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Blue eye mutation happened in Scandinavia, so if you have blue

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Blue eye mutation happened in Scandinavia, so if you have blue eyes you have a Scandinavian origin.
What if dad have blue eyes, but I ended up with my mothers ginger brown eyes?
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Good to know lad.
I'm as pale as snow too.
Actually it happened somewhere around the Black Sea
Bullshit, Iranian here with blue eyes, I have no Scandinavian ancestors.
Oldest confirmed blue eyed sample is a 14k years old forager from Italy actually.
No, that's fake news.

All Germanics spread out from Scandinavia.
All "nordic" Germans (and other Europeans) descend from Scandinavia.
Black dick is mutation that happens in africa, if you have big dick its black.
Search for 'Doggerland'
I thought it came from THE Ukraine?
Yeah, what about Slavs?
then you're a nigger
Then you are considered a nigger and should be exterminated.
Wut bout green eyes?
result of hundreds of years of racemixing

They were fucked by Scandinavians back in the day.
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>10 000 years ago

I can trace my ancestors in Sweden further than that lol
Fake jews

Anyway, we were the ones spreading it (obviously)
What if i have blue eyes and my parents have brown eyes? Am I a shitskin?
then it means you have to go back
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a yo hol up
so you be sayin we wuz vikings and sheeiiit?
Cant wait to apply for citizenship based on ancestry!
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You're adopted child.
this doesnt answer anything
Did those people kill off all brown eyed Europeans, in such degree that Tacitus can describe Germanics as 100% blue eyed. Because if they didn't kill everyone with brown eyes, something really /x/ happended when a recessive trait came to utterly dominate over the continent.

Truth: original Europeans were 100% blue eyed. Several tens of thousands of years ago. Neanderthals were blue eyed too. There's no reason to believe that blue eyes suddenly arrived and came to dominate.
Likely your parents both carry the blue eyed gene, which is recessive, but they do not express it in the phenotype since the brown eyed gene is dominant. There was a 1/4 chance you would have blue eyes and a 3/4 chance brown
So, I wuz a Viking n shiet?
see >>131213928
literally nigger tier
yee, so al lthe blue eyed albinos are SCANDINAVIANS AND SHIETT

abos* not albinos

go back to your cuckshed sven
lmao, literally all dutch people originally came from Scandinavia.

Face it, and pay tribute.
Races aren't concrete concepts like /pol/ would have you believe there is a lot of fluidity between different racial characteristics. We only use the term race to describe characteristics which are common among certain people.

green eyes master race.
Blue eyes are sign of weakness.

Finally somebody who is not retarded
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We literally created the modern world
All upper paleolithic Europeans found as of now were brown eyed though. Then a bunch of western foragers in the mesolithic had nearly 100% blue eyes, while their genetically very similar contemporaries in the Balkans and east Europe were still brown eyed but already some had white skin alleles.
Yeah i know, i wanted to know if i was white according to memes
>tfw blond hair and green eyes

The true master race is me

Because a german shepherd and a chihuahua are the same... (human races have way more different DNA than dog races).
Nope, blue eyes started in Britain near Lake District, if you have blue eyes you are British, you probably have blue eyes because your ancestors kidnapped and raped a British girl
Your eyes will become blue if you sit in a basement without sunlight for a decade, just a tip.
I have blue eyes but I identify as of germanic origin.
Nigger detected.

Source for what exactly? Tacitus Germania is surely somewhere in the internets.

It's pretty easy to think this out with common sense. Blue eyes are recessive, right? Right. We can assume they have been recessive forever. For the past decades of history, we can see how intermixing with brown eyed folks decrease the amount of blue eyes in a population. When we know that's true, how on Earth is it possible that some tribe of blue-eyed people in Ukraine for 10k years ago could have came to spread their genes to every European, despite recessivity?

We are the direct descendants of Neanderthals. There's no other logical way to explain our blue eyes.
I have blue green eyes
Am I white?

Nice Strawman there boyo

Literally a Scandinavian thing. Without Scandinavia there would be no 'Germanic'
Neanderthals had blue eyes though.

