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Why are American HR departments dominated by liberal millenn

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Why are American HR departments dominated by liberal millennial females?

Because real jobs need men.
Like police, plumbing, or presidency
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american hero
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>women trying to be men

the western world is doomed
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Machines replace men. what do?
Because HR is quick literally the dumbest most useless job, so their skill set fits well
It makes perfect sense when you realize that HR was created for women during the 1970's when women were entering the workforce in huge numbers for the first time.
Because American males are low test cucks.
machines also replace women. problem solved
Stand around looking at the machines to make sure they are functioning and not being stolen.
And the women have higher test.
you can getta HR job wit dat sociology major
>1970's when women were entering the workforce in huge numbers for the first time.

>did it really happen?
T.forever alone incel
No man that isn't a weirdo gets off to the idea of shoving his dick into a lifeless piece of mental.
>women become completely awful
>"b-but you're still weird if you won't fuck them!"

Sup roastie
get a load of this nu male

No, it didn't really happen you fucking retard- Rosie was propaganda and women were never a large or permanent part of the industrial labor force
Because joke jobs are the only thing women can do.
I swear I almost made a note in my previous post about "peace time" but I assumed that most of /pol/ would understand what I meant. >>131194237 is right.
No but the thought of being replaced by machines is the only thing that will force women into their natural place of submission at this point.
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>Determining needs of the staff.
>Determining whether to use temporary staff or hire employees to fill these needs.
>Recruiting and training the best employees.
>Supervising the work.
>Managing employee relations, unions and collective bargaining.
>Preparing employee records and personal policies.
>Ensuring high performance.
>Managing employee payroll, benefits and compensation.
>Ensuring equal opportunities.
>Dealing with discrimination.
>Dealing with performance issues.
>Ensuring that human resources practices conform to various regulations.
>Pushing the employees' motivation.

>dumbest most useless job

Uhm, no sweetie, that'd be the neckbeard virgins in IT who sit around in their sweaty office all day playing dumbass video games, emerging only to turn a computer on and off once.

HR requires the most empathy, organizational skills, negotiation skills and emotional intelligence, which women tend to have more of, so no wonder we make up the majority of positions in HR.
If no woman wants your ugly fat ass in real life, why are you deluded enough to believe they would waste time in you on the internet?
Lol. Only a fucking low test nu-male gets off to robots and cartoons. Proper men want women.
If you can't get a woman to be submissive to you now mate, they will never be submissive to you.
Blame your genetics.
Women are naturally submissive to men they find attractive and want.
Don't need any real skill to go into HR.

Just bullshit your way through school to get a liberal arts degree, and tell the hiring manager you're a "people person" and can "read" others by taking 10 seconds to look at their resume.

A random AIDS ridden street junkie could go into HR.


The reason companies are starving for talent this decade is because vapid roasties with social work degrees are unable to hire effective workers.

>muh emotional intelligence

the real world doesn't give a fuck about your pathetic first world problems.

You're only half right. Roasties get cushy HR jobs by blowing/carpetmunching the VP of Personnel.

Culture of Original Sin ... Im sorry I mean White guilt and "privilege" (same shit).

>HR reminds every department to fill sex and racial quotas
>Need Men to actually run things
>make up for the quotas by hiring a bunch of women in HR.

It is just an example of society eating itself alive.
Because women love power with no actual work involved.
Fuck HR administrators, they're entirely useless. They don't know jack shit about their job, and they basically exist just to answer a phone and tell people to call somebody else (insurance company, payroll company, etc.) instead of knowing anything useful.
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I like it

I like it when roasties act in a non threatening manner as if they were kindergarten teachers

They should do it all the time I wish they'd call me sweetie more often
>They don't know jack shit about their job

They can't hire because they don't know jack shit about any other job either.
It isn't, you have no idea what you're talking about at all, stop learning about the world through tv.

I've worked for 5 American companies and HR has always been about one thing and one thing alone: loss prevention.

