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This is why everybody hates am*ricans

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This is why everybody hates am*ricans

America is the head of the (((serpent))) poisoning the world.

But you're number 2 for ruining europe, Hans.
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(((US gov.)))
Stay in line Hans
well America did have a black president cant get more cucked then that

And the UK is number 3
What even are the benefits of (((diversity)))?
Slight changes to music and food in exchange for crime, poverty, and language barriers
>A German hating on USA for being better than them at ruining others.


Nope. I fully understand that America is the Great Satan, spreading degeneracy throughout the world.
It's easier to manipulate people if they have no unifying identity.

You know how in big cities, people don't really have communities of friendships with their neighbors? Imagine that on a state level.

The goal of the Globalist is to destroy identity. It starts with foreigners stating that they are every bit as Swedish/English/German as any one whose family has lived their since the Neolithic, and ends with an indiscriminate mass of mindless, materialistic drones.
You get to play this IRL
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Damn joos did this. Not me bro
>hates am*ricans
>not hating the government instead
This is why we hate t*rks
OOps, I mean Gerfags.
I've heard a few versions of this and it needs to be written more often.
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When you say "the US Government" what you should say instead is ZOGUSA.

The same can be applied to the EU and in both cases it is far more accurate.

We're ultimately responsible. I can understand why other nations hate not only the American government, but Americans themselves.
It's not us, it's the fucking Jews. We all hate this shit too.
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>hehe xD le ebul germins always destroying europe

K then
This was Obama, Trump and most conservatives don't want this.
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migrants do the jobs that natives won't do

like raping, mugging etc

take this headling from today for example, it reads "Refugee stationed in Lesvos sexually abused a child, he had been known to authorities for extorting others in the past"
Regardless of the meme that ''you voted the government'', the american people themselves also give plenty of reasons to be hated. No offense to those who aren't because you are truly very diverse even in that, but many of you are obnoxious, stubborn, rude and narcissistic know-it-alls; it does generate quite a bit of disdain.
He he, Lesbo
I live in Japan here. 9/10 white foreigners are the most cancerous SJW's you will ever meet.

They work in schools.

They openly push this cancer on the Japanese kids.

Who? We're an extremely small minority here on /pol/. Most Americans love it or accept it via passivity.

Yes, particularly because most people who get involved in such programs/occupations are extremely liberal. You do me a big favor, Jap-bro, and threat those types with utter disgust and contempt. Think of me.
why dont you cut them down or whatever it is you japs do?
Or are you still going to be Murica´s bitch?
This is from 2016, and the leaks are from the diversity plan made earlier that king nigger tried to do here.

Funnily enough, the divesity that nearby Sweden has experienced has made us more racist than before.
America is the original mongrel nation, they've been pushing diversity and multiculturalism for the last 50 years.
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Sure kid. Do you praise kek too?
They have a population of about 1,300,000, down from a peak of 1,500,000 in 1990. If anything, they need migrants or else the country is going to collapse
Do the kids throw rocks at them?
What, precisely, are the benefits? This is the answer that no one ever gives. They simply say "diversity is our strength" or "the benefits of living in a multicultural society." But what are the benefits?
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>Machines are increasingly displacing manual labor
>We need to import manual laborers
Canada, Jesus. You barely have any jobs in the first place.

They all have to come here

Estonia has been raped by everybody. They're already diverse.
The benefit is that foreign actors cant justify invasion that easily by seeing some local minority cry their little bitch eyes out. But the cost of that is erosion of the natural identity, making the invasion a lot easier.
I don't even think a diverse workfloor makes much of a difference in terms of creative ideas. Diversity certainly feels more like a burden.

Holy shit kys faggot

Literally nothing, it is just easier to control a mishmash of non-unified idiots.
>the country is going to collapse so we'll just replace its people with africans to make the country collapse

neoliberal shill kill yourself
>he had been known to authorities
Yeah and? What can the authorities do, deport him? Your government is too busy opening new holocaust museums.

>They're already diverse
No. By american standards, a country is only diverse enough when whites only make up (maximum) 56 % of the population

They are paving the way for a one currency, one government world.
A lot of the most steadfast communities are the ones who have to deal with out kin groups daily. It's why the most racist parts of America have the highest population of Black Americans.

