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If Jesus was alive he would be a raging liberal. Prove me wrong.

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If Jesus was alive he would be a raging liberal. Prove me wrong. Pro tip yu can't sweetie
Jesus isn't real quit believing in gay fairy tales
He wouldn't be political. Sage
Jesus would be apolitical just like how religion is apolitical.
(((Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ)))
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God is tho
In your head, sure
Jesus would be a classic liberal, not a leftist turd hole parading as a liberal today. The modern day usage of the word liberal is atrocious, these people are some of the most close minded tunnel visioned hypocritical assholes i've ever met.

See: Their embracing of Wahhabist Islam and branding reformist Muslims as Uncle Tom.

So sick of these leftist trolls, and no I'm not a Republican.
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t. Buttmad republishits
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Yea he would be all about homo sex with kids and cutting off your dick and pretending to be a woman.

Also, not politics.
/pol isnt a christcuck board
/pol isnt stormfront either
/pol is a board of peace. Now leave and kys.
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The pre-existing condition meme was another boomer dick going straight up your ass.
jesus is a real historical figure and he wouldn't be a liberal he would be Christ our lord and saviour and politics would be meaningless if he was alive right now also liberals don't want to pay taxes "render unto caesar what is caesar and render unto god what is god" well all of our dollars have our leaders on them so taxes must be payed and if he saw how liberals were treating religion he also would not be on their side especially with abortion. Jesus would never of sided with them but to claim Christ would side with Republicans is also a false statement. In reality and going back to what I was talking about at first.
If Christ was doing his teachings right now, he would be a Jew born of an ancient line of kings and would be a carpenter who avoided politics and told people to live their lives as his father would have wanted them without violence, murder, or hunger and to give to one another, but for you to actually give not have the state redistribute. So stop corrupting the name of our lord.
atheism is literally the fall of europe combined with communism/socialism and both lead to eachother and for all the memeing that Europeans are evil and their wars have killed many... Well our ways of mass producing goods have also helped many aswell as our contributions to medicine and Americans also invented a flying machine so fuck off.
Let's try something new. Liberal Jesus
>Jesus refuses to heal Greg to give Martha and Trayvon a better chance at cinching that interview
You mad, goyim?
No, sweetie, he'd be a raging humanist with no set ideology. That's because his ministry isn't about establishing the corrupt Luciferian Order or playing stupid little games with bathrooms and abortions, it's about helping people - ALL people - reach true enlightenment through him.

So kindly fuck right off with the shit polarization. You're simply incorrect.
There has never been concrete proof to whether or not God is real.
For all you know, God was 100% responsible for it. Nobody but the dead know. You sure as shit don't and neither do I.
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>1 post by this ID
/pol/ is too mainstream honestly
I'm not Christian, religious, or Republican. You just want to try and make others look bad to distract from your own failings. You're dumb as fuck f.a.m
He'd want the roman government to steal from people and make laws against his teachings?
Jesus was against the state. The state ended up killing Jesus.

>Jesus wants moar government, derp

Jesus was a libertarian. He believed in volunteerism and non aggression. The antithesis to the state and everything that modern liberalism is opposed to.
Jesus is a kike communist
We all know if Jesus was real and alive today the feminists would shame him, blacks would tell him to fuck off being white and the gays would bitch about him.

It would be amazing to watch the left turn on Jesus
evolution is irrelevant to religion.
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He would be a staunch individualist, because only you can row your own boat, who tells you to clean your room before trying to fix things outside.

