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MAJOR HAPPENINGS #Elsagate Let's make this blow up. We

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 426
Thread images: 104

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Let's make this blow up. We don't know the motives or who's responsible, but there are literally thousands of videos aimed at children with a combined BILLIONS of views, and this has managed to go under the radar. Youtube is doing nothing about it.
Look into this, you'll see what I mean.
We need to rally and organize, we need to study this, categorize it, archive it, and bring this to the attention of the world.

A good place to start is here.

Here's an example video.
I havent checked this out too in depth yet, bu5 i told my wife about it today.
Literally what the fuck are you on
Any guess wtf is this shit?
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Lurk this for a while, you'll see. There is too much to explain. Never mind the Illuminati stuff. Just look into what we know is there.
Is this related to the AI that keeps outputting games that are like, Elsa Dentist, remove her teeth yay
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I fucking love how soft deep inside /pol/tards, are despite your edginess and talking about the 3rd Reich. The old saying that the dogs which never bite, bark the loudest are true.

You see pic related? It was probably 2 times as brutal as that Youtube shit and it aired on MTV on like 8 or 10pm, I don't remember.

I watched it when I was like fucking 9, because you might not remember it but kids fucking love violence and perverted stuff. This is exactly the reason why Disney princesses look so slutty and sexualized and why cartoons like Tom and Jerry have a lot of violence. You think only adults watch South Park? A kid who didn't watch that when was 10 wasn't a real kid.

It really boggles the mind that your average 10 year old is probably a lot more hardcore and probably smarter than your average 4channer.

I love how you pretend that you are tough but cry because
>muh syringes
>muh gore
>muh spiders, soo spooky

But let me tell you a more logical explanation than the stupid shit you came up with.

What if they want to capture every possible audience? Small kids, teens, autists, stoners, shocked people like yourself etc... and earn money? This is far more logical than: hurr the illuminati did it.
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Also this thread exists. Keep them both pinned. Lurk the other one, a lot of stuff is already there for you to catch up on.
Sorry, forgot link.
This shit is fucked up.

Can we report it to YouTube??
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Gtfo, you're comparing generic dumb edgy violence to genuine evil. Go fuck yourself.
My guess: Kids are a huge market on YouTube and they fall for clickbait. Foreigners make shitty kid videos and get ad revenue. They keep track of the memes that get the most clicks, causing them to repeat things like needles, butts, spiderman, elsa, etc.
this is a collective operation of big companies to normalize pedophilla. Pizzagate is real
That's already been done, they are doing nothing.
This needs to go mainstream asap. It's unacceptable this has been going on for so long with barely anyone aware of it.
>HTF aimed and watched by teenagers
>these being watched by children

this shill posted the exact same post but deleted it in the other thread. nice one, very nice
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Just a reminder:

Although there can be some implications with more "occult" matters with those videos, it's better to not go full /x/ with it. Normies are easily spooked by anything out of their comfort zone. If you have some normie platform and will share this try to keep mkultra and pizza gate away from this. It is already inflammatory enough without these things and it can hold it's own without being hindered down by "conspiracy theories".
Giant money laundering scheme in India.
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Look, this is no joke. THOUSANDS of them.
Its fucked up, dark, sexual content aimed at kids on God damn normietube, we don't even NEED to bring up the other stuff even if it was there.
I see you have made a change in proxy. nice
this is a shill tactic, be advised. india can't even shit in a toilet but they understand youtube algorithms and how to manipulate children yeah okay please die
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I say let the content speak for itself. Normies just need to know it's there, and the sheer amount is staggering.
this shit is tame in comparison. the "I <3 Pizza" is a bit concerning though
Get it age restricted. That sounds reasonable to normies and keeps other "questionable content" on youtube.
Oh wow, it's literally nothing.

Since when did T_D become a majority here?
This is on the intellectual level of investigating subliminal messages in Disney movies.
I'm interested. Good place to channel some meme war energies
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its /x/ retard
>nevermind the illuminati stuff you explicitly mentioned in your first thread

You walked the story back because the audience wasn't biting.
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The shills are in droves. Don't listen to them, I urge you to investigate this yourselves!
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wow, you're right, I'm feeling really sleepy now too. Maybe a nap?
Okay I got to admit, the scissors into the pregnant stomach is pure evil. I actually never saw something that evil in my entire life.

What the fuck?
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I wasn't the OP.
I thought the last OP was jumping the gun a bit.
However, he still did a service and I thank him.
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I really wish Reddit would leave
Kids don't stay up to watch that, nor do they know about MTV until they're alittle older, Teenagers and such.

Any 5 year old, hell, younger than that, can pick up mommy's tablet and go to youtube. Young kids are impressionable, and do you really believe pic related isn't cp related, your just an idiot, traitor, or a pedophile.

I honestly want to kill you for this shit, how dare you betray not only us, but our children, your friend's children, your children, and all of your relatives.
So you're not a shill just ignorant huh? Yeah. This isn't innocent HTF level shit man. HTF was on MTV later at night after young kids are expected to be in bed.

This is something else.
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there's nothing subliminal about this you stupid motherfucker. i understand your parents let you browse 4chan at 12 and let you be warped as fuck but this isn't normal
Ah the pic here.
>Repost from >>130904291 - >>130905561
>Tell you what.

>All you need to do is search some date from portuguese

>Something like December 15 2016, will be
>>15 de Dezembro 2016
>and you will find the best of the favelada loli (CP) world

>Also good luck.
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Investigate for yourself! Don't let the shills dictate what you see! It's all there for you to see and nobody was noticing before.
If a 5 year old grabs a gun, do you blame the people who made the gun? Or do you blame the parent who let them have access to it?
They are saying the colors have something to do with it. There are some people posts on the videos with ceasarian ciphers
pls explain
Hey CIA.
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>mfw spooks come crawling out of the woodwork to lash out at op for bringing this up.
Wouldn't be surprised if this is linked with pizzagate.
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WTF is this?? I lost whatever hope I had in humanity this is this some bizarroo world shit.
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it is illuminaty, this plebbit comment explains it:

>Inappropriate use of family entertainment characters: Content that depicts family entertainment characters engaged in violent, sexual, vile, or otherwise inappropriate behavior, even if done for comedic or satirical purposes.

contact google and/or Disney
there were people theorizing this shit with other stuff that appeared here a few weeks back with something about mkultra, strong colors and subliminal subversion. But as I said it in>>130905366 it's better to leave this stuff out because it could be some LARPing and it will spook normies. The videos on their own are bad enough for any sane person..

you fucking Kraut we all know happy tree friends, HTFs had no fucking pedo imagery in it, violence is 100% ok this fucking creepy shit IS NOT!
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I'm hoping this gets to pizzagate proportions. We all know how well that turned out.
I am pretty sure that these videos are the types of videos that kids enjoy watching and thus they are made to attract the most views.

