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how do we stop nordicists from trying to steal Southern

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how do we stop nordicists from trying to steal Southern European history?
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>stealing Italian history
Wew lad
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The Italian should have black hair and brown eyes because hes an arab.
In ancient Rome, blond hair was initially considered to be a symbol of a prostitute, and these women were required to bleach their hair blond or wear blond wigs. After slave girls were acquired from Scandinavia and Germany, noblewomen began to wear more wigs made from their hair, and the stigma attached to blond hair diminished. Women also began dying their hair lighter shades using infusions made from saffron flowers. Unfortunately, some dyes and bleaches caused such severe damage to the hair that people resorted to wearing wigs. People also wore false hairpieces to augment their own hair or create special effects.

Prior to that (and probably long after as well), Romans were much more likely to use dark colored dyes, often to hide gray hair and restore their natural color. Victoria Sherrow explains again:

Hair dyes were popular in ancient Rome, and historians have found more than 100 different recipes that the Romans used for bleaching or dying hair. Early Romans preferred dark hair, and at one time, blond hair was the mark of a prostitute. Light hair became fashionable after Greek culture reached Italy and the Roman legionnaires began bringing back fair-haired slaves from Gaul. Women, and some men, applied bleaching agents to their hair and then exposed it to the sun to achieve a golden or red color. Wealthier people could afford to sprinkle actual gold dust on their hair to create a blond look, as did the ancient Phoenicians. Another way to achieve a lighter shade was to cover the hair with flower pollen and the crushed petals of yellow-colored flowers. When harsh bleaching agents caused hair loss, Roman women resorted to wigs made from the hair of blond slaves.

Indeed, according to archaeologist Elizabeth Bartman, Romans also imported black hair from India, while their use of blonde hair had political significance. Unlike the Indian hair, which was acquired through trade, Germanic hair became a symbol of Rome's subjugation of barbarians
let them turn into a caliphate
Shitalians are not white. Neither are you, Moortugal.
We keep fuckign their girlfriends when they come as tourists or exchange students and we keep stealing their money tru EU subsidies.
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sounds like a sound strategy to me
What did that red thing on the helmet do?

Scare opponents? Make you easier to spot (for allies) if you got lost in the forest?
Nordcuck spotted
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>Light hair became fashionable after Greek culture reached Italy

Fucking Greeks ruined everything with their degenerate libertine culture. Romans should fight for the republic and till the soil like their forefathers and not consort with actors or waste their time on idle pursuits. MOS MAIORUM not EASTERN DECADENCE ok, Jupiter bless.
Centurions wore that to distinguish themselves from other legionaries.
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>that fucking image
Perfectly symbolises Vargtards.

Literally nigger tier people who stir up conflict in the nationalist community.
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fuck off
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That meme
Atlantic who married Nordic and honestly DGAF. It honestly doesn't even matter.

Any European is worth 1000 niggers
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Youre just a nigger.

Curly hair is a nigger traitb
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>thread about a european issues regarding european peoples
>americans still come in to tell everyone their opinion
fuck off
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Not a single white has curly hair.
>No nordic claims to be descendants from the romans
>medshits starts wishing that we were
wew lad
you southerners sure are cucks
At this point it's just Southern Europeans who accuse the Nords of stealing their history, even though they don't(apart from a retarded minority)
So fuck off
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Find me a castillian king with curly hair.
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None can stand those varg larpers
You don't have to stop them. Anybody with a cursory understanding of history realizes that Romans and Greeks weren't Nordic.
If you, however, want to turn around and seriously attack Northern Europeans, then you yourself are guilty.
>Find me a castillian king with curly hair.
I'm literally castilian/basque/french and I have curly hair, you LARPing subhuman.
Curly hair is a very Spanish trait.
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Kek you subhuman kike.

Find me a castillian aragonese navarrese or portuguese king with curly hair 000000000% of spaniards have curly hair.
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>literally a potato
>literally a negroid jewish faggot
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Literally almost every Spaniard has curly hair, you fucking LARPing subhuman.
>muh monarchs
The fucking monarchy was never even a representation of the rest of the country.
Never forget, you aren't Spanish, let alone a Castilian, you are just a filthy LARPing nigger.
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Daily reminder that Turks are white and anybody who disagrees is a jew. :^)
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0% nigger curls.

