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>laci green and eggman just did a collab video endorsing white

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Thread replies: 159
Thread images: 67

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>laci green and eggman just did a collab video endorsing white sharia
Is this truly the best timeline?
What the fuck.
wow two jews. heroic.
Fuck this dizzy bitch. Go peddle her ass somewhere else
That a gummy smile. Eggman looks eternally fucked up, as per usual.
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What in the actual fuck is going on?
brb going to /r9k/ to see how they are handling this
LOL, me too
Does 4chan have some marketting deal with these e-celebs or something? Wtf is going on with these spammy threads?
eggman isnt an e celeb he is just /our fuck up/
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based eggy was always /ourguy/
tfw no stream
Eggy's still alive?
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Eggmans is kill.
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I know that feel

no fucking way, lol
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Yes fucking way
The look of terror on her face. Eggy probably smells like feta cheese.

This kind of random weirdness is the exact thing that happens before a major Happening. I think the timelines are about to collide into one another bros.
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That's his gf I think
>tfw even eggman has a gf now
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I don't follow all this youtube crap

but it seems like Laci Green is the perfect example of women not really having any political views of their own.

All you have to do is fuck them well and they will believe anything you tell them to believe.
Jeez that is one ugly ho.
also whatever group has more betas to throw shekels at women for regurgitating other people's opinions and findings, women online will gravitate towards that group
Is it a pol-r9k crossover?
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>tfw eggman turned a raving SJW around and gets to play with her beautiful titties and you still have nothing.
/pol/ /r9k/ /tv/ are all the same users
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I have my videos of Giuliahoot. That's all I need.
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Why do people go outside without guns in the us?
Niggers so weak they cant even knock out a old ass woman lol
I love how nobody is doint anything to help.
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God that bitch is hideous.
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Atleast the idiot dies in this one
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^your face is truly the best place for my ball-sac...^

I know you enjoy the flavor of elderly man ball sac because you typed stupid shit on 4chan

please continue to type stupid shit and suc elderly man ball-sac...

you do both of those REALLY well
Same reason you do. Complacency combined with legal hurdles.
Why the fuck do you give these people attention? Sort yourself out faggot
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What is 2nd amendment for?
did he die?
God that video represents non-whites perfectly. Every single instinct of this nigger is immoral. There is not a moment of empathy "what can i take?, will i get caught? can i get away?" thats all that goes through that savages mind.
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it died
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did your vagina seep twat mucus?
It's good to lift, to know how to fight, to own a gun and know how to use it. Every man should watch this.
There's an entire board for all this stupid bullshit.
Hide, report, and sage all of these non-political threads. This e-celeb shit is absolute cancer and must be removed at all costs.
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Few know this.
What's up with all the Herpes Green slide threads lately?
Bullshit. I would fuck Laci Green til my dick fell off. Then I'd glue it back on and keep fucking.
I'm sure I remembering hearing he killed himself like a year ago. Have I shifted timelines?
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Was the bus driver really hurt or having a psychological moment?
It'll rot from all the STDs before it breaks
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/pol/ blamed him for a college shooting, got his face and "blackpill" vids all over CNN and shit, so he dropped using his Trip Fag daily.

He pops up now and again, I hear. (I don't wade into /r9k/)
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But she would be at least 50% less attractive without red hair tbqh

that's a kike mouth 100%
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^did you know sometimes "MEN" protect "GIRLS" like you from RAPING AND UNSPEAKABLE HORRORS?^
This picture shall be whipped out many moons in the future, to describe a 'you got it! kind of reply...

She's half Iranian half Mormon. It seems like she's snapped and yearns for a more conservative culture like her upbringing or is using her knowledge of such to cash out on the wave of new young social Conservatives.

Either way, as disgusting as she is, if she propagandizes our cause then power to her.
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if you told me a year ago that these two people would pose in a selfie smiling together i would never believe you

holy shit
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especially if you are a dumb twat that lives where muslims hate you...divorce you and stone you to death...do you EVEN get how stupid you are?
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still a degenerate whore. back of the bus.
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Now let's reverse it
no link?
her mouth reminds me of Jack Nicholson's Joker.
Rider was a nigger.
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look...you and the retard you open mouth suc off are not funny...what muslims do to women is NOT funny...

what twatty liberals in AMERICA(Samantha bee, john oliver) think is funny is like waiting for Kathy griffon to be funny...none of these stupid lil holes will EVER be funny...until they die...and we can all collectively laff...

gj being ^1 OF THOSE^
wow that nigger can't aim. Was he hitting the ground in front of him?
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lol please
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Internet culture gets shared on the internet. Idiot.
You faggots know you would bang Laci Green in a heartbeat if she was right infront of you and ready to go.
Yolked! U mad wyte boi?
she has hpv
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If only we had listened to this guy...
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it understands hillaries lust for its surgically enhanced vagina...

it misunderstands why I think Hillary is a dumb hole...
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>Implying Laci or any other woman would be sexually attracted to me...
Why does he wear the mask?
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>using disgusting normal faggot memes unironically

ghet the FUCK OUT
Those two are clearly inbred jews. Who they can endorse anything White?