If two communities have to vie for resources, they'll hate one another. Places like Sweden or Portland are the least racist, because they don't have to compete for opportunities with other races, at least until recently.
I guess the higher ups are shooting for the kalergi plan?
Its already strange enough that there is a kalergi prize awarded to people like Angela Merkel and other EU lapdogs.
That was under King NIgger's administration. The sneaky negro did a lot to force diversity into everybody, especially in the US.
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Civic nationalist America is dead buddy, its all about praising niggers and masculine women now.
No, little dick syndrome is why they do.
Also, what about electing trump tells you that this supposed attempt is working?
Tacos and Tequila.
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>56 %
It is 63% and while that number isn't a statistic to be fond of it also translates to 200,000,000 non-Hispanic, non-Arab, non-Jewish, Whites.
>there is any brains here left to wash

Fake news
Yes, but as told, the presence of minorities and their relations can be, and will be used to succesfully generate an invasion. The south held their blacks in check decently, but that was used as justification for north to invade, either at that time, or as retroactively.

Lacking minorities at all, the justification for an invasion or occupation is that much harder.

The problem is that integration would, in time, erase the different groups as they blend into a single mass, but that would remove the justification foreign actors like to preserve to justify their intervention. So instead, they promote multiculturalism, and oppose integration at all costs.
History repeating itself. Instead of Soviet Jews it's Capitalist Jews.
>still supporting trump

He's a jewish puppet like every politician. He's not gonna change anything
It's 54%

This. Listen to this man.
How about fuck yourself? We get that it's your government (although too many of you don't seem to be using that much-vaunted right to fight them). What do you think calling us "Turks" is going to accomplish?

Get off it. Those who don't fight are complicit everywhere, but those who even know about this kind of stuff are already halfway to getting out of that.
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You are clearly retarded. Here is a snippet from the US Census Data that you can simply Jewgle if you aren't a lazy nigger-tier retard. Look at the bottom.
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And the government has to do with us how?Most of us hate the government?
you're one to talk
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This. Deconstruct the family, ethnicity, and The State faces less resistance transforming every being into a simple economic unit.

Blood and soil are the eternal things that men fight for. So destroy both.
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Don't forget the brits.
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Yeah like you are just hating on our government and not on us as individuals... oh wait.
>implying they're not doing the EXACT SAME SHIT to germany since the end of ww2
>install puppet government
>indoctrinate children with your sick propaganda
>out comes the average modern german
How did Japan escape the same fate?

>Germany worse than England

Top fucking Kek. You dragged the Yanks into the first world war and sealed Europe's doom by sperging out in the 2nd.

America only replaced you after the 2nd war, but you've always historically been worse. All because you wanted to deny Germany their empire.

I don't even like Germany, but my hatred of losing important territory in 1864 doesn't even come close to the eventual destruction of this entire fucking continent that you have wrought.

Germans are are a shit people.
You have to be a special kind of stupid to trust the US government.
Why are we allird to you again?

Iono, all the good germans died or left that shithole a long time ago, now it is just roaches and pussies.

I don't even know if they really believe in it or if they just want to destroy Europe
communists jews have their paws in all our governments friend.
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if they cant be white no one can
1. Stay poor, Estonia. No benefits - no migrants.
2. Give asylum to South African whites.
most South African whites would rather stay in SA, as they get bigger paychecks there
Meanwhile estonians despise non-caucasians like the plague. 'Muricans can't even get a micronation to obey.

>Press S to commit sudoku
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Great speech

They want to do it with propaganda, cause if they did it with bullets it would be a PR nightmare and a huge pain in the ass, they learned a long time ago most people can be manipulated much easier.
America has always been the main enemy. Read up on Suez, where America literally out-"Jewed" Israel.
>falling population
first world countries are already overpopulated, We don't need more

But who will they exploit until the automation comes?

>dem trips
>All because you wanted to deny Germany their empire.

Why the fuck would they allow their future potential enemy grow into world power? I gotta give the Anglos their foresight ability and long-term thinking, or just learning on the mistakes of others.

How can it be smart, when they did the classical mistake of utterly bankrupting themselves, thereby dismantling their own empire as a result?

Stupid fucking """"white""""" nigger, as long you get your gibsmedats, then nothing else matters.

This is not even the first time in history Britain did something incredibly stupid that predictably would bite them in the ass like this.
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the Yankee nation of America is a mistake.
>How can it be smart, when they did the classical mistake of utterly bankrupting themselves, thereby dismantling their own empire as a result?
They still accomplished their goal, had to pay a price. Their Empire would have collapsed sooner or later, it simply stopped being profitable in the age of industry. Plus American was already world leader anyway.

>This is not even the first time in history Britain did something incredibly stupid that predictably would bite them in the ass like this.
What was the other time?
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>be Britbongs
>sperg out about muh ebil Germany
>surrender half of the continent to communism
>lose Empire
>become America's lap dog
>fast forward 50 years
>the entirety of Europe is now being invaded
>America is nearly gone already

In my professional opinion, their "foresight" and "long-term thinking" could use some improvