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What's so great about white people? This book basically

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What's so great about white people? This book basically says all white people did was get lucky and copy shit from everywhere else and sleep with their cows and sheep.
Well, it was written by a Jew. The thing that really put Whites ahead was their ability to cooperate and sacrifice themselves for a greater good. Also Whites of the past (even just 50 years ago) where MUCH less cucked than the feminized numales we see today.
It's propaganda. Isn't that obvious?
Even if we had lucky situations, whites were the only ones to capitalize on all of it. It's not like nobody else tried to conquer the world, they all did and only we succeeded.
>Europeans spend 4 millennia advancing themselves through conflict and strife, creating the greatest wonders the world has ever known, being at the forefront of science, religion, medicine, physics, engineering, art, music, war, literature, fashion, space, philosophy, tech, economics, education, industrialization, peace keeping, politics etc. etc. etc. etc.

>Every other peoples and civilizations butt-hurt beyond total comprehension their combined anal clench could be used to power every electrical grid on earth for centuries to come so they talk mad shit and use subversive tactics to chip away at the greatest known cultures in human history, thereby making the world as total garbage as wherever they are from
oh boy, here we go.

sage and hide people, dont take this bait.
>written by a jew
Jews are higher IQ than whites, I'd rather read a book written by (((them))) than an albino nigger.
>ability to cooperate and sacrifice for greater good
You have got to be shitting me; collectivism is the least white idea in the world. East asians do this, not whites.
Whites literally have never cooperated except maybe the crusades, which was a failed endeavor (except for copying technology from the muzzies, which the whites would have had except they couldn't get along during the fall of rome)
>whites less cucked
Sure, but we don't need them any more. Frankly, I think the world would be better off with no whites and no niggers.

it's a shitty superficial book


>4 millennia advancing themselves
>forefront of science
Not until maybe 1600, when you fucks import science from the muzzies and chinks
>thinks it's because they were white
that's the entire fucking premise of the book, even a nigger in europe would have conquered the world
Frankly I think the world would be a better place without you. Seriously. Why don't you, and all the other cucks and great multi kulti fucks of the world just all go to Africa and the middle East. Just fuck right off and built your wonderful society of garbage heaps and cannibalism and leave Europeans alone.
You don't like them? Fine, they don't like you either. Get your dirty waste of a life shitstain britches out. That includes the United States, which was founded by Europeans and built by Europeans.
>But muh slave labor for cotton and Chinese railways!" Still an entire nation built on the backs of European migrants. Despite these tiny outliers.
The rest of the world continues to copy the European ideal and way of life and continues to bitch more and more about it.

Ever been anywhere else in the world? I've been all over. It's a total shit heap everywhere. Fuck off.
And collectivism is very much a European ideal. All the major principles of a collective society were thought of and built by Europeans.
no historian takes this book seriously
>Jews are higher IQ than whites

Only Ashkenazi, and comparing an entire race to a subset of a particular tribe is hardly rigorous.
>Import science from muzies and chinks
>Not the Muzzies not existing when the middle east basically reopened the great scientific and cultural works of the Europeans of the Mediterranean and then destroying them all when Islam actually became a defining force in the region.
And the Chinese had one thing, and one thing only that really set them apart. That was gunpowder. And it was used rather poorly by the Chinese until Europeans improved upon the concept and built actual fucking weapons with that shit.

Africans had every opportunity to do just that. Conquer fucking everything. They were virtually untouched and had vast swaths of land and resources. Why'd they fail? Lots of reasons. You can play the what if game all fucking day, but in the end history recounts that Europeans were the primary victors, conquerors and creators of fucking EVERYTHING.
>ever been anywhere else in the world
Try Tokyo, Kyoto, Seoul, Satsuma, Busan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bangalore. All these cities are at least as good as New York, which is the best Burgerlandia has to offer. Now fuck off.
>Multi-Kulti fucks
No, we're not gonna leave you alone. We're gonna convince your women that the future of the white race is extinction :)
>collectivism is european
Then get out, collectivism is a stupid idea. Your whitewashed reading of history is weak.
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We're just better at life.
>Jews are higher IQ than whites, I
And Episcopalians are higher iq than jews, but I'd rather judge a book on its own merits.
>Sure, but we don't need them any more. Frankly, I think the world would be better off with no whites and no niggers.
Well, you're wrong- you don't think. Whites and Jews are presently the most moral peoples in the world. Only an imbecile would want the coming technological advances to be made anywhere but in the West.

