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>trans people are normal How does this picture make you

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>trans people are normal

How does this picture make you feel? Personally I find it repulsive and it makes me want to puke.
Is the baby going to come out of his ass or jap's eye?
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Idk man but look at that funny caption! So hilarious! So progressive!
it makes me fucking sick. can't wait for this fad to be over
Other than being a chinlet the tranny on the right actually transitioned pretty well
I think they are victims of a jewish communist subversion. I think they should be angry that Jews lied to them and then slaughter the jews without mercy.
Yea its fucking gross. I don't mind America falling into despair though. The more shitty and fucked up everyone else becomes the easier it is for me to succeed.

My children and grandchildren will live in a shitty world. Hell, I'm in my 20s, I'll live in a shittier world than we have now. At least my kids, provided they aren't degenerate scum themselves, will be provided for and have good role models to look up to.
I agree but still degenerate as fuck nonetheless. That baby of theirs is going to grow up a really fucked up life. Imagine being the doctor who has to deliver that kid.
Well he has nice cans and she makes me feel a lot better about my pathetic beard. I hope one of them gets a fistula.
We get it you're a disgusting degenerate fuck. Kill yourself.
This world is so vile, so disgusting, there's no way you can stay sane even being exposed to this kind of thing.
I graduated from High School in the '90s. I can't believe that you fuckers have actually met one of these things in the wild. They're unicorns as far as I know. I've probably seen two in my whole life.
I've never been heartbroken before a tragedy before. Weird feeling. Like I should do something to save the child but there's nothing I can do...
Imagine being brought into the world raised in an insane asylum run by the insane.
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>men in their twenties in previous generations bled to death on beaches and in fields so that in later generations, men of their age could do this whilst letting subhuman brown savages invade without being resisted
Should check back in 18 years incase these two wind up murdered by their kid.
Exactly it breaks my heart anon that kid is gonna grow up completely brainwashed and infect another generation of her kids.
I never said I would put it in his butt you projecting faggot

Put a bullet in both their fucking heads
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you must live in some bumfuck nowhere town in the middle of the country if these mentally ill people are so rare to you
I want the shemale to rape me
She's fucking delicious
Don't deny it
If you live in a degenerate big city you'll see a few. I had one try to hit on me in my gym a few years back - I backed up so fast I hit my head on the power rack trying to escape
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I'm tired of seeing these fucking people, I'm tired of reading about these fucking people, I'm tired of hearing about these fucking people. Stop fucking giving these metal cases a spotlight to stand in.
I saw what you meant. His lower lip just melds in to his neck
I live in a really big city, actually, but in the suburbs and I went to college 20 years ago. This shit didn't exist back then. I'll leave this mental illness to you guys. There's one old tranny at work and we all laugh about him, but I'm 99% sure he's just trying to set up a lawsuit. And by he, I mean a guy in a dress.
Found the degenerate
Reading this caption again and again just keeps making me think about catch 22
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Here's one of the comments on the picture.
>you straight people just don't understand
>were being murdered and beaten!
I mean it could go either way. They usually go heavily into the gender roles of the sex they want to be. The kid will be exposed to what is a basically a father and a mother. I'm curious as to how this will turn out.
It's unusual but, why give a shit?
Or are you jealous a tranny got his dick wet and you're still a basement dwelling virgin?

As long as they don't come knocking on my door demanding to be worshipped, i don't give a shit. Live and let live, faggot.
What a moron. At least she maintains a dignified and respectable profile picture.
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A fad?

Anon, you do not understand. This is still only the beginning of the ride. The ride that will not stop until eating and fucking dead children is considered normal behavior.
Imagine how out of balance the kids hormones are going to be in utero...no way you don't get a hermaphrodite or queer at best out of that retard stew
Well, Pants On Da Groun has been going on for 20 years.
How will breastfeeding work if they chose to do so? Why the fuck would she turn into a man if she still wants to do female shit like give birth? These people are mentally disturbed and it's fucked that people are becoming so accustomed to this vile shit especially here in The Land of The Leafs
At least he kid will be white.
Those are definitely formula people. They'll probably complain about the cost despite the fact that normal people get free food for a kid for the first 6 months.
Not an advantage in this case
Won't the fetus get super fucked since the tranny has to be taking hormones? If it's a girl she'll automatically become a tranny since she'll have received too much testosterone in utero, while if it's a boy it will come out jacked
Kek, you got me

Yeah you're probably right. Fucking sickos. Luckily a lot of the people commenting on the picture are saying this shit is gross and completely unnatural so maybe there is still some hope for western society. God save us all
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>Stop fucking giving these metal cases a spotlight to stand in.