In other words you're a fucking schizophrenic retard.

Shit is mad disturbing, brah.
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Please people I know I'm repeating myself, this is not a drill, you wanted real happenings you've got them right here. Don't let the shills dictate your actions, investigate this yourself!
The person who put the gun in the nerf gun section at walmart.
one time I went on youtube and typed literal gibberish into the search bar. it was something like "zskodhflkssfljkl"

It returned a video with the exact same title, and it was some breddy gud MILF hotttub porn. And the channel had lots more of it, some decent amount of views averaging 100k as well

I reported the channel and it was all gone the next day
I think with millions and millions of views in many of those videos we can assume that they probably were reported many times already, I don't think it's gonna change something. I mean, might as well try it but public pressure will work 100% as long the message is spread far and wide enough.
We've tried reporting the videos man. Nothing happens.
>Le just accept Societal Decay man
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I think Pol's gravity has them in a deteriorating orbit.
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The kids section part of the internet? Is this a joke?
I just want to say: I usually troll the fuck out of threads like this with sleepy posting, but this ought to be investigated thoroughly and reported to the proper authorities, because this is legitimate CIA-tier, UK Ultra, traumatic conditioning.

There is evil in the world. There is evil in the world.
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Jezus christ
Maybe all those views are kids stumbling across this shit
why the fuck is there CP on youtube what the fuck

Sure. The CIA hijacked by mind and let me type this comment. Schizo much?
>Disney princesses look so slutty and sexualized
wut m8
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>Ignore all Kraut posts

>Ignore all Kraut threads

>The eternal Kraut is here to subvert as he always does.

I now understand why Americans have always been distrustful of the eternal Kraut
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Is not actually cp tho, is just little girls fooling around with their webcams and innocently uploading the videos without knowing that a bunch of creeps masturbate to them.
That ur son?
Shill more
As most people don't know what Entropy is
Entropy mate,
From Order to disorder.
Faggots running around
Children taught (brainwashed) by these ideologies
Internet corruptionism
Laziness and inward self isolation.
Yes, the end times is near.
amongst them there are sure adults or at least teens who understand how fucked up the nature of the videos are. a quick scroll through the comment section will show you that.

see the bottom of the >>130906572 image for an example. But as I said, nothing stop us from reporting it too, it doesn't take much time and almost everyone has a YT account. I just think it will do any good.
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jesus FUCKING christ this video. you got guns shooting, you got the bitch about to kill herself, thievery; there's a lot of fucked up themes in this. i need a night to explore this channel
If I put a firearm in a nerf gun package, am I committing manslaughter?
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Two proxy 1 post id posters trying to scare people away with fake cp alerts. Don't listen to them.

I've never seen shilling this hard here, and that's saying a lot.

Just checked some of them out. They are toy commercials. So I am sure this is Disney sponsored content or whatever toy company.

The shitty cartoons seem to be the fucked up content.
>trying to control your kid from looking at youtube

good luck with that. you would have to banish them from having friends and you'll make them be alienated at school. stop trying to deflect this shit, what is wrong with you

You can tell if the shill is legitimate by the severity of accusation, persistence, quality, and uniqueness. Here, there are severe accusations, persistence, and uniqueness (no copy-pasta).
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Teaching kids to play under cars?
These pedophiles are everywhere in positions of power in government and the media. You have no idea how bad it really is. Why do you think faggot marriage and trans-degeneracy have by pushed? They are stepping stones to legalizing child rape.

You need to understand these people are literally servants of Satan. They think raping a child will give them dark powers. Wiping them out is THE ONLY SOLUTION.
High level of
what do you call this, fetish
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List of channels 1/3
I'm genuinely a bit worried for my own safety. I think I am kicking a hornets nest.
How has it not been getting kicked though?
Maybe these videos contain encrypted CP?
All you have to do is shift pixel values a tiny bit with some algorithm.
>getting videos age restricted
>same as controlling kids from looking at youtube
how come that kike h3h3 only showed the lighter side of this fucked up shit? OH THAT'S((((( riGHttt.))))))))).
>everyone i don't like is the same person

Literally the definition if paranoia
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I have a feeling most of the animated videos are actually just videos spawned by an artificial intelligence and inflated views with botnets attempting to learn and replicate said videos, all while tuning them to be keywords that kids or parents would turn a blind eye to and think of as innocent. Spiderman, Elsa, etc.

The people doing the live action stuff are just capitalizing on the hashtag / recommended video swarm.
What the fuck? These videos are so disturbing.
Who knows, but we need as many people investigating it as possible. We need a very tech savy group to start archiving. I wasn't kidding when I said there are thousands of these videos. Think about that, thousands.

Hate to come off as too religious, but this is why people have God. Through God, we may conquer fear. Truly, there is something truly evil emanating from these videos. They produce feelings of uneasiness and anxiety in me.
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nevermind. My recommendations are all fucked up now. Good thing I wasn't logged in.
I would've thought the youtube compression would mess something like that up
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The fact that Disney it letting this continue unimpeded is a huge red flag.
Have we legit considered sending tips to like NCMEC or something?
3:33 my friend
and yes, you are correct. justice will never be served unless a christ figure emerges, which is probably what they're end goal is. forcing god to show itself.

my fucking god i just went through a 14-step captcha. what the fuck
Tell me there isn't a motive here.

Don't bother trying to figure it out on your own. We need to make this blow up. Please help spread the word.
Here we go with the coincidences again. How soon until we break out the evidence of absence?
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This is totally normal
Doing God's work, OP.
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Let's all hope we find the source of this problem. Despite what we already know what it's gonna be anyways...
When did 4chan become the moralfags of society?
>those tabs
Gas yourself
That's how I knee something bad was up. I've seen enough gore, etc but this was very disturbing. Made me slightly nauseas - maybe something subliminal
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no way fag.
thats a super old image anon, hes legit just being a retard.. but thats okay, he bumped for us
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3 vids. 2 elsa and 1 flash cartoon.

ah yes the illuminat is brainwashing me to inject rats with paint we're onto their master plan and it's definitely not just inane clickbait to get ad revenue from little kids
Weird shit like this has never affected me but these videos actually make me feel uneasy...
>youtube compression would mess something like that up

No not really. It would take YT to use another layer of cryptography in their compression algorithm, and I very much doubt they would bother with that.
As autistic as this shit is what the fuck is illegal about it you spergs
I'm gonna stick my neck out for this kike, take this post with a grain of salt.

