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>The holocaust didn't hap-

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Thread replies: 362
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Nazis dindu nuffin, they wuz good bois

>1 guy

No one says that the holocaust never happened. They say that gassings never happened and that the numbers who died are much smaller.

Nazis are white nigger beasts.
for sure (like 100%) it wasn't 6000000.
a lot less
Communists aren't people.
You couldn't post a more apt picture that completely defines the holohoax
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Holocaust mass grave.jpg
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Sure thing
Looks photoshopped, why would you have a firing line on the corner of a building and not the flat wall?
That's a Russian spy that was put to death.... Lol
wow is this real? how can people deny the 6 gorillian when they're clearly right there
>capture dirty slavs on the eastern front
>put them in camps
>they bring and spread typhus
>many die
>dispose of bodies to try to prevent further spread of disease

muh gassings, ovens, etc.
What is Typhus you stupid faggot
OP is a jew btw
>post random info and make excuses
>implying typhus was not spread intentionally
Wow, I am totally convinced now
>What is Typhus
A deadly disease the nazis spread to kill their victims
I juat don't get why you should waste so much bullets if one can do the same.
not just in this picture they do and did that shit everywhere like this.
>what is typhus
Remember to sage stupid threads.
>ywn shoot jews with your comrades
why even live? :'(
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Hitler did NO WRONG doing!
>I juat don't get why you should waste so much bullets if one can do the same.
You don't know how firing squads work huh. They have multiple people shoot at one target so you don't know whos' shot killed the victim to lessen the emotional stress.
no yellow jude star
Dude they could literally all have died because they fell down there and then trampled each other to death in a mass panic.
people do that shit all the time.
one falls down and puff..you have a chain reaction
Bullshit, they're just sleeping.
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Why were allied solders bulldozing them in?

Kikes just always seem to lie to people. They can't help it guess. They were created by Satan himself and they should all be sent to hell.
wtf I love jews now
>execution of (probably) deserted
U w0t?
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>fresh victims being buried at once in a mass grave

Are stormcucks really this retarded? There is no way typhus would simultaneously kill that amount of people so they can be buried at the same fucking time.

This is what makes you stormcucks so despicable, so you need to hide your views on from the general public, total irrationality, disregard for historical facts, the complete "feelz over realz " because everything that you don't agree with is part of a jewish conspiracy.

Go fuck your boneheads friend in the arse, literal shit for brains.
it is still more emotional stress for everyone involved then with one bullet through the head from an "executioner" which we had for a much longer time before.
Everyone still has to look him in the face till he dies and the guy above them still has the same decision to make.
AND ...supplys and time are always needed if you are out in the field
You do realise that people were often executed on both sides. This is common practice and not at all evidence of a Holocaust. Think, Man.
>muh typhus
how convenient, totally not gassed

aka "ship fever, prison fever and field fever"
>23 year old German soldier Manfred Pernass, is about to die at the hands of US forces at Henri-Chapelle on 23-12-1944. He, Oberfähnrich Günther Billing and Gefreiter Wilhelm Schmidt were captured wearing US uniforms for Operation Greif ("Griffin").

Fun fact: Spies never were given any protection by international treaties (unlike normal soldiers) and still are notably absent. This is why he accusation of being a "spy" is so popular when dealing with citizen of other nations in times of a crisis; it is perfectly legal to do whatever one wants with them.
Firing squad was an internationally used method of execution.
Then we shouldn't really call it a holocaust anymore, should we?
Go read Witold Pilecki's report.
There is no way they did that on the eastern front. This wasn't capital punishment with normal peaceful, civilized society, it was war.
400,000~ still dies in it all. That's some of them.
This is the fucking Bergen Belsen camp.

Not even Shlomo Horovitz claims they were gassed here or that it was a death camp.

Proof that it didn't happen right there.

"During World War I typhus caused three million deaths in Russia and more in Poland and Romania. Delousing stations were established for troops on the Western front but the disease ravaged the armies of the Eastern front, with over 150,000 dying in Serbia alone. Fatalities were generally between 10 and 40 percent of those infected, and the disease was a major cause of death for those nursing the sick. Between 1918 and 1922 typhus caused at least 3 million deaths out of 20–30 million cases. In Russia after World War I, during a civil war between the White and Red armies, typhus killed three million, largely civilians. During World War II typhus struck the German Army as it invaded Russia in 1941.[7] In 1942 and 1943 typhus hit French North Africa, Egypt and Iran particularly hard.[18] Typhus epidemics killed inmates in the Nazi Germany concentration camps; infamous pictures of typhus victims' mass graves can be seen in footage shot at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp."

Why would they even need to gas people?
Cause touching them is nasty. They didn't need more sick people.
On April 18, 1945, the burial of the dead began. The staff members, who were now prisoners of the British, were ordered to do the work of burying the bodies. The British deliberately forced the SS staff to use only their bare hands to handle the corpses of prisoners who had died of contagious diseases. In the documentary film which was shown in the newsreels in theaters around the world, a British officer said that the Germans were being punished by not allowing them to use gloves to handle the bodies. According to Eberhard Kolb, 20 out of the 80 guards, who were forced to handle diseased bodies without wearing protective gear, died later and the majority of the deaths were from typhus.

On April 21, 1945, the evacuation of the camp began. The prisoners were first deloused and then moved into the barracks of the German Army Training Center next to the camp. Two days later, 6 detachments of the Red Cross arrived to help. The epidemics had yet to be brought under control and 400 to 500 prisoners were still dying each day, but by April 28, the German guards had caught up with the burial of the bodies and the mass graves were completed.
Prisoners continued to die, in spite of the medical treatment provided by the Red Cross and the British Army. Nine thousand died in the first two weeks after the British arrived, and another 4000 died in May. The bodies were thrown into unmarked mass graves, even though the identities of these prisoners were known. Today none of the mass graves at Bergen-Belsen has a stone with the names of those who are buried there.
Dude, NOBODY is claiming those people in that picture were gassed. The guy is clueless. He is proving it didn't happen without realizing. The Bergen-Belsen camp is not considered to have been a death camp even by the "official" narrative.
>someone died in a war
>that means 6 million jews died in an intential genocide
Give me 88's or give me death
>Typhus epidemics killed inmates in the Nazi Germany concentration camps
Well maybe if the nazis didn't put prisoners in poorly maintained concentration killing camps, this wouldn't have happened in the first place. It is still a massacre which was perpetuated indirectly. The holocaust is not only about the gas chambers you know.
i literally got another 88 while you were commenting that
>The report includes details about the gas chambers, "selektion", and the sterilization experiments. It states that there were three crematoria in Birkenau able to burn 8000 people daily.
ok, further strengthens my claim

Greatest lie ever told....
Underrated lmao
No, it doesn't. Hestates exactly what I said regard typhus. His claims of a magic electic creamtoria that vaporized bodies in a few minutes is obvious bullshit. However, given that he clear wasn't trying to minimize what occurred there, the fact that he acknowledges exactly what I said regarding typhus is significant.
That's a big pile of dead bodies.
Holy wew
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I disagree with stormfags on jew hating but come on, do you really believe the 6 godzillion?
It was not a planned genocide as they claim, therefore it shouldn't even be called holocaust. Fuck, the allies are more responsible for the deaths than the Germans, they were the ones to bomb suply railways.
> arguing that Bergen-Belson was a gas chamber camp
The true red pill is that 4-5 million Jews died, even if most weren't gassed (most were shot and killed in war).
Yep. At that is the Nazi guilt in a nutshell. Maybe up to 1 million died cuz of that. It doesn't make the Jews feel special though
Yes, they also spent a looong time before they actually liberated the camps (leading to people starving to death).