And he wouldn't get into politics, custody of the Earth is Caesars business, he cares about You.
>Liberals mad that they have to pay taxes to support baby boomers
>Liberals mad that Trump wants to stop this from happening, by repealing Obamacare
>Not understanding how social security works
>Having strong negative feelings on the issue
Jesus wouldn't take from others to give to the lazy. You get INSURANCE to ENSURE that WHEN SOMETHING HAPPENS you are then covered. The entire point of insurance is to get a policy before something fucks you up.
Communism is far from charity, faggot.
Gotta break bread somehow
He is a Macedonian and would never understand the teachings of the lord. He is to barbaric and focused on repeating the glory of his one national hero.
jesus would be neither liberal or radical , he would be rigtheous and firm in his judgement as it is needed to be.

none of your humanoid political newage faggotry that you try to push on everyone with your agendas such as "muh genders , muh freedom , muh religious sextant , muh jews did nothing wrong desipite jesus telling you exactly what they did wrong."

if anything jesus would be a huge thundering beastmode turbo aryan with superpowers like son goku while sparing those he deems worthy and removing the rest.

and thats exactly whats his 2nd coming is going to be like.

which is why kikes are building underground bunkers thinking they can hide from the wrath of the lion.
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Jesus wasn't a doctor you fucking idiot
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Jesus was a Jewish Hebrew from Israel my delusional friend
>Yeah Muslims, I know you guys want to slaughter my followers, but COME ON IN
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>Jesus never stole anything, from anyone, his whole life.

He couldn't, because he was without sin. Liberals are all flagrant sinners, exibiting the sin of covetousnous and envy, not to mention they flagrantly steal from the weak, to stuff their own bloated pockets, full of more tax dollars.

jesus was the opposite of a Liberal. His only weakness was he failed to properly condemn living thieves (tax collectors)
But he healed the sick and have to the poor did he not?
Anarchy ftw.
You're delusional. You can literally watch and observe evolution naturally occur. I assume you don't even know the definition of the word without googling it. Kek

>nobody knows for sure
I know how the human mind works. God's are characterized expressions of how people feel about certain aspects of nature. That's why there is a God for every element, every celestial body that is visible to us, and even God's of human emotions such as lust. God's are memes plain and simple, objectively. It's not up for debate. You just have to not have to open your eyes
summer is upon us
checked tho
fag atheist proclaiming the Lord and of His Christ, will wonders never cease
Religion and God are two different things. Religion is man telling other men how to worship God, each one having a different story to tell. God is the force that made the Earth what it is today.

Year 30 AD

>Jesus: "Blessed are the meek"
>/pol/: "cuck" "jew"

Year 2017

>Jesus: "Blessed are the meek"
>/pol/: "OMGBASED" "white" "fuck neckbeard athiests"
He wouldn't support abortion.
wtf is a jewish hebrew you burgerfaggot?

stfu and do some real research , jesus wasnt even human which is why parents were so afraid to let their children close to him.
God moves the mountains, changes the weather, turns an ape into a human. This "God and science can't work together" bullshit is so beaten to death and there's no real basis behind it besides 'a priest molested me as a child so now everyone who believes in God is a molester too, evolution bro'.

Why do people feel comfort after praying? They feel as though someone has listened. Life isn't meaningless whether or not you'd like it to be.
>volunteering to heal sick
>getting paid to heal sick
If you think those are the same thing you've got severe brain damage.
>muh computer imaging
Jesus was the descendant of King David and King Solomon as-well as the Son of God. If you think he had features close to this you are retarded. The skin color is on point though, he was not white.
I am pretty sure the second coming of Jesus is supposed to be significantly different from the first.
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>hey guize this dude that lived 2000 years ago in a completely different part of the world happens to have the exact same political ideology as MEEEEEEEE!
The fuck would 4chan even look like in 30 AD
Jesus was political as FUCK in his day.
Jesus was anti materialism
expand ur horizons
>turns an ape into a human
wat abomination is this
>t. Occupy Democrats
>work harder than other student in HS
>get into pre-med school
>flying colors, no college social life
>med school takes up everything
>spend 10 years in education after HS


fuck you, if you want free medical care from individuals that have put everything into there career go and do it yourself faggot.
A Roman forum. Get it forums its where the word comes from.
expand ur horizons
*hint* look for a rock to hide under
Republicans are generally way more Christian than libcucks so I think your logic is flawed

Something evolutionfags seriously believe.
He'd be a National Socialist.
They need something to bitch about to appear edgy.
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The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.

Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?

Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.
>woman can't be compelled to give birth
>her body her choice
My labor my choice
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>violently whipping and throwing out Jews from his temple


It's like it wasn't enough to explain all this shit to Judas and then have it retold in all four gospels, it has to be constantly explained to modern fools that Jesus didn't come here to establish an earthly Kingdom.
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>.t literal Jewish image mapping of some random fucks skull
Agreed. That doesn't change the fact that Jesus spent much of his time with the poor, sick, and marginalized of society, the kind of people that your average /pol/ user actively ignores and/or resents and hates
There is evidence to suggest that Jesus actually led a violent rebellion against Jewish merchants at the time. He himself being a Jewish priest and carpenter. The Jews actually spared his life and he was hid away from his friends and family, in the south of France, where he had children, and didn't cause any more problems. This faggoty douche Jesus is a construct, by the Holy Roman Empire. The knights Templar figured this out, after their little stay on the Temple Mount in about 1000 a.d. The knights Templar used a cover story, that they were in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount, to protect christians on pilgrimage from the extremely violent mussel man. In reality what they did was excavate the Temple Mount, aka Solomons Temple. Jesus was related to Solomon, and King David, some of the knights Templar were also related to Solomon and David, on a side note. What they discovered under the Temple was reportedly a plethora of knowledge and artifacts. Some people claim they found banking secrets, and a shrine to Baal. They also claim that they found the grail. Another story suggests that they found evidence, that Jesus was not crucified, but that he survived and lived in southern France, hence the Merovingian bloodline. Then the Templars took this information to the pope in Rome. Whatever they found, they yielded an extraordinary amount of power, and they also created a complex banking system, used to help people on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, from Europe. Of course after ruling for about 300 years, the popes power diminished, and so did the templars. I'll let you be the judge of what they found, or even if that story is true.
I believe the Bible said He was not good to look upon, it is likely he had very plain features to match the humility of his Incarnation. He was a descendant of David but he was born a peasant
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>.t varg ass licker
The idea of Christianity as an imperial con is only a half-truth. The whole truth is what we now call Christianity started as anti-imperial and antiestablishment. Much of the language of the church of the first 3 centuries is cribbed from imperial lingo. When a Roman legion conquered a town everyone was required to proclaim "Caeser is Lord!" as a statement of loyalty to the empire. Instead, the New Testament reports that at their communal meals, Christians greeted each other with "Jesus is Lord!" instead. The implied subversive question - Who's made a better kingdom? Caeser who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bore the cross? Caeser who gains power through brute strength, or Christ who brings life up from death through sacrificial love? "Evangelion" (the word for gospel) was a proclamation of imperial victory, now being used to proclaim the inbreaking of a new kind of a kingdom. Even "Son of God" was in ancient times a political term used by Pharaohs and Caesers alike to symbolically confer God's blessing on their reign. Of course, this Son of God was a homeless blaspheming wanderer who was put to death by the temple and the empire. A stunning paradox to worship such a figure, a koan to break apart your previous boundaries and delusions.
The Romans of course caught on quickly that the growing Christ movement threatened the general trends necessary to control a massive market-and-military empire. This is why they worked hard to kill as many Christ-followers as possible for three centuries or so, before finally becoming smarter and comprising the demonic "compromise" of attempting to dominate and consume the message by adopting it as the new imperial religion. From that point on, fairly early in Christian history, the religion that has grown up around the name of Jesus has been compromised over and over and over again by worldly ties that run anathema to its roots. Yet still, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.
read a bible moron, he spent time with prostitutes and tax collectors.
>He himself being a Jewish priest
not true, priests were from the tribe of Levi, they called him Rabbi because he was a perceived to be teacher sent by God
If jesus was real and alive hed be like "christians.. u done did it wrong.. wtf is this vatican shit??
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
>"There are only two genders"
>they rejected jesus for he spoke the truth
>chases Jews out of the house of god with a makeshift whip
>tells his disciples to sell the clothes of their backs if they must to ensure they have a sword
>Knows useful trades like carpentry and fishing
>told his followers to bring his enemies to him and kill them in front of him