Maybe he wanted us to find the darker side of it, but he can't show it himself. He's out there, he's know. He'd probably be sacked or killed for unveiling it all, probably before he even finished with it.

I found another theme.
As a father I fully support this thread. I rarely let my children use the tablet, and never unsupervised so I was naturally shocked when I saw that they would find this so fast and easily.

What can I do to help?
>thousands of videos of complete clickbait garbage that crams in as many stupid keywords, toilet humor, and cartoon violence as it can to attract click happy moron children
... AND?
>investigate this yourself
... AND? Thanks for wasting a whole 3 minutes of my life. Literally nothing but cheap animation of pretend child drama.
Yeah I can't watch shit like this or I won't be able to sleep.
I remember the creepy fucking games and they were bad enough. I assume this is worse.
Back to your serpents den. We all know inaction is still an action.
Just remembered something...

Back in the day, my local Comcast delayed certain channels (cartoon network, comedy central) presumably so that South Park and Adult Swim came on an hour or two later than standard eastern time. But they pushed Adult Swim too forward. I noticed that Tim & Eric Awesome Show was playing at around 6 am. So, kids waking up for school and turning on Cartoon Network got see the extremely disturbing T&E bullshit, which is on par with this wretched psychosexual bodily-fluids colorful-wackiness youtube garbage. I tweeted about it to Tim in like 2010 and he blocked me.

Let's do something concrete about it instead of talking about it. Blow this into the attention of the mainstream!
Let's see if I've got the pattern down

>find questionable, weird shit online

>invent a non-disproveable tale to go along with it

>edit the story based on crowdsourced feedback

>seed it in the middle of the night

>it's trending by morning

>generals about the topic become a regular occurrence

>actual news outlets start to pick it up

>leads to fuck all

>burns out after 4-5 weeks

Let's see. PizzaGate. Seth Rich. And now this. Were there any others I missed?
Just help spread the word. I hope everyone here does. When it blows up enough, then we try to figure it out. With a massive combined effort, who knows what will turn up.

Think this through. Who is paying for advertising to 2-year-olds? Either that revenue is unsustainable for (((YouTube))), or this isn't just a revenue thing.
ARG for a shitty band.

>pedofiles are grooming your children with images of:
>poop eating
How... how does this groom children, anon?
Where is the sexualized content? How do you make a pedophilia-scare image without including a single example of the only that makes any sense?
These videos are so fucking sick in a some really creepy, flat out evil way.
I assume you're a shill. But in case you aren't, you're not investigating. You don't understand the vastness, how disturbing it is, the reoccurring themes.
The thumbnails seem worse than the actual videos.

It's no less weird than The Grand Story Teller or whoever that sperg who wore the gumby suit
Delete youtube. Download Game on tablet. Or let your kid watch movie cartoon.

For those of you who have researched this youtube kids stuff and found common themes of bugs, scat, abortion, etc. Watch this video at the mark linked. The themes are consistent with satanic ritual abuse.

Nature of the matter of far different.
>Videos intended for children
>Involve disturbing content
>Common themes of violent pregnancy, needles, playing in faces (consuming in), sexual innuendo for children, voyuerism.
>someone spending time editing and animating this
>they all feature the same animation
>no ads involved

there is no revenue gain to these videos, so what else do you have shill?
You can't win em all, but the system works.
The World.
would bringing these to the attention of the IP holder result in a copyright claim?
Im never quite sure on whats considered fair use


Here faggots

You want fucked up

In case you haven't noticed, the channels are VERIFIED.

That means YouTube is aware of this AND APPROVES OF IT.

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remember if there's a kid on youtube it must be pedophilia and illuminatti shit.

Dude, you've completely failed to fully explain anything. you sound like a paranoid fear-mongerer.

I'll keep tabs on it, but FFS Please present a better case.
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>elsa brain surgery app
>kids these days with their brain surgery games
Fucking what the fuck. Is this how they psyops kids into wanting to study medicine?
>aware of this AND APPROVES OF IT.
>"Uhm, show tits and pussy... approve"
>"Oh? A dog show knot and mature woman show her ass? approve"
>Welcome to Youtube

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>All those are Marvel/Disney characters

Dear God
OP here, I've been at this for many hours now, made this thread an hour or so ago, I have to sleep now.
Again, the amount of shilling I'm seeing genuinely concerns me, like I said it feels like I'm kicking a hornets nest. But please, we all need to work together to make this go mainstream. Even just pushing threads here like I am doing helps.

I am going to leave this pinned and will return tomorrow to read it to see how it developed so if you have anything to say to me, I will be reading it later but won't be able to reply.
You're damn right I'm not wasting my time on nothing. Every single one of these role-playing games plays on one trope. Confirmation bias.
no one is bringing up the illuminati but you faggot. we're only pointing out the various themes surrounding every channel. they all point to a single purpose that no one can grasp yet. so do us a favor and just fuck off already
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This is old news you retards. Check the toxicologists video and shut up. You're not onto something. H3h3 also talked about this a long time ago.
what i don't understand is your own confirmation bias. what are you getting out of this? we're seeing something too disturbing for kids to watch, regardless of the motive. what you're doing is trying to downplay it as nothing. why?
Is society really that fat gone that not watching YouTube is akin to contracting the plague? Seems like you are reaching with that one.
I think /pol should investigate the dark side of Twitter a lot more pedo shit on Twitter than YouTube
I think saying it is to groom kids for pedos is the wrong angle (because I honestly think it is, for most of these things.).

In my opinion, I don't think these vids are aimed to groom, they just know that kids will watch this shit. THIS HOWEVER does not mean that they should. These adults see a way to make money and just take advantage of it. It is still morally wrong in every fucking way to show pictures and videos of kids and mommies getting stabbed, fake shit eating, .. Basically anything TOO impressionable.

I'm not saying Disney is innocent persé, but at least it is the lesser evil.