If you allow yourself to become enamored by comforting mythology, you won't even understand what happened to you when you get run the fuck over.
they exist as advanced secretaries who filter out the first round of applicants so highly paid professionals dont have to spend hours with interviews
Exactly, they're fucking cancer and exist so that Jamie-Lynn can feel special and a career women like Sex and the City while everyone else does the actual work.
t. useless hr roastie
Isn't it a testament to women how hr fails miserably at every single one of those goals?
And they do so by sending up the vapid morons that appeal to their vaginas and bubble brains, not the job requirements.

Companies in America are suffering from the talent gap because HR roasties can't hire.
In the US, HR is usually filled with fat bitches, dumb bitches, dyke bitches, and fags. Usually white.
I dont know but its disturbing. They go out of their way to hire non-white people.
There's usually some sheboons too
Do you know how can I get one of those?How much do they cost?
and sometimes a few hot bitches.
No machine is 100% perfect and often break down for the dumbest reasons.
Vapid, mediocre narcissists get to play God and boss people around. It's the perfect job for a certain type of woman.
So machines are women?
They fall under the "Dumb bitches" category.
Only as much as the mandated quota typically.
HR departments were invented to give the broads something to do after the affirmative action quota was met
because it's an office job suitable for women, retard
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>often break down for the dumbest reasons.

>So machines are women?
HR is usually the center of all office gossip too, these cunts can't keep a secret
They cost $7495.00
The chinky-gooks make one for $17.99
Who cares, these women won't even be passing their genes down.

You guys have to see the long game here. Women who are dominant and career-focused waste their fertile years building said career and end up childless. Over time, women as a whole will become less prone to dominance and chasing careers. They are unwittingly selecting themselves out of the gene pool.
I quit working in corporate America because of these HR cunts. I'd rather make two-thirds as much money working as an independent contractor than allow these cunts to have power over me.
Which is why they have the government and the school system brainwash other peoples' kids to be like them.
No, actually they shit out 3 or 9 niglets from Jamal

Human resources departments are worthless, they exist only because of coercion when lawmakers began pressuring companies with affirmative action.

Because these departments are staffed by idiot know-nothing women, they are ineffective and often responsible for hiring people who are unqualified and often times pressuring out valuable employees in favor of lazy ones. As these women are themselves incapable of anything productive, their departments are usually a mess, they often don't know how to perform their own functions, and are often the people who conduct the most sexual harassment or targeted harassment of employees they don't like.

[citation] 9 years working as a legal clerk in a book publishing corporation.
> Implying said kids won't be killed by the Roastie's next boyfriend Tyrone or shot by the police.
>(same shit)
You're correct. Always baffles me how SJWs and Christians think they have nothing in common when they are literally one and the same.
90% of your list is dumped on operations or the owner.

The only thing you useless fat cunts do is force me to fire good performers because they made a fat joke, and replace them with some smelly immigrant cause you'd feel like a racist if you said "no, painting fences doesn't qualify you to be a machinist".
i´m sorry but>>131195492
What the fuck does HR even do?

Like where I work, I feel like the entire department could be eliminated and their responsibilities delegated to office managers (who also don't do shit).
No, they'll fuck Jamal but they won't actually breed with him. If they end up with any kids at all it'll be from adopting some third-world shitskins.

I work for a pretty big player in the finance arena, and I haven't had a cogent job description in three years.

HR is there to protect the company from legal bullshit, and to provide expense numbers to the CFO so they know who and what to cut. That's pretty much it.

Not just US, but all over the Western world.

The answer is simple: it's an easy job. Women are always attracted to easy jobs.
Yet alpha guys share the same lifeless pieces of mental every week
Its true. And the few men I've seen in HR always look like they're on the verge of suicide.
>they exist only because of coercion when lawmakers began pressuring companies with affirmative action
Perhaps why they're lib-progs, their employment depends on the government.

Also, HR is the destination for women with useless liberal arts degrees.

One time I was progressing through interviews for a job when they closed the position because they needed to hire more external people. My (female) career advisor at the company interpreted that as, HR told them that they needed more females in their org. So... do you think it made me respect female colleagues MORE or LESS?
>Isn't it a testament to women how hr fails miserably at every single one of those goals?

Comments like this just prove women are essential in the workforce. Males cannot handle subjectivity - you just proved it. HR failing in your workplace is a highly subjective case, yet your male brain extrapolates a singular experience to reflect on HR overall, in general, which is a huge subject.

