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So, tell me about Africa. Think about all the billions being

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So, tell me about Africa.

Think about all the billions being spent on development assistance and what is the result? Maybe some good things has happened, as one would expect with such an amount of money, but what is the ultimate outcome= We have even more refugees from Africa.
Whats the point? How is this development assistance being used?

What is this thing that a rather small amount of finns were born in the shittiest, coldest clay in north and made it to be one of the fucking best countries in the world without any help and the Africans cannot do it even they are being offered billions of euros.
African populations remained hunter-gatherers rather than going through the agricultural revolution.

All human beings were hunter-gatherers for roughly 100,000 or 200,000 years Agriculture was probably invented around 10,000 years ago.

Hunter-gatherers need to work far fewer hours than farming communities in order to procure the needed resources. The hunter-gatherer mindset is geared towards the survival and thriving of the group, rather than the individual. Men and women are kept separated for long stretches of time, but neither can be said to be dominant in the hunter-gatherer social structure because both serve important roles. Men do the hunting and protect against predators, women rear the children and do most of the gathering. There is no "nuclear family", the whole tribe is the family and children are raised communally with no concern for who the father is. Sex is polyamorous and/or orgiastic.

Once agriculture comes along, people start claiming their own land and territory, and storing surpluses of food. These lands and surpluses must now be defended from other tribes or family units who may try and take them, so more violence and warfare develop. Farming is far more labor-intensive than hunting and gathering, so modern concepts of hard labor begin to form. Men also become concerned with paternity and who their children are, so they can pass down their lands and farming techniques to an heir. This leads to men clamping down on female promiscuity, and newly-formed concepts of property make it easier to treat women as a property to the male dominator.

So basically, all the other races had adapted to agriculture and civilization over 10,000 years which gives them a leg-up for industrialization. Africans are genetically predisposed to a very different, less labor-intensive and more egalitarian type of society, so they struggle within the modern world.

What's your point? This sounds a little racist. For the sake of /pol/ and the environment we seek to produce therein, I suggest toning these posts back a little bit. Mods should probably get involved. You're scaring away a lot of people who would otherwise be interested in /pol/ and establishing a inclusive nationalism, in which all can partake.
Corrupt to shit.

Giving Africa independence was a terrible idea. Would have made much more sense to draw out the borders, settle everything diplomatically then develop countries until they are ready to be independent.

Instead we just said good luck and let them fuck up the continent.
That is simply not true. A lack of appropriate crops did lead to much of Africa living in a pastoral rather than intensive agricultural society, but there have been agricultural societies based on rice and millet in West and Southern Africa for a very long time. The introduction of new world crops like potatoes and cassava as a result of the triangle trade were a game changer, but the intensification of the slave trade and mass import of guns made the population growth slow down to a trickle even in the newly sedentary agricultural societies, and population density remained extremely low outside of a few trading cities on the Horn like Mogadishu, Zimbabwe, and around Lake Tchad.

Contrary to the memes people are always parroting around here, Africa is not some kind of paradise where huge numbers of hunter-gatherers can live sustainably using primitive ways and means. With modern farming and land usage techniques (as we see in Ethiopia and the nicer countries around the African Great Lakes) huge surpluses can be produced just like anywhere else, but existing at a subsistence level is far more laborious than it is in temperate climates.

That's what development money is going toward, for the most part. Electrification, building roads, building irrigation systems, extracting resources, kickstarting industry, and ensuring government workers and soldiers are paid so they keep doing their jobs and don't steal their state-issued equipment to become mercenaries or rebels. Things have improved dramatically in Africa since even just the mid 90's, but these places are still very poor outside of the capital cities, for the most part. "Refugees" from Africa coming into Europe generally come for the greater security and economic opportunity. They're having a similar problem that European nations had in the early industrial revolution, where the population is exploding due to improved agricultural practice.
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Unlike 19th century Europe, though, modern industry just doesn't need huge masses of unskilled workers, and skilled industries don't just spring up overnight despite African government's efforts to encourage investment in their countries. So you end up like pic related, a fairly representative example, where there's a massive population of urban poor and not enough capital for work to be available. Their future mirrors our own in a lot of ways, as automation leaves even highly educated Western service-based economies with a major surplus of labor. It's unlikely we'll have anywhere to run to by then, though maybe depending on how quickly Africa develops we'll see large numbers of educated Westerners migrating to countries like Kenya as local demand for college educated workers rises rather than ambitious Africans just leaving their homelands for America and Europe where all the high-paying jobs are for college graduates, but that's getting a little far into speculative territory.
>~6bn hominids on the continent by 2100
let that simmer in yer kettle
it's being used to make the lowest iq people on earth comprise a higher percentage of the population so that the elites can use them to drown out intelligent populations and rule unopposed.
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