How about a tree to hang from?

i'm kind of curious what a kid comes out looking like when its mother has been torturing their reproductive system with chemical "therapy"
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This shit makes me sad. Referring to my earlier post about never encountering this people, are they really that common? I'm no shit serious when I say I've only ever met two trannies in the wild. They are all over the internet now. Are they shutins?
Apparently they have a YouTube channel so if someone could find it we could probably track their progress and find out how fucked up their kid is in the future.
this just feels like the ultimate joke. thats a man and wife couple yet the man is dressed up like a woman and the woman is dressed up like a man. thats so funny to me. their sex must be funny as hell
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Who's titties will the baby suck?
The (father) will be able to lactate but hormones in the milk will be male supplement's.

Or will the (father) not be able to lactate anymore but the (mother) will?
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wtf? i love abortion now
I'm confused..
but YEA ill be MAD WITH YA
I'm calling hermaphrodite. No way it's normal
They blend in with the ugly troglodytes that form a large part of American population
Could always become a new hitler, so there's that.
>I went to college 20 years ago. This shit didn't exist back then.
Tranny here. I was in college 20 years ago and I was already transitioned. This stuff absolutely was around back then and you know it. I wasn't going around telling people I was trans.
go suck a bunch of nigger dicks to stave the off for us faggot

it'd be hard to tell how much is because of the hormonal nightmare show the fetus is subjected to, and how much is because of the retarded environment
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In my life so far, 23 years on this planet I've only encountered about 2-3 trannies as well. One of which was just a huge cross dresser and loved wearing makeup and shit. I'm sure in bigger cities it's more prominent like if I go on tinder in a major city you'll see a tranny within minutes of swiping on it. Plus with the direction we're going, I wouldn't be surprised more of them popped up in the future.
How do you feel about the spotlight being on you guys now?
>They usually go heavily into the gender roles of the sex they want to be.
>Giving birth is a male role.
The baby? M8 that baby, with those 2 as parents is going to identify itself as a lampshade or something
I suppose I never noticed you. I went to a pretty conservative college though. I'm not hating on you, I just think you're over-represented in the media. A friend of mine from El Salvador thought we were 50% black based on watching American TV.
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how many reverts do you think pics like these make?
I live in the South anon, and I see it in any college city.. There's a 6'2" 100 lb tranny selling makeup at the mall here, wears platform pumps and has a beard
The number of transgendered children tripled in just one year time in the UK. Guessing they will become as popular as gays
I live in the south too, maybe I'm sheltered, but I've seen two guys that were obviously trying to pull a scam on our company and that's about it.
This. Satisfaction will never be achieved. The only way to win is not to play.
Consider yourself lucky. The city I live in is filthy with these creatures. I think it's the final form of the beta numale and angry bulldyke.
wait, so they're literally straight?? this is actually impressive imo, they found a way to be hetero AND satisfy their homosexuality at the same time, but you can't call them gay. I'm all for this new faggotry meta desu
doesnt this inherently prove 2 genders?
that women are literally only capable of producing a baby. because wouldnt the thing that identifies as a women have the baby? this shit is confusing.
Dibs on the bucket when you're done champ!
I actually don't like it at all. Transitioning wasn't as hard as people might think back in the 90s. If you were passable enough you could go stealth and blend in. Even with the extra attention I haven't had problems with things like restrooms but I've gotten more self-conscious about being trans lately, especially seeing all the hateful comments and idiotic misinformation that's out there.
Fad? You don't actually understand how serious this is, do you. People are falling to pieces at the micro and the macro level.
Poor kid
It's so weird. I can't imagine all those hormones can be good for the baby.
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They're both white and that relationship is ironically 100% heterosexual.
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I dare someone to find a more brainwashed retard than this one
each day we move further from God's light
Maybe you should kill yourself?
Get help for your mental disorder anon
It's %100 degenerate that's what it is
>Here's An Amazing Way To Block Huffington Post From All Of Your Child's Favorite Web Browsers
Most retarded people I see have more dignity than that... thing.
their kid is going to marry your kid
I'm sure we weren't in the same place, and I was trying as hard as I could not to be noticed. I don't like transtrenders or people who don't make a serious effort to pass as the sex they claim to be. It makes those of us who try to pass for normal look bad.
Kinda hot and totally straight, but weird
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he makes 400 dollars per month on patreon with his activism "work", which consist of posting shit on twitter all day
I have no reason to. Hope to live to be 100.
>totally straight
Post something that proves you aren't a larper, I'm genuinely curious.
I went to college in Texas. I guess I was just too busy studying and trying to get finished to notice anything besides my classes.
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>I remember one pregnant man was making headlines in Oprah
>People were talking about it in my science class back in high school
>My science teacher was my classmates to stop talking about that and told us to ignore it
>One of my classmates asked why
>"Cause it's a total freakshow"

