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>anti-Soros ad on Hungarian TV anti-Soros ad on Hungarian

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>anti-Soros ad on Hungarian TV
anti-Soros ad on Hungarian TV
>anti-Soros ad on Hungarian TV
Racist against Jews
Soros should be swinging from a Budapest gallows.

Hungary No!
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Did we start the fire?
Oy vey! I disavow Hungary. I hope all fellow white men also disavow right now (shut it down!)
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cmon faggots like this shit
I have a scriptblocker that seems to fuck with subtitles so I can't quite enjoy it. But it looks good to me. Bumping.
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Based Hungary

Braise Tengri :DD
liked the video
is there an official video tho? not something filmed with a fucking cellphone.
What an ugly language
That soros looks so devious how could anyone legitimately trust such a jew?
Nice, Eastern Europe is the last hope for this continent.
What would happen if someone were to kill soros and carve a star of david onto his chest with a knife?
What does it say?
Calling out the jew as FUCK
turn the captions on
on the short run you'd probaly be jailed
on the long run you would be known as the man whose actions saved western society
based east is based
he has sons, and he's not the only (((person))) pushing this agenda
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The reception of these propaganda videos has been rather poor, largely because they are widely handles as propaganda instead of truth. Of course, any free thinker is aware of the fact that Soros György is the Omega Jew but most of the cosmopolitans just ridicule the accusations against him. They simply enjoy being contrarians who love whatever the government shits on as evil.

Rurals, on the other hand, never even heard of what or who György is and they gobble up the government propaganda. All in all, I wish the people who made these ads would be a bit more subtle. We can not rile up the normalfags against the Omega Jew by broadcasting sinister-looking shit, unfortunately
Wow antisemitic

Hope based EU army understand German command will diversify your racist backwards eastern shithole
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I was arguing with a Trumptard friend of mine.

Is Soros openly Jewish and pro-Israel? Or is he anti-Semetic from a Jewish mother?

I was telling him I thought Soros was working with Israel to move Muslims out of the middle east and into Europse so Israel could build a Greater Israel.
just look at the comment section

you hungarians are so fucking cucked it's pathetic
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hmmm.. maybe he is still Anti-Semetic but knows there is money to be made supporting Israel and flooding Europe with Muslim refugees.
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What are they saying?
He is pro-Israel.

He was funding that big feminist group a while back and took out the funding once they opened a branch in Israel.

He is a jew, so everybody knows his end game.
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Just that he's the most influential billionaire and is for open borders that would ruin Hungary.
They hate Orban and want to suck black dicks.
Hurr durr Soros is not bad.
Hurr durr nazi Orban, where's muh BBD.
Thank you.
MM Karesz8 hours ago
Miért kell moslékkal agyat mosni?

>why do we need to be brainwashed by nonefacts?

Hagyjuk, hogy Mészáros Lőrinc?
>so let us allow what Mészáros Lőrinc to do so?
(successful rightwing businessman)

Közpénzből ne lehessen agyat mosni. Indítsunk petíciót.
>let's not allow that our taxes are used for this brainwashing propaganda, lets start a petition
just stuff like this

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Anyone with sound mind votes for Orbán Viktor, but not out of agreement with his policies. As it stands in the parliament right now, the opposition is a joke and alternatives to FIDESZ are few. The only reason he manages to maintain majority vote is because the socialist left collapsed in 2006 and since then voting left has become publicly condemned. This would not be an issue normally, but the only other right-leaning party is Jobbik and voting for it makes everyone consider you a nazi. You might even lose jobs over it.

They are writing about "MUH BRAINWASHING". They are displeased that tax money is spent on "brainwashing people" instead of imprisoning <Insert Current Party Member With Scandal Here>. Typical normie bullshit, these are the sort of people who never agree with what the government is doing in order to seem savvy and clever.

He is a Nazi Kike!
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>commissioned by the Hungarian government
Thank you, downvoted those cucks
I hate this meme so much. I watched Spencer's talk in Berkley and some absolute retard repeated something back to him that he had literally just said in his speech and just started asking him "do you disavow?"
and it's just the first ones it goes on and on but I can't translate their retarded slang none arguments
Orbán was calling out Soros before anyone outside the US knew who Trump is
>Hungary is the only country that names the Soros
>they always use him as a scapegoat

Where did the embezzled private pension billions go?
Soros did it!
Why are you selling our energy sector to gazprom?

