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Anyone who shills for female alt lite youtubers is a kike. The

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Thread replies: 317
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Anyone who shills for female alt lite youtubers is a kike. The jews knows that beta orbiter fags will listen to every word that comes out of a moderately attractive woman's mouth. These women do nothing but undermine our movement and spew watered down version of out platform. Too many good men get suckered in by a pretty face.

Yes even your precious waifu who doesn't even know that you exist is paid by the jews to destroy the only movement trying to save our people.
they, you, know lauren southern actually has a chance and power, thats why there is attempted smear campaign against her
Calling sympathetic youtubers e-celebs is a confirmed shilling tactic and this is just a light version of that with added appeal to the woman hating autists on this site. Get the fuck out.
>ywn be cuddled by lauren southern
>ywn be patted on the head by lauren southern
>ywn hear lauren southern call you a good boy
>unironically says not to shill
>while shilling Lauren

Dank meme 5/10
Fuck of (((Soros))). Your divide and conquer shit will not work here. Anyone who is not against the white race is an ally, that includes Lauren.
Also don't hie your flag shill.
No. She's a stupid whore with an IQ equivalent to a turnip.

/pol/ only larps for her because


She's literally a talentless idiot who only gets viewer because of her camel toe short shorts and yoga pants.
finn autist in
She has a lot of female viewers, not just male. Check her FB followers. She can be a good influence on westren woman.
I have only seen a few videos, maybe 2, semi recent, where she is well spoken and knowledgeable:
^read again
>More obvious anti-Lauren shilling

The only thing that has made me interested in her at all is the obvious paid content being spammed here to smear her.
You fool no one
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Inb4 pekka the whiteknight
>Tues: Spencer
>Wed: Southern

What is on the docket for tomorrow?
Oh, it's you again. Still hiding your flag.
You are dishonest, you have no creativity. Don't (((they))) pay you enough to come up with something original?
I'm calling your bluff. Use it's just white knighting now.

I've seen her material too. It's shallow as a mud puddle the information she provides is nothing extraordinary. In fact it's information an average high schooler would/should know.

Then her so called "events" are just her walking around wearing a retard's helmet with an iPhone babbling off shit we can clearly see with our own eyes. And of course she has to wear her fuck me shorts and boots or her skin tight yoga pants.

Seriously, admiring or looking to a 20 year slut for inspiration is pretty fucking sorry. If she didn't have that ass and rack you guys wouldn't bother with her at all. Admit it.
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You are the one shilling for her right now.
All of these "bad" youtubers i know, quite literally, because someone made a "anti x bad youtuber" thread.
There is no such thing as bad publicity, as they say.
This, the last thing this country needs is more immodest whores.
>In fact it's information an average high schooler would/should know.
Exacly, they should know. But in reality most people don't even care by politics.
This is why it is useful to have some popular people telling them, they might listen to an attractive woman.
Don't care if she's a Jew, I'd cream in her.
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>alt lite
Lauren fought in the Battle of Berkely. She is a true right-wing waifu. Have you ever fought for your political beliefs?
She's not. I still have yet to see any compelling evidence beyond SHE'S CONTROLLED OPPOSITION SO THAT MAKE HER ONE OF DIE JUDEN
Décolleté always in view and you expect me, to take her/him serious?
I think what she did in the Mediterranean see is much more important, but I agree with you. Most people here are just criticizeing anyone who is doing the real wok.
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oh wow this thread again
If people would stop making threads about her every hour, she would eventually fade back into obscurity
She is a controlled op crypto-jewess honeypot.

"the Jewess is a Tribal bioweapon…there will always be a seductive jewess" – Georges Valois
>fight amongst yourselves!

No, that's what liberals do.
Why did the jews push for female empowerment? They know that women ruin everything they get involved in.

The white ethno state will not come by way of democracy so we don't need these rent seeking thots on our side
Is still fuck her and cream in her puffy pussy.
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why are you defending that Jewess?
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You want a white ethno state without woman?
Wouldn't that be a little gay? You know that for whites to reproduce we need woman.
she looks 42
Jidf on time as usual
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Because she is not a jew.
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>Yes goyim, Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux, Lauren Southern, they're all shills. Any rightist with any traction on YouTube, they're all controlled opposition. Anyone who comes short of openly advocating exterminating the Jews and sending all the blacks back to Africa is a shill. Keep sitting in your basements, masturbating to porn, obsessing over race-mixing and BBC, and smoking weed all day, and our movement is really going to go places!
fake and gay
You are fake with you hidden flag (((Soros))).
I want a white ethno state where women know their place. If women have rights in the white ehtnostate then it is doomed from the start
not an argument.
Remove "alt lite"
Anyone who shills for females on the internet is a kike
What is that program called?
Still you can't force them to breed. You need them to want it, or we will just end up with some white version of the Islamic State with sex slaves.
We need what Lauren is doing by telling young girls, that having a family will make them happy so they will want it.
Microsoft Paint
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She's not Jewish though. Why are you lying?