Women are much better at handling the finer details, our brains are wired for it, whereas men just look at the big picture and jump to conclusions.
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HR Engineer
Womynâ„¢ love to gossip & control people. HR allows enormous opportunity to do both. HR staff know everything about the workforce in an organization - salaries, disciplinary actions, complaints, etc and they help decide much about each of those things. They also help determine who gets hired in the first place.

I've thought about going back to grad school to get in on the action myself. Plus you're around hot pussy all day as HR is mostly chicks.
>Dealing with discrimination
6/10 bait made me reply
Because they're likely carrying the entire workload of the department on their backs while the rest just gossip and browse Pinterest.
In general, this is observably true. Their arrogance and low intelligence is the terminus for their rebellious genetics.
Fucking someone in HR is likely a similar feeling to fucking a bucket of ice.

Just wait until they regret it the next day and use every resource at their disposal to get rid of you.
Wife works in HR and works for a Fortune company, voted for Trump and despises all the snowflakes. Maybe a unicorn but my unicorn.
i´ll give you something to thing about

>Males cannot handle subjectivity

>you just proved it

>men just look at the big picture and jump to conclusions.

you just see the big picture and jump to a conclusion right now, maybe you aren´t wired that way as much as you think
White woman privilege
Because the big picture is what matters. The real world doesn't give a fuck about your whiny emotional crap.

Now tits or gtfo.
>Women are much better at handling the finer details, our brains are wired for it,

You must be a troll. Women are not even logical. Detail they can never master.
Why does every millineal normie take the same picture with their eyes bulging out and their mouth wide open like they're about to take a 15inch buffalo penis?

Skip to 15:34 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-P478hv-Qg&feature=youtu.be&t=15m34s
Truth. It's been proven that the female brain has not evolved to master logic and detail.
because publicly striking a woman is looked down upon now days
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she poses like that in every pic
The company I work for currently has a whole bunch of HR issues because they hired cheap pajeet labour and the pajeets can't perform to the minimum required standard.

They barely speak English and can't follow simple instructions. English is obviously the business language here.

They are currently trying to manage them out by putting them on "performance improvement programs" which actually has fuck all effect.

What happens is that these guys are shown to be piss poor at their job and then moved onto non critical projects instead of getting sacked.

All because they have a stupid fucking head wobble that makes them immune to being paid off.

The company has no qualms about firing white men based on political fuck ups though.
The empty husk of a body they haven't disposed of yet can't pull off excitement convincingly without pulling that face.
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witnessed your trips, pic related answers your question
They're the only ones interested in the "job"
why are there no fucking comments ? why can i not view the comments for a video with 4,000 views ?
oldfag here.

HR used to be called Personnel, and they were there to support the employees - inter-personal conflicts, career advancement, training. Now, for every inter-personal conflict we are told to handle it ourselves. Training is spelled out online, and the manager controls the expenses. Career advancement is also controlled by the management level.

So yeah, they are fucking useless.
We need islam.
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I really forgot how cringe American highschools are. Thanks for reminding me OP.
> implying subjectivity is superior to objectivity
> feelings are superior to facts
Why do people that work at startups act like a bunch of children all the time?
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that vid is from a top 4 US accounting firm. not a high school
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Wow. It gets even worse.
Thank god I worked in good ol' redpilled industry.
I'm confused. What would HR or Personnel have to do with training in the first place. Isn't training delegated by on-site supervisors and management?

In what universe is HR in charge of training anyone but other HR?
I rest my case.
glad none of this horse shit has infiltrated the trades yet

holy shit
Thank you anon. I was studying finance but if that's true, I'm gonna turn 360 degrees and walk straight into a trade school.
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I work for a Chinese company in the UK.

