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Seriously, the option to change your flag has fucked up pol more

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it was a cute joke the first day (flag day) but now its non stop LARP

change it back
>change it back
They did.
Checked, but I still don't have my ROW ROW flag back.
oo arrrr me harties !
I think it fixed /pol/, now we know what people stand for instead of having to waste a post in the thread to ask them.
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>Nah likin' th' new Jolly Roger system
Your flag can be whatever you want if you believe in yourself

Andorra proxy pls
You don't think the hiro and those in control want to dilute pol further?
Not really.

The only people changing their flags are two categories: Gen Z Larpfags and Europeans (Mostly Germans).

Nazi's/ANCAP = Gen Z Larpfags
Everyone else = Germans

Pretty easy to figure out.
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Friendo, it was how it was before.
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wanna know how i know you are a newfag?
Wait, what?
I'm willing to bet over half of the people who frequent this board now came here with the Trump shit

newfag or troll? What do you guys think?
That's not fair, I always Nazipost. I don't really know why, it just seems like the right thing to do.
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yes. nice quads
All it did was allow Poo in Loo's and people from cucked nations like Canada/Sweden/Germany to post without getting shit talked about their flags. It's easier than ever to spot people baiting and shitposting. Did someone make a retarded thread/post and have the EU/UN/LGBT flag? Well they're baiting and should be ignored. Someone advocating for something that goes counter to their flag? Also baiting.
did they ip ban all of india when they introduced the new flags
Yes, I agree.
It;s just another way for JIDF to be more subversive and use more kikish tricks.
>there are no levels to this shit

I just disregard the opinions of anyone with a meme flag.

Sometimes I'll falseflag as a redditor with the kekistani flag, but I wouldn't be sad so see them go.
Nobody can explain why they LARP they just do it.

That explains it all though.
>6 gorillion """people""" got LARPed to death
Funny how you never see India's flag anymore
I never said I was LARPing. I just use the flag.
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Yeah and half those left went to cripplechan. Anything is better than those spastic retards
Fuck Donland Blump
>I used to be able to say
>when somebody came up with an argument I couldn't respond to but now with these new flags I have to face the fact that my argument is shit.
It is also helpful for burgers abroad not wanting to answer questions about the host country. Every. Single. Time
We need the normal country flags back. i need to laugh about the losers living in shit countries like poland..
aren't kekestani on the right? someone posted with the kekestani flag and I assumed (idiot) that OP was to the right of things and it became a little confused - I'm tired good night
Jesus another FUCKING LEAF. Is Canada even real? Day of the rake.
Go to /int/
newfag, he doesn't remember the way it was in before country flags
In all seriousness I think one of the reasons mods put old flags back is that /pol/ was starting to take itself too seriously. Old style flags allows for better shitposting. I get crazy amounts of (you)s from having a commie flag now
Or bant
two words brother, islamic communism
I never change my flag, nigger
fucking commie brother take your (you)
>t. newfriend
still waiting on the jidf option to come back tho
I'm glad people can know expose their true beliefs. Plus international flags allow schills to come in and play divide and conquer amongst White countries.
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Yeah, I'm glad we can finally spot the nazifags too. Fuck off back to stormfrong you loser.

fuck off kike

You will be purged on the day of the rope.
nice cherry pick. there is a thousand pictures of retards promoting racial equality so that's really not an argument

>muh day of the rope


Stop reading shitty literature. And yeah, I'm shitting bricks at the thought of some basement dwelling edgelord trying to attack me.
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You fucking brain dead commie. If communism is so great, then why has it failed in every single place it's been implemented.

Yeah that's right now fuck off to lefty/pol/

this newfag hasn't been through years of moot fucking with different boards, it's nothing new and we'll survive it just as we have always survived this stupid site doing stupid shit


How long did your precious little Third Reich last? Far shorter than the USSR, with all its flaws, did, right?

neck yourself nazi scum
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Why did the Nazis lose to Soviets
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Get used to it

I am just a sad little person.
I want my Texan flag back.
Squadron in position. Advance.
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KYS shill.


KYS shill.

You soldier , take position on that corner.
You're either trolling or mentally retarded.

can you tell me ONE fucking place where communism worked? How about Vietnam. North Korea. China. Cuba. USSR. Cambodia..?

Answer my fucking question.

Go fuck yourself nigger.
If anything moves , kill it.
i think we should have a 2 flag system. one that shows your geographical location you cant influence, and one that shows you political affiliation like we have right now, with both being displayed for everyone
is this a proxy anon? because i would like to know if i can use it in my collection
You guys stay here , i'll throw a grenade through that window.
woops, forgot to remove confederate.
>Australian flag has reduced in number nearly overnight

What happened to them, bros? Does it have something to do with the ironic shitposts coming from NazBol, Commie and Kekistan flags?
Never used LARP flags. Or proxy. Never will. LARP'ers like it up the ass.
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no flags or choose-your-own-flags
forced ip flags were cancer, they were called cancer when implemented, they were cancer when people realized you could bully people out of discussion and counter intuitive, not to mention pointless (if you want to recognize posters there's ID's for fucks sake)

so no, fuck you faggot deal with it, just like the people who had to deal with ip flags
i wish
but either way at least aussies and leafs should be banned from using the custom flags so we know which posts to ignore before reading. same goes for rare countries so i can enhance my flag collection
Ahmed , bring me another case of ammunition. There is only one god but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet.

God is the greatest. God is the greatest. God is the greatest.


Got him.

God is the greatest. God is the greatest. God is the greatest. God is the greatest. God is the greatest.

just assume all faggots who wont post with their flag are swedes or poos.