Like your non argument?: >>131676818
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Don't forget to put asage into the option field

Poltards who aren't aware that there is organized shilling going on with anti right wing thread creaed every single minute are literal retards beyond any help

Brock didn't get 45 mill to fight "Nazis" online for nothing

There is a difference between the women who are rent seeking opportunists and those who are genuine silent followers. The younger women on youtube are almost exclusively rent seeking opportunists who are not in this for the long haul. I actually have no problem with women on the right who are over 30 or already have a family.
fake and gay
Not an argument.
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you butt-enflamed, slavshitter?
So a woman who decides to speak up can't be honest?
You still can't realize, that calling me slav will not offend me?
oh, but it does.
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Do you think her panties have a bit of a fishy smell to them /pol/?
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>claims to fight shills
>is a shill
Don't fall for (((his))) lies
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When will you retards learn that you have no persuasion power against any remotely attractive woman?
Women should not be involved in politics. Letting women vote is the most disastrous decision in the history of the world
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her real name is (((Simonsen)))
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>Laura Southern
>wearing panties
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And Simonsen is a perfectly normal Danish name. What is your point?
Thanks, Britbro! I'll look into it.
If it was jorgensen maybe but surnames with jewy names in them have the potential to echo
The more anti Lauren propaganda the more I like her. I paid no attention to her. Then I began seeing 4-5 threads a day attacking her. There are paid shills working against her from the left, alt lite types that don't like that she left rebel media, full on mgtow types, and the last group which I respect the most are the people who don't want women in any political movement. Unfortunately they don't understand that we have to involve them.
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That's a lie, she's actually a Shekelstein.
Yes it was, but letting right-wing woman talk publicly has many positive effects in the current political climate.
You have to start the change step by step, and like it or not we still live in a democracy, where woman have votes. Female speakers like Lauren can influence woman, she has a lot of female followers on FB, Youtube.
You have been brain washed by the jews into thinking the opinions of women matter
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Do you think anyone believes this weak shit? You are retarded.
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Yes but the white ethno state will never come by way of democracy
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>all these bluepill 3DPD sympathizers
The problem here is that you all support the 3DPD shills doing this for a paycheck. Atone for your sins and embrace 2D as it should be!
In the current political climate, they DO matter. That's a fact. We get more women on our side through various female e celebs and they vote more conservative. Then we can push it even further.
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You are not fooling anyone you retarded cunt. Get a real job.
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Why not? Do we have an other option(you know something realistic)?
How am I being a jew? By actively trying to use our own brand of propaganda on young women? Hiter loved propaganda and had a female propagandist.
I just think at this point in the game i am very wary of this huge influx of female alt lite youtubers popping up. They are responding to a market demand and not a genuine desire to save the white race. They are not in this for the long haul.
umad, whiteknight?
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Her and her Jewish Grandpa
Reality check: you aren't going to get anywhere by attempting to shove the entire red pill down the throats of normies all at once. This ideological purity bullshit is why leftists keep winning. You might not like useful idiots like the alt lite, but we need them.
Do you seriously believe that the jews will let us have that choice? There needs to be a race war before the white ethno state comes
Listen simonsen is a fucking common last name, I just looked it up on the danish statistics site and theres 13K of them. For reference in number 20 of most common last name we're talking figures of 30K.

Bonus info, we deported almost all our jews to Sweden back in world war two and there's currently around 2K ((())) in Denmark (religious jews I can't provide a number for ethnic jews)

So unless we're talking all of the jewry being named Simonsen I think that it is highly unlikely that it is jew only name.
You only had to photoshop her a big nose, because she doesn't look jewish.
I will agree with you that many are probably doing it for money, as well as all of the men. But actors do it for money and they are able to make the youth more liberal.
Exept he is not jewish, but nice try.
But the left is all lies. I want the truth in our movement. That's one reason why people want to join
That should tell you something about the amount of shills at work here. They are relying on lies.
the nose knows
And who will fight in this war. You have to turn people to our side first, and this is where popular youtubers are useful.
If someone wants to check for themselves use this link

Just type the last name in the box called 'Efternavn'

This is for all the names and has a top 20 of last names as well.
fuck off with your moon runes
Trust me when violence becomes more common it will be the women trying to diffuse things. Women hate violence
Based on what you say you are not a shill. But look at the rest of this thread? Can't you see that we have lefty shills in here against Lauren? They are scared of her influence. I don't know if she's sincere or not but it is enough to warrant coordinated attacks on her everyday.
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Here you go if that helps you.
You forget that most men in the west are literal cucks. Do you think they can win a race war.
Look what happend during the London Bridge attack. A romanian baker had to fight off a terrorist, while most british man did nothing.
If we don't have the police and army (the government) on our side, we will loose in street violance.
nice anti-shill shill, faggot
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Every day I visit this board, there is this thread
just waiting for the finn and the norwegian to discuss the eternal topic.
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Is edvard even a croatian name?
I guess the reason why all these female youtubers bother me is because they are doing it for the money. It creates a terrible incentive to join our movement. If white nationalism just becomes a business where people see they can make a quick buck then it will be stripped of all morality, purpose and passion. I want people who are in this because they believe that our cause is good for our people. A movement motivated by personal greed is destined to fail. It might make money but it will never achieve it's noble initial goals.
>Claims to be fighting shills
>Is actually fighting shills

Also I'm honored you put work into creating a compilation of my replies to shill threads
Shillbois took notice of my efforts it seems

But you learned the language of pol and are successful in what you're doing , I give you that shariablue.

