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>Immigrants are fine, they do the jobs nobody else wants to

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>Immigrants are fine, they do the jobs nobody else wants to do

How do you respond?
>the jobs nobody else wants to do
No such thing. They're jobs that "nobody else wants" because those "nobody else" aren't being compensated enough for them. Start paying people decent salaries and suddenly everyone will want those jobs.

Also, the entire reasoning is a scam. The same group that wants you to be okay with immigrants getting paid pennies under the table also wants you to accept $15 to $30 an hour minimum wage. It's all nonsense designed to argue both sides of every issue so you don't notice how bad they're fucking you.
Wrong they took jobs like construction and landscaping and completely ruined them by making them low wage shit jobs.
>They do the jobs employers aren't willing to pay a fair wage for.
If they were willing, i.e. forced by the market to, I bet you'd be surprised how many natives would show up for the job.
Implying immigrants exclusively take low end shit tier jobs. The racism of low expectations is real.
They also lower the wage floor of those jobs to shave labor tier
Of course no one wants to do them
Los Angeles here. Its not that no one else wants to work in landscaping, construction, agriculture etc, but the people who hire for those jobs work directly with illegal immigrant support networks rather than posting job listings.
Ask all the meatpackers who lost good paying union jobs to a horde of illegals willing to work for next to nothing.
Doesn't matter if we don't want to do it. We still can do it.
I could use a job
So by your logic I can just force any illegal I want out because he is doing a job I want.
the amount of white homeless people want to do them but you would actually have to pay them minum wage instead of just hiring a beaner and paying him in oranges

What the fuck is a "fair wage", you commie? The only fair wage is the one set by the market. Commies like you want to prevent the free flow of labor and market setting of wages.
where did these jobs come from? how has society functioned for so long without them?

Could it possibly be that with our minimum wage laws we have made it illegal for our own citizens to do these jobs and now encourage illegal immigrants to do them instead and turn a blind eye all the while?
They also won't stay in those jobs. They will compete for higher earning jobs, driving down wages for the jobs average Americans do.
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It's the same argument lefties used to argue that we needed to keep slavery legal. Ask them why they advocate for slave labor? Literally it used to be 'but nobody will work in the fields' which is what some have openly said about immigration now.

You're not entitled to any job, libtard.
Ask all the blacks with high school degrees what jobs they can do that Mexicans haven't taken over.
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We can mow our own fucking lawns, we can clean our own fucking pools, and we can wash our own fucking cars.
shitskins bring nothing but their shitty country with them.
They do jobs that nobody else wants to do AT THOSE WAGES. We want those jobs, just not for $5.00/hr
if they paid a good wage people would do them.
False. Americans don't want those jobs

>Despite high unemployment in the state, most Georgians don’t want such back-breaking jobs, nor do they have the necessary skills. According to Dick Minor, president of the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Grower’s Association, immigrants “are pretty much professional harvesters” with many specializing in particular crops.

>Workers are paid by volume, with skilled workers typically earning $15 to $20 an hour. Unskilled workers earn much less, which is why most locals don’t want the jobs.
The market shouldn't have to rely on slave labor.
By sitting on my ass

So why aren't native born Americans mowing their own lawns, cleaning their own pools and washing their own cars as is? Why do you need to pass laws to interfere with the right of Americans to freely associate with and hire immigrants?
I live in Florida you guys are telling me you would be willing to go out in this heat and cut grass or pick oranges?
>jobs nobody else wants to do
Thhheeennn you look at the social progam(s) abuse. Maybe people would do them if they were hungry enough, and I'm sure letting a bunch of people in to do the job below the legal standards of compensation are going to help all around.

It's not slave labor, you retard.
And this is why welfare should be removed.
The mexishits that they import to pick crops make $15/hr.
I'd do that job if it were offered to me but they only offer those jobs to mexiniggers.
Anyone that tells you that they pay less is a fucking lying nigger.
Then why are they on welfare?

So why aren't employers hiring white kids like you if you are as productive as "mexiniggers"?
Nobody said anything about *Illegal* immigrants. You got all racist and assumed all immigrants are illegal.
we can replace them with robots.
we have the technology.
low skilled niggers are hindering technological advancement.
it's like farming without tractors.
just use 1000 mexicans instead.
makes no sense.
Doesn't matter in our reality. The government says they HAVE to pay at least a certain wage (minimum wage) to white citizens, so they illegally hire border jumpers.

