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In large parts of the southwest, it is already Mexican majority.

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In large parts of the southwest, it is already Mexican majority. By 2050, Mexicans are projected to be 42% of the population for the ENTIRE USA. In the southwest, ironically, it will practically be an ethnostate. Projections indicate that the southwest will be 90%+ Mexican by 2050, and literally approaching homogeneity by 2100. Amongst this group of people, there is an Idea of Aztlan, or a reconquista into Mexico. So, in effect, these people are advocating for an ethnostate, which is naturally occurring in southwest, and which they will probably get. This is deemed "more than likely" by several futurist sites, do to the emphasis of Mexican Ethnonationalism, which is prominent, and unyielding. In short, unlike ethnic groups of the past, such as Germans, Irish, Italians, Polish, Koreans, and even Indians, Mexicans simply aren't assimilating, and are actively against it in most cases.
What are the thoughts on this?
Whatever, USA is shit anyway
Please let them try this shit, we could finally remove them all
It scares the heck out of me.

Being more of a civic nationalist, I do not care about more Native genes being hurled into the population, or whites becoming swarthier as a whole. I would not care that Hispanics would come in, given they were coming in at a reasonable level, assimilating, and making something of themselves.

But they aren't. Our policies of Americanization that stopped swaths of America from becoming Neudeutchland or Nova Italia are not in place. My only hope, in all honestly, is that the Non-Mexican Hispanics, a chunk of Mexican Americans, and the Puerto Ricans will stay loyal in the end to America, and help to reject any attempt at a southwest secession.
sorry doo it's been like that forever out west, and guess what?
get ready to build solar panels to power the 9999999 V electric fence, frijoles!
>civic nationalist
you have to be 18 to be on this board.
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Remember when Texas got it's independence from Mexico back in 1840s?

Texas was 90% white anglo-saxon on average and didn't assimilated into Mexico neither respected the law, eventually with (((almost none outside help))) they got it's independence while Mexico was fighting two separatist movements (Republica de Yucatan also) and was in the middle of a civil war and they were later annexed into USA

The United States of America is on the edge of a racial war....

Have you ever heard the tale of Darth Plagueis the wise?
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I wish a mestizo would
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That's some blatant history revisionism.
It is not a story the kikes tell you, its a blackpilled predicament
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build wall and depot
Let them have it. Whiteout us (whites) they are doomed to collapse just like their ancestors when the Spanish arrived. Then we come in Cortez style and do the re-reconquista
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In fact, WWI basically eliminated any German/Italian ethno-nationalism. Specfically for German-Americans, most second and third generation immigrants still spoke German, but they were severely culturally repressed to stop having German Culture, and assimilate due to the war. German parents simply stopped teaching their children German, and nearly every German speaking school for children was closed, which speaking German routinely being punished by caning if spoken in public.

We obviously don''t cane children for speaking their ethnic languages anymore, but it does speak about the efficacy of civic nationalism, and what was done to curtail any sense of German ethno-nationalism that may have previously been building. If you are a German-American, I would have to ask what it feels like to be Anglo'd, when new immigrants are told to cherish their background, even to the point of over being an American. Especially in areas of immense illegal immigration, such as the southwest, where the sense of being American is belittled every day.
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>be Mexican
>vote socialist
>get poorer than poor
>flee socialist utopia
>come to US
>vote socialist
verry important point concerning Texas. Its pretty much what we are seeing now where a new group becomes the core. in 2-3 generations, expect to see the Mexican President, negotiating as if he is the president and leader of all ethnic Mexicans, in Mexico or not.
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>mfw hunting illegals
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Yes, I'd like to remark my point

>A country in the middle of a civil war
>The first empire collapsed thanks to (((Poinsett)))
>Americans did took advantage of the climate they created in Mexico
>Mexico has a long history of external intervention, especially american
>Denying this

Before you say anything about the internal conflicts with the natives, Mexico had a lot of fucking issues to deal with, those fuckers were the least of our preoccupations

I mean, why even deny it?, feeling guilty or something?
what goes around comes around it seems

>US will eventually lose southwest to chicanos and other minorities while being told by the whitecucks they were responsible for this whole thing, not to mention (((((some help from some people))))

>What are the thoughts on this?
Perhaps all of them will die before this happens?
Don't forget literal attempts at reconquest.

this so much
My gf is Mexican, I'm white. Am I the problem ?
If you aren't in a position to kill a beast, your best recourse is to tame it and minimize risk.
shitskin iq is too low to comprehend small government and voluntary collectivism. unless they're all deported (and not just the illegals, the anchor babies too even if they're 40 years old with their own kids, make them all considered non citizens if they didnt have an american parent) they're going to empower the democratic party to the point that they set up an authoritarian socialist government.