My wife is a teacher and has contact with many parents in our area, I will make her reach out to them to help warn about these youtube trends and to please monitor youtube activity.

Hopefully these channels will get shut down soon, since what they show is disgusting and NOT safe for kids to watch. There is a reason some movies are +6 or +12 or +18.. And it should also be like that on YT.
It's not though.

At the 5 minute mark of the video

>few people if any have counseled as many victims of satanic abuse as Ray. If there is an expert on satanic cults it's him

>i believe her story
>it's exactly the same as others
>21 cases in two years
>themes like where they were put in boxes with spiders and worms
>trapped in fear where there was a high use of excrement and urine

These are consistent and prevalent on these youtube kids videos.
That's not how this works you cunt.

i know h3h3 did a very light video surrounding the needle and bradberries but that's all. give me the link to the toxicologists so i can tell you the same thing

oh really?

This here is the OP. The OP has made mention into "illuminatti stuff"

Somehow Im the "only one" bring it up. fucking please.

>they all point to a single purpose that no one can grasp yet.

Fucking HOW!!? What connects them? what makes them 'serve a single purpose"? Jesus you're more inept at being a detective than Kogoro Mouri
If this is pushed, YouTube could lose a lot more advertisers.
H3h3 found out it was a couple of dumb fucking Arab pranksters last year.
>little kids use youtube restricted mode

>they get all these disgusting videos

>they grow up thinking getting injections(of hormones?) is natural and normal.
in america, kids are obsessed with youtube. so, yes. gr8 question m8 wow
>We don't know the motives or who's responsible, but there are literally thousands of videos aimed at children with a combined BILLIONS of views

Those videos are made after a formula and watched by bots to generate ad avenue.

Views are all bots I guess.
no no you misunderstand it's job i to make every stupid thing a "gate" scandal to make everybody associated with "Anything"gate look like a fucking tool. It's all right here in my manual.
Children growing up watching this shit will develop fetishes later on and will be sickos.
We need to make flyers about this disgusting garbage and leave them at places where parents, especially single moms go. Target, daycare centers, toy stores, etc. Any other suggestions? The flyer should convey the message "Stop letting Youtube babysit your children." I have spent a lot of time flagging and reporting these videos and channels and I'm sure you guys are doing it too, yet all these videos are still being watched today. We need to reach the parents directly. Youtube simply does not care.
>I have to sleep now
Just take a 6 minute power nap bro. Sleep later for like 3 hours from now.
Sauce, and yes, I'm about to relapse
Sounds like those SIM card farms that rate games on Google Play

probably because there is no shilling and it's just you being autistic

is the earth really flat because so many people argue against it on here?

inb4 an unironic yes answer

(although tqbh it still pisses me off these obnoxious videos get so many views and I wouldn't want my kids watching them so keep sperging out and get them taken down I guess)
and no one followed OP on that, but you keep bringing it up like some anti-illuminati justice warrior or something. people keep pointing out the same themes surrounding every single channel and how every one of them have the same animation i mean fuck how much more needs to be explained. if you don't care about the warping of a childs mind then back the fuck off?!?!
Just look at those cheap made nursery rhymes on youtube who have billions of views. Its a ploy for ad money and heavily relies on bots,same as with this shit.
i'm not getting ads for these. is anyone else?
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these videos are shit

the viewcount probably isnt even real
Are you blaming /pol/ for the Seth Rich cover-up? We're trying, asshole.
Well that really sucks. Still, I think you are exaggerating with how bad it would be if someone didn't watch. Especially with regards to the stuff the OP is linking.
Me neither but I have adblock
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Previous thread here had a lot of good graphics and links lurk through it. These videos all share common themes of

>syringes, injecting butts
>children crying, videos titles like "spiderman punishes elsa boy crying new episode"
>hyperemotional responses and expressions
>kidnapping, bondage, locked away in a room
>kids going from being hurt to being happy quickly

They are trying to confition kids for whatever sick shit this is all a part of

Hell I saw a video where a little girl reads a book and wakes up with her eyes bleeding followed by a cartoon baby who smokes and ciggarette Nd is fed some kind of drops and everyone is happy again, others with senseless gore etc SPREAD THIS ANON

Start a thread? I'd read it.
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You cant be fucking serious right now.
Literally only shills give any kind of fuck about T_D. this is the most blatant trick in their book.
there's a whole lotta 1 post by this id for there to be no shilling. you can fuck off now too
>and no one followed OP on that

And OP changed his tune the moment he realized people weren't buying it. This is same exact rhetoric republishits in the 90s used to try and justify banning video games



The only one responsible for raising your child is you. Not the internet. Not the government. You.
Wow someone made some stupid videos and pol lose their minds. Guess what? It's nothing.

You are wrong again. Leave this shit alone.
My guess is that youtube is inflating the numbers and keeping it up so people think it's ok and popular. All apart of the normalization of pedophilia agenda.
You need to drop the illuminati shit. It makes you sound paranoid and people will actively go against you for being a lunatic, there's enough sensible evidence in this to come to a conclusion other than "Muh secret organizations"
I haven't seen any of them promote furries so that's some consolation.
your parents never forbid you from something and your friends didn't make fun of you? that happens quite often from my own experience. but that's not the point. children can be led into this, that's the problem.
If it's just bot driven to make vids for ad revenue why is the subject matter aimed at kids? It could be anything else and still get bot views for ad rev why is it specifically super hero princess Disney related kid related stuff?
I don't think the views are real. No way some of these have 5.5m, especially when all the comments appear to be bots.

These videos are creepy, but mostly because they're trying to hit EVERY viral demo at once.


They are just trying to make money with a shotgun approach.
>de Dezembro 2016
Someone should bring this to Molymemes attention. I'd like to see him weigh in on it.