Remove border jumpers. Let our people have their own fates back.
Legal or illegal?

>Pay a fair wage, get a fair days work I say

You're saying the minimum wage is causing the problem but instead of removing the minimum wage, you argue for more government intrusions and further restrictions on our individual rights?
I mow my own lawn, and clean my own pool. And I've known plenty of white gardeners and pool guys. Also no laws restrict an immigrants right to freely conduct business, but there are laws restricting illegals from leaching off the system. Just because a fugitive is arrested working at a fast food place doesn't mean it's illegal to work at fast food places.

Immigrant labor is like a cost saving technology.
Denying immigrant labor is like smashing robots that could cost of production of goods and services.
You have a fundemental missunderstand of both the economy as well as the most basic principal of buisness; Supply and demand. Your ignorance makes debate impossible, but if i were to try in vein to teach an invalid i would convey unto him this:

>If you let the fruit rot on the vine, the decrease in availability of the fruit will cause the price of the fruit to rise. The fruits price will continue to rise until such a time that there is sufficient margin to pay an employee who is willing to accept a wage to go pick it.

Undocumented workers lower wages, theyre cost is paid by society twice. Once in caring for their families and themselves who absorb social programs and then a second time by the people they displace. Every large business owner who employees them, to include contractors knows and understands this.
There's plenty of people with jobs that need welfare. In fact, most people on welfare have jobs. They're free to become food pickers if they wanted to.
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Are you seriously comparing robots to fucking subhumans you fucking meatbag ?
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>You got all racist and assumed all immigrants are illegal.
Legality isn't a race, you dumbfuck
Besides, when you have a labor shortage by getting rid of illegals, suddenly jobs open up in many fields (restaurants, maids, laundry, construction, landscape, etc.) Legal Americans WILL fill these jobs if they are paid the legal wages and don't want to starve. No unemployment benefits for employable people. If you're able-bodied and under-educated, you got one choice.
oh and these things.
The picture you posted is Lil Debbie, a white rapper from Oakland who's Italian. (She sucks, too, she used to work with Kreayshon).

But hey, you tried.
Legality isn't a race you fuck stick. You're racist for assuming illegals only come from the south border.
No they won't, they don't have the education or language skills to compete at a higher level.

Now, their kids...
Sept for the blow job that your wife gave me after you left for work today.
That's why we should just have more kids and they can do those jobs. Why bring people from over seas.
Why do you want to be surrounded by people with significantly less dignity than you?
There's not enough jobs to go around here, we certainly don't need more competition, especially not from people who stone women to death & burn children alive with tires & gasoline.
It's fine to hire immigrants. Just not ILLEGAL ONES.
People from other countries come here to find work and bring their 8 kids with them. We need to stop encouraging them by rewarding them with jobs.
Hire Americans by legal wages = slight increase in produce price
Money saved by not paying billions a year in healthcare, welfare, and education for illegals and their kids = cancels out food price increase
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That sure sounds an awful lot like slaver you fucking biggot.
The only job they do that no one else wants to do is farm work, yet only 4% of Mexican immigrants in the US work on farms. The rest are doing jobs that Americans used to do and would still love to do, but can't because they've been overrun by illegals working for half of minimum wage.
Construction, landscaping, warehousing, kitchen staff, daycare, professional maid service, private nursing, etc. are all jobs American citizens (including millions of Mexican and black Americans) are being forced out of.
I drove to visit my family recently and I made a stop at some small town in Pennsylvania. I walked into McDonald's to get a coffee and I was fucking shocked. There were white people behind the counter. I never, ever see that where I live. Every McDonald's is staffed exclusively by middle aged hispanic women or black women, one or the other and never mixed.
They don't want the jobs at the current price level. If you raise the price then people will want them. Problem is the immigrants will work for cheaper so the price never come up.
Japan is doing just fine
Because white kids won't last, the immigrants will force the kid to leave by attacking/picking on them. I've seen this play out in a couple of companies, like in a restaurant kitchen, or in a warehouse - they try to bring in whites, and the illegals cause so much shit the employers stop trying.
And, why are you putting the responsibility of getting hired on the kids? They're not at fault, their traditional job markets have been destroyed by illegals. Bussing tables, yardwork, delivering papers or pizza, it's all illegals now. Teenagers and college level kids CAN get hired, but the employers won't hire them. Period.
Any serious attempt to solve the problem involves holding employers feet to the fire - requiring a VALID SS# would go a long way - and jailing those who employ illegals and either pay them under the table, or use fake numbers.
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I never used that word. Eager to bait people, simpleton? Also, refute?

