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Christianity: religion of cuckold faggots aka (Peace :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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Christianity: religion of cuckold faggots aka (Peace :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) guiseeee)
even their prophet Jesus was a fucking Hippie faggot

Islam is the religion of alpha men and conquerors, warriors.
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Allah is greater than your Christian 3 gods
Hence, Allahu Akbar.
I wonder why the most Islamic dots are on the christian lands. Is it becouse you fucking lost to cucks? You are good for replacing dying civilizations and as a target for hussaria
You just got to varg to fap on your turk 85-IQ and Ottoman empire fetish. The christians reconquered Iberia, the Italian Islands, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asian and Eastern European stepps and the Frrench, British, Russians and Greeks nearly rechristianized the entire middle-east, if the Tea-suckers didn't betray the them at demand of the jews. We made all Europe Christian before you came, we christianised all of the Americas, Australia and even reached China and Japan. While you only genocided Abrahamitic/Monotheistic believers and tolerated Jews and allowed them to have a trade Network and stay in Israel, but those weren't our Middle eastern allies, no they were the ones that demanded to make Israel and hated Christians, they were the ones that saved your ass from the Hellenic reconquerers. You cause terrorism even killing your own People, we don't. And you know who managed to fuck your countries? The Christians.
"There are many problems with this comparison. Just from the top of my head, the picture is flawed for these reasons:

The pictured compared two very different time-frames, the "Muslim" Conquest extended from 632 to the Ottoman conquests of the 17th Century, whilst the Crusades picture only covered the famous crusades to the Holy Land, not the Fourth Crusade (which conquered Constantinople and other Christian territories), the Reconquista in Spain, and the Baltic Crusades. Not exactly a fair comparison is it?

What is the definition of a battle? We have no idea about where most of the early battles of the Arab Conquests took place, let alone their size, so the creator of this image definitely just put some random dots in likely places. Visigothic Spain for instance fell in the eighth century seemingly after just one major battle - all those battles in Spain on that map must therefore be the result of later conflicts, which cannot be just characterised as battles between Christians and Muslims, since Al-Andalus was known for its tolerance and internal divisions (though of course this is a generalisation as well).

Likewise for Crusades map - there were way more than 13 battles, both Tunisia and Egypt were for instance attacked by Louis IX of France. There must have also been many many raids led by crusaders - if we are counting Muslim raids into France, why not the crusaders'?
The causes of battles between Muslims and Christians were complex. The armies during the rise of Islam for instance definitely included Arab Christians and Jews in their ranks, whilst many Muslims allied with Christian powers during the later Crusades as well. Muslims and Christians did co-exist and we should never see the past as being entirely made up of conflicts or peace - it was mostly a mixture of both.

