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BREAKING(THIS IS HUGE): Dems Hire Intelligence Firm Behind "Anonymos"

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>A secretive Washington firm that commissioned the dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump is stonewalling congressional investigators trying to learn more about its connections to the Democratic Party.
>it refused to answer questions and provide records to the panel identifying who financed the error-ridden dossier, which was circulated during the election and has sparked much of the Russia scandal
>The FBI received a copy of the Democrat-funded dossier in August, during the heat of the campaign, and is said to have contracted in October to pay Steele $50,000 to help corroborate the dirt on Trump — a relationship that “raises substantial questions about the independence” of the bureau in investigating Trump, warned Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.
>Senate investigators are demanding to see records of communications between Fusion GPS and the FBI and the Justice Department, including any contacts with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, now under congressional investigation for possibly obstructing the Hillary Clinton email probe, and deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, who is under investigation by the Senate and the Justice inspector general
>main source may have been Google. Most of the information branded as “intelligence” was merely rehashed from news headlines or cut and pasted — replete with errors — from Wikipedia.
>And of course, Democratic leaders in Congress keep referring to it to cook up more charges against Trump, while liberal media continue to use it as a road map to find “scoops” on Trump in the “Russiagate” conspiracy they’re peddling
The first dominoes are falling...
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The fire rises
>these is what the worlds top zionist kikes could come up with
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>while liberal media continue to use it as a road map to find “scoops” on Trump
Why is Comey's FBI paying cold hard cash to Democratic linked operatives to find dirt on Trump? AmI missing something? WTF?
NY Post is a garbage source. Still, bump.
>AmI missing something? WTF?
You're right on the money.
They all colluded to take down Trump
McCabe is anti-Trump and he and his wife are in deep shit over some funds she received for a political campaign.
They used facts found in public reciords.
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This is gonna be the scandal of 2018.

Repubs need to push hard on it and turn it into the next Benghazi.
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Fucking KEK
So let me get this straight. Comey's FBI paid 50,000 $ this October to Steele to help take down Trump... What's wrong with this picture?
It seems to me that they wanted to take the heat off themselves.
Because if Trump got in, which he did, and found out they were formally investigating him for no real reason other than to help HRC, all hell would break loose
im kinda surprised the wikipedia article is blatantly showing these shenanigans:

>In June 2016, Fusion GPS retained Christopher Steele, a private British corporate intelligence investigator and former MI-6 agent,
Kind of surprised at how nigger-tier The Dems went in this conspiracy.
I am also shocked
NY Post has been fake news since 2012
Was pretty nuts. They took something with a kernel of truth and pumped it until it popped.

The worst the Russians did was try to hack a voter database and fail. Meanwhile this election we got Demorats on tape admitting bussing people around from district to district.
thanks, anon. I keep forgetting.
>NY Post has been fake news since 2012
We'll see how this plays out. As of right now we can't expect much of the MSM to cover this.
>Was pretty nuts. They took something with a kernel of truth and pumped it until it popped.
The worst part for me was how many ppl I love and respect that assumed it was true when it was so obviously nothing.
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Can't wait for the moment a senate hearing asks questions about /pol/s involvement in pissgate.
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>Can't wait for the moment a senate hearing asks questions about /pol/s involvement in pissgate.
>The worst part for me was how many ppl I love and respect that assumed it was true when it was so obviously nothing.
Same. I kept posting the sources on the MSM articles, and no one read them.
The media pretty much took off its mask this election. CNN's front page literally read "The Resistance Grows" at one point. It's like they want a fucking coup.
Comeys been a Clintonista since the 90s.
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"Sir, are you trying to tell the senate that you included the part about the current President of the United States that claimed he pissed on russian prostitutes on a hotel bed the former President was supposed to have slept on previously just because the corresponding post had to identical last digits?"

