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>be German >send invasion fleet to Norway >get sunk

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>be German
>send invasion fleet to Norway
>get sunk

Oh look it's a Kekistani flag

But Norway was occupied...
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>be German
>send people to Vemork so they could make heavy water and develop nuclear weapons
>get blown up
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be german
have a miniscule fleet
have less soldiers than the enemy

still win against the most powerfull navies
still occupy norway
still sink more than you loose

questions ?
Oh so you are the reason my country is filled with Arabs and Somalis
>be German
>spend years hiding in a fyord
>get bombed
>Be Norway
>Give up your country to Hitler without a fight
>Pretend like you didn't like Hitler after the war
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>tfw they dismantled the coastal artillary and torpedo launchers in favor of mobile fast attack vessels, outdated und underequipped minelayers and submarines on the western coast.

The fjord to Bergen is wide open. Come and take it.
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>implying arabs would be murdered in the third reich
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>be Sweden
No I am implying they are now allowed to come here.
Then why don't you do something about it you spineless piece of homosexual garbage?
The damage is done, thanks for ruining Europe Norway!
>have one battleship left
>sending it out would just be another bismarck
>park it way the fuck away from your industrial base
>british spend entire war wasting time on trying to sink a ship that isnt a real threat
>Be sweden
>do nothing under the second world war and let norway get invaded
>flood your own country with somalis and syrians and let them rape your wives and children out of guilt that you did nothing under the second world war
>just be another bismarck
>not a real threat
>what are convoys in the Atlantic
Not even memeing friendo The Swedes were telling you every time it sailed out and you had already broken enigma. They didn't have the fuel in norway for any major sortie nr the ambition to range out, let alone after the failure of assaulting PQ12

Norway was occupied, Danemark happily supported the Nazis, Sweden worked for them and Finland fought along them.

The masterace keeping their independence.

ah, and Iceland fled
>Iceland fled
I don't think you can flee if you're Iceland
O Sweet that movie came out?

The real life story of what happened that night is amazing. All the Nazi-larpers be fucked, One of the greatest moments of WW2.
Battle of Drobak Sound meant that Norway gold reserves, King, and most of the parliament was able to flee the capital, and Norway survived longer then any other country invaded by the Nazi's other then the soviet union. A old pensioner and some raw recruits saw too that.

Norway resisted the German invasions longer than EVERY other country that was occupied during the ward, swedecuck. We held out ground for half a year against numerically and technologically overwhelmingly superior forces.
Could you give me the exact numbers?

Face it, Norway (main part) was lost almost right away.


The two Norwegian guns Oscarsborg are named (((Aaron))) and (((Moses))) btw
9 April – 10 June 1940 (62 days)
Germany invaded with 100,000 troops, Norway had 55,000. The Allies later sent about 30,000 troops to try to hold the northern ports (Key for Iron ore, as swedish iron was exported vie norway) and try to get Germany to send more troops to Norway.

Also the Norwegian forts fucked up the German surface ships.

Also, being a brit, you need to look up what the HMS glowworm did.

For comparison France only lasted 46 days

To be fair, coastal, artillery is pretty much a sitting duck for airstrikes this day in age. Although mobile/easily concealed torpedo launchers could be of use.
That or mobile short range Anti-ship missles.
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At least they weren't the Low Countries who caved after five days.

Although all of them paltry to the Army of Northern Virginia, who managed to repel six invasions aimed at Richmond and launch two of their own over the course of four years.

For a time, the batteries on the coast of San Francisco after WW2 were outfitted with those after they scrapped the guns but were in turn scrapped because war planners figured the Russians would just demolish the entire area with nuclear weapons anyway.

Also, dat ID
Kek, didn't even notice.

My Great grandfather was from Grimstad Norway, so I always follow Norway stuff.

Did he do anything of note during the war?

Great-grandson of SHAEF staff officer btw
Be Norway let their womyn get pregnant by SS soldiers for Breeding and repopulation
The Frogs really should've focused defenses around the Lowlands, as well as the Franco-German border. The Kraut's try to go around in the last war and it seems the Frogs had not learned their lesson.
Anne Frank is a lie.
My Great Granddad was detached to the Canadian Army, at D-Day. So I'm more knowledgeable about that.
He was too old to serve in WW2 (he was in the states by this time) His sons (my granfather and great uncles) all worked at the Brooklyn Naval Yard.

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>implying that I care

Oh yeah and reminder that she'd still be alive if the Confederates had won and Germanic pagan LARPing autism aka Nazism wouldn't be a thing.
>be Swedish
>be African
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the HMS Glowworm was a old Destroyer who in the Norway campaign in the fog stumbled onto a German Heavy Cruiser and it Battle group. It faught so hard it was actually able to ram the Heavy Cruiser.

