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Would a weighted vote system improve democracy? Hypothetically

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Would a weighted vote system improve democracy? Hypothetically for example, utilizing a criteria such as IQ score, the vote of those with higher IQ scores counts more than than that of those with a lower one. Would it bring better results?
Liberals have higher IQ than conservatives
That's retarded if anything it should be based on contribution to the nation, like military service.
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>utilizing a criteria such as IQ score, the vote of those with higher IQ scores counts more than than that of those with a lower one. Would it bring better results?

Yes, provided sociopaths and autistic tards are excluded from the vote. So that kind of leaves you out.


Hello, Robert A. Heinlein's ghost. How's the afterlife been treating you?

>inb4 Heinlein was satirical in his writing about militaristic society
No, only property owners and military veterans should vote
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>property owners
Whoever creates the (((tests))) then holds all the power
You should be able to legally sell your vote to an interested party. Poor people who need the money don't vote anyway so its a win for them. Rich people who go through all these hoops to electioneer would be able to just buy votes directly.
High iq voters on average swing neither left or right, what is interesting is that the closer you are to average the more likely you are to vote liberal, further away from the average (both above and below) people are more conservative
That is a fancy way of saying Women vote liberal.
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>implying understanding STEM helps you run a government better
how retarded are you?
Perhaps no one should be allowed to vote and democracy be done away with?
NO. They should make voters do a quick quiz on the candidates and their policies before voting. That way, you don't get people voting for candidates "cuz he's brown" (obama) or "cuz he hair nice" (justin trudeau)
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"Educated city dwellers voted for hillary. Rural uneducated contry folk voted for Donald."
It would be soon used at the elite's advantage: Chinese; Joos..
Bc whites is the only people not to vote the same exact way
t. romanus starshippus trooperus
>low-IQ subhuman doesn't understand that IQ tests logical reasoning and pattern recognition abilities
ah, but blacks are less intelligent than whites, which are less intelligent than asians, which are less intelligent than the Je- OH SHIT
People still would vote emotionally. Except now only liberal whites, asians and jews would be able to vote.
The democrats already sorta have that system. It's called "superdelegates".

only people who pay taxes should get to vote
The thing that would improve democracy most is abolishing it. It's a total fucking shit-show. And those with high IQ just use it to be more effective demagogues.

The best way is to allow only taxpayer to vote , this ways the minorities won't be able to choose what they can do with our money
>OP suggests using IQ to weigh votes.
>Average liberal IQ is actually higher than average conservative IQ.
>muh IQ doesn't mean anything
You're the same faggot than then turns around and says whites have higher IQs than niggers and should therefore be considered superior. Make up your mind you assblasted cocksplash.
Terrible idea, any test which could measure such a thing would have to be designed to do such, either by private groups or the government thereby granting the group who designs the metric near total control over the voting process.
It's somewhat similar to why people with mental illness shouldn't be barred from purchasing a gun. The American Psychiatric Association, the organization which classifies and defines what qualifies as a mental illness in the united states, is a private body with absolutely no public oversight or scrutiny free to codify anything they like into the DSM. They, along with any other similar group, should by absolutely no means ever be out into a position in which the illnesses they define may deny citizens their constitutionally guaranteed rights.
[citation needed]
Based boogan gets it.
only if by weighted you mean a bunch of people don't get to vote at all.
People who are tax negative shouldn't be allowed to vote. Because what they vote for is to be able to continue to leech from working people.
People should have to pass some sort of treat to gain the right to vote. The test would be on economics, the political system, and formal logic. The right to vote would work in a similar way to driver's licenses.
There is literally zero criteria in which a person can be judged to have a more valuable impact on governance than others in all scenarios. IQ, wealth (value generation), no criminal record, safe driving, none of these guarantee a person will make a choice appropriate for the most people most of the time. Technocracy is something to be avoided, and is exactly the sort of governance that's been in formulation over all these years under our noses.

The solution is still a federal republic with one person, one vote, but the founding document should explicitly limit the size of government so it can't be co-opted by a mob and used as a bludgeoning tool.

Require a 50% law cleanout every X period of time. Ensure all bills in Congress must be viewed for Y period before even a debate begins. Require a full wipe of all laws except the Constitution every X*10 period of time. In addition to a supermajority requirement, ensure that any proposal to repeal a constitutional amendment puts a representative's seat in jeopardy, like triggering an immediate vote in their district or state.
sadly not a single fucking (you) for you
this fucking place man
OP posted the same retarded thread but requiring a literacy test, earlier; Had to point out that civics and literacy are not the same thing.
I like how burgers elect State Attorneys, State Secretaries of State (?), maybe Representatives, but Senators is some old shit, and Presidency should be abandoned entirely. It generates a lot of noise and pays off the ads, but why give so much attention to one figure.

India is unironically provides a better example of democracy to follow. Russia needs to hire Indian experts to consult on the matters of democracy.
The moment you make high IQ a weight for more political power, the cultural marxists (and everyone else) will find a way to make sure no one ever gets an accurate IQ score again. There is nothing you can use to make power "accountable"; they will always find a way to make power unaccountable, to subvert democracy, to overthrow honor. If the virtuous are not more ruthless than the wicked, the world rots and dies.