the only hope america has is for the supreme court to redefine the ruling on anchor babies, and for congress to repeal hart cellar and pass new immigration laws that heavily favor europe. if this doesnt happen during trumps terms then i think its hopeless desu
>who is vicente fox
and he's the fucking ex bean prez too...
from the average /pol/ user, yes you are, to them you're but a fucking son of bitch who deserve to be hanged for being a race traitor, at least that's what i've made out from their conversations and spergings
I'm a Hispanic living in Texas, I'm completely opposed to this and this frightens me too, my grandfather came here legally to get away from the shithole known as Mexico.
>By 2050, Mexicans are projected to be 42% of the population for the ENTIRE USA.
The thing about these projections is they always assume things will remain consistent. This country will collapse the moment minorities make up over 50%
if you allow your tiny head to overcome your already obvious pea brain, then ya. i bet you go to la raza rallies soon.
No. No one cares.
>shitskin iq is too low to comprehend small government and voluntary collectivism.
But what about Venezuela? Aren't they just a beacon of hope? If only our Constitution were so based!
My biggest problem with Mexicans is that they have zero interest in being American or even Mexican-American; they just want to live in a richer Mexico. They bring all the nepotism, corruption, drugs, and violence that ruins their own country with them and wonder why nobody wants them.
dude, your country is literally controlled by a bunch of globalist psychos, everything that has happened up until now is the proof you need, it's only a matter of time

>muh trump
guy won't last forever and oh boy, there are shit tons of globalist waiting for this show to end to get back wot work and fuck everyone's shit up
>mexicans simply aren't assimilating

lmao, yes they absolutely are.
t. I've actually met mexicans, especially 2nd generation
well, duh
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>be Mexicanfaggot
>have 8000 men and artillery units
>get fucked up by 200 farmers and a handful of dynasty warrior-tier fighters for days
>FINALLY take Alamo
>week later be recovering from tequila and buttfucking
>get slaughtered 300 vs Persians style by superior White American Military bloodthirsty savages

Shitbag chicano faggots, poor warrior class
>but it does speak about the efficacy of civic nationalism
>while talking about how Anglos forced Anglohood on people
You retard
when the times comes, you won't be any different from the ilegals or any other mexicans in the eyes of desperate white peole after realizing they are minority, beware what you say pa, or you might get lynch by the side you really belong
you've never controlled a nation. you have had a nation on paper only. you were the first fucking country to draft a globalist socialist government after your revolution. shut the fuck up beaner your people are shit go home.
The only way to fix this is to turn Texas into a fascist country. Promote white breeding and something like Hitler Youth. We're going to lose our land if we don't fix this. Texas has faced tougher challenges than this and we have the power to change our fate.
Minorities will bicker and fight with each other as soon as they gain any sort of dominance
I'm gonna have to agree with this, as I witness this at my work
under absolutely no circumstances would we ever declare war on our own people in today's climate. With today's weapons and diplomacy, it would lead to foreign intervention, and make us a failed states. It would basically just, happen, while liberals and the Mexican ethno-nationalists bring up how it was stolen land. (evne though the vast majority of Mexicans themselves are not native to southwestern USA.) Libcucks will welcome it as democracy, and say whites deserve it it.
Just in time for the Super Volcano to erupt.
As far as I"m concerned, they can have California back.
I'm sure by home you mean the american southwest, so, sure.
>tfw felt perfectly at home anywhere in Texas

Don't forget about the rest of the US.

You think Washington, D.C., would tolerate any funny business? Your country already has more problems than it can handle.

What have the Mexican-est parts of the US done to Make Aztlan Great Again? Nothing. The smart Mexicans are glad they moved and want nothing more to do with Mexico.
>try and retreat from slaughter by running into river
>can't swim because stupid beaner
>get slaughtered more
fuck spics. whenever you texas boys wanna roll out we ready.

t. socal fag.
>dude, your country is literally controlled
A Mexican criticising the US? once we start "fleeing" to Mexishit maybe I will take your shitstained country seriously.
Source as to where you got all this info pls
Even worse, they will immediately push for racist legislation against whites and thats when things will get really bad.
Fuck you and Fuck Mexico I love the freedoms I enjoy here. I love this country.
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I know this may be surprising but beaners are fucking stupid
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yeah pretty much. I don't see anyway America withstands the next few generations considering how incredibly tribal we are, and how much ethnic tribalism is encouraged for everyone except euro-americans.
>you're the globalist not me
>what is NAFTA
>what was this TPP bullshit they attempted to create
>what is all the terrorist groups they have found and cartels they have helped
>literally helping israel to promote one world order
>best friend sof bank cartels (((globalists)))
jesus christ...
durrrr shit bait it isn't 2015 noob. you either go home on a bus, train, or in a coffin bro.
it will also go bankrupt several times, and declare civil war against you? Enjoy.
Nigga what? If this happens it won't be trough violent revolution, but simple demographic replacement
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Based Mexican here some of us don't want it to be dirty a Mexican state with retards twenty deep . Mexico is fucked and so are the wetback types for the last 30 years coming here unlike normie immigrants these fucks are worthless subhuman and need to be gassed . I will join a militia and hunt the fuckers down and any other beaner who wants a fucking Spicland 2 AZTLAN. MAGA not MAMA fuck them !!

