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Is anyone else finding it harder and harder to maintain conservative

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Is anyone else finding it harder and harder to maintain conservative beliefs as time goes on? I am losing friends quickly and constantly butting heads with people and being called a racist for supporting USA and Trump.

Honestly it'd be easier to be a normie and just dye my hair, get tattoos, watch Netflix, eat ass, and have non traditional family structures.

I'm depressed.

blumpf btfo
How come you don't eat ass anyway? Female ass is fucking delicious. Also, are you a united statian? If not, why the FUCK would you care to ever defend the US or Trump?
it's rough out there anon, we're all going through the same feels
>ayo lemme eat dat booty hol niggha
It's degenerate, and pushed on us by the Zionists
I recommend you try it out at least once anyway if you [ever] have a gf.
Harder to maintain my beliefs?
No never.
Harder to see the value in people?
Very much so.

No amount of social isolation will ever convince me that surgically grafting a segment of his colon into his crotch makes "Jazz" a woman. Look at the bright side, it's better for /pol/lacks to be alone. Put two /pol/lacks in the same room and it's inevitable that they start a feedback loop of mutual escalating radicalization that leads to them going out and doing something very stupid like Black powder Ranger and friends did.
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never give up anon

no matter how hard it is...sure i wish i could go back to being blue pilled

you cannot unsee it...you are unplugged from the matrix,you could repent to the SJWs and try and fit in with them but you will see the shit that you was oncn blind to still

and it will make you miserible,you feel like you dont fit in becuase you was destined to be the chosen that changes the world.

some people go with the pack in a herd mentality even if thats off a cliff,others impose their will on reality and try and change the world for the better and smash the status quo

which one are you anon?
im not a burger but i care about america and shilled for trump

he is about to take the stage soon and tell europe to follow polands lead on refugees lol
Trump has no power in Europe.
You just need Republican friends. They are out there. Unless you are sad about losing your Hitler love. Fuck Hitler, even if hes a good man he shot himself in the head and left no suicide note. He's not a hill worth dying on.
I know it's a psyop, slide thread but to anyone thinking it's real, keep reading because sometimes it happens and it's a completely normal aspect of life, "people in our lives always come and go".
Years ago I had quite similar issue, it's just a transitioning point, there are millions of people out there so don't be afraid to be alone, those people never deserve your friendship, they're too brainwashed or are pure evil since some of them support stupid ideas to sustain their goals and life sstyle.
Go out more often try to find people with the same thoughts like you.
There are some really good places like churches, gym, concerts (god bless there are some libertarian or more right leaning artists out there). So in the end you will never be alone, just go to the right places, meet the right people. Left the stupid behind. Be a grow man or woman and move on. It's damn simple.
Of course a few of my old lefitist friends still talk to me we don't go out that often anymore but in the end they were the very few who in the end had a true friendship and were sane enough to put politics a side.
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WTF are you talking about you weak-willed faggot? You actually want to be friends with moral degenerates. They don't give a fuck about you. It should be easier and easier to become more conservative in the face of these leftists assholes.
No, I've gotten more conservative.
You are either b8ing or this is a bad attempt at social engineering.
Nah, I redpilled everyone of my friends instead, even a leddit-browsing semi-libtard that slowly become conservative as fuck. But I guess it's harder to do in the West.
And why is /pol/ so butthurt about normies? You all know that a normie is a normal guy that values his ethnical, cultural and other heritage, that lives a normal life, building a career and looking for a girl to settle with, etc. Isn't that exactly what you guys want? Why do you associate normies with those libshit hipsters and fags that lead a passive nihilistic life? You already let them steal the word "liberal", don't let them steal the word "normal" as well. They are not normal, fuck them.

t. normie and proud
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You should do it, you'll be happier. That's the way the wind is blowing. Trump isn't the beginning of a glorious right wing revival, he's the death sentence for modern rightism. Every stupid fucking thing he does, every Tweet, every scandal, every failed policy, every empty promise just serves to further delegitimize conservative and nationalist beliefs in the eyes of the mainstream. He's got the courts and Congress all on his side and he can't get anything done. Geerts and Le Pen lost their elections because those elections happened after Trump came to office and showed everyone how shitty he is at governing. It scared the shit out of other countries and anyone with growing nationalism pumped the breaks HARD because they don't want to have their own idiot in office.