This is why the myth was created - so people would never blame the allies. There were many people against area bombing (civilian) in Britain that could turn against them when they saw the total destruction of German cities. With the 'holocaust' they finally could give them a "reason" why it was needed.
150, 000 died.
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i visited Auschwitz in february, i seen it and heard it. Burn in hell those who deny the Holocaust.
>inb4 muh fake gas chambers
>inb4 muh typhus
>inb4 muh dirty bolsheviks spreading disease
>4-5 million
Oy vey, why are you denying !

Emotional account.

>eternal anglo
Not all nazis were jew killing barbarians you know. Just like how not all muslims are terrorists.
Wow your image totally proves planned genocide. /pol/ finally BTFO
>le holohoax didnt happen
>le 3dgelord nazi
>Go to the polish countryside in 2017
>Still dead Jews and gas canisters everywhere
How can you deny it?!?
> one firing squad
> six million Jews
It did happen. And thank fucking God it did.
You have seen and heard IT. Ut what is it? What did you actually see? Reality or an exploitation working to make money out of people like you and abuse your emotions?
I say the holohoax never happened.

But it should have.

Pol really finds any excuse, worse than liberals for making up excuses and claiming nothing burgers.

You are contradicting yourself.

You sound like that one fat nerd from university with all the "le".
If I had a choice, I'd probably choose death by holocoaster.
i seen the many prisoner blocks of Birkenau, the piles of zyklon b canisters, the destroyed gas and crematoriums, the shoes of infants, piles of hair andsuitcases and the list goes on.
And also use it to deligitimise the ideologies of the defeated countries and make them look like the evil side.
>they were the ones to bomb supply railways.
Those supplies were being transported to the Eastern front too. Bombing supply lines is part of warfare 101. Are you telling me they should have left it like that so the enemy could fight for another day? Dumb spaniard
One guy getting shot by fireing squad isn't proof of anything. This happens in every war, and i don't even deny the holocaust.
Did I offend you?
That's a mercy killing you see, no gas
We weren't savages, we da noice goys
So how do you know if WW2 happened in the first place if you were not alive to see the event first hand? Dumb logic
oh dear, Hans has hit me with the a knock out blow
Aim bot
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Soo? Things totally cannot be placed there after the war amirite?
Dude watch David Cole at Auschwitz. You saw a fake recreated gas chamber, canisters used to delouse lice, and belongings that were stored because they were given a uniform.

Are you even serious?

>prisoner blocks
yeah, it was a prison camp

>zyklon b
delousing to prevent typhus

>destroyed gas and crematoriums
Why would the allies destroy them? The only existing "gas chamber" was built by to Soviets after the war.

Any city the size of auschwitz had an equal number of crematoriums

>the shoes of infants
yeah, they died of typhus and other diseases
>One guy getting shot by fireing squad isn't proof of anything.
Yes, it is proof of indiscriminate killing of jews. Killing civilians is a war crime. Not all of them were gassed.
yes, i was made aware that this gas chamber in Auschwitz one had been modified after the war. Our guide told our group
woah, super woke brotha.
why were children and women imprisoned there en mass in the first place. ohh they must of been nasty criminals
You should read The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein, he is Jewish but many jews hate him
Man, there's like no way those things could be there for legitimate reasons right? It has to be genocide, no question.
Gas canisters - every camp received the same amount whether they were "death camps" or not. Delousing maybe?
Hair piles, - gotta get those ticks.
Suitcases - because people brought shit in and the guards took it away
Infant shoes - I've had 3 kids, none of them get shoes till they can walk, you know who had infant shoes? Poor ass ghetto Jews from eastern Europe in the 40s, enough to make a small emotional pile for you to look at.
Cremas and gas lagers- didn't the Soviets admit to building those after the war?
So my lad, what conclusion do you obtain of such information? Did somebody try to manipulate history or not? If they can add an entire building why not some shoes and empty cans of gas? Up to what extent has this part of history been manipulated? Still not even one order has been found regarding genocide.
>picture of an execution proves the Holocaust


Here's a much more disturbing execution, showing 16 and 17 year old boys executed by the allies for the crime of telling their army about allied troop movements:
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Why did the Americans do the same with the Japanese people living in America?
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It was normal practice back then (to keep your enemies in camps).

The US did the same with their Japanese population, including women and children.
the guy in the pic did not actually get exicuted it was a comon tactic to get information out of a prisoner to treaten them with firing squad.

Fixed link: https://youtu.be/XOKEebktVco
>modified = manipulating history
Ho dumb are you? He meant manipulate in the form of renovation and reforming to prevent decay and degradation of the facility.
Stormfags really have an IQ below room temperature.
Why can't someone just release an airborne virus across every continent that only kills jews?
yeah the americans deliberately slaughtered families of Japanese people in camps
Serpent theory, Cain was of the serpent seed, eve cheated on Adam.

Cains descendants are Jews. The devil's seed.
they did it with the germans too..

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US camp (pic)

Only difference is that we call it 'internment camp' instead of 'concentration camp'... but they had exactly the same purpose.

>deliberately slaughtered
Show me just one written order and I'll believe you.
>>zyklon b
>delousing to prevent typhus

zyclon b has prussic acid in it (hydrogen cynide) using this as dissifectant is as effective as using musterd gas as moutrefresher.
you know why the b is in zyclon?

where a team of chemists that included Walter Heerdt (de) and Bruno Tesch developed a method of packaging hydrogen cyanide in sealed canisters along with a cautionary eye irritant and adsorbent stabilizers. The new product was also named Zyklon, but it became known as Zyklon B to distinguish it from the earlier version. Uses included delousing clothing and disinfesting ships, warehouses, and trains.
Why are you still here after attempting to claim that Bergen-Belsen was a death camp?
The Holocaust didn't happen, but if it did, then that's no problem.
Our goal wouldn't be to deny it, but to do it again but better.
Can you watch the picture again imbecile? Is that preservation according to you retarded mind?>>131891935
Guys give this man a break. He´s in the proses of learning.
i was being sarcastic
Jesus Christ
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Whether you believe you do or don't believe the holocaust, you shouldn't care about it, It's history, STFU both lefties and righties.
Everything washes off the eternal Anglo like water, but call him French and look at how he recoils in fear "i've been found out".
>Why are you still here after attempting to claim that Bergen-Belsen was a death camp?