Ill post all navarrese, portuguese and aragonese kings next
Yeah but your mudslimes sooooo
I doubt anyone nordics would actually steal the southern european feats.
The reason why the romans lost to the germanic tribes men, was due to the fact that the estimated average height of the roman soldiers back then was 160 cm (5'2) and the estimated height of the germanic soldiers were 180 cm (5'11)
it was quite simply no match, the poor little roman had no chance against stronger genetics, despite of the advanced military that the romans fielded.
Get the black plauge you knave!
Fucking subhuman kike nigger.

0% of spaniards have curly hair, 0% of
Portuguese, navarrese, castillian, and aragonese.
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>Romans has big noses and curly hair
Were romans jewish?
I have straight hair but a fuckton of people I've met have curly hair. Don't listen to this subhuman, he's probably the CHICANO who always claims he's Iberian.
Nordic looking dude here. Yeah that is not what happend fuck off kike.
>let me tell you about your country
LARPers are getting more delusional by the day.
Must be hard being a chicano.
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How do we make Europeans realise that Portugal is the best country ?
Yes and thise with curly hair are nigger kikes moors.

0% of those with procen lineage in spain for thousands of years have curly hair.
So is Europe. :^)

You follow an eastern religion and are steeped in eastern barbarian culture. You will never be white no matter how much you bleach your genes with Slavic women.
>Southern Europeans
>light brown hair
>Green eyes

wew lad
0% of racial spaniards not residents of spain subhuman filthy moor.

You cant have curly hair and be spanish.

I'm also Castilian/Asturian and I have straight hair. Fuck off you cryptokike.
>Nordic looking dude here. Yeah that is not what happend fuck off kike.
Hello "nordic looking dude" where is your argument? I'm bringing facts and you're just spouting your opinion.
x does not equal y

They're Europeans and there's nothing wrong with most of them, go fantasize about "muh eye colour" because you nordniggers have nothing else to be proud of.
>I totally know about your country eventhough I've never been there, now let me tell you about who's white and not.
Please go fuck yourself. People like you make me want to drown you at the Mediterranean Sea alongside all those niggers.
You are literally retarded.
Curly hair is a Spanish trait, plain and simple.
>not resident of spain
I don't give a fuck about "non-residents". Spaniards have curly hair 9 times out of 10.

gypsy detected.

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>Im a cracker: The post
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We all know (((who))) is behind these "You're not white"/"You're not European" threads. Why do you morons keep falling for it?

Nords, Meds, Anglos, Celts, Slavs, unite to defeat the international Jew and the Moozlem subhuman infidels!
Hey rabbis, whatcha doin'?
Honestly it looks more like the borders of the Islamic world at their greatest extent.
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FIlthy gypsy.
Portuguese king

0% of native Iberians have curly hair, fucking 0% understsnd???
I'm of Italian descent and I look the part, but isn't this a bit hypocritical? Why are we even making threads about each other any more? Focus on the (((enemies))), the normies, the faggots, the muds, etc... Leave our white brothers of various stripes alone
>Look at me mom! I have le reddit flag!
Quit hiding, faggot.
You are the fucking minority, borrego. My mother, who is half-basque half-french -not a SINGLE Spanish surname- has CURLY hair.
Vete a ordeñar bacas, paleto.
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Do you look like this?
Fucking this
>another manleterranean butthurt thread
this is asian masculinity tier
I screencapped this and i'll put it in an obese american spurdo sparde meme
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Navarrese king, curly hair = fthy moor nigger kike

tomar por culo gitano de mierda.
this dude has curly hair tho
Fick off filthy gypsy
When are you getting deported back to Mexico again?
I wish you rapebabies didn't exist
>f-fcuk o-off!
Don't forget to kill yourselves, you subhuman LARPers
No senpai. I look like Jake Gyllenhal (or however it's spelled) with brown eyes and less psychological issues. Brother and sister are both blonde with green eyes, I'm the youngest and I got the straight brown hair and brown eyes. I'm also part German and part English. Italians being part nigger is a meme.
Reminder that the same retards that are saying that Romans were Nordic and that Italians are shitskins are the same ones who shill Varg and Paganism here
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Post your face disgusting moroccan filth.
Uhhh didn't the "medcuck manleterraneans" totally btfo the snow chimps? Let's all get along before we have to set you straight again nigger
You aren't Italian if you aren't a bit black
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Meds and the French and as much as I hate to admit it Brits are the best Euros.