Sure the hours are awful and the pay is not competitive, but the women are all secretaries and there is no weird HR bullshit.
You forgot to include:

>Obviously knowing better than every other department how to do the jobs in those departments.
>emotional intelligence
hate to break your bubble, but emotional intelligence does not exist. it was invented so women can feel as good as men
Social Intelligence is Bullsh*t 9 min
Th-there are flat chest models right?
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because society doesn't know what to do with countless "educated" women with no discernible skills of any kind.
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HR is welfare for women, it's basically affirmative action to help offices meet their quota for women. The job is useless, if you have a problem and you go to HR they just call the person you could've called instead and tell them what you told the HR lady.
Yes but they're given hiring responsibilities so they only hire their braindead liberal clones.
What else are they qualified to do but make life hell for men with useful jobs? It's makework for vapid cunts.
They're qualified to be unemployed.

In 95% of businesses and 100% of government agencies, HR is the useless fluff job that has come to represent fulfillment all of the legally required diversity quotas.

Real HR is like three people who handle hiring, and Operations.
Tits or gtfo
When I was a NEET I turned into a total sociopath because of being forced to deal with HR in finding work. If you're a man, you have to dance like a monkey, and sing like one too if you want to get a job. I will never not be mad at group interviews
Woman should not work in mega corps.

Perhaps small home business or buy trade. or nursing.

Woman in mega corps only play the "I'm female" to HR. Get men fired over petty shit and destroy families.

The worst kind of woman in a mega Corp , the most manipulative, insecure and dishonest, have the 3 following traits.

2.loud/rude, exception to management (bootlicking)
3.single, or if not, beta male with no kids

Fuck woman in corp. But superfuck the above.

Woman are fucked mentally, ugly woman destroy families, they are scum and more corrupt than men.
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She: "It says here, Anon that you value self improvement"
*metal in her heavy duty chair nearly buckles as she leans forward*
She: "Is that like fascism?"
You: "uhh, no I just think that people should, uh, keep fit, diet, and read to better themselves"
*she is now visibly angry and she begins typing furiously as her chair cries out for mercy*
She: "We'll call you if anything is available"
Another useless job for women, very popular here in Australia: traffic controller.

You see four guys doing the actual construction work, surrounded by five women in high-vis clothing who are here to press buttons and tell pedestrians when to cross...
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Merge with them.
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It makes it impossible for competent white males to get any kind of govt job.

This is exactly why there are so many 65 IQ Shaniquas in high pay scale/high benefit government positions. One niggress gets a job in HR out of a need for control stemming from unresolved daddy issues and hires exclusively other niggresses in that department.

Government HR departments are a yuge factor in why so many government sectors are embarrassingly incompetent.

And that's a problem.
women sure as shit aren't going to fix them
Why contain it? Let the bodies spill into the streets and churches, at the end, they'll beg us to save them.
It's the same in Brazil. I've never had an interview with a male, all of them are female and they only hire attractive guys or other women.

>When I was a NEET I turned into a total sociopath because of being forced to deal with HR in finding work. If you're a man, you have to dance like a monkey, and sing like one too if you want to get a job. I will never not be mad at group interviews

What's worse is, having to tone down male traits to be soft.

Or how about this, being on probation as a married man, and, being bullied by your fat single muttfaced trainer because you know different ways to achieve optimal outcome.

If I was a 3rd worlder, I d kick the bitches head in, no regrets, but because HR cucks the workplace, I'm absorbing that stress from some fat mutt.

In the end? I get fired for making a formal hr complaint, because the mutt takes the day off and then returns to sniper my work.

She's perm, so has to FCK up 3 consecutive times to lose her job.

It is difficult to restrain yourself when you know some one is fucking with you.

Woman should not be in the workforce.

Oh and especially woman who study PSYCHOLOGY and believe they can use PSYCHOLOGY to manipulate.

Will curb stomp first.
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But muh interpersonal skills!
>I'm a crazy cat lady

Of course you are. Don't hide the fact that your daddy didn't love you.
This is pretty much it. I think HR does serve a necessary function but in larger companies you will often see them become a pretty entrenched force that will do a lot of unnecessary bullshit. I've watched it happen with the HR department at my company. They were pretty small when I started but now they've really expanded with the company and I see them setting up more and more useless bullshit.

