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It's like you faggots forgot what it means to be American.

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It's like you faggots forgot what it means to be American. We are and always have been a nation of immigrants, the world's greatest melting pot where all cultures and faiths can thrive in harmony. What Trump has done is simply un-American
>We are and always have been a nation of immigrants

white immigrants

>Was constructed and written when almost exclusively white were allowed in.

No, its like you did.
So I guess black people don't count because they were chained to the boat?

they don't count because they're black
Why? Take away immediate social welfare for immigrants and encourage them to work. Yes, how fucking horrible.
We had selective immigration. I am cool with High IQ Asians and Indians coming into America. Not illegal mestizos and niggers. Lots of Europeans who were not high enough quality got sent back to europe back in the day.
black "people" don't count because they aren't people

Why do you think it was talking about Black people who were brought here to be slaves, the exact opposite of free. The text and statue are clearly talking about white immigrants.
White immigrants, yeah
Don't they at least count for 3/5?
>huddled masses
>wretched refuse
Sounds like they're talking about refugees
Daily reminder that our predecessors literally passed laws banning immigration from the Asias because we hated them so much, and also came extremely close to shipping all of the blacks to Liberia so we didn't have to put up with them here. If you really want to go back to America's roots, a general xenophobia to non-whites is something that pretty much every single American citizen had. So if anything, modern "diverse" America is the thing that's un-American
They hated Irish immigrants even more than you hate Mexicans. The statue of liberty is an enduring symbol of hospitality and good will toward men. All men, not just white ones.

I feel bad for this post. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry
>came close to shipping blacks to Liberia
<citation needed>
>some jew writes something on a plaque years after the statue was put there
>no! this is the true meaning behind the statue goy! now hand over those guns!
>OP's ID F14
According to my post ID, I apparently sexually identify as an F14 Tomcat

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>citation needed
The fact that you don't think this was a thing speaks volumes of your ignorance of your own history. Just google it, there are a billion and one sources talking about the movement to send the blacks to Liberia. It wasn't even
a theoretical movement, many American blacks had already been sent/moved to Liberia and they formed a ruling class over the non-American blacks for a while.
Well that's cool and all but just because they made a statue in a time when subhuman hordes weren't flooding the country doesn't mean it's okay.
And who wrote this and when? Who gets to decide what American is?
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All nonWASPs have made this country worse and need to go back
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Yeah times are different now. Italians, Polish, Irish, etc came here to build this nation not suckle from it's teet or kill it's citizens so get fucked and never let me see you face on this board again or else
>muh "country of immigrants"

these people didn't hop the border and suck up welfare, they worked and built our buildings and our businesses
>unironically thinks the US isn't a nation of immigrants
>being this retarded
Just as in Europe, there was a general animosity and/or carefulness for other whites over any sort of ethnic lines for a time. Germans, french, polish, irish, slav, etc. The Irish weren't the only ones subject to this, but you can always tell who the dumb, uneducated retard is because they only ever parrot the "muh oppresed eye-rish" meme.
My family was here before the country
They never immigrated to the United States of America
Black people are a perfect example of failed immigration.
Yes, of course this was an idea that was talked about, but to say that we "came extremely close to shipping all of the blacks to Liberia," is false. There were no serious plans to put this plan into action.
>1 nation
>50 states

>implying the Irish aren't subhuman
What the fuck kind of nazi are you, anyway?
Kike poetry isn't legally binding
> There were no serious plans to put this plan into action
It was already happening. The plan was in action you delusional git. It wasn't just talked about.
That disgusting call for serfs to come fill our factories was put on the Statue on 1905. We were already a country for over a century. Faggots like OP, usually Jew faggots, want to pretend that this Jew poem is part of our constitution.

"Pay no attention to Jewish myths." Titus 1:14
>implying Mexicans aren't here to work
So you're a native American? It must be difficult dealing with crippling alcoholism
>soul food
Without blacks, America has no culture
We were still part of England for 150 years dipshit
>the plan was in action
No it wasnt. You're being retarded again.
Most of the country is descended from immigrants. I'm sure one of your whore grandmothers fucked an Irish immigrant at one point in your family history
>life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
Yeah ok bud
It is almost like you know jack shit about American history.
Read up on Henry Goddard, and Ellis Island.
Then read up about the general treatment of most immigrant groups upon arrival.
>nation of immigrants
Skillful immigrants, not welfare-dependent migrants when we're already in a labor shortage.
We MUST get rid of the huge Welfare program or cut it down to the barest of bones before we just import hundreds of thousands of people. Our citizens deserve jobs first, our government must take care of it's own people first if it expects to stand without a revolution.
Other countries are responsible for their own citizens, and if they do a shit job of taking care of them, it's not our fault or responsibility to help them at the expense of our citizens.
We need to put our own citizens first and help other countries later. Not that that will ever happen while the Secret Societies allow the CIA to fuck up everything for money.
mass immigration didn't start until the mid 1850s
It is not hard to trace all of your ancestors back that far
Those were farm animals, not people.
America was a nation of European immigrants, not for the entire world
You're not American until you get your citizenship.

And fuck Islam. I hope they all die in their wretched shithole lands before they can ever even make it here.

The ban STAYS.
Only when counting population for the # of Reps, otherwise fuck no.
>Other countries are responsible for their own citizens, and if they do a shit job of taking care of them, it's not our fault or responsibility to help them at the expense of our citizens.
>give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free
The cognitive dissonance is too real

they count as 3/5 a person. they shouldn't be here anyway. slavery is a colonial thing, when we became a sovereign nation, it should have been abolished and all the niggers sold off to other places.
>implying many of them aren't here illegally
>implying they aren't sending shit tons of money back to Mexico and avoiding taxes
>implying they don't bring their families of many children that we support with our taxes going to their welfare, healthcare, and education
>implying they aren't stealing jobs from low/no-skill Legal immigrants and Americans
I hate how people quote that poem like it's in the Constitution or something
Some of them did go back tho.






Slave states bought slaves, now they have to live with them. Karmic justice
>hurrrr plebbit
Get fucked. I've been here since Dorner, faggot.
>implying Americans will do the jobs that illegals do
>still being this retarded
13000 blacks literally sailed across the ocean blue to Liberia you shitty baiter. I like engaging with bait to practice these arguments for later but seriously, this isn't something you can disagree with. Liberia happened, look it up and deal with it. Give me something that might actually hurt my argument, jesus christ. (btw, even if 13000 might not sound like a lot, daily reminder that the world population was incredibly less back in the 1850's)

And this is all a tangential argument anyways since its also impossible to deny that every single one of our ancestors was incredibly xenophobic towards non-whites and were extremely distasteful of non-whites. And then there's the fact that we killed or subjugated all of the Native Americans and stole their land. It's in our blood and in our history to ban or try to get rid of non-whites in our country.

This. /thread
LEGALLY give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free
Doesn't say "let me impose huge taxes on my own citizens to put thousands of people on welfare indefinitely"
Let them come legally and get jobs as citizens, not come to be on welfare and avoid the systems we have to make a functioning society
I never said it was, but it immortalized the American ideals of hospitality and kindness to strangers.
only Virginia and North Carolina opposed abolition. they were needed to win the war, so the rest caved. still the niggers should have been sold off or killed after the revolution
The Statue of Liberty was built by the Freemasons for an abandoned site in Egypt and the quote was written by Jews.
Then why do you type like some underageb& cockmaster?
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Even if I buy this shot arguement that we are a nation of immigrants, which I don't, consider that in the 18th century the following phrase had not yet been uttered by our "native" populace; "FUCK OFF, WE'RE FULL".
>high Iq
lol, maybe a select portion of them. there are lots of separate ethnicities that make up the general group one would call "Indian"
If you're too fucking stupid to finish high school or go to college yet you're able-bodied, it's either do low-skill jobs or starve.
No unemployment benefits for the employable. You can do landscaping, laundry, food service, maid service, even whatever field work is still done by humans. As long as you're paid a Legal wage, you'll do the work because no one else is going to support your ass.
The difference is they are not yearning to breathe free. They want to bring their same oppressive government system with them.
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Wow thanks for proving him right
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That's a fucking feel good poem, idiot. Tear it down. Who gives a shit. The poem isn't a fucking Constitutional law saying, "Cuck yourselves with Islam and black-hispanic dysgenics by the tens of millions to serve globalist elites, white retards!"
>13000 is a lot of people
>census data says there were over 3 million slaves in 1850
Wow, 0.4% of the population IS a lot. You totally BTFO my argument

Faggot. You still didn't post any information backing up anybody the shit you say, and I can only find I formation about how Lincoln decided not to send the slaves back to Africa. Maybe I need to look on your secret tinfoil sites, but I don't have TOR
You want to import subhuman rape machines from third world countries and you're calling us the faggots? Kys
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look up who wrote that, then get back to me on it, about the statue as a whole, it was a "gift" from the french. it isn't indicative of any americans thoughts, and it holds no barrings on our laws or traditions, if you don't understand that you are obviously a whiny liberal who uses bullshit to argue.
American is a nation of immigrants that wanted to start a new life. Not a nation of immigrants that wanted to bring their old life's with them.
Hospitality and kindness only go so far. If you are kind and generous to a fault, you'll get screwed over eventually. You can be kind but not let yourself get walked all over by flooding in populations that will disadvantage your own in multiple ways.
SNAP, welfare and disability are only available to citizens. You have to prove you're a citizen before you can recieve any of those benifits.

Besides, the biggest entitlement programs are Medicare and Social Security by a wide margin, but nobody seems to be telling old people to fuck off and die.
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some people don't like reading a block of text, or so i've heard, I actually prefer it, it strains my eyes now to read it all spaced out because I am so used to reading thick ass historical novels.
Exactly. Actual cultural cohesion with some small doses of flavor from outside Europe like the spice of culture. That's the only way a "melting pot" could be successful: by keeping the culture gave birth to the country in the first place as the underlying base of the soup. Now that's all being changed in just 50 years and major shifts into communism will occur in 20 years if the flood gates aren't reversed.
Bullshit. In from Georgia and most people living here STILL want slavery
>SNAP, welfare and disability are only available to citizens. You have to prove you're a citizen before you can recieve any of those benifits.
anchor babies
>Besides, the biggest entitlement programs are Medicare and Social Security by a wide margin, but nobody seems to be telling old people to fuck off and die.
Why cant I just take the money I am paying in SS and give it directly to my grandfather?
Read the part "yearning to be free"

Muslims do not want to be "free" of anything. They come to north america to be invading sharia pushing rapists who think the rules dont apply to them.
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this is not true, in the place with the most illegals (ca) it is not necessary to be a citizen to receive emergency foodstamps for 6 months at a time, or more, depending your situation.
>types 3 sentences
>spaces them out like a pleb
>spergs out when I call him out on it
>hurrrr it's because I'm smart and I read lots of books
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>Wow, 0.4% of the population IS a lot. You totally BTFO my argument
Your argument was that immigration to Liberia never happened. So yes, I did btfo your argument in its entirety.

>you still didn't post any information backing up anybody the shit you say
literally just google it. It's not my fault you are such a technologically illiterate simpleton that you can't use google to look up extremely accessible information. It's even on wikipedia you dumb fuck.
>inb4 wikipedia is secrit tinfoil site ecks dee

Ok, let's go through the motions for you, brainlet .. I search for "blacks sent to liberia" on google... then the first result is wikipedia... and then if you read, (yes, I realize reading might be hard for you, sorry) you'll eventually get to the "American Colonization Society" section where it quotes that 13,000 number! Amazing! You are a child and a retard for making me walk you through this incredibly simple shit. You should be ashamed of yourself for being so retarded.

>doesn't even acknowledge the rest of my post, which is arguably the much more important part
It's like you're wrong and don't want to admit it lol
>This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and later Asians although free blacks were allowed citizenship at the state level in certain states. It also provided for citizenship for the children of U.S. citizens born abroad, stating that such children "shall be considered as natural born citizens," the only US statute ever to use the term. It specified that the right of citizenship did "not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States
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Th statue was gifted by the French, designed by Frederic Batholdi and built by Gustave Eiffel, and had no plaque with those words on it inscription.
The inscription, which was written by a Jew (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Lazarus) was added later.
I never said it held any legal stance. You must be retarded if you're reading that far into my post. The statue initially symbolized freedom. The poem was added later to signify the American willingness to spread freedom to any who desire it.
We got hardworking white europeans who worked to integrate into american society.

All the shitskins do is fuck that up.
They want niggers gone, not slavery I would guess.
wage slaves are more economical. This was known even then. And with all the irish and italian immigrants, slaves were too expensive and volatile. Why buy and maintain a slave when you can hire an irishman and just fire him or hire another if he is killed or injured? "send an irishman, them niggers cost money"
False. This does not apply to California at all. You're also ignoring the fact that illegals are using social security numbers and collecting benefits as well. Who do you think is really draining social security?
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The US has ALWAYS had extremely strict immigration policy dumb ass. Throughout the entirety of the 1800's the United States almost exclusively allowed people from Western Europe, some Eastern European countries, and China to come in. That's fucking it. And even if they were from those countries, they had to spend weeks if not MONTHS going through vetting processes to ensure that they were compatible with American society. NEVER IN AMERICAN HISTORY DID WE JUST LET IN WHOEVER THE FUCK WANTED TO COME HERE. Stop fucking lying to yourself and learn some history. Mass immigration of people incompatible to western society is not part of fucking american culture, and if you think it is, you are historically illiterate.

>pic related
As you can clearly see, it was not until the last 100 or so years that the United States even began allowing large amounts of Non-europeans into our country, and never has islamic immigration been acceptable by our government.
>muh type
Just how I type, kike.
>it wasn't until around 100 years ago
So, for literally half of our nation's history?
The slaves Northerners gave them. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson among others knew slavery was a corrupting force, even though Jefferson owned slaves it was cause he had debt problems, they were all freed with in a year after his death and he defended slaves in court.
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>It's like you faggots forgot what it means to be American.
Nobody has forgotten, Pajheet.
The difference is your kind have been abusing our kindness, so now we're pissed at giving your filth.
you can't make this shit up, top fucking kek
The definition of white changed over time in the US. So, not by their standards.
>implying Indian immigrants are a problem to anyone except for waiters
>projecting this hard
No. Since 1960s. Then in the 90s largely, all labor major unions were coopted by communist globalists (mostly democrats and some RINOs). New power came into the unions and for the right price they did a 180 on their anti-immigration polices and welcomed the flood of illegals. Once upon a time, labor unions used to be a natural deterrent against illegal immigration and large floods. Now they're rotten to the core.
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Yea well they arent the tired or poor they are assholes who want to see america burn fuck these refugees
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She is best known for "The New Colossus", a sonnet written in 1883; its lines appear inscribed on a bronze plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty[1] installed in 1903

>Still happened before 1917 Literacy Act
>Still happened before 1952 McCarran–Walter Act
>Still happened before 1965 Hart celler act

Your point?
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>BTFO faggot
Hell yee.
>invasion of Mexico when?
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Emma Lazerus was a Zionist. Also Israel Zangwill, creator of the "melting pot" meme was a jew.

Underrated. We don't have wide open spaces to homestead anymore. Housing prices are through the roof and have become virtually unaffordable to purchase on a working income.
>Every. Fucking. Time.
His or her point was probably this >>131475406
And then you're just trying to water down everything the country was founded on out of the equation. Nah, fuck you, ya commie piece of shit.
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>all cultures and faiths can thrive in harmony
>white immigrants
More like settlers of predominantly teutonic descent. Nice try, hyphenfag
Not really true.

There is a difference between pioneers and settlers and immigrants.
>a fucking poem
Alien and Sedition Acts.
Indian Removal Act.
Chinese Exclusion Act.
Naturalization Act of 1870.
Immigration Act of 1924.
Executive Order 9066.

>Search Google for
>Jewish poem on a French statue
>"what it means to be American"
We should tear down that statue and replace it with a monument to the spirit of Manifest Destiny.
European Immigrants? yes.
keep the statue, remove or replace the poem.
Americans were never kind to non-white strangers. Even whites were frequently treated with suspicion.
I actually don't want artificially low pricwd food at the grocery store. I'd rather food prices go up because Amerifats eat too much because it's too cheap and abundant.

I would however like rent/housing prices to go down. Imagine if 11 million illegals had to go back tomorrow. Landlords and home sellers would be scrambling to find renters and buyers making it easier on all us poorfags.
Fine but they quit melting. They refuse to assimilate anymore. Fucking "progressives" have poisoned the well with identity politics. They keep dividing people into smaller and smaller groups. Fuck that. You wanna' come here and enjoy this culture, commit to it. Learn the language. Embrace the system and quit trying to change it into the shithole you are fleeing.
OP confirmed as jidf. Sage this kike low quality b8

Isn't that passage basically saying "I'm stupid enough to welcome all the shit you're shoveling into my yard?"
Yeah, thats when we started taking in a lot of Canadians and Mexicans, which are still more or less people of European descent. I just said they're not coming over from Europe. We didn't start taking in many non-europeans from other countries other then China until much later.
Originally, only property owners were allowed to vote in America so btfo OP
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