Scandniggers need not apply.
Iros a follaros un pez, fornicaperros de los cojones
By stop making these shills threads.
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I wonder who's behind this post?
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Curly hair is the spanish mans hair arriiba flamenco olllllleee!!!
Filthy gitano nigger trash.
My cock is above average size so does that count? Romanic nose, thin lips, almond eyes, straight hair, small ears... Definitely not a nigger
Irony ?
Owned by the Ottomans
Owned by Muslims
>South France
Ravaged by Islamic armies
Everything south of Rome was conquered by Muslims

The only discrepancy is north Italy.
looks like someone can't handle the banter
Nice meme
actual nordicists haven't really been a thing for decades outside of incredibly obscure figures like arthur kemp, it's almost always brought up via darkie deflecting or trollin. it's way more common to see people claiming they were black.
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Learn to tell difference between This
Are you autistic you dumb fuck? Have you ever been to Spain or Italy?
I'll post it when you show me a video of you blowing your brains out
lol no spaniard is white so who cares what his hair is like
delusional negro
No, he has not. He makes up dumb bullshit.
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And this
And definitely not Italian
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>Owned by Muslims

Read a fucking book you retarded burger. They never "owned" Iberia. They pushed the Christians to the north and fought them for 700 years consistently losing land. The Portuguese manage to free themselves completely of the Muslims in a short period of time. Not only that but the Portuguese and Spaniards were one of the only European nations to route out and kick all Jews and Muslims.
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>not posting McPropaganda for free
How am I anti-nationalist? Also your ID is perfect, Smeg, like the Smegma that dribbles out of your baby dick into this thread. Try making an argument for once.

>everyone else is a shill

Shitty b8, all though I agree with this post. I'm done defending those southern "europeans".
They are identical, probably those in the upper photo descend directly from that arab gyspy
Whites from Roman Times were whiped out when you got invaded by niggers.
filthy nigger what are you doing in europe
Nigger I am more Italian than anything else. I even eat spaghetti, fym?!
This is my black ancestral homeland. We are proud of our melanin. Fuck off cracka
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2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT RACES one is an oragantan moor the other is a native Iberian.
yes white man came from the dead sea, but then turkey was invated by arabiniggers, and ethnoturks from byzantium were gone
Stop appropriating italian culture and stick to your chicken marinated with hopes and air cracka
Stop appropriating my white culture by telling other people what they are and are not allowed to do, nigger!!!!
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>nordniggers have nothing to be proud of
No, you're right. This isn't exactly what anti-nationalists say.
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Spaniards are moors!!!
Pic related are moors
You know that the Kings of Navarre were French right?
Strange, I was born in southern Italy. I have green eyes. My mom and sisters have green eyes. My dad and brother have blue eyes. My entire family save 2 or 3 cousins all have green, blue, or hazel eyes. The town I'm from in Italy is at least 70%+ light eyes as well.

Maybe it's just my particular town?
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>he's phoneposting
I should have known.
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Pic related spaniard