CTR were stupid and obvious but you guys are the real shit

Good work
I want to add that I have become so enraged at various times about what is going on that I've wanted to make a youtube video or something to teach others about the truth. Yes I'm female. But I won't because of this. I've thought about it a lot because I'm germanic and would never be mistaken for jewish and maybe I could help. On the other hand I don't feel like being shilled against.
>"Most British men did nothing"
You do know there's basically no British men in London?
>I guess the reason why all these female youtubers bother me is because they are doing it for the money.
It is not true about Lauren. She spends the money on travel and equipment. She is transparent about how she spends her Patreon money to her patrons.
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Lol shut the fuck kyke shill. Fuck that coal burning cunt
She isn't as popular as she once was though due to differing opinions with those she used to associate with. This is why she's a low IQ useless idiot because she sperg'd out and tried to fight against those who were supportive of her but gave valid criticism on her.
I believe there can be exceptions. When making this thread i just picked the most visible female alt lite youtuber
Not everyone here. She's a fuckin tard
Do we know how tall lauren is? She seems tall
>it's bad for your movement to have attractive women spreading your ideas

sure thing antifa
If you mean original croatian name then no.Croatian names for male would be: Ante (Frane,Stipe,Jure most commonly used in the south Croatia),Hrvoje,Davor,Borna,Mislav,Krešimir,Domagoj
>she sperg'd out and tried to fight against those who were supportive of her but gave valid criticism on her.
What sperg out are you talking abot? Also she hasn't lost any popularity. Look at her youtube subscriber number, it is constantly going up.
This is America, faggot...watered down is how we like our beer and our political commentary. Do you expect neckbeards to comprehend the full redpill on its own? They need it spoonfed from a blonde chick, or there will be no comprehension.
>Be polsperg
>Sperg out about Lauren 24/7
>In all seriousness say Lauren "spergs out"

It's like you people have the self awareness of a trout

Why you haven't necked yourself already is a mystery to be

>There a people THIS retarded existing
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Go ahead. Keep talking negatively about her. Im sure that will stop people from watching her videos. It worked so with Milo, Info Wars or some other alt-right group and especially Trump.
I can't wait to kill beta orbiters on the day of the rope.
I know that's why I am curious, wanted to know if the trend of giving your kids foreign names also spread to the south.
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a Jew hiding the fact she's a Jew so she can pretend to be white
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What is wrong whit you , you dumb fucking niggers ?? This type of thread gets posted 5 times a day EVERY day, and it's always the same shit
>she's a jew
>not a jew, based waifu

Cease your faggotry and sage these useless threads
OP won

Too many retards take the bait and bump this shit. Adding another comment now won't make a difference.
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She doesn't look jewish, she tells she is not a jew. Innocent until proven guilty, so she is not a jew.
Good work anon

Lauren Southern isn't destroying anything. She is absolutely on our side or at least continuing in that direction. At this point she sounds exactly like any other extroverted girl who is steadily learning more and more about what we stand for and ultimately agrees with us.

Also, maybe you really are convinced that she is a shill and you're not just a kike agent, but this is really fucking obnoxious and subversive anyway. You essentially just suppose she must be a shill because she's not always perfectly on message and people listen to what she says, but that's not evidence of wrongdoing. If we were to listen to this post and every other post that denounces literally every other person that gains popularity and visibility in the movement we would be in utter disarray. If we were to cut off every head that speaks loud enough to be heard over the prevailing social narrative, we would be effectively silenced, isolated, and quarantined.

Fucking disagree with these people's statements all you want, in fact it's very necessary so we DON'T get subverted or neutered as you fear. But our ideological fellows and allies should be argued with when they are wrong or questioned when they behave in a destructive way, not assassinated.
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>She doesn't look jewish

Does Scarlett Johansson look jewish to you? Yet she's a kike.
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>Does Scarlett Johansson look jewish to you?

>"I am not a white nationalist." -Lauren Southern

Nice try, Shlomo. And remember, traitors die first.
What I'm saying is there is literally noo proof about her beeing a jew. Why should we assume that, when everything she does everything is against the plan of the jews.
The jews haves successfully undermined so many other good political movement that i think people are justified to be weary of women. Women are very often used as infiltrators and saboteurs.
I knew it
Get fucked, you faggot kike.
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Oh great. another divide and conquer thread. First Tara, and Now Lauren too. Like clockwork.
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If you read Lauren's back story or pull up her pre-The Rebel work you would clue in that the entire Libertard / Rebel stint was just a career job. As a person Lauren is no different then any cam girl -> CNBC personality. She's just taking a detour on her path to "Fox News Anchor-at-large". Her most recent stunt, working with a Youth Nat Soc party is a good example of this. The party is a youth wing, sponsored by a globalist parent party that supports Macron in France. And yet, Southern makes this out to be the flashpoint of a new Christian Neo-Con youth movement. She literally works as a useful idiot.