>Bergen-Belsen [ˈbɛʁɡn̩.bɛlsn̩], or Belsen, was a Nazi concentration camp in what is today Lower Saxony in northern Germany, southwest of the town of Bergen near Celle. Originally established as a prisoner of war camp,[1] in 1943, parts of it became a concentration camp. Initially this was an "exchange camp", where Jewish hostages were held with the intention of exchanging them for German prisoners of war held overseas.[2] The camp was later expanded to accommodate Jews from other concentration camps.
>The camp was liberated on April 15, 1945, by the British 11th Armoured Division.[4] The soldiers discovered approximately 60,000 prisoners inside, most of them half-starved and seriously ill,[5] and another 13,000 corpses lying around the camp unburied.[4] The horrors of the camp, documented on film and in pictures, made the name "Belsen" emblematic of Nazi crimes in general for public opinion in many countries in the immediate post-1945 period. Today, there is a memorial with an exhibition hall at the site.
Um, it was yes
Go read a history book instead of believing in the fairy tales told here
No one says the Holocaust didn't happen, people say the official narrative is propaganda

That being said the einsatzgruppen is the only group whose role was close to what the kikes kvetch about. Though they ignore the fact that those Jews were Communist partisans
I'm talking about the holohoax? Obviously nobody deliberately killed people in camps apart from the Ustase and the Japanese in China, that was my point.
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Betray the squad, get the rod
>Delousing to prevent Typhus
Nuremburg Document #NI-9912: The Degesch Manual

As mentioned above in the technical data section, hydrogen cyanide is often used as a fumigant for ships, warehouses, and dwellings. Cyanide can be used to kill vermin and insects, but it will not kill bacteria. It is therefore useless for disinfecting anything, but it will eliminate vermin that harbor pathogens.

A "typical" can of Zyklon contained 200 grams of HCN adsorbed onto the carrier, and was stored in metal tins marked with a death's head and warning that read: "Giftgas!" (Deathly poisonous gas!). Zyklon-B shipments to Nazi Death camps had the warning indicator removed, which would prevent people from detecting the gas's presence before it was too late.

Nuremburg Doc NI-9913-A (excerpts) from Mendelsohn and Detwiler, p 149.

Nuremburg Document NI-9912, the Degesch Manual on how to use Zyklon properly
1,2,3,4,5,6,7....244, 245,246. thats all

humm where the fuck are the rest 5.999.754 jews?
> Belsen, was a Nazi concentration camp
Concentration camp.

The death camps were in the East.

There is a difference between "death camp" and "concentration camp" in Holocaust narrative.

It did not have gas cambers.

You don't know ANYTHING about what you are discussing. You are beyond idiotic.
how can you guys even explain the wannsee conference and Hitler calling for the extermination of the jewish race in his speeches. guess they were just hoaxes too
You sure showed him sweetie, i think it's time to go for a nap after hard day of shit posting in the internet, truly arbeits macht frei.
Because cremating all the bodies with all the coal in the GrosDeutscheReich leaves mass graves.

No these casualties are not millions. They are also not casualties of genocide. At least not planned, they are too victims of war which brings with it disease and starvation. Of course you first feed your soldiers then your own people and the prisoners can have the scraps. That is just the natural order.
He isnt saying that, he's merely pointing out that those bombing runs inadvertantly starved a bunch of the ppl in the camps
As far as I know, the guy on the pic is a frenchman and they didnt even shoot him here. The wanted him to give them intel.
They were speaking metaphorically
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tfw you'll never get to walk through a pit of dead kikes.

It was invented as a pesticide and was used to kill the lice spreading typhus by gassing the clothes.
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You're next
oh of course! they didnt actually mean it, silly me for misunderstanding their silly antics.
Holohoax should have its own daily general thread, it is ridiculous the amount of leverage these bastards have got because of something that did not happen
nazis dindu nuff. Not dindu nuffin.
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Notice a recurring theme?

>we got 6 million subscribers goy!
he new product was also named Zyklon, but it became known as Zyklon B to distinguish it from the earlier version.

It consisted of hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid),
Hydrogen cyanide, a poisonous gas that interferes with cellular respiration, was first used as a pesticide in California in the 1880s.

also read this post.
>calling for the extermination of the jewish race in his speeches
Show me one of this speeches and show me a written order and I will never talk about this again.
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Bergen Belsen was practically a day spa! If you think about it, the Nazis were actually doing the Jews a favor. The Jews were provided with shelter, food, and a roaring fire to keep them warm during the harsh times of war. I wish I could be taken by Nazis!

There is also a good chance that false rumors where being spread in the camps, created by inmates who didn't understand what was happening. They saw people dying of typhus and somehow connected it with the delousing of clothes.
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>In the Männerlager (the male section of the "recovery camp"), inmates suffered even more from lack of care, malnourishment, disease and mistreatment by the guards. Thousands of them died. In the summer of 1944, at least 200 men were killed by orders of the SS by being injected with phenol.[10]:196
>There were no gas chambers at Bergen-Belsen, since the mass killings took place in the camps further east. Nevertheless, current estimates put the number of deaths at Belsen at more than 50,000 Jews, Czechs, Poles, anti-Nazi Christians, homosexuals, and Roma and Sinti (Gypsies).[7] Among them was Czech painter and writer Josef Čapek (estimated to be in April 1945).
Yes, but doesn't change the fact that they were treated like live stock and being subject to abuse and torture. Holocaust =/= all gas chambers

Maybe if Jews werent filthy rat kikes who try to destroy countries, they wouldnt have had to be put in the camps.
https://youtu.be/OjaWZRnxDiE [Embed]
Heinrich Himmler speaks about the extermination of Jews (Speech)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo1cMyW5Ty0 [Embed]
I think its harder for Americans to understand. Its like if today, everybody hates niggers, one day Canada attacks you round up all the niggers in your neighbourhood and when the war is over 95% of them vanished. Records tell it, survivors and guards tell it, evidence tells it. Its not that hard to imagine. If we could do the same to muslims now it would be the same.
It was just a prank bro
>There is also a good chance
Did they not teach you that a showing of doubt implies a weak argument? Also,
[citation needed]
Also Hans Stark himself testifies:
"As I have already mentioned, the first gassing was carried out in the small crematoria in autumn 1941. Grabner ordered me to go to the crematorium in order to check numbers, just as I had had[sic] to do with the shootings. About 200- 250 Jewish men, women, and children of all ages were standing at the crematorium. There may also have been babies there.
[....] Nothing was said to the Jews. They were merely ordered to enter the gas chamber, the door of which was open. While the Jews were going into the room, medical orderlies prepared for the gassing. Earth had been piled up against one of the external walls of the gassing room so that the medical orderlies could get onto the roof of the room. After all the Jews were in the chamber, the door was bolted and the medical orderlies poured Zyklon-B through the openings..."
shit kiketube removed the vids ill repost them just wait a second.
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>nothing ever happens ever
>any object that can potentially be placed somewhere after an event, definitely happened that way
That guy probably broke the rules. Tsk tsk.

I went to Universal Studios in February but I still know Harry Potter was a fictional story made up by a kike.

Thats cute, but you cant gas people with wooden doors that open from the inside and have 2 inch gaps on the bottom.
and heinrich himmler.
goebbels speaking about the kike media.
It exposes you as being a fucking moron.

In >>131888779
> how convenient, totally not gassed

You didn't have a clue about what you were talking about. You're trying to just wiki this shit on the fly. You're an imbecile.

You have no fucking idea how they were treated, you'd obviously never head of this camp until I mentioned the name.
from wikipedia on bergen belsen (the foto is from that camp)
>The rate at which inmates died at Belsen accelerated notably after the mass transport of prisoners from other camps began in December 1944. From 1943 to the end of 1944 around 3,100 died. From January to mid-April 1945 this rose to around 35,000. Another 14,000 died after liberation between April 15 and the end of June 1945


So even after liberation lots and lots of dead, also the time of liberation is in the spring. And not the harsh winter of '44. And as i stated before lack of resources.