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Can't wait for the race war all niggers will be dead. Even blacks will help eliminate these chimps.
she looks like something i'd avoid in a bar. and i go to heavy metal bars
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did you just cry loudly for MODS?
>any port in a storm
No anon, im not an animal. Sex isnt everything to me, id rather retain my dignty and NOT have sex with her instead of falling victim to carnal desires
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are you a rape victim?...or just a stupid fuck?
this one is great
These threads been going on for days. This week its e celebs, last week it was anti gun shit. Its like someone has a schedule or some shit.
>Man pretending to be a lesbian.
Does everybody appear to have deep horrible dark circles in this kind of lighting or is it just jews?
Link the FUCKING video
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no...you're just a jew hating racist that every1 hates..gj
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Michael Brown.png
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please continue to be as dumbfuck as you are...your dumbfuckery amuses many...
Yea! Everyone pls inform that newf*g that we don't appreciate that kind of antisemitism around here. Cool it with the antisemitic remarks. Shadilay!
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yea ^it sometimes doen't piss it's pants^

when it sux on trannies
lol ikr what a fag
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the funny thing on 4chan l8ly is this millineal crowd of wanna-be's ..

they sjw and suc dic simultaneously...

quite amusing
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Who is more pathetic, Egg Man or the guy who developed Yandere Simulator?
Big stronk womyn shielding herself with poor little girl/boy.
Man I hate niggers but I hate stronk womyns a lot too.
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^look, she needs a bone in her hole^
>/pol/ /r9k/ /tv/ are all the same users
>t. Kekiatansi
I browse /k/ /pol/ /ck/ and sometimes /fit/ and /biz/
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poor cuck JP.jpg
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>I browse /wet grandmas/ /daddy doms/ /uncles that are thick/ and sometimes /lizard sex/ and /small penises/

but I still limp dic /b/
Hillary timeline vs Donald timeline.

prepare for the race war fellas
Welcome to Needle park, Atlantic City.
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both browse /uncles that are thick/
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both sub search /girthy/
Literally exactly what happens when you hit a pedestrian in GTAV and it causes every other pedestrian to get into a massive fight.

A challenger appears !
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^literally look @ these two pics and tell me ..

how pathetic and unfuckable are these three people?
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if you say they are 'fuckable"

you voted for Hillary...and want Nancy Pelosi to eat you anus out...
Fuck, I'm always looking for a reason to fuck shit up. Maybe I need to diversify.
I lost
Muh dick
fuck, the guy doesn't even move after the shock. It's like he's stone.
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Why is this kuffar not wearing her potato sack?

shits getting weird
top kek

he was frozen in time
>YOUF getting destroyed by an old fat white guy
>going to r9k
After the day of the rope we need to keep a segregated area for the niggers with 24 hour streaming video from every street, simply for the entertainment. Then we could airdrop a crate of Jordans into the hood every once in a while and watch them chimp.
nop. not even going to open it.
who is this cute girl
The first pic looks like a couple of retards on an outing, the second looks like a scary trap. Anyone who would fuck them deserves the gas

>when Mom gives you a ride to the drive by

These kikes are going to give me a nightmare. Furthermore, why should we care about some turncoat redditors?
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What the fuck is going on
I thought Eggman was a mythical creature. How wrong I was.
>eggman's pills went so black they turned back into blue
Nignigca Crash
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It's not that simple. Private land owners can restrict carrying the guns onto their property. So you can really only have them at home.

>muh ccw

Try having a gun in your car at work or cc at work if your employer restricts guns on the premises. Tell us how it turns out.
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The memes, Jack.
The memes have broken our reality.
This Matrix can't handle all the spicy memes and, frankly, absurd happenings.

It's breaking down.
This entirely timeline is collapsing under the weight of high functioning memetic autism.
It's so beautiful.
I have no time for these bimboes and that goes for the women and men anti-sjw shit. Come back to me when she's done an Ann Coulter and actually said something that she means and believes in instead of just shilling. She need to reconvert back to Mormonism or join another church frankly. Unstable like a candle in the wind.
Oh look more e celeb nu/pol cancer trash. this shit is getting out of hand. it's literal beta retards sharing the people who formulate their opinions and ideas for them because they can't think for themselves and these e celebs themselves always shilling themselves here.
>nu/pol you fucking retards their is no 'so and so is now our gal or guy, these people would promote anything to ensure they maintain a steady stream of shekels and you are fucking retarded for falling for their shit.

please all of you become an heroes you were meant to be
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Thread posts: 159
Thread images: 67

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