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Ben Shapiro wrote a really good article about a recent atroc

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Ben Shapiro wrote a really good article about a recent atrocity of socialized medicine, where the government of the UK has decided that a baby must die, and cannot be taken to America for treatment, even though his parents have raised over a million dollars for the treatment.


This is what Bernie wants.
why can't it be nationalized with individual parental decisions?
I don't understand the situation. Why can't the parents take their child anywhere they want at their own expense or the charitable expense of others? It's their child. Thank goodness the US is still a free country unlike Europe.
>Why can't the parents take their child anywhere they want at their own expense or the charitable expense of others?
Because the government knows better than you. They are the ones who determine whose lives are and are not worth living.
>A kike actually trying to save a white baby
We gas this one last.
It can OP is retarded. Ben Shapiro is a lying kike.
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#NeverShapiro still trying to shill his image on a Mexican handmade guacamole enthusiast forum. Sad.

nationalized medicine = death panels
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>implying that Ben shouldn't be forgiven for everything for tweeting this on Trayvon Martin's birthday
Is this a resourse condition or a diagnosis imparement? There are diseases that there is no good prognosis and the paliative treatmeant will only bring on suffering.

This kid has an cranial malformation, ehat more does he got? Any VACTERL malformation? This kind of finding are never alone.
Ben Shapiro can fuck off.

That kid has a genetic defect, where his body will not be able to produce, or repair any DNA.

It's going to die a VERY painful and uncomfortable death. Poor lil bugger can't even do anything right now as it is.

The treatment in the US wouldn't really help him, at best the doc said it might let him open his eyes or some shit he pulled out of his arse. Definitely isn't going to cure him, lil lad hit the jackpot on shit defects it seems.

The humane thing is to not prolong his suffering and allow him to die, rather than letting him be used as a fucking guinea pig to make Dr Shekelstein some money in the US.

To be fair I can understand the parents wanting to try absolutely anything that "might help", I probably would do the same in their situation. But to anyone with any sense, the kid is fucked, big time fucked. With today's medicine there is literally no way out for him.

At least in the UK we don't routinely mutilate baby's genitals and use them as experiments for cash & big pharma. So get fucked US, get a soul.
t. God

Read this rather than the newspaper articles, those are just mooks that copied the definition from Wikipedia, and listed only the symtoms, not what the defect actually entails.

There's absolutely no curing this, no matter what Shekelstein says. A slight reduction in some symptoms would be the best he could hope for. Still gonna suffer very much, and die regardless.

Hopefully one day when medicine advances more we can cure this. But that can be done through tests and research, not using babies as guinea pigs just to pilfer some cash.

Of course a fucking Kike would be promoting the latter though.
The baby has brain damage. As the weeks go by, all of his muscles will deteriorate to the point where breathing is impossible.

Even if he is treated, the baby will be severely braindamaged and will feel basically nothing but pain.

The reason why Doctors want him to come over is because they can scam a family for millions to get a test subject for untested medicine despite several leading doctors saying that it'd do nothing or just prolong the suffering.
The courts ruled that keeping a child in pain and using them as a test subject for big pharma would be torturing the child and thus fall under child cruelty.
For the lazy folk.
>2. A decrease in enzyme activity impairs recycling of mtDNA nucleotides, causing a shortage of nucleotides available for the repair and production of mtDNA molecules. A reduction in the amount of mtDNA (known as mtDNA depletion) impairs mitochondrial function

>but the high energy demands of muscle cells may make them the most susceptible to cell death when mtDNA is lost and less energy is produced in cells. The brain and the liver also have high energy demands, which may explain why these organs are affected in severe cases of TK2-MDS.

Cells aren't producing energy, fucks up brain, liver and other organs big time. Lil kid can't even open his eyes due to muscles getting no energy.

Also can't repair mtDNA. What do you think happens when your body can't repair DNA? It breaks down, slowly and painfully. The defects will just pile up until his body gives in.

When I first read the newspaper articles I was the same, "WTF, should be the parent's choice, anything that helps is worth a try rite?", then I read the actual problem he has and understood why they made this decision. Keeping this child alive and using it as a guinea pig is essentially child abuse, causing undue suffering to a baby for no gain.

Again I don't blame the parents, it's natural to do what they're doing, but this is why the govt stepped in.

(The UK govt and courts are fucking retarded and have a LOT to answer for, especially regarding children and their "protection" services, but in this case they are correct).
Hate to be the devils advocate but how are we ever going to test and advance without human subjects?