This comparison is blatantly made to make a political point, not to represent the historical reality. A look through any modern scholarship on the Arab Conquests would for instance reveal that the Conquests, as far as conquests go, were fairly mild. Sieges and massacres were rare and toleration was the norm rather than pogroms or expulsions. I know a lot less about the Crusades, but I know enough to say that they were very complex as well - reducing history to misleading pictures like this is very dangerous and ought to be refuted at every possible opportunity."
"I made the mistake of watching that video, here are my thoughts (spoilers, it is so, so wrong...)
[0.39] "I created a database of some 548 jihad battles against classical civilisation". Just... what? It is always worth quoting Robert Hoyland on this from his In God's Path (2014):
From this perspective the Arab conquests began as an Arab insurrection, that is, the early conquerors were not invaders coming from outside the empire but insiders trying to seize a share of the power and wealth of the Byzantine state. This helps explain why the Arab conquests were not particularly destructive: the leadership already had close acquaintance with the empires and they wanted to rule it themselves, not destroy it.
It was most definitely NOT a battle against classical civilisation, why on earth would they do that? The Arabs (just like any other group living on the periphery of empires) interacted with and involved themselves within the culture, economy and military affairs of their neighbouring empires. They had no reason to bring the entire system down."
"[1:22] Okay, so the map is not as insane as I thought, since he did add battles gradually onto the map, see here. However, he definitely did not plot them correctly since we have no idea where most of these battles were fought. The attack on Sicily is for instance only attested to from a very brief mention in the Book of Pontiffs, so we have no idea where the Arabs actually attacked apart from there being a raid on the island. Moreover, there is doubt that it actually happened - a recent article for instance suggested that it was in fact a reference to Romano-Moorish soldiers fighting a civil war against a rebel governor, and that the papal scribe wrote down the name of their tribe wrong."
[1:52] He labelled every single minor sea-borne raid as a jihad battle. Were the Vikings waging a holy war against Christendom then? Raids happened for all sorts of reasons, there is no reason for us to only see religion as the cause.
[2:10] This is possibly true, but any look at the scholarship here will reveal that many Christians were complicit in the slave trade. Michael McCormick in his Origins of the European Economy (2002) for instance suggested it was the slave trade that allowed a new European economic network to be formed. Blaming just Islam for this is hopelessly incorrect. He also added a bunch of battles here when these battles were clearly fought against crusaders invading Muslim territories...
>Islam is the religion of alpha men and conquerors, warriors.
no it isnt
if it were though it would just prove they know little about religion

serious religions and the way towards spirituality always commands peace unless extreme circumstances drive you to self defense
"[4:35] Really? So the Romans never conquered the Middle East?
And so the crusaders were trying to free their Christian brothers and sisters from jihad. So there's no moral comparison at all.
This would almost be a good point if Christian communities weren't clearly doing fine after nearly five centuries of Muslim rule. There were periods of oppression of course, but it's still a pretty awful generalisation - especially since the Byzantines had called for western aid to help them in their war against the Turks, not to liberate the Holy Land."

>t. reddit
Calling Jesus a hippie faggot, are you even a muslim, Jesus is a revered prophet in Islam.
>map of an every battle fought by one religion
>map of every battle fought by one of the campaigns they fought
Really stokes my cashews
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Ignore roachposting
Creates modern word
Creates mud houses
Creates mud
Open for other cultures

Asians and Europeans are the only ones that contribute to our mordern word in a positive maner. I will apply the SJW norm of culture apropiation and deny you this platform for that reason. Your argument has ben negated, now fuck off.
>alpha men and conquerors
does the roach unironically believe this?
I worship my own kind of Islam
My own kind of Islam commands me to genocide wh*Te subhumans and giaours
>Be Greek
>Get conquered and forced to convert culture to a Turkic one
>LARP as conquerors a millennia later

Simply inspiring
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my eye.png
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>Be Turk
>Tfw a possibly amerisubhuman/wh*te calls you a Gr**k to assimilate you just like how they assimilated shitskin mediterraneans
>Tfw blessed by Tengri genetics, even though there are greek looking people in my family, i look like pic related
>Tfw immune to subhuman assimilation attempts
>Tfw you can't educate wh*Te subhumans on this board so you decide to shitpost and trigger them
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I always laughed at Mudslimes not understanding trinity.
Well, no wonder you guys will always live in a shithole.
not american

anatolia is GREEK
It was under GREEK/ ROMAN RULE for over thousand years.
Well it's under our rule now
Deal with it
The west didn't need a war-oriented religion to kick your ass on several occasions.

Even though it's the only thing Islam promotes, muslims still suck at it

You're like macedonians LARPing to be the sons of Alexander.
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Our ancient values will be revived soon enough once again, we'll show you real ferocity.

>French talking about war
Hon hon hon baguette! Jé surréndér!
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you post the same shit again everyday because you're a turkish faggot with beeing homo coded in your genes, fucking insect , can't wait we crush you once and for all , and soon
>Raids happened for all sorts of reasons, there is no reason for us to only see religion as the cause.

