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Is it worth being in a relationship who holds different political

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Is it worth being in a relationship who holds different political views than you?
imagine slapping big black cock between those tits
politics are a meme and mean nothing unless
you hold office
I could see it before clicking but I clicked anyway.
who is this fluid druid
Depends on what kind of relationship.

Also fuck yourself, my mother is perfectly healthy
If the personalities match and if it isn't that big of a deal, then yes. Personal love should come before political leaning in a genuine relationship.
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Don't forget to save this shit on your computer senpaitachi.
Who is this?
Harriett Sugarcookie.

Enjoy your degeneracy.
If by 'relationship' you mean 'get head from and then leave', then yes
Doesn't matter, if she really likes you they'll change to whatever yours are.
fuck you bruh
I came
I currently live with my girlfriend in an apartment, we're both 20 and have opposing views. We make it work, but there's no denying that there's a bump in the road every now and then - especially when controversial subjects are being discussed that could possibly relate to our future.

If you're going to ask why I'm with somebody that has opposing views, it's because I knew her before identity politics became common in the world we live in today. We were very much in love before one's views mattered, in fact they didn't matter much to begin with because we were in high school. We separated after high school, and during that time is when identity politics came in one big sweep. Years went by, we eventually reunited, and through spending time together we've come to become knowledgeable of each other's views.

It begins to become an issue around the subject of children. If we were to have children, what would we agree on and disagree on? What can we tolerate and not tolerate? Transsexuals have poisoned families because they put everything to a halt when they're no more than 5% of the population.
Just make her your fuckbuddy. Don't ever think of wifing her though.
Yes, women don't understand politics anyways.
cheeky bastard
>No dating/mating/breeding/sex/relationship/mixing threads
These threads belong on >>>/soc/ and >>>/adv/ and they only come from spammers /b/ faggots like OP
No, because the family should vote for their collective interests.

There's no point in a family that is divided to shit by your wife.
> Czechy
> Wants his women to get BLACKED

Dobry den, fahhoy.
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as long as they stand against the jew.
>when they're no more than 5% of the population.
They're not even 1% of the population, any population. In the US, trannies are at most 0.3% of the population.
You will only get shat on.
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She can have her opinions, but as long as she doesn't discuss them with me.
Lol@ people that think women will change to your political views.

Newsflash faggots : She won't, no matter how good you fuck her. She might tolerate your rascists ways if you fuck her good enough, but she will not want to have children with you.

She will be the one raising your children anyway, so if she is a liberal, your children will be liberals
only if you nefariously make it your objective to fuck her, and see her as a conquest in the name of Kek. But never get attached unless she gets red pilled
doesn't work

I've tried having one with a sjw, we were at each other's throats at the end
Thats a tranny isnt it?

Its funny
depends on how different. But at the end of the day its about how tolerant they are of said views. My stepdad calls every black person nigger, and while my mom doesn't like how easily he throws it around, she just rolls her eyes and lets it be because that's just how he is and she realizes that its completely inconsequential to their marriage.

Are you planning on getting married/having kids?
Only if she respects my views as well.
Can it be done? Yes. Should it be done? Maybe not.

It will ultimately end up frustrating whoever is more fervent. If you care passionately about the right to bear arms and your partner is pro gun control only because CNN tells them to be then you will probably get frustrated when he or she criticizes you for being a gun enthusiast. Likewise, if he or she cares passionately about men being able to use the women's restroom and you take the stance that it's generally not a good idea for grown men to be in the same room as little girls with their pants down then he or she will probably get frustrated with you when you refuse to dye your armpit hair blue and lie down in the middle of a busy street to protest Trump or something.

Two people passionate about politics of the opposite spectrums probably wouldn't work out too well because there would probably be a clash of personalities and lifestyle not conducive to a strong relationship or household dynamics for children.

Of course exceptions apply, but as a general rule of thumb you should probably want to be on the same page with your partner on as many topics as possible because people typically don't want to associate themselves with people they don't get along or agree with. Every couple bickers about petty shit but that's not a good reason to put good time and money into something that may not work out in the long run.
no. not in the slightest. empowurred catladies deserve to be alone as catladies, or raped to death as toll-paying coalburners
women are meant to follow men
if they refuse to adhere to their gender role then they are not a woman and should not be considered as such, just like males who do not marry and have kids (as a stable wholesome family, not some degenerate eldritch abomination) are treated as nonmen
Nigger faggot.
Depends on how politically active they are.
Fucking disgrace... Leave to Sweden or something.
To answer your question, yes, it pays of, you usually turn her to your side.
but how can I love someone thats participating in the destruction of europe?
Imagine making terrible posts like yours is your life now.
>not dicking your politics into your woman
Hmph, so low test.
Women don't have political views, they conform to their immediate environment.

All women will conform to your personal political ideology given enough time.

If she's willing to live a gun enthusiast to begin, she's probably fairly mild in her views. Just don't make sure it's locked away where the kids can't touch it.
fucking faggot
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If you're an Alpha male, then sure. You lead by example and redpill those around you.

If you're a Beta cuck, then no.