<0% relation between Iberians and moors.
you are white invaders in black italy, fuck off
I dont reply to niggers.
We are not african indeed, just nonwhite or "black"
>They're still falling for this bait.
I knew /pol/ was just reddit, but come on...
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Seems like your great-great-great-great-great-grandparents all got GUISCARDED
you are one Esteban
I didn't mean all Nords you fucking idiot, just like not all Africans are spear chucking niggers. But every nordicist who posts BS against the Southerners will get called a nornigger and you lose your shit.
We dont care, we have our own.
I know my black brother, these crackas are thick
I'm in America actually but no you niggers are the invaders and Italy is about done with you biscuit lipped rapefugees
And a very French trait too.
You don't even live here, dont speak for us cracka. Our black brothers are welcome
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Same, brother. dem crackas be dum as shieeeet nigga
Just remember who our real enemy is, leaf. Every thread not about (((them))) is a potential immigrant to this board who feels validated in his pro-semetism and spreads that cancer even further.
We will be free from their puny white asses one day my friend
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Nope, not really.
Nordcucks are insecure little bitches that feel the need to project their own issues towards other countries, or are we forgetting that by the next years they are gonna be a bunch of sandniggers?
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are you actually retarded?
one drop rule baby
you are not italian, just a filthy wh*te
Really? I've never seen a French person with curly hair. I have seen multiple Dutch and Irish people with curly hair, the Irish are already known for it but I'm interested about the Dutch.
Nope, doesnt exist, they are sandniggers.
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some southern Italians have Norman blood
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Then you've barely seen any French people.
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as a white man I would personally take the responsability to bleach the italians, one woman at a time
So gypsies and Muslim Europeans are white?
Juan, why do you think you are any different from your Black brothers?
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I'm probably more Italian than you are, Muhammad.

No one is 100% anything. All DNA tests look like this.
Shhh, don't break their little bubbles.
Nigger I eat enough pasta noodles with store bought jar sauce to be more Italian than you
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>tfw nordic/southern european hybrid
I win either way
Pick one Dimitri.
literally the BLM movement
I am 100% middle eastern so 100% italian
(I was phoneposting)
you have 14% arab dna and you are calling somebody muhammad
stay in your mongrel country amerishit, you are not an italian, you are a fucking burger and always will be,
They look italian to me
Let us welcome them!
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So tragic seeing Americas genes, tfw 100% European
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>when a burger is an italianboo
funny part is that I have dark blonde hair and blue eyes and italian chicks were really into me till they were hearing that I'm from Romania :(
They are shit quality tho.
that's a wig.
Where senpai from?
And you follow a middle eastern Semitic religion and worship a dead kike on a stick sooo...
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That sucks, in one hand I feel bad for you, on the other hand I'm proud that our women are such stubborn bitches.

Anyone who's family is Italian for generations has Middle-Eastern DNA. That's a fact.

If anything it proves that I'm Italian AF.
>0.2% ashkenazi
>0.0% trustworthy
Doesn't even matter about your history. The only thing that matters is that America rules you culturally and financially. Y'all are dissapointing.
A wig made to look like the King's own dark curls.
Curly hair is a very French feature.
Lol, take the DNA test, bruv. This is how everyone's tests are. No one is 100% European when it comes to DNA.
My family is Italian for as many generations as anyone can remember. I was born there also.

I was born in Bari, Puglia.
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memes aside you know what I can't understand? as a Romanian, people were more in my face but whit niggers the average Italian is a lot more open. I saw Italian girls that had no shame to be seen holding hands with blacks. why?
This has to be bait. Or just coping.
For commanders to see what direction their forces were facing more easily.
Can you speak italian? Is your flag italian? No? Then please be proud of being american.
I've taken a DNA test and I'm 100% european.
Are you among the whiter residents average or darker?
Fucking kek. I feel bad for you being now known as gypsies.
Because if you associate with niggers you are progressive, if you associate with Romanians you are just poor.
honeslty you are fucking retard
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It depends on which city to be honest. North is most of the times cucked, especially cities like Milan. Venice is openly racist towards niggers and sandniggers, same for South Italy, there are always rotten apples, suprisingly, italian women are nothing like scandinavian women, since the latter offer themselves to the macho black man without issues, but the cause may also be the beta cucked scandinavian boys.
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i love how retards think southern Italians are niggers but in reality the Normans eradicated the Arab invaders
Dude, take the test or look up other "pureblood" people's results. It's always mixed.

Sono nato a Bari, trimone. Torno ogni estate, che i miei fratelli stanno ancora la. Sto negli stati da quando avevo 10 anni. Sono communque fiero di essere Americano.

Maybe 100% European, sure. But you're not 100% anything specific. You're probably a Euro-Mut.