The only hope for the world is concentration of power in the Western democracies.
>muh gunpowder
Paper, hydraulics, irrigation, domesticated rice and millet, sophisticated civil service exams, precursor to modern federalism and division of state/national politics, and CHOPSTICKS.
Fuck niggers; they're not people.
>Europeans won
for now. Anybody can call it a "win" when the rest of the world has loaned literally trillions of dollars to the Western economies to prop up their debt-based consumerism; eventually dollar hegemony will end and the pendulum will swing back to the East.
>You have got to be shitting me; collectivism is the least white idea in the world. East asians do this, not whites.

whites understand the importance of individualistic government and voluntary collectivism. at least they used to.
All those cities have been built upon the European and American model and all have used virtually 100% European and American engineers and architects and city planners.
And you never stated you've been to any of these places. But I've been to Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo as well. As well as many many other places. None of them are original.

You multi kulti's won't get far I promise. Even now you fucks skew every statistical fact to make it seem like you are winning at anything. You are not.
All that really needs to happen for you idiots to burn by the millions is a major conflict. The weakest and most subversive shitheads of any society, as proven by history always are the first to go.

Also shithead, you asked about collectivism and I gave you the rundown that it wasn't some special snowflake Arab/Indian/Asian thought. Don't backtrack and flipflop because you don't like being wrong. Faggot.

Also on a personal note I've knocked up two "ethnic" bitches. I as a European American have diluted (ever so slightly, but still done so) the other races. A Latin Bitch and a Mulatto bitch.
They are raising those kids with 2 cucks, one black and one latino. Eventually I'll do the same with white girls, if I haven't already.
Boy, you sure are a useful idiot.
>Whites are the most moral people in the world
This is fucking laughable, even by /pol/ standards. Hindus NEVER had slavery, and the only religions that say "join or die" happen to be jews, whites, and mudshits. "Moral".
If dollar Hegemony collapses so does the East shit for brains. What are you in highschool? Did you professors just give you this book to read over the Summer, because I read this retarded book as a requirement for AP world history sophomore year 10 years ago.

Read more books dumb dumb.

Oh and none of those things you listed were unique to the Chinese in any way shape or form.
Literally all of them were being employed by the Romans and Greeks, and Gauls, and Illyrians, and Pelsags, and Estruscans, and Egyptians (which surprise surprise were just proven to be white people).
Ancient Greeks had irrigation and the Egyptians had paper m8
Yeah, I've been to all those places.
There's only so many fucking ways you can stack up people in rectangular prisms, anon.
Seriously it is very annoying hearing this from some nigger-rich white burger when the most successful races in the USA are 1) Poos 2) Jews 3) Gooks. Whites lose at their own fucking game in their own fucking country, so much so they had to add a "writing" section to the SAT to boost white native-english speakers scores because they were losing to gooks too damn hard. But that didn't work, because gooks and poos just learned to speak English.
you got baited, dumbass. It's a dumb idea, and i'll concede that whites came up with it.
>"Ethnic bitches"
Cool story bro. I will probably never have sex again; doesn't make whites any less shit tier.