The government actively encouraged immigrants to assimilate, and immigrant groups, largely enough, cooperated. Civic organizations, corporations, and the government all joined together to Americanize generations of European migrants who at many times were illiterate or had no ability in English at all.

Multiculturalism is doom for our society if it is continued. Our ancestors were wise enough to cap the levels and let things consolidate. We don't do so, and our society will utterly fragment because of it.
Mexico is the eternal enemy of us Texans.
Remeber the Alamo and nuke Mexico.
Numbers disagree with you, friend. What? You think all illegals vanished the moment Trump was elected. It's business as usual with everyone and everything. I live in Juarez, I should know.
then why are you here shitting out as many juanita's you can't afford as possible?
And give up all that coastline? Let the Calis have their fun in the sun.
I go there weekly.
...what it takes to enforce so called civic nationalism, and how it was so radically different in yesteryear. Again, we aren't caning children for speaking German or French anymore.
It's not a good climate for whites anyway. We should make them a slave state for us.
no you won't. you're the guy that called up his entire fucking peasant village and got them on obamabux and the first train to the usa. and you ain't gonna call ICE on the 15 spics living in the 2bd apartment next door to you...spics are shit
Then don't come back
Exactly, Mexicans only want to live good, like a the life should be, not rich but nicely and peacefully.

I have to give you, the majority (not all) of mexicans going to USA are the most, lower, poorest, uneducated people, i know some engineers too, and chefes and shit.
>and make us a failed states
it appears you don't get what your overlords or rather, the guys behind them try to accomplish, right? they want a shitshow, lad. You may e right in regards to not wanting to harm your own countrymen, but what you don't take into account is the tribal nature of humans, once whites become a minority, they will felt more threatened, which will lead them to be even more paranoid and hostile towards any non-white, and oh yes that includes the civic nationalists. This is something you can not fight, because it is deepl ingrained into humans' minds to feel safe around their own. Can't ay i look forward to it, because i don't (who in his right mind would like to see peope, regardless of race or sex) to tear each other apart and things of the sort, but the media pushing bullshit and making shit up as well as the tensions etween ethnic groups will eventually lead to this crap. Interesting and sad, to be honest
Fucking sucks. Anytime I take pride in having a German background, people think I'm weird and obsessing over something pointless. I tell myself, if "diversity" was a thing before WWI, a lot of the US would be more German.
How would that happen? Once 90% of the population is Hispanic, they vote to join Mexico? It's such a shit country that they would rather make the US something like Mexico 2.0.
Hey, don't get mad, I'll make sure to bring tacos for everyone next saturday.
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>steal land from Mexico
>damn why are there so many Mexicans here

burger logic
i am not, billy...
get rid of the welrfare state, with that gone that shit will end and nature will deal with those fuckers, simple as that
Mexico should focus on improving itself rather than encouraging and profiting off people illegally entering the US
I can make my own, thank you.
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That exactly what will happen. It'll be like south Africa but worse. Just look at the cartels.
>what is right of conquest
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Viva la Mexico!
How do you feel about immigration? Illegal vs legal, current state of the law and how it is and is not enforced? Welfare and voting for "immigrant rights"?
IMO voluntary relations are what it is all about. You want to fug/marry a Mexican? I do not care for the most part. You want to add to the problem of illegal immigration and all the issues it brings with it? I have a big problem with that.
/pol/ tends to go with the confederate or Nazi war cry, but I think that's an overall mistake. Sure, there is a point to playing the odds and generalizations exist for a reason, but keeping the issues what they truly are and must remain is most important. Conflating and overgeneralizing can easily be misinterpreted and maligned by opposing forces. History shows this.
You seem like a decent person, funny enough the Make Aztlan Great Again types never actually act on it.
>declaring war on us
AYYYYYYYY, those shitheads will surely become independent and have nothing to do with us, it'll be funny to see them dying hen the drought strikes, kek...chicanos are quite different, believe me
nope, the point of wiping you out, and sure as fuck is working, your crave for drugs and degeneracy, couple with feminism, is doing all the job

no bullets, just letting whites indulging in cuckoldry

who would have thought...top kek
It was fucking empty because you were busy having a revolution every half hour and stuffing your face with sopapillas to bother with it.
>kick your ass
>give half your country back
>pay for the rest
>discover gold you nevwr bothered to look for
Enserio, España debé morta a todo tus indios cavron
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Viva la Mexico!!!
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I can't believe I'm saying this
But I would fight along side you, Californian
Those dirty beaners can't have any part of Oklahoma, they can keep their brown asses in the shithole that is Texas.
because whites in Mexico live oppressed and in constant fear of their lives right?

lmao, being white in Mexico is a legitimate privilege
Can you believe as recently as the 60s California was a conservative 80% white state with minimal niggers? Now it is <20% white and cucked beyond relief. You see the pattern? More spics = more libs. And Aztlan will be a communist state.