Those upper paleolithic samples were too small or they were not related to us.
Yeah whatever Lars
White does not exist

There is a genetic disorder that gives even niggers blue eyes. It isn't a good thing.
Mongol detected.
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>Neanderthals had blue eyes though.
no proof for that, the only one we have from the Altai region does lack the allele which explain blue eyes in caucasians, so for all we know he was brown eyed as well unless there was some different mutation involved(kinda like how east Asians can be nearly as white as Europeans but with totally different genes involved)

>Those upper paleolithic samples were too small or they were not related to us.
some definitely were, starting from about 35k years ago those samples show affinity to later Europeans
good post, im sure you understand genetics
Where did Hazel eyes come from? I wasn't blessed with blue, but I have hazel eyes. Am I nigger because I wasn't born with blue eyes?
My eyes changes colours.
That still doesn't explain how Germany could be 100% blue eyed in year 100, and Nordics still be 90% if native population counted.
Also reminder that if you aren't blonde, you're a shitskin.
>That still doesn't explain how Germany could be 100% blue eyed in year 100
Tacitus wasn't an anthropologist, his words simply indicate that blue eyes were quite common among Germanics, just as today. You gotta be pretty damn autistic to think that his words have to be interpreted literally as if he went around looking people into the eyes.
what if i was blonde as a kid, does that count?
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>Blue eye mutation happened in Scandinavia, so if you have blue eyes you have a Scandinavian origin.
I have blue eyes and brown hair. My ancestors are German/Polish/Austrian. The chicks dig it. I've been called a stud numerous times. Kek.
And without Britain there's no Scandinavia, blue eyes originated in Britain in Lake District, they migrated through dogger land to Germania and elsewhere when the basques and later the romans invaded
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>tfw part snownigger
As blue eyes are recessive it is possible his parents were both heterozygous for the trait, and he could have received his two necessary eye genes from their non expressed blue eyed genes.

He is probably still a shitskin if they are mixed race though.
Close enough.

>Hitler was a shitskin

ITT: Retards who take jewish after war propaganda serious
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I have green eyes too and brown hair but when I was born I had bright blue eyes and blonde hair. My mom has blue eyes but my dad and siblings all have dark brown eyes. Am I just a nigger in disguise?
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All who are pure of ancient Germanic heritage are okay, Finland is an exception. No other exceptions.
You're ok, too bad Varg and company have to divide and conquer over this kind of shit.
it's weird, I used to be blonde as a kid too. Now I have dark brown hair... blue eyes still. My beard still has blonde patches though.
No, snow nuggets are part Irish (British)
this is the most unscientific thing ive seen all day
>speaking about purity
>the ukraine

delet this
Complete BS
This shit legit upsets me at times.
this garbage brown eye gene managed to get through 3 generations of pairing with blue eyes.

I want my kids to have blue eyes damn it!
No such thing.
Blue eyes come from the displaced people from doggerland/the baltic sea. Around the time the Baltic Sea filled when the "Levee" around denmark broke it would've filled within weeks. There was at this time an explosion in boat building technology as the remnants of these people escaped to the shores of frisia, norther germany, scandinavia, and britain. The britons mixed with the other celts living there, The Scandies were basically unpopulated allowing for the blonde hair/ blue eyes genes to take root in the population.
Yeah I don't get the hair thing. My hair temporarily turned back to blonde for a couple months when I spent the entire summer working outside a couple years back.
lol wtf, retard alert. Celts migrated to the British isles not that long ago. And the Angles and Saxons came barely yesterday.
If you have kids. Keep this in mind.
the Rus kingdoms were viking conquerors, they were extremely prolific in their sexual conquests in particular
Not at all, when the sea levels were rising the doggerland people had to migrate eastwood into Germania because west was already flooded, look at genetics, Norway has like 50% British genes
If one parent has blue/green eyes and the other has brown eyes, and you have blue/green eyes, will your children look like you if you marry a blue/green eyed qt or is there a chance they'll have brown eyes?
Awesome. 'sup, my viking cousins?
those brown + brown numbers for blue/green are due to latent genes. People without them cannot develop them without mutation.
Should've just been more patient before I posted this >131216827 I guess. Do you have a source for that?
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scientifically speaking he's right you know. The more exposure to sunlight the more your skin has to create melanin to protect itself from UV. Same goes for the eyes. Nordic people live in darkness most of the year so less exposure to UV hence they need less melanin.
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we wuz atlantis n shit
so over centuries even shitskins in Sweden will turn white and blue eyed. There's no escaping the laws of nature. :)
Everyone disagreeing with me read this >>131216460

Celts were a culture not an ethnicity, there were Turkish celts, central Asian celts, western celts, they were never a ethnicity. Anglo Saxons and other tribes only left a genetic impact on Britain in the Y DNA
Ancient document on the moon.


