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Why do companies abuse the H1B visa program to replace American

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Why do companies abuse the H1B visa program to replace American workers with Indian and Chinese workers?

Is there really a shortage of skilled workers in America?
Jews are the reason
Why hire a white guy you have to pay at $15 an hour when you can hire a poo or chink to do it for $5?
>Why do companies abuse the H1B visa program to replace American workers with Indian and Chinese workers?
They're basically slave labor
They work for almost nothing and the companies can threaten to deport them if they don't agree to shitty work terms and contracts
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Trump is going to stop the abuse.
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Does not work that way faggots.

In order to be brought on as H1B you need to be making at least the ceiling of the median pay.

In certain states, you must pay them as high as 150% the median wage in order for their H1B to be renewed.

So you cannot hire a poo for $5 if the median wage is $15.

To make matters worse, (for the poo), the employer must demonstrate that the poo is better than any other American candidate that they can find.

The problem is that most millennials are shit who don't apply for jobs they know they are qualified for because they are scared. Millennials who spend $50k a year on college to earn a worthless degree in literature or gender studies who then complain that nobody is hiring. Millennials who have access to, on average, $15k in scholarships and grants that they won't have to pay back but don't spend 20 minutes filling out the paper work because they are too busy protesting for $15 per hour for burger flippers.

America does have a general problem with shit worth ethic too.
It's like having an indentured servant. There's even educational workers being brought over and they owe debts to the school system for "fees" and "training".
>First, a $50 interview fee. Then, $5,000 to process their H-1B guest worker visas. After they borrowed the money — a year’s salary in the Philippines — she demanded an additional, unexpected fee: $7,500. The teachers were shocked, but they paid, lest they lose what they had already invested. This whole pattern of exploitation, spelled out in court documents, didn’t stop there. Hours after they landed in the United States, she forced them to sign a contract agreeing to hand over 10 percent of their salary during their second year on the job.
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I forgot;

H1B is also only eligible if the job they are being brought on for pays at least the median of all jobs in a particular sector.

For example, a poo can only be issued an H1B in Texas (regardless of county) for any computer related job (IT, Computer Science) if they are being paid $42,000 annually excluding the $5,000.00 required to file the H1B and the $380 that the employee needs to pay for their H1B Identification Card.
It's not just about saving money, their visa is tied to the company they work for, they'll never speak up, complain, ask for a raise or jump ship, they're corporate indentured servants. That and the Indian mafia, they're tribal and nepotistic as fuck.
because the current laws/loopholes allow for modern day slavery. the companies keep more money when they only have to pay pajeets $7 an hour for a realistically $20/hr job and when the pajeets get burned out they can be replaced immediately. even if the companies burn through thousands of them there's an endless supply willing to work for pennies in exchange for living in america and possibly moving up the socioeconomic ladder and a company can use the paycheck that would support 1 qualified, entry level american worker with relevant education/experience to pay for hundreds of these slaves.

obviously the HB1=more qualified than an american meme is a myth. what they do is make the requirements ridiculous/impossible then say 'well no american can fulfill this', then hire 20 pajeets and tell them 'you don't really qualify but we'll do you a favor and let you work for us for $6 an hour and live in ~america~ oh and if you don't like it we'll deport you back to your poo in street land. they use dubious 3rd party groups to do the paperwork as they can't directly hire without having to abide by the actual wage laws. anyone who says this isn't happening either has no experience in the industry or is a bright eyed, naieve underage who doesn't yet know what depraved lengths businesses will go through to widen that profit margins.
Guess that explains why google is full of poos.
Once you go poo, you never go loo.

You mean people who are willing to work three dollars less?
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That $5,000 must be paid for by the employer. It is Illegal for the employer to pass that bill onto the employee and the employee can be issued a general EAD along with a U-1 visa for being the victim of exploitation.

The example you linked is an example of a lack of due diligence by the cunt being employed and wanton exploitation on behalf of the employer.

There are many problems with America's immigration. H-1B is not one of them; its the lack of enforcement of rules already on the book that makes H-1B shit.

Silicon Valley SJWs are tired to Silicon Valley SJWs. This is also a way to avoid hiring blacks and white women.

White educated people don't like dealing with other whites like them or American minorities.

An Indian dude can be fired easier, will take more shit, talk back less, will be less likely to ask for a raise, and less likely to complain about the lack of blacks.
If IBM hired more white women...