How do you explain then that 14000 died after the allied liberation?
Did the allies think: "Lets finish the exterminations the Germans have scheduled they not yet done.

>This is what makes you stormcucks so despicable, so you need to hide your views on from the general public, total irrationality, disregard for historical facts, the complete "feelz over realz " because everything that you don't agree with is part of a jewish conspiracy.

If you tell a big enough lie, and tell it often enough people will believe you.
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Just wait for the Remake
guess he didnt really mean it and its all just a big hoax lol
>Earth had been piled up against one of the external walls of the gassing room so that the medical orderlies could get onto the roof of the room

Why would they need this?

Anyway, this is not 'proof' in any way. It's easy to fabricate a story.
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where did i say i believed everything about the holocaust? i dont believe everything about it either.

im just saying that zyclon b is very dangerous and can be used as a tool of extermination.

for example im very skeptical of the gas chambers especialy the wall scrathes.

there made by tourists.

fingernails can’t leave marks in concrete when scratching it. If concrete is scratched by fingernails, only a fingernail powder will be left on the scratched concrete surface (but no furrow) because fingernails are softer than concrete
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=d7lSC-_4vok [Embed]
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>Using a pic of a firing squad shooting a partisan to prove the holohoax

It seems Reddit is missing one of their trolls.
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but that's just not true though, census totals from 1933 and 1948 reflect barely more than 100000 fewer Jews in Europe and Asia combined at the same time as just under 600000 more in the US which had well documented massive jewish immigration during the time
I bet Hitler was actually a cool dude.
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>How do you explain then that 14000 died after the allied liberation?
The food the Americans brought was to die for
ever wondered how you make x amount of people march into that room? How could there not have been mass panic.

>How do you explain then that 14000 died after the allied liberation?

do you have a citation for that?
>my guide told my group
>paying money for jews to lie to you about a jew lie
pretty sure the guide was a polak jew too
>Only in 1949 are postwar estimates employed, the figures given are for estimates made in 1948. A year or two lag seems to be common for various other population estimates given by the World Almanac. The difference between the 1938 and 1948 figures is thus 4,481,491. In 1949, however, the World Almanac gives a revised 1939 population of 16,643,120 giving a difference of between 1938 and 1947 of 5,376,520. Where the extra population between 1938 and 1939 came from is not cited, though one might speculate that it was based upon the Nazi estimates made in 1942 for the Wannsee Conference. Despite the apparent exactness of the numbers listed, the World Almanac warns that all numbers listed are estimates.

Then disprove it, by citing something. Simply saying "it's fabricated" doesn't disprove something, otherwise I could also disprove your idea of those things being internment camps by saying "Jerries fabricated that idea".
IDIOT, check the data for 1949 one.
How the fuck are you so stupid that you still fall for the Almanac thingy....

Google the explanation yourself.
The germans actually radioed out of the camps on Enigma how many died each day.
That's the same communication channel that lost them the war.
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>Historians immediately point out that the 1949 World Almanac does not list that figure for the world Jewish population. Instead, the increased number was taken from an erroneous Senate Judiciary Committee report in 1950. Anybody looking in the 1949 World Almanac would instead see the figure of 11,266,600, along with a revision of the 1939 population upwards to more than 16-and-a-half million.

You can't screw the Jew
isnt really surprising, when you know a Little bit about the human Body

The jews were starving for a pretty Long time, in that time the stomach shrinks to the size of an egg, when the allies came in they gave them too much Food. The Joos stuffed themselves until the tiny stomach burst and they bled out from the inside

pretty gruesome if you think about it
The testimony of Auschwitz camp commandant Rudolf Hoss is also very useful. With regards to the gassing process, he describes both gassings in the large chambers in the Birkenau complex and ones carried out in the makeshift Bunkers I and II. Bunkers I and II were used while the major extermination facilities were under construction, and had a capacity of about 200 300 people at once. The process in the bunkers was similar to that in Krema I. The extermination chambers was somewhat different, as Hoss mentions that they where equipped with an electric ventilation system to quickly ventilate the rooms, and an electric lift to quickly transport bodies to the Krema ovens for incineration. Here the gas chambers were located underground, which allowed easy access for pouring Zyklon-B into the chambers.
Aerial photographs of the camps taken by allied reconnaissance planes during the war corroborate Ho"ss testimony, particularly with regards to the architecture of the underground gas chamber in Krema II

"The Good Old Days": The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders. pp.271-273

Brugioni, Dino and Poirier, Robert. _The Holocaust Revisited: A Retrospective Analysis of the Auschwitz-Birkenau
Extermination Complex. p.11
Big men. Lining up to shoot an innocent man probably because he owned a store that turned slight profits.

>Be Germany
>kill everyone that can make a profit
>get all of your soldiers killed in two unnecessary world wars
>no men left with any noticeable t levels
>own EU
>"I don't understand why the EU is so liberal if it's primarily German influence"
>it's because all the strong men killed all the good men and all the strong men got killed by superior Anglo saxons. Even the actual angles and saxons
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I'm not seeing 6.000.000 in there
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its a rough estimation about how many jews where in europe at the time but heres a estimate.
I had a great aunt (her daughter married my uncle) who was in Bergen Belsen for 2 years. The ONLY things she ever talked about concerning the war was how everybody was cold and hungry in the end...she was a teen and worked in the kitchen, scrubbing pots and peeling potatoes...she told us that the worst year was the first year after the war ended and how lucky she was when she was able to emigrate to the US with her husband (in 1947)....she was a plump woman, who hoarded sugar packets, blankets, and toothpaste....she died in 1995...with a closet full of sugar packets and toothpaste...
Not gruesome, this should be the new execution style, symbolic
I'd say the Russian estimate should be higher, since it's using the 1926 USSR census.
Mandela got the Nobel peace prize ans still celebrated today. Necklacing.

Hitler was brought back merely as a slap in the face to counteract this. It's like kek, something figurative to embody the piss from seeing globalism yet edgey and gain followers which makes it lose any supposed meaning.