It's a shame what the spics did to California. A damn shame.
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Whatever you say anon.
>spaniards attempted another reconquista
>frogs trie to invade us
>US backed up many bastards that tried to fuck the country's shit up
>but bu bu you aggressive n sheeeeit
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Kill all Mexicans
I am against illegal immigration , however she is employed and a productive member of society, living in California there is plenty of 2nd generation Mexicans. None of that paisa shit that you used to see.
Yes it is a damn shame.
And these spics in this thread with their "Ayyy lmao imma based spic" are just going to pop out little commie shits from their wombs.
>be a spic
>don't want to live in Mexico
>immigrate illegally to the United States
>turn the southwest US into Mexico
>living in Mexico again
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We'll buy off all the cartel soldiers who can actually fight then exterminate you wetbacks. The world will be better for it
Ohh nice...normie faggot ball.
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That's right. God bless the homeland.
Why stop there, GO ALL THE WAY!
Don't worry I won't teach my spawn to be an entitled little shit, you un-melaninized life forms needn't worry.
It's definitely a bad situation. The worst part is bilingualism, English-only would be a huge improvement.
Don't forget to exterminate the paid off cartel faggots. Although they should all be filled with amphetamine, dismembered while alive, castrated, then burned.
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Hell yeah feller.
>forced deportation
>deportation to St. Peter for one's who resist
>north america union
nah, from 40 to 50 years US will be practically ours while cucknada will be split into two parts: the ching chong chang federation and the north american caliphate

>communist soulless drones/snackbars/chicanos

ayy kek
>chicanos are quite different, believe me
i know this quite well
Texas is slowly turning into a meme state. It was so different in the 90s. Still, I wouldn't mind living in West Texas.
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Balkanization is going to occur in America whether we like it or not. Having said that, can a Persian serve under the neo-aztlan Mexican state?
You clearly aren't a Texan or an Okie or you would understand how intense this hatred is. We almost fought a war over a bridge with the Oklahoma governor swaggering down there with his revolvers.
The only NAU that would work would be the USNA, United States of North America
I'm ok with this. Finally it will be acceptable to wear ponchos and a sombrero in public.
if you ain't muslims you alright, or at least one that doesn't blow up because we don't believe in ala

>can i kill whitey
if you ar ein the mood, do as you wish, we ain't see shit
I live in a border city and although I have Mexican heritage, ethnic Mexicans scare me, it's like living next to communist Russia.
>i am different, believe me yo
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The aztlan meme is never going to happen, we aren't backstabbing traitors like those dirty anglos.
Employed is a good start. Are either of you about the gibs, though? If her family immigrated illegally, would either of you be willing to admit to the other that it was wrong? You have said you think it's wrong, but would you or she admit that to each other or the family members who immigrated?
Pls stop cutting people's heads off

corruption, communist insurgency, cartels....don't think so :D

and what does a Mexican know about ABCs or CBCs :P
it'll take time of course, but eventually it'll happen, you were what 90% white about what 55 years? wai another 40 and we'll see

and just taking mexs into account, there are many other non-whites folks, lad
Mexicans need ro get over the fact that those lands are lost.
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Zoroastrian Mexican state when?

But seriously, something like a million Iranians in cali and texas. We'll welcome the Mehican liberator's. I'm tired of these honkeys.
Fuck English only, America's native languages include the hundreds of native languages, Creole French, Pennsylvania German, and Spanish.
Watched this last night, recommended, and sort of related to the thread, too. Kind of long and spanish only though.
You realize more Latinos are moving back than coming in.... Right.
Then why should I care that you recommend it if I can speak barely functional spanish?
You know not all Latinos are Mexicans and Chicanos feel let down when Mexico failed to stop Trump (even insulted when you invited him).
>Believing that meme
true, but what is important here is the whites not breeding like they used to, couple with feminism, cuckoldry, degeneracy and other stuff and non-whites having babies...n ((((sheeeit)))
Because judging from your flag, there's a good chance you know spanish.
You even have Latinos like Ted Cruz that aren't fluent in Spanish and I know for sure don't care about their brothers or sisters down the border.
I know crap all about spanish. 6 years of classes and I forgot it all within 2 days of graduating high school
I would make English the only language that the government uses. Non-Anglo cultures simply cannot be trusted to uphold the values of American culture, an offshoot of British culture.