Opinion discarded. You copypasted a whole lot of nothing.

Hmm didn't you Turks bring in white kids and train them in warfare ( Janissaries) just to see them grow up and cuck you and take over the entire empire?

Btw there was also that siege of Malta where you sucked so much dick. Also all Turks I know are shameless bisexuals, why do turk "men" like sex with other men? Looking forward to seeing you exterminated and see the Greeks repopulate their rightful clay in Anatolia.
>turks have to rewrite history through wikipedia because they're that shit at everything
>they're proud of their wikipedia writing skills
ahahahahahahahaha hello ghenghis, still larping as a turk I see, when will you stop? you get buttblasted in every thread, are you actually a kurd trying to make that flag even more hated here?
>Islam is the religion of alpha men and conquerors, warriors.
>has conquered nothing and die everyday from airstrikes from mumerous different countries
to be fair macedonians are mostly slovenized greeks, serbs consider them serbian bulgarians consider them bulgarian and they consider themselves neither because they know they aren't serbs nor bulgarians, they are a product of the empire of serbs and greeks from the 14th century, let them be kangs, I see no harm in it
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Roaches roasting #2323523
You know your going to hell, right? You are in a death cult ....a false religion created by a false prophet.... can you please explain how the perfect man had no male heir? And how he succumbed to poison?
>Christianity creates modern world
>Averros translates and explains Aristotle, popularizing it after decades of obscurity in Europe
>Al Kharwimizari has such a profound impact in algebra, mathematics and astronomy Europe uses the base 10 system based on Arabic numerals he uses
>Al Haytham lays out the scientific principle 500 years before Europe
>Algebra, algorithm and arithmetic named after Al Kharwimizari
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Deus Vult!
if I remember correctly the book of revelation says something about a false prophet causing fire to fall from the sky, now, didn't the pedo warlord use a meteor as proof god sent him?
yet, all their countries are garbage sandstorm.

Both are desert-cults and should be hunted out of Europa. Kill yourself roach.
>arab mudhut dwellers conquer christian lands destroying most of the knowlege gathered there
>some fuck translates what's left of it to arabic
theyre bulgarians in ex-yugoslavia with some (30%) albanry, Bulgaria gives them a passport for free if they want.
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Reminder - mudslimes are inbred retards.
>Islam is the religion of alpha men and conquerors, warriors
going by the definition in biology, alphas accept noone above them. muslims accept their god above them. Thus muslims can't be alpha.

You're right about christianity though, that shit is even more disgusting than islam. at least musims don't beg for mercy when you destroy them.
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>this guy
When your IQ is that of a monkey you can't be called a master race.

Just look at your culture. No one is fucking happy,the only time you smile is when you kill people.
The fuck is wrong with you?

Oh wait you're a sand nigger.
>Muslims claim they came up with the knowledge themselves instead of crediting the Greeks and Romans
>Creates modern world
>Algebra, algorithm and arithmetic named after some sand nigger says faggot anon
>therefore we created it
>averros spread the teachings of Aristotle in fucking arabia
>therefore he spread it to europe

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Islam is the religion of barbarians and heathens.

It always has been. I'm happy I'm not a semite.
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This is sadly true.
The biggest example to this is the world we live in today.
When a Muslim comes to your house and knifes your children there's nothing you can do but shrug. It got a point where you have to just roll with it like with a tornado in Florida.

They do. They are just covering it with being butthurt.
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yeah save this too
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Why do the roaches post the same kind of thing over and over again?
>we will conquer everything
>we the best
>you all gay
fuck off already, nobody gives a damn about you
>nobody gives a damn about you
That's the problem buster
We need to pour chlorine in their water supplies back at their home, prevent further breeding. They don't have much water in their god forsaken shithole so it's going to be easy
inb4 austrian friendly fire
not an argument
Boss, can you sauce this for me? I'd love more than a pic... I NEED THE DATAZ
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