Especially for a rare case like this.its cruel but the parents consented already, this isnt because they are evil its because its their only chance to do anything for it and lets us tests our research while doing so.
The kid is fucked either way.
no shit, guy. it is jewish jewry.
This. He admitted as much on Maher's program

> This is considered journalism across the pond.
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I listen to his podcast and I thought when he brought up the fact that he had a mitochondrial defecct and brain damage It seemed like that's something you can't really repair
You can take samples and perform research without requiring a LIVING test subject to go through a period of prolonged suffering while you milk it for as long as you can for extra cash.

Especially a fucking baby who can't make a choice. We have a VERY strict standard of ethics for human testing.

For ultra rare diseases where the research is of absolute paramount, research bodies usually forgo the fees as the wealth is in the data. Here they're just trying to make an extra buck for as long as possible.

Generally we use DNA analysis and animal testing for issues like this, not living, suffering babies with brain and organ damage.
You get what you bongs asked for. Don't think it can't be you instead of this baby.
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It isn't. The "treatment" will at best give his cells a small energy boost and might even let the kid open it's eyes.

Still has major brain and organ damage, as well as other defects that will pile up as it's DNA breaks down and can't be repaired.

The only reason we live so long is because our bodies are constantly correcting errors in our DNA, and repairing it as we go. His cells don't have the energy to. Poor lad.

You can see the lazy reporting in this quite easily, none of them have looked at the ACTUAL problem, just done a quick google of the Wikipedia definition, then spammed out articles to milk the "outrage" for clicks:

See pic related for the Sun article at:

And oh hey here's the Wikipedia page:
>Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDS) are a group of autosomal recessive disorders which cause the affected tissues to suffer from a significant drop in mitochondrial DNA. Symptoms may manifest as myopathic, hepatopathic, and/or encephalomyopathic.[1] These syndromes affect tissue found in the muscle, liver, or both the muscle and brain, respectively. The condition is typically fatal in infancy and early childhood, though some have survived to their teenage years with the myopathic variant and some have survived into adulthood with the SUCLA2 encephalomyopathic variant[2][3] There is currently no curative treatment for any form of MDSs, though some preliminary treatments have shown a reduction in symptoms.[4]
>Ben Shapiro is pretty much /pol/ when it was libertarian
>Bad thing
Jesus christ i hate this board sometimes.
Aaaaaaaaaaand the fucking kikes on that site rejected my comment linking the article at:

They'd rather milk the clicks for more money and let people sit crying "muh socialist medicine", "plz jezus heal dis child!" (lol, if god exists, it either doesn't care, or specifically made this child that way..)
>nationalized medicine = death panels
taking people off of insurance = murder
They're still fighting to get the kid out of the UK it seems


>"She [a professor] pointed out, as I have already recorded in this judgment, that this treatment has never been tried on humans or even on animals, not even mice which have this condition, namely RRM2B. She pointed out that there is no evidence in humans that the drugs could cross the blood/brain barrier. She also pointed out that the evidence being used by Dr. I, was in relation to patients with TK2 not RRM2B [which Charlie has]."

Forgot about this, his actual condition is even worse, and even rarer than previous recorded patients:

Brain, liver, kidneys, and of course the inability to make DNA. The kid is completely, 100% fucked. And yes the "treatment" hasn't even been tested on mice lol. Shekelstein literally just wants to use him as a guinea pig, then shrug his shoulders and take the cash either way.

SO many comments on all the news articles are "outraged" at this, cause people can't be bothered to look into it. Wish there was a better way of getting information out.

Unless we stop the kikes in big pharma and the Lying Press, we'll all end up as bloody test subjects at some point.
>feel nothing but pain
How convenient you know exactly how the baby feels, will feel, and it fits right into your wish to pull the plug. Make way for captain mercy over here.
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I knew something was iffy, you can't repair dna the same way as an organ
Sounds like he'd eventually end up like that Japanese guy who melted after accidentally irradiating himself.
Poor people dying doesn't count as murder
>title and first paragraph outline how it's decision of a European court
>proceed to bag and the NHS and blame ``socialized healthcare"
bag out*
Indeed. The kid can't even grow.

His body will simply slowly and surely break down. Organs will likely fail first though, unless they hook him up to something to keep him living till the last.

Can't imagine the suffering. Wish there was a way to get the actual word out about his condition, but news sites are moderating all their comments, as well as ignoring the evidence from actual medical professionals as in >>131842823
you know that this kid getting meds could kickstart what would be a superior treatment for people with this shit in the future, right?
By condemning this kid to death, you also condemn babies born with the same shit in the future.

