to the church. We have been deceived by the synagogue of Satan into becoming the great Satan ourselves.
This is why I am a white nationalist.
Why are you so against us forming a racial community?
We are Christians
We are are also white.
You seem to imply giving up that ground is noble, it is not!
When you are attacked on racial terms you defend on racial terms you do not just give up land like because you think this is God's judgement. And make no mistake this is exactly what CF does.
I'm afraid you are beyond help.
You really haven't answered anything in this whole thread man! If you have something concrete to say spit it out! You do far have done nothing but trying to have the Bible justify your defeatism! You sound like one of those heretics who does nothing because you are sure the rapture is coming! You are like the man who was given talents and buried them in the ground! You will have nothing to show for your inaction!

He's already won. There's nothing new to be said that his content hasn't already covered. He jumped the ship that is the internet hell, and is engaged with a girl.

He's done more for the future of civilisation then any fag or fag enabler white nationalist here on the chans will ever do.

Spergs sperging out over someone who already left is just icing on the autism cake.
You on the other hand will have your skin worship and hatered for fellow Christians. I pitty you.
Both kiwifarms and common filth are garbage low hanging fruit tier
I still wish he will come back.
ngl I'd fuck him
I do not hate my fellow Christian I just don't want to be ruled by foreigners with a foreign religion.
>They are Christians so you have to let them in and undermine your country

Are you so opposed to government of any kind that you refuse to live anywhere where you are not persecuted? This is simply more defeatism.
if you're a common spic fan you're probably not white
>he's not a faggot
betcha 10 bucks he sucks cock on the regular
I have no idea what's going on
I just wish he'd get up and do something instead of moping
I gotta say he got me fired up but that's all he's capable of doing, building rage.
You have to look elsewhere for an outlet.
>He's done more for the future of civilisation then any fag or fag enabler white nationalist here on the chans will ever do.
he made compilation videos. 4chan made the current president and shifted the overton window. you're objectively wrong, common flth is a faggot and I hope he gets shot in the mouth
Is it true he drills for oil?
>projecting faggot
The flag checks out.

Yet you base your life on worship of your skin in place of God. I'm finished talking with you. If you love your race so much then i let you die alongside with it.
>common filth
>Yet you base your life on worship of your skin
No I don't. You can keep saying it all you want but it gets no truer.
I recognize my skin
I worship God.
I'm not a huge fan of the whole "anyone who hates x is secretly x" argument, but you really have to wonder about someone who spends several hours a day digging through extreme gay porn on tumblr just for "research" purposes and so he can annoy TRS with it.
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Yeah, (((president)))

No idea but wouldn't be suprised. Black women are way more Christian on avarage than white ones.
all catholics are child molesters

lmao common filth is a genius.
>the last person on the internet fighting a good fight against degenerac

I disagree with the autists at KiwiFarms fucking with him, but he's not doing shit to fight degeneracy. All he does is preach fire and brimstone and claim that everyone isn't as good a christian as him.
>(kiwi farms
Irrelevant old meme
>skin worshipping sodomites
quantify commoncocksuckers influence on the world. you fuckng can't because he's an irrelevant shitstain. meanwhile people are writing books about how 4chan has influenced political discourse. you're objectively wrong and your leaders like fucking little boys. kys
CommonFIlth is BASED
What's god and what are you bickering about?
There is nothing to recognize. "Recognizing" your blood is what costed jews their convenant with God and made them pariahs in His eyes. Whites are next.
you let your son get mouthfucked by priests in confessional booth.
all catholics are kiddie rapists. all christians are mentally ill
Check out this based faggot with anti-white bestiality stickers. FUCKING BASED!
CommonFilth overdosed on the black pill and has no hope whatsoever
His compilation videos were funny but he got enough shekels and stopped making them
>truth is not true if it harms my skin worshipping feelings
Fuck your feelings, fuck your race and fuck you.
>"Recognizing" your blood is what costed jews their convenient with God
Oh I see we have a biblical revisionist here.
They repeatedly rejected God
They rejected Christ
This is what cost then thier covenant.
As a matter of fact after Babylon it was the Jews who were most set on remaining true to thier faith and heritage that continued the faith. Those who didn't care just assimilated to Babylon.
What you are advocating for is inaction and fading into history.
>the last person on the internet fighting a good fight against degeneracy
Saying "Everyone's degenerate but me, I'm not even gonna try and fix this" isn't fighting against degeneracy.
kill all catholics must die. deus vult larpers must hang
so this is confirmed a raid, right. I wish you could filter flags
Well it didn't took long for followers of satan to show their true colors.
>catholicucks "fighting degeneracy"
>while their 3rd in command was just arrested for raping children
>Have a pope
>Not a heretic
Pick one
Commonfilth = catholic = toddler rapist

kill all catholics
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CommonFilth is an anti-White liar. He can go to hell.
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, hypocrite.
Lawbreaking foreigners should be deported to their nations of origins, no matter how big a hard on the parish priest has for racially displacing the protestants who founded this nation.
I would honestly like to know if cf has converted as many people to Christianity as the supposed sodomite network TRS has
>deserving to live
baby rapists must hang. if your god is real he'd send a suicide vest packing isis agent to the vatican and kill 2 birds with one stone as you people say.
Has this guy killed himself yet? I predicted a long time ago he'd go out by pulling an Omar Mateen at a gay club and then committing suicide by cop.
He has at least for me. He and mysterium fasces redpilled me on fags and Christ. They're doing God's work. Here's a new vid he made a few weeks ago: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gN3-AnFy11I

we have been infiltrated by kiwifarm PEDOPHILES and one of our mods is one of them
it is the end times-children literally being allowed to die b/c their parents are owned by the state (UK) and Canada and their devil worhip is in full wing - NZ and OZ on the other side of the world and I don't know what the fuck is going on there - is there any hope for Christians or do we just huddle together and take our kid into the wilderness and hide

here you go CF extra is fantastic,
>By choosing skin over God you are proving that you are not.

This is why Christianity is a fucking meme when it comes to white nationalism.
I disagree, see the above comments for more detail
Care to elaborate?
Kiwifarms doesn't attack people. The most they'll do is dox, which in his case has pretty much already been done. All attempts to "destroy" creators are done by either 4chan or Soros-funded media groups.
Don't you mean 8 Chan?
CF certainly has some good opinions and it's nice that he bluntly stands against the ever encroaching sexual degeneracy of modernity, but he's essentially established himself as a one trick pony -- all he does is basically call faggots & their ilk gross disgusting weirdos who are doomed -- if you've heard one of his podcast episodes, you've heard them all.
If he gave a fuck about the Christian walk why doesn't he do Bible studies/sermons, read from the Bible, elaborate on why God instituted marriage and the two genders, etc. He just calls faggots, faggots and bitches at the faggot-enabling world while commenting on the faggot news headlines while calling everyone reprobates. He almost never mentions Jesus and when he does it's in reference to faggots being disgusting faggots.

I don't even disagree with him on a whole lot, his channel and analysis is just monotonous at this point.
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Why are christfags so insufferable?
because you're the insufferable one, plus there are many disingenuous self-proclaimed Christians... also, what groups of people aren't insufferable in general, humanity is pretty scum-tier if ya ask me
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