That shitty book is the leftists' Bible. Easily disproven.
Name one environmental advantage Europe had over Africa. By "Europe" I mean Europe. Not The middle East, not North Africa, not central Asia, not South Asia, not East Asia, Europe
>Hindus NEVER had slavery
They've had slavery under various names. I know this is hard for an illiterate, by try to understand that bad things are bad because of their effects.
This is not to mention burning women alive etc

But this is all besides the point. I said Jews and whites are moral, not were.
>Nigger rich white burger
I'm a European immigrant from Aristocracy faggot
>There are only so many ways you can stack a building
Correct and it never dawned on any of the other peoples of the world you could actually do that until European Engineers and Architects figured out all the math and physics that went into it
Please anon
>most successful races
Jews are white, I have absolutely no issues with Jews, just because I frequent this board doesn't mean I give a shit about it's conspiracy theories.
Also calling the Poo's and Gooks more successful is a stretch by once again, skewing statistics, since they make up 5.6% of the total U.S. population and the majority who are here, and that is the vast majority are literally Visa workers in tech and medicine. But once again, I don't take any of their hard work away from them.
It's conveniently located at the crossroads of Africa and Asia; it has an extremely high ratio of coastal/riparian land to landlocked areas. It's in the middle of the temperate climate and the center of gravity of the earth's non-submerged land mass, and the mountain ranges run east-west making crops from similar biomes easily transferable across lines of latitude. The climate is also well suited to rearing most domesticated animals, and had easy access to those animals because of being east-west aligned and at the center of gravity of landmass.
>It's conveniently located at the crossroads of Africa and Asia;
Have you ever seen a map? The middle East is located at the crossroads between Europe, Asia, and Africa. Europe is at the extreme West end of the Eurasian landmass not the middle.
>it has an extremely high ratio of coastal/riparian land to landlocked areas.
In other words it is more difficult to transport goods by land than in regions with a lower ratio.
> It's in the middle of the temperate climate and the center of gravity of the earth's non-submerged land mass, and the mountain ranges run east-west making crops from similar biomes easily transferable across lines of latitude.
None of that is helpful when the only native crops in the region are wild mustard grass and a few root vegetables(No cereal grains at all which are the most important crop for developing a civilization). Nearly every single crop grown in Europe has been imported meaning europe had to play catch-up to regions that had many varieties of plants suitable for cultivation including Africa.
>The climate is also well suited to rearing most domesticated animals, and had easy access to those animals because of being east-west aligned and at the center of gravity of landmass.
Name a currently domesticated animal that was native to/domesticated in Europe.
>european architects
As if the tallest buildings in the world are European. Or were European. And the Japanese architectural style is frankly more elegant and earthquake-proof, and the pagodas last longer.
>no issues with the jews
You've got your friends and your enemies mixed up, anon. But since you're aristocracy, you're probably part of (((their))) cabal anyway.
>"don't take hard work away from them"
Fuck you. You think your "whites are the best, but you're ok too" attitude doesn't put us down? Asians have to work twice as hard because they don't have "muh legacy" or "muh nigger" to get anything; meanwhile whites act high and mighty on old glory all while worshipping nigger dicks. If there was an admirable white man, he's long dead now.
White caucasian peoples were kangz and still are kangz
>Founded judaism
>founded christendom
>founded islam
>Founded rome
>Founded europe/middle east/north africa/australia/americas/asia/africa
>Literal kang
>Genetic jackhammer and genetic engineers
>created afro americans
>created eurasians
>created pure caucasian
>created mestizo
>Created white abbos
>tech/culture victors
>As if the tallest
What sort of moronic standard is this?
>And the Japanese architectural style is frankly more elegant
Is that why you always copy us?

You seem to suffer from feelings of inferiority
Wait a second......You're a fucking Asian?!?

Jesus motherfucker what the hell are you bitching about? Europeans have been helping you fucks forever and the trade relations have also helped Asia reach it's prosperity levels.