In my town, probably slightly darker. I'm pretty olive skinned. Most of the people where I'm from are only dark because everyone's obsessed with the beach. But without tans, everyone there has pretty fair skin.
I'm a med looking guy (not a muzzie) and nord looking girls fucking love me. Being a med European is basically master race for a guy.
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Because truth hurts. They are already frustrated with the fact that their population will be replaced in a few years, so what do they do? Vent their frustrations and keep that illusion of superiority, it's really sad.
This dude is really hot and now I'm worried I'm a lesbian.
They lost because they kept treating the peasants like shit.
Then the goths would get kings like Tentilla who not only were war geniuses they helped out the poor and offered mercy to soldiers. Its was a big back and forth.
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The beta male cucks will never admit that because it pisses them off.

Scusa allora, pensavo che eri un altro americano che LARPava.
Lol how can you really believe this. It's talked about in old writing how much the Arabs loved blonde pussy during the conquering of spain.

'nordics' ?

Gow u even know ?

Are YOU divide an conquer here maybe ?
tranquillo, fra.
Wrong. They had control over the whole peninsula for a while then the northern Spaniards were able to push them back to the south. The Spanish
then proceeded to be good cucks and hand over their daughters for peace. That is until Catholic women and the church started an emasculation campaign to stir anger and resentment.
>Maybe 100% European, sure. But you're not 100% anything specific
That's true, I'm a mixture of European blood, but believe it or not there are actually Europeans that are ethnically pure, they're usually in Ireland and Scandinavia.

I'd take being a "euro-mutt" over being mixed race any fucking day of the week though.
There are 100% Europeans, anyway, these tests are shit because they compare you with the modern populations of all these countries. Doesn't say much about your roots.
See >>131444279

This. Basically if you have dark hair but light eyes like Hitler you are a mega pussy magnet and all around ass destroyer
No they did not, none of the north spoke arabic.
You got it, lad.
This is why those tests are pointless.
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As a Sicilian white genocide can't come fast enough, polentone and other wh*te europeans will feel what living under Islam soon enough
Ninguno es blanco solo Uruguay es blanco y relevante
Moorish comtrol is not recorded very well.
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they are african.
Owned by Meds, your point?
Why, though? Just bitterness?
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hahha fucking ignorant
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I'm not even from the north (tuscan actually) and i got 100% euro Lmao
Stop with the LARP oversea mongrelse
It sucks to be the worst combination of both possible.
>straight red-ish brown hair
>pale skin that hurts when i go outside
>ugly central european pig nose
>"full"(ish) lips that could either come from nordcucks or iberians
>enourmous mediterranian eyebrows
>northern european epicanthic fold
>thick alpine bones
>hands with big but thin fingers that could either come from mediterranians or nordcucks
>pretty sure most of my ancestors were of the worst tribes of celts (celtiberians)

Euromutts are the MERDArace.

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They ignore us sicilians anyway.

>butthurt roach
>we wuz
can't run from your nigger blood can you, jose
>southern """european"""
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Frankish master race here
Nord cucks are the worst.
There was never that great multitude of Arabs to enforce their language they learned Spanish instead the Arabs even started giving their children Spanish names. They controlled northern spain for a brief period.
How does it feel to have literally the most beautiful women on the planet? I'm from the Midwest and the girls here are manly cows.
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did the joke go right over your head?
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Italians, Portugues, Greeks and so on were mixed already during Barbarian invasions, there is no ancient culture left that you could adapt to those nation's people. In short, Turkish cockroaches have invaded those southern cultures we are so proud of and people who live there now are just cockroach's cum leftovers, worthless to adapt themselves to that culture.
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Italians are far more white than the American shitskins on this board.
Basque country was never owned by Muslims, amerikike
Hola John Joshua McRamirez Jr.
It feels great, I'm really proud of my country, seeing what's going on in North Europe.
Something like:

pick one.
wait a minute. so manletism ended glorious roman empire.
The test would show any non-European DNA, if he had a southern European ancestor that got blacked, it would show in the results.
how dull are you?
Arabs never named their children spanish names, and no moor was ever born north of the duero.
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He wouldn't know for he is not from France
Some of it was. All the land that the Basques has is in mountains and extremely shitty the rest was always taken away over and over.
spaniards got their curly hair because of jewish admixture, not moors
Fuck off gypsy scum
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>caucasoid neolithic berber

learn the difference you iletrate roach.
The same for the west asian--
Is central Europe syrian? no
Are you gonna hide that flag? Cuck?