Sure Hitler was evil. Honestly more fond of Pinochet, Chile still exists whereas Germany is in pieces and the people have been retarded by their education system from birth
dude i agree with that but that doesn't mean that all holocaust revisionism is wrong. the germans comitted serious war crimes - as did every major power in WW2. however the proof of a systematic plan, the gas chambers, and the 11M dead aren't exactly forthcoming. i'd recommend looking into what "deniers" have to say: even if they're wrong, you're likely to learn a lot about what did happen, even from the official perspective.

no doubt some promote revisionism with political purposes in mind, but i think you will find many who are simply asking questions

check it out yourself (unless thats illegal where you come from, then be careful)
Are the bullets coated with zyklon b?
Come on, Man. Those are clearly people posing for pictures. The Holocaust ain't real, bro.
So you saw a pile of hair, some shoes and clothes, and a "gas chamber" built after the war. How is that proof of the holocaust?
there are only rough estimates not actual a 100percent soliddocument of the number of jews in europe at the time .

sadly we have to rely on estimates and so the treu number will in all likely hood wil never be known.
Into the showers you go!
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>oy vey intensifies
>citing literally revisionist history from 1949
In the Battle of Kursk around 200.000 Russians and 50.000 Germans died in the span of 10 days, you really want to tell me that this Picture is shocking in a war with 75 Million corpses ?
Why are 9 guys killing one tied up dude ?
>EU flag
>complains about Hitler
We fought for the wrong side
Firing lines are used so only one person kills a tried criminal and nobody knows which it was. Everybody has done this.
>It's revisionist cuz I say so
Well, prove that it is revisionist, It'd be interesting if that statement was, in fact, incorrect.
A Military execution, only one Bullet is a real one, the others are blanks (only a bang) so that you dont know who the executioner was
In Engines of War, Christian Wolmar spends some time analyzing the effects of Allied bombing of German railroads. He concludes that most disruptions of railway service were less than 24 hours. The German rail network was remarkably resiliant, and able to reroute traffic around any temporary blockages to good effect. The use of conscript labor and specialized repair teams in combination meant that repair efforts were nearly always able to keep up with the rate of desctruction possible during WWII, especially since even massed bomber raids were unable to repeatedly hit relatively small and narrow targets such as rail lines. Marshalling yards were more vulnerable to attack, but their interconnected nature made them able to resume service rapidly.

In his book, which is comprehensive in its scope, he makes no mention of prisoners starving due to sustained disruptions of railroad service. He does address the idea of bombing the rail lines to disrupt delivery of prisoners to the camps, but dismisses it as impractical for a number of factors.

If you have read that 'a majority of the deaths in the Holocaust were cause in this way,' that is an extraordinary claim. Such claims require proof. I imagine that you will find none.
a mob of niggers maniged to kill 1,000,000 deaths with just rusty machetes and clubs IN
A 100 days do you realy think a race as autistic as the germans could not manige a higher numer in a span of years?

They didn't have the food to get to the camps. They were rationing food before the war even started.
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are we really doing this?
So are you gonna debunk Rudolf Hoss' testimony or just start dumping the usual hyperbolic pictures?
The burden of proof would be on you who made the claim that a later population estimate overrode the accuracy of the earlier one, 0 sources have been cited on your side of the fence.
Hell even your holocaust denial website was unsourced, and literally just shows that they poofed their propaganda based holocaust victims into existence.
Niggers killing Niggers really isnt comparable with Humans murdering each other

Most of the Concentration camps were in the East, this means with the russians coming closer since 1943 the german railways had to be used for Military purposes (remember the eastern front was the meat grinder of the war)
The longer the war went on the more ressources were lost thus they had to use what was left for the war effort
Prisoners were an afterthought in that situation
Google andersonville in the US civil war. If you can tell the difference between the prisoners there and the liberated Jews you have a better eye than me.
>Niggers killing Niggers really isnt comparable with Humans murdering each other

still doesnt disprove my claim if a mob of niggers maniged to kill 1,000,000 deaths in just a hunderd days why cant the advanced germans?
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That is a lot of mannequins
>was unsourced
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry was used as one of the sources, and also confirmed by it:
Just listen to his testimony. Sounds like he was forced to say it (he doesn't sound natural).
you could argeu he was under torture to confess to a false number.
Although tthecamps were forced labor camps the German Nazi party was not concerned about giving food nor medicale aid to the people. The Nazis knew the population that died was going to be easily replaced by others. If the Nazis main goal was keeping a healthy work force they knew they would have to provide better living conditions like cleaner, wzrmer housing, sufficient food, and better medical. All these things cost money and, since the goal was cheap labor, the Nazis would simply replace a worn out individual with a healthy individual that they knew was going to show up in numbers they could not support if idle.

The main goal, as time went on, was exterminating large amounts of people. Nazi Germany knew they could not support that big of a number of incarcerated individuals and to ease the financial burden they killed them instead. This massive propaganda campaign directed at lesser humans then the Nazi's Superior Human image that they saw themselfs as backfired to some degree. The problem they were faced with was the amount of resources required to house the enemys of the state. Nazis wanted their resources directed to the war effort instead of feeding millions of people.

It was easier to also watch larger groups of people when those people had less strength to revolt. They used fewer troops to maintane order.
Giving a testimony while being captured. He would have said or signed anything after long enough torture.
Maybe if they crush your testicles and threaten to kill your family you'd say anything.
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>he was forced to say it
What would force him to say it? Need a citation on what forced him to.
>Doesn't sound natural
Elaborate more. You could say Stalin also sounded unnatural later on during the Great Patriotic War.
They're playing possum. Bunch of goofballs.
Nazis were spreading the word of Jesus in Europe, when that fucking bigot Great Britain and his two far right extremist friends, Russia and France, attacked them. Nazis would have never harmed a fly. The worst I saw them ever do was some pest control. It's illegal for a Nazi to gas some rats now?!? It's enough to warrant using lethal force?!?! I fucking hate these bigoted 'allies'. Go fuck yourselves.
Well, can I get some sort of source on tortures?
how about logical thinking my friend.

>why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane

Or do you believe the allies were above using torture?
what did you see?
jews still being gassed?
why did the nazi officials like goebels kill there own family's then and comited suicide with cyinide pils?
>executing partisans
What's wrong with that exactly?
Do you think they would document it?
They were poorly maintained because of the war and destruction of infrastructure. There was expression of concern from the camp officers that deteriorating conditions would cause an increase in disease and death.
They didn't want to get their testicles crushed.
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Because Communists are Bolsheviks, and Bolsheviks were Jews, and Jews control the media.

If you were a Jew, depending on a false "holocaust" story for sympathy, would YOU want people to know that the largest REAL genocide in human history, the slaughter of around 30 million White, Christian Russians, was carried out under Jewish leadership.

The truth is something they cannot afford to get out, so they bury it, just like they tried to bury all the dead, White bodies in Russia, Poland, and the rest of Eastern Europe (the Holodomor).

The murderers control the media, so they hide their murders and make themselves out to be victims of murder.
And dupes fall for it.

Communism is a Jewish stain on humanity.

Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you
......and this is shocking to you ?
pretty much what everybody does in an all-or-nothing war
that was my Point
just like the russkies did with the Wolgagermans
or Cambodians did with their Inteligencia
or Chinese with the Kuomintang

Different people, different decisions.

I never understood this... dont these pictures actually prove the claims of holocaust sceptics? I mean, look at the bodies... those folks died of starvation and typhus (spots on bodies).

Fucking terrible none the less tho.
The allies were definitely capable of torturing, but unless you can provide substantial evidence I am inclined to call bullshit, even a simple citation (even some Nazi nigger who wasn't hung) would be enough.
>Please, have mercy
>I couldn't help it

well you could argeu the soviets did arrive first in berlin and the would want revenge for barbossa and no mercy would be given by the soviets.
if you look at worldwide population records from 1900 to 1950 you can see that something is not right
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The Gulag Archipelago II was written by Nobel Prize Winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Pictured on page 79 of the Gulag Archipelago II are the leading administrators of the GREATEST KILLING MACHINE in the history of the world, the "Gulags", where over 65 million eastern european christians were exterminated. They are Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, and Naftaly Frenkel. ALL SIX ARE JEWS.

