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AMERICA YES! https://archive.is/X6qWk >Man finds 2 year

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>Man finds 2 year old girl separated from parents
>Picks up child and tries to locate the parents so she doesn't die
>Parents spot man with their kid assuming he's kidnapping her
>Chad father and his 3 friends starts kicking the shit out of the man
>Splits the mans face open and removes a tooth
>Police come
>Police determine that the man did nothing wrong and was correct to try to return the child to her parents
>Chad father and friends post on social media about the man being a child abductor leading to the man and his family skipping town

Enjoy your 3rd world shithole amerifucks
any proof for either side of the story?
Moral of the story: never get involved.
So let the kid die because her dad might just be a prick?
so literal he said she said bullshit
He said vs cops said, you dumbfuck. Read the article.
Call 9-11 right away, or if you're in a store look for a store associate. Alert other people right away that you found a child.
Better than living with parents like that.

Natural selection. "Chad's" genetic line will go extinct because he is a shitty father.
Social trust is so low in the US. I heard the parents doesn't leave their child to be alone at other children's birthday parties because they don't trust the birthday child's parents.
What you get when your population are descendants of immigrants from all countries in the world.
>He dindu nuffn
>He ain't really tryn steal dat chil
Fucking bootlicker. Kys
kinda sad we live in a world where we can't help out a kid in need out of fear or being labeled a child predator. Rip West

I question this too. The father said the man was walking to the parking lot. And the man was just asking the girl? (Who can't really verify the story)

If you find a child, actively seek the parents and tell other adults right away. Otherwise... I don't really believe this guy's story....
Everybody knows the USA is a shithole, it's no secret. I don't understand why threads like this are necessary; if you don't like your country, leave it. It's simple.
or better yet, act like you didn't see shit and hightail it out of there. /
>, actively seek the parents and tell other adults right away
He did. Read the article. A witness saw him asking people if they were the girls parents of it they knew where they were.
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>So let the kid die

umm, you have to ask?
It's unlikely for a stranger that's talking to a wandering kid to be in the wrong.

Sexual abuse of children is almost always someone the family knows, including the family.

Over 99 percent chance that it's innocent and the person is trying to help out.
Also... when did he have time to take the selfie with the child? You should be working to find the parents and calling the police as you look for them.

AFTER you can connected the child with parents, then you can ask if it's ok for them to take a selfie.

We live in a nigger-infested, pedo-filled country.

I work in public transit, so we get lost kids on a fairly regular basis. Lost kid = call the cops, keep the child in sight, but do NOT touch or attempt to move the kid unless they're in immediate danger or to prevent same.

Parents are usually scared shitless when they lose track of children, and that flashes straight over into anger, irrationally so if they see anyone short of a cop with them. Usually they get pissed at the kid at that point.
>Uh, I wasn't taking her, I was bringing her back!

FFS, who bought that nonsense?
I said, don't stop the boat.
When did he have time to pose for the picture?
He did do these things. He was with a deputy and was asking people who's kid he found you mong
There's you're problem.

yes. Think of your own kids or family.

If you have to get involved because you're a retard... start off by livestreaming your encounter with the kid on your smartphone... make sure video is saved on the cloud.

Call the cops, first.

If your wife, mom, sister, or any random bitch on the street is available... ask for their help.

Parents are nicer to vaginal humans finding lost kids.

Kids are a liability to any adult male. Avoid marrying single moms, too. Stepkids are a huge liability, too.
This is why you NEVER go near someone's kids.
She barely avoided being eaten by gators.
That's the dad you dumb fucking fin
red pills are out there for people to take.
If in 'murica, yes.
the man that found the kid should have called the police
who the fuck picks up kids on the street and tries to reunite them with their parents
call the police
I think that's probably the father.
You clearly know fuck all about Mulberry.
i dont give a fuck about a strangers kids and neither should you
How do you know it's not the father in the pic?

ideally you don't want to interact with any kid and you don't want women in your family interacting with them either.

If it don't come out of your dick... let it die.

Better to watch a kid die by his own stupidity or that of his parents than getting in trouble, getting killed, or going to jail for 20 years for a misunderstanding.

Let nature, Darwinism take its course.

I've found and returned several with tearful mums and worried dads being very thankful.

Never had a problem and I'd do it again in an instant.
that's the father, read the article
Members of a community
That's how China happened.
Bahaha Jesus Christ the Jews won.
You're right.