Yeah, that's kinda how medical treatments get discovered, with trials on people suffering from diseases and conditions. One of the pioneers of vaccines tested it on himself and his kids to make a point about how it was safe. Today he would have been jailed for sure.
I guess you're too busy doing eugenics to care.
this has nothing to do with socialised medicine

you're free to pay for private care in the UK or to seek treatment privately overseas - whether we had an NHS or not if we had the same laws/legal system you'd still likely have had this case over here
when government pays, government decides who gets treatment.
what is the proposed treatment option by the doctor in the US?
Bollocks, genetic defects such as this can be researched using DNA mapping / analysis.

They then induce the same problem in MICE first, and test there while developing drugs to target it. (GF is a bio-scientist / biomathematician).

You do NOT use living test subjects, especially babies as pure guinea pigs.

The "treatment" as mentioned hasn't even been tested on mice, and isn't even slightly related to "curing" his condition, they only think they "may" be able to alleviate some of his symptoms, prolonging his suffering.

Please actually read. Using this kid as a guinea pig will help no-one besides lining these kike's pockets.

Again, when patients have SUPER rare defects such as this, fees is usually the last thing on (legit) researcher's minds. The data is a goldmine, why would they want to put barriers in place to obtaining it?
You can also get private healthcare here remember, if you so desire (and can afford it).

Many NHS docs actually run private clinics. I remember when I was getting no-where with the NHS while trying to get some treatment, so I went private, and it was the SAME fucking doctor! lol. Did get my treatment in the end, fucking kikes milking both systems.
I would venture that the most viable "treatment" for this kind of condition is genetic screening prior to birth, to either discourage "carriers" from reproduction or to abort non-viable fetuses.

This is like being born microcephalic or like those cases with their fucking skin inside out that look like aliens...not easily fixed after the fact.

Quote in the below post:

Proposed "treatment" has no chance. Hasn't even been tested on mice, and isn't specifically targeting his variation of the condition either way.
but that doesn't say what drug
You can only go so far with tests on rats, trials on humans are better to get practical results. You may not like it, but it's the truth, breakthroughs are done in tests on humans.

I guess you can say the kid didn't consent to the tests, but now I ask: is the kid is giving consent to be killed? Why is one thing allowed and the other isn't? If they can alleviate his symptoms, aren't they reducing his suffering?
I don't know, this whole "if he's suffering, kill him" shit is just orwellian and wicked. Suddenly if a person gets old, and say has a stroke or break his leg, or has pneumonia, the docs will rush to off him instead of doing hard work to try and save him as well as they can because he's old and expendable. Don't think this kind of situation couldn't happen to anyone else.
This is atrocious. No wonder muslims are conquering it. Europe is fucking dead
I was on the fence about Ben before seeing this.
We'll all laugh when you get death-panelled you bootlicking faggot. Their money, their kid, the government's choice? (EU too at that)

Muhammad would rule this shithole better
>not forcing people to buy insurance is taking away their insurance
Another scare story pressed by a kike with an invested interest in inflated medical costs.

This doesn't deserve its own thread.
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>(((Ben Shapiro)))
>I guess you can say the kid didn't consent to the tests, but now I ask: is the kid is giving consent to be killed? Why is one thing allowed and the other isn't? If they can alleviate his symptoms, aren't they reducing his suffering?
Because governmental death panels know best how you and your children ought to live
Hello. I'm a premed graduate for what it's worth. You're right, on the whole (well, your girlfriend is), but just one thing - paediatric clinical trials do exist here.

Any way, anybody reading into this should be aware that the GOSH issued a statement about this before the appeal, and I don't see any of it as being unreasonable, or unlawful.

You CAN'T cure this you bloody imbecile!

He has major organ damage, can't even make DNA, has no motor functions and can't grow. The proposed "treatment" doesn't even pretend to address any of this.

Breakthrough tests are done on humans AFTER testing on mice! Genetic issues don't NEED to be tested on humans first off. Again, the DNA is sequenced, the problem is found and reproduced in mice, and then drugs are targeted to fix it. Once they're working in mice, THEN we test on humans. There's no benefit to doing so before then.

Ethics in science have developed to prevent us all being used as test subjects to the will (and pockets) of big pharma..

Sure, if I cause undue suffering to a baby, my choice, no-one should step in.

Fuck off, moron. Read what the problem this kid has actually entails. Stop funding kikes.
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>Mfw Europe cares more about refugees than it's own citizens
because it's a white baby. Can't bery well have him surviving and propagating whites in Englandistan
But they said they can alleviate the symptoms, only one route is reducing his suffering, in the other they discard the kid like he's garbage, that's the path you want.

The situation is uncommon and for some reason nobody ever tested the shit on mice before. It was the same shit with some cancer patients and a pill that would supposedly help them out here. Faggots like you want people in a terminal condition to die waiting for bureaucrats to do shit, while the people were all willing to take it since they had no way out.