Exploitation of fair use law to grab money.
The illuminati is real you cuck. Everything they plotted has come to pass.
How much do they pay you, and why are you attracted to children?
>Hell I saw a video where a little girl reads a book and wakes up with her eyes bleeding followed by a cartoon baby who smokes and ciggarette Nd is fed some kind of drops and everyone is happy again, others with senseless gore etc SPREAD THIS ANON
Link the videos that are most disturbed so we can use them
So, so, sleepy..
I get that, but why link up the popular shit in this exact way? I suppose that could be said regardless of the portrayal but it screams pedo/danger. Strange shit, great orgasms tho.
no, no it's not. because their symbolism is prevalent fucking everywhere so let's not even get into that.
fucking hell do i have to explain this again.. listen, parents are not going to forbid their kids from something as common as youtube. and a lot of them don't expect something like THIS on youtube, either. and yeah it is youtubes responsibility to take down shit like this when it's fucking appearing in the KIDS-CENTERED PLATFORM god damn you're fucking dense just fuck off already
Ok literal pedophile.
>1 post by this id

m8s i'm getting really sleepy rn
Because they still want to grab normal views for additional revenue (as you can see on the like/dislike ratio, the higher the dislike ratio they more real people watched it).

>specifically super hero princess Disney related kid related stuff?

Because its well known so there is a higher chance people will stumble across it by chance.
Furthermore they shit out tons of videos a day hence the creative process needs to be streamlined which is why every video is the same.
Agree with ya, anon
Has anyone posted this channel yet? "Investigating YouTube"


Fucked the link up but >7:26
>>>>>>>>>>>>>25 million views
inflated or actual??????
Stop freaking out. These are just common core children's educational videos. There's nothing wrong here, it's just progress!
Parents should forbid their kids from the internet until they're a certain age, period. How this common sense piece of parenting knowledge has been lost on the past two generations is completely beyond me.
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We made fun of each other for loads of shit and it all evened out. So yeah, that happened but no one really gave a shit beyond in the moment. Has anyone proven how easy it is to find this? Making a fresh account without cookies and seeing how many videos it would take to come across this stuff?
hello Moshe
how's your nose'she ?

They are botting
Yep this is definitely coming from outside the US. Probably Russia. I bet it's the same company behind all of these channels, both animated and live-action.

Little girls are OBSESSED with pregnancy, and some of these sketches are just like the pregnancy games I've seen played. They're mimicking what kids do.
Yes. If you search "kids videos" suspect channels come up immediately.
i agree but that's just the state of the world now. we can say how things should be but that's not the reality unfortunately.
HTS is ok, gave me the edgy kid lulz but never made me violent. It probably even reversed my violent urges.
This is so messed up. Bump. I'm going to look at it when I get back home. DON'T LET IT SLIDE.
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>leave this shit alone.
Even searching "spiderman" shows this shit.
>age restricting the videos is the same as banning videogames
>parents should forbid their kids from the internet
What did he mean by this?
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Hello literal rapist pedophile shill illuminati human trafficker
yeah that's how it was for me at that age too, but these days it's become even worse. if you're not "hip wit da internet mememeemes" you're done for. seriously. and yeah this is very, very easy to find as explained >>130910773
Damn, that is bad. Not sure how to counteract it if bots are making them like people are claiming unless they put a limit on video uploads/acount/day or something similiar. Even then they will just use more accounts to circumvent any action you take.
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Hold me bros. We went in too deep this time and Im scared
Someone should post them in a FB mom's group, kek.
i regularly browse bestgore but this "child friendly" videos are too hardcore for me.
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literally satanic baby scat porn and a fetish with giving children autism with different vaccines
that's actually a good idea and there's some huge christian based mom facebooks. but who the fuck uses facebook here? you need the rope if you do
First page for Spiderman.
blough that made me feel sick looking at that.
That makes me fucking sick
>satanic baby scat porn

Show me where on the image or in the videos there's any of this
the accounts are verified. these are not bots. youtube is aware of this
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"ok literal [Hitler]. I can't believe You disagree with me that these videos are causing [sexism] as a part of a crazy [patriarchal] conspiracy"

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I may not like this retarded videos personally, but what has this crude animation has to do with anything? Granted, this is the /b/ of youtube by the looks of things.
>baby in a spiderman costume is peing into a tub
>other kid is covered in urine
Someone has to have a troll account or a baby mama or something.
Wow it's another episode of /pol/ getting alarmed at nothing. Saw the videos. Nothing wrong. You people make a fuss over nothing.
/pol/ has become the SJWs. Expect internet regulations in the coming months, cuz muh kidzzzz
of course not
Google execs love the Spider-Man and Elsa fetish videos and baby injection videos and make sure they always hit trending. Google was founded by and is run exclusively by pedophiles so that shouldn't surprise you. H3 died exposing them.
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Don't you have a refugee to be welcoming, Krauty cuck?

pic related. It's you
>kids being kids is a conspiracy
We used to make mud pies but our parents didn't see anything wrong with it. OP you're really stretching this out. I should stretch too and get some sleep.
Fuse this with mkultra evidence under those said videos? Or nah?
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Fuck it, these are fucking hillarious. It's like watching tards fight.
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>Steps in your path
Stop right there literal child diddler!





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I bet that horseshit is monetized too, better demonetize all those faggots that make videos that even mildly disagree with today's insane left wing retardation or some video game fucker making fun of Nazis, but I just know everyone at google will be fine with this, just like they loved that hardcore gay scat music video, fuck google and fuck this gay earth.
Yes but did your mother and father make fake poop and record you and your siblings eating it out of a fake toilet?
Thnks for doing your part x
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Put me in the screen cap for the CIA Illuminati evil satanic documents file records!
Proof? A source of some sort?
Disney is notorious for releasing the hounds whenever someone starts to infringe on their content and it starts making money. It's actually rather serious that things with SO many views and make so much money off Youtube's formula that they haven't even begun addressing it.
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Link us fag.
>Eliot Rodger the Animated Series
slide thread
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Fucken LOL.
Thanks OP, I have discovered vierd humor I didn't even know existed.
>here Elsa infiltrates a UFO
>to cure her friend
>who the UFO had preciously turned into a zombie
It's like animated fanfics, this is brilliant in its absurdity!
How are the videos making money with no ads and bot inflated hits?
Lol you faggots panic over nothing, the themes on these videos are shit that any kid over the age of 6 has already seen, boo-fucking-hoo, some kid gets tied and forced to eat poop, me and my brothers got locked in dark rooms and went days without eating, even the sexual content, it isn't even overt, any kid has seen his dad with his cock hanging out sliding through the house, it's ridiculous.
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Not an argument.
It's white people culture you wouldn't understand.
It's a line of toys that mimic eating and shitting for realism.
Pedophile is a serious accusation. Let's see some proof. Burden's on you.
but your dad never let you see him tying your mom and slapping him with his long black dick.
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This thread makes me want to vomit. Why are we letting children watch this brainwashing degenerate garbage
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Holy shit this turned for the dark real fast and droppes some heavy shit.
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>implying the people LARPing as sjw give a crap about kids when cheer when people dress them up as degenerate faggots and parade them around at gay parades.
Fucking kill yourself you serpentspined kikespawn. It is too fucking weird this shit has been suppressed on all levels of media and news when the news will report on a rat dragging pizza down a flight of stairs and pay no attention to the corruption of our youth right under our noses. These vids have millions of views and show up on YT searches for "spiderman" on restricted settings. These vids are all actively targeting kids when they are at their most vulnerable and formative years.
and why would 61 million people watch that
i see this meme very often
quick rundown please ?
i'll give you a rare pepe
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Literal proof, that you are literally a child rapist.
They are targeting kids that have single parent families run by women. Kids get bored and search popular shit because mommy is working and kid is alone and wants to see Spiderman/Elsa stuff. This is a fucking psyop on kids to be degenerates before they even reach puberty. Addicted person= another brainless goy.
The kids viewing are younger than 6.theyre babies, or anyone old enough to have an iPad in front of them
well no dude, but my point is, at that age, kids have already been exposed to sex, we used to sleep in the same bed for example and you could hear my dad banging my mom at night
Bump for possible happening

