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polish future queen of india explains how india will become

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polish future queen of india explains how india will become the mother of the world
Wonder when they'll reclaim their streets from thousands of tons of human waste
street shitters can barley make curry
Just poo in loo pajeet, just do it mate, do it and go.
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>Toilet cleaning street shitters
Smart for the royal family of India to bring a Polish woman to be the next Queen.
Afterall, who will unclog the palace loo, the only loo.
Just cause they got a white woman spreading their propaganda doesn't mean their country isn't literally shit.


would not fuck
Well good for India.....welcome to the 21st century!
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>Superpower by 2018
>tfw not Poolish
not sure if advocating sanitation or genocide...
>the mother of the world
Brings a whole new meaning to "shitty parenting."
White women and their obsession with their shitskin pets
Hey, reclaim Pakistan and kill those sandniggers. Who cares, go for it.
You get it
this lady's really redpilled on the eternal anglo
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Tits or gtfo
Her logo, swastika or no swastika?
That kid loves Indian culture because whites have lost there own!
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Would fug and its true westerns have higher population percentage in ghettos who live on gibs but when we have people who earn for themselves live in poor conditions Hwhite people make movies about them
If your country had gibs, you would top that record too, pooloo pajeet.
People india have shitty bumholes and dont use toilets.
Plus india pollutes the earth
ill admit theres enough fertilizer to probably re nature the entire planet, but the real question is whos going to put it into a system that transports it to specific places? i guess the worlds fucked
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Topkek, we are pretty much a successful socialist country it's just that our gibs aren't cash

I tried scrolling but I ended up with ctrl-f india.
Wew moving the goal post so hard.
Your entire country is shit in each and every facet with the sole exception of fertilization using human waste.
Every time I see an indian I can't help but realize that they are the embodiment of the Untermensch.
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india is the mother of poo, and this curry burning slut is no queen
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Oh the edge, it's alright pseudo Hans the pendulum is swinging
Are we all aware that pooland is a serious nuclear threat?

if the aryans that invaded india wouldn't have had curry fever the high caste ones would look like slavs instead of poo
If India is to become great, they need a major eugenics and sanitation initiative.
True that. The aryan conquerors of the indian subcontinent made the same mistake the spanish made when they conquered latin america. They decided to fuck the natives and get their cummies, rather than killing them off and settling the area with their own people.
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>polish future queen of india
it takes a plunger to unclog a toilet
>American education
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>It's a "street-shitter staunchly ignores all genetic, archaeological, and linguistic data because he wants to believe that his people wuz aryans rather than their mongrelized rapebabies because it's a matter of misguided national pride" episode

Yes the pendulum is swinging, shitskin. You filth are spreading under the banner of "equality" and positive discrimination by ridiculous minority quotes. This political environment is changing and indians are already being outed in every industry like the scam artists they are.
Nah m8 recent genetic research published this month shows it to be conclusively true. R1a Aryans conquered the north and were all men that took the local women. These Aryan men would have looked more similar to today's Slavs than today's Indians.
Post source
>what is migration
>White people describing dark gods
>1.3 billion Indians
>one of the 35 million poles was more qualified than any of them
Asians which includes Indians are affected negatively by these diversity quotes and still cuck white people, really makes me think
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He's not going to admit his country and ethnicity are the laughing stock of the world, but it's still entertaining to make fun of that retard because he knows it's true and it will eat at him.
Indian royal family? Aren't they part of the commonwealth? So isn't Elizabeth II their queen?
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if that a ugly bitch becomes queen i will never go back to to India no matter what auzcunts say
After everything has been invented, everybody gets on a reconquista kick.
ME Neither the deus poo is a retarded fuck or ugly as fuck or both
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does kek lie?

Is this fucking Sarmatism? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarmatism

Is this a parody?
>t. Tony Joseph
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mother India rises yet again and so once more
double digits means its true wow rest of world literally btfo
How dare you call those noble people shitters. They were ancient toilet builders and shiet.
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>swims in poo

also im sure american education is better than lectures on how to suck cow cock
Indian roads fucking suck ass
those are north Indian fags
t. Rakshas
Before spouting your thambi memes pickup a 10th grade Indian geography book all your delusion will be dealt with
All the "aryan invasion is just a myth!" shit comes from indians who are butthurt about the implications this has for their egos.

>The thorniest, most fought-over question in Indian history is slowly but surely getting answered: did Indo-European language speakers, who called themselves Aryans, stream into India sometime around 2,000 BC – 1,500 BC when the Indus Valley civilisation came to an end, bringing with them Sanskrit and a distinctive set of cultural practices? Genetic research based on an avalanche of new DNA evidence is making scientists around the world converge on an unambiguous answer: yes, they did.

>This may come as a surprise to many — and a shock to some — because the dominant narrative in recent years has been that genetics research had thoroughly disproved the Aryan migration theory. This interpretation was always a bit of a stretch as anyone who read the nuanced scientific papers in the original knew. But now it has broken apart altogether under a flood of new data on Y-chromosomes (or chromosomes that are transmitted through the male parental line, from father to son).

Basically, the Aryan warriors were chads who migrated to India and “culturally enriched” the dark skinned native Dravidians. In so doing, they founded Indian culture, religion and mythology. Needless to say, street-shitters like (You) aren’t too happy about this.