And the people who support him, even after all his stupid shit, just look plain fucking ignorant. Don't allow yourself to lose your friends and family over this fucking nonsense. Trump is a political circus clown who will go down in history as one of the dumbest mistakes the American people ever made, a cautionary tale against demagoguery and anti-intellectualism. You don't want to be associated with him.
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You've just been pretending up until now, and as soon as things have just begun to heat up and you're already trying to go back?

You think you have a unique situation? Bitch please.

Also, you may be a shill, but maybe not.
You're a disgusting son of a bitch. Go lick the seat of a public toilet, just run your tongue all around it cause when you stick your tongue in someone's anus you're doing far worse. Nasty
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virgin leaf or cunty woman detected

Yeah and /pol/ is a christian board and oh boy do these christians just massacre everything around them all the time eyh?
It's my own health, and you have no saying over that. I'm free to do so if I want to, at least. Go be a loser some place else.
when you say "eating booty" are you literally talking about tonguing a girls dirt star? Sounds like something that would be great in pr0n(I stoped watching it cuz it's degenerate, you should to faggots) but nasty irl.

Don't you taste chit?
Why would a cunty woman be against annilingus lol? Anyway I'm a healthy male I have sex with my girlfriends vagina not a dirty fucking bacteria laden asshole. I don't give a fuck if a girl has cleaned her ass and whatnot you are still copulating with a hole that is used to push feces out. Are you so degenerate that you think there's anything normal about what you do? Gtfo disgusting faggot, next step for you is sucking dick and getting your own ass fucked,
People talking about eating ass and enjoying it have either never done it or are subhuman filth. Period
You just typed two paragraphs and made absolutely no coherent argument, nor did you cite any facts such that the reader could draw their own conclusion.

That kind of rhetoric won't work here, try reddit. Faggot
Shills need to stop with the fucking "wahh it's so hard to be conservative, I'm just going to give up" threads. There's been a ton of them lately.. Get some new hobbies (something to do with building, exercise, learning new skills) and meet new people through you new activities.
Don't descend into degeneracy, either stop spouting Right-wing beliefs everywhere and just quietly harbor them, or find people you can be yourself around.
>are you literally talking about tonguing a girls dirt star?
Yes. Licking around it and sticking your tongue in it.
>Don't you taste chit?
Not if she washes herself properly, no. It's more of an earthy taste. It tastes mostly like nothing, though. Quite erotic still, if you ask me. My partner didn't think anything of it at first, as she hadn't had it done to her before but I wanted to try it out and got her into it quickly.
Kinda funny but it's being happening to me in daily basis. I go out my old friends see me circled with people or in calorous convos about politics and other stuff. Then they approach very shy, start listening, get in convo and finally push me aside. And ask for forgiveness, and tell me they were wrong about me.
You're so delusional and a lost cause that's not even worth mentioning, your name and location but just that you earn money shilling for the properity of mega bankers or big stock holders.
Do a favor for yourself and get a real job, even if you will work as school janitor, it's more worth and honest that the stuff you have been doing.
God bless you anyway, I will pray for you so a wind of change can come to your poor mind.
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You eat da poo poo
How does it smell anon?
This is not a psyop thread, I have legit gotten into 2 big arguments with roommates and coworkers recently and both times "friends" of mine sided with the leftist I was arguing with. It's seriously been eating away at me and I wanted some feedback
FYI I'm op, was posting from a cafe wifi earlier
Depends on the time. Sometimes it'll smell more rancid, others it'll smell like nothing. After licking it for a while there is absolutely no taste to it but that of your own saliva, though.
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>/pol/ has intellectual standards!
>Muh charts, muh racial purity, muh historical revisionism
I live in Cuckifornia, the liberalism out here is disheartening
eating ass tastes like pennies
Dude. You're projecting your own repressed issues and it's fucking hilarious.

Nah, I'm sure you're a real stud.
Watch this, it will make you feel good about conservatism, starts around minute 18:


Jordan Peterson on 12 main values of conservatism.
I say normie because milenial normie are all becoming leftist SJW types- when people find out I'm morally against weed and don't think it should be legalized, they look at me like I murdered someone.
only the weak assimilate
>continuing to lick after the rancid smell.
That would be a YUGE turn off for me.
I'm not pretending but goddamn it, it's hard going against the grain. I still stand up for my beliefs but everyone makes me second guess myself because I'm a self conscious little bitch.

Sorry for the blog post

I turned my VPN off just to let you know you're fucking rank. Oh, and that's a perversion no matter how you chose to justify it.
Whatever you say shit eater, you dishonour that flag
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i dont even support trump but stop using propaganda pictures
I live in the bay area and have been slowly and quietly red pilling friends and relatives. Just take it slow.