man this post made me super sleepy
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Tard to the resque!
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I honestly can't tell if you're being facetious or not. Well played.
Parents shouldn't let kids younger than 6 on youtube.
But regardless, youtube is in for a lawsuit, they're forced by law to remove this content,
just go to knowurmeme.cum nazi newfag
>le strawman
It's a fact, any kid over the age of 6 has been exposed to it.
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>Do you want to build a strawman?
Source on that image?
For animations, it's mostly bought and ordered from Indians.

You can hear the shitty poo accent.

What I think: Western European and/or Americans order animations from India, and order live action videos from Brazil and perhaps Russia.
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This is fucking ridiculous mang'
already tried
don't have the keywords
this faggot is not worth it. he thinks
>well i was exposed to it so that must mean everyone else was too

the point should be driven that these are being promoted and verified by youtube. none of them have ads, i've tried all my computers to verify. there is no revenue being gained. i want an answer as to why every one of them have the same themes and the same animation, and why youtube helped them gain popularity.
Your ass has been exposed to cocks, hopefully mine won't.

While kids obviously shouldn't be exposed to this kind of bullshit, if it isn't through these dubious videos, it'll be by some other means. duh.
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DAAAAYM! Those plot twists man. XD
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>not calling it 2 girls 1 sippycup
One job comments section.
Some of you suggested the views were bots, some of the views of course are to get the ball rolling and appear in reccomendation vids with youtube's algorithm but the majority of the views are organic.
They are making a profit off of this. Botviews cost a lot of money, it wouldn't make sense that all the views are bots.
Also I think it's clickbait on steroids only for kids, a lot of the topics (like shit) is stuff kids are obsessed about.
Still very weird and innapropriate, sharing it on facebook moms page is the way to go I think they'll make a huge fuss.
I'm guessing youtube doesn't take it down cause it's making them a lot of money and the fuss hasn't been too huge yet.
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Why isn't spiderman helping a pregnant elsa across the street or carry out groceries?
>No fuck that, he needs to stab her in the fucking pregnant stomach.
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Also as you can see most of the comments are either in broken English or not in English at all.

It's mostly sandniggers and other third worlders who don't know much parental lock or copyrights. They, just like kids, easily fall for clickbaits.

Also you might have noticed how different channels use the exact same animation style and assets. Once again, it's possibly some Western degenerate who orders these from India.
I'm gonna say this only one time.
pizzagate, this, and S.R. are ledding to nothing because the people behind this have no beliefs... no philosophy or nationality.
Part of D.T. "staff" whanted to use pizzag. to fuck H.C. but other part is related.
The other thing is that there is really powerfull jews and satanists who are not related to this, and try to fight it.
I say fuck all of them and they are going down soon or late.
It has bot comments too. There's definitely something fucky going on.
>learn colors
Maybe it leads kids to the injection videos.
who is this saemonium daemonium
Imagine just passively watching these videos for hours as an unsupervised child. This shit is mind garbage.
Imagine the parent that let their child be unsupervised in the first place.
Bots aren't making those videos but they're watching them to generate revenue.
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Okay, this video made me regret a lot of things in my like.
With what ads are they generating revenue
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It's all blatant conditioning
>color association
>sound association
>picture association

Also normalizes
>Pregnort children
>Organ harvesting
>Cesarian sections
>Being trapped
>Being restrained
>Sexual scat preformances
>Pedophillia in general
>Trusting people who give gifts
>Literal ass rape
>Literal vajayjay rape
>Accepting money for exploitation
>Accepting candy for exploitation
>General sedation
>Being abducted is like a fairytale marriage

And other types of brainwashing which says it is bad to
>Cry or scream when in need of help
>Not have a color
>Not have a character
>Not have a sound
>Not be injected
>Not be ASSRAPED(tm)
>Cry or scream when in pain

And finally common themes inspired by drug use/withdrawals
>Skin crawling with insects
>Stomach bloating
>Head feels like it's expanding
>Every valued object comes in a syringe/pill form

It's all supposed to be funny, nothing else. Just Minions level shit.

Of course it's pedophile brainwashing. What costs more, illicit substances, animals, or children?
What is easier to traffick: illicit substances, animals, or children?

The market is huge and profittable. Children are easily manipulable by media parents don't care to regulate. Youtube is one of the largest video sharing websites on Earth.

The only thing we can do is directly tell other people that this is going on. Youtube will not do anything about this, because they're in on it too.
I imagine they aren't parents for too much longer
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There out boys
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>The one where the same guy tries to get the ball rolling on character assassination
I don't know I don't ever see ads cause of adblockers and I'm not watching those sick vids anyway.
You find it out.
Are you implying the videos aren't monetized?
I actually talked to an SJW newspaper outlet about this because I made a video talking about the statistics of these videos.