I know what he means now and it's coming from a guy who's not really a conservative
This is unfortunately true.
The growth of Islam, the cuckpope, and the fall of the west are the consequences of abandoning God.
I already have. I have no DSM diagnosis on my charts right now.
Thanks for the intel but nothing here is contradictory.
If babies can be born messed up because pregnant mothers consume bad diets, do drugs, drink alcohol, etc. ... what about the bunch of hormones or whatever that this person is taking to be pregnant?
>no DSM diagnosis
this before or after the sjw's removed the ones they didn't like?
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>being so much of a faggot that you become a straight white couple
was horseshoe theory right lads

>mentally ill woman says she wants to be a man
>takes synthetic testosterone for years
>cuts off her tits
>demands to be called a man
>claims that if she cannot do the above she'll kill herself due to "dysphoria"
>gets pregnant on purpose

She and other women likes her should be sued for defrauding insurance companies. She should have to repay every single cent of her mastectomy surgery and tranny hormone shots, with interest.
Isn't it bad for the babies health to be taking male hormones?
If you think you're a girl then I would have to disagree. No matter how many hormones you take, no matter how many times you slash your balls and dick, you will forever and always be a male. Sorry bud.
I think it's ridiculous, but if they will only raise the child decently, then whatever. I'd rather people like them don't parent, though. There're endless stats out there showing that kids--regardless of their own gender or gender preference--turn out happier and more stable when raised by two ordinary cisgendered (is that the right word?) people, a male and a female. Real ones, not crossdressers, trans or whatever.
LOL I think you're correct.
I would fuck the girl but what if she had a bigger dick than me?
I agree. But there are many other terrible parents out there--people who rape, beat, brutalize, neglect or abandon their kids. If these two at least treat the child with kindness, it won't be as bad as it could be. I guess.
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Holy shit someone posted this picture in the comments...I don't even know where to start. I think I may just delete my (((facebook))) account for good
>How does this picture make you feel?
Nuclear fire.
Normal, the word is normal anon. Cis gendered is some made up fucktarded bullshit that the abnormal use to describe normality so they can feel less fucktarded
When I see these parents I hope the kid turns out like the retard in "the 7th sign" and burns them in their sleep.
This is actually the answer to degeneracy? The fruity dudes are made for the manly women??
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surprisingly the one on the right (the host) is a jew
whats gay about it?

Trannies are narcissists, they don't care. All this woman cares about is that she is able to play dress up as a male, her child's health means absolutely nothing to her.
At least they're keeping their degeneracy between themselves. Child should be removed at birth though. No matter what activists say their child will hate them
i hadn't met any until i moved. i have seen dozens in my new city, that happens to be ultra liberal, ultra pro gay, and extremely hateful towards anyone with a difference of opinion.

if i shared my views publicly, i would certainly lose my job and be shunned.

i feel very alone here.
Going on 30
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Would /pol/ consider marrying a trans woman if she were:
>always passable, including voice
>always loyal
>filled all traditional roles of a wife
>was on board with having kids through a surrogate mother
Good shit transanon. If your sexuality and identity aren't the central part of your being then you're fine in my book.

Testosterone is stored in fat, even if she stopped taking it to get pregnant residual testosterone could still effect the baby.
I'm sorry anon. That's no way to live. I hope you're looking for a job in a better city.
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She has him by the ovaries

You're not a woman, stop creeping actual women out in the ladies' room.
Lmao yeeesssss.
Next time a Sjw calls me cis or some form. Im going to scream and say, thats not who i am! You cant tell me what i am! Literally use their logic against them.
Nope, never. I had a tranny hit on me once and I thought about her just giving me head but I would never be able to forget the fact that biologically this is a dude and not a woman.
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These people will always be looked at with disgust outside Toronto.
Wow.. I'm actually impressed, modern science for all of its flaws has actually produced a tangible and repeatable thing there.

