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Hey /pol/, what Euro language should I learn considering the

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Hey /pol/, what Euro language should I learn considering the modern state of it today? Considering going the Polish route since they seem by far the most unabashedly nationalist nation in Europe today.
Polish is the most disgusting language on earth.

That's the average Polish word right there.

Learn Italian instead. They aren't cucked (yet), and it will get you laid.
That would be dutch
Literally shrek the language
What's your opinion, Pole? is that summation accurate?
I'll give it to you that spoken Dutch is like nails on a chalkboard. But written Polish is just a mess. Your entire language is basically just a series of Cs, Ks, Yz and Zs.
t. someone who grew up in a Polish neighborhood and couldn't pronounce the last names of 90% of my friends
This. I don't know why people keep saying that German is the most ugly language in the world.
Yeah its pretty hard and may appear as ugly to foreigners and I can see why.
Personally I like it but I'm polish so it really doesn't count

To be honest I would rather immigrate to some baltic state than italy

Easiest: Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese
Medium: German, Dutch, Scando languages
Hard: Polish, Czech, all the others from the east of the continent

If you want bang for your buck, something like Swedish - if you study it to a high enough level - allows you to understand Danish and Norwegian as well. You get 3 for 1.
A latin language. It'll lend itself to learning the others.
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>Learn Italian instead. They aren't cucked (yet)

Anon, I...

Italian is anice language tho
I would suggest to immigrate to Estonia. Most of us will not like Poles because of the whole interwar shit, so we will bully you and make fun of you etc. Also Poles and Russians will be considered lower than gypsies and niggers in Lithuania. Latvia is also full of niggers (Russians, which make up 40% of the population, some reach 80% in some towns). Estonia is the best place in the Baltics because it has a great economy and great wages (compared to us), though it is getting a little bit liberal. Also beware that Estonia also has niggers (Russians, 25% of the population).

Learn Spanish and you can pick Portuguese or Italian up in a matter of months afterwards.
They're politically cucked but they essentially have no mudslimes, so by western European standards they're doing pretty good.
>t. brainlet
the rules are simple you just have to learn them

t. Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Just looked up Estonia, genuinely surprised/impressed. Always thought it was just some Slavic shithole on account of it being a former commie state
>They're politically cucked but they essentially have no mudslimes,

they have 1.5 million muslims retard and hundreds of thousands seaniggers flood yearly

I bet you are a proxy leaf.


The average Italian doesn't like them of course but the situation with thirld worlders is rather dire
Just looked up America, genuinely surprised/impressed. Always thought it was just some African shithole on account of it being a former British colony.
kek, I see your point
That damn movie never stops being funny
>That's the average Polish word right there.
Oh please... It's not that bad.
Dude you are retarded. Rome is FULL of mudslime N*ggers!!! Southern Italy isn't much better.

t. Ignorant yank comes out to play
I'd say German.
Did you hear any German songs you fucking gypsy? Their language is *alot* better than yours

Polish is easy. About half the spoken language is "kurwa" and "wodka"
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There's no sense in learning a language based on the how nationalist it's natives are since you will never, ever be one of them. And if you're set on that route, try Serbian maybe.
Chicks dig French and Italian, and French still has some cultural cache with the effete class. Spanish is pragmatically useful. Modern Greek is close enough to ancient Greek if you're into the classics. Scandinavian languages are easy for native English speakers if you just want to get some multilingual cred. Pretty much everything else is useless unless you're directly dealing with that specific country, in which case your decision is made for you.

Here are some courses for you OP:
It's ok list, but only slightly harder than Slav languages are Hungarian and Finnish language, because they have a little in common with other languages
You learn one Slav language and suddenly other Slav languages become easier to learn

Yeah but I'm talking about if your native language is English and you have to learn another. We typically find languages like Czech etc. difficult because of all the declensions and conjugations that don't exist in English. All those changes of word endings fuck us up.
Learn english
If you just want to learn a language try some out on Duolingo and see for yourself. Polish is a very complicated language, i think it's one of the hardest European language but it will give you a shortcut to other languages from the Slavic tree.
if you are a realist then I propose learning German, Chinese, Arabic or Russian. But since you are an autist then you will ignore this. Go ahead and start with something easy like Spanish, your piss brain won't be able to comprehend polish grammar in a hundred years.
>all this violent projection

wtf Arabia?
Latin and Greek.
Arabic... Since Muslims are the new Europeans, kek.
you do realize America is way more fucked and cucked than Europe, right?
Explain, because from what I've been seeing Europe is falling way faster than America.
Why would you learn a language when you already speak English? Foreigners speak English behind our backs anyway, all these "languages" are memes.
I've got a Polish friend who hates his own language so much it's actually really sad. It makes me deeply uncomfortable.
Shouldn't the Romantic languages be harder than the Germanic, considering English is a Germanic language?
No. Romance languages are easy as fuck.
thanks now i must watch whole trilogy again. It's a shame we don't make epic patriotic films anymore. Imagine remake of Potop or Pan Wołodyjowski with big budget.
Spanish - it;s spoken by nearly the whole of warm gorgeous women south american countries . and its pretty easy
There is no point in learning a minor language except if you know that your entire life will be based there and you will have connections there to allow you to do whatever you want in life that needs the language.

If you're doing anything related to culture, art, literature, film, etc. it's completely pointless to do it in a minor country, since your audience will be tiny, and you'll have to basically be born into it.

And if America isn't working out for you, well, unless you have enough money to simulate a decent life around you, no other country will either.
Learn Chinese, anon.
Poland is too small to be nationalist on its own if the rest of Europe falls and getting smaller every year. For all its nationalism, a shitton ofyoung Poles choose to leave.
It demotivates though, like you're learning a language of Kazakhstan for whatever reason.