>Helge of Kiev, Swedish who founded the first Russian empire and led the most attacks on Constantinople Hoskuld and Dyre, legendary Swedish conqueror of Kiev.

>Ingvar Röriksson, Swedish ruler of the Kiev empire during the last half of the 900s, successor to Helge of Kiev and son of Rörik. Plundered the Arabs at the Caspian Sea and besieged Constantinople twice.

Ingvar Vittfarne, the leader of the last known Swedish Viking mission with the purpose of robbing the coasts of the Caspian Sea.
I have green eyes, am I a nigger?
Look at this >>131217000

Atlantis and European great flood mythology (separate from Semitic great flood mythology) comes from doggerland, look at the archeological findings, dogger people were very advanced, there surviving descendants passed the story down and eventually it was mythologised and inspired Atlantis, Thule and many other story's
nah, you're good.
Tacitus was talking about one tribe which he learned about from a traveler. Not the whole of Northern Europe.
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it gets better

Look at all of the land we lost. You can see that the ancient abbos got trapped around 50k years ago and started to devolve accordingly.
That's what they say. For no reason at all I just think that's incorrect. There's no way that came about before whiteness. Those nigs are always wrong about everything. Out of Africa first, and now (((this))).
this is from 10k years ago btw
Most ancient skeletons have either blue or green in Scandinavia.
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i believe this.
I have blue, half Anglo Irish, half Slav. My little sister (different father) has green while all Slav. So you're not a nigger but you are a cunt.

Does having green-blue eyes mean you have genes for both of them or is it something different?
My mom has blue with two brown eyed parents and three brown eyed siblings. My sister has blue/brown parents and seems to have split the difference with green eyes. Funny how that guys pic has that as not possible.
actually blue eyes originate from India. So if you have blue eyes at one point your ancestor got PAJEETED.
Shit niggaz. I'm blue eyes, wifey dark skinned brown eyes, dark brown hair. We have 4 babies pale skin blue eyes, blonde hair aryan goddess and gods. Look nothing like her.
M8, we lost so much land, sad desu, think about all those who drowned
Because it's true, regardless of what the nordicists say
genes for both i think. my parents are both green eyed, as am i, but my sister is blue eyed.

i'm scandinavian. til.
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>come home shitskin
the black sea, the caspian sea, and that japanese sea were all great freshwater lakes which would've been filled with plenty of fish to nourish a civilizaton builder's brain.
and the low points of the baltic
I believe you brother
>scandinavian last name and origin
>brown hair brown eyes
>lefty race traitor brother came out with blond hair and blue eyes
Stop trying to divide us you fucks

you realize that north balto-slavic people are just as likely to have blue eyes right?

it likely came from the black sea; where the original PIE people came from; north slavic/baltic and scandis have the most aryan blood of europeans
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I'm heterochromatic I have predominantly blue eyes except half of one is brown can anyone tell me what that means
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>still using the aryan meme

Barbara bush is a man
Pretty sure the half brown eye is caused by the aids slowly killing you.

>sea level rises like a half millimeter/year
>think of all those who drowned

Bro that's not how things work.
have you checked your DNA? you might be a chimera or absorbed a fraternal twin. Other than that just a random mutation.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA George Sr. got cucked!
>think about all those who drowned
this applies only to fat americans on their slow mobile scooters.
Its not like the flooding happened at the snap of your fingers. It was a process that was going on for thousands of years so people moved. if there was a gigant crazy flood that drowned people the stone monuments and walls on the bottom of the doggerland sea would not be standing up.
The worst threads on /pol/ are the ones about scandinavia and "nords"
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Thanks fampai

I have blue eyes, does that mean yuros will rightfully acknowledge that I am white now instead of being le 60% man?
i'm actually the same. mine are mostly green with a sort of circular brown patch in the right.
It means the Kaiser should not make you Governor of any conquered territories.
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>>might be a chimera or absorbed a fraternal twin
>tfw i always wished i had a brother
Congratulations, the chemicals in the water are slowly turning you into a nigger.
No, I was watching a documentary about doggerland and apparently there was huge tsunami that wiped out 1/4 of the population
it didn't
>blue eyed mutation happened in the Caucassus around 8000BC , hence green eyed Iranians
What's a chimera mean in the context of human genetics ? I'm Scots Anglo
you're white alright.
How about green/hazel with blonde hair??
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nord here.

Fuck i should have bought the Mr jonestiens water filters while i had the chance.