Why do atheist cucks pretend like they know jack fuck all about scripture? Would you try to give an analysis on the character hamlet without having ever watched or read the play and only going off of secondhand information? Would you write a book about Carl Sagan just going off what you think he's like based on his masterful show "Cosmos?" You people are straight up ignorant.
>If Jesus was alive he would be a raging liberal.

looking at the current pope I can say you are correct
Jesus would support sodomy and a caliphate?
Jesus is alive, he is both a Conservative and A Liberal, A Republican and a Democrat, he is all and represents all you atheist retard
Catholicism =////= evangelicalism
Evolution is change in a gene pool *over time* you retard. The amount of time from then till now is clearly way over your heard. Keep acting like you know what you're talking about though. It's funny as fuck how confident in your ignorance you are
jesus teachings are spiritual morals and wisdoms regarding achieving salvation, not how to govern properly dumbfuck.
>told his followers to bring his enemies to him and kill them in front of him
>It's funny as fuck how confident in your ignorance you are
I've been saying that about you Athecucks for most of my life. I don't care what you believe happened back then or happens after we croak, but if it turns out Satan rapes you with his hot lava molten dildo for all eternity, don't say I didn't warn you.
>Evolution is a change over time, that's why apes are still on the planet
Well another thing about Jesus was that he was extremely intelligent. He knew information that scholars studied for years to obtain. He was a carpenter. This instantly pissed off the Jewish elite merchant class. They were trying to figure out who this carpenter was, who was preaching a higher philosophy, than learned scholars. Then he started getting a large following. It's basically a story akin to pewdiepie. They tried to quash his dissent, but that made his following stronger. Then they just straight murdered and tortured his ass, which then solidified his following, forever.
Current pope is a Jewish mouthpiece, don't speak of things you don't know a thing about.
Holy Father's of the past have condemned Jews.
I read it daily, and what both of us said is correct. Also, prostitutes represent degeneracy, tax collectors represent Jewish greed, so those are just two more types of people /pol/ would not give the time of day.
Ah yeah right. He would be promoting homos/ trans, feminism, atheism just like all the rest of the commies. Not.
Mohammed isn't even in the Bible.
Your Jesus fanfic sucks. Jesus didn't downgrade old testament morals he upgraded them. He forbade divorce ffs. Do you think he'd be cool with mass abortions and gays spreading their aids?
No he wasn't. He could've spoken up against the roman empire and its soldiers, or protested his state execution. he didn't. it could even be that he didnt really care to be against the state.
Change in *a* genepool, not ALL genepools. Fuck man, you're gonna have to come up with better strawmans than that if you want to justify your delusional paranoid blind faith to anybody who isn't as stupid as you. You can literally watch evolution occur right now in an infinite number of ways in the wild, but there are plenty of artificial laboratories which make it even easier to observe - for people like you who needs reality told to like a bedtime story.
No because he would be an AnCap
I don't understand this dichotomy, is the current Pope a Holy Father or not
"Liberals" cant sacrifise their feelings for improvement jesus did just that
Have to disagree on /pol/ and prostitutes agree on the rest
Whoa whoa I think you have a pretty skewed view of normal liberals...
Robin hood didnt steal from the rich he stole from the government giving the people their hard earned tax dollars back.
Luke 19:27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
What dude? What do you think liberals actually believe?
>paranoid blind faith
HOLY SHIT ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THIS HYPOCRITICAL? Of course you are, you're an atheist. Your "blind faith" in no God is in no way justified other than with the pathetic mental gymnastics you're trying to pull right now.
the guy who said divorce was bad and faggotry is evil. right.
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Who cares about what a historical figure would be like in the modern world? Do you really think the Christians on pol are going to do a 180 and join you shclomo PS I am not a Christian but stand by them SAGE!
>>told his followers to bring his enemies to him and kill them in front of him
I get what your saying, in that it is a parable of the final judgement, but he did not tell his disciples to do what you said. Careful where you go
>but he did not tell his disciples to do what you said.
That's why I said followers
Divorce is for stupid whores and faggots.
That's why I said careful where you go
>If Jesus was alive he would be a national socialist. Prove me wrong. Pro tip you can't sweetie
He would be banned from social media for saying that Jews boast about their righteousness, and close the kingdom of heaven to people, he would also be arrested for throwing Jews out of holy sites.
Jesus never spoke about gay's. In fact the Bible only mentions gay's in the old testament. Nice try though
Jesus was an ancap. He believed in voluntary charity and association.
Jesus, a liberal? Look at what he says about marriage:

Matthew 19:
Jesus answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

he made them... WHAT?? MALE AND FEMALE?? Seriously, Jesus?? The gender binary!?!?
he specifically derided israelites for departing from moses's laws, which include laws about faggotry in leviticus. idiot.
Foolish really.

Jesus wouldn't be a liberal. He wouldn't be pro-Islam. He'd pray for His Father to send fires to the pride parade and rid the world of those demons. B today's standards He'd be more radical right wing.
I know what I would be.
I know that I know.

What sayest thou unto us, and to plant this seed.
It is accepted policy here that you provide proof when you make a statement. Chapter and verse is sufficient to start. Back to you Sodomite
Your wrong
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Jesus is against sin lmao. And liberals are the most sinful people on earth. Also Jesus literally says in the bible you shouldn't try to help people who do not deserve to be helped, or turn away your help. So he definitely would not be a socialist. Seriously fucking read the bible sometime.
>National Socialist
>implies I'm a faggot
The fuck are you talking about?
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He said He didn't come to change one jot or tittle from the laws in the Old Testament shitfag
26For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
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Jesus can make things happen out of thin air. Literal cures for no money.

The rest of us don't have that luxury, and to help ration out resources and labor we have money.

Insurance is for people who haven't wrecked yet, not people who have already crashed.
What if that was a misinterpretation and was meant to say hitler - a prophecy.
OH wow. So...what do we call that one flesh? Clearly it isn't man or woman, since those are the constituent parts.

And when we had two of these beings, these fused fleshes, then their offspring would likewise be fused fleshes, unless you are proposing that a Fuman (Fused Human) will only give birth to a constituent part (an Unfused Human). Almost makes one think they're discussing something else, doesn't it.

Pst. You don't understand the Bible because the Lay Bible isn't complete. Search harder.
protip your post is nupol cancer
Holy shit.
Jesus was brown, tard
Cause millions of years is observable. Right.
Jesus hates Jew's more than most of /pol/
Jesus: You should all give to charity out of goodwill.
You: But Jesus, can't we give our money to the Romans, and push for higher taxes, so that the government can do the charity for us?
Jesus: really nigga?
Jews are brown? SAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Catholics aren't Christians
trany's are gay
Haha, what? Do you have autism?
>only one of you is sick, but I'm going to shave 10 years off each of your lives to save this sick one
what version r u reading? The New American Retard Version (NARV)?
Jesus always does the will of the Father (his own words.) When God set up a country it did have provisions to take care of widows and orphans (i.e. people who can't take care of themselves for reasons not their fault). But it was really a very right-wing system by any standards. E.g. outlawing whores, favoring neither the rich nor the poor in court, outlawing homosexuality, capital punishment, etc.

You want to be considerate and compassionate, but without being a cuck or a sucker. And that description fits Jesus to a tee.

Jesus wouldn't be a liberal. God for sure wouldn't be a Liberal
This, his entire interaction with the Pharisees was politics. in those times politics and religion were essentially the same subject, as the political leaders were also the religious leaders.

Jesus in the eyes of the Pharisees would be seen as something like a right wing extremist, fallowing the Torah and knowing god's law far better than the Pharisees. But Jesus(in the bible) was very cleaver, never directly condemning a Pharisee. He always questioned/answered them in a way that resulted in them condemning themselves. No wonder they killed him.
he was born in the middle east
I agree with you with everything but this..

>But Jesus(in the bible) was very cleaver, never directly condemning a Pharisee

"Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" (Matt 23:33)
-Jesus to the Pharisees
(((Our Lord and savior Jewsus Christ)))
>muh moving goal posts
>muh blanket statement
Current pope is literally a Jewish mouthpiece
There's a summary at the bottom.
Pop is Antichrist
Good stuff.
Is he the Holy Father?