You either see it or you don't. And if you can't see it then it can only be attributed to wilful ignorance on your part Anon.

Want to know how many of those followers are "real" ? Do a few reverse google lookups.

>> She pays for follows on Facebook
Don't forget Gwyneth Paltrow, also a jewess.
When you guys say divide and conquer, it implies that we are all on the same team. I'm beginning to think that isn't true, and never was in the first place. If you want to follow alt-lite women around, you were never on my team, and were always my enemy. There is nothing to divide.
That is the vibe i get from lauren southern. Women are just not willing to get themselves kicked out of polite society like men are.
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Jews invented Communism.
They are behind radical feminism.
They are behind homosexualism and gay marriage.
They are behind multiculturalism.
They are behind anti-Christianity.
They are behind a one world government.
They are the ‘divider and conqueror’.
They are the race baiter and the slave trader.
They are censorship of free speech and the truth.
They are anti-gun.
They are open borders.
They are dual citizens with loyalty not to your nation.
They are the reason your daughter has low self esteem and dresses like a whore.
They are the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, central banking, and big corporate money.
They are usury, fractional reserve lending, world currency, and fiat money.
They are the mainstream media, Hollywood, tabloid journalism, and pornography.
They are the corrupt judicial system that frees the guilty and imprisons the innocent.
They are the nation’s high end drug dealer.
They are the re-writer of history to their advantage.
They are the military industrial complex.
They are an unregulated nuclear state.
They are an international terrorist.
They are the WTC 1993, OKC 1995, 9/11, the Lavon Affair, and the USS Liberty incident.
They are ‘war by way of deception’.
They are the aggressor, yet always the victim.
They believe that chaos equals cash and that gray equals green.
They will defraud your country without conscience or consequence.
They legislate from the bench, not from the Constitution.
They contrive to make the simplest notion complicated.
They succeed when you fail.
They are your last, your current, and your next war.
mein neger
Fucking leafs stop posting threads about this bitch 24/7. Nobody really gives a fuck about her.
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You are the kike.

She gives normies entrance level redpills and they start to go down the rabbithole until the point where they can see "the greatest story never told" and understand it.

Anyone who is fighting her from the right is retarded, as long as the mass isnt in her political stance but more left.
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>not wanting redpilled, aryan white women like pic related to redpill other white women
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Jane Levi too.

>They're everywhere.
>Her most recent stunt, working with a Youth Nat Soc party is a good example of this. The party is a youth wing, sponsored by a globalist parent party that supports Macron in France. And yet, Southern makes this out to be the flashpoint of a new Christian Neo-Con youth movement. She literally works as a useful idiot.

Post proof of literally any of this, leftypol.

She and Scarlett have had surgery to make themselves more goy looking.
>generation identity is supported by macron sycophants

You got a source for this, shlomo?
Looked up a few, all were real, but think what you want.
Are you George Bush? Not your friend =/= enemy.
And Lauren is not alt-lite. She is somewhere inbetween.
>were always my enemy
You dumbass, they are the gateway drug to what /pol/ is espousing. You are acively sabotaging yourselves by doing this.
>Listen simonsen is a fucking common last name, I just looked it up on the danish statistics site and theres 13K of them

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I know, they're fucking obsessed with Jews.
She's not a gateway anything you retard. She's just a money grubbing attention whore that takes every opportunity to remind everyone she is not a white nationalist, and she will never name the Jew. Meanwhile, as you keep propping her and her alt-lite friends up, she acts as a gatekeeper and help defines the boundaries of permissible thought on the right. That's unacceptable.

Name the Jew or fuck off.
If you are a poltical commenter and have not said things to get yourself kicked out of polite society then you are alt lite. That is my litmus test
It's not that they're obsessed with Jews, it's that it's leftypol manipulation.
Anyone who makes general statements about a group of people is a kike
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nice try.
>Name the Jew or fuck off.
Ok, then do what you preach. Name the jew, but not from behind some internet anonymity. Do it with your real name and face. Lets see how well will it go for you.


She has LITERALLY stopped African migrant boats in the Mediterranean; that is more than anyone on this site has ever done.
She's /ourgal/.
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I'd love to know how socially retarded you are in real life.

The fact that she said that doesn't fucking mean she never will be or even that she secretly isn't. That's something so fucking many of us have to say as a defense/disclaimer before we were FULLY redpilled, or even after we are. It's something a lot of us find necessary to qualify our statements with around normies, whether it's true or not, just so we have even a chance to continue speaking. It allows redpills to penetrate the normies primary thoughtcrime shield.