French have a powerful tradition behind it and it would be nice if Hispanics started to speak it again. You do it anyways at some point, when you hit 30 or something.
After three years of learning you should be able to talk comfortable with low iq citzens and they will laugh at you because of weird accent.
If you talk with someone from inteligenzia they say something like: "nasz zagraniczny przyjaciel wydaje się mieć wyjątkowo czarnosecinne poglądy" and you will be confused af.
It is really worth it?
Dutch Is the easiest language you listed.
Did u just call them nigger, Mateusz?
Learn your ancestral language.
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>Imagine remake of Potop or Pan Wołodyjowski with big budget.
I dream of this.
No, it's polish adjective derived from russian right wing organization "Czarna Sotnia(Black Hundred)". It means "right-wing to the point of being retarded".
Oh. Thank you, anon.
Good step in to improvment,you can learn german or french as they are easy if you know english,especially french it have many words that are similar to english,it is like english without retarded grammar and pronunciation.
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ITT: Post /pol/ multilinguals.

>Powell was fluent in eight languages, but his first contemporary love was German,
Obviously he also knew Classical Greek and Latin.

And speaking of Latin:
if you only know English, the romance languages are easier to understand because they have more similar words, which makes it easier to pick up.
But yeah, you're right, structurally the germanic languages are more similar. Once you start learning the language it'll make more sense, you won't worry as much about why stuff goes in a funky order, or if something is female/male.
That's because English is a mutt language. If you look into Saxon it's far more sensible, and even has far more helpful spelling, because of the inclusion of the ð and þ characters for 'th', it also had macrons for changes in sounds.>>131624693
That's because English is a mutt language. If you look into Saxon it's far more sensible, and even has far more helpful spelling, because of the inclusion of the ð and þ characters for 'th', it also had macrons for changes in sounds.

Another multilingual, Ezra Pound:
>I resolved that at thirty I would know more about poetry than any man living ... that I would know what was accounted poetry everywhere, what part of poetry was 'indestructible', what part could not be lost by translation and—scarcely less important—what effects were obtainable in one language only and were utterly incapable of being translated.
>In this search I learned more or less of nine foreign languages, I read Oriental stuff in translations, I fought every University regulation and every professor who tried to make me learn anything except this, or who bothered me with "requirements for degrees".
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I'm unironically thinking of moving to Siberia at some point in the future.
Bear hunting sounds fun.
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EU is gonna force multiculturalism in your education.

Swedish, Danish and Norwegian are all the same chimp language.
Surprisingly different from German.
German is also a chimp language with their never ending aglutination.

English is by far the easiest most "latinate" language I have come across in the continent, althouth Russian is quiet simple in a way, it gets complicated in some other.

By latinate I mean a language which simplifies things as much as possible and therefore is apropriate to become a lingua franca, not that it derives from Latin.
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IIRC the Russian government gives people land to settle on so keep the Chinese out of expanding into the idea. Good news: free real estate; bad news: front line for Chink invasion.

Another multilingual: Oswald Mosley spoke English, German, French, and Italian.
learn chinese, they'll be the one rebuilding europe from ashes
Surely, you must be joking right?
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Hungarian, they will become the leading economy in EU, give them time.

Honestly, you're half right.

I am Romance speaking, never studied Latin though. Both Spanish and Italian become easy although it requires some sort of effort.

I learned English, and then I tried to learn one other Germanic language, French (the more "distant latin language, Romanian does not matter much) and a Slavic one, Russian.

The more you learn languages, the easier it becomes to understand other languages.
Because I studied German and English, I can surprisingly pick up a few words here and there in Dutch. Because I studied Russian I can do the same to Polish or even Serbian...

However, I don't study languages for 5 years now so I forgot a lot of what I learned. Life kicked the curiosity and the willingness to educate myself out of me... but my point still stands:

If you have the ability to learn languages, do it, it will make you much more able to pick on new languages, as well as more cultured and learned.

I wonder if that is because Slavs "arrived"/"expanded" so recently across Europe.

Polish is definetly not the same as Russian, but I suspect its almost as close as Spanish and Italian.
Which, when you understand that those languages derived from a language which had many other Italic cousin languages, and thus are more genetically tight, well, it makes it kind of awesome.

Fuck off! Let's hope the French language dies!
They are scum, their language is so throughly mixed with German(ic) it should not be called Latin.
Also, French doesn't help you much when it comes to other Latin languages.

Italian however... sounds great...
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There were huge reforms in education, as well as other fields, before we even became part of EU, just to be accepted into EU.

>front line for Chink invasion.
Is there any place on Earth that isn't just waiting for the chink uprising to happen?
Population in Latvia is declining, rapidly. Even our local MSM is constantly talking about how in the near future we'll be a ghost country, so to speak. Some of our politicians are even considering importing more rapefugees, but we'll just most likely get replaced by chinks anyways, considering how they're already slowly buying out our land.
Don't go to poland you will never assimilate language is hard and they don't like foreigners. Go to Hungary or Norway if you can.
>import refugees
>not providing government incentives and education campaigns on child bearing

Would probably be more cost effective too.
>Learn Italian instead. They aren't cucked (yet), and it will get you laid.
italian is useless,it will be replaced in 60/70 years.
How is Norway in terms of the refugee situation? Don't hear about them much.
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Some good languages to learn are C, Python and Java. Stay clear of php.
Knowing our politicians, it's most likely to get more gibs from EU. Not like those sandnigs will ever see that money anyways.
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