>5 white women walk into the office
>notice lack of niggers
>go to boss.

"Hey boss, Why don't we have more niggers working here? Why aren't the bathrooms unisex?"
There's companies that hold all those processing fees over their employees' heads, some workers have tens of thousands in debt to their employer. Some teachers won $4.5 million lawsuit.
No. There never was. It's used to drive down wages. More money for management, less money for everyone else.
>The problem is that most millennials are shit
I'm not buying that. Sure, there are smart Pajeets but most of them as useless and just smart enough to use braindumps to cheat their way through certs. Low and middle tier Pajeets are garbage and if you hire the top tier ones, they'll bring over their shit tier friends anyway.
Happened all over the Boston area as well. Just because it's illegal doesn't curb companies from participating. When the savings are more than the lawsuits and fines, it doesn't matter. And most employees will never say a thing and allow the abuse to continues.
>The average salary for Chinese university graduates is ~$750/mo
I make twice that in a week. It's the jews.
>the H1B visa program
Funny how the people I train cause damage and get fired.
you are overpaid
The most effective Computer Scientists are the ones who do what they are told, as they are told without interjecting their own flare. Poos are good for this because they churn out carbon copy robots who don't know what the fuck an AVL tree is or how it works, how to optimize it and when to use a R/B tree instead, but they know how to """ implement """ an AVL tree so its good enough for the needs of the job.

That is correct. However if someone wants to work in the USA and they don't spend 10 minutes looking up their rights on USCIS.gov they deserve to be exploited and fucked.
From what I've seen in my time in IT, some companies are fucking filled to the brim with Indians. You might see one white person out of 20-30 Indians at a few of these companies.
Finally a burger who knows what he is talking about
Do Indians have some special gene for programming or what? Or is programming that easy? I've always thought it's rather difficult. Why are there so many successful Indian programmers?
it Isnt about genes faggos, it is about hard working, when u get born in a country with low life standrads u will have to do every effort u can do to make ur future better, most of ur kids are spoiled from the easy life they dont know how to fight hard life
You sound like an undergrad.
India has a caste system which leads to more specialization from an early age as compared to the Victorian, "we don't need you to know calculus to shine our shoes" education system that is used in most western countries.

Also they are not that good a programming; the source code for most of their projects are clusterfucks. But they are good at following instructions and math, and they are more "hard working" than the average American. Of course "hard working" in this sense means, as i have mentioned quite a few times, willing to do what is told without question even to the determent of the company as a whole.
never finished college. Shits expensive. But i have to use AVL trees fairly often for storing "data"
And if the US can't realistically enforce laws on the book and hold companies accountable, H1B program deserves to be shut down.
>The most effective Computer Scientists are the ones who do what they are told
Not really. Good programmers/sysadmins don't need someone to hold their hand and walk them through getting shit done properly. As in any trade, you want people that can take your specs and make something out of it, not line pissing drones that copy and paste their code from Stack Exchange.
Shut the fuck up you disinfo shill.

Everyone knows what is the real reason for H1B in 98% of the cases. Replace a native American citizen worker with a cheaper non-native, pay him 85% less and if he doesn't comply you have the Workers Visa Trump Card.
Also, the replacement H1Bs are always shit with extremely few exceptions. Memorizing generic answers about Java or C and being able to copy paste code from stackoverflow doesn't mean you know shit.

A study done by an INDIAN skill accesment company found that only 36% of Indian software engineers can write working code.

>Automata utilizes advanced artificial intelligence technology to automatically analyze and grade a candidates coding abilities. The study states, “We find that out of the two problems given per candidate, only 14 percent of engineers were able to write compilable codes for both and only 22 percent were able to write compilable code for exactly one problem.” The test also found that of all the subjects tested, only 14.67 percent would be employable by a modern IT firm. When testing for candidates that could write fully functional code using the best practices and methods, only 2.21 percent passed the test.
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Indian Calculator
Cheap labor. No fucking science.
too entitled to just work and be happy in employment. others get that and wante to be part of the old fashioned USA #1 irl meme and keep making the country prosper.

>no gossiping
>work hard
>go home happy to have a wage
>no bathroom equality bullshit
>will blow boss for promotion
>America does have a general problem with shit worth ethic too.

I'd be working my ass off too if my slave owner sponsor decided I wasn't working hard enough and shipped my ass back to Bombay.
It's cheaper to pay a foreigner.
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