>tfw also heterochromatic scot
it means you're part of the tribe, and we are above these filthy blue eyed goyim ITT.
ever seen an Armenian, pretty dark yet never left the Aryan homeland
You super bailed when you should have super maled.
russian heritage
>Sea Ice floats on water raising a portion out of the water
>Land Ice traps water from going back into the oceans/seas.
>Water levels drop exposing fertile floodplains type of land.
>Wildlife flourishes and humans flock there because of the rich hunting/farming/gathering
>glacial period comes to an end causing the water to slowly rise again
>many peoples get trapped on islands or new barriers form between them
>people living in the baltic/black sea areas would've have had any warning as a wall of water washes away their settlements following the breaks at the bosphorous/danish straights
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I have blue eyes but my family is as Polish as far as they can see. Can I roll in your all Viking army of Kung Fu killers?
what about green eyes?
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Kek very nice word play there aqua fresh

similar to the absorbed twin thing but it happens earlier, basically 2 zygotes fuse early on and get incorporated into a single organism
Nah, they will just freeze to death after they destroy any form of civilization.
When they are done testing this 10 200 year-old Swedish skeleton here >>131213247 it will blow that stupid theory out of the water.
yeah there was a landslide (the largest in history) off the coast of norway that finished off the already sinking island(s)
>mum blue eyes
>dad brown eyes, making me brown eyes
>gf blue eyes
There is hope for our children to have blue eyes at least

In that situation it would be a sudden flood via a huge wave of water though. Either it would slowly fill with rainwater over time, the beach front would move inwards at a glacial pace, or water would trickle down from a crest, eventually becoming a stronger stream/river and filling a basin. Any way there's no wall of water involved. Tidal waves happen but not because of this kind of shit.
look up embryo selection, you can fertilize a bunch of her eggs and they can delicately check the genome of the zygotes and you can pick height, build, eye colour, hair colour, etc. They are discovering more and more genes daily, in the future you could pick what their face would look like (strong jaw etc) I'm not even sure how far they can go atm. That is only if yours or her family have these traits
trillions and trillions of gallons water filling these areas in weeks would've made the niagra falls look like a trickle piss from a rat
Oh how much i hate blue eyed people i just wanna fucking kill them and scoop their eyes out and burn it.
that's it, jamal. get it out of your system.
So would my dark blue eyes turn brown if I spent a lot of time outside? Or would they turn a darker shade of blue? I currently spend no time outside and I'm pale white.

It actually originated somewhere between Eastern Europe and the middle east. The only reason most Scandinavians have blue eyes and blonde hair is because they were seen as desirable traits in a partner there as well as the low levels of sun light made it blue eyes an adaptive trait.

But I do have blue eyes and my ancestors are from Norway and Sweden
no they wouldn't turn brown, are you retarded?
Iranians used to be White dummy
Masterrace fact: the Finns are among the very first (if not the first) people dated all the way to the 'beginning' of EU history.
nice of you to include my home country finland as a scandinavinan country. btw why is it that we get along better than either of us get along with swedes?
>at that latitude
um, sweetie...
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you will never be white, brown eye.
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>>131221900 hes right

>>131222824 check this
blond hair originated out of australia so if you have blond hair youre literally a sub human abo
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shhh it's okay sweetie just calm down
it's a different gene, much like how albinism is different from blonde hair
Blue eyes confirmed for master cucks.
>minority steppe elite migrates into Iran
>this somewhat makes all ancient Iran white
there's DNA samples from Copper age Iran and they aren't much different from modern Iranians
Ei "eu" historia, vaan euroopan historia.>>131214748
No eihän vittu olla. Ootko ikinä törmänny haploryhmä tutkimuksiin? Joo, ollaan jossain määrin sukua hollantilaisille, mutta totuuden nimissä voidaan puhua eurooppalaisista ja suomalaisista. länsi-itäsuomalaisten geneettinen ero on suurempi kuin ruotsalaisten ja brittien.
absolutely, I'd classify iran as formerly white. You can still find people with blue/green eyes and pale skin there but they're in the 0.5-5% range. The lands weren't inhabited when the "whites" showed up but following their genetic demise the locals just stayed there.
>You can still find people with blue/green eyes and pale skin there but they're in the 0.5-5% range
you sure they aren't just the descendants of slaves from spain and russia?
you should aim to protect your roots. your country is destroying all the nordic countries.(because for dumb reason us dumb finns want to copy our swedish overlords)**(to be honest, it did work, when it comes to social security and the wellfare state) But only up until now. Sweden was pretty much the the best country in the world up until the 80s(if one doesnt mind the taxes) I know I would pay those kinds of taxes, if I was assured i'd be living in a white country in the next 40 years.
It's a possibility, also viking raids went as far as the Caspian sea. History this far back is quite blurry. What we do know is that the Sarmatian people of eastern europe/west asia who followed the same iranic religion are believed to be their descendants, they were fair haired, and light eyed according to the greeks. These were nomadic/semi-nomadic horsemen. They made it as far as northern japan in the east and eastern finland in the west. (forests/mountains aren't good for raising horses so they would've just ignored territory they couldn't use)
The jews want to destroy hitler's masterrace (swedes), finns are just getting caught in the crossfire because they have a huge amount of pure swedes in the west from old imperial colonization.
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>tfw not nordic
spaniards are just glorified sand niggers. arabs inhabited spain and porugal for hundreds of years.the only redeeming factor of the spaniards etc... latinos is that they are christian.
That doesn't mean much. Seeing as how having brown skin can also mean Scandinavian origin.
a person who has brown skin can never be nordic. nice bait btw.