Ain't it a grand ol society we live in now??
yeah who fucking cares it's a kid.
he obviously wasn't a member of their community if they didn't recognized him and beat him half to death
you find a kid you think is lost, call the police
it beats being suspect for child abduction
Take the kid to a police station then hope for the best.
>current year
>being a good samaritan
oy vey goyim what are you doing you must hate your fellow american
Better than being labeled as a pervert or attacked by some psycho.
I fucking hate my country.


All sense of community and helping such destroyed, with the state now the ultimate power in the universe
never help anybody. just to be safe.
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How often are mexicans the good guys??
>scruffy spic/arab guy in a filthy hoodie & trackpants poses a little girl and ***HAS SOMEONE ELSE TAKE A PICTURE OF THEM***
(so who is the other perp?)

>He's squeezing her upper thigh.... and his face sure as SHIT DOES NOT have a look of... "totally worried about this little girl!! gotta return her!!"

All you stupid fuckers defending this guy are OBVIOUSLY NOT parents.

Although, in fairness... I do not understand how a responsible parent could "lose" a fucking Toddler!! My 2 have tried a few times but you gotta be some sort of real retard to not be paying attention to your 2-4 year old at all times.

Gayness all around here... glad the kid is ok though (for now)
That's the father you retarded fuck
This, don't be within 10 feet of another person's kid, don't even make eye contact. And if the little shit walks up to you ignore it, because being nice obviously means you want to rape them.

The person in the photo is the father
The point I was making is that this is how bad our society has become.

Obe time when I was a kid I wandered off at a very busy mall as I got distracted by some bullshit.

Once I realized I no longer knew my mother was I started crying. A man asked me what was wrong and took me to the customer service desk and they made an announcement.

Point is it's sad that we now think letting a toddler die is better than helping it out of fear of what might happen to us, due to (((feminism))).
t. retard
Austin Strickland of Lakeland, Florida.

>being a father
>being over the age of 25
>wearing sports shorts and a hoodie

Deserves to be killed for that alone tbqh, the fact that he can't even keep track of his 2 year old just cements it.
>Be white
>Don't be non-white
Everybody involved barely avoided being eaten by gators. Or blacks or mexincans if this is the park I'm thinking of in the neighborhood behind Publix corporate offices.
It's funny how many people imagined the guy taking a photo with the lost child
Not my family not my problem.
its funny how /pol/ can make you feel that anyone who doesnt have white blood in them is retarded but then theres post like this, are you a nigger or something?
>pixelling her face

Oh... well fuck him then, it's evident why he's shit and I'm sorry the child was born to a mudnigger faggot loser like him.

Fate-Lotto.... not everyone can win it.
Poor little girl.
>Guy tries to return daughter you lost
>Somehow this makes you, the parent, angry

>start off by livestreaming your encounter with the kid on your smartphone

Great. So then the dad kicks your ass for recording his daughter.
Serves him right for being a good samaritan in this world.
>all these cucks defending this shit
Disgusting. Get the fuck out of my country.

I don't think the kid should die
I said call the police
call the police, stay in a public area, don't wander off from where you found the child unless it's in like an alley
stay in a populated area and make a non 911 call to the police and tell them you found a young child unaccompanied by an adult
The very first thing you do is make your intentions extremely clear. Call police or yell out to someone else. Have a witness.

This kind of shit in OP's post has happened with people trying to perform CPR.

There were witnesses you retard. Can you read?
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Odds are the kid will be a faggot when he grows up just like his dad.

Not my kid, not my problem.
>mongolian education

>Utpah Patel

Yeah if I saw some nigger/poo in loo/jihadist carrying my daughter away I'd run down and beat his ass to a pulp too. He shouldn't have been in a white community in the first place. Good on that dad.
That's what gets me. People have gotten complacent and it's like they think the government is the perpetual patriarch figure that will step in and fix any problem.

It was up to the men on that field to find that child and the only man on the field with the balls to actually do something about it was punished for it.

