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>be uninsured American because Trumpcare >get sick >get

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>be uninsured American because Trumpcare
>get sick
>get charged exorbitant amounts from hospital because chargemasters
>can't afford to pay
>get sent to collections agency, who pays the hospital money so they can hound MY ass for money
>hospital gets to write off care as charity, gets tax break
>mfw Conservitards will still defend this
why is this allowed
>>get charged exorbitant amounts from hospital because chargemasters
Self-pay discounts are almost always available for the asking. They'd rather have your money than sell your account to that collections agency for pennies on the dollar.
get a job lol
>>>>can't afford to pay
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Gimme gimme gimme. Fuck you communist.
Then learn what the chargemaster is instead of making up stories that don't into reality like some Democrat.
>buy a product
>seller wants money for it
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>be insured american
>everything is cheap and paid for

although I'm starting to get worried about what will happen next year when I turn 25 and get kicked off my parents insurance since I have a chronic condition and the medications are not cheap

Cause capitalism god dammit!

Not to mention that saline solution is something like 400$ in a hospital when you can buy a bag online for 4$
yes you can pay out of pocket. Capitalism ensures you will pay what the market will bear.

Sorry that they charge 4000% over cost.

Since when was life a nursery?
Healthcare is a human right you absolute pieces of shit
You're supposed to have health insurance through your employer.

Not the government.
Fat fucks like you are the reason we get called amerilards. I've literally only every been to the hospital for sports related injuries.
No it isn't, no one wants to slave away in medical school to provide a "human right" for free. Next you'll be telling farmers food is a human right and they have to make it for free.
They arent working for free you literal autist.
Nope. It's a service you fucking nigger.
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>sorry I'm gonna lose it

You have the right to live and to be safe, not to be helped to live, you absolute retard. Your life is your responsibility. I would feel more mercy towards people like you if you weren't such parasites at heart. You can't even comprehend what a loser you are.
>Trumpcare doesn't pass
>Obamacare is still the law of the land
>you get sick
>you die because Obamacare was shit upon shit and has collapsed
>lugenpresse blames Trump, anyway
>doesn't matter to your rotting corpse
you deserve to die
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>be waste of space with $0 income
>can't pay
>be uninsured American because Trumpcare
ACA is still in effect you fucking drooling retard
You've never been admitted to a hospital or have had to treat a chronic illness as an adult have you?
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>triggered snowflake wonders why they keep losing elections
says who?

Then buy it the fuck online! Fuckin treat yourself online! AAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH

> if this was bait, you got me gooood
>be insured American because job
>everything is daijobou
feels bad being a wagecuck lol
>I'm a dead end in the human species
>I demand you continue to support my life with your neet bux and allow me to create more dead ends
Nah, we have 7.5 billion on this planet. We can afford to cull the bad genes
Why can't I get insurance after I crash my uninsured car?
Chances are you will be conned by the insurance man, cuz he will claim that your accident is not covered by some discrepancy in the t&c's.
most people don't know what the chargemaster is because of good political lobbying
>have inflexible good
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nobody poor has to pay medical bills in America
I'm sure you voted for Trump
Now enjoy what you voted for

That's what you get for falling for a meme
better start with the fat fucks or twiggy betas who tend to browse /pol/
>400 in hospital where they expect insurance to pay
>4 where you are expected to pay

Idiots who have no idea what is insurance is and what it is suppose to do ruined the market. No one pays attention to health costs because no one is actually paying for them. 3rd parties who don't care what the price is pays for it.
There are no such thing as human rights
>forcing people to buy something is a human right

Don't get sick.
>health insurance
>health care
The latter is not the former. In fact it is only by happy accident and sheer stubbornness that the former is of any aid to the latter.
I wish FDR had lived long enough to make the Second Bill of Rights a reality.
>There are no such thing as human rights
There are 3: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
> be insured
> get sick
> go to hospital
> have $13000 deductible
85% of full-time employers offer health insurance, should the other 15% of americans die?
How about those who work one or more part time jobs?
The thing is they are the same thing in america because the only way you are getting health care is through insurance
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>because Trumpcare
What does the government have to do with whether or not you buy health insurance from a company?