Awkward jews don't use the New Testament
False Pope who was not appointed by god.
asking the Catholics
You are right, but the entire passage has a lot more going on what it seems, he is not condemning for anything they have done but what they will do, jesus is referring to his own death.
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>Jesus was an insurance salesman
Made my day
How does that happen
check 'em
Jesus didn't give two shits about the Romans. He even blessed a Roman soldier, told to give to Ceasar what is Ceasars and didn't defy his Roman captors.

So who was Jesus most against? The Jewish Pharisees!!! The religious authorities and the self righteous.
Jesus was the most anti Jewish person aside from Martin Luther and Hitler.
If Jesus was alive the jews would murder him again.
It's time for...
So would you
Why the fuck would you spend your time with poor marginalized members of society you fuckwit or something?
>A Roman forum
>implying 4chins a respectable forum with established identities and not an anonymous graffiti board the officials loathe to clean
I should end you for breaking the nap
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>Why the fuck would you spend your time with poor marginalized members of society you fuckwit or something?
sez 4chan guy
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Pope has to die for there to be a new Pope. Pope Benedict didn't die.
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Is that written down anywhere?
>If Jesus was alive
You sir are retarded.
>implying Jesus died and stay died.
so tired of this retarded "Christianity is a Jew trick" meme

If Christianity is a Jew scheme, then:

-Why was Jesus so outspoken and redpilled on the evils of the Jewish elites of his day?
-Why did the Jewish community persecute and murder Jewish Christians for hundreds of years after Jesus's death?
-Why have so many Christians through history been such outspoken opponents of the Jews?
-Why would the Jews invent a religion which encouraged Europeans to beat up and murder them for being Christ-killers for over 1000 years?
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not an argument
I don't have to
Hear the words from his own lips(supposedly)
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal. 3:28
Probably, Catholics make a fuss about it a lot.

Me personally, I think the Vatican is compromised on many levels.
It's a fictional character, you can't prove anything
Ironic, coming from someone like you. Had the church not been excluded from the west, none of what we're bitching about here would have happened. You faggots blamed the church for antisemitism to get it out of the discussion and then claim your ((problem)) is because of the church.
>blacks would tell him to fuck off being white
Jews are not white
Stop perpetuating such propaganda
Being a good goy is being atheist and anti-Christian at the same time.
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nobody falls for your lies amerishit
Jesus would be preaching the gospel -- he wouldn't be a liberal or a republican, sweetie
Atheists are the eternal good goys.
He would have problems with capitalism and republicans yes, but man is sinful, he would definitely despise modern liberals
>commie kike thinks he is white
Made me laugh
This is true.
Jesus would reprove Republicans
But it would be straight hellfire for the liberals.
first I'm whiter than you 100% can post timestamp and BTFO you forever in front of everyone here

second I never said anything about myself
Youre delusional to think objective perspective = being a hipocrite. You're so ignorant that it almost hurts.

You're entire world view is based on "what if" and you're trying to patronize me for not wasting my time with it. You're a joke.
It is kind of a liberal idea to try to cure the sick. The conservative idea is that the weak should perish and the strong survive. I think that is why you see all these republicans that are anti-medicine.
>first I'm whiter than you 100%
>second I never said anything about myself
It's funny how commie kikes "don't care about the race" but when someone says they are not white they are trying to damage control as hard as they can.
Jesus had words for those who'd listen, but we saw how he dealt with those whose degeneracy was too high (turning tables, striking with a whip) and the liberals of today are much, much, MUCH lower than the merchants in the temple. There could be no saving them.
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what's funny about any of that? If you told a black guy "you aren't black: his natural response wold be -uhh I am though..
My worldview is "maybe/maybe not", not "ABSOLUTELY/NOT AND IF YOU DISAGREE YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT". People like you are far worse than a typical Christian, though. Putting people down for having a sense of hope in their life isn't 'ignorant' or 'idiotic', whether their beliefs are what you feel is bullshit or not. If people want to use religion or God as a tool to be a good person, that's no one's business but their own.
>changes race we are talking about so he can be correct
Atleast be better at being a jew.
We just don't trust what the Government is injecting us with. The deeper subtext of The Bible is that the elite are not to be trusted. The Bible somewhat indirectly (and directly) says no rich man will be entering heaven, and although your definition of "rich" may vary, it's no doubt the elite are on that list.
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>200+ posts
>Still no Nice Jesus image
Evolution isn't a matter if belief, it's a matter of objective identification. That you or anybody would deny just goes to show you don't really know what evolution is. There are plenty of christian scientists who study evolution even. To take it further though and say "if you acknowledge the reality of evolution you're therefore an atheist" is just ignorant. You really have no substance to stand on your ""argument"" which makes your attempted dirt throwing pathetic and cute.