But we've always known this is blatantly the truth based on also looking at linguistic patterns, similarities between hinduism and european paganism, the fact that the higher castes are clearly fucking "whiter", the fact that hindu caste system is based on the same sort of social system that indo-europeans used (Trifunctional hypothesis: priests, warriors, and farmers), and I could go on for days.
Streetshitters are the ONLY PEOPLE who try to do mental gymnastics to "debunk" this.
Why are polish women such coalburners?
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Hitler Ice-Cream in India
I simply find it fucking hilarious that pajeets refuse to admit the truth that's staring them right in the face. Your denial of the aryan invasion is no less farcical than the niggers who think they wuz kangz of egypt.
poo poo poo in the loo loo loo


this is the only one iv'e seen ever. hope poland won't let he back in when pajeet beats her for not sucking cow cock
the book said all of you live in slums ,smell bad an shit on the street also i told me about the rape rates in the north
do indians like cows because they take big shits?
in this case it's the same shit
>this is the only one iv'e seen ever.
Lmao. Come to Britain.
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cuck island makes the worst of everyone on it so you are probably right
North Indians not all of us REEEEEEEEE
Man this is straight up propaganda and not even the good kind. Which it doesn't fool anyone, they just cherry pick all their really good looking areas and only talk about what's improving or what's on the up and up with their country.

Also her accent is both horrid and monotone and does nothing to inspire anyone. And fuck their milk with their malnourished disease ridden cows.
many of you underestimate the passion within the heart that many,many people have for India, this is a pure love and what falls within the sublime

Indians are only slightly better people than Negros, think blacks with the personality of Asians

you mean shitlime, not sublime
No one except for poo in the loos like your shit country. No one else has a reason to love it, your rivers are dumps and were suppose to be your Gods. Your Taj Mahal is also crap, infested with diseased rats. You even feed them, and go so far as to eat from their bowls as well.

Disgusting you people know nothing of hygiene.
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>mfw north Indian parents
>will only poo in my house's loo
>spend 10 minutes cleaning the loo where my ass makes contact before I take a poo with toilet paper every time

Am I the anti-thesis to an Indian?
You are wrong tho heaps of people want visit India to see taj mahal and other shit
Lol you are from Kerala arent you?
So many white servants.
Only until they go there and see heaps of shit all over the roads, not even their beaches are safe.
>spend 10 minutes cleaning the loo where my ass makes contact

Just lay down some paper and your ass won't make contact.
>this pole got poo'd so hard she became an Indian nationalist
Top fucking kek
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I had to google where the fuck that is. But no, it's Punjab or something, near the border to Pakistan, family last name is literally from Iran.

I'm too light skinned to fit in with the South Indian students nor do I speak tech support, but I'm also too nigger for the whites. I look like I have the most non-literal half assed tan in the world.
Thats true lol
Ha. Reclaiming? No. Shooting itself in the foot? Yes. Keep going. You might even become East America in my lifetime. Huehuehuehue
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The fuck?why were u insulting your own kind then and also Punjab is a shit hole and people from Kerala dont have dark skin fuck you we are not tamil niggers


Poo poo poo in the loo.
>>131130228 That is one ugly whore for a servant though
The Last rightful Emperor of India was George VI,,
no pole will ever hold that title
It was today that I learned that all kiwi/aussie shitposters are actually street-shitters pretending to be anglos
>this retarded understanding of genetics and ethnicity
Aryans are not Caucasians. This is Nazi propaganda adopted my Nazi Germany. Aryan is a Sanskrit word, it originally and currently means Indo-Iranians. These people lived in Central and South Asia. Europeans are a sub category of this group of people who do not share this halpogroup.

>Ninety-six per cent of the R1a samples in Europe belonged to sub-haplogroup Z282, while 98.4% of the Central and South Asian R1a lineages belonged to sub-haplogroup Z93.

Also if what you said was true then he would be Aryan.
*sub category of the r1a halpogroup who do not share the same lineage
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>too nigger for the whites

start lifting
I will be honest there are a lot of auzzie shitposters i know that are indians. Most of them are from Kerala and insult north Indians all the time with poo in the loo memes

ok chang, we sure will listen to who is aryan or not from you
I am the aryan fuck you
Fuck i accidentally put the there
He travelled through time to restore the White Race in its moment of need.... THE ARYAN
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Why can't my distant poo loos like you take a joke? You don't need a toilet to take a joke (nor a dump), you can do it. Why so butthurt about skin colour? Kek. "Dravidians" have dark skin. It's just a fact.

All of India is a shithole. A literal shithole. Also, that data is from 2006. Now don't go using data from the 1500-1700s to prove that India's economy is the best in the world either.
>aryan is a sanskrit word! therefore the original aryans were from india
Nice sophistry, pajeet.

Yes, the term "aryan" is indo-iranian and means "noble one" But this word descends from the proto-indo-european spoken by the invading WHITE ARYANS who gave the street-shitters sanskrit to begin with. They did not originate from south asia. They originated from the pontic step (this is agreed upon by literally every EXCEPT pooinloos, really makes you think).
You are not aryan. You are the mongrel rapebabies of aryans.