"Sir, I plead the fifth amendment and refer you to the picture attached"
Trump and Sessions need to hold a press conference and announce a bunch of warrants for the arrest of anyone involved in this crap.
>The media pretty much took off its mask this election
Big time. For the last decade or so I've been majorally suspicous of them. This election I realized they actually have sinister intentions and are working for (((someone))).
We WILL be vindicated my friend.
>Trump and Sessions need to hold a press conference and announce a bunch of warrants for the arrest of anyone involved in this crap.
If that ever happens, we need to have a thread just devoted to /pol/acks celebrating.
I don't drink much, but you can bet your ass I'll be getting white girl wasted on that day.
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Lel. The dems have been working overtime alongside the media to destroy Trumps brand in hopes of ruining the special elections/midterms for any and all Republicans. None of it matters though because Trump is a time travelling genius with the blessing of an ancient Egyptian frog god of chaos. A god likely introduced to him by his self hating jew mentor Roy Cohn. I love this timeline brought to us by Kek and Trump.
This is getting ridiculous, what the hell were the Democrats thinking? We unironically can't trust them with the nuke codes.
I think they were thinking they pretty much had it in the bag but needed one last October Surprise for the kill and then Trump would lose and be none the wiser.
God, can you imagine if HRC got in, if she was actually president, I don't have insults adequate for her.








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Remember when CNN Anon Insider said Andrew McCabe was showing up and screaming at Blitzer and others to Find something to take Trump down and they were all getting hysterical after the election. Overhead was " If Chuck Schumer goes down we ALL go down". What was THAT all about,? Then an FBI Insider said McCabe called together 14 FBI agents for a meeting where he told them "First we have to F... Flynn then we will F...Trump." That was before Flynn was fired. Remember, Flynn and his team of retired military have been working undercover to expose world wide human trafficking and pedogate. Connect. The/.Dots.
Schumer is probably integral in directting the NYC divisions of FBI and other criminal justice departments to work against R's in favor of D's. Doing the same things McCabe and Comey themselves were doing for years
They didn't expect him to win, they never bothered to have a plan B. Under the xircumstances, they still managed to entirely shit up his first 6 months with literally fucking nothing. Which is still impressive when you think about it. The story is not even about russian collusion anymore, it's about obstruction of justice now. Much ado about nothing, and yet they're still going wild with it. Now that's what you can call media spinning.
Why doesn't TRUMP call in the military, and legally hold them all for the two days it would take to get enough evidence to literally chop all their heads off?
They are all guilty, and every one knows it.
Teump dorsn't have a lot of repub loyals, it makes a lot more sense now why he asked for Comey's loyalty, because he's not even loyal to the law, it makes more sense that he would have asked for his straightforwardness or honesty.

They've been trying to debunk it ever since anon deleted his twitter, said he's getting a lawyer.

So rick wilson gets trolled by anon fanfiction, then his buddy, mcstain, gives it to the CIA and/or FBI. Then they hired this Steele guy...

Now they're blaming the dims? WTF


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Russia is like the one story Trump hasn't been able to deflect. For months and months he's been trying to change the subject and it isn't working.

All he had to do was shut his mouth and do his fucking job. That's literally all it would have taken for this to blow over. What is in the hell is gaining by perpetuating this shit?
It's almost like some unified body of people controls the media and the political opposition...
>implying he isn't adding fuel to a dying fire for a reason

Remember his tax returns meme? Or the raping women meme? How did they all end up>
by cranking it up to 11, the dems could come out even more damaged if the narrative fails.
Risky game, high reward
almost like someone will benefit from bad relations with Vladimir Putin
During the confirmation hearings there were some strange tweets saying we will give you DeVos and three others that I can't remember for Sessions like it was some kind of negotiation
>after selling him a bunch of uranium
>What is in the hell is gaining by perpetuating this shit?