Obviously people can speak whatever language they want outside government functions.
Stop falseflagging
Its hard enough waking up a spic and fighting the urge to kms
Assimilate or get genocided. White man always wins in the end because he looks farther into the future than other more niggerly races.
>impliyin we tried to stop him
regular people didn't care in the slightest, the politicians trie because their shekels are in jeopardy

>pretending we care what other latin americans and chicanos were thinking
Cubans are white though. And they hate Mexicans.
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>be chicano
>conquer foreign lands, just like your conquistador ancestors
>form homogenous gangs and purge niggers from your city, keeping up the aztec tribal tradition
my ancestors are smiling on me imperials, can you say the same?
>meanwhile whites are getting cucked beyond saving
TOPEST FUCKING KEK, if you had said uruguayans or argentiniens (yes, i admit there are white ones) it would have been believeable muh sides
This desu. We need to focus on the present. Even if we got those states back, the amount of degeneracy running rampant on California is a threat to society. Not to mention nobody really likes chicanos.
If they're patriots it doesn't matter. Protect our laws and the constitution.
>dual citizenship
Fucking disgusting, you can't have loyalty to two countries
you're being a useful asset, dear chicanito, keep it up
I'm for anyone who believes in American values.
the eternal chicano
hates both yet they turn to either for help, either moneys or support when discriminated
oh the hypocrisy
>yes, they kept their country so great, im sure they can do the same for us.

fuck off you stupid ethnic nationalist, youre almost as retarded as liberals.
>honorary white
>literally an entity whose presence, actions and offspring will displace whites and lead them to their undoing

my goodness... fucking contradictory,
>USA: beaner spic leave my country
>mexico: pinche pocho de mierda
fuck both of you my home is aztlán
Post blatant revisionism himself. Texans just wanted to keep their slaves.
I denounced my dual citizenship
>inb4 spic
My parents lived in [insert Latin American country] for 6 years for a job
But the good ones believe in American values and want to uphold them. They're coming here for the right reasons.

The bad ones are here to take advantage of the country. The worst are actually the chinks with dirty government money who buy up property.
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Have you not been appraised of the drop off in illegal immigration, the rise in deportation, and the tightening on entitlements and benefits which enable poor Hispanic families to have 20 children?

We're in this game to win it.
Cant argue with this at all.
you aren't conquering anything, you're just being lazy, unemployed, fat losers and taxing the welfare system whilst popping out a billion kids. if spics actually wanted to "conquer" anything they'd have an army, but they don't, since they're just poor losers trying to take advantage of their host country. also lol @ muh aztec shit, most beaners are barely half native with the remainder of their ancestry being a combination of european and negro.
I wish I could hang each and every one of you ethnonationalist chicano fucks
My loyalty lies solely with the United States and its constitution. Being associated with you niggers is beyond infuriating
The state of taxes could single highhandedly beat the wetback military in a war
but you are, and always will be because a piece of paper won't make whites to think of you as one of their own when we reach the critic point
texas* fuck
t. civic nationalist cuck
if you're happy being a second class citizen go ahead. multiculturalism was a mistake
it is a demographic shift, not a war.

that state will be ours in a blink of an eye
yippidy doo da yiddidy daaaeeee, op's a massive faggggooooot--evvvvverrrrryyyyyy daaeeeeee
say that when they are less than 30%
>destroying the white mans system
>outbreeding them
>killing niggers in gang warfare
sounds like conquering to me
you don't have a home. you're a mutt with no real culture or identity.

It's a demographic shift that will result in a one-party nation that will piss all over the Constitution and tax the fuck out of us to pay for all the handouts the coloreds will vote for. At that point it will be war.
If they believe in American values they can be 99.9% (everyone but me) and it doesn't matter.
Good for them, but anyway Pochos are probably not Mexican enough, at least for us here on México.
You're seeing a Rhodesia-type situation?
I don't care about being white. I love this country that has given me fucking everything. Anti-american chicanos are cancer and deserve to hang for being traitors to two fucking nations.
The worst thing a white has ever done to me was make some off hand comment
Spics have pulled guns on my friends and just this month stole my brother-in-law's car.
I have never felt I was a secound class citizen
Get over your fucking victim complex nigger
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my home is the american southwest. i have never experienced racism here and the majority of the population is the same ethnicity as me
>you're a mutt
so? even white americans are mutts. latin americans are literally all mutts
i know, what i tried to convey is that it won't be an open war right now, it'll be a process which will end with whites becomign more hostile woards any non-whites (shit tons of hispanic civic nationalists living in texans included)
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>tfw unironically humming this song as "what time it was, Texas"

Worst case is South Africa 2.0, best case is race war that either restores a white majority or carves out a whites-only nation, most likely case is Brazil 2.0. I don't think we will reach the boiling point until late this century or early next century, though.
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Living in California I know a lot more conservative Constitution-supporting Mexicans compared to a bunch of shitlib whites.
False equivalence, the Constitution can't protect you from shit if the wrong culture takes over.