A pajeet saying he's aryan is akin to a mexican mestizo saying he's a conquistador.
>whites want to be called a word for goat herding suicide bombers

Those WHITE ARYANS were middle eastern, big stretch to call them white, but not at all south asian or wherever.
>So isn't Elizabeth II their queen?
Of course not, they won independence from the crown in 1947.
That's stupid. If these so called proto indo Europeans spoke Sanskrit why does not not a single European language stem from or is influenced by Sanskrit? Meanwhile every modern Indian language has its roots in Sanskrit.

The only last version of your convoluted (and uncited) theory is that a new group of non natives migrated and dominated India. If that is the case modern Indians would be descendants of this group.
>Those WHITE ARYANS were middle eastern
They weren't even middle eastern, they were fucking afghans.
Ok i guess the whole of India is a shithole but we have toilets here though and also more than half the People in Kerala have lighter skin because of Persian and Arab ancestry(if you are not convinced search it up)and my skin color is about the same as this girls
BASED POOS! Anti Indians get off my board.
Its a joke my nigger calm down but you are not Aryan either
Are you just acting retarded or what? Do you understand how evolution of language works?

People of the pontic steppe spoke PIE. As they invaded and colonized various lands, the language evolved and separated into separate categories and branches. One of them became sanskrit. It is an indo-european language. It stems from the language of the invaders. Not from the natives of the indian subcontinent.

>pontic step = middle east
Get a load of this dumb rajeesh.
Again, literally the only people who argue against the aryan invasion theory and push out-of-india hogwash are pooinloos who see it as a personal point of pride in their mongrel race. God forbid they accept the fact that their entire society and religion is based on something set upon them by conquerors.

This is the equivalent of mexicans telling spaniards that the spaniards actually originated from mexico.
Suddenly the narrative shifts from invasion to migration every goddamn time
>Aryans have sanskrit to Indians 5000 years before sanskrit was a thing
Really makes you think
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People in south India might have lighter skin due to the Mughals (Mudslime Mongolians) coming from outside of India, but that's exaggerating to severe hilarity.

>Literally Iranian
>"Bbbbut doesn't count!!!"

I actually agree with most of the Aryan invasion theory (except it's grossly overplayed, India is predominantly dark skinned). But let's not be turbo-niggers and claim "Aryans" were from Europe alone. Aryans were from the middle east.

I'm pretty sure Mexicans are more disposed to pronouncing themselves as Aztecs or Mayans rather than Spaniards.
It's quite funny the aryan Invasion theory was proved wrong by Hwhite archeologists
OK explain how white people explained dark gods even in the predominantly 'Aryan' area all you people don't know jack shit about sanskrit and just rub your penises around
No I've told you this before you are a Dalit stop living in Delusions
Are you retarded?mughals never came here
who do you think you are calling a dalti street shitter?Go fuck your mother cow slum dog
>Suddenly the narrative shifts from invasion to migration every goddamn time
"shift"? In this context they mean the same thing. "Migration" is just a more neutral and academic way of saying invasion. You have a people from one area moving into another and taking it over. That is a migration. That is an invasion. Assuming, of course, that the ancient people of the indian subcontinent weren't sweden-tier and requesting that they come in.

>Aryans have sanskrit to Indians 5000 years before sanskrit was a thing
Not sure if I'm understanding your broken english. Sanskrit is an indo-european language. It steps from the same PIE, the same root as everything from English to Russian to Persian. They have a common point of origin, being the indo-europeans, aka "aryans". Also take note the similarity in culture and religion of the various groups stemming from indo-europeans, whether in india or pagan europe.

And then of course there's the caste system, which in all likelihood developed in a similar way to the criollo/castizo/mestizo/indio caste system that the spaniards implemented in mongrelized latin america. It's an ancient holdover from the days when the indo-europeans conquered the land. Pure indo-europeans at the top. Shitskins at the bottom. Over time, more and more mixing occurred, and yet even today, the higher castes are lighter and have more indo-european ancestry.

I'll say this again. Literally everyone agrees on this. It's not controvesial whatsoever. The ONLY people who argue against common understand of who the indo-europeans were are the pajeets who get butthurt at the idea that their civilization was founded by a foreign conquering people.
>Literally Iranian
>"Bbbbut doesn't count!!!"

You're getting caught up on irrelevant semantics. We could call them the Umman Manda if you wanted. Or we could call them the Kurgans. The name doesn't matter.

But the term "aryan" refers to noble ones in iranic/indic languages. These noble ones being the came in and conquered these lands, spreading their language and culture with them
You keep saying that, but linguistic, archaeologic, and genetic evidence points to the pontic steppe being the origin of the indo-europeans. No one but indians debates this.
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What the hell are you on about, kumar? Everyone here is a layman, including you. You mean white people supposedly creating dark skinned gods? Care to cite these dark skinned gods?

Pic related. If you're going to discuss India, at least know basic history.