It caused the opposite effect, people now think it's a harmless conspiracy, which he isn't
Oh yeah, and half our current ruling party were bankrolled by Soros himself
although he is an evil personality only in it for his own money, he used to be friends with Orban when they needed his money. Now they blame him of everything, which is an exaggeration.
t. George Soros
>people now think it's a harmless conspiracy

cause fags like you read index and other left propaganda fakenews and actually believe you're cool by standing up to a government that is one of the few that does the right thing in the Union
Yeah, that can be a problem onthe long run. I also hear regular people complaining that they'd rather let the government handle it however the fuck they feel like and just stop spending money on this already. They're spending insane money on these propaganda ads.
Orbán could get all of this shit done with a social media account, like Trump.
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My compatriots have it nailed down. This is basically the reason why the unthinking normies of Hungary do not take the Soros Menace seriously. Anyone else who actually do their research knows that the propaganda ads against him are true. The rest are just facebook-swilling trash who eat up whatever is titled "politically correct" or "trendy".
Fug, stupid flag.
Eastern europeans are cucks
For the sake of being contrarians they'll destroy their countries because what the government is doing is always wrong , which in this case is actually based

Keep going magyars soon you'll be Germany 2.0, fuck orban, Soros dindu Nuffin, all propaganda

This is not the first time is see this
Same thing in Russia
Feminism and libshittery is gaining traction because the government happens to support traditionalism and patriotism and being a fucking feminist cunt is edgy and contrarian

Fuck humans and their idiotic psychology
It all will end only in hell
bullshit the Hungarian goverment is using Soros as a fucking scapegoat to anger people like my blind anti semite fuck parents and grandparents while they are defrauding our whole country sure soros is shit but orban is a fucking crook
This government is like the one in Russia. It's never going away.
Soros sucks. Everyone knows it. Even his cocksuckers.

But hey, some people need money. You want to take down a guy like Soros you start by taking down his bank account.

Your bitching means nothing. Get a class action lawsuit going and I'll start to listen.
t. traitor who left the country

If it's so great here, why don't you wash dishes at home?
Border control is the only thing they do right, the rest are career socialist bollocks and alt-lite larping.
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Could you honestly imagine Orbit steamrolling shitlibs on Twitter like Trampli does? I can and I think it would be amazingly hilarious. Too bad our older generations are electronically-challenged and can not use computers properly.
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ignore these threads they will do nothing to Soros the Hungarian gov is just using him as a scapegoat while they defraud our whole country

redpill:Orban studies were funded by Soros and they used to be best friends this is all an act
It's not cool among 12 year old fidget spinning retards to like Orbán

maybe they'll grow up one day
There is no alternative to crook politicians in democratic countries. They're all crooks. The socialists are also crooks and Vona would almost certainly be a crook as well.
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I think it's more because how manipulated the Hungarian millennials and gen z are trough social media and left buzzfeed like outlets
It was hilarious watching him suck up to Trump, then get ignored because we are nowhere near the Nato 2%
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I guarantee you now that Hungary will suddenly have a massive ISIS attack by the end of the year.

Just pure coincidence goy.
>Nearly 50% dislikes

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this
ya'all have to like the hitler comments and other comments from us

88 you too
>Poland double military budget
>Czech government allows people to use guns against terrorists
>Anti-Soros add in Ukraine

God the V4 is awesome.
Probably. But unfortunately here Facebook is more popular and Orbán would use that. Which could be a problem with the lack of character limit, if he gets way too into it. He might go full "whatthefuckdidyoujustsaytome...". Twitter is safer that way, but we barely use that.
I did a comment.
he doesnt give a shit about Greece or Estonia either

He just wants to sell military equipment in Poland
gods work anon, gods work

But Soros was fucking over Israel in those leaked docs. sounds like this is pro Semite.