I distinctly remeber she was concerned that this videos were "promoting sexist gender roles" and I kindly reminded her that they also have syringes and shit so gender roles is the least of the problems. SJW's a actually insane.
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My (rich af but uneducated) cousin is like that. Her little kid can't live without her iPad. And throws a tantrum if her mom doesn't let her use the iPad.
I'm not implying it, I'm explicitly stating it. No ads = No monetization.
Who's responsible for raising the kid? Your cousin or the iPad?
Got this after clicking through the "up next" videos.
there are ads though, there's a lot of channels out there too, so one might not have ads in the mix.
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I am now binge watching these cancerous videos. I haven't felt so high in a long time. Who needs weed when we have shit like this?
they are not monetized from what i can tell, so what other motive can you antis come up with
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Why talk out of your ass? Just deactivate your adblock idiot. Now I had to give them views and watch their ad.
SJW's are unbridled degenerates LARPing behind a mask of virtue
/pol/ is unbridled virtue LARPing behind a mask of degeneracy
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whats up with babies using their moms ipad to watch youtube

another way to kill brain cells
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My mom owns a daycare and she's pretty based. I could see if she would be interested in talking about it . At the very least this content is not appropriate for YouTube kids .
nah that's just the austrian government getting the revenue m8
there you go thx mate, I just couldn't do it myself too disgusting
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There are so many of these videos where a boy is hanging out with a girl that he likes, then a girl with bigger boobs or a better body seduces the boy and the girl is betrayed by the boy.

They are pushing the cuckold agenda on little children too. What does this do? It psychologically makes the little girls watching want to identify with the bimbo rather than the girl that got betrayed.

My theory is that you have several of these channels owned by the same animators who use the same formula of shocking thumbnails and sexual themes to entice children to click on the video.

It's basic click bait but it's more sinister in it's application because it's aimed solely at children. Edward Bernays style marketing.
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>read some Lovecraft yesterday
>now see this shit
They do walk the Earth, huh. Or at least the internet.
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If you don't think bots watch this for revenue you can't be helped.

>Mouse characters drowning
>Girl gets jealous and pretends to drown to get the same attention

Two different channels, same theme and same animation style. Clearly owned by the same person otherwise these vids with millions of views would be removed for copyright infringement..

if you weren't retarded you would have understood it, but you should kill yourself instead
The audio from the first of those videos OP linked was creepy, like snuff audio hidden behind shitty "animation".
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Now that is some sick shit.

Whoops. those two links are the same. here is the second video.

They have ads.
I don't think they are owned by the same animator. Owned by the same degenerate though.
These are third parties. The animation was possibly made in India or Brazil. They don't give a fuck as long as they get money from the true owner.
if you don't see that youtube promotes these channels and verifies them and all of them seemingly have the same themes then you can't be helped. you can let go now
I don't think that's bots unfortunately. If it is that means that whoever is behind this either has the botfarm, unlikely.
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IS THIS FROM ONE OF THE VIDEOS THAT IS FUCKING DISGUSTING, I will do everything in my power to keep kids from being exposed to this especially if so. Fuck that image in particular so much awful subtext right in the core of childhood nostalgia, I can't imagine wtf that would do to someone currently creating those memories
It's two Muslim brothers in America who had a previous channel, look it up
Paid bots. Just look at the non-sense comments coming from shitholes.
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>I don't think that's bots unfortunately


is there even that many babies on the planet with ipads?

Clearly India originated bullshit as usual.
Poos try to be jews but look like foos
that would mean they are losing money if they pay for bots. Otherwise the botfarm would do it himself and make more money having his youtube channel rather than selling views.
Bots aren't used to get ad money.
>bots bump views
>videos with a lot of views get promoted
>those videos reach more people
You can't be helped if you're this thick.
Kids watch the same shit over and over. That's what a lot of these kids do all day.
You're an ideologue, you already made your conclusion and damn any proof to the contrary.

Those videos get pumped out in the hundreds daily from various channels with the same cheap production. Obviously they're verified because they they're real channels, the viewers in most cases are not however.

Are you saying this videos who have more views than pop songs (!) but you never heard of them are watched by mostly real people?

>behind this either has the botfarm

Not necessarily, those are services you can buy.
yep that's how it works.
Also those numbers seem insane but if india is watching remember there's more than a billion of em.
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Some kid is going to inject some printer paint intravenously because of this shit.
Cheap bots from shitholes obviously.
But it generates enough views to be now in top queries.

You'd be surprised but in shitholes like China or India smartphones can be cheap as fuck. Youtube is not only a big thing in America or Europe you know. It's banned in China sure, but yeah you have the rest of Asia and Latin America. And many kids use their parents' computer too, completely unsupervised.

Many such cases in my family!
And they do love poo.
Its not too different from watching ((european)) music tv. It really escalated after that lia song. Candyleer or wat ever. Half of the vids are indeed half nude twerking and they are propped up to look younger and dollyer. As well as the texts are often jew tier mind control ...aimed at youngsters and youth.
Looking at the videos, the content isn't as disturbing as I thought watching them. Maybe I'm desensitized or something, but the thumbnails and pics seem to make it worse than it actually is in motion. Most of the scenes seem to always end/cleanup in a non-horrifying way. Looking at profiles in the comment has led me to believe that the viewers are third worlders. My guess is that the appeal is derived from the lack of foreign words to understand the narrative/scenes/story. A focus in visual and non-language audio easily communicates instead. The creation of these videos seem driven toward appealing to children primarily. The lack of censors in these videos explain why many adult-like themes are in there; to children, these themes feel original and new (or add upon existing ips Frozen). The goal of these videos after all isn't to educate or be mindful of offending children; it's entertainment. I don't believe that there is a conscious agenda or conspiracy in brainwashing children, rather, I believe that what we are witnessing here are adults attempting to make content for children but unhinged from inhibitions.
>Not necessarily, those are services you can buy.
You have to be one stupid motherfucker to think that it's profitable. Just think a little bit, you'll figure it out sweetie.
>You have to be one stupid motherfucker to think that it's profitable

Don't underestimate the amount of money those videos generate.
The theme of needles seem like conditioning the kids for wet burrito beef injections if you catch my tokyo drift my stocking this shit is maddening, shits fucked breh.jfk
Why aren't any of these listed on Wikipedia's list of most viewed videos?

We pray god fixes stuff instead actually going out and fix stuff ourselves.
T god is a demon too
>Don't underestimate the amount of money those videos generate.
My point is the bot farmers would make much more money running their own youtube scam with their farm than selling views. Obviously this doesn't happen because youtube figures out quickly there's some trickery going on.
Youtubers use their service at the beginning to prop up their video in recommended vids, once that happens real traffic comes in and the channel now rakes in money that is for youtube legit.
They are, number 16 and 41 for example.