What, Janet or Kassy made a dick joke about you or something? Get over it. Kassy and Janet make dick jokes about everyone of every race.
And you don't in any way shape or form work twice as hard.
>Middle East is crossroads
You're forgetting about the Americas.
>harder to move goods on land
Good thing the most efficient way to move shit is by sea!
>No native crops
Good thing we can import them from the middle east, along with sheep, goats, horses, etc.
>native animals
It doesn't fucking matter if the animals or crops are "native" if the latitude is close enough because you can just MOVE THEM.
>inb4 "then why aren't arabs in charge"
They were; the major turning point for Europe was the age of sail and discovery of sea routes to India, China, and the New World.
>ability to cooperate
>sacrifice themselves for a graeter good
actualy, whites are shit at that, totally egoist motherfuckers compared to Chinese, so china will rule the world soon right?
>actualy, whites are shit at that,
Yes, they are now. That's the point. There's no social cohesion.
>They were;
Were they? They were able to dictate terms as we are today? What nonsense
I don't know what you're trying to prove, but the biggest cities in the world are not in Europe. Nor are the biggest buildings.
I'm a poo. And I don't like how white supremacist this board is becoming.
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See the numbers next to where it says (you)? Guess what those are called? Arabic numerals. Guess where they came from? India. Guess what whites use? LXXXVIIII. Now try to invent algebra with roman numerals, faggot.
>Jews are higher IQ than whites
That's a stupid meme. Jews are lying about their IQ.

Notice how the only intelligent and successful Jews looked White (and had White admixture?). The only noteworthy Jews are of European admixture, and they were raised and educated in White cultures.

Whites cooperated so well that their respective nations jumped to the top of the world, despite having few natural resources, fewer landmass and fewer people.
>muh zebras can't be domesticated
Eat shit kike.
actually the only noteworthy jews are of Polish admixture, Jews lived in Poland for like 800 years since 1150-1945
>I don't know what you're trying to prove, but the biggest cities in the world are not in Europe. Nor are the biggest buildings.
You're bragging about copying, basically. Everything you have right now is a mere echo of the west. You waste your money on larger buildings because you know you're behind us still and the one way for you to pretend otherwise is to go bigger, which any country could do.
Great, but what does that have to do with my post?
>whites cooperated so well
That there was never a period of more than 50 years in all european history without a major war on the continent or between superpowers?
>whites cooperate
Whites do not fucking cooperate they murder each other in more and more creative ways; that's the only way you're going to access the "muh conquering hero" argument. Given that whites succeed because they learned how to effectively kill each other with germs, guns, and steel, the above posted book is indeed valid.
>domesticated cattle, horses, etc. already existed
>Europeans and Asians didn't spend millennia selectively breeding them (either intentionally or unintentionally) for traits that are conducive to domestication and human use

GG&S is absolute shit.
You're literally staring at the influence the arab world had on the modern world and you can't fucking see it because you're blinded by "muh white pride worldwide".
>how to domesticate animals?
>tfw Russians already did this with foxes and now sell the domesticated branch of foxes for high prices
Well the book clearly says that European continent bred the superior human beings
You are a Poo. You are the biggest population of humans on Earth.
And you give a shit about the smallest population of people on Earth defending themselves? Fuck you faggot.
>You're forgetting about the Americas.
What? By the time Columbus reached the Americas Europe was already far ahead of Africa. There was no advantage there. Also distance from West africa to The Americas was less than half the distance of Columbus' first voyage.
>Good thing the most efficient way to move shit is by sea!
At best the coastline ratio was a motivating factor. Europeans had to develop good sailing technology and skills if they wanted to engage in trade as opposed to having any special advantage over Africans. Nothing was preventing Africans from building boats if they wanted to.
>Good thing we can import them from the middle east, along with sheep, goats, horses, etc.
>It doesn't fucking matter if the animals or crops are "native" if the latitude is close enough because you can just MOVE THEM.
It matters because if the animals and crops are native you don't have to wait for anyone else to domesticate them and then export them. You are also overestimating the importance of latitude, unless you believe the Scandinavian environment was more similar to Mesopotamia than the Egyptian Environment.
>They were; the major turning point for Europe was the age of sail and discovery of sea routes to India, China, and the New World.
Muh dark ages. Also the age of sail came about because of Europe's disadvantageous location for the spice trade.
>Now try to invent algebra with roman numerals,
The history of Algebra predates Indian Numerals. Look up Diophantus, a Greek mathematician. This also has nothing to do with environmental advantages.
>You're literally staring at the influence the arab world had on the modern world and you can't fucking see it because you're blinded by "muh white pride worldwide".
Who said anything about influence? You said the arabs were "in charge"
Fuck you, faggot, I am fucking angry about the smallest population "defending" itself. If white supremacy is defending, then I'm a fucking BLM supporter now because I can't wait for you fucks to go extinct. You keep pushing your white society nonsense and you're going to alienate the only other civilized peoples of the world.
>implying summer can resist the domesticated zebra bait
How tight is your boipussy? Post pics pls.
>you whites are so evil!
>lives here
>angry at anonymous people on the internet
t. brainlet