The Red Army was started by the Communist Jew Lev Davidovich Bronshtein aka Leon Trotsky. New York, Bronx was the home of Leon Trotsky before he was sent out to lead the Red Army. Add to this fact an intelligence report of April 1918 from American Expeditionary Forces which shows the race/ethnicity of the Communist/Bolshevik leaders of the Russian Revolution. Of 384 commissars more than 300 were Jewish and 264 of them were from the US (Records of the American Expeditionary Forces (WW I, War Records Division of the National Archives, Record Group 120.3.2).
Everybody knows that nazis were double faced animals who got what they deserved. Don't be fooled by underage retards on this board that think they are cool for liking nazis
>It was the biggest and most horrible war the world has ever seen
>people died
its totally not the time to move on and forget about it
>Different people, different decisions.

>somehow this excuses poisoning youre own children.

On the evening of 1 May 1945, Goebbels arranged for an SS dentist, Helmut Kunz, to inject his six children with morphine so that when they were unconscious, an ampule of cyanide could be then crushed in each of their mouths.
Framing this and putting it on my wall.
Just go ahead and admit it already. you are an anti-Semite and you want so badly to believe what the Nazi's did was acceptable. they commited the worse genocide ever recorded in human history and till this day are the poster boys for evil. So please i understand you think by defending the nazi's you are finding somekind of truth. but you arn't.. you are defending murders, who didn't flinch at killing children in cold blood. I hope you go to the library and read holocaust books. i did and i grew out of the silly holocaust denial bullshit. because that what it is... BULLSHIT..
How many germans it take to shoot one (1) guy?
they didn't need to torture the simply bombed everything into oblivion. that was the real massacre but nobody seems to care about that

>prove the holocaust didnt happen!!

Dont forget you are the one making a claim.

im just punching holes in your claim.
I'd quote the Bomber Harris saying but I can't be assed to google it.

Well, he obviously feared what the allies would do to him and his family.
No sane person thinks Russians are or were a better alternative than Hitler. I'm glad Germany decimated your population to historically unprecedented lows. You'll never wage a zerg war again. Get owned.
>they commited the worse genocide ever recorded in human history
There are two genocides that are worse. Interestingly, both of them were committed by people who flew the flag you post under.
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A Russian Jew detected
Actually I don't deny that something like a holocaust happened but what is told is completly hyperbolic. The dimensions that (((they))) talk about can't match reality it's simply impossible.
>Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was paid by the capitalists to write that book. most of it is complete bullshit and has been debunked several times.
I provided Rudolf Hoss' own testimony citation, someone said "he was tortured to say it". The burden of proof is on them/you, I even have the allied reconnaisance who confirm Hoss' testimony. So please, disprove even the allied reconnaisance confirmation.
>Leon Trotsky

he was actualy funded by the german empire to destabilize russia during ww1 the same with lenin.

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Says the commie with 65 Million starved USSR Citizens, 70 Million dead Chinese, 2 Million dead Cambodians and the untold millions of other starved, shot and burned
pot calling the cettle black
Fucking top kek
>t. guy whos country was usurped by jews and ruled by them for 50 years
1 million in total, or one side causing 1 million deaths?

Edward L. van Roden.


Edward L. van Roden, a Pennsylvania judge, served in World War I and II, in the latter as Chief of the Military Justice Division for the European Theater where he saw service in Normandy, Belgium, the Rhineland, the Battle of the Bulge, and in the Ardennes. In 1946 he was reassigned to active duty and served on several important court martial trials in Germany. In 1948 Secretary of the Army Royall appointed him to an extraordinary commission charged with investigating the Dachau War Crimes program.
>Well, he obviously feared what the allies would do to him and his family.

you could make that argument for the soviets. but not for the allies since the captured natsoc officials did get a "proper" trail.

and their children would not be punished by the allies.

there would probably be something like operation papêrclip for his children.
what was the driver thinking there at that moment?
Both of them were famines casued by bad weather..
see if you go to the library and acutally read books you will learn real facts.

"Great Leap Forward Famine, was a period in the People's Republic of China between the years 1959 and 1961 characterized by widespread famine"

i know its hard and takes alot of time to read books. but hey fucking try it.. you retard
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Reminder that tara McCarthy knows the Holocaust happened and claims her grandfather died in it
Hutu killing 800.000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu until the Tutsi Forces reached them and pushed them into the Kongo
also a few Dutch or Belgian UN-Soldiers got killed to
> Our investigators would put a black hood over the accused's head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him, and beat him with rubber hose. Many of the German defendants had teeth knocked out. Some had their jaws broken.

> All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was Standard Operating Procedure with American investigators.

Nuremberg was fake. No testimony was legitimate.
Daily reminder Germany lost 5 million combatants fighting the whole world at once and Russia lost 30 million JUST fighting Germany. Talk about wrecked. That was the greatest slaughter to ever happen to humanity.
>>send farmers into Siberia
>>farms stop producing food
>>people go hungry
>>people die in the worst famine ever
Kill yourself. Honestly. You disgust me to my core.

>the holocaust did not happen but muh soviets killed 6 trillion ukrianians!

atleast be consistant with youre believs.
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>less than 50% white
You are a country of niggers, mexicans, and rednecks run by a retard with jews behind him. Your news agencies spend 55% of air time talking about us, instead of destruction of any "culture" you might have had. You are literally the example of what neo liberalism does to a country.
This is why I understand your love towards nazism - it is the last sweet illusion you have to protect your fragile self from the reality of what your country has become.
There is no bad feeling between us. I just feel sorry for you.
"I hope I don't run out of gas."
>implying typhus was not spread intentionally
Then why did the Nazi's spend all the resources to shave prisoners heads, take their clothes, make up new clothes, and delouse the camps and linens on a daily basis? There is more Zyklon B present in the delousing chamber than in the gas chamber, and historians estimate that up to 95% of it was used for delousing.
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>> Our investigators would put a black hood over the accused's head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him, and beat him with rubber hose. Many of the German defendants had teeth knocked out. Some had their jaws broken.
>> All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was Standard Operating Procedure with American investigators.

and where does this qoute come from?

can you provide a citation?
>t. guy whos country initiated 2 world wars, destroyed countries, killed countless innocent people, lost everything, and now live only to destroy europe once again.
Germany is objectively the tumor of europe. It needs to be removed.
That's the Malmedy massacre, not the Rudolf Hoss testimony. Again, I said allies were capable of torturing, I asked for one regards to Rudolf Hoss or any of the similiar.
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Taking away your farming Equipment and Food stocks (selling them on the international market for bonds) and letting you and your Family starve Counts as "Famine becuz of bad Weather" under communism

thats Levels of cynicism even i havent reached in my life

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Lev Davidovich Bronstein, Trotsky was born on November 7, 1879, in Kherson Province in Ukraine, the son of Russified Jews. He was educated in Odesa and in Mykolayiv.
has anyone ever watched the holocaust trials? Göring could have tried to escape. but he actually surrendered after a few days the war was over. and when they charged him for killing jews he didn't even know what they are talking about
Nazis are objectively preferable to Soviets.
There is no reason to assume that the mock trial in Dachau was any different to the mock trial in Nuremberg.