I'm talking about essentially tanned Americans like some of the anons in this thread, very different.
Why violence though?
Nice flag.
>not getting the conflict when one group displaces another as well as the consequences
top kek...you're the deluded one, no doubt about it
What if the high death rate due to corruption and the cartels in Mexico was offsetting their ability to breed and without any natural predators in the ecosystem they overpopulate and destroy it?
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>Texans never die
>destroying da whyte mayuns systum
more like being a useless burden to everyone else, if it does go away it'll do much more harm to you because you need whites, whites don't need you.

>outbreeding them
mostly due to economic causes, poor whites also have high birth rates.

>killin niggas
you mean your brothas since you're part nig actually. not to mention getting your asses lit up and thrown in jail by animal control officers too while you're at it.

all i've taken from this is you beaners are mostly poor, uneducated, stupid, obese unemployed losers who think living in poverty in the barrio forever is conquering?

i'm sure you're a very proud anchor baby, but facts are facts.
>even white americans are mutts. latin americans are literally all mutts
lmao you are literally a mutant cross between nigger, injun (probably not even aztec either which makes your larping that much more retarded), and dirty spaniard. that's worse than irish-german mix.
you're an embarrassment, paco.
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Because we're past the point where this can be reversed without violence. As soon as Ted Kennedy passed the legislation that opened the floodgates to nonwhite immigration in the 60s, this country was doomed. Hopefully history looks poorly upon that family for pushing the legislation that destroyed America.

We could build The Wall today, restore immigration quotas that heavily restrict nonwhite immigration and crack down hard on illegals but there are still enough legal beaners here that whites will become a minority in a few decades. Besides, even if everything above was implemented all it would take is the next Democrat administration to reverse it all and start importing more of their future voters. The only possible peaceful solution I could see is an amendment that removes citizenship for all anchor babies both retroactively and going forward, but even if Republicans built up a majority that could pass amendments a few of them would cuck out to business donors that rely on cheap labor and vote against it.
anon you got me on a Rhodesia fix
living in california, that's fucking bullshit.
i'm surrounded by spics, and all of them want amnesty and ESL public schools.

Stop falling for this retarded "Mexicans are natural conservatives" meme, they overwhelmingly vote for Democrats because they care about handouts and turning this country into the shithole they fled than anything else.
Thanks for your perspective. Agreed on displacing Anglo culture to get socialist votes for sure.
>damn why are there so many Mexicans here
There was almost no one in the South West when the US annexed it, and Mexicans becoming a plurality hasn't even been a thing until the 1960s when the US did away with quota immigration.
>conservative Constitution-supporting Mexicans
the fuck are you talking about? beans vote more liberal than almost any demographic.
chicanito detected
Where did the whites go? Why did they leave? No one forced them to leave by gun point. They could have held their ground.
Not really, it depends on what "group" you're talking about. If it's Make Aztlan Great Again types, then yes I'm fucked. If it's the chicanons in this thread who love America then I'm fine.

They didn't leave, they just don't breed like rabbits
>whites have 1-3 kids
>Mexicans have 5-10 kids
Unfortunately we can't forcibly sterilize Mexicans so this is the end result
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be American in 2050 population is 400 million, of which 200 million are Mexican.
meanwhile be Mexican with a population of 140 million our population started to get stagnant in 2025 as the population became conscious since they don't receive gibs.
kek the US is going to have a bigger Mexican population than we will by 2050 you burgers are cucked. race war when?
pic related is a northern Mexican and Aztlan citizen source am from North mexico

Resist uncontrolled immigration and remove programs which allow families to grow large only with government assistance. Remind Mexicans of your community the tremendous prosperity we enjoy as Americans, and that we can only continue having our wealth and power if future generations preserve American ideals (without being too preachy.)

You are right to he concerned. There aren't enough Mexicans who will teach their children how to carry the torch of American nationalism.

t. Civic nationalist, Mexican heritage, American spirit
t. agent of new colonization
Most Mexicans coming into the USA aren't Mexicans. They are mostly just indios and people from El Salvador.
they aren't even estimated to be 40 percent by then.
agreed, but come on! it's fun to trigger the americans haha!
Good stuff, man. America is a unique spirit that shines brighter than anything else man has created.