You'd prefer literal traitors to govern you?
Fucking hell! I'd pay to have your "currupt" leaders to govern me out of my own pocket.
Fuck you mahyarfag you guys don't know you're losing
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>anti-semites resisting their Jewish ruling class

You had a chance to deal with the high IQ master race with Hitler, and you lost
When did I say it's a bad thing. I actually like this. It's just the truth. Calm down!
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The DNA of an autistic, I see.
Have this too

>George Soros helped nazis in WWII ratting out his fellow jews
>/pol/ hates him because he's a jew and conveniently ignore he did something many here approve of

defend this stormniggers, he's one of (you)
He's done a million and a half things in the last 70 years. That was the first and last time he did anything good. He's kike filth of the highest order and his entire family unironically needs to be executed.
>500000 holocausto victims
>Not 5 gorrilion
Yeah when he was under 20 years old. Now he's ancient and doing the opposite. Don't be such a simple huehue favela monkey.
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>tfw should have listened to hitler
>>131893624 >>131894077 >>131895271 >>131896014

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Wall Street also helped nazis as Antony Sutton has denounced


so pick your poison you're either with the jewish globalists such as the Rockefellers who helped hitler and the bolsheviks rise to power or against jews, there's no two ways around it.
There is hope in humanity.
>im polish and gf is hungarian
>we dont live near SJW shitholes like toronto
>talk about politics and other "controversial" issues
>totally see eye to eye about migrants and free speech and globalism

I dont get why natalya has only one child. perhaps she is a bitch , i would have forced her to have 10 of my children . I would fuck her every day
Keep it up Hungary. Keep the illegals out of your country. Why not ally with Poland?
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>he changed
>still finances eugenics via Planned Parenthood
>finances gun control initiatives
>finances left wing terrorism, people who loot other people's shit
He just went from a mere rat to financier of movements, he just got up in the revolutionary hierarchy.

He and fellow globalists has been in the same side all along, you've just fallen for memes. How's that for a reality check?
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comment and like the video, also clean your room.
>comment and like the video
>clean your room
The way around it is 75 years of changing times.
Don't double reply to me, cunt. I know there are winding corridors. I'm not new.
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gold standard in dealing with Brazilians right here
Eugenics in 1940's was still the same idea as the one today, Soros also funds euthanasia-enabling initiatives today which lead to the same exact path.

Hitler even had a mudslime boyfriend from Jerusalem, and openly admired Islam. George Soros today funds muslim invasion initiatives. Hitler had a different strategy but he fully recognized how Islam is a great religion for a totalitarian regime. Today Soros uses those folk to disrupt the West, a different strategy to what national socialists used but to achieve the same goals.

I guess you can't answer to that, just keep covering your ears and repeating HE CHANGED I SWEAR. At one point it will become the truth in your auto hypnosis attempts
This changes nothing. He and his clan must be disposed of.
>Hitler, you can't kill the jews they dindu nuffin
>muh son

I wonder how his descendants are doing
holy shit this chick has hypnotising eyes
naming the Jew on national tv. there will be consequences
So he didn't change at all? You're just avoiding the reality so bad that Soros is still the same little rat, he just went from "BLM-tier nigger who looted" to "financier of niggers who loot", the change was entirely in where he is in the very same process. Just like someone goes from "community organizer" to "president" it's a change but hardly an ideological one.
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We should translate that for the rest of Europe.
Anyone who gives a shit speaks english.
we made it goys

we are the top comment

Adolf hitlers isn't also far behind

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100% BASED
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We should put his dirty jew money down his arse
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Is Soros /Gyorgy/?
Can someone translate the buthhurt Hungarians in the comment section?

Italy and Hungary are without a doubt Kek's Holy Land.
Poor goy. I like Horthy but sometimes there is just no path to victory. Surely they must realize on some level that they wouldn't exist if not for Horthy's honor, and yet they curse the man who saved them.
I don't know what you want to convey. He's shit.
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hungarians suffer under an inferiority complex so they have to translate names so everyone seems hungarian

Alexander the great is called Nagy Sandor
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>The word racism
Racism is normal and natural and is no worse than any other kinds of insults it has just been over hyped and put on a pedestal for far too long.
>big tits
>green eyes
You got me.
how many others are there like soros you think? 100? 1000? why aren't they hunted and killed?
comment and like the video then

also like all the pol tard cmments

it's funny all the hungarian comments are anti Hungarian government and the english posts are pro hungary

>really activated my almonds
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Isn't Nagy Sandor a Game of Thrones character?
It must really suck being a filthy Romanian gypo.
Disgusting antisemitism. I hope the EU commission can sanction the fascist Hungarian government for this
that's why Romanians are always so butthurt

also I don;t know about normie TV shows braah
Not very macedonian if you ask me
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>Aléxandros ho Mégas
Poor guys can't even defend themselves because the village pc is busy installing updates. The books are ok but the tv show is just about muh strong womyn characters.
look at the comment section only english speakers are pro-hungary all the cuck hungarians are saying it's propaganda and they want to start a petition against it
>village pc is busy installing updates.