We don't like or want you and your half formed people around us. Go play in the mud like your ancestors did and stop bringing the world down to your level, you fucking nigger
Take any paragraph from that book and /pol/ can disprove it. That book has been debunked almost as often as viability of communism and anarcho-capitalism.
The USA is not a white country; I live in a Latino country. Kinda like Brazil, only we say "ghetto" instead of favela.
Fuck you too faggot, I'll meet you on the front lines bitch. You've chosen your side. Just because you surround yourself with wimpy limp dicked cucks doesn't mean it represents us as a whole by an measure.

You want to be my enemy? Well I've got 4,000 years of a cultural heritage to defend and I will fucking slaughter you and anyone else from your shitty big Poo tribe who wants to square up.

>Wah wah I'm an ugly dumb Poo and white girls don't want to date me! I hate white people!

This has been the defining factor of your entire thread.

And it only proves more and more how much you and every other group of people's on Earth are a bunch of jealous weak bitches who can't strive for excellence. I know exactly what kind of person you are. Because years ago in highschool and college I had Indian friends who were fucking awesome dudes and equally so I met bitchy loser Indian kids who thought because their moms pushed them into Med school they were somehow entitled to pussy and friends.
Eurasia did had the upperhand in a lot of regards but niggers can't blame their problems on stuff like "muh shit soil" "muh lack of domesticable animals" etc in an age of globalization.
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>Hindus NEVER had slavery
>Low-caste people aren't officially called by the name "slave' so therefore they are not slaves
You have GOT to be the biggest retard summerfag on /pol/ at this moment.
From things from the Arab world, are either from Persia or India. Arabs did not really do anything except invent Islam.
Reminder that sage goes in al fields of slide threads
>4000 years of cultural heritage
You are a little baby.
>White girls don't want to date me
The only girl I've ever had sex with was white/Jewish.
>I hate white people
I didn't, now I do. You guys sure are a credit to your race.
>Indian friends who were fucking awesome dudes
Did you call them a poo to their face? Did you ever ask if they shit in the street? Why do you expect anything different in return?
>The USA is not a white country
Completely built by whites, the entire esablishment is run by whites, was 90% white until not very long ago
> I live in a Latino country.
Yes, you just happened to choose the one in which latinos are minority, you shifty eyed little liar.
My book says brown ppl are retarded. Why are they so unlucky?
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Low-caste people aren't slaves because they're not "owned" and they can't be "bought" or "sold". They're not property, they're low-caste people. That's the difference.
History major here, I don't think you and people like you realize how much improvisation goes into Marxist literature such as this pile of crap.

The magic of books like this is that, while completely hypothetical and lacking in evidence severely, they pander to liberal view of the world and are thus the complete and absolute truth for every colleges professor.

There's a reason Jordan Peterson constantly talks about the damage French structuralists did to our society with their bullshit, once you let them run your institutions and make your kids believe that the world is an ugly place, but Marxism can make it better, you're fucked.

This fucktard is low tier bait, I know because I had to read all sorts of dumb shit in my university, but I don't think anyone comes close to Foucault desu, they make you read his books, so you understand why it is important to let mental patients freely roam society, yet he would never even come up with his theory on history of madness and sexuality, if he weren't a madman and sexual deviant himself.