>burger talking about white
The biggest irony.
Keep doing you and keep shipping the third worlders north. Anglos, Germans, and Nords are scum. I'm withholding judgment on the French. But one thing is for certain. Only the Meds can save Europe.
What's the point of lying to yourself, they'd bargain women and areas of power in trade for peace.
you're right French women just have that je ne sais quoi
That's just a pale med, could pass in croatia.
Nothing to do with nordics.
Stop d&c shlomo
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Im half Italian half Portuguese and im actually blond.

Tough if you dont treat your hair it naturally gets curly. My father and his brothers, who are Portuguese, have curly hair too.

Also every single renaissance sculputure or paiting i see features curly haired men. Pretty sure op is sliding.
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Thank you man, I really appreciate your post. If you ever want to come here, you'll be always welcome with open arms.
>posts pictures from the 19th century
Probably, you are just a sandnigger who just don't want face the true.
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Have pic related as a token of appreciation of your good taste
>t-that's just an exception!
Hell, even my family has some blondes. Go back to Romania Nicolai.
>hiding behind a flag
Good, good.
>In ancient Rome, blond hair was initially considered to be a symbol of a prostitute, and these women were required to bleach their hair blond or wear blond wigs. After slave girls were acquired from Scandinavia and Germany, noblewomen began to wear more wigs made from their hair, and the stigma attached to blond hair diminished.
so you have slave ancestry.
The shitskins were born in occupied cordoba., we managed to retake cordoba in 1220s and such, the initial
moorish rule was very light with just an elite moorish rulers and native iberians vassals to him and some moorish soldiers, same as typical arabic conquest as seen in north africa, the real moor invasion came after dissolution of cordoban caliphate and the almohads/almohavids, almohads obtained control over islamic taifas in iberia in 1172 im so reading and were exterminated in 1212, after this victory only granada remained from
A treaty they signed to be non beligerent to castillian conquests to not have contact with north africa and to send tribuates if gold from moorish trade toutes christians could not embark on.

stop with divide and conquer tacticts.
we are europeans,that's it.
europe has defined borders.others should just fuck off.
i didn't say she was Nordic but its a fact that southern Italians have a substantial amount of Norman heritage
>we wuz blond nords und scheisse

You're just as bad as negrocentrists who think everyone dark is SSA
>Turkish cockroaches have invaded those southern cultures
Care to give an example where Arabs invaded and/or conquered mainland Italy?
Are y.y..you grill?

Thanks. I've been meeting to visit. I'm an American so I'm stuck with the butch hambeasts here but it'd be great to spend some time in a part of Europa that actually manages to give a shit.
Plus the arabian didn't control Sicily for that long.
because of the climate zone you fucking idiot.
The Battle of Balotelli 2011
Ah ah ah, wait a minute, I didn't say we were nords. I said that there are blonde people here, you can take that nordic culture and shove it up you arse for all I care, I'm proud of having brown hair and brown eyes.
nordic women cant even deal with a manly southern european looking at them, they just get so wet, the nords are too pussywhipped beta cucks too attract women like we do
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Grills are actually browsing /pol/
t. Cato
>Roman prostitutes forced to be blonde
>Jelly women start making blonde fashionable to get dicked
>substantial amount

Nope, it's plain esterofilia similar to we wuz celts on the other side of the peninsula.
Only settlements large enough to make a dent in italy were greek, everyone else was more of administrative capture with few thousands in places with millions people.
Get off my country, c*ck.
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I think it's time to go back Nicolai.
We're the ones who KEK you fucking betas, go tend to your personal refugee now, cuck
Could actually just be a hippie or a metalhead. Anyway, if it is a girl, it is a brownzilian girl. Brownzilian girls are not trustworthy.
no he doesn't
is portugal third world or not
Again they weren't conquered.
> All the land that the Basques has is in mountains
t. Amerikike without a passport
Yeah right, come here and see yourself get reconquista'd again, fucking small dicked inbred
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Results show otherwise, nordcuck.
It is actually listed as first-world in nearly every source available.
Well I have dark brown hair, slightly blonde beard and green eyes, and i'm pasty as fuck, way whiter than any 6% black (((white american)))
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This is how far north moors have been recorded to be born.
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If you're Italian and have light brown hair and chestnut or coloured eyes, you're most likely a descendant of the Romans
If you're an Italian with early neolithic features and no yamnaya ones you're most likely a descendant of a Tuscan farmer, Moorish raider or a result of the Caracalla edict
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Italians and Spaniards ruined Argentina
Worst mistake in this country's history was kicking the Anglos out when they tried to colonize us.