lmao my sister actually went there with her school and she gave her old Aldi medion Laptop that was already like 4 years old to one of them

and they were like WOW
False dichotomy my man. I don't have to support someone just because our interests are aligned.
It's happening here too they blame Soros for everything but what he actually stands for and does, and nobody takes it seriously because of the current governing party pushing the 'Soros is the one ruining the country' narrative when in fact they are a bunch of corrupt commies too. Thay act exactly like controlled opposition these guys are so corrupt that thay took money from Soros and now they're 'against him', so i wouldn't be shocked if that's true too. Orban seems like he's just playing on all fronts.
Spotted the vlach gypsy
Soooo Hungarian are no Twinks .. that's good to know..now stay tuned for backlash..
Hungarians, know this: you could not be more based if you tried. Good job.
It is called double cross Twinks and it work..
>anti-Soros ad on Hungarian TV
Wow, idiot children are really terrified of a 90 year old man.
I think the best thing about this isn't just that it was an anti soros ad but that it was by the Hungarian government lol
Oh shit its Happening! Poland and Hungary unite. Invade Germany and save Europe !

holy shit finally. finally people are waking up to the jew menace. Makes sense its the slavs that are woke. Theyve always hated jews. Good for hungary. Fuck dirty kikes. Why cant they just leave us alone and all move to israel.
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>Commissioned by the Hungarian Government
>George Soros helped nazis in WWII ratting out his fellow jews
He took the orders from Jewish Council (made during occupation) as a child forced by them.
I don't understant your logic.
follow the reply chain then, the point is that Soros supposedly changed sides since he helped the nazis, yet for some reason he's still pumping money for the same exact agendas, such as eugenics in Planned Parenthood and euthanasia initiatives

It just makes you a hypocrite if you're a stormnigger and condemn the man who abides by stormnigger agendas to this day. But it's not okay because he's jew. Yeah right, that's a hypocrisy sandwich right there.

[citation needed]
nice try Dkwayne, Hungary and Polan are alone as top tier Eurobros. you need to swim back
We insult Soros a lot in Albania too. I can confirm it. He "attacked" Italian lira in the past, that was a damage to Albanian economy too. We, as Aryan people, don't like Jews, Slavs or Arabs so that's what we think of a person like Soros.

Now I live in Italy so the flag on my profile it's Italian. Anyone who can explain me how to change it on the smartphone? My computer has some problems.
>"Soros later described this time to writer Michael Lewis: "The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper.... I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported."

>Lewis, Michael (January 10, 1994), "The Speculator: What on earth is multibillionaire George Soros doing throwing wads of money around in Eastern Europe?", The New Republic. See also Kaufman, Michael T., Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire, Alfred A. Knopf: 2002, pp. 32–33.

Self-preservation. .
He was born in 1930. Age of 13 when Hungary was occupied.
Wasted quads.

Fuck off Jamal.

Jews are NOT a master race.
They contribute NOTHING to society and help no one.
Their nihilism prevents them from creating/doing anything meaningful.
They only exist to destroy what is pure and beautiful.
They are parasites, nothing more. They can only be as successful as their host country.
Albanians aren't white though, these fucking animals still have blood feuds
The Open Society Foundations reported annual expenditures of $827 million in 2014.[15] Its $873 million budget in 2013, ranked as the second largest private philanthropy budget in the United States, after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation budget of $3.9 billion.[16]

According to the foundations' website, 1993-2014 expenditures included:[15]

$2.9 billion to defend human rights, especially the rights of women; ethnic, racial, and religious minorities; drug users; sex workers; and LGBTQ communities;
$2.1 billion for education;
$1.6 billion on developing democracy in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union;
$1.5 billion in the United States to promote reform in criminal justice, drug policy, palliative care, education, immigration, equal rights, and democratic governance;
$737 million for public health issues such as HIV and AIDS, TB, palliative care, harm reduction, and patients' rights;
$214 million to advance the rights of Roma communities in Europe.