You're a dishonest sack of shit.
Also obligatory >>131898842
Jews profited from (overstated) jew deaths
oduring and after the war, feeding like
pigs on their own flesh.
NY jews invested billions in nazi industry.
Afterward they shamelessly sold lampshade,
soap, and gas chamber lies to steal more
from the goyim.
Congratulations, holocaust was the most
successful scam in history.
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>Germany is objectively the tumor of europe. It needs to be removed.
We all know you meant France. You're forgiven this time.

Anyway, not all of us enjoy what's happened. I'm confident you had fuck all to do with the jews running your country...
As you said yourself they were not above torture (god knows the NKVD has experience in it), so is it that far a stretch that they used it against a Nazi officer which (according to them) had killed soviet soldiers and jews alike?

the soviets were well known for using subterfuge

an example is the winter war where the soviets said Finns were about to attack Leningrad which they used as pretext for the invasion.
This is literally a propaganda document used to establish Israel
Also it's a goldmine desu
>Work to them is associated with concentration camps and slave labor. Their aim then had been to do as little as they could to assist their persecutors, and now they are unwilling to engage in any activity which is not designed to fit them for a new life in Palestine. Even though they have spent a considerable time in a center, they still regard themselves as merely in transit to that country and, generally speaking, show little willingness even to assist in improving the conditions in which they are living. Often their days are spent in aimless wandering around. On the other hand, wherever facilities are provided for practical training for life in Palestine they eagerly take advantage of them.
Soviets destroyed Russia. Still they weren't so bad for the rest of the world.
If they killed millions why did they need ten to kill one? You can't say the soldiers didn't want the death on their conscious
germany didnt initiated both world wars. please be gone
>There is no reason to assume that the mock trial in Dachau was any different to the mock trial in Nuremberg.
According to whom? Again, how come no Nazi who wasn't hung mention anything about being forced to say something? Maybe there were, so how about providing a citation.
so? that still does not disprove my claim that he was funded by the german empire to destroy russia during ww1 it actualy proves my piont even more.
No, they just tried to destroy the earth and extinct mankind
We're not talking about USSR, we're talking about Nazis. Can you provide some sort of sign that the Nurenberg trial defendants were tortured? Even the diary of a Nazi who wasn't killed would be enough. I am inclined to believe you, but only with sources.

>This is literally a propaganda document used to establish Israel
Elaborate, sounds interesting.
How tall was the pile of ashes?
I didnt say that they didnt kill them, but if you believe in them Gassing People which is pretty much the most ineffective way (especially with the Gasses and poisons, they describe) is just fucking moronic.
Every other fucking way would be more ressource effective and less dangerous for the People doing the killing than with masses of poison gas.
>Germany is objectively the tumor of europe. It needs to be removed.
100% correct.
We are working on it.
This is what underage retards actually believe.

>Oh no, we invaded austria - that's ok.
>Oh no, we invaded poland - that's nothing.
>Oh no, we invaded belgium - pls, don't pay attention.
>We didn't start the war, guys, I swear!
Gas yourself
its field mock exicution of a patisan or a spy.
to extract information out of him.
>the most ineffective way
Doing the maths it was pretty effective:
How much Zyklon-B will be needed to reach a concentration of 300 ppm? 300 ppm HCN corresponds to 300 milligrams of HCN per kilogram of air. For 457 cubic meters of air, you need to do some manipulations:

457 m^3 = 4.57 X 10^5 liters * (1 kg air/ 776 liters)
= 589 kilos of air.

(0.300 grams HCN/ kg air)*(589 kg air) = 176.7 grams HCN.
...less HCN than is contained in one can of Zyklon-B.
They needed lebensraum.

And I seem to recall something about Molotov-Ribbentrop regarding Polan...
You can read the entire thing on that exact link you provided, I have been, hell I even quoted from a previous chapter in it for you.
What did you literally just have that link to use in arguments and never even bothered to read the other pages of it?
Because they were happy to have simply survived.

The fact that if the allies did it in one place, they'd have no trouble doing it elsewhere.

You're a dishonest sack of shit. Nuremberg was a pure kangaroo court.
>and their children would not be punished by the allies.

They could not know that for sure.
Doesn't even matter. How do you think the lives would turn out for the children of Hitler and Goebbels? They spared them from it.

No way
>but if you believe in them Gassing People
read my post im skeptical about the gas chambers too that still doesnt mean it could not be used to kill on a large scale.
Jacob Schiff funded him

Jacob Henry Schiff was an Jewish-American banker, businessman, and philanthropist. Among .... In addition to his famous loan to Japan, Schiff financed loans to many other nations, including those that would come to comprise the ... Schiff was also known for funding Trotsky's journey to Russia to overthrow the Tsarist rule.

why did ww1 start please enlighten me?
what happened after ww1? please enlighten me?
ever read the treaty of Versailles?
The only one they invaded was Poland and clearly we didn't complete our objective when we left it to get raped by the worst nation to have ever existed, you. WW2 was already on when they invaded Belgium. We should have left Germany alone to kill the rest of the Russians.
Nice propaganda, hypocrite.

It is not like you participated in arms race.
It is not like you massed nuclear weapons.
It is not like you had active plans on destroying USSR.
It is not like you were the first to place ballistic missiles in Turkey, thus bringing the world several steps closer to war.
It is not like you now build nato bases closer to our borders.
It is not like you are distabilising countries across the world.
It is not like your were first to take part in Korea and Vietnam.

Everybody knows that the US is the main aggressor in the world today.
Way. You didn't think we got to the moon on our own, did you?
>Doesn't even matter. How do you think the lives would turn out for the children of Hitler and Goebbels? They spared them from it.

as proven by operation paperclip certain officials and scientists where spared and given new lives what makes you think the allies would not do that for innocent children?

thanks for the citation.
read The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture, 1931–1933. By R.W. Davies
it explains in detail how the weather HAD A DRAMITIC effect on the farming. Ukraine was prone to droughts and bad weather. they even had a famine in 1918.
here's the section from teh book that talks about all this

now go and read and stop watching nazi propaganda on youtube. its making look really dumb right now. and yes the soviet government couldve done more to help them but they didn't but it was not a planned genocide.
Dont Forget the 41 Million Russians we did in only for the americans stealing your cherished loot under your nose and getting declared the shining Victors of the war while you got half Berlin and the shitty parts of Germany.
God and Satan both shit on Russia
You are talking like you didn't join the war when Germans were already stalled and retreating.
>Because they were happy to have simply survived
>The fact that if the allies did it in one place, they'd have no trouble doing it elsewhere.
I agree, but again, why no evidence? You mean every single Nazi just went "Well they tortured us, or some of our comrades, but at least we are alive". That makes no sense
did you also ride the roller-coaster and test the masturbation devices?
Yeah, yeah. Tu quoque! But face it, communists are worse than Nazis and America combined. The only thing worse than a Soviet is a Muslim.
there is actually a reason why germany invaded poland. hitler was trying to get a peaceful solution but your peacekeeper allies didnt agreed. they knew this was going to lead to an invasion
It's better we won than you. A world led by Russians is awful.You should all be dead.
Alright, you are correct on that. But does it really negate the numbers? I'm guessing the American Jewish year book that has been active since the early 1900s is also "Propaganda" to you? What document am I to use then to show that millions did die?
>inb4 1948 almanac
LMAO you're LITERALLY denying how Communists were slaughtering and jailing millions of their own people and calling others dumb. Wow.
obviously I'm not some anti-German faggot like some seem to be, but it's true that both World Wars were mainly caused by Germany. WW2 should be obvious, and in WW1 Germany reassured A-H to invade Serbia, and declared war on France and Russia, then invaded neutral Belgium to attack France.
>they even had a famine in 1918.