God is a meme and that's the objective truth you would rather ignore than accept.
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>worshiping a fucking kike

Nein, danke.
>that's the objective truth
t. I've been dead before

By the way, when did I ever deny evolution, you fucking moron? Nowhere. What I said in that post was that evolution doesn't automatically put down the idea of God's existence. Which, by the way, it doesn't, and it never did.
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The real sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was materialism and ignoring God. Just like the sin of Babylon today, ignoring Jesus' teachings and going your own way.
Go read the sermon on the mount and see that Jesus said to quit your job and forsake all you have to be a true Christian. That's Jesus' standard, not your pastor's. Your "Lord and Saviour" demands obedience from you.
Everything is right but the last one. God was His creator that impregnated Mary but not by sex, hence her being the virgin mother. Joseph was his Earthly father.
Death is the state of nonexperience. Please enlighten us how that proves the existence of god - or at least how it possibly could. Lack of evidence does not = proof, I will remind you. Go ahead

SJWism is just like a religion.

Christianity=Man is Evil, articles of faith such as God redeems.

Modern Liberalism (SJWism) = (White) Man is Evil, articles of faith such as post modernism, genderfluidism, feminism, globalism, and cuckoldry redeem.
Your body dies and can never be revived. What happens to your soul is a mystery. You can either ascend to Heaven, descend to Hell, reincarnate into another living thing, reincarnate into a brand new baby with no memory of your old life, or maybe nothing. Who knows. You don't, I don't, and I don't understand why I should care while I'm still alive now.
Except Jesus is analogous to a hospital in this case, and they will always treat patients.
Health (((insurance))) companies are not the same thing, and in any case, I doubt Jesus would hold a gun to a healthy person's head until they told him to cure the sick.

Fuck the individual mandate, fuck leftist parasites, and fuck their subhuman shitskin pets. Oh, yeah, and fuck you, OP.
Jesus believed in unity and in not polluting morality with money. Liberals believe in dividing the working class against itself and in markets as a state of nature.
Jesus was a goddamn commie. Period.
You're literally saying "nobody know's, therefore its most likely something there is no evidence for" which is funny because you tried to say I was doing that earlier.

Lack of evidence does not = proof. There is absolutely no evidence of heaven or hell whatsoever, and just as little evidence of god bwing ANYTHING more than a literal meme. But here are two things which are true: everybody dies and people are born after. Nothing about that has anything to do with god unless you absolutely never shut up and insist it does. That's how it works because god is a fucking meme
How about you weebs worry about leaving your father and mother before advancing to the seriously high-level shit.
Also stop larping Judaism.
Oh and there is literally no evidence of a soul either. Soul, heaven and hell are all just points of view. Poetic memes and nothing more, just like god
Whatever. I am not going to spend all night trying to explain myself to a fedora by hammering the same shit over and over. Maybe it is reincarnation, at least I'd sure hope so. Go suck a dick, goodnight.
I'm not am atheist, you're just ignorant as fuck and wish I were. I'm merely curious and more open than you while not being dependant on platitudes to understand the nature of reality
Reminder that Robin Hood was a domestic terrorist who consistently tried to damage the financial stability of a Nation.
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