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China created a real life good boy points system called 'Glorious

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The Chinese government has introduced a data-driven social credit system to force its citizens to be honest and trustworthy, ranking them by good or bad behaviour, with performance-related rewards and punishment.

Using algorithms to keep people honest, the central message is: “Forge a public message that to keep trust is glorious”.

The new system will make citizens more accountable and build a national credit rating system, according to the State Council or cabinet, but many are wary of allowing the Communist Party access so many personal details, especially as President Xi Jinping’s government has cracked down on personal freedom.

Due to roll out in 2020, the social credit system uses big data technology to collect information on all citizens and analyse that information to rate behaviour, including financial creditworthiness and personal conduct.
“The creditworthy will be granted conveniences in education, employment and opening start-ups, while severe wrongdoing will be made public,” run directives from the State Council.
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better be a good boy
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fuck that shit
Can they be exchanged for tendies?
This is going to end in disaster. Taiwan and Hong Kong will never accept it.
there might be a quarterly tendie dividend, if you've been good

aren't chinese normally known as amoral emotionless beings? Hence the videos of chinese people running over children and onlookers not assisting the child in any way?

Perhaps the Chinese, due to their intelligence, realize they are socially inept, and are working to correct this through government action. It's fucked up to me but perhaps for the chinamen this is a solution to their woes.
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That's because they are smarter than us.
Hong Kong will since they are China now.

Taiwan won't unless it becomes China. (Taiwan isn't really part of China by any logical definition even though China considers it part of China.)
It's like a video game but it's one of the modern ones with pay dlc and transactions.
real life psycho pass!
>keep trust is glorious
keep trust is glorious! hail glorious!
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So the entirety of China is now Honnijou Academy?
>they are smarter than us.

very true
ironically you lose social credit if you play video games
More like that Black Mirror episode.
It is hardly noteworthy for glorious Satsuki, our one true leader.
This is old news, it's just like your credit rating in the US except it also includes being a fuck up generally in the rating
More like real-life Psycho-Pass.
Unbelievably evil holy shit
Hilarious. A country full of soulless beasts using technology as a means to keep them in line. They are doing the same with the religious boom of Christianity like ex convicts do. China just die you suck.
Oh, the one with the facebook turned up to 11.

Yeah, that was some horrific shit.
Well they aren't judging crime coefficients / pre-crime just yet...

but the affording cushy spots to people playing the game made me think of Supreme Leader Satsuki.
>aren't chinese normally known as amoral emotionless beings? Hence the videos of chinese people running over children and onlookers not assisting the child in any way?

>help children
>get bankrupt and/or in jail

Maybe you shouldn't judge them based on the norm in your society. Not every observable behavior comes down to genetics.
chinese people usually kill the people they run over because they have to pay for the medical care for life if they survive
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It seems the same.
On the other hand, one must accept that this is simply legislating the contemporary. Conformism is the key to success in this fucked up society, already. Might as well rack up some points?
This is eugenic and has the potential to raise the level of their civilization. Distrust is a friction that inhibits cooperation, so if they manage to create a higher trust society, cooperation will be easier, economic activity will be more rapid, and they will become more competitive.
>a higher trust society
>Forcing people to conform
Very trusty.

Big Data is our enemy!

It's like in Psycho Pass the Movie.
Haven't seen it.
Was it noice?
>They are doing the same with the religious boom of Christianity like ex convicts do
Data mining is a thing. 4chan is a honeypot and Tavistock esqe operation.

They are MOCKING the BIRD
Whats hard to understand? China found Jesus.
Thanks Hiro.
What's next, GMO wheat? Oh wait-
You cant escape data collection. Every word you post online, every thought is saved and analysed. After around 20 years it is discarded unless privately saved.
Propensity for tyranny east asians have is clearly genetic. Japanese less so probably becaue of Jomon admixture.
Japs are north chinese with jomon and siberian admixture and north koreans are north chinese with siberian and mongolian admixture. South koreans are north koreans with less mongolian but more southeast asian and probably some jomon admixture. Whereas chinese are a mix of north chinese related to mongols and south chinese similar to vietnamese and maybe even taiwanese aborigines.

>Not every observable behavior comes down to genetics.

I mean east europeans have some mongoloid admixture from siberians(including paleolithic Siberians) and mongolians and they clearly have predisposition to authoritarian governments.

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yeah but they didnt know that i have my own elephant. Opensource datamining is a thing.
There are more partys then they know who are making lists.

and maybe checking it twice who is naughty and nice.
4chan would have to be the most retarded place to datamine. I can only speak for myself, but I honestly do nothing (and feel like most anons also do) but start arguments for sake of arguing, or shitpost, and funpost.
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Unit 8200

I wonder who is behind this companys.

No i dont wonder. i know!

Keep thinking that. Life a normal life and go back to sleep.
Heh. After modding here you would think he could understand you cant pander to chaos.
Yes now we ha China as a real life example.
With numer of chinks and canada and australia they will probably introduce similar systems
I'm not saying that there isn't companies/people doing it for simply the experience and possible revelations. I'd like to add, that Mark Zuckerberg had a meeting with China last year looking into the exact thing OP is posting about.
And this is what everyone should be concerned about.
This video explains it very well.
"Mandatory at 2020" .... China is the proving ground. It will be implemented by most Governments later on.
>Massive shortage of tendies
>Violent protests start forming
>Street filled with people chanting "TENDIES TENDIES GIVE THEM NOW!"
I think the 2016 election is proof that'd never really work in the Western world. We're too focused on a capitalistic society which is completely adverse to a highly controlled population.
Don't they already have internet addiction camps and national service? Commies going to commie.
Keep thinking that and prepare for a surprise.