Who the fuck cares about being ((White)) if all your whites are Italian and Spanish Eurotrash?
post a source then. i'm pretty sure I can buy a portugal with one month's wages and still have spare change to rent a 4 bedroom house
>0% of native Iberians have curly hair
lmao and 0% of americans are mexican

see how that works faggot?
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You should worry about your own country first, cuck.
Southern Italy still had Norman influences just look at this exquisite Architecture
Even us are more developed than Poortugal (Human Development Index) and we have total fuckups for politicians while they get billions in EU free money.

That tells you all you need to know about Southern Europe
Riiight, go get tested, willing to bet you have at least 0,5% sub saharan dna in you
so you're just gonna make up shit then
thanks i guess, but that looks like something made by a twelve year old (or a grown up in southern europe)
thanks for giving us an aryan milf queen
nords vs italians D&C

like how fucking dumb are you people, over 200 posts? insanely dumb I guess.
Go away, Adriann.
>posts le epic meme and photoshopped article
>doesnt respond to my argument
You're own of them Sicilian or Neapolitian shitskins, aren't you?
I can't wait until the Lombards and Venetians leaves Italy and the entire economy will come crashing down cause the entire economy is reliant upon Milan and Lombardy.
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>it's another amerimutt makes fun of europeans and calls southern europeans niggers to mask the fact that he'll never be a proper white american and will be forever plagued with ashy skin, big ol lips and an almond head

You're giving us a bad name you fucking mongrel.
>mad that his ethnicity is a result of white people raping filthy muzzie whores
First link from google, i've got to admit.
It is still a source, though.
toplel I love these edited maps
almost 300 also this is just banter nobody should take this seriously
>if you dont treat your hair it naturally gets curly
this very much
Your argument is just another subtle attempt at WE WUZ ROMANS N' SHIET. We are italians, despite some differences we are still united under one flag while we carry those precious immigrants that you want to so much in your own countries. So yes I can't waint until your pathetic excuse for a vikignz country becomes the Islamic State of Cuckistan.
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Just leaving this here
Portugal lists 8th place quality of life world wide here:


what about you?

That's like scoring nothing, they say if it is under 1% it is not worth to mention cause of noise

Btw, this thread is another D&C.
keep discussing euros,keep doing it while each day new "europeans" arrive
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>You're giving us a bad name you fucking mongrel.
bit harsh, hardly his doing now is it
>Caracalla edict
that doesn't mean what you think it means.
there's definitely a difference between us and the nords, we tend to stick together, and when shit get roughs the meds got each others backs, the nords don't even got their own countries' back, thats why they're all fucking collapsing as we speak
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>photoshopped article
>being this deluded
Yes, nordic women dont' crave for Mohammed cock.
Whatever. Who gives a Fuck what nordicists think?
>Portugal lists 8th place quality of life world wide here:
for what, trees?
Quintessential leaf post.
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was just fine
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Look at it swedencuck, that is the true face of your country, behold!
Why is this shooped to make her look dumpier?
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Oh please, I have to do with kind like him every fucking day in the city. They're devoid of any proper heritage, culture, or anything of that sort so they automatically call for things like open borders, multiculturalism or civic nationalism.

I've had it up to here with them. They all look the same too, there's that distinct look, that pig nose coupled with the light brown skin and jet black hair that always appears greasy despite being washed that morning.