>Mughals never came to south india

Top fucking kek.
>pontic steppe
where this at muhnigga?
Topkek, the aryan 'invasion' happened before the iron age, their was civilization before the aryan invasion in India dumbass and sanskrit was a developed as a religious language quite late in our subcontinents history.
>Sweden tier
Yup you summed up Indian history quite well we were people with excess of wealth and trust which savages like the anglos and mughals plundered we as a race have wised up and the pendulum shifting is causing all this Hwhite narrative even though Iranian and Hindu text describe dark gods (which as you might know are pagans who worship their ancestors)
>vedic dark skinned gods
Rudra, Indra(at multiple occasions)
>post vedic dark gods
Ram. Krishna, Shiva

Do I need to go on
see >>131133844
above the black and caspian seas, in modern day ukraine and southern russia.

>their was civilization before the aryan invasion in India dumbass
I never said there wasn't. The indus valley civilization was not indo-european.
>and sanskrit was a developed as a religious language quite late in our subcontinents history.
Yes, and? It didn't pop out of nowhere. It evolved from the same ancestral root language, PIE, that gave rise to the european and iranian language families.
You fuckin nigger I am debating the fact that somehow the 'Aryan' were white and they brought civilisation or invaded India I accept the origin of the endo Europeans thats a fact
Care to post the ebin meme where sanskrit and English derive from the same language
now you've gone full retarded its says mughals never invaded Kerala on the map dumb kiwi
Everyone here needs to fucking read this:


If you're going to stretch the word "Aryan" so far back that Aryan isn't even relevant, then you may as well start with the "everyone came from Africa" rhetoric.

I don't know what sunglasses you have on, but they're pale and often depicted as blue. Try hitting up a google image search.
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Forgot to comment on this part:
>I actually agree with most of the Aryan invasion theory (except it's grossly overplayed, India is predominantly dark skinned).
I don't think we're in any disagreement there. IIRC only like 20% or fewer indian men carry the R1a haplotype, for example. It's a similar situation to latin america, where the majority of people there are mostly shitskins, and there are some with a little more indo-european DNA. Or perhaps another example might be Anatolia, which was then conquered by the Seljuk Turks, who came from central asia. Genetically speaking, modern Turks are still *mostly* the same anatolians they were before, but they were still mongrelized with some Turk blood.

>But let's not be turbo-niggers and claim "Aryans" were from Europe alone. Aryans were from the middle east.
I never claimed they were from Europe. I claimed they were from the pontic step, on the border between europe and asia. And more importantly than geography, I never claimed that it was Europeans who invaded and took over India. Rather, the same group of people who invaded western europe, anatolia, iran, etc also invaded india. You can also see this in European ethnicities, which have varying degrees of indo-european blood (pic related, here yamnaya = indo-european)

Moreover, the aryans were NOT from the middle east. Now, some aryans did colonize the middle east, which became persia, but that doesn't mean they originated from there.
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Now you've gone to nignog levels of IQ, you think there's some forcefield around Kerala that stops people from integrating? People without a doubt mixed from Mughal ancestry with Marathi people.

Races mix if they're close to each other, this was especially true in the past.

Have you ever wondered why Europe is predominantly if not all white instead of having both white and black communities right next to each other?
Come on, dude.

The people that originated from the pontic steppe, who were white, traveled across central asia and spread down into india, conquering the natives and mixing into their gene pool. To this modern day, this is reflected in the caste system. If you accept that the indo-europeans were white, and you accept that india inexplicably shares similar language/culture/religion to the indo-europeans, it's a matter of putting 2+2 together here.
You fucking retard we never let mughals in we destroyed them unlike your ancestors who got raped by them i already fucking told you Persian Christians and Arab traders came here as immigrants
As I said you people don't know jack shit about sanskrit the name Krishan literally means dark skinned and ram was dark skinned too
>English is an indo European language
>anglo scientist

We share culture I totally agree to that I am just against the Hwhite narrative bullshit this bullshit was propagated by the anglo when they found indus Valley civilisation how cam supposedly white people describe dark gods
It almost looks like because of all those mountains India wasn't colonized until later, hence all the different migrations.
Yeah and all the Dalit converted to their religion
Are you seriously going to argue that English isn't an indo-european language?
You're confused as to what I'm saying.

Aryans are from the middle east; thus they're called Indo-Iranians, the words origin explains this.

The Indo-Europeans are the ancestors of Aryans, and they were the Yamnaya people; thus they came from central asia.

Again, you may as well say Aryans are Africans if you're going to stretch it back.

I know they never strictly expanded their empire to Kerala, but what I explained has nothing to do with that. Just because the Africans never conquered the US, doesn't mean that there isn't a decent black minority in the US.

If the Mughals never came in, then neither did the Persians and Arabs. Amazing logic, Raju, but your confirmation bias needs to go. Now stop pooing on my board. If my ancestors got raped, then it probably explains my light skin kek.
The only one dalti here is you slum nigger
It is influenced by indo European language it is not a Indio European language, the Slavic languages are a better example
Obviously it isn't. English has roots in French/German/Latin. They're a different language group

wtf guys, why are fellow Indians fighting. We're Indians, we have a shared history together that nobody can take away. Indians need to unite.
Well, I guess you can't have myths scaring your whole people away from toilets without a few hundred years of experience.
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I'm arguing with complete morons. Why am I even surprised?
Western Europeans have nothing to do with Indo-European culture. No amount of we wuzzing will fix that
Lol you are proud of your ancestors getting raped arent you?i feel really sorry foryou and the shithole you call home and no we didnt let any mughal migrants in faggot and if you think we did give me source and also why does your people rape so much in north India pajeet?
Krishan =/= Krishna.