Western civilization is worth fighting for.
>whites dont need you
exactly thats why they're massive fucking cuckolds. instead of kicking us out they pander to us
>a bunch of random baseless insults
fucking rekt xDD
>b-but you're 2% nigger
so what?
wow, lots of fucking excuses for having your shit pushed in worse than france in ww2
Meanwhile poor Musso had to send his messages in *ngl*sh

A mestizo doesn't have to. Commiefornians are already doing it.

t. Durango
>americans illegally immigrate to the southwest, refuse to integrate, and complain about the mexican government oppressing them
>2017: mexicans illegally immigrate to the southwest, refuse to integrate, and complain about the government
like pottery

If you're mestizo, we don't need any of you, regardless of culture or political beliefs. "American nationalism" and "American spirit" are the result of a radical leftist Whig rebellion against country, tradition, and hierarchy based on the premise that all men were equal, creating the most degernate nation in this history of the world. America has spread multiculturalism, nigger-worship, democracy and feminism to the entire world.

The only value his country has is as a home for whites. The invaders like you are far worse than the anti-American illegals, because at least they don't assimilate- you folks are a biological weapon that deteriorates the gene pool, lowers the average IQ of the country until it cannot sustain 1st world civilization and civic cohesion, and leaves us a mongrelized brown collection of mystery meat with no identity. If there is any part of you that cares for this country or its people, go home. You have literally an entire continent and a half for your people. Go
home. Stay, and you are the exact same as the muslims invading Europe.
do you see now? >>131737331
this is why you will not be accepted. you reject your culture while hoping for another to accept you like a massive, uncle tom (or juan), cuckold

The United States is the most powerful weapon ever wielded by the left in history; the nation that normalized homosexuality, feminism, democracy and multicultural egalitarianism, forcefully spreading this disease to every inch of the globe that the sun shines on. Nigger culture would literally not exist without the US; now, it is in nearly every nation on the planet, and we are working to invade the last few ones that it hasn't reached.
>instead of kicking us out they pander to us
that wasn't even the point. if whiteys welfare system goes down you'll be the ones that'll suffer.
>fucking rekt xDD
ye right in your fat, diabetes riddled brown face xD
>so what?
so you're a useless, chinky eyed nigger mutt. and it's around 5% but it varies.
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I might cry

We most proclaim the third empire as soon as we can!
>; the nation that normalized homosexuality, feminism, democracy and multicultural egalitarianism

Weimar Germany did that way before any of us faggot

But why are you acting like you're any different? Look at your flag. You are a stray dog who wandered in off the street because an old maid left the door open; now you beg for scraps at the table and piss on the floor while telling yourself you're stronger than the people who built the house. I've met literal niggers with more dignity and pride than you.

Weimar was gone in the blink of an eye. They didn't spread it to every continent on the planet and make it the only global acceptable form of society.
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>Bloody civil war on the streets
>Even though it doesn't seems like it, Mexico has a SHIT TON of money and resources stored not to mention influence in various places of the world
>We now have the infrastructure to made this possible
>Mexican gov, popular culture, the media AND EVEN PUTIN have been hinting about this possibility

The day Mexico starts investing in the military with Russian/Chinese arms, you are totally fucked, you Americans seem to forget that without Mexico the US would be a no one country
>Most Mexicans coming into the Usa aren't Mexican.


Tell ya what jose- when half your country isn't peasants who think that taking a picture of them with a camera steals their souls and youre actually able to drink your tap water without dying, then we can start talking about the coming mighty 90 IQ Mexican Empire. Until then you may want to aim for more realistic goals, such as not having your country's number one industry be journalist-decapitation
lmao catrachian bro
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So how much of Texas is rightful French clay? Does getting BTFO by natives expunge any claim? If so, what about all the other forts overrun throughout the country? If not, what about the aspect of abandonment, does that nullify any previous claim?
We need to put up a wall and make it large so that none may ever dispute that claim again. Make it a Vegas style pseudo Venice to disquise the mote and promote money-grubbing, for all I care. Just make it happen.
I dont care anymore
Maybe. If the way a man looks is all that informs one's national identity, then sure. I don't believe that, though.

I'm glad we can agree.

I suppose we disagree on a fundamental level. I do believe that all men are created equal. This is not to say that every man has the capacity to accomplish what anyone else does. Rather, every man should be able to achieve everything he is capable of, regardless of background.

My family hasn't moved much, even when borders did. My values have nothing to do with my appearance, and an identity which is more rooted in something that I have no control over is not one I care to embrace. I'm not leaving this country. I love it, and I would gladly die for what I believe in. Many will never accept that, but I don't need validation to be happy and successful.
The ones who want this are like the 4 generation onwards or are illegal anyways..

Most first and second generations love America and understand there are a lot of crazy shit going in but it's the best
You are no different than an illegal spic who doesnt speak English, you are foreign and the founding fathers that you love so much consideried any one non Anglo to not be American, kill yourself Paco. Just admit that your apart of the reconquesta and stop embarrassing yourself
There are mostly white Cubans you illiterate faggot.
>This is deemed "more than likely" by several futurist sites, do to the emphasis of Mexican Ethnonationalism

>do to the

Into the trash it goes


Clearly, a genius is behind this post.
I'm sad I won't be here to watch the mutts destroy it all like they did the entirety of Latin America.
Can't say I didn't laughed at the journalistic decap
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we don't want the fucking leafs
>nah, from 40 to 50 years US will be practically ours while cucknada will be split into two parts: the ching chong chang federation and the north american caliphate
Three parts, don't forget Quebec.
if that was ironman im impressed. But desu... i doubt it.
The banking system crash Mexico economy not to mention the Cia castle influences caused mass immigration in the 80s 90s... Before the US economy when to shit.

The recent immigrants are probably criminals doing dirty work and from central and southern America. Maybe idk
Eventually the spics in Texas will push for gibs me dat at the state level instead of just the local level, and when that happens, we will drive them out.
>I do believe that all men are created equal
so evolution spared the brain?

sure thing bro

It was never mexican land, it was claimed by the Spaniyards, and neither they nor the mexicans formed any permanent settlements there, much less actually developed it. That's why whites from the US were invited to texas in the first place, because you beaner fucks were too shit to survive here.
>gibs me dat at the state level instead of just the local level

Do you even have a fucking clue what you're talking about? Counties don't give out welfare or food stamps, that's all state and federal.

There were plenty of permanent settlements you dumb fuck. Do you think they named cities things like "San Antonio" just because it sounded nice?
Of course brain sizes vary. Brain size is not what determines what is a man, though. It isn't the root of what gives us distinct human rights. You and I have very different physical characteristics, but inherently, in the eyes of American law, neither one of us is superior to the other. In this way, we are equals.

Of course, this only ensures a bare minimum quality of treatment by the government. If either of us accomplishes things, then we can lay claims of superiority and it would be fair, I think. Big brains certainly help, but those who do not capitalize on their talents deserve nothing more than those with no talents at all.
In order for it to be an ethnostate Mexico would have to be an ethnostate. Mexico is racially diverse, so you're a fucking retard.
>missions are the same as cities
America is not a country anymore. It's just a generic region colloquially known as the United States. What remains of "old America" lives on, roughly speaking, in the midwest, parts of the south, new england, and northwest
Fucking shithole XDDDDD
It's funny, because that's exactly the territory Spain claimed back in the colonies days.
>w-we'll ask them nicely and they'll help us. God bless america, right friend!!

Lol. Sure. Civic nationalism is a fucking pipe dream. Different groups in close proximity will always lead to tension or conflict. The greater the differences, the higher the tension.
they also sent a few people
very few, but still
Easiest way tk stop immigrants is to not give them jobs
No job,no money,no food,no home
Get back to where you are
It has happened in a small town in india
It's natural selection just like what's happening in western Europe with the Muslims. Western whites have only themselves to blame.
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>implying Mormons will ever give up Utah
where is Alextime Makeev when you need him?
Also quite nice touch with the naming, as Aztlàn is the mythical northern original land of the Aztecs (that called themselves Mexica)
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>steal the land of Mexico
>complaining mexicans are getting it back

Look I hate Americans but something I hate more than imperialistic pigs like you are chicanos.

Deport them fucking hell why don't you protest instead of saying this in an anonymous forum
>based mexican

Kek reninder that every mexican that left to the states was either a Poorfag of an indigenous fag that lived in the jungle.

accepting based Mexicans that are on welfare is what is destroying you fags
Here in Texas we know there are some non-wetbacks down there simply because we see the tour buses going up I-35 all the time, and the occasional XX-XX-XXX license plates when the rare Mexican middle class comes up for shopping.

And I just noticed that the spell check was okay with "non-wetbacks", surprising that the Mozillatards would let such a non-PC word go into the spelling dictionary.
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How do people feel about basically becoming a minority specially niggers they were there first and were even more now Spics are more in the US

Now if stupid people like some of these retards think based Mexicans are assimilating go to California and see for yourself
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You might want to keep in mind that Texas used to be part of Mexico until they screwed us over, so we said fuck Mexico and got the hell out of there. I don't think Texas would tolerate this Aztlan shit. Cucknifornia on the other hand, is already invaded, but they're too busy up their own asses to notice.
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Just Google ethnicity by state California Arizona Nevada Colorado etc are at least 40% Hispanic
This, Integration must be slow. Mexicans will assimilate, Depends on the location, if they stay in ghetto too long, they assimilate to nigger culture, if they move to a white neighborhood, they assimilate with white American values, if they overflood a location (most common) they do not assimilate.
We're sorry.

- All decent human beings in America
The only population of hispanics of any number who were here before the mexican american war are found in NM and southern CO. They all took US citizenship, renounced Mexico and are assimalated. All the others screaming about "aztlan" are retards who came centuries later.
Mexican catholics good stuff
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