>My point is the bot farmers would make much more money running their own youtube scam with their farm than selling views

Those things are not exclusive and can be made simultaneously. I'm not saying that there are not real people watching their videos, I'm saying that most of their traffic is from bots.
In addition, some profiles have things like
"Cartoon Bells is a company that produces educational cartoons for children.

-This channel belongs to the Anka institution.-"
in them. Lots of bots as said by others.
These Elsa and Spiderman vids were brought up back when pizag8 threads were a daily occurrence. No one cared. It was reported to youtube and they did nothing. Why the big push and several threads now? Are you new?
Some of the color videos have nursery rhymes.
>blue color, blue color, where are you?
>red paint, red paint, where are you?
>here i am, here i am, how do you do?

notice anything different?


compare to a channel with almost the same size of subscribers

What the fuck is going on google?
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Please please someone talk to me about image above, it is really disturbing. If it came from one of these videos we could just show that and the subtext is obvious enough to HORRIFY every parent who cares about the media their kids are ingesting. I mean the word 'crap' has set off some helicopter moms
Can anyone push this onto SJW's ? Get this shit on tumblr, see if they condone or are appalled by it?

Not to mention how well it sets up an argument for the subconscious themes being played on
They'll say it's what kids want to watch so it's ok. It's their natural feelings
wow that's a lot of money.
Kids just rewatch the vid 10x I guess. They have a lot of free time too.
Or it really is bots and youtube lets it slide, I don't get that part. The advertisers would not want to be scammed so I still believe it's not bots.
this videos usually lead to diciphering videos, whick lead to some other really really weird, almost MK-ultra-ish, videos
for ex:
I've watched these videos. It's literally just a guy wiping m&m chocolate "poop" away. They poor m&ms into a "bath" for the baby to teach colors. They also use an imaginary wash cloth to imaginary wash the baby dolls. Honestly, it isn't that disturbing watching it. It just feels autistic.
What the fuck did i just watch
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>.02$ has been added to your account
The trade mark of a manipulator. You're bing paid to be a "Coincidence Theorist".

Give unnessesary information and mix it with obvious information, then mix it with lies. Lies you imbed in plain sight, right off the bat. You are a shill hands down.

Get out of here with your Truth(tm).
Get on this RIGHT NOW faggots.
Should be nice to get it on as many leftist sites aswell.
iirc youtube and advertisers use bots to determine advertisement allocation. Though I'm not completely sure how the system works.
not an argument, bub
gib argument
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>Kids just rewatch the vid 10x I guess. They have a lot of free time too.
>Or it really is bots and youtube lets it slide, I don't get that part. The advertisers would not want to be scammed so I still believe it's not bots.

anon it's worse

It's the google AI, it's trying to develop videos that it thinks humans will like.

Human laziness is going to reach new levels this century
It's learning.
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You say they are for entertainment not education then give information explicity stating it's education.

You say they end in cleanup

You say they aren't as horrifying as the thumbnails lead you to believe

You say it's adults making cartoon for children but with unhinged inhibitions.
Also known as the "But it's art(TM)" arguement

Obvious lies.
>iirc youtube and advertisers use bots to determine advertisement allocation. Though I'm not completely sure how the system works.
Yes and ?
I'm just saying youtube has ways of knowing if the views are manipulated or not, if it comes from a botfarm.
It's a constant battle between youtube and the botfarms but I really don't think the botfarms are winning this also , when a channel has 5M subscribers you better believe youtube has it's eyes on it and making sure the views are legitimate.
I think we're underestimating how utterly retarded kids are and how uttely pointless their lives are when young/very young. They do shit all all day, of course they're gonna watch the same vid 100 fucking times.
How often have I heard mom's saying "oh timmy loves this disney movie (tm) he watches it everyday".
This one has colors and Elsa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL_QTCAKvp0

Its Microstock but in Youtube form. Almost all generic microstock images on shutterstock or dreamstime is from russia and ukraine, poland etc just look at harold meme. Its basically just an oversaturation of simple clickbait videos that kids on their parents ipad are browsing after putting 1 keyword into google or youtube i.e spiderman or elsa.
just mk ultra for kids
also u have to click on the youtube link for it to work
I'm uncomfortable
Explain the bottom comments.
Is it just me or is the description filled with a cipher,the pattern looks familliar.
dos tumolva5 hours ago
Karlo Arzau
Karlo Arzau49 minutes ago
dos tumolva you have to go with
Reply 1
Karlo Arzau
Karlo Arzau48 minutes ago
to the
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Wonder if anyone has gone autist on these yet?

Like I notice the recurring theme, the hidden "cK" logo . and the key to the cryptic text (pic). Seems jargoned yet aimed at a direct audience,
Introduction to steganography. How to hide images withing images: https://www.youtube.com/results?q=steganography+videos
yes and if u decipher some it will lead to other creepy twitter messages. check:
I watched it now the right side of my head hurts, please help
If u honestly think there is a motive or thought behind what these 3rd world content creators are uploading you are a reddit tier joke. They are literally just following a list of subjects that are selling to kids using no dialog and stock ytube music. They can make 100 videos with just the spidermand and elsa suits bought from china and copy what others are creating, then another 100 are copying what they are creating. This is how non editorial - generic content will look like on the internet when 3rd world mass production has taken over.
These videos are not focused on education. They're focused on profit through entertainment. The channels vary in content from "playing baby cleanup" to showing an shitty animation series.

I meant that they don't end in shitty endings that go full edge. The Micky mouse drowning video for example has her saved in the scene.

They aren't. One thumbnail for example has chocolate poop on a toddlers bum which may lead some to think it has something to do with scat. In actuality it was just more focused on wiping up after a poop. It's clickbait just like all the gore and blood thumbnails.

It's an explanation to what people do when they don't have a tv censor rating like professional children tv shows have. What we are seeing is likely what amateurs think children like but have more freedom and less direction that results in the autistic mess we see.

top commenter

>Cartoon Bells is a company that produces educational cartoons for children. • -This channel belongs to the Anka institution.-

>0 videos
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It's a baby hitting buttons. That's what all of the comments are, I think. A baby or toddler not really knowing what they're doing and accidentally hitting keys on the screen. It makes sense there is a low comment ratio for the high number of views because babies don't know what they're doing except watching the videos and presumably absorbing them into their psyches full-blast
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