At 10:10 Lieutenant Commander Gerard Broadmead Roope, fired five torpedoes from one mounting at a range of 800 metres (870 yd), but all missed because Captain Hellmuth Heye had kept Hipper's bow pointed at Glowworm throughout the battle to minimize his risk from torpedoes. The destroyer fell back through her smoke screen to buy time to get her second torpedo mount working, but Heye followed Glowworm through the smoke to finish her off before she could fire the rest of her torpedoes. The two ships were very close when Hipper emerged from the smoke and Roope ordered a hard turn to starboard to reduce the range and possibly ram the cruiser. Hipper was slow to answer her helm and Glowworm struck the cruiser just abaft the anchor. The collision broke off Glowworm's bow and the rest of the ship scraped along Hipper's side, gouging open several holes in the latter's hull and destroying her forward starboard torpedo mounting. One German sailor was knocked overboard by the collision. Hipper took on some 500 tonnes (490 long tons) of water before the leaks could be isolated, but was not seriously damaged. Glowworm was on fire when she drifted clear and her boilers exploded at 10:24, taking 109 of her crew with her.

Cool, that's the second oldest shipyard in the US apart from Norfolk
>>Be Sweden
>Do nothing to fight German
>>Just profiteer like the Negroid Jews you are
>>Even the Swiss were bombed
Even as a kid I knew the actual book was a lie and at best a heavily edited bit of propaganda. She wrote too well and too mature for her (((supposed))) age.

So actually that book was the first step in me questioning stuff told to me.
>be English
>send invasion fleet to Norway
>fail miserably



Her father probably ripped the more nasty entries right out and destroyed them so no one else would read.

I doubt any publisher would've taken it if it was full of entries talking about how she got knocked up or something.
Yep, I asked my grandfather as a kid (I was like six) what did he do in WW2, and he told me he worked at the shipyard. I Was too young to understand that was a key thing to do, and was kinda disappointed, but he pointed out while he didn't fight it, he helped built the Missouri which is where the war ended.

He was a cool guy - worked in the shipyard, took a job being a mailclerk at american tobacco, and then ran the mailroom, then they hired him to manage people, and next thing you have is a guy who never went to college being a executive for american tobacco. Retired, bought a beach house for 70,000 cash in 1979, and never had to worry about money again due to the equity growth as beach property went insane. Miss that man.

Haaa - He is a curious case, he won a Victoria Cross after the war (he died in the battle) after they interviewed German commanders and found out what a brave man he was and that he fought till his boilers blew.
>be Norway
>have huge guns in Trondheim to defend against naval invasion
>Nazi fleet approaches
>fire 1 shot
>man rushes up to battery and order them to stop fire
>Nazi fleet then sails into Trondheim effortlessly
I'm really proud of the Norwegian war effort
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Sounds /comfy/
>Her father probably ripped the more nasty entries right out and destroyed them so no one else would read.
>I doubt any publisher would've taken it if it was full of entries talking about how she got knocked up or something.

>Turns out in the real diary she saw a cute kraut.
>He knocks her up
>Turns the entire family in as he didn't want to deal with the kid.
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This thread, that ID... what are the odds?
Should write it as a parody, but that would require me to read parts of anne frank again to get the style, and hell with that.
Not very high, and you almost had the digits.


I will make some webms from the movie as soon as it downloads, as I wanted to see it as it one of about 4 battles I always wanted to see on film.


Probably wouldn't be too hard to cover actually. Just about everyone who actually knew her in hiding was dead by the end of the war so witnesses and a paper trail wouldn't be a problem. Kid gets dropped off at an orphanage some point prior to August 1944, no one's gonna be asking questions.

It wouldn't surprise me if some bombshell like like that came out 20-30 years from now Tbh. Well after everyone associated with her is long dead/copyright is completely expired and there's no risk of descendants suing for their share of the shekels.

I'm half surprised no imposters have come forward claiming to be her/her secret love child to try get ownership of the diary (and thus the money). Anastasia Romanov was plagued with that for the longest time.
who was that man? Quisling?

Well I am grabbing the movie. As soon as It finishes I will make some webms for our viewing pleasure assuming the thread is alive.
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"Hi goyim. It's your baby I've got inside of me. Won't you be a loving father to it?"
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It's not like we covered up the losses.
Even gave credit to the tough fight the Norwegian Army put up.
But in the end ... Norge was occupied ... ONE day before the British would've done it anyways.


lol which one?

I remember /k/ sperging out over some Anne Frank movie because one of the guard towers was fitted with a Soviet DShK AA gun instead of an MG-34/42.

They spend all that money on costumes and building sets and can't even get a prop MG-42, which you'd think would be in ample supply given the popularity of WW2 films.
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laughed harder than I should've
The King choice the one involving the OP.

Oh, where do I steal it?
the bay has it


Battle @13:00 in that vid

Doesn't look like "propaganda" to me, just the truth. It's like I start to wonder who did the actual propaganda in ww2...
The German navy lost half its destroyer force in the battles of Narvik fjord against the Royal Navy. This meant that any attempted invasion of Britian was totally unthinkable.
bumping for webms
I can't tell if that's a pro-German poster or an anti-German poster.
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>without a fight
The Norwegians held out for more than two months, longer than any other belligerent apart from Russia.

They put up more of a fight than the French did.
True, but one of them went on to help form ABBA, so I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not sure who won the war after all.
god i love to see fucking germans getting blown up.
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pretty low

what did you use to create the webm?
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Sinking a ship like that is great for propaganda tho, feels like a big victory for the war effort.
Xmedia Recode

>be Norway
>most popular name in Oslo is Mohammed.
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>Be German
>Airborne attack on the Hague
>Airfield is a literal swamp or burning with German wrecks, no landing possible
>Land on beach instead
>get shot
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