Where is celtic now? lmao
I doubt it because it's not my theory , slavs/nords are the final migration , not the first, they're all blond/pale/blue eyed cause they spent all that 3 previous migrations worth time weeding out their Caucasian-Armenian darker genes in Siberia.
Check out Eskimos that arent Aryan, couldn't mutate the eye color and so mutated the eyelid. Also didn't have a lighter gene base and stayed heavily coloured even if up north.

Not white but a little tinted just like Armenians today .
I thought it originated in the carpathian mountains?

arent those around romania or something like that?
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I have blue eyes
both my parents have brown eyes and i have blue-ish green eyes,only my great grandmother had blue eyes and my grandma
explain ??
the blue gene is recessive and one of your parents had it
Have U met iranians? I have an iranian friend from sweden. I was talking shit about muslims to him, he kindly agreed with me and informed me that he is actually iranian.
oh ok
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A-am I white?
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I have blue eyes and German ancestry, can I into nordic pls and bring tophat and monocle
I'm German (from Hessen), many German tribes of old times were originally from Scandinavia and the ties between Germany and the norse countries are close and very ancient. Goths were from southern Sweden and Saxons were from Denmark iirc. Germans are basically continental Norwegians
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All European hunter gatherers had blue eyes

All the way from Spain, to the Balkans, into Russia and up into Scandinavia, every hunter gatherer had blue eyes (Or at least so many of the fossils they've found have had blue eyes that you can safely assume that 95%+ did)

Blue eyes went from 100% of Europe to 20% in the Neolithic agricultural revolution with the mass migrations of near eastern farmers

Over the next thousand years through other migrations, society collapses, plagues and some luck, blue eyes actually crept back up to 60% of Europe.

We don't really know why blue eyes spread so quickly in Europe considering the very first mutation happened ~10,000 years ago and within 2000-3000 years 100% of Europeans had blue eyes. There was likely a mass extinction of hunter gatherers across Europe for some reason in that time and by chance the blue eyed tribe survived and inherited all of Europe.
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>All the way from Spain, to the Balkans, into Russia and up into Scandinavia, every hunter gatherer had blue eyes
not really, it depends on the area
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Wrong. There are even South Indians with blue eyes.
We are the real humans, you all need to go back to your home planets.
Germans on average are genetically closer to French and west Europeans than scandinavians
can you act as one? im lucky enough to be trained to kill. are you? I would refuse to fight against other europeans, but I would jump at the chance to take part in the ethnic cleansing of europe.
yes I have, theyre not very different .

prove before declaring
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Your ancestors fucked dogs! SICK! SICK SHIT!
- Paul Mooney
No one on pol thinks what you're claiming. One drop rule is a good way to ensure future success though.
There's an obvious explanation: they weren't.
>Everyone on mother's side of the family has blue eyes.
>I have brown eyes.
Iranians(or persians as many of them prefer to be called) are so much better than the arab scum we get in our countries. I Honestly do not undetstand why them us chose tp do business with the saudis instead of iranians?? ok, yes I do it might be because of the fact that the americans decided that the the shahs politics were not up to their standards. I guess assad is the next on the list? literally the only secular leader left in the middle east.
the us* to do*
its the jews , they hate iran not convenient saudi arabia, bacause aryan persians dont yield
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