4chan in general has become a massive safe space in the past 6 months. I got banned the other day for making fun of some faggot. I got banned again for saying the n word. I got banned yet again for criticizing the mods.
Fake and gay , why is anon White?
Nevermind , that's a Turk or a Med or some other non-White.
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wait what?
ive had your flag for a while
when the fuck did it become unknown?
This is our land!! Our ancestors land!!


I need some new fucking boots , Ivan.

>Just take them from that dead guy over there.

Good German boots.

I think i can get him from here.
This floor is cold. I'm hungry.
Rattling in the background.
Yes , i want to fuck her too but she's the Sultan's woman.

At this point i say nothing , i just take notice of how sandniggerish Abdul looks like in comparison to me. How much of a scumbag he is.

I like being a guard. I like silence.
When was that?

I don't remember but I may bee dum
Violence and silence are my comfort zone.
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did you take your meds today bro?
Islam will dominate the world.


Allahu Akbar!! Allahu Akbar!! Allahu Akbar!!
You are a good man.
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The infidels have rejected God and must be punished for it. Kill the men , behead those who surrender , take their women and children as slaves. Burn everything down which you can't take with you.

God is the greatest!!
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I not being poo in loo, i being nazi, very much nazi.
What wrong with shuffling the deck?
Estos salvajes infieles an rechazado a nuestro señor Jesucristo , pecadores son de la peor calaña. Adoran dioses extraños y ofrecen sacrificios en sus altares.

Destroy the dark skin.

Our gods demand it.
pre nov 2014

after that there were flags w/board wide ID's for a while then just flags with thread ids
Dark skin , bringer of evil.
yeah, I'm just dum.

I thought it was a script kid activity.
Voluntario de la estepa , sangre Ibera verteras , en homenaje a tu muerte , blanco sudario tendras.

Falangista en el combate , acrecienta tu ideal , la bandera , roja y negra , y la guarda nacional.

A la muerte!! A la muerte!!

Con la Division Azul te lanzaras , portando so-bre tu pecho , la cinco flechas en haz.

Portando so-bre tu pecho , la cinco flechas en haz.
It has hardly had any effect at all though
The only thing that's fucked up the board lately is the fuckin christcuck larpers who can't keep their ideological worship to themselves for some reason
It's always diarrhea of the mouth with those fuckers
Actually majority of flag posters are either swedes or leafs hiding from the stigma of their nations standard
Making /pol/ /int/ was worse bringing the old flags fixed that
The new flags are fine but they should be beside the geoflags. Although saying that there are so many shills that think putting on a snek/fascist/nazi flag will make people not realize they're a lefty fuck.
Please get rid of the new flags. Hate them
I love them.
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Geo flags were the second worst thing that ever happened to /pol/. Based Hiro continues making 4chan great again.
nahh I love flags. Nobody can dismiss my arguments now and use ad hominem just because I'm from the middle east
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Keep crying, my guy!
Nice meme, I bet you're actually an ausfag (white).
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Country flags imply that everyone posting from a certain location holds particular views. The new(old) system is more focused on the political ideologies, which is more appropriate for this board.
Fuck you OP, what we really need is /mlpol/ to come back. I've never seen paid shills so blown the fuck out before and all the newfags fucked off for a glorious two days.
The eternal German argument
>haha, youre poor
>cries in Turkish
>Country flags imply that everyone posting from a certain location holds particular views
And it's right the majority of the time, race builds culture, culture builds ideology.
I actually get yous now since you american lovelys just cant handle my rake-dodging
How about focusing on the content of posts and not relying on ad hominems like redditors?
/pol/ without flags and IDs was much better, we even had hot self hating jewish women posting regularly
>it's an ad hominem to notice patterns
Fuck off rabbi.
Agreed, the 6-page long muh Jesus drivels are pure cancer.
Well considering you're in Europe, we will still dismiss your arguments filthy moon-god worshipper.

it's already a ton better than before and I'm glad that idiots like you dont like it. fuck off.
reddit really needs to go back
Change it to just countries but you can choose which one
I haven't seen Canadian, Aussie and Indian posters that much since they brought back the option to change the flag.
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Fucking this.
They're unironically just as bad as the MLP posters years ago on /b/.
Incredibly self-righteous in their stupidity.
no they didn't faggot.
lots of Indians use the deus vult which is justified
and also the gadsden one idk why
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the reason they had to change it was the widespread hacking of proxies in order to get rare flags. do you really think actual north koreans were posting from north korea? no, some fucking autist hacked some box there for the sole purpose of getting the flag. so it had to change. notice how much rarer rare flags are now.
says the poo in loo
>hacking of proxies in order to get rare flags.
Wait that happened? I thought they just jumped through a VPN real quick.
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a fucking leaf.jpg
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you forgot someone
hear to suportn'ate ops views i agree n' stuff
>we know what people stand for
>implies that political discussion is a team sport
>implies that correct politics is in line with a few select schools of received wisdom
>on a board that styles itself as politically correct
Are you lost?

it's a simple policy that anybody but a phoneposter can implement, today.
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The new flags give us something different to bitch about.
>The new flags give us something different to bitch about.
>t.Yenta Nosenstein
Yes, I am an employee of the UN.
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Wait.. Are we talking about fags or flags?
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Fuck off! This shit is cash! I WISH I WAS IN THE LAND COTTON!!!
100% agree.

Mods, please change it back.
Both. Using the fagflags makes you a fag
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I just realized I haven't seen a single Indian flag.

/pol/ is and always has been a magapede board, Shadilay!
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You must be new here
I'm sorry you feel that way new friend
You should probably refrain from ever posting without lurking moar

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