The other night I made a mistake while having a beer with my brother and told him all movies are Jewish propaganda.
Only if it's not true...
Fuck off cuck
You are weak.

Assplay is negroid behavior.

This is not a song you like and your friends don't like so you stop listening to..

This is a war, a war we must win or die trying.

We have each other
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Fuck off retard
Yep, the second I get alcohol in me I start to go off about how twisted this (((progressive))) society is. I'm not even explicitly stating it's the Jews, just bringing up concerns about rampant homosexuality and normalization of non traditional family structures yadda yadda yadda..... it's like if you aren't actively sucking a cock that means you're a homophobic xenophobic racist...
weird i don't have these issues
you must be a college student or something
I know what you mean, im dating a teacher who works in a compton highschool and she does all shit mental gymnastics to justify blacks actions ALSO before we started talking she was into poly and bdsm...shes what a white apologist liberal teacher would be like,so disgusted sometimes when i think about it...on the other hand she practically begs me to fuck her and takes me out to dinner ALOT so its nice i guess
Can we ever make right-wing trendy again? Lord give us strength
All of those are degenerate except eating ass.
Move to the valley or Jefferson, northern valley isn't a drug den like down here in the southern valley and is mostly conservative, Jefferson is conservative and is t a drug den, pretty nice up there too. If you're a drug guy though, come south.
Nope, I live in cuckifornia though. People gasp of you call a group of chinks "asians" that's how ass backwards this place is

>suddenly stop what im doing
>look up
That's exactly what happens as a Right-winger. We all have to organise it. As I see /pol/ has developed a state of mental Retardation that disables it to make functionable plans or productive ideas recently, now Gays,Blacks and Commies rule here. Just search for others who think like you and have Close contact, it is a Basic thibng of life. If we want to achieve anything, we have to build up movements and dynamically turn our debattes into theory and then action, with flexibility and organisation. It is hard to convince these fat fucks here to fight for anything besides the crisps mummy hasn't bought them. We Need to do marches like Antifa, be friendly towards the Executive Forces such as the Police and try to get their tolerance and trust so we can explain ourself to People and media and then actively protest in the streets for our interests and Goals which we want to embrace for our countries good. I mean this used to be Anonymous Homebase and I bet it still is and they had managed to make demonstrations and marches without so much Problems, so wake the fuck up Nationalists and Anarcho-Captitalists and every other brave /pol/anian. You, OP should go and motivate yourself, see who will Support you, if it is for no one, then find someone. Make plans, enjoy your intelligence and know what you fight for, make it clear for what you stand, then defend this on the streets, on the hills and on the beaches
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>proudly talking about eating ass with what's literally a shiteating grin
This. That guy was just repeating what his jew professor is telling him.
As Long as you stay straight and utilise nothing more than your body in sexual Acts, almost evrything is acceptable, but showing your devotion to "eat ass" is just disgusting and stupid to do, it shows you are of great Moral decline and uninterest in social behavior that fits in to a Group that stands over Ghetto-subculture.
>be cuckservative
Better just keep along with progress.

Harder? Lol no.
I hate the normies, look down on normies and spit on normies.

Finding conservative values was the best thing that ever happened to me. Gave my life real purpose for the very first time.

Since then I'm trying to swallow the iron pill by constantly bettering myself just for me.

Books, mediation, running, studying, programming....

I've gained so much since I started rejecting liberal poison.

Oh and the hardest: NO PORN. Jesus. I still am addicted but currently 3 months no porn.
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You're incredibly strong for breaking porn. I don't even find porn valuable, or even more than half arousing anymore. Release isn't fun. And I still go to it. Keep the habit up, I'm glad that you've overcome the nefarious porn Jew.

'better to join the sheep instead of doing something with real value and meaning'

If that is your philosophy I'm disgusted by you.

People have lived and died for ideals.
You stand for nothing.

What really helped me was some 'site block' add-on.
Of course I do know the password and can just type it in and get into the porn site.

But usually just the message 'this site is currently blocked' is enough for me to think twice about it.

Porn is literally the worst thing for me because it sold the idea that im going to find love while sleeping around with sluts.
(hard childhood)

I've wasted SO much of my time and energy on these bitches until I've become a toxic/depressed wrack.
My philosophy is patriotism. Not chauvinism or nationalism. An this is better, then act like old asshole like consevators
Lol learn basic logic and argument construction, kiddo. You may actually convince people you aren't a garbage human being.