Would be cool to fast forward 20 years and see what came of the couple and their child. Assuming that isn't just a giant gut.
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and go kiill yourself while your thinking about it
no dont changeyour mind get bacvk IN THE GODAMN TRUCK NIGGER
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Pretty gross but the boy on the right is kind of cute


You're going to call me a larper but I don't want to post something that could identify me. I'd have to do so much redaction that it might not count as proof.
You have a legit idea anon. How can we move this idea into a plan?
Also how the fuck is it foing to breastfeed. Or is the baby goinf to die from synthetic formula and be retarded.
No worries, I'll trust you. I realized about 10 seconds after I posted it that it was an unrealistic request.
The things that I would do with her.
I would lick, suck and kiss every single part of her body.
Personal bet is 2/3 suicide...no telling which 2
Think you may be larping there bud. I don't think /pol/ is in a big rush to identify trannies in the world. Not much profit to be sewed there.
No, I don't meet the criteria for gender dysphoria because I'm happy being female. The current diagnosis is endocrine disorder. I don't have any diagnosed mental health issues right now.
Jesus Christ that kid should be taken away from them. It will probably kill itself by age 14.
what zany original person!
Poor kid.
Why make the switch in the first place if the end result was the same with an added cost to humiliation of being a tranny and the painful and expensive operation.
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Thanks. I thought I?m indiferenten to fagatory...but seeing this image I automatically (mechanically, without thinking) frowned.

OP Thanks for letting me know that I'm homophobic.

ps. I do not know now, how can I live like this!?
Once you figure it out the dudes in dresses stick out like sore thumbs. The chics with beards tho? Fuck thats tough. Id probably fight this chic with a beard and a baby. thinking im fighting some super out of shape manlet. Unsuspectig hate crime perpetrator.
It makes me want to fucking vomit and figure out a way to end this in our society once and fucking for all.
pss. Would bang that girl look like he.
Are we sticking with reverts? Kek
I think it comes down to societal upheaval, single mothers, and the fact that the most common contamination in our water is ssri antidepressants and estrogen. They cannot be filtered out at a sewage treatment facility. Yes they really are turning the frogs gay..the meme is not a meme
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Mental illness has no bounds anon.
The real question is how do we reverse this damage? How do we get society to collectively say that this is clearly not a healthy lifestyle? How do we reverse the subversion?
My fear is that it's too late and that the subverted are going to continue their brainwashing unto the next generations and as we move forward, this shit will just get worse and worse until the end of days.
They're not. I only jump into these threads occasionally because I'm fed up with all the misinformation. irl I don't talk about gender stuff except on rare occasions and I still try to avoid outing myself. It makes dating an issue though. Even though I've had srs I've never tried to have sex without saying I'm trans first, but I really hate having to out myself, so it's a conundrum. I end up being very cautious.
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>fighting labels with labels
>makes sense
I would berry that one on the right though, it has a nice body
Why the hostility? Do you think I like that this is happening to your country? Just stating facts m8.
The trans shit is a non issue compared to other thing.
The book?
Been using the ladies' room for more than 20 years with no issues whatsoever, and there's no reason to stop.
war or disaster

Serious question, what's the difference between normal sex and sex with a tranny? Is there prep work or something you have to do?
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Only one man and his water filters can save us now
Fuck we need apocalypse so it can all start over
Its awful in toronto
Why don't people base their identity on something worthwhile, like achievement and goals? I'd like to build a power reactor one day for example.

This is a bigger part of who I am than my gender or sexual preference/orientation because sex is just a bland subject that's entirely superficial. It's also setting up for failure as inevitably ones sex appeal will taper off causing loss of key identity anyway.

On top of that, this obsession that pol and the normies have with dna/genetics is on the most boring aspects of the subject. Not on pic related, which is actually very interesting to try and disprove.

I wonder if people being boring is a result of fluoride in the water affecting the 3rd eye.
True however a society can easily crumble from the inside out due to simple degeneracy and this it how it starts.
more plox. this is of interest to me
Yoooooooooo wtf I have to find this video now. That's weird as hell
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What's it liking getting old? Are you starting to show masculinity in aging?
What was it like being young and wanting to be a woman?
Who ever sculpted this never saw a real life lion.
Everything gets archived. It's too late where I am for me to be bothered redacting a photo right now. Believe whatever you wish.
I know man, lol. I worked in a marine lab that has some of the first studies done in the area... the woman that proposed the study was telling me about it and I actually said " so the fish are gay, but not depressed about it" she said " basically yeah, but there is now a higher number of females to males than normal"

Alex Jones FTW!!!!!
Because back then you didnt fucking exist! 90s highschool was simple, you were one of three things; cool, fag, retard. All other diversifications fell into one of the 3. All this fucking attention is self inflicted by your community.
That's really interesting actually..do you have any material or links to websites regarding this study? I'd love to read up on it
Wise choice. I'm not a big fan of the 3rd party archive. Thanks 4plebs!
>Why don't people base their identity on something worthwhile, like achievement and goals
I don't base my identity around being trans, but when I was transitioning I couldn't help have it dominate my life. People who don't have gender dysphoria have no idea how bad it can get. It does become all you can think of, and transitioning requires a lot of time, effort, and money to pull off well.
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It's really fucking good, check it out on jew tube. I'm currently unable to perform experiments due to my living arrangements, but once I have the space and resources I'm devoting my life to science.