Some people don't give a fuck and will own up to it in public, but most don't.
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she is not.
>name the Jew
And then you wonder why you are a permanent fringe group, and the lefties are pretty much running the world.
She has redpilled many people, you on the other hand: none. All you achieve with the "NAME THE JEW!" idiocy is push everyone into the other camp. You are the mirror image of the SJW's.
Look at that nose, the steel wool kinky hair. Come on dude.
Agreed. Ignore e-celeb threads, they're pure cancer.
She is maintaining the status quo on whats acceptable to say. If you like things exactly as they are then keep supporting lauren and all the other opportunistic thots.
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She's soo cute though, I want to put Lauren with my play set.
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that's pretty tall for united manlet states
This is how much of a retard you really are. You basically acknowledge that naming the Jew IRL is a social death sentence, and rather than make you angry and want to name them all the more so they can be defeated, you submit to the very intimidation they want you to submit to and make excuses for a bottle blonde bimbo who does the same because you want to fuck her (you never will).

Cowardice. What makes you think any movement needs cowards?
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No, she is slowly pushing the boundaries.
>ignore all HARD evidence and jump on a picture saying c'mon dood

such a standard nose too

god youre a fucking twit. i hope you get hit by a truck
>maintaining the status quo
Have you forgotten what happened to Evalion when she DIDN'T do this?
You have to attract normies, not push them away.
Fucking hivemind. You really are the new SJW's, and I'm not being ironic here.
If they're so timid that requiring them to identify the enemy forces them to join the enemy, then they were always the enemy anyway and the only thing that was achieved was the prevention of infiltration, you stupid faggot.
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>Anyone who is a divide & conquer faggot like OP is a kike.

I can't stand most alt-lite YTers either but nobody randomly wakes up in the morning full 14/88. It's a gradual process and they're providing a valuable service.
she did a test and posted the result on youtube do one google search you stupid faggot
Interesting she uses the phony last name even on her official documents
See, the thing is, I don't agree that you are redpilled.
She looks Southern
If we can't join together, we will fall apart.
Dont watch her vids or give a shit about her but heard she was actually out at sea with Generation Identitere preventing Italian lifeguards from rescuing rapefugees. Shes not a shill.
>because you want to fuck her (you never will).
I'm Hungarian, I live in Hungary and I have no plans to move to Canada. If it was about fucking someone I would simply choose a Hungarian girl.
>Cowardice. What makes you think any movement needs cowards?
Then why would any movement need you? You still havent named the jews publicly. What you say I'm doing is exacly what you are doing.
>enemy forces
>join the enemy
>always the enemy
You sound just like a nigger bitching about how the evil white man is keeping them down.
The kikes are not innocent, but the current predicament is mostly the whites fault, jews are merely exploiting it.
How do you know I've never named the Jew publicly? Because I don't get on Youtube to whore for attention? You're ridiculous.

The day of the rope is coming. What excuses will you give then?
So you're not redpilled, and yet you run around pretending you are. This is precisely why alt-lite scumbags like Lauren Southern are to be shunned, not welcomed. They create people like you.
>How do you know I've never named the Jew publicly?
You hide your flag even here, where there is complete anonymity.
This is my flag. Problem?
The cuckservatives tried to attract normies and look what happened to them. The lolbertarians tried to attract normies and look what happened to them. We need to try something new.
I can do the same. This does not mean I'm from the Confederate states. Just show your real flag.
Did you really have any doubts I was American?
You sound upset. It's not my fault you haven't been redpilled on the JQ. That's nobody's fault but your own.

Here, stop trying to subvert this board and go read this instead:

I feel bad for these beta orbiters. They are being used and they don't even realize this. There is no such thing as redpilled woman. Women shouldn't even have political opinions in first place.
Yes, I did. Thanks for beeing honest.
>White ethnostate won't come with democracy
Are you German?
>One day armies of white men will rise up and kill all the shitskins once and for all! It'll be just like my nazi fantasies!
>We don't need women or someone slowly redpilling them! Once our magical Lord Of The Rings battle happens, they'll just automatically go back to the kitchen!

Divide and conquer shill or bitter mgtow faggot
Within the current political paradigm our thoughts are very extreme. How can we ever hope to achieve our goals if all we do is try to appeal to normies? We don't have enough time to play this long drawn out game of slowly red pilling people.
I have read that shit. And Mein Kampf too, in two different lanugages. I used to be like you when I was younger. There is no ultimate good or evil. You will either come to your senses, or abandon this mindset completely over time.
Think in 3rd person of your actions. You are sabotaging yourself, and the whole group in general.
Ignore what hard evidence? A cobbled together screen shot? Let's grant that that screen shot is real, which there is no reason to believe it is, sephardic jewish mitochondrial dna IS iberian. There is no separate marker for sephardic jews.

"The Sephardic Jewish intermarried enough with the locals in the areas where they lived that they did not develop unique markers. So their DNA will simply show up as the countries they settled in.

The Ashkenazi Jewish followed a different path. They basically remained a cohesive group throughout their migrations and did not intermarry much, if at all, with the locals but intermarried within the Jewish community. This allowed any unique markers that did develop to remain confined to their group."

Portuguese crypto-Jews: the genetic heritage of a complex history
Dude, you're trying too hard.