The complete and utter destruction of the democratic party.
This is what you get when you hire based on party loyalty rather than competence

It happened all over Eastern Europe and why the commie block fell apart
They aren't sending their best, folks.
>Fusion GPS

this should be illegal
They were betting everything on Hillary Clinton winning. They literally didn't prepare for a Donald Trump presidency at all.
See, I KNEW the Lynch investigation was HUGE NEWS.
I mean, a Senate investigation doesn't mean much, but the fact that WH anon was right and promised more, and the fact that the shills were out IN FULL FORCE led me to believe it was massive news.
Big happenings and vindications on the horizon.
>main source may have been Google. Most of the information branded as “intelligence” was merely rehashed from news headlines or cut and pasted — replete with errors — from Wikipedia

>Wikipedia was founded in St. Petersburg, Florida
>St. Petersburg

Better investigate Wikipedia for being a Russian agent. Better investigate everyone in Florida for being Russian agents too.
>Russia is like the one story Trump hasn't been able to deflect.
Do you really not get it? Trump WANTS attention on the Russia nothingburger. Every time it starts to cool he deliberately gets it going again. His tweets, his timing in firing Comey, Flynn resigning, all of it is designed to keep focus on Russia and off of things that might prove substantial.
Optics, my man. He has to be careful and cull together irrefutable evidence. If he did what you want CNN would 24/7 "He's literally literally HitlerStalinMussolini and killing all his political opponents!"
when do all the abject shills who peddled this shit issue retractions and apologies.... we'll wait

hell they made jokes about it during the damn "white house" correspondents dinner
My guess is this all started around the time they first started polling. They saw how bad Hillary was going to lose so they fed the fake polls to the masses and started all the fake news stuff as well. Nate Silver suicide when?
There's a lot of assumptions in the article. Some good facts, but it's obviously an anti-DNC, anti-Hillary piece and any liberal retard will call it fake news
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And no Shariablue faggots or shills in sight.
Hypoyhetically he could just do the same with everyone @ cnn too
This guy knows.
Forgot about this --

Top Secret Dossier excerpt:

>46. Witnesses spotted Donald J. Trump holding a plate full of chicken tenders and pointing at his daughter, Ivanka while screaming “If you don’t reply to this post your mother will…
Just about everything is summed up in screenshots here (posts//WikiLeaks/anon twitter/mcstain, etc.):

zerohedge. com/news/2017-01-11/how-4chan-mcfooled-john-mccain-buzzfeed-and-cia-believing-trumps-golden-showers

I wouldn't get your hopes up man...
Wise advice, but my hopes are way way up :)
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thats why this win was so important

they've been caught red handed and now we just have to wait for it to really fall apart for them
>implying he didnt bait the dems into pushing a false story because that will out them as lying kikes

are you really that big of a brainlet
I think this is true.

At least half of the reason the Dems lost in 2016 was because they didn't have a unified message.

Six months later, thanks in large part to Trump's perpetual shenanigans, they still don't have a message. They're spending all their time chasing after conspiracies that don't exist and tripping all over themselves to prove just how outraged they are. If Trump keeps them focused on nothing but him, which he has succeeded in doing for 6 months running, then the Dems will be in the exact same position come 2020 that they were in 2016: no unifying message other than "We're not Trump".
it's because they are all jerking off for Eid. Kinda nice to have a thread where we aren't being told to go to bed.
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Yeah I've been kind of getting that smell from the left this week too, like they are changing headings. This Russia nonsense is starting to crumble faster and faster and suddenly they look like they are on defense where they should've fucking been since the beginning.

I do want to see open investigations that go on forever. I want every goddam one of these criminal dragged into the open like Lynch, Holder, Clinton the whole vile lot of vipers. God willing, we will at least get some censures on the books, and I would really love to see Clinton get RICO'd and hit where it hurts.

This is the way it has to be done. Otherwise they will keep this shit up forever. They have to be kept on defense and further, we need an eight year long reminder for every voter new and old to see and remember what vile filthy animals these scum are and how they tried to steal the nation.

That, or firing squads and martial law. I'm fine with either. Christ knows if they are going to shoot, we may as well shoot back.
you know the old "hard times make strong men"

well the current progressive liberal controlled govt had some easy times for decades. They have grown incredibly complacent and stupid, weak in every sense of the word.

They are ripe for the picking
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