And people here are defending it. Fuck it all.
It's too bad the good samaritan didnt have their ccw.
Why won't someone kidnap my kids? I'm fucking sick of them.
Just betas who are still angry that someone else can be a better parent than the biological 'father'. Lets be real, this faggot, Austin Strickland of Lakeland, Florida, took his 2 year old to a fucking softball game that he was playing in. He had no one else to watch the kid and he decided "THE BEST THING IS FOR ME TO PUT MY 2 YEAR OLD IN THE STANDS WHILE I GO AND PLAY SOFTBALL"

This guy is an undeniable piece of shit that deserves to hang from a tree.
the demonization of "pedophiles" is becoming crazy
it's a witch hunt

I don't even look at children, even if they talk to me, I ignore them

people are paranoid it's best to not even look at these little bastards
>he obviously wasn't a member of their community if they didn't recognized him and beat him half to death
You're right, but the hick family from Mulberry were the outsiders here. Mulberry shits need to stay the fuck out of Lakeland.
IDK, man. America is different than Australia. Hell, even here things changed since I was a kid. About 3 years ago I caught a gyppo punk who broke the tank cap on my neighbour's scooter and was siphoning fuel. Scared him a bit and sent him off with a light kick in the ass. Bitch came back with his dad and the fucker asked me how dare I stop his kid from stealing fuel if the scooter wasn't mine. Whooped both of them and called popo. They actually didn't deny stealing fuel. Told popo they started the fight, got off scott free :)
>Police determine that the man did nothing wrong
>he dindu nuffin he a good boy
don't get involve but alert authorities if a kids lost.
so be like the inhuman chinks that /pol/ loves to hate?
There is NO FUCKING WAY I would walk off with a kid girl no matter how bad a condition she was in because any man doing this is an insta-peado. Let the little bitch die it her parents fault anyway. You see those vids of Chinese people not helping kids that have been ran over by cars.... same fucking reason as soon as you are involved your are the pervert or murderer and you have to prove yourself otherwise. So easy... keep on walking....

>We need to produce and protect white children
>lol just like let le kid die mayne xd
Yes. White.

Not White Trash.
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American whites are becoming so niggerfied its not even entertaining anymore. Worse still is that you fuckers spread the shit around the West like it was AIDs.
Thats the most on point degenerate limp bizkit white trash specimen I have ever seen
I can almost hear the "chill out bro its just weed" from there
>call the police
Why would the cops need to get involved for a kid who's lost? That's insanely statist, you guys are on the same level as soulless chinks
Some dumb ass parents let their kid wander off then kick the shit out of the guy that tried to return said kid?! WTF?!
>You see those vids of Chinese people not helping kids that have been ran over by cars.... same fucking reason as soon as you are involved your are the pervert or murderer and you have to prove yourself otherwise. So easy... keep on walking....
wrong, in china if you call an ambulance you are required to pay for it. why spend over a week's wage on an ambulance for a person you've never even met?
Classic leafposting. I've missed these ever since you could choose your flag.
Next time some stupid shart tourist loses their kid here I'm fucking leaving it for the niggers.

Americans are trash
Nice rebuttal. Unlike you I've actually helped lost kids find their parents but I guess you're morally superior just because I'm from Leafistan. Makes sense
Americans are snow niggers just like slavs. Even if you're trying to help them, the get violent.
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LOL Classic leaf!
Unironically this. Fucking retards. A society shouldn't function this way

You >>131564646
>>131564312 are a retard. White societies should be built on mutual trust and respect, not paranoia and selfishness.
So what does the guy look like? Any pics?
Sooo...probably call the cops for a missing child next time. He's lucky to still be alive, Florida is NOT friendly to non-whites!
If Chad is too dumb to watch his offspring, let them die
classic American chad story.
The dumbshit father should've had his child taken away from him by CPS for this, but instead, he'll get off scott free, will probably get a big ass boat to drive around on the lake, make more chad-jrs who will listen to rap and bully the high IQ NEETs in school, and will later allow his own 2 year olds wander off at a sporting event
I love the term "Chad" applied to a pussy who can't beat anyone without his friends.
This makes me angry because it reminds me of leftists unable to control their emotions who jump to conclusions and will believe anything that fits their narrative

Yes. A dead child is a good lesson for retards.

Eugenics means ridding the pool of any and all undesirable branches. Yes this includes stupid white people too.
by my American guestimation 90% of Americans are impulsive, tyranical lunatics. The other 10% have to faithfully clean up their mess
You do it like in this video.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4UQGOle_ap0
Well, are you?
Yes yes yessssssss!!!¡!!¡

Degenerate leaf, obviously neglectful parent loses 2yr old? Yeah, time to get this on public record.
When will people learn? In this day and age, helping strangers is stupid as fuck and is a huge liability.

yeah fuck kids its not like there is some huge shortage of brats

Shouldn't have picked her up, only hold the hand of the child as you look for the parents.
Hope is lost for you autists. I hope you all die. If i saw a lost child I'd help her find her family. If there was a problem id beat the shit out of her family and kick the kid in the ass for having retarded parents.
she's too ugly for the news
Jungle monkey running his mouth. You trashcans cant even hold down a fort.
Hm maybe at a public location, like Chuck E Cheese if you think the parents are not on top of it and it's a large group of kids. Those are child abusing/kidnapping hotspots. Everyone I grew up with would have parties at a roller rink/arcade place and some parents would volunteer to help chaperone. That never happened with a small group of kids or a house party though.
I would rather beat the shit out of a thousand innocent people than let one child molester steal a kid.

I blame Jews. Our society assumes all men are pedos because Jews are pedos and they put it out in the media that everyone is like them, when we aren't.

This would have never happened thirty years ago.
>Strickland says when he saw Patel with his daughter, he didn't think twice. 'When I got there, I just swung on him,' Strickland said.
'You're damn right [I punched him]. I wanted to kill the man,' Strickland told FOX 13. 'You just don't take someone else's kid and walk to the parking lot or walk in that direction.'

>Austin Strickland of Lakeland, Florida
He sounded nigger on the phone

any pics?
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kill yourself, white knight faggot.
Not my kid not my problem
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>Be broke af
>Kids cost too much
>Leave kid somewhere
>Hope it dies so I can get that insurance money check
>Some White Knight faggot finds kid and tries to give it back
>Things didn't go exactly as planned.png
Appearance is everything to these gaudy vain apes
>because Jews are pedos
I want to say I saw on here that Jewish people have a higher likelihood to be pedophiles than other white ethnic groups.

Thats what they do in Chyna.
Nah. Take the beating, look like a hero, then press charges against the father and his friends.
unfortunately yes

only uniformed/badged should deal with it. if you see a lone child, call 911.
he didn't feed it, did he?
Its agreed then /pol/, if you look too weird, never save children, and never care about people, because people will think you're up to something, therefore you have a license to be an asshole

you see weird people don't have it all bad
Digits of truth.

Basically, yes.
Depwnds what race it is
That's the kids father who punched the guy. Read the file name.
>>Police determine that the man did nothing wrong
>did nothing wrong

So it was a nigger then, no harm done
this is what feminism has done.
convinced everyone that every man is a pedo when it's female teachers that can't stop fucking kids.
Sorry but I hope the parent and co get fucking in court
You can't attack someone just because you THINK they did something.
>Parents spot man with their kid assuming he's kidnapping her
Kind of obvious that the guy randomly walked around, carrying the kid. Which triggered the alpha father.
He could at least have tried to signal them that he found the kid and is the good guy.
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Reminds me of something that happened to my ex. He was working at Best Buy and had to use the restroom. While he was at the urinal, some random little girl wandered in and started talking to him. He couldn't stop peeing in time before the father stormed in and started shouting in his face. The shitty dad called the cops, but they ended up throwing him out of the store because he was being a lunatic. The dad even came back later with his wife and tried to take pictures of my ex, but the cops threw him out again. Long story short, don't go outside if you're a man. Nowhere is safe. Not even a men's restroom.
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You bet. *sips tea*
What did they mean by this?
>lose 2-year-old kid
>because muh softball game
>feel stupid about it
>feel reeally stupid about it
>see dude attending to daughter
>feel relieved
>I'm not stupid
>it's just a kidnapping
>whale on the guy
>post shit on facebook
>I'm not a shit dad
>it was just a kidnapping
>Hope is lost for you autists. I hope you all die. If i saw a lost child I'd help her find her family. If there was a problem id beat the shit out of her family and kick the kid in the ass for having retarded parents.

No you wouldn't you dumb motherfucker. You'd get your ass beaten into a coma.

At least say something reasonable like you'd shoot the fucker if they started swinging.
Actually it is due to leftist liberal Dems owning media, and indoctrinating the masses that all males are podos, rapists, and enemies of all that is holy, multiply that by ten if the male is white. Also the same indoctrination is being done in public schools, which is why many are home schooling, but the left paint HSers as evil too. They fear free thinking independent people.
>I want to say I saw on here that Jewish people have a higher likelihood to be pedophiles than other white ethnic groups.
>other white ethnic groups
>other white
You're not white kike.
good point
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