DEMOCRACY used to mean that you PAID TO VOTE and that's how government was funded. It was a set amount too, so everyone who worked hard enough could vote. Government couldn't violate the rights of others, like they do with taxation.

>stealing is BAD
>unless the government does it

Imagine in the world worked like that. Black lives matters would be able to come to your house and say "well, there's a 1000 of us and that's more than the magical property threshold so now we get to take your property".

What's the number I always wonder. At what point can a number of people take your property legally?
>Rating IQ

It is a shit and outdated measure for intelligence.
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I'm guessing there's a similar distribution according to race and its impact on IQ.
No, you get a number of boots based on how much in Federal tax you paid capped at 50,000. No more niggers and welfare Queens voting for gibs.
Votes, fuck. Yes I'm phone poster, Fuck you
Why do you think the government wont push the boundaries of unacceptable reasoning? E.g a reason such as a particular reform may be condemned by a particular teller because he disagrees with it. Also even retards will know not to put "cuz he's brown" as a reason for the vote. Finally, who the fuck is gonna examine all the aptitude tests?
Pass national voter ID and make it so anyone that shows up at the polling place has a choice: vote, or do not vote and receive a $100 thank-you check for sparing everyone the consequences of their worthless opinion. Scumbag election day workers mobilizing the ghetto dwellers with street money, cigarettes, and burritos might go extinct. What will they do when niggers accept the freebies and a ride to the polls, only to walk out with a $100 check and a big grin? It makes perfect sense: anyone that can be bought off for that little has no business voting anyway. Imagine how much better things would be if the ghetto dwellers went mostly ignored, instead of catered to politically and agitated with class warfare propaganda to rally them for the election. Our politics would look a lot different.

Land owning White men only.
Why should property owners be granted voting power?
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Show me that IQ relates to policy-making that makes the country better in both the long term and sure
IQ doesn't necessarily correlate with conciencousness however. Jews and Asians have high IQ but I wouldn't want them making moral decisions
>IQ score
Trump would lose
So do Asians and university-educated people.
No thats retarded people vote based on their personalities
Nope. The people with more valuable votes would just vote to make their votes even more valuable.

Welcome to the new aristocracy.
>Chinamen buys up half your city and drives up the property price into gorillions like they do in Canada
>China can vote in your elections now but you can't
I agree I think niggers ahould only count for 3/5 of a regular vote.
>Would a weighted vote system improve democracy?
No, the only way to improve democracy is by removing lies.
Making it illegal within politics/media to lie and spread propaganda, would make democracy viable.
Placing the burden of proof on the MSM would quickly restore democracy as their lies would fall apart.
Sure, they can still have opinions but they can't claim "facts".

As long as anyone can lie about anything, and never be held accountable to either lies or broken promises, democracy can never work.
>why should shareholders be granted voting power

No, wisdom does not correlate with IQ. Intelligent people are just as easily influenced by dogmas and ideologies.
You'd need to weigh based on wisdom, but there is no realistic way to measure wisdom.
>illegal within politics/media to lie
Sounds like a good way to ban alternative media. Good job, you just made fake news the only news.
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Just make it based on race and gender, its less manipulable by long term judicial erosion. For instance you can change *which* standard of IQ test is valid and the Jews could invent an "IQ" test that favors niggers.

My voting system
Tier 1
>White Europeans
Tier 2
>Malays/Han Chinese
>White Persians
>CuarterĂ³n hispanic
>Quarter Mulattoes
Tier 3 (can't vote at all, but can run for office)
The only way to improve democracy is to remove it.
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>You're the same faggot than then turns around and says
He's got one post you fucking retard..
I think we should just put a stupid test in place. Something easy, like the citizenship test.

It would only cut away the dumbest/laziest.
Irrelevant throwback to pre-capitalist 90% white USA
>Sounds like a good way to ban alternative media.
Anyone can still advertise opinions.
But if they claim something to be true, they need to produce evidence.

I don't see how alternative media would have any problems with that since they are usually very good at producing evidence, being under constant attack from everyone in the establishment. Assange produce more evidence than CNN ever has.

Sure you not a working for kike globalist media, and trying to prevent the old laws being brought back or new anti-fake laws?
Higher iq people are easier to brainwash as they are able to rationalize and doublethink more better. Stupider people will just go for the most obvious explanation, right or wrong.
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>Connecticut 113
>Vermont 102
They're pretty much the same state
Who made up this crap?
It would prevent your scenario from happening. And that's not to mention that most of those people you mentioned are foreign investors not citizens. So how's it irrelevant you retard?
How does restricting the right to vote improve democracy...

>Assange produce more evidence than CNN ever has.
And he's hiding in an embassy being persecuted by the government. Thanks for making my point for me.
Assange is not the alternative media. He's not the media at all. He's a unique case, a rogue anti-NWO agent.

90% of the alternative media prints unchecked bs stories just like legacy media.
No, it wouldn't because many American property owners are foriegners now. This isn't 1773.
>implying Americans weren't foreigners with different culture backgrounds back then
The point is that the following generations of immigrants are better assimilated. Can't find the graph right now but first gen of immigrants is much more likely to vote for gibs than the subsequent ones.
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>still thinks democracy can work

um, no sweetie
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