Over 100,000,000 people buy it without the government involved. Quit being a failure.
>that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
>The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.[1]
Livestream RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, faggot. Either suck the dick of your owner or kill yourself. Your choice.

>The thing is they are the same thing in america because the only way you are getting health care is through insurance
Most doctors accept cash gladly because it means they won't have to deal with insurance companies and spend more time arguing over every little thing than it's worth. Do you still live with your parents? Do you even into life?
Obama care spiked my premium 82% in the last 2 years, fewer doctors take my healthcare and I've watch more than a few of my friends get knocked out of their employee plans because it's now to expensive for the business to keep them on. Yeah Obamacare's been great.
You are a stupid fucking faggot that deserves to be beaten to death by a club.
I've worked with chargemasters; I sometimes literally pulled numbers out of thin air to put into them.

>I like the number 8 and if you ever get an itemized bill from a major NY hospital network where an unusual number of charges end in the number 8 that was me
Not true.
99% of all places have hardship payments, where they reduce the amount owed. Also, always ask for an itemized list of CPT codes and billings. That way, you can check off what you think is BS.

I know this game. You can send them a dollar a month, and as long as the account has movement on it, they can't send it to collections.
>because Trumpcare
there is no Trumpcare
Cool, it does not change the real world you live in.


Almost 2/3 of all US citizens are insured without the government being involved. Stop asking for someone to take care of you. Sort yourself out.
>people who don't want me to steal from them things that I'm too lazy to earn myself deserve violent death
Okay actual nigger
how about you not be a piece of shit and get a real job with real insurance
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>a service provided by privately owned institutions is a human right
Are you serious? Please tell me you're not.
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Nice try, ShareBlue.
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I agree, was too lazy to clarify. meh
>implying no one had health insurance before obamacare
Jesus Christ I had BETTER insurance before obamacare forced my employer to change plans
Is everyone on this site to young to remember life before 2010?
You make it sound like that shit isn't happening already.
Thats what the penalties against not having healthcare that the gop is trying to remove is meant to avoid
Because it's a not a fucking right
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>be 30
>browse 4chan
Before Obamacare I was able buy my own insurance and it was cheap. Now I'm paying more every year and I barely use it. Fuck Obamacare.
>live with universal healthcare, it sucks, but it's there
>go on holiday in the USA and take out private travel healthcare insurance
>Private travel healthcare cost less than one percent of my normal tax for the same period of time.
>Have a minor mishap on my holiday (sprained ankle)
>Use private healthcare, instant access Whaaat???
>normally I have to wait for days just for the consultation.
>Private insurance also takes care of the belly-button-hernia, which 'free-socialist-healthcare' promised they'd fix in 8 months time, 14 months ago.
>be genelet
>everybody is secretly happy that you are no longer a burden on normal people
Yes because that 15% is guaranteed to get a life threatening illness and die.
You're convincing no one
55 here, what's your point?

Setup a payment plan with the hospital. $5/month. Problem solved.
Aetna, United and other major insurers are pulling out of Obamacare because it costs them too much. It is going to implode. This is what happens when Congress passes an intentionally obfuscated 2700 page clusterfuck that has who knows how many tens of thousands of pages of regulations generated because of it, "so we can see what's in it." You get a bureaucratic clusterfuck that costs enormous amounts of money to try, and fail, at following, because you have to hire an army of lawyers and bureaucrats just to stay compliant.
48 here, kid.
Fucker, I STILL don't have insurance and I will NOT buy insurance going into the future.
Anyone who thinks everyone should have health insurance clearly have no fucking clue what it actually is.
get out of here, dad, you should have your shit together by now
Possibly unless they are elderly or mentally/ physically disabled to work.
Even then, I question.
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>Healthcare is a human right you absolute pieces of shit
I do have my shit together, and I'm here to teach you children how life works.
Waaaaaa why do I have to pay for things waaaa
Who's doing the unreal jobs once we get rid of all the mexicans? Do you really think people are going to accept your muh exceptionalism rather than break your goddamn neck?