I'd also like to experiment with counter rotating electromagnets to see if they do in fact create anti gravity. It's theorised that this is how the Easter island statues were 'walked' to their locations from the quarry.

It makes perfect sense, de-weighting something 95% would make even a huge statue manageable. Glad you liked it anon :)
Do hormone treatments have adverse effects on the baby after the transition of each parent was completed?
>how feel?
Anger, disgust, like throwing someone off a building or renting some cranes.
I imagine that any problems a child had from that would be dwarfed by having both parents with severe mental issues.
In a fucked up way this is a straight relationship
Not to be crass, but how did your crotch end up? Would we know for sure you aren't a chick or is it passable?
what the fuck man

It was done at J.L. Scott marine research.
Should have been early 90s i believe. I'm phone posting now so I don't have a link, there was also a study done by Mississippi state that had similar results shortly after, there were several chemicals tested, the study started with naval ship paint iirc
You've rolled d ubs twice now, nice..

At the risk of sounding insensitive, perhaps it becomes more central to ones life because it's thought about most frequently.

For example; your internal dialogue can only hold one verbal level thought at a time, ie; I'm never gonna find my dream human to partner with and who will satisfy my needs for x y z.

A more productive thought would be; how do I turn lead into gold so I can buy my perfect lover!

Our thoughts become our words, and our words become our actions. If we're fed information that confirms gender fretting* is everything, then it will become everything.

* Gender fretting is my short hand for all sex/gender matters. Am I manly enough? Will girls/boys like me more if x instead of y?
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kill all trans freaks

What kind of a monster is that thing going to birth, considering the massive testosterone doses she takes?
they are literally mentally ill.
but I don't care anymore. as long as I don't deal with them daily. I don't even wanna know how fucked up LA is in terms of what degenerates are around.
Hmmm interesting I've never heard of this theory, perhaps this was the same method as to how the pyramids were built as well? I'm gonna do some digging, thanks m8
Until you go to prison because you call a man a man instead of a zir.
> that receding hairline
I don't think for one second that this baby is going to come out even relatively normal with all that use of testosterone. That's besides the fact that both of its parents have mental issues to begin with. Fuck this gay earth.
Yes, I'm actually headed into a relationship like this rn
>What's it liking getting old?
It's not fun but nothing unusual. I don't look as good as I did when I was younger of course. I'll be staying on estradiol the rest of my life, so now that I'm in the menopause age range I should age better than my cis peers at this point. I'm still healthy, though I don't have the energy I did when younger.
> Are you starting to show masculinity in aging?
No. I had srs so my testosterone should be less than even a cis woman's testosterone. People aren't starting to "sir" me all of a sudden or giving me a hard time in restrooms, and nurses who aren't aware I'm trans will still ask me about my periods.
>What was it like being young and wanting to be a woman?
Before transitioning it was pure hell, but once I transitioned it was great to be a young woman. I miss being in my 20s but time goes by scary fast when you get older.
Isn't it amazing, the Bengal cat (pic related) is a genetic black swan; half domestic cat and half some kinda African grass cat.

Cats have very little genetic diversity so perhaps that was a contributing factor, but still.. I think it indicates that playing with dna could very easily create a viable human/chimp hybrid..
I'm not likley the first to ask this but....

What does being trans have to do with being gay?

Isn't it hard for a man to fuck another man if that other man could be a woman or fuckagender the next minute?

LGB minus the T I guess.

Yeah I don't know what i'm talking about either. Enlighten me.
What in the fuck am I seeing?
Not sure who you're replying to, but I'm curious. I'm about the same age as you. Do you have a husband and kids and all that? I know MGTOW, but I can't imagine not having my family at this point in my life. Is that something that was possible for someone like you from our generation (born in the '70s)?
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She was a boy, he was a girl. Could this be anymore opprobrious?
I did exist. I was actually in HS in the 80s, and everybody did call me a fag, though I never did any gay stuff, I just acted naturally effeminate. I had a hard time with gender issues since early childhood. I never told anyone until I got to college.
It's beautiful, I want one
Is that Avril Lavigne?
I thought the same thing. I hope it can kick my dog's ass.
Yes sir, a gift from Canada to the world
Her and the phillips screwdriver. Her fappening pics really let 18 year old me down.
>that profile pic
Fucking furries I swear
More he who is still a he dressed up as a her got her who is still a her dressed up as a he pregnant
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Life really is a tragic comedy
Canada invented the Phillips screwdriver? Holy shit you learn something new everyday. Not all leafs are cucks
Won't the pregnant one's testosterone supplements fuck with the baby's development?
AFAIK they get royalties for them too. Lemme see what I can find.
NVM, it was an American, a Canadian invented the square head screw
How come, just too tame? I remember hers being some of the better ones from it, she's still a top tier waifu
If i have to pick a future between this degeneracy or islamism im going with the sand niggers
They were good pics, I just wanted to see some pussy, and I don't remember that being in her fappening pics. Nice tits though. A youthful dream fulfilled.
Let's build a theocracy and restore the holy inquisition.
Sadly, I agree.
That's fucking cool. They then apparently used the screws to manufacture the early Model T Ford automobiles. They were also manufacturing them in Milton, Ontario which is just a few hours from my house. Cool shit.
From inventing cool shit like that, to being the capital domain of trannies and fags where beastiality is made legal and you can be jailed or fined for not using a correct pronoun. Oh how the liberals really fucked up this country.
So is this okay? They're not gay.......