I understand that and you're absolutely right. I'm not at all advocating for blind trust, but rooting out such people must be done with care, especially before one actually publically denounces them.

She's following a path that, when subject to such intense scrutiny, is not perfect nor is it the most efficient, but that ultimately leads to us. Hopefully.
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I can't believe after well over a fuckign year, after all those endless debates, that hard evidence SO HARD that even a court would accept it as valid, there's still IN EVERY LAUREN THREAD some weird unlikable weirdos who still firmly believe she's jewish.

You fucking shitters are literally the biggest cancer to white nationalist that exists. Even fucking George Soros, the SPLC, facebook etc pales in comparison of what damage you do as a group to the brand. Youre the biggest most unlikable bunch of mentally ill misfits I know. No wonder why almost all identitarian movement in europe repudiate you like a pest because it's what you are : a fucking gangrene on white nationalism. Hell if you didnt exist I bet Lauren would be on board (pic related) and probably other big figures but you literally ruin and corrupt everything you touch.
If I was an identitarian leader and got some power or if I had any influence on the leader, I would chase you fucks down as fucking hard as I would chase an illegal immigrant. You're literally objectively the worst thing we have to deal with after mass immigration.

I'm not paranoid in nature but you are so effective at ruining us I can only think you're shilsl. I can't even think of a better idea, or a more effective clique to ruin us than just having you vermins around us.

C'mon i challenge you : imagine a group, a concept, anything that could be created that would do more harm than those sad losers who call everything jews. pro tip : you can't

i mean look at this mess of a human. eat a bullet retard
I'm not sabotaging anything by identifying the enemy of my race. If that threatens you so much, then I wonder why. And I never said anything about "good" or "evil". The Jews have been the enemy of the white race for thousands of years, and have worked tirelessly to undermine it for just as long. It's well documented. It has nothing to do with "good" or "evil" and everything to do with survival. Either you want to survive or you don't. Don't get mad at me because I want my race to survive.
>You fucking shitters are literally the biggest cancer to white nationalist that exists. Even fucking George Soros, the SPLC, facebook etc pales in comparison of what damage you do as a group to the brand.
This. Very much this.
fucking hell lauren do you have nothing better to do?
Stay mad you gross tranny, Blaire BTFO you again I'm sure. Forced sterilization of children who can't consent to it is wrong. Deal with it.
>some weird unlikable weirdos who still firmly believe she's jewish.
It's equally hard for me to believe that some people think she isn't a jewess. Especially with this new pic of her swarthy jewish grandpa.
Your lack of subtlety is the reason why "the enemy" is running the world. I see it's pointless to argue with you.
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>We'll defeat our enemy by refusing to identify them and cowering before their power

The simple truth is you're just weak. And no movement has ever succeeded because of its weakest members.
Fuck you lauren you jewish puppet. Can't wait to see you in five years when the jewess premature aging genes kick in.
oh and just so we're clear : im a white nationalist, i think about our struggle every fucking day sometimes to the point of losing sleep. But i would rather lose my country than having you fucking weird pseudo-nazi freaks touch anything that resemble power.

Youre the reason why i dont all myself alt-right too by the way. the idea of being grouped with you make me want to vomit. If I was an atheist and didnt believe in Jesus and God, I'd would rather convert to judaism than being with associated with you.
call myself*
Yes, weak, just like Lauren. But somehow she is gaining lots of traction while the likes of you are ridiculed. Useful idiot.
>e-celeb hate thread
>no Finnish shill defending them
Hallelujah. Fuck that faggot.
She has support because, like all successful youtube attention whores, she has built up a beta orbit that will engage in every manner of apologetics for her.
Ill have you know im 6ft
doing fine before all these youtube social media cucks showed up

You're both 100% correct.

Anybody who shills this much is an obvious kike puppet.
fuck off leftyfag, we're not going to kill ourselves infighting like you fags are.
You don't know shit about the female nature. Kys.
>beta orbiters
A good chunk of her fanbase are young females.
Also remember to check the closet and under the bed for MOSSAD when you go to bed. I'm out.

In other words she's a Jew and everybody knows all Jews are liars, don't they
OP has won. Good job shilling.

OP and all the other /ourguy/ /ourgirl/ shills must die.
>A good chunk of her fanbase are young females.

Yeah. Sure. I'm sure that's not just the excuse you beta orbiters use to justify your obvious lusting after this strokeface bimbo.
thank fuck for that.
Just remember, the Jews are out to get you. And also remember that Jews are the same as international Jewry, just like all whites are LGBTP supporting lefties and Antifa.
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why doesn't isis kill jews guys because we are fucking isis.
>A Lauren Southern orbiter upset because the Jew was named in his presence

Who could have predicted this??
I don't even like her. I just dislike you more.
i just want to try to have butt babies with her, try over and over and over, load after load in her tight ass...
I thought you were going to go. Don't you have a woman to follow around and take political lessons from?
Yes, unlike you, I do have a woman in my life (she's apolitcial though), but please keep ranting about the jews in your basement, I'm sure you will save the white race by doing that some day.
>Don't you have a woman to follow around and take political lessons from?
Do you think, it is impossible, that a woman can have more information than you about a certain topic. Or that a woman can be more intelligent than you?
Seriously people have to stop this woman hating attitude. Without white woman the white race will die out.
who is kiara?
None of these attention whore e-celebs fit that description, least of all strokeface.