Please show me some images of where she's depicted as dark skinned. Same goes for Ram.

And to show to you that I do understand partial Sanskrit, "nila" can mean dark/black AND blue. You're confusing yourself.
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That's a legit 4/10

She would probably be working as a prostitute if she still lived in Eastern Europe
well its kinda true
Your I'd says poo
You are comparing a language that is less than 2000 years old to languages that are much much older and different to English I can accept older European languages to be indian European but not English
Lol haha just noticed
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It's inevitable. People with Mughal heritage obviously mixed with Marathi people. Sorry, pajeet, but you're more pajeet than me and your insecurities. Your skin is dark, just deal with it instead of WE WUZ WHITE.

Maybe if south Indians did get raped, you wouldn't be here making bullshit genealogy up to prove you're light skinned.

Also, I do not call any part of India home nor would I ever call it home nor has it ever even been my home, fucking kek.

Fuck off out of the country
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>Aryans are from the middle east; thus they're called Indo-Iranians, the words origin explains this.
AFAIK it wasn't the case that indo-europeans who set up shop first in persia then proceeded to travel east to india. It's more likely the indo-europeans migrated south from around the caspian sea, down through central asia, and then forked off into those that went to persia, and those that went to india. The indic and iranic branches of the indo-european are more closely related to each other because they diverged from each other after they diverged with the european branch.

>Again, you may as well say Aryans are Africans if you're going to stretch it back.
That's a false equivalency. The migrations we're talking about were relatively recent; with a few thousand years BC. The "we're all africans" argument is a fallacy precisely because it was so long ago that plenty of evolution and differences have occurred long since then. But that is not the case with the indo-europeans. Rather, debating whether the indo-europeans made a relative pitstop in iran before going over to india is largely irrelevant.
>that map
wew, we dodged a bullet there
How many pajeets do you have in Oz? I had no fucking idea. I knew you had a chingchong problem, but not a rajeesh problem.
they cant even shit in a fucking toilet

they cant do things a BABY can do.


more like SUPER POO'ER
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Is this your family slum dog?but can you stop raping kids on the bus please ?
Both Australia and Canada have Sikh and Chinese problem
She is so fucking ugly ewww
You are fuckin retarded mate, their are fuckin mythology stories based around their dark colors and you are asking me for Google images proof the blue thing is artistic freedom which the western philosophers glorified as the mortality meme
>falling for the rape meme

Wrong, wrong, and wrong
There are obvious parallels between the religion, language, and social structure of pagan europe and india.

The only one "we wuzzing" here are the pooinloos who want to pretend that their society, culture, and religion are 100% native to the indian subcontinent, rather than face the reality that these things were brought in by indo-european conquerors.

This is so retarded I don't even know how to argue against it.

80 i.q poo in loos, jesus those aryans must have been thirsty as fuck to race mix with them
Is she really the queen? What's her name?
Nice image there faggot but it doesn't change the fact that we didn't get raped unlike you there mister pajeet Singh and i also dont need to convince that i have light skin to a cow fucking slum nigger so fuck off and die, I dont know who got raped and all that shit but i do know that i have persian ancestry
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You're one to talk, Yannis. Haplotype E is literally nigger-tier

map just means that if the aryans had not mixed with native poos they high cast would still be white

Don't care, Smith, I'm not a poo, I'm not a negro, I'm not 56% ;)
If that ugly bitch is a queen i will never go to india again
Unless you're a Maori nigger, you're just as bad as me. So... are you, cunt?

I'm using the term "middle east" very openly (and probably geographically incorrect too). But my point is that one direction of Indo-Europeans went in one way and the other went in another, as your pic related shows.

It's not a fallacy either, as Yamna culture could have easily migrated from the Russia due to its precedents being from around Ukraine (Khvalynsk culture to name one). Nobody's saying that Slavics are Aryans, because it again is too far back. At this point, it's subjective when it comes to how different they are.

Captcha: profesor gandhi. lmao
you're just mad because you don't have a queen

she likes small curry cocks and that pleasant smell of 3 day old shit and cow semen
>willingly going to india

id rather go to syria

not even kidding
You're the one pretending to be retarded. My point is white people as per modern day didn't invent Sanskrit or Indian culture. If sharing a common ancestor means they were "invaded" then so was Europe. There's also no historical evidence of any invasion, the theory is migration.

There is also the clear point which you seemed to have missed that if a large scale migration did take place, modern Indians are descended from them. There's no historical record of any large number of natives or civilisations before Sanskrit.

The pontic steppe is by the way located in the middle east/west asia, not europem
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Nice try pajeet but you are still some slum dog rapist that fucks cows on a regular basis and also get your toilet problem settled and get civilized then we will talk

OP is bullshitting

>she is a citizen of Poland who has married an Indian national Anurag Goswami who is an entrepreneur(furniture designer/interiors designer) and they first met in Europe.