Expenditures in 2014 included:[15]

$277.3 million - Rights and Justice
$238.0 million - Governance and Accountability
$116.0 million - Administration
$91.7 million - Education and Youth
$60.0 million - Health
$43.8 million - Media and Information.
>albanian posting from italy

jej, what's with all the dislikes
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>only 161 likes
/pol/ is dead
Learn what they mean to say with things.

Especially rights of women = abortion = eugenics. Also called "reproductive health", another euphemism for abortion agenda. Soros doesn't give a single fuck about protecting women from harm or else he wouldn't be funding islamic invaders who think women are worse than cattle into the west.
Education = left wing propaganda that a certain regime also subscribed to via obligatory public school system
Muh minorities and groups = class warfare using minorities instead of economical classes. A certain socialist regime used races instead for the same garbage of pitting people against each other.

Also you'd have to be pretty dumb to think globalists would really open all their finances to the public. Let's discuss George Soros's influence on drug cartels in South America. How much money is he getting from drug laundering money? Only if Trump would investigate him, but he's too busy sending tweets.
he NEVER was muh anti-semitic; he did what fell natural to him, capitalize on others. classic jew.
the pathetic nazi collaborator meme is just to deflect from him being a pro-jew kikeroo.
Albanians are white wtf
>not cleaning your room
Sort yourself out bucko
>Nice, Eastern Europe is the last hope for this continent.
>implying we actually care about the continent
I will celebrate the genocide of western Europeans.
with your flawless logic the jews are literally our best allies

Also lets embrace the European Union and elect Hillary clinton
I think you're having a paranoid episode by not being able to understand the elite you infer your motives unto them and with conformationbias you find logic in what you say
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Commies and globalists use codespeak all the time, hans. Or you think when they say they want the "dictatorship of the proletariat" they want your everyday plumber to call the shots? No the proletariat = the ruling elite of the commie party. You think when Merkel talks about equality she wants you to have as much as she has? that's not possible, it's just bullshit to implement an ulterior agenda. Just like they don't call abortion "let's kill dem babies" because they can't be honest about what they really want. They need to sugarcoat the cyanide pill.

But yes Soros is all about abortion, which is eugenics, just see how many people mention how we should abort all defective babies. Same for killing the elderly who are in terminal conditions or in a coma. The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger was openly a nazi party enthusiast.

They need a lot of vaseline to plunge that huge cock deep inside your ass.
Schwartz Gyorgy won't be pleased.
I've all been trough this train of thought bud

but that was when I wasn't strong enough to see for how the game really looks and how hard it will be for us, the decks are stacked against us

good luck on your journey bucco
You do know Trump is meeting with V4 for the expressed purpose of shoring up anti-EU sentiment, right?
don't mind him he is a typical little brainwashed leftie drone
Fuckin BASED Hungary
This right there. (((They))) are quite akin to a hydra. Even if you cut off a head or two, unless you get all of them, they will just sprout more. You need to go for the heart, but is isn't even out in the open.
Soros, is nothing more than a public fall guy. He's their face, but not their body. Their transgressions against the western world, run far deeper than that decrepit worm.
They are absolutely white and Aryans too. Blood feuds don't exist only in Italian, Albanian and Russian mafias. Not in the population.
Arbërëshët, do you know them?
>meanwhile in paris
Fuck Soros and all, but this just makes us look like the bad goys.
I mean who the fuck even watches TV, let alone takes any blatant political propaganda seriously on it? Answer is nobody, it has the opposite effect.
A simple, well-reasoned press statement could go a long way, but no, they have to use TV propaganda like a commie filth.
youre pathetic unironically kill yourself
no, and google neither
Fuck off cukc.
The digits are with me.
my grandma watches those government channels all day
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If you kill your enemys, they win - Wise Hungarian Noble man
seriously your brain is fucked with by the left facebook propaganda and index posts that it's not even funny

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This. Now this is what actually based supposed to mean instead of le based tranny XD; naming the Jew on TV although no emphasis on the fact he's actually Jewish which is not really surprising. I hope hungry takes notice of who this man is instead of when trump named soros and the public didn't care.
i love you guys
Get her a life.
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upvote the holy shit out of it.
the channel that uploaded it is anti-government with the intention of mocking it, just saying
Still a win win, at least it's on YouTube even of the uploader is a gommie faggot
>watching tv in hungary
>soros and the public didn't care.