I wanted to make it they were cut scars
Those big bird legs tho
I hope you get gout faggot
God damnit
Oh you fuck
>skeptical af
>saved this pic after one of many "reply or blah blah ..." posts
>worked so fine even studies improved
he is indeed a good dog
fuck off nigger
Convert her
my ideal relationship
intellectually and politically challenging, causing friction and conflict which will obviously find an outlet in the bedroom
opposites attract and for me it really is no different
and honestly, I think the ability to find compromise between two clashing opposites is a lot more valuable than winning every argument

mainly tho it's because you know as well as I do that the sex would be hot as fuck
Opposites do not attract, that is a meme.
ur a meme
I find myself attracted to people who are totally unlike me all the time, in fact, I'm attracted to them precisely for that reason
because they're not me
And my ban just expired

nigger ahmed
Here i hoped it was jq txt
I wanna jizz between her sheets and peep while she gets into bed and jumps out swearing.
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Women are really easy to convert, they don't hold any strong views, even a feminist that is brought up entirely on feminist ideologies can be converted if you work on it.

Women are naturally hypergamous and will monkey branch and adapt if they have to. They are socially inclined to fit in.

So if you surround a feminist with conservative people and views, she will eventually convert.

I mean, Look at Laci Green, she converted the moment she had Chris Raygun's 12 inches of Puerto Rican meat in her.
Just make sure your offspring are brought up right.
>different political views than you?
Women don't have real political opinions, so that's not possible. Unless you're a faggot. Fuck off, faggot.
You're attracted to women primarily because of their physical appearance. ur a meme
you don't know me

you don't know my life
Depends on how you hide on contain your power level and how hood you are at debating.
Nigga thats Harriet Sugarcookie, she literally gets BLEACHED on a daily basis
Not necessarily. But I'd strongly urge against dating a girl with Nickelodeon colored hair.
Men are primarily attracted to physical appearance while women go for men that will give her and their children better attributes to survive e.g. confidence, intelligence, social status and resources. If you are not then you are one of the exceptions, those exceptions do not disprove the rule. Stilla meme.
why is it so hard for you to accept I like other people because they are other people
this is beyond a meme now
lol@ countries where its illegal to have a paternity test tbqhwyf
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It's doomed to failure.

Unless it's Leftist & Islam, which have allied to destroy The West(even when Islam is eventually going to Kill The Left or have it completely covert to Islam).

Archives: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge%20bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/
Read what I said, perhaps it's a good thing you like things that are different than you because you're retarded.
Who is this semen demon?
if you can redpill your woman, yes, it's worth it
Currently dating a hibaji wearing qt , it's a waste of time but better than porn

Entirely depends on her tits. If they're good you'll always have something to look at while you tune her out.
if you are making white babies, yes.

otherwise, kys
nice nines, nimble navigator
Yes and no.

In a relationship with a liberal leaning white girl who was a virgin before I met her, while I am fascist heil hitler af.

She's sweet and kind and great but her kindness makes her naive and gullible to Jewish influences. She doesn't care I'm a Nazi so I don't need to redpill her as she's somewhat already aware that history is more that what it seemed but I will never have children or marry her.

In the long run you want a woman who has views identical to you otherwise forget raising children.
he *is* a good dog.
If the sex is good

But what if I hate my mother?
It is funny that you say she's liberal and a virgin and you believed it, you shmuck. Only way that's true is if she's really, really young or is an ugly fatty (which you probably are as well)
Then kill her yourself tonight. Make sure to rape her before you strangle her.
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If she has tits like that, then yes definitely.
No, don't do it anon, it's not worth it. I dated a girl for two years who was a raging liberal and all we did was fight. Politics shape too much of your being if you're heavily vested in your beliefs to make a long term commitment sustainable, unless you redpill her or turn traitor.

Just don't get attached and it shouldn't be an issue.
If you're an individual/ alpha / intellectual your parter will adopt your views so long as your patient and open minded. Its worth it if you see something in your partner and don't look at relationships as just a "thing" people do.
If you're a man, your political views will forge hers.
If you're a cuck, you won't be able to change her and you'll only suffer in the long run

Regardless of size, black people have some of the least physically desirable traits within our species save for higher muscle mass, too. The devil is in the details, and their details are considered universally ugly (i.e. hair, eyes, nose, skin texture, behavior, etc.). There is no shame in being your own people, but when it is forced this much with evil intentions it is irksome. I do not buy what you are selling. Too bad the populace does.
Women don't hold political views, they mirror them
>muh politics
Who gives a shit retard. This is why you don't have a girlfriend .

Apolitical gf is best though.
ah you got me
no it'll always fuck you up in the long run, even if you conceal your true power level if she's a leftie and you are even remotely on the right it'll cause problems
e z p z
You have to redpill them. They will change, if done right. You cant be a beta faggot about it.
I'm slowly redpilling mine. Two years in and she now calls out the Dems and libs for all their bullshit. She was totally libtard before. Remember -you have to do it slowly. Cant go all in at fast.... she'll overdose and reject it.
And have some good informative sources to reference.
Now- if this was a girl asking, I'dd say to move on a find a real man.

get in here
As a black man, this is why the BBC meme needs to die. You can't toss around all the stereotypes that work in your race's favor, then get triggered when a white supremacist argues intellectual superiority. Either we're equal or we're not.
Replying for mom. I think it can work as long as one of you can just go along with the other one.
fuck you for making me post
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for good measure
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