The main roles of HR should be:

>making sure no illegal shit that could get the company sued by employees/state/federal government is going on
>managing company wide benefits(probably their most important responsibility imo)
>to serve as a basic filter for recruitment so that managers don't have to waste their time on shitty resumes

If it doesn't meet one of those three basic functions it's a waste of time.
The HR department is the curse of the modern corporate world.
TITS or GTFO!!!!
It's a women's job. Men are more competition oriented, whereas that job field is for gossipers and chit chatters
>If it doesn't meet one of those three basic functions it's a waste of time.

Hiring is assigned to HR. In any technical field, this is a disaster waiting to happen, and is the chief cause of the talent gap in America.
buttmad pink collar roastie
what da fuq did i just watch
the job is basically about being as much as a passive-aggressive bitch as humanly possible.

>They were pretty small when I started but now they've really expanded with the company

The company I work for used to not have an HR department 5 years ago, now there's tons of women in the HR department and they barely do shit all as far as work is concerned.
HR is also there to fire you, don't forget that. You get sick and hospitalized? Well we don't like that and we're going to get your ass fired.
Affirmative action for women.

Female HR are fucking cancer because of their cunt thought process.
THIS. If it wasn't for my bad knees and back, I'd be working as a labourer on a building site making $30 an hour and not having to worry abt what I say and not having to worry abt work when I get home.
>mfw sex robots become more advanced to the point where they are lifelike, have artificial wombs, and I can 3d print my designer baby eggs.

I'mma need 20 of 'em.

At my company at least it's ultimately the decision of the manager the person will be reporting to to move through with the hiring process.

HR just serves to filter out the shit resumes that are a waste of time to read and also helps them with getting the word out on the open positions.

Any time HR takes an active role in the hiring decision for a specialized job I think that is a pretty bad idea.
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Sister works in HR and I can confirm that most the women that work in HR are back stabbing cunts that will try to still your job.
Anyways, to answer the question.
It's a piss easy degree to get and you're highly dispensable.
A true Fascist should be so completely disgusted by how american women act today that they can at least understand why someone would rather fuck a robot. Woman are broken.
>pol breeds an aryan army via sex bots
that's all women though. i'm for the islamic takeover at this point, actually.
lol, the traffic control thing is a result of the fucking nanny state
I'm proud that I don't even know what "HR" is. Working in an office must be a toxic environment full of slimey people like the roasties in your pic, fuck that.
every single point on that list is fucking useless LMAO
Which is a lot of men. They are incapable of being faithful.
they are basically hired here as eye candy and morale boosters for the male construction workers. they're usually cute blondes you just know are gettin dicked right and left possibly even on the job site. it would be a total sausage fest otherwise.
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every HR girl i've met has been 7/10-10/10

that being said

if you're angry.... a nice and attractive lady calming you down has a higher success rate than Bradley Buzzcut
yep, working in an "office" is soul destroying, the only benefit is that if you get talk to qt's and from time to time bang them as well.
Chad interview is better than Stacy interviewer who will hire you based on appearance. Women automatically assume that attractive men are more skilled and capable.
Yep. A quarter of the office is 'HR' related people. One has literally a single job and that's to 'manage the finger printing system' where if there's a new hire they punch in a code in the time clock and have the new guy scan his finger.

That's it. They don't work for like a week at a time. I legitimately don't know what they do all day.

The actual HR is done by one woman, the 'safety lead' (who actually does important legal shit like making sure all the chemicals and what not are on file if the gubbmint ever asks), and the shop managers who are the ones who actually determine if a new hire is worthwhile and not just putting words on a resume.

Its just where all the women we legally need to hire are shoved. Well HR, and the 'company store' aka a discount convenience store for people to buy poptarts and shit for lunch shoved into the corner of the building.

I don't really get how people can come to work every day and believe they're doing good work like that. It'd crush my soul. It'd also be boring as fuck.
>human resources
what kind of soulless kikery is that anyways? goddamn it
Chad will hire his buds but at least he wont discriminate based on your appearance.
I'm warmed by the fact that so many others have the same hatred for HR departments as me.

Is this feeling shared by a lot of normies or is it exclusive to /pol/ virgins?
it's a real matriarchy. my only condolence is my agreement
It's the same in most pop-culture I think
Sure, ask Podesta

HR has always been a female domination area. Basically the company has gotten large enough by this point that the boss or management need a part-time hiring assistant where the only real qualification is being personable.
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