the terrible tsarist rule in ww1 pretty much destroyed the country witch led too the communist uprising.
Just watch the fucking documentary

"A Country like Ukraine, which is the bread basket of Europe looses around 45% of their Population because of bad weather"

You commies are fucking Idiots, where was the Food aid from Russia then ?
There were more than enough Food shortages in Europe and the US yet nobody of them ever had fucking half of their Country starved.
Ukrainians hated the Communists, so communists starved the fuck out of them end of Story, get your Facts straight
When I say "we" I also mean Britain, who shouldn't have declared war. Russia and Russians might not exist today if not for that and the world would be greater for it.
Good thing there will soon be no "you". The US is already less than half white. Not long to go now.
Communists are alright. They didn't start wars. They didn't destabilize countries. Where they came, they left cities, infrastructure, universities, and industry. The revolutionaries and authoritarians, on the other hand, were animals.

the soviets and the natsocs both invaded poland and helped eachother the soviets invaded just 2 weeks later than the natsocs and as such got a slap on the wrists while germany got france and britian to declare war on them.
It was take the black pill or surrender to the jews who had enough money to escape Germany. Considering the torture and "denazification" they would've endured, I think they made the reich choice.
Isn't it astonishing how academics today STILL believe in potemkin villages, and still swallow kgb propaganda.

I suppose the posters the Soviets put up reminding Ukrainians not to cannibalize their children were just a natural result of a drought as well.
Keep dreaming. We will probably erase you from the map soon.
>where was the Food aid from Russia then ?

after ww1 the russian empire litraly collapsed the where in no state to provide food packs and aid to others.
Cambodia, which pretty much was ruled by the essence of communism under Pol Pot lost one Quarter of it s People in one year (2 Million out of 8, in 1979)
"Communists are alright" says the guy whos People were most raped by Communism
Welp, there you have it. The Soviets excuse everyone else of what they do, while telling credit for the accomplishments of others.
Whatever makes you sleep with Tyrone at nights.
They were able to crush the Ukrainian Revolutionaries who wanted to split from Russia in a prolonged war, yet they didnt have the Ressources to them from starvation ?
Food is cheaper than guns, you know
I don't even have to check, because I already know this was written by a jew.
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the holodomor.jpg
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the torture and "denazification"
only goebbels would get trailed and probably tortured his wife had no hand in it and his children where completly innocent what he did was not only cowardly it was down right disspiceble to kill his own children he should have only killed himself.

It's the GULAGs and reeducation. They can't even remember the truth after so many years of lies.
Will you take the blame for everything the jews do with the world? You being run by the jews and their corporations? Your country elite being jewish and all?
I would say it is sad, but there is no discussing with a fanatic
anymore like this?
And Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, you obviously didn't go to university.
It isnt the Jews, it s the transdimentional, transsexual shapeshifting space lizards you idiot
How Britain tortured Nazi PoWs: The horrifying interrogation methods that belie our proud boast that we fought a clean war


How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss

they also had a famine in 1891/92. The Russians/Ukrainians had a very backwards style of farming. they still used the Common Field system. this typically depleted the soil. they never understood Crop rotation and this lead to many problems. Common Field system went out of style in most of Europe by the 1700s but the russian serfs were too ignorant to change their ways.
I've seen ti. it was made in the 1980s during the cold war. At this time the west was trying to demonize the soviet union.
>. they still used the Common Field system.

do you have a citation for that?
I would've taken you seriously until you posted that, literally denied giving someone the promised $50,000.
>The "Holocaust revisionist" arguments published by the IHR are not regarded as serious historical research by mainstream historians and academics;
Anyways, regards to that website:
We must consider all information in context. There are numerous other testimonies which confirm the essential facts of Höss' confession. There are captured documents which speak very clearly of gassing and mass shooting.

Deniers depend very heavily upon Hoess supposedly being coerced and fed a story. But they only have two pieces of evidence:
A lurid book by one Rupert Butler called Legions of Death. Butler tells of seeing Hoess beaten when he was first found. He makes no mention of the interrogators being Jewish agents in British uniform, of course.
And most importantly, Butler's version of what happened contradicts the deniers' hypothesis that Hoess was fed a story. Butler's book nowhere mentions Hoess being given a particular story to tell, it simply says Hoess was beaten.
A piece of hearsay that is supposedly contained in a secret document which the "revisionist" Robert Faurisson is not at liberty to reveal. (And even if it were revealed, it would be the first time the deniers ever accepted hearsay as being valid...)
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Can someone please explain this /pol/ doublethink to me.

>Hitler was an amazing guy because he tried to rid Europe of the Jews who were trying to destroy/ruin western society
>Hitler didn't try to genocide the jews, it was only muh typhus

Can you stormfags get your views straight
read about agriculture in russia

They used the common field system until the 1920s. this depleted the soil and lead to famines. Crop rotation wasn't used until the 1920s

dear gosh. do you even fucking read anything? or do you just get all your info from infograph on pol
not to mention the inate hypocracy of believing the holocaust did not happen all while claiming the soviets killed 65 million christians.
So why are these pieces of evidence both very bad evidence? Well, first of all, they're both hearsay (and the latter is third-hand hearsay, as we'll see in a moment). Now, hearsay is not always inadmissable. Sometimes it can be valuable. But I note that "revisionists" never accept hearsay evidence to prove the Holocaust -- why do they accept it to _disprove_ it? This hints at hypocrisy,

it was a system used heavily during the dark ages. teh Russian never evolved from it. this lead to many farming issues. while other parts of europe did
"The replacement of the open-field system by privately owned property was fiercely resisted by many elements of society. The "brave new world" of a harsher, more competitive and capitalistic society from the 16th century onward destroyed the securities and certainties of land tenure in the open-field system.[23] The system, however, died only slowly. More than one-half the agricultural land of England was still not enclosed in 1700 after which the government discouraged the continuation of the open-field system. It was finally laid to rest in England about 1850 after more than 5,000 Acts of Parliament over several centuries had transformed the "scattered plots in the open fields" into unambiguous private and enclosed properties free of village and communal control and use.[24] Other European countries also began to pass legislation to eliminate the scattering of farm land, the Netherlands and France passing laws making land consolidation compulsory in the 1930s and 1950s respectively.[25] In Russia, the open-field system, called "cherespolositsa" ("alternating ribbons (of land)") and administered by the obschina / mir (the general village community), remained as the main system of peasant land ownership in Russia until the Stolypin reform process that started in 1905, but generally continued for many years, finally ending only with the Soviet policy of collectivisation in the 1930s."
Well as a kid I never questioned stories of the holocaust in school, however now that I've looked at various accounts and sources I no longer believe in it. With the amount of holocaust propaganda that exists and is to this day mistaken for evidence I'd imagine finding some smoking gun that would make me, or anyone else who has become skeptical, accept that even though we were lied to originally, we should still believe it, would be difficult to produce.
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