I remember that night, I shed a tear of victory
erre telik de korházra oktatásra magyar népesség növelésére nem
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menny ajándéka.jpg
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tfw when i'm 19cm
you motherfucking braindead leftshit zombie

don't you fucking understand that hungarian healthcare already takes 80% of your fucking taxes

>leftist for saying that this propaganda was unnessecary
ffs everyone knows (((soros))) and his shit except some libshits
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my mum
Fuck Soros

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>>anti-Soros ad on Hungarian TV
why is it propaganda stating facts you little cunt face?

you gonna tell me that stating empirical evidence is some big nono?

seriously fucking kill yourself youre just this little bitch >>131896975
talked about
God bless you.
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>hurr durr you missaid about this thing
poor you
>based govt
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Yes it is you retarded piece of shit.
I bet your ass you think le pen is based too ?
Just want to point out shitskins legally still can come here and live here under orban
>Just want to point out shitskins legally still can come here and live here under orban

you IQ is lterally below the level to actually understand what Im saying you little shit

EVERYWHERE ON EARTH SHITSKINS CAN IMMIGRATE LEGALLY ... so is this your argument? wow just fucking wow you fucking subhuman moron
Yes which btfos your
>muh based orban n sheet nd u r leftist cuz u dont like him
Not to mention your retarded levels are too high already
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Soros is the most evil man alive.
Okay, what's their endgame?
uram isten te nyomorek.

szoval megegyszer te azt mondod megnyerted az argumented ellenem mert az orban nem zsarja le az orszagot?

te kibaszott hulye faszszoppo, az egesz vilagon nincs ilyen lezart hatar amirol it pofazol te kibaszott csira

anyad haljon bele az almaiba te buta geci

eloszor propagandanak nevezed a reklamot ami CSAK TENYEKET mondot

utana valamit dadogsz azzzal a szar angolodal

uram isten csak old meg madag te kis bal szar
Make Hungary great again

don;t let soros influence the country with progressive leftist toxins

get back to a pre WW2 nationalism
Holy shit he pissed Hans so much he started speaking in tongues.
T-they've won?
This is great. More resistance to the leftist evil.
Soros is worth alive as an example for (((their))) evil than dead.
>mondja miközbe németországba él segélyeken
>isteniti orbánt
Igaz hogy ott a kerítés és nem szarik az országba de attól még ő is egy szar opció. Nekem meg ne gyere ilyen >biztos x konkrétan ki ellenzéki párt tagja vagy argumentekkel.
the current gov did some kind of a questionnaire they got back 1,6million and 99% said they don't want soros politics in hungary

the left is fucking mad about it

the vid has english subs dude....
I'm not sure Australia can remain as close as we once were to Hungary now that you're naming the Jew.
>the left is fucking mad about it
What left, anon? Who is "the left" in this scenario? Who are they representing?
>konkrétan ki ellenzéki párt tagja vagy argumentekkel.

mert neked nincs semmi mondanivalod te buta geci

csak pofadat jartatod es sirs de nem tudsz semmit mondani csak abstrakt dolgokat mint

>jajjj propaganda
>jajjjj nem jo ez se
>jajjj blablabla

>What left, anon? Who is "the left" in this scenario? Who are they representing?

FIDESZ the ruling party with Orban destroyed the left and totally obliterated them, so they have no party all they do is bitch and moan like this faggot Im replying to. they're basically shills with no other cause but to bitch about Orban
I would be sceptical of any Eastern European leader desu.
George Soros is DEAD. He has not been seen alive since November 14th, 2016.
He died of heart failure, however his massive funds continue to push his agendas long after his death.
This shit needs more views
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You know hungarians are quickly becoming my favourite nationality of people other than my own.

The calais truck driver.
Abbie Cat.

The basedness just goes on and on.
Hát jó szopjad a többi zsidó faszát amíg rikárdó meg ellepi az országot és a magyarlakta területek meg el intágrálódnak a környező mém országokba.
De nem baj mert a mi királyunk uralkodik
you need to be skeptical of any Leader

I'm not arguing against that but read this to get a glimps of what going on with these cuckjs >>131896975
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Yes, the fire rises
>Abbie Cat.

you mean Aletta Ocean
Edgy af I bet you are very old and grown up with replies like this.
>based and their leaders are based too
dont make me kek I bet you are some amerilard retard
>"Don't let Soros have the last laugh"
>Commissioned by the Hungarian Government

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"Revolution" and "regime"-change when?
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