She's just some film maker who married a random Indian

same here at least you won't swim in a wave of human shit in syria
cow semene what
cows are females!
No but I will make sure she becomes
>What's her name?
Arnab Goswami
>invasion = migration
>American education
Invasion is a violent intrusion into someone else's territority to take over it. Migration means settling on new land.
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>chang can't even into basic geography

>supposedly high iq

the middle east is not in eastern Ukraine
I will give her this she is the queen of all the 3/10 chicks

so a curry burning slut who should never be allowed back into europe ?
>Brought by indo European conquers

A migration that occurred before written languages and iron was responsible for everything Indian did and it was Because of us Hwhites ain't I right cletus
Why?how ugly do you need to be to worship that animal?
>india do not point out other nations problems, rather we work to correct our own first as an example
>the UK fucked up and killed 3 million of us
>The UK does not feed its poor, we do it for them
How retarded is this bitch?
so youre just a jealous ausfailian landwhale then, got it! also your id says poo
But when will the Aryans of Europe slay the brown mongrel filth and reclaim India?
Your doublethink is reaching ridiculous levels. If the indo aryans entered Europe then modern Europeans descended from them, but if they entered India they conquered and mixed into the gene pool? Also, where's the citations for indo Europeans being genetically similar to whites?
>Nobody's saying that Slavics are Aryans, because it again is too far back.
That's an issue of semantics. I know you indians are big on aryan only referring to the indo-aryans, but it used to be the case that when anthropologists studied the indo-european people, they referred to them as aryans. This only really fell out of favor because "muh nazis" and WW2. So in an academic setting, we're talking about indo-europeans.

But just realize that this is a mongolian throat singing forum, and we use casual terms. And whether pajeets like it or not, when we say "aryan" in common parlance, we're referring to indo-europeans. We're not saying that the yamnaya are the ones who invaded central/south asia. But it was a similar branch of indo-europeans who were, in all likelihood, genetically identical. And I would call Slavs aryan, despite the memes. In fact, they have some of the highest rates of DNA matches with the yamnaya.

Let me pose you a question: let's say no mixing occurred when aryans invaded india, unlike in modern times, and the caste system was "perfectly preserved". Would the upper castes be brown as they are today, or would they be white?

Its alright she is ugly as fuck so whats the problem?
No but i get that you are a ugly looking cunt to that she is attractive
>India Europeans genetically similar to whites
That's the catch anon the whole WE WUZZING stops here
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تتحدث عن نفسك كافر الله أكبر

it's propaganda to other polish girls
sorry i don't understand your post

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>Arnab Goswami
The natives of India are Dravidian people
Part of the Caspian sea is in Iran, genius
>Which it doesn't fool anyone

Look at the comments, oodles of Indians circle jerking about how great India is. She is pretty smart, just produce videos bragging about some nation and watch the $$$ roll in.
Around it, yeah.

That's an interesting complaint, I'm used to hearing that it's because of racism, which one is it, Reyansh? The only meme is shyam varna. In the Vedic scripts or something, can't remember, they were described as smoky grey.

how appropriate

yet it is the future
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Pic of your arm for scientific purposes please
Ram is a God in Indian mythology he is the son of a Kshatriya king he is described as desk skinned I am his descended and I have white skin are you seeing a patten here cletus
t. Paki

They are described as dark skinned I dk about the racism bullshit
>My point is white people as per modern day didn't invent Sanskrit or Indian culture.
No one is arguing that modern europeans invented sanskrit or indian culture. But it WAS a group of whites, the indo-europeans, who invaded the indian subcontinent and brought their language, culture, and religion with them.

>If sharing a common ancestor means they were "invaded" then so was Europe.
Europe was invaded by indo-europeans. But we're talking about an invasion between genetically very similar peoples to begin with. All being white groups. A bit different than a group traveling thousands of miles away and invading a group that's a totally different race. It is more akin to say that "we" (ie, white indo-europeans) invaded the shitskins that had resided in india.

>There's also no historical evidence of any invasion, the theory is migration.
And what's the difference here? Do you think the indo-europeans casually walked in someone else's civilization and set up shop without a fight? Again, the only time in all of human history I think that one foreign group has come in and peacefully taken over from the native group willingly is sweden.

The only time migration and invasion aren't synonymous is if there are no native people previously living somewhere.

so russia is middle east ?
>Migration means settling on new land.
There were people in india before the indo europeans arrived, retard.
Do you really think this bitch looks attractive ?because you have real low standards dude
Fuck autocorrect

there are way way better looking slav girls who don't burn curry
>india has incredibly similar language, culture, and religion as ancient europe
>india has caste system where the higher castes are more light-skinned, have whiter-looking features, and have higher rates of DNA that stems from european groups

Put 2 and 2 together pajeet. I know this fact makes you guys butthurt, but your ancestors were subjugated by indo-europeans.
whites are whether irish or greeks or slavs are the real whites
He's Brazil, of course he'd be proud of shit, look at their nation.
As an east Asian pls go back to pop in the loo. I would rather not u racists try to build a connection between us Indians and Europeans. Delete this thread ! Aryan invasion is a myth! Proto indo is pseudo science!
Go and reclaim it from pakis man
Pakistani Punjabi is only good Punjab and
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she looks alright, I'm not drooling, but why do you keep shitting on her looks? makes you sound like a jealous landwhales or a gay guy

Take care of your own business, amerilard
what makes you think they had higher iq? perhaps higher iq is an outcome of civilization over the centuries
Okay, and? The aztecs had a white skinned god.
This is equivalent to looking at the way egyptian hieroglyphics are painted as proof that egyptians were black. Your nigger god doesn't hold a candle to the genetic, linguistic, and archeological data that shows that "your" culture was brought to you by indo europeans
Scholars and anthropologists stopped referring to Indo-Europeans as Aryans because it literally makes no sense, the word is self-explanatory in this case.