Oh yeah? What does she think about the fact that you white knight for whores on the internet?
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I agree with you, but you'll never get anyone to listen to you here. Cuckchan is beyond hopeless. This place is the literal taint of the internet now that Nupol is here.
>its a discord raid group shilling against e-celebs episode
the kazar milkers know
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The male ones are the best...
This i dont even like her I think she's vapid.

But I just hate those JOO retard so fucking much that i just cant help myself and defend her. I understand that finn dude so fucking well even if im not autistic enough to do what he does.
You fucking idiots, this thread is meant to distract you all from all the Project Veritas threads, along with others, and it appears to be working perfectly.

dont worry my dude ive seen the spicy clips and shared them on social media.
I was kind of mean. i dont think shes vapid. im just politicized a lot so most of her videos are ''useless'' to me.
nazis are just too retarded and paranoid so they will never unite
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Anyone who campaigns every day against who they don't want you watching on your own free time is JIDF and needs to be removed from pol. Shut the fuck up dude, I'll watch whoever the fuck I want to watch.
inb4 finn autist
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She should absolutely be ignored until she shows her tits to /pol/
She's a god damn piece of fluff no matter jew or not. But her grandpa suspiciously looks like henry kissinger.
Showing tits on the internet is degenerate. I she would ever do that I would stop supporting her. Why do you think it would be a good thing. She can be a good role model to young girls is she doesn't do that kind of stuff.
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reminder: she is a college drop-out living off beta shekels
you can if you're a nigger
Reminder, that she uses her Patreon money on travel and equipment and she is transparent about the money to her patreons.
filthy lying kike!
>she uses her Patreon money on travel and equipment

and plastic surgery
same leaf faggot hiding behind a custom flag making the same thread every day

hope you'll soon be put back on trees where you belong
Bitcoin girl that got maced for no reason. She is an old school Ron Paul autist rather than alt-right type.
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I'm not a kike, and I know what I'm talking about.
She had no plastic surgery since she has a patreon account, her appearance hasn't changed at all.
I dont even call them nazis theyre not even worth that title. I disagree with them on a lot of things but at least they had a coherent ideology, principles and aspirations. They do not have anything like that.
They're simply broken mentally ill individuals who sperg on the internet. if you ever had the opportunity of having a conversation with one of them, you know they're usually extremely dumb. Not all of them of course but the majority. And trust me, if you say anything they dont like, you will get called a jew very quickly

i dont even know why youre telling me that. Is that supposed to be some kind of argument ? Do you think a picture of her grandad who look like whoever you feel like he look like means something ? Is that how youve been taught to analyse a situation ?

I can't believe this stupid shit all stem from a single tweet of her saying her DANISH grand-parent fled during world war 2. and because of a weird phrasing that could maybe mean her GP are jewish, she's now forever a jew no matter what. Who cares about DNA, her no looking jewish at all, the fact that there's so very jews in canada, the fact that she said half a dozen times she's not jewish. None of this matter because of that single tweet.

You guys are really the epitome of stupidity. Even the most extreme figures of the alt-right dont think lauren is jewish. Just the sewer rats of the movement.

I would be laurens foot slave
She is young, and going through her radical phase. She will be a centrist when all is said and done with her. She is here to take the steam out of things, And that's all she will do.
So, since she is just whoring an another way, may as well get some tits out of the deal.
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>the finnfag goes on vacation and still spends his whole trip white knighting for his e-waifuls

kike detected
I'm not Finnbro, but I like him. He is a dedicated guy.
Again, look at the giant garish jewish beak on her grandpa. I am am supposed to just ignore this and start worshipping her as the savior of the aryan race?
ok i think youre trolling me at this point. well done you got me dude
>The jews knows that beta orbiter fags will listen to every word that comes out of a moderately attractive woman's mouth.
Then use it to your fucking advantage you stupid slackjawed nigger. You make the women yours. They don't all have kike handlers.
FFS how are you so fucking retarded? Do you want to give things back to leftists faggots?
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Look at the "x" nose on the chart. Then look at her grandpa.
>women ruin society
>/pol/ beta orbiters white knighting

The only ones shilling her are detractors that want to divide us.
Szia Köves Slomó hozom a tálentumokat
Nem vagyok zsidó, kitalálom Zázrivecz Gábor szavazója vagy igaz?
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>jobbik és vona
jó mémek
She is an annoying attention whore that burns coal. All of these e-celeb threads should be banned. This is 4chan not Reddit, Twitter, Youtube, or Tumblr. Fuck you talking head pieces of shit that think they represent the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of a bunch of anons; the funniest thing about these talking heads is that they don't see that by becoming "representatives" of their movement, they cause said movement to become easier to subvert and control. That's why niggers all vote one way, act one way (anything else is white), and speak one way--they have Jesse or Al to tell them what is or isn't black, what is or isn't racist, who is or isn't the enemy, etc. It is why they are stagnant as a people outside of IQ differences. By giving bitches like this, Sargon, and whoever else attention and legitimacy, you allow them to completely subvert you because anything contrary to what they are saying is "cucked" or some other buzzword. You're no better than useful idiot niggers that allow others to talk and think for you.