I'm an actual White-American and these are the fucking mongoloids that parade around going
>jajaja we r white ese
>i'm totally european just like you jajaja

But, the moment you turn your back, they'll always side with their fellow mongrels who happen to side with the Mestizos or Africans south of the border.
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>Your argument is just another subtle attempt at WE WUZ ROMANS N' SHIET
Did you not read what I posted?
If you have no neolithic or middle eastern features and you're Italian, you're most likely a descendant of the Romans
If you however have no yamnaya DNA and just neolithic or moorish, you have very little connection to the Romans.

>responding to my post twice
This really just shows your non-European IQ

Yes it does
Non-Romans were allowed citizenship within Rome and we know for a fact the ancient Romans of old were absolute degenerates with their child brothels and racial mixing.
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Didn't stop them from wrecking the Celts and Cimbri.
Faggots, grills are the whole of /pol/. The only numale on here is you.
What am I making up?
There's a holiday in Spain marking the end of the ritual of sending women to the moors.
Yes they are bad, and we are not? let's ignore that 400.000 non-europeans from afria or brazil or whatever received portuguese nationality in the past 15 years, given by our own trait politicians.
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At that point practically everyone and their mother within Roman borders already had citizenship. It had long lost lost it's value.
Yes I did, you just said LIGHT BROWN = 100% ROMAN


Responding twice? What about it? You are telling me that you, the cucks who take rapefugees and defend them to death, give no rape bracs to women have high IQ? Fucking get out of here.
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little known fact, but its the other way around: game of thrones is shopped to make her look thin. in reality she is an immensely fertile chubby goddess. same for sophie turner
>both trash
Objectively, one on the left is more attractive.
Mind fucking blown.

>I need to be alone to digest this new information.
>Yes I did, you just said LIGHT BROWN = 100% ROMAN
How autistic are you?
There's more to race then just hair colour, I'm talking about actual DNA, if you have no Yamnaya/Indo-European DNA you have no connection to the Roman empire via your bloodline

>Responding twice? What about it?
It proves you're a fucking retard who can't argue a point for shit

>You are telling me that you, the cucks who take rapefugees and defend them to death, give no rape bracs to women have high IQ?
I'm talking about IQ on an individual level, when did I ever say the SJW's were high IQ?
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t. radu

go back gypsi
That's what you said! If have light brown and coloured eyes you're ROMAN, ahahaha please get back to your shithole Ahmed. You should worry that your mother didn't get married to a sandnigger.

>It proves you're a fucking retard
Flawless logic! Sweden knows all!

Nice try but your country and population is just SJWs, otherwise you wouldn't be in this situation, put your wig, your sandnigger cousin is calling for you on his bed.
I'm an American and am 100% European. LMAOing at your life, boyo.
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fake news
woman psychology in a nutshell
>If have light brown and coloured eyes you're ROMAN
Yes, because those features were introduced to Italy by the Indo-Europeans, dark brown hair can also be Indo-European but it's more common with fair hair.

>You should worry that your mother didn't get married to a sandnigger
Learn to speak English, please

>Nice try but your country and population is just SJWs
Funny how every single argument you've presented is just "ahhahhhaha u cuck!!!1 xDDD"
There is no need to do anything about this because the truth is on Southern Europeans' side.
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as an italian I really don't like all this interest about us lately in /pol/ threads.

we keep things very discreet here, and we would like to keep it this way, if you know what i mean pic related

t. vito corleone
I don't need a pathetic and beta swedencuck to tell me if I have roman roots or not.

My english is fine, point me where I was wrong.

That's because you are cuck, if you were from another country I wouldn't call you such, simple. It bites you in the ass when I remind how pathetic and cucked your country is.
Fuck him, I hope he chokes and dies.
why so edgy, Calogero?
I'm not the one admirring an uneducated farmer.
Kind of both/and. She actually is a lot heavier than she looks on screen but she also gets starved by her producers during shooting. She's the current poster child for yo-yo dieting.
ok for one moment i thought it was bait, but it's more likely you're retarded.
>uneducated farmer.

you must be gay.
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Look all these mafia lovers. Pathetic parasites, that's what you are.
That's Rina dumbfuck.
french anon >>131455966 was pointing out that if you consider Riina an uneducated farmer you probably dont belong here, and you are probably gay, really high chance of being a nigger fag.
Don't the mafia keep the shitskins out?
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t. dick lover.

larping like a natsoc.
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