Nobody is calling Wilhelm II a Nazi, even though he set up the foundation for the Nazis. I would call the "Slavics" Indo-Europeans, it's just more accurate.

But as for your question, I'm guessing they would be brown due to race mixing ending up with that skin tone.

Remember, I agree that Aryans invaded (better word is migration) into India. The Vedic religion explains this clearly, but it was made irrelevant and taken down due to Hinduism. So the pajeets trying to deny this just for their ego of a pure India are fucking stupid.
I know but a lot of these dumb ass north indans think this bitch is hot asf, i Mean even niggers can get better looking girls(I am a south indian from Kerala pls no bully)
At around 2000 BC yes. After that the indo aryans were natives of India too.
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>We're Indians, we have a shared history together that nobody can take away.
Well considering whites bestowed you your culture in the first place, I suppose we can take it away from you as well.
oh you're an indian, it all makes sense now. sorry for arguing.

>building civilization= high i.q and low time preference

pretty sure europeans have always had 90+ i.qs
Russia borders West Asia. Your geography is terrible, you're American aren't you?
I am pissed out about retarded north Indians thinking they are gods because they got a 3/10 white girl, I can easily see hundreds of better looking girls if i get out of my house rigth now
I don't think you know what native means

Native means they were there before anyone else, it's their original homeland. You can't have someone move on later and all of a sudden become natives.

If France is replaced with nigger that doesn't make the niggers native to France.
What makes sense now slum nigger?

russian has not nor has ever been considered the middle east, Iran is where the middle east ends and central Asia begins
Did the clearly autistic posts not give it away?
>Scholars and anthropologists stopped referring to Indo-Europeans as Aryans because it literally makes no sense, the word is self-explanatory in this case.
>Nobody is calling Wilhelm II a Nazi, even though he set up the foundation for the Nazis. I would call the "Slavics" Indo-Europeans, it's just more accurate.
You're not wrong. I'm just saying that this is /pol/ and not an academic setting, and you have to accept that we will refer to indo-europeans as aryans and use the terms interchangeably. Getting mad about this is just a semantic issue, not unlike greeks getting butthurt about Macedonia using the name Macedonia.

>But as for your question, I'm guessing they would be brown due to race mixing ending up with that skin tone.
Remember, I said in a theoretical situation where the invading indo-europeans *did not* ever racemix at all. So I think they would be white. Hell, I'm no expert on this, but wasn't the original Buddha also described as being fair skinned and blue eyed? Just a tangent.

Anyway, I'm glad we're on the same page here. Before this thread I honestly had no idea pajeets got so butthurt about the reality of indo european invasion. I didn't no anyone would even attempt to dispute it.
Well the European culture was brought by Africans take that I swear you people will make any comparison to support you Hwhite narrative.
didn't sound too strange for an australian
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>don't own a working smartphone or camera

Pic related is a very close if not identical example. Do note that I also don't look as good as him, also unimagine the lighting effects.

Yeah in the north, people are either dark or pale brown. I have no clue how this shit works, but I'm the latter.
Russia also borders east asia. Russia borders a lot of things, what's your point? You need to get a serious geography lesson if you think you can argue that pontic steppe = middle east
>Buddha was white skinned and blue eyed
>vedic religion explains this
>I've not seen the Vedas but I know what they say
India or China, while the U.S. and Russia lie in ruins. Good for the new King and Queen of India, coming from a castizo in the U.S.
Shhh now, my dear Suresh. Just get out the lube and accept that "your" culture came to you as a result of ancient invaders.

I don't see why this is such a big deal for Pajeets. The Iranians aren't upset that their current culture and religion comes from invading Muslim Arabs. The Turks aren't upset that their current culture and religion comes from invading Seljuks from central Asia. Just accept that your culture is implicitly the result of ancient whites setting up shop in the indian subcontinent. They were in your base, killing your d00ds.
don't 50% of indians shit in the streets?
Indian-themed threads on 4chan are the best ones.
Sorry to break it to you, my sweet Rajeesh
Well in that case it rolls. I'm just being pedantic for the sake of being completely correct. Buddha probably was light brown, no clue about his eyes. I know that Bodhidharma (a monk that brought Buddhism to China from India and created the Shaolin monastery and arts) was also light skinned and had light ("blue-eyed barbarian") eyes based on Chinese accounts.

You would think more pooloos would want to be considered Aryan based on what that word entrails in the west, but they stick with what they know instead of newer concepts, similar to how they got their shitting reputation. I say this as a poo myself.