You can also consider any further replies I may give here SAGE'd, since you've made the thread worthless.
Wow Lil Deb not looking too spiffy these days.
They do the jobs teenagers should be doing.
Teenagers can't get jobs, turn into lazy SJWs with nothing to do.
They bitch that they don't get $15/hr for doing jobs with no real value, other than to teenagers.
I mean if he's a fucking illegal he shouldn't be here anyway, so sure
>People from other countries come here to find work and bring their 8 kids with them
Another problem is that people are allowed to bring their extended families. My college roommate's parents moved to the US from India in the 70s when there was a nurse shortage. Because his mother was a trained nurse, she not only got to bring her husband, but her five brothers and sisters and all of their spouses. With him, his brothers, and all of their cousins, that's over 60 Poo-in-the-loos moved to the US because we needed ONE nurse. That law needs to be changed, and we honestly have to stop giving people citizenship simply for being born on US soil. It's retarded.
>Unskilled workers earn much less, which is why most locals don’t want the jobs.
So you agree with >>131132236

Good job.
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>Immigrants are fine, they do the jobs nobody else wants to do

Study the debates between Lincoln and Stephen Douglas about the Dred Scott decision and you'll see the Douglas' pro-slavery arguments are very similar, causing the common liberal's brain to malfunction. Advocating illegal immigration on that basis is advocating for modern day serfdom.

Legal immigrants ARE fine.

Illegal immigrants are not.

How do you respond, OP?
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Sure. I live in California and I've picked tomatoes and apricots in 100+ F weather. Sure beats working at McDonalds desu. I made more money picking fruits in week than 2-3 weeks at McDonalds
you're right
nobody wants to become rapist or thieve

That seems like pretty good work, and you don't have to deal with shit customers all day too.
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>How do you respond?
>doing jobs with no real value
If there was jobs with 'no real value' then nobody would pay people to do them, moron.
That's an old picture. I saw her in Oakland last year, on the street, she had blue hair. She's a teeny little thing - but has a spectacular ass.
Legal immigrants are fine when they have a skill and we have a shortage of people with that skill.
Any immigrants who come here legally and do not have a skill, cannot get a job, or are going to take a job away from an American citizen do not belong.

Immigrants today and the left which supports them start out with the assumption that everyone has a right to be in the United States, and then they try to find justification for that right.
The reality is that only US citizens have a right to be in the United States, and we have a right to decide who we want to let in.
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They are all men. They won't assimilate.
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fuck off jew
Okay, so Georgians are faggots. That's all you've proven. Pay $10 or more an hour and I guarantee you'll have farm workers. College of the Ozarks in Missouri uses farm work to pay tuition, not everyone is a shiftless faggot like the 3 liberal losers they surveyed for that "statistic".
This. We have college grads pouring coffee at Starbucks, another part of the teen job market that has been destroyed, all the part time jobs taken by the laid off and college grads, in retail, and the behind the counter jobs, warehouse jobs, entry level construction jobs, all of it has been taken over by illegals.
The housing boom would have been slowed dramatically if the developers hadn't been able to save millions, if not billions by hiring unskilled labor. My old apartment complex did a complete renovation of all of the units, they brought in a 25 man crew from Mexico. The work took a year. That's a year's employment denied to American workers - and the work was never offered to Americans.

It's gotta stop. This is OUR country, we have every right to say who stays, and who doesn't. We can't hire/feed the fucking world, and OUR workers should ALWAYS come first - and if you're against that, you are the problem.
You want to help illegals so much, get your slacker ass down to the countries they're from, and clean them up, so they don't need to come here.
A bunch of Mexicans just built my patio. They did a good job.
Your right. It's government subsidized slave labor. I think that's important enough to justify making a distinction.

they do jobs nobody wants cause they don't pay enough

Give someone $1,000 an hour and they will scrub elephant asses....
The politicians allow low wages and then fuck taxpayers on the back end by giving free food stamps, rent assistance

No matter what YOU will pay for the immigrants.....not the corporations that hire them
>How do you respond?
They are scabs.
They're willing to work under ultra-shitty conditions no one should tolerate.
There's plenty of Americans that would pick string-beans for a living if it didn't involve 14 hour days with no lunch break.
If the Mexicans weren't willing to do the real shit jobs, the jobs wouldn't be so shitty.
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Find me more solid reasoning, /pol/.