Lauren is a stupid fucking cunt that no one outside of her pathetic beta orbiters give a fuck about (she has barely more subscribers than reviewbrah and even less than that dude that eats 60 year old MREs). If you are really dumb enough to consider your "alt-right" ideology a legitimate movement, you'd be stupid as fuck to allow talking heads to emerge in order to represent it. The reason why the legionfaggots were so successful for so long is because they did their best to avoid that.
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Alt right/lite females are mainly washed up roasties, coalburners and attention whores. Anybody who actually donates to them are just as pathetic as Anita and Zoe's white knights during gamergate. If you want a "based girlfriend" find an apolitical girl and redpill her yourself.
>he's hiding behind a meme flag
Every time
>She is an annoying attention whore that burns coal.
I have heard this many time, yet noone ever presented any proof.
Most likely it is just your fetish, to see white girls with niggers. Please stop spreading this degenerate fantasy.
>she has barely more subscribers than reviewbrah and even less than that dude that eats 60 year old MREs
Yes it is true, but the problem is most people don't care about politics at all. She talks about this problem in one of her videos, so I'm not going to repeat her:
>focusing on the two most irrelevant parts of my post

Go take your e-celeb attention whore circle-jerk back to fucking Reddit where it belongs.
Nice try Shareblue, These whores get normie male attention, which turns more whores to our side, which in turn converts even more betas and nerds and incel dweebs. M-muh secret club died, RIP, late 2015. The movement grows, and these useful idiots are just that, incredibly useful.
Yup, this thread was started by jew subhuman shills
is the alt right really this retarded to just call everyone who points out these skype shills?
But then again (((gottfried))) came up with the idea of it so
you tried, kike
nice attempt, fucking jew scum. I'm going to kill your kike family
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whoa slow down there aryanwarrior2008 i almost cut myself on your edge
(((Sorors))) spends a lot of money trying to influence people. Is it that hard to belive, that he wants to D&C the right and he pays shills.
Look how much did he spend on his NGO the Magyar Helszinki Bizottság.
Amikor azt hittem , hogy csak a libsik lehetnek retardáltak a 444-el.

>soros spends a lot of money to influence people
You dont say
But his shills act on the streets mostly not the net.
you sure owned me, (((anon)))
>Muh D&C

You're the one D&Cing. If you orbiters didn't expend so much energy defending some double digit IQ bimbo there'd be no division. Stop worshiping e-celebs. There is no point to it. You're never going to convince us that she and her retard counterparts are anything but dumb whores.
>But his shills act on the streets mostly not the net.
Soros wants to push his open society agenda all over the world. Yes he has NGOs in almost every country, but it would be foolish to think, that he wouldnt try to push his agenda on the internet as well.

its called pwning, grampa
>Azt hiszi ,hogy soros van csak
Úgyan hisz a kedves 14 millió fős (((rokonság))) is besegít

This will never hold. Everyone loves Lauren. Especially the normies. You cannot containt it. You can only hope that Lauren joins your side.
it's really not as deep as you think

she made money/fame out of being a trump supporter and she continues to milk this shit by repeating what you're saying back to you
kill yourself, she's laughing all the way to the bank
I'm not dividing anyone. You are the ones attacking a white woman. Stop attacking her, and I don't have to argue about what shills lie about her.
Tudok róla, de Soros az aki az előtérben van, és a szervezést is ő intézi az NGO-in keresztül.
Well, she is not just a blind Trump supporter, she openly diagreed with Trump about the attack on Syria.
Which a lot of Trump supporters would have also done because he criticised everyone else for that kind of shit

if everyone in this thread was a moderately attractive female and not severely autistic they could've cashed in on passionately retarded americans
I mean she's kind of cute.. But does anyone else think she looks weird as fuck and easily drops to a 6 just because of how weird she looks while speaking?
>Stop attacking her

Jesus Christ, I cringed. I wish there was a way to make you white knights step outside of yourselves and see how pathetic you look to the rest of us.
I was talking about who is actually trying to divide. How am I the one who is doing it? I'm literally trying to keep the right together.
>could've cashed in on passionately retarded americans
How is she chashing in? She doesn't make that much money on patreon, and she spends a lot on travel and equipment.
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>not the one that says if you have ashkenazi DNA or not
>reddit spacing
go back already
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>your last, your current, and your next war
She is not jewish and you have no evidence. Just accept it and move on. You might find legitimate reason to criticize her.

Only true alphas prostrate themselves at the feet of a woman and place her in a position of authority over him.
You only need to manipulate the pic because she doesn't look jewish at all.
>n-not all Jews, goy!
>defending Southern (I don't disagree with you)
>flag not geographic location
Are you the Eternal Finn?
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