>no one wants to slave away in medical school to provide a "human right" for free.
>slave away
Residency hours only exist as a shake-out tool to restrict the supply of doctors. I agree they should be far less than they are.
>medical school
Should be free.
>to provide a "human right" for free
Free at the point of use, you obtuse cuck. Doctors still get paid in the UK NHS. Doctors still get paid in single-payer countries, in fact, they get paid more promptly and more easily than in insurance countries.
Your bants are detached from reality and you're only shilling for big black bulls. Give up now while you still have any dignity left.

It doesn't have to be that way. Take it up with your government and be willing to pay the proper costs for it.

>Anyone who thinks everyone should have health insurance clearly have no fucking clue what it actually is.
This anon gets it.

>get out of here, dad, you should have your shit together by now
You'll never get your own shit together without us old farts here jamming the sharpies of reality up your pooper.

>Waaaaaa why do I have to pay for things waaaa
Exactly. It's a lame Protestant meme whose supporters should have been gassed ages ago.
You are not entitled to a doctor's labor, you commie faggot.
>be too stupid to realize, we didn't have these problems before the ACA
>Still votes

Be me
no insurance
get sick
treat self
get better
Not to a Ruskie cumguzzler like yourself, no.
Oh fuck, I didn't realize we could just elect to not get sick! Fuck, why are there doctors?

>he thinks he has to pay medical bills
What a retard. Also your story is fake.
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Everyone's liberal until they start making money.

Everyone's against universal healthcare until their parents have to sell their shitty house so their mom can get her cancerous tits chopped off.
because America is insane and Americans are retards
Obamacare only started in like 2014.

Do you really have that poor of a memory!?
More people became uninsured because of Obamacare, and still more just getting to the point of needing their own insurance found it cost prohibitive to buy because of Obamacare.
Nice! Too bad you didn't die though. Wait, is there still a chance you could die?! I'd really like it if you died. Please, please, please, PLEASE die.

t. Guy with comfy as fuck insurance package because he's not a lazy, feckless, entitled, NEET loser.
if its a human right then you are forcing people to care for the sick because someone has to do it thus you are advocating for slavery idiot
>t. Guy with comfy as fuck insurance package because he's not a lazy, feckless, entitled, NEET loser.
Only the NEET part doesn't apply to you. That doesn't make you a person that society wouldn't consider better off dead.
How the fuck is that an argument. No one is guaranteed to get sick or not get sick, thats what health insurance is for. Some of those 15% will get a life threatening illness and die
>wanting privately employed americans to die
Quality post
>sharpie in the pooper
Don't remind me how long I've been on this site
No. None of them apply to me. That's why I listed them.
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>Quality post
Thanks senpai. Have some OC
Your status as a lazy, feckless, entitled loser is a matter of opinion, and your self-identification to the contrary is every bit as valid as a tranny's.
Neck yourself, crook.
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>be american
>some areas dont have access to clean water
>get sick from dirty water
>have to pay 20 grand in medical bills
>now in debt
>still dont have clean water

Explain this, Americans
>retarded nigger lefty fag thinking insurance would be better with hilldawg
>thinking Obamacare is in any way good except if your a welfare state slave
Kek I can assure you the way Obamacare was heading, any middle class person would be fucking extorted hardcore in the next couple years. This ""trumpcAre"" won't pass, and hopefully he repeals this shit for good.
>t. Ex Obamacare employee
If the doctors weren't giving us chronic illnesses through vaccines and antibiotics most diseases would be cured by now.
No. None of them apply to me. That's why I listed them.
To think all of this could be avoided by drinking bottled water
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