It's also kind of hot desu.
I hate them.
At least the child will be white
>At the risk of sounding insensitive, perhaps it becomes more central to ones life because it's thought about most frequently.
It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't had gender dysphoria, but you can't help but think about it. Some who don't have it as bad can avoid thinking about it for awhile, but it keeps coming back and usually gets worse with age. If you have it really bad like I did it never goes away. I had it bad and I could not see myself as a man ever. Transitioning put gender into the background.
Because of publicity I've been thinking about gender more, but it's not like it's anywhere close to the main issue in my life now.
I second this, hell I'm willing to help them throw these things off of rooftops.
This is so grotesque, I'm so disgusted, fuck is wrong with people.
I don't know how to react.

Did a male get a female pregnant?

Or did a female get a male pregnant?

Seripusly, which way is it. Which one is which? You could go either way desu.

I don't want to see what they come up with next...
Degeneracy is not hot anon. That child is going to be fucked up due to the hormones being injected. That's borderline child abuse.
There's a lot of redeeming value in Canada my friend. For instance, you guys had better aircraft carriers than the British:
No ramps there
The Maritimes are gorgeous and almost 100% white. Banff is fucking gorgeous, and Montreal has the best titty bars in North America. I'm not even going to bring up Canada's Wonderland. Top shelf my man.
You guys also make us look like shit when looking across water.
>t. Buffalo.
You've seen a unicorn?

Nothing is normal. Who defined 'normal'? The kikes? Well, keep yourself tuned to the latest and greatest in what is "normal".
You haven't?
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This is a straight couple.
An upside-down wack-a-doo straight couple.
If you don't give them attention, they will fade away.
The only thing wrong here is the "I demand attention" aspect.
Testosterone FDA drug category for pregnancy x; drugs that are known to cause abnormalities in the fetus
these people seem like genuinely bad people
Yeah I agree the scenery we have is stunning especially out in BC. Niagara Falls is also kinda cool. Basketball was also invented by a Canadian which is a sport I like to watch. However I am completely envious of the southern states in the USA and the fact you guys are so god damn free. Plus "muh guns"
I guess both countries have their pros and cons. Sorry to hear you live in buffalo anon, that place is a real fucking shit hole.
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If I wanted to be fully confident about being passable down there, I'd want to get a followup labiaplasty. At the time I had the surgery I was aware of that, and I'm still thinking about it, but it's good enough that I've been comfortable putting off extra surgery. Surgery has improved over the years so maybe it's better that I've waited on that.
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Is this gay?
I see nothing wrong with this picture. Just a hetero couple.
If you spend time reading threads on /lgbt/, you'll see that Caitlyn Jenner seen as cringeworthy by most of the trans people there. I cringe too.
Aw fuck dude why did I have to open this shit? Technically speaking, it's not gay however it's degenerate as fuck and if you jerk to shit like this then you may be slightly degenerate yourself.
I don't understand trans couples like this. How are you supposed to feel like a man if you let a women put her dick in your vagina?
I don't live in Buffalo anymore, but I understand you sentiment and appreciate your sympathy. I ended up moving to Texas about 10 years ago. I absolutely love Canada for their scenery and people. You guys are nice and deserve the polite and friendly meme.
It's nice to be able to buy guns and buy cheap beer, but there's something to be said for the Canadian way. I grew up watching your TV stations and Curling over the old TV antenna lol.
It's late and this thread is slowing down, so I'm going to say good night. Some of you here are all right.
I hope you are happy, I really do. I was just curious, and I'm sure that it might be something that makes you uncomfortable. I'm sorry if it did. I've always wondered how authentic they can make it these days. I've seen some threads here where they post F2M and it's fucking atrocious.
Be well anon, and I hope you find happiness in life.
Thanks for the info trans anon
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Naw, I don't jerk it to this. Just a funny question. This is my favorite for guaranteed (you)s
Sleep well trans friend.
Can someone shoop this so we know what these parents would look like if they were sane? I'm having a hard time envisioning them as their actual genders.
Yeah I guess you're right. Canadians are definitely more polite in a general sense however it depends where you live and the demographics of such area. I'm pretty jelly that you get to live in Texas, people down there seem so damn proud to be Texans, it's quite admirable
Which TV stations did you watch? I can't think of any notable ones besides the obvious. CTV, CBC, etc
Jesus dude I can't imagine what other shit you have saved on that computer. I don't wanna know lol
Can someone explain to me the logic of it? If someone was born female but feels like a man, shouldn't that feeling include rejection of pregnancy and childbirth, which are definitely feminine? I mean, who's the mother? What the fuck?
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not much more. Those are just two note worthy ones that I like to post everyonce in a while