How is does the so called 'progress' of today have anything to do with patriotism?
It's everything but that.
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nobody has posted this yet

all will play their part
Seriouspost: In about five or six years you're going to remember making this post and facepalm IRL.
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Educate Others, Obviously

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One time I told a story on /pol/ about how a potential woman friend dropped me because I shared a conservative stance and some anon gave me great advice:
"She was never your friend in the first place"

in about five or six years you're going to wake up and pray to allah at the state mandated time, before leaving your wife, her bull, and her mulatto children for the day to go to work to provide for all of them and you're going to be happy about it!
neck yourself.
Similar boat. Wife is red pilled and family is slightly so, but still everyone is blue pilled as fuck in Washington. Thought about joining Cascadia or some group like that for the similar values.
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>That feel when a "live and let live" Libertarian
>Still outcasted by half my neighborhood

I can't imagine how it is to be an actual right/conservative, ya'll have my sympathy.

The tide is slowly changing. Just tone down your beliefs a bit in public and red pill them a bit at a time.

You are the virus. Does an effective virus warn those it tries to infect? Of course not. Stop being a retard and giving everyone a chance to put up their defenses.

Also remember that rhetoric is FAR more important than logic. Conservative school boy debating is probably the most idiotic thing you can do.

Also, classic American conservatism is a joke. Don't be fucking Ben Shapiro. Who wouldn't hate that little faggot?
Nah, pal. My prediction is going to come true, yours is some Infowars bollocks.
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I already lost 80% of my social capital in 2015 when I was on the news after being attacked by Antifa at Trump rally

I don't give a fuck, I love it. I want to shove my right-wing cock down the throats of all libshits and make them live in a new world crafted by us. I want them to hate it.

Many of my old friends who stopped talking to me have tried to interact with me again lately because I'm doing well. I usually blow them off

>fuck man i can't maintain my conservative beliefs because i keep losing friends

you have no conviction or principle. Neck yourself.
lol your image is such an accurate description
Why do you wanna be abnormal when you can be normal?
Don't let them break you. It will all be worth it in the end.
>Also remember that rhetoric is FAR more important than logic.

Can you please elaborate this a bit more, anon? I guess you mean to say that most people are not logical. In anty case OP's question is a good one from a normie point of view. For instance how should one behave when a cute qt says like "oh anon you know Trump is racist and people who voted for him are just uneducated rednecks"

1) change the subject
2) argue passionately
3) argue logically
4) agree with her just to make it into her panties

My problem is that politics is one of the few things I like in life. Most other conversational topics are boring to me so I will just begin arguing forendlessly the sake of amusement and therefore destrying most of my chances with her. Plus it is very likely she is not gonna be convinced since most people do not reason logically as this anon pointed out.
You'll die alone OP. Most likely drunk, probably have an aneurysm yelling at your TV, watching some libshit on tucker. Alone and angry. You're so fuckin based dude
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>being conservative
I see nothing that is worth to conserve.

I ate ass once and it burned a hole in my throat from the infection. Don't be dumb like me
Good gtfo we don't need half hearted cucks like you willing to compromise our values so that people will "like" you. No one said this would be glamorous or pretty. It's an ugly world bitch and it won't be made aesthetic by pussies like you! Kys
You have a point, my friend,
Also are there any real nazbol outside mother russia?
That's a damaged butthole and has high milage.
This made me kek, thank you shill
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No movements other than perhaps these guys in Germany.

Of course, there have been several movements that are analogous (Juche, Khomeinism, Ba'ath to an extent), I am myself not Russian, but consider it an ideological framework for post-Western (notice capital W) thinking, the way forward.
How are they even allowed in new germany? In italy there are many protofascist movements but the Italian attitude is very diffirent in these sort of things
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I've been in that exact situation. I told the QT this:

>Trump is a clown, but he's fucking shit up. I voted for him because shit needs to get fucked up. I don't care who does it.

Now, in reality, my position is not that simple, and she can interpret what I told her in her own way. But it gets a foot in. It's like spreading a sneaky virus.

She responded by saying that mine is the only logical argument she's ever heard from a Trump voter. The ironic thing is, my "argument" wasn't logical at all. It was purely rhetorical.

I would have gotten nowhere if I argued about the problems of mass immigration and the decay of western civilization. That shit doesn't work on anyone but the choir.
How old are you? It gets much easier the more you experience life.
no its not lol
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