Its like if blizzard entertainment ran the government. China is going to experience mass suicides 2020 confirmed.
Its not about the "games" its about the "system"

>Achievment unlocked. Be a robot and smile.
>Keep thinking that and prepare for a surprise.
So the whole basis of this system is social stigma of (certain) opinions being so overwhelming that it fuels complete obedience of the citizens.

Take a look at porn.

Not to mention, they're have to be 1 over arching party in power, AND the "system" would also have to account for fact that cultures (here in the U.S. at least) vary from state to state.

You can't leash Americans, for the simple fact as soon as you do, it's "cool" to be the complete opposite.
Its next level communist oppression. If you ever played blizzard games their community is pure collectivist or if you ever been to Reddit its the same. They say people who dont conform to their standards should be punished. Thats exactly what China is going to do in with this tally system except its your real life. I wouldnt be surprised if citizens with low scores are placed into housing blocks and treated like full on second class citizens.
Oh it almost happened in america before we lashed out electing trump. Its the liberal agenda and i now feel the dark cloud above me clearing.
Sounds like one of those "common sense" laws those libtards love so much.
>You should let Windows datamine you, guys! It makes the experience better!
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The modern world is a dystopia.

>Oh it almost happened in america before we lashed out electing trump.
Literally the proliferation of information (the internet) is shrinking the window for some authoritarian take over... probably at the rate of Moore's Law. If anything, this Chinese system will be used to sell you stuff. I'm not saying it can't happen, or that it shouldn't be on the radar, but I just think more probable things could occur before.
literally black mirror
It's similar to North Korean Songbun system but more insidious and you can improve your score unlike in North Korea where it is permanent.

Finally, a system that polices those souless monsters.
Sounds like they're trying to overturn their rep for shoddy products and doggy trading. There's a cultural expectation in China that is sort of like 'you get what you pay for' except it applies to midrange products as well a dirty cheap. You can expect to be shafted if you're not paying premium.

Overturning that tradition would help with western trade immeasurably. Seems like a fairly Chinese way of doing it, even if it's a bit too collectivist for western tastes.

Either that or its basic bitch thought policing. Equally likely really.
I think its a good thing, since chinese people are notorious for their dishonesty.

I wish they would implement the same system in Israel.
bump for you thread Poland.
They're well behind the brits. For fucks sake their currency is named GBP.
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sounds like a system thats easy to abuse. i like it
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They did this in an episode of black mirror and it was dystopian as fuck
What is the name of this bear character posted on 4chan?

oh god. the chinese are fucked.

mfw Communist connections will now translate DIRECTLY into social status.

looking into the future
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Fuzzy wuzzy
Some animals are more equal than others
Do you have any Spurdo-Sprde+Pepe+Wojak+Happy Merchant memes?
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Is santa clause coming to tow- i mean china?
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This is just like my Japanese animes.
Did someone actually had to put the name of the country besides the flag?
>I wish they would implement the same system in Israel.

They will.

>Israel Defense Forces to issue troops with Chinese drones

>China to open a drone factory in Saudi Arabia

>The Iraqi Army Is Flying Chinese-Made Killer Drones

>what could go wrong with drones full of backdoored Chinese chips sorrounding our troops 24/7

Prepare for order 88
You're a good boy
WTF is going on I feel like I'm being catfished but for memes
Which is fair, videogamer have less social time to share.
It's not a matter of good or evil but a matter of ant like efficiency.
Our boomer crisis is nothing compared to what China has in its future.
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I warned you about non free software, but you refused to listen
What drones have to do with their good boy system?
season 3 when
China collapses without a strong govt. to keep the regions with ocean access in check.
Russia collapses without a strong govt. to keep all the minorities and border regions in check.
Japan is more secure but needs to rely on trade since it lacks energy resources.
Korea is caught between China and Japan so they are either controlled by one of those or also need a strong govt.
Genetics are a meme that no one in decision making roles takes seriously.
Taiwan is China. It's real name is the Republic or China.
They don't act human in the first place without the threat of violence or rewards incentive, so it's understandable. Bunch of fucking flies.
>Genetics are a meme that no one in decision making roles takes seriously.

Genetics are real as different populations consistently behave differently as a whole and have different laws.
It's not genetics, its culture.
Culture in part is determined by genetics as different populations have different inclinations formed by selection in their environment over thousands of years.
Only in part. The Chinese are actively trying to modernise their culture on their own initiative, I have to applaud that.
>one population lives on an island
>another population lives in the middle of a continent surrounded by hostile countries
wtf why do they act differently must be genetics
If you believe genetics plays such a large role then why did the Americans for example change so much when they moved to America from mainly European countries.
Geography shapes culture and culture shapes behavior, genetics in comparison play a much smaller role (except for maybe africans) in creating a culture.
>Only in part. The Chinese are actively trying to modernise their culture on their own initiative, I have to applaud that.

Well, if you considerer initiatives such as glorious trustworthiness a modernisation.
But who am I talking to, based on your flag you're probably a chink.
>to force its citizens to be honest and trustworthy
yeah, this will work
It's been mandatory to join this system for at least a year.
I posted this shit on here in late 2015, but nobody seemed to care.

Just because it's going public in 2020 doesn't mean it doesn't exist yet.
Banks already have access to it, and you can check your own.
Fun fact, hanging around with people who have low scores decreases yours.
Especially if they are not acting with china's best intentions in heart. i.e. criticizing the government.
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> chinks
> honesty
Those fucks just don't know the Tao.

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>Be honest at all
Jews might go for this in America. dindu's are natural criminals so there good goy points will always be down.
it is china
no one cares
i have been there and it is shit
you can speculate based on your cartoon love
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>china will be the real santa claus
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Republic of China, only China
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