A mentally ill male got a mentally ill female pregnant.
I can't remember now, it was nearly 30 years ago. Whatever channels that were broadcast via VHF/UHF and we picked up on the old antenna before cable.
There is no way we can bring logic to the table when dealing with matters such as these. What is known for sure is that kid is going to have a fucked up life growing up and I feel bad for what he/she is going to have to deal with. Along with the very high potential of being born with abnormalities.
Question for you pollack, do you have trannies in your country? And if so how are they generally viewed and treated by the regular population? Couldn't imagine it's pretty
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I am not going to lie. i would do mushrooms and smoke a fuckton of weed with this crazy looking thing that would then probably kill, skin, and eat me at her campsite.
I like this webm, thanks for sharing. If only we could get Ethan to see it somehow
filled all tradtional roles of wife without being a mother or a woman always passable except for that gaping wound between his legs fuck off denegerate
Not gay. but is still revolting. but Trans MTF and FTM relacionship? i can kinda approve this even if is degenerate as fuck.
>baby is born brown and half-cis
kek what a freak show I bet the baby dies froom the hormone pills
That's never happened before!
I love me some traps tho

Was thinking Australia.. but looks more like UK
Thanks for sharing anon
Do it!
Exactly, I had to put up with some shit because my parents were different. Gave me horrible depression for years and a rage complex when I am reminded. I am probably fairly antisocial and socio now that I am older because of my parents and people making fun of them. It is a quiet pain that will burn for 20 years and just wind up fucking you up as an adult..
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I've got a whole bunch of them. We need to send it to him on one of his podcasts. That would be fucking awesome
How were your parents different? Explain leafbro
What do you mean by different?
check back in 1 year to see what all the bonus hormones does to a infant
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The one on the right stopped taking testosterone so s/he could get pregnant.
S/he can produce milk since s/he is technically a woman and has all the parts.
S/he was just taking testosterone temporarily and that is why s/he looks like a man (has facial hair)

The one on the right is a man who got silicon breast implants.
If he is the father then he hasn't been taking estrogen because that would have killed his balls, making him infertile.

I would have thought you guys would be happy to see a heterosexual couple made up of a man and a woman but I guess you're distracted by their appearance?
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>Stop fucking giving these metal cases a spotlight to stand in
>Metal Cases

Sure seem like the master race there bud, not looking like poor white trash at all :)
such a burden
this is legit better than the job Game of Thrones did with this shit
Not getting my point. Sure you fucking existed, but if your community would have kept the spotlight off of you all it would be like it was. The people that changed told the people in their life that they were doing it, maybe some of them didnt go along with it. But the world at large accepted you as the gender you appeared to be. There was no need to "come out". Your story didnt need to be told. You fell under the fag category and you still do.
It's not even bad compared to this. My parents divorced, I lived with my poor mom and she remarried and was pregnant with a man much older than her. They had a child that is 12 now and the dad is 75. It makes me fucking rage seeing how people just dont give a fuck. I was made fun of for having an old stepdad, while my real dad was fucking rich. It is just sad seeing this 12 year old already aware of death. It all made me too aware at a young age and I have very brutal sociopathic tenancies now because of this.
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Yeah, its pretty decent. It was a thread on /gif/ a while back devoted to only hila fakes.
Get it done anon, you have the materials.
The problem is that it's completely degenerate and disgusting. Not only that but I can guarantee you and as other anons have pointed out, their kid is going to grow up with many emotional and psychological problems. They will grow up knowing they don't have normal parents like most people and they will grow up probably resenting their parents. This is just a recipe for disaster and all in the name for progressive liberal ideology.
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>mfw you're so degenerate you transcend degeneracy and start an atomic family

Life finds a way.
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>Question for you pollack, do you have trannies in your country?
We do, in fact one was elected to parliament. Most people seem to not care about transsexuality, seeing it as insignificant curiosity; there are some harsh reactions from the far right (the aforementioned trans-MP was regularly followed and protested by small group of gopniki chanting "no faggoting") although I haven't heard of any acts of violence (admittedly the cops here regularly cover up murders just to improve crime stats, so what can I really know); and there are of course some resident SJWs. In general it simply isn't an actual issue, most people are somewhat aware these people exist and don't give a shit, pronouns etc. aren't a thing.
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Could the attention whoring to get the ratings up on the reality tv show have anything to do with that cringe?
But I don't read the threads on /lgbt/. I'm comfy in my containment board here.
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will do, just need to watch their podcast, and figure out where they're getting material from
Holy fuck that's awful man I'm sorry your mom was such a crazy lady. Try not to let your sociopathic tendencies land you in prison or worse leafbro.
Do you still talk to your real dad? Is he a bro? I would try to just spend more time with him instead of the step dad if possible if that's the case.
I'm gay and they make me sick too. We want the T removed from LGBT. I mean really it should just be LG.
>the lady pretending to be a guy becomes the stay at home dad
>the guy pretending to be a girl gets a job
>they get a transcat that is really a dog

They wouldn't just be an atomic family, they would be a traditional American family, while keeping up with all their bullshit. The pendulum isn't swinging back, it's going all the way around.
Nice get, but seriously you gotta get it done and record it. These edits are fucking astounding whoever made these is a god damn professional with far to much time on their hands.
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I am not asking for sympathy, I am just saying that my experience was pretty small and inconsequential. Transgender parents will 100% gurantee that that child will be treated differently and become fucked up. Yes, they might receive praise, but they will receive a fuckton of adversity for the choices of other people.
Holy shit you actually elected a tranny? That's ridiculous my dude. But hey as long as the population doesn't pay them mind or bothers with the pronoun bullshit then that's a good sign. Would way rather have that in a country as oppose to putting them on a god damn pedestal and forcing government and law enforcement agencies to abide to their needs and change laws and shit to accommodate them. That's where I draw the line. However I still find trannies completely degenerate
That's what I try to tell people. They don't understand that though especially here in Canada. Nobody wants to have that conversation they just want trannies to be treated like normal people and for us to just turn a blind eye to it like it's something we need to live with and accept. Now with the whole pronoun bullshit it's crossed a line.
Do you think we will ever elect a conservative government ever again?
Keep in mind that Poland has multi-seat electoral districts, which means you vote for political parties or commitees instead of individual candidates. So it's more like we did vote for a party that happened to include one, and that party got only about 10% of the popular vote anyway.
2 for me in Oklahoma that I actually know.

One is my childhood friend, who definitely has unresolved childhood issues from a close relative committing suicide when he was young.

Another is a friend of a friend and it's just a guy that puts on dresses and takes pills and somehow he dates women hotter than I do.

Maybe 3 others as cashiers or baristas.
I don't think they will let you elect a conservative govt. You can't even tell your kids trannies are weird or Muslims are more prone to violence. Obama tried to make sure we couldn't either, we got by on the skin of our teeth
>this is what trans looks like
>thinks that helps its case and doesn't make people think they're abnormal
Yes, probably. It will be a reaction to the massive defecit.

Hey, to give you an example of how fucked people in canada are I was with an acquaintance telling him about chinese companies that hire people of different races to make their projects look "international". Whites are paid the most, but as soon as I told my friend about this he said "So do they kick the white guys' ass instead of paying him?"

I was flabberghasted that he couldnt comprehend that whites are outnumbered in China by about 100,000 to 1.

All I am really asking you is to try and understand the fucking ultra-cuck mindset this guy has.
Angry bulldykes are at the most risk. More and more are influenced into transitioning. Soon there will be none left but we'll have all these short beardy dickless "men" instead
It is extra brutal, because this guy will hate nearly every individual he meets, but as soon as he meets a brown or trans person, he has 100x respect for them. There are so many people our age that if they don't wise up they will find themselves being taken advantage of an being disrespected by literally everyone, wondering why they have such suicidal depression. Super blue pilled place, as you know already.
>TERFs have at it
>Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists
>Ironically the only group who calls these guys out on their fetish
Jesus lmfao that guy is certainly a cuck indeed. Assuming he is a white guy himself that's the self hating behaviour that is completely ruining this beautiful country.
I hope within the next election that the country awakens and we do elect the conservatives back in. They will see how making $15 the minimum wage in Ontario is going to completely fuck the province and they will be begging for anyone else but the liberals. God speed.
I gotta work tomorrow though so till next time leafbro. OP is out. Peace
>I'm actually headed into a relationship like this rn
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