A bunch of Mexicans just raped my sister. They did a good job.

>thanks for supporting them, burrito dick sucking traitor
>they do the jobs nobody else wants to do

Like raping, mugging, stealing, drug dealing, extortion etc
Surprising. Most work by Mexicans is sloppy, every corner cut possible is taken, and needs to be redone - and they'll steal anything not nailed down.
What part of "forced by the market to" don't you understand?
The surest thing to create rising wages is a labor shortage. Flooding the labor market with unskilled immigrants prevents that and keeps wages artificially low.

they lower wages, making the jobs less desirable

without immigrants somebody would still have to do the work, just at a higher pay
The jobs people don't want need higher wages

Immigrants undercut those wages and sabotage collective bargaining which further depresses the economy
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they don't pick beans, ya fucking idiot

They work in all sorts of jobs and leech off American taxpayers to make even more money
Fucking brain washed children believe the media
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>Immigrants are fine, they do the jobs nobody else wants to do

>How do you respond?

Response: "Name one."
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Contractor who will only hire competant americans here.
You have no idea the cluster fuck korean and spic siding crews have wrought on middle class cookie cutter piece of shit homes. Its not that they are the only ones to do these jobs. They are the only ones exploited by human trafficking to do them for so cheap....and shitty. People in my area are definitely waking up when they get Rusko Ivan bidding and spics show up and we have to come in and fix the most amatuer shit imaginable.
Op is a faggot 13 year old whose brain is still cooking.
These work better.
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>most high tech jobs to immigrants
>most innovators -- immigrants
>most of silicon valley -- immigrants

if you want your "magnificent" coal miner mole and "tremendous" burger flipping greaseball monkey jobs... claim them!

>700 jobs to Mexico
> production to China






гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы ...





ههههههههه هههههههههههه هههههههههههه هههههههههه...

>Slaves are fine they do the jobs nobody else wants to do
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>they do the jobs nobody else wants to do
Why do leftist say this, do they not know how bad that sounds? They're basically saying "Don't you enjoy slave labor? It's so convenient!" Instead of wanting citizens to have jobs they're willing to exploit these people just to save a buck or two on their whole grain hippie food.
If you pay an American enough they will do any job. Companies would rather hire slave labor if they could. That’s good for the company, but it’s bad for the people and the slaves.
Cheap labor stunts technological development. Happened in the south and happened to the romans.

On top of that cheap labor drives down wages across the board.
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Oh....who pays for the immigrant's "free" health care?
I'll give you tres guesses

In the meantime, legal Americans are having hefty insurance bills stuffed up their asses
I hope ya'll aren't so stupid that you believe these immigrant sob stories
I would respond by stating that they only want those immigrants here doing those jobs as a replacement for slave labor rather than being industrious and doing those jobs yourself.
No real value, except to teenagers. That's what I said.
Like McDonald's, which does not do anything good for the country at all. It's making fucking hamburgers. It does not pay very much money to do it. Its only real value is for teenagers, who can learn hard work, earning a paycheck, and staying busy.
Are you retarded?
Georgiafag here. It's not that people don't want to work these jobs and aren't skilled so they earn less. It's the fact that these companies hire illegals to do this work for pennies a day. They try and offer the same pay to actual citizens and when you say no they just go "Oh well we tried! Better get Juan."
>yea you're right, wanna go to my place?
>>fuck her
>>as i cum on her face
>"build the fucking wall"
And they also commit the crimes nobody else wants to.
Well, "Nobody wants to work these jobs" really means "Nobody wants to work these jobs for $3/hr."
The low paying jobs are meant for people getting their first job, and those kids don't know better, and WILL do it for low pay. Thing is, the jobs are filled up for years by immigrant workers, instead of for 6 mos-1 yr by a teenager using it for gas money.

The digits that keep on giving.
Exactly. When I was a teen I tried to get a summer job either in construction or on a farm but they were all filled with illegals
"Stop stereotyping immigrants"
Because liberals are hypocrites and liars. They don't want to lose their cheap nannies and housecleaners and gardeners.
Good, they can do the jobs nobody wants to do in their own shithole country
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