With your warped mindset, I hope you never get sick and unconscious, one of those doctors who think like a Stalin might decide a shot is all you need so you don't suffer any longer.
Cheers for the link. Again for the TLDRs, even the guardian admitted it's fucking pointless:

>Ms Butler-Cole, who represented the Guardian appointed to legally represent Charlie in court, stated in her closing submissions that:
“The Guardian has listened closely to the oral evidence during the hearing this week and has concluded that it is not in Charlie’s best interests to travel to America to receive nucleoside therapy. This is not pioneering or lifesaving treatment, but a purely experimental process with no real prospect of improving Charlie’s condition or quality of life."

>The Guardian’s view is that it cannot be in Charlie’s best interests to subject to him to experimentation and the pain that this will cause in circumstances where there is no prospect of benefit.
And I hope no-one uses you as a pointless test subject for something which can give nothing but more pain.

The kid has a problem that's WORSE than cancer. His cells won't be able to divide, he will literally break down and die. The treatment doesn't even pretend to address this.
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sooner people realize that words will not get you anything with these tyrant elites the better.
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>But they said they can alleviate the symptoms

It must feel wonderful, going through life being this dense.
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>keeping terminal patients alive just so you can use them as guinea pigs
Yeah, we're not soulless nips.


The baby's condition actually has a passing similarity to a victim of a severe nuclear accident. Obviously there aren't the external burns, but like someone who's been exposed to high levels of radiation the kid's DNA is damaged to the point where he can't make new cells properly. Basically every organ in the body except the brain slowly disintegrates over the course of several weeks or months.

I really don't know what kind of monster you'd have to be to want a baby to undergo what that Japanese nuclear worker went through. That man literally begged his doctors to kill him. I understand the parents not being able to face up to the decision they had to make, but any doctor with a shred of humanity should have told them 'nah, it's time to let this one go.' Frankly, the American doctor is a scumbag for offering them false hope, and prolonging the child's suffering.

And Ben Shapiro is a cunt as well. This has nothing to do with socialised medicine or the NHS, it's a court ruling based on a child welfare case. But I guess using dead babies as props for your political talking points is okay when you're a Jewish conservative.
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Yes goyim, I sure can "alleviate the symptoms" (on a brain damaged baby), just give me a few millions and I'll see what I can do, teeheehee

Also for you fucking burgers screaming about "muh socialist healthcare", we have private treatment here too, if you can afford it.

We just don't use babies as test subjects for pointless "treatments" for big pharma to make some cash.

Again, read what this kid actually has please:

Only 15 cases have ever been recorded.

>Arguing with a christcuck over letting a defective baby die.
You're smarter than that.
Great post. You (and Little Ben Shaprio) are 100% right.

I'd like a true free-market in health care, open up tech and innovation, costs will go down.

It won't be perfect, but it will be a fuck of a lot better than socialize care (which is ok until you get cancer, run over by a car and put in a coma, or hanging onto life by a thread).

It's also 100% clear that BigPharma doesn't not have our best interests in mind.

And neither does the government. The CDC is a vaccine propaganda machine that makes a SHIT TON OF $$$ off of vaccinating all of us. They own patents and make that shit ton of dough vaccinating all of us with the same crap, that doesn't discriminate against people with mitochondrial disorders, polymorphisms, etc.

Some weaponized autism is good, but we have too much at the moment.

Also, read Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel's "Completel Lives Systems" if you still think you want socialized medicine. (Backbone of Obamacare if it went single payer)

Over 40 are you?

How do you know it will give more pain? You don't fucking know, but you state with 100% certainty that NOTHING can be done, while the parents want to try to get a better life for how much the baby has left. Nobody is promising a cure here, they're just clinging to a very very tiny hope of improving whatever the baby has left. I'm taking the position that we don't know what can come out of it, yet you're the one assuming absolutely nothing can be done to reduce the kid's suffering, you must have some deity tier knowledge, along with the doctors who are obviously infallible beings of pure supreme intellect of course.

I hope you're ready to pull the plug on many people who are also suffering, because this is kinda the route you're taking, and it's a one way street. Suddenly the elderly who are also fucked gotta be getting their dose of "dying with dignity" as well. Sorry gramps we got an eugenics globalist agenda to subscribe to. Thank you EU overlords and the left.

>stop funding kikes
Then quit adopting the euthanasia agenda that has people such as George Soros funding all day long. You don't think that there are slimy docs out there who want to make a quick buck by giving lethal injections to people they deem beyond help rather than having to work to figure out what the fuck is going on with them? You already have places where euthanasia is being recommended for all kinds of shit.

"Want help? Kill yourself"
put that in your fucking ambulances.
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