I've read all sorts of shit during the course of studying for this major, I think my favourite study was about how Tacitus was a racist sexist anti-gay, because he branded all Germans blonde and blue-eyed, aka judged them by the colour of their skin and shit, what a horrible white male he was.

So yeah, don't even touch books like this, it's not hard to explain things by having shitty attitude, just take a look at /pol/, it's not hard to be right all the time if you just go full black pill for every happening.

Humans remember negative events in their lives far better than the positive, and are also more susceptible to believing someone that's emotional, rather than rational. Critical theory is allowed to exist because of human nature, but that doesn't mean you should take it seriously. Unless you want to die of course.
>Called them a poo to their face
This is the mindset of every shrimpy faggot ultra liberal, they fantasize about people who are better than them treating them like garbage to justify their illogical hatred and disdain.
Why the fuck would I insult any of my friends? When I first moved to the United States I lived in a shitty ghetto. All the ghetto friends I made growing up think you, all the liberals, and all the nu males and BLM folks are fucking weak pussy bitches with agendas.

>Only girl I've had sex with was Jewish
Well there you have it folks

>Jared (((Diamond)))

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Literally not possible to domesticate. Not even with 10 000 years of selective breeding etc... simply impossible. ehem.
>European Inventions
Cars,planes,the internet,advanced rocketry, computers, tanks, democracy/representative government, electricity generation, light bulbs, combustion engines, jets, helicopters, stealth technology, satellites, etc.
>Asian inventions
Paper, gunpowder, Arabic letters, noodles
>African Inventions
Aids, peanut butter

Obviously it was just all dumb luck though. Let's also not mention the fact that the majority of the greatest empires in history were white. The exceptions being the ottomans, and the Mongolians(which were only a flash in the pan and only impressive for their size), I guess China maybe would fit too.
The people who ran the Ottoman empire were all Native Anatolian's. Lots of Turks are just White people from Anatolia.
I know because my great great great grandfather was the Pasha of Istanbul and an Admiral in the Mediterranean fleet. Homie had light green eyes, dirty blonde hair and a red beard.

Plus all that shit still runs in my family. I saw a painting of him once my great grandmother had saved doing some political shit with all the viziers and stuff and they were all white guys.
I've been called a nigger to my face by my white "friend". I've never judged anyone I've met in person by their race, even niggers.
That is true too actually and makes sense considering the area is right next to the Caucasus region which is literally where the word Caucasian comes from
Any recommended history reading? I'm on Goldsmith's history of England right now
>>African Inventions
>peanut butter
This is actually not true. Native Americans invented it. Africans didn't really invent AIDS either, nature did. Whites realized what it was. Africans would have though it some sort of spell or curse. They still probably do, though.
So then where the fuck do you get off making assumptions then faggot?

>lol my white friend called me nigger even though I'm not even a part of that group of people and I felt offended.
I've never called anyone a nigger either, almost nobody but other black people and teenagers in their little friend groups do.

What I've learned about you so far in this thread is
>You are a hypocrite
>You are a child
>You are an asshole loser who doesn't want to take responsibility for himself
>You are a bigot
>You are nowhere near as smart you pretend to be

You want to be part of the cool kids club? Get fit, stop spouting nonsense, keep doing good in school, play a fucking sport, and don't hang out with garbage people.

Get fucked.
Native Americans?
>Mountain Crops
>Most accurate Calendar
>Camping Tents

I swear the Natives got the short end, they were advancing past the Africans, but were too slow. The Chinese were okay, they just had too much Civil War among themselves
>if he weren't a madman and sexual deviant himself
Foucault was literally a mentally ill aids faggot
The new Bible
>lol I felt offended
Fuck you; I come from a prouder heritage than white people and to be called a nigger by ignorant filth is beneath my dignity
>hypocrite asshole child bigot idiot
Yay, i'm white!
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The whole thing is wrong.
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