Stop it, Raj.
The article says nothing about blue eyes have white skin is pretty common in the area he was born In
kek, underrated
>Indra is a God
Their Is a reason I say you people do not understand sanskrit and larp so hard
Exactly. Even if I weren't white, I'd still find the idea of this ancient group of horse-riders spreading across the world from europe to india to western china to be utterly fascinating and cool as shit. But I can also understand it from the indian perspective. You guys are told to take pride in your endemic 5000 year old culture, right? I could see how someone telling you about the IE invasions might be akin to, IDK, finding out that you were adopted or something.
lel another women who is full of shit and virtue signaling because she married a shitskin

>wow india is so great
>much more moral than the west
>"it's middle class is literally exploding"
Didn't know ISIS was that active there.
>29. Eyes deep blue

Oh, and then there's this shit:
Apparently Buddha was a Scythian, an ancient indo-european people that lived on the eurasian step.
Now's not the time, Pawel. We're pooinlooposting
Kek, you do understand their are historic detalis about buddha and his father kingdom right
Why do you think I used phrase 'full of shit', Tyrone?
What exactly are you trying to communicate to me? Do you have enough bandwidth from your slum to load wikipedia?

"The religion of the Vedic period (also known as Vedism, ancient Hinduism, Brahmanism and Vedic Brahmanism[note 1]) was the religion of the Indo-Aryans of northern India.[5] It is a historical predecessor of modern Hinduism, though significantly different from it"

They literally came into India, and then mostly withered away. It's how far they reached.

I'm not even Hindu, I'm Sikh. Regardless, it's these overzealous dipshits that prefer muh numbuh wun culture over facts. But yeah, it's pretty damn cool.
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They name gods that aren't gods, they judge 'religion' on western religions parameters of course they are telling you its a different religion continue with the uniformed Shitposting.
>They name gods that aren't gods

Wow, what an excellent argument you have created. I assume you work at the Ministry of Verifiable Gods? It doesn't matter what your subjective taking on it is, faggot. It's a different religion, until you can create an objective statement that supports your claims, you need to stop shitposting and start making senseposts.
be right back /pol/ i gotta take a fat poo, it will be in toilet not the street unlike pajeet
I got offered an arranged marriage.
I should have taken it.
So what you're saying is that your dravidian ancestors corrupted my great great great uncle's religion? He gave you that religion all those thousands of years ago, and you fucking pissed it away? For shame, Jeet.
Indra is a position not a God faggot he is a deva to be precise a posting occupied by various people through out our mythology
>my ancestors
No your ancestors were the poorest of the poor of Europe who mixed with niggers and hunter gatherers let's not disregard your flag
The relatives of my ancestors got bored riding around on the pontic step, and instead of heading west, they headed east so they could get some of that dravidian poontang. You should be greatful they decided to BLEACHED.com looland for you guys.
>Indra is a position not a God


"Indra (/ˈJndrə/, Sanskrit: इन्द्र) is a Vedic deity in Hinduism"


Holy fucking shit, Kumar. You are one dumb retard. Stick to tech support or whatever you're good at it.
As I said harpreet learn to read hindi atleast you will realize that Wikipedia does not understand our religion
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dravidians womens lusted for the big aryan scythian cock
Some Polish girl inter-racially married some ugly Indian dude and now she likes India
>No sir you do not understand!

Kek. Wikipedia actually has citations, a slumdog shittionaire who managed to get internet access only has an opinion.
You're not Socialist, you have almost the most free market in the world
India has never heard of body disposal.
Didn't some guy in the baragad vita use a nuke on his brother or something.
It was probably the jews tbhfam
>Indra is a deva
And Zeus was an olympian. We refer to all of these polytheistic deities and/or lesser divinities as "gods" in the comperative study of religion. Of course, the concept of deities/lesser divinities differs from one religion/cult to another. "god" is just a term used for ease of comparison of different beliefs.
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India is the Greatest Shithole in the World
Yes according to a westerner deva and God are the same thing keep believing what people who don't speak the language make you understand what the language is saying


Our constitution says we are a socialist country but don't tell this to the commies

>My name is Karolina Goswami. I am not an Indian. I am a typical European girl who never even tried Indian food a few years ago. Earlier in my life, I had never even dreamt of visiting India, but life is full of surprises. I fell in love with an Indian man who never wanted to live outside his country. So I visited India for the first time in 2014. It was not love at the first sight but every day I was discovering Indian reality that I have never been aware of and slowly I started to enjoy life in this country which is full-of-contrast. India has changed me and exposed me to a totally out of the ordinary world.
Well you are partially right but their is more to it

India is becoming an overpopulated polluted shithole. Give it 20 years and they will be swimming in their own shit.

i'm sure it was love and not money,
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they already are
>Give it 20 years and they will be swimming in their own shit.
they already do that
Kek retarded poo is marrying some Polish gold digging whore.

Is he really a price? The furniture looks really expensive
she's russian FFS

Well it will get worse. Some of you are not aware of this but undeveloped countries use far more wood than developed ones.

As Indian populations continues to grow they will further destroy their nature to harvest wood just like the people of Haiti.
The population of India is about 1.3 billion. The fertility rate is above 2.4

What will India do when its population grows to 1.6 billion?

Starve. Indians like to think they'll become the next China in terms of cheap labor. Too bad China is already automating in anticipation of a shrinking population.

Poor India.
That 2.4 figure is very old now. Latest government data says the fertility rate is around 2.2 (which is around the real replacement level in India because of High infant mortality and a low ratio of females to males.) Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_states_ranking_by_fertility_rate
Also for anyone interested, there's a pretty decent, but still small, Indian imageboard now, check out:

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