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pretty chart thread >anyone to the left of pic related i

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Thread replies: 147
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pretty chart thread

>anyone to the left of pic related is a communist

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Not bad Meteor man
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could you explain why
I'm a straight white male Bible adhering conservative. I I broke the test. But also it's pretty easy to "see through" the question (not that I answered them dishonestly, it's just that it's never as simple as two degrees off of agree/disagree).
Also I just took a bunch of Mucinex so please excuse the insane anti-grammar tornado in the first two sentences...
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Shit tier test tho. For example it implies, that authoritarianism ad traditionalism is the same thing.
How would you enforce traditionalism without the use of authority?
Your mistake lies in your assumption that the subject desires said traditionalism to be "enforced" rather than encouraged or proven right by example.
Through culture warfare. In medieval Europe central authority was usually pretty weak. I recommend to read Hans Herman Hoppe, and about anarcho-conservatism
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me pol.jpg
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>literal slavery
>All the way left
no surprise here
At least I am not a liberal like you
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not even once
Explain how I'm a liberal.
I need more political compasses from grographical countries
>ganges flag
>not liberal
You now that word originally meant "classical liberal"
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Mao zedong.jpg
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The most left forms of liberalism are still capitalists because they wish to reform it. The right liberals are for pure capitalism. Liberalism is capitalism.
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this test is so simplistic its pointless.
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No, that's retarded.
Just because you have a picture with an intellectual caption doesn't make it right. Get out of here with that "higher plain" BS.
>Not understanding the history of liberalism
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This test is terrible. Use Spekr
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why would you want to understand anything that you hate?

Any attempts to understand something leads to humanization, and through humanization, tolerance
>suffering buddies
This one used to be great, but something got broken, so submitting answer last forever
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You're left handed
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>first question
>clearly trying to be about abortion when abortion rights and body autonomy are unrelated.
Yeah, Im retaking the test now; I hadn't realized they updated it. After that though, the questions seem to be fine.
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wtf I'm rightwinger now
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r8 me faggots
Would help you punch an ancom/10
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national (((bolshevik)))
How did I do?
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turn off your computer and kill yourself

you are a cancer to this board, leave cunt
>le jew meme XD
no lmao im staying
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mines better
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political compass 1.png
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PoliticalCompass.org is known to have a leftist bias.
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Pretty based OP. Fiscal perfection
Looks like we'll be great friends
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wtf I'm rightwinger again

Seems like the first test is dogshit
>these extremes

are you 12 or trolling?
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Private or buy a helicopter I don't really give a shit
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Public or get a free gulag I don't really give a shit.
Possible. According to Political Compass in order to get right wing score you have to be autistic.Surprisingly, somehow acording to its creators obama is one.
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I hate Bernie cuck Sanders but.........
In a lot a places Obama could be seen as right wing
Neither. What is extreme here?
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Libertarians are cucks

99% tax rate?
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my nigger
Seize the means of production. I'm a confederal guild socialist
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Fight me
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ancap flag e.jpg
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I'm loving the alternative ancap flag. pic related
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Seems like a pretty good test, thanks for sharing
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I'm sure it pisses you off that people eat
Absolutely disgusting.
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capitalist famine.png
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Sure kid
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me today.png
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Me today
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Be gentle, it's my first time
>all droughts and government caused
go back to plebbit, faggot
I take the Mises definition of capitalism
"One thing more must be noted. If within a society based on private ownership of the means of production some of these means are publicly owned and operated, this still does not make for a mixed system which would combine socialism and private property. As long as only certain individual enterprises are publicly owned, the remaining being privately owned, the characteristics of the market economy which determine economic activity remain essentially unimpaired."

There's a difference between starving your people as a result of your policies (farmers not having tools to farm the land) or the eruption of a volcano in 1815 in Indonesia. I mean...
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welcome to the club
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People like to make every death attributed with communism. I am only doing the same line of thinking to capitalists.
>Capitalism is far more prevalent in the world
>Counting Capitalist famines from before Communism was even thought up
>Counting Capitalist famines from before Communism was first practiced
>All communist famines have 1M+ deaths
Commie education
>Even implying Capitalist famines are due to capitalism
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what up
The main issue is authority. anything public must be run by a state like entity. That's the issue
It's the same line of thinking cappies like to make about communism.

You also ignore that most of these famines happened in under developed countries even in the so called "modern era". Russia, and China were very under developed and thus could not combat famines and had the same number of deaths as they did under feudalism.
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OPs Political Compass.jpg
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Here is OP's chart
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please dont tell me you are actually attempting to converse with a c*mmunist

And GET means you know it to be true
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This test is a meme. It weighs protectionism vs. free markets as a left-right paradigm such that if you're a fascist, you're left wing. Post a better test in future, thanks.
nice OP, but everyone left of me is a commie, pic related.
Spekr is bullshit. It said I was a "progressive".
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Progressing to the final solution
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Forgive me padre
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>checking your own redundant integers
he's only being a complete autist who doesn't understand that directly causing a famine by your policy implementation is completely different from a natural disaster inducing famine upon people, come on Portugal.
>Proving my point
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Sieg Heil
eh this test seems kinda simplistic as well.
the difference is that the last one was made by a communist and this one by a libertarian.
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Wtf!? I'm a totalitarian monarchist who wishes he could organise a genocide to save Europe and I'm left!
>Be China
>Refused to trade with the world
>China violated the NAP
>Britain fought China to free trade
>Causes a famine which led to 60 million deaths
Extremely aesthetic photo.
Shit, a fellow libertarian capitalist. Do you know if the spekr test has changed at all ever since it went out of beta and the site was revamped?
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I win all the things
I haven't a clue... I'll take it again in a little bit and post my results.
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>left wing and right wing socialism are the same thing
i want this boomer meme to end
>wars over opium which ended in 1860
>causing a drought in 1876

see what I mean? dumbass commie autist lol
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I wait for such threads to pop up so that I can troll r/t_d faggots.
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It`s broken.
t. smart guy.
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This one put me as a centrist when I'm a fucking monarchist. What bullshite
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Never done that 8values thing before, so here's that.
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This. It's why all of the "HURRDURR LIBERTARIANS AND ANCAPS ARE ALL DEGENERATE TRANNIES XD" posts get so stale. Most of us desire a conservative/traditional society, but one that is maintained through culture and the power of shame, not enforced by government.
go up more
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It's been awhile since I've last taken the test, but I'm pretty sure the questions were different.
blue is the only way. period.
At least your not an authoritarian faggot you might still have some sense left in you unless that means you believe that anarchy is the way to go in which case there's no hope
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Political compass puts me at deep purple (halfway between center and right and halfway between center and libertarian). This test says I'm really authoritarian, borderline fascist.

In reality I'd say pic related is about right for economic and societal axis, but I'd put myself right on the center for the civil axis (liberty vs authority).

I don't think the diplomatic axis is very good. It basically gauges if you're a peaceful cucked dove, or a warmongering hawk neocon. I'm neither. I think military spending is an absolute must and that defense is extremely important, so I'm not a dove, but I also think we should never declare an offensive war, only a defensive, so I'm not a hawk either.
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This is the first time I've taken this test. Apparently I'm Ron Paul.
>kekistani flag
>sound political advice

Pick one
Not true. Being right wing is the only way. We in Poland are all conservative, but socialists. We need to repair our right wing.
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Fuck you OP.png
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>anyone to the left of pic related is a communist
retard alert!
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now done with spekr
killer meme, faggot
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that's a good one.
Move over one quadrant to the right and you would be perfect.
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my politics.png
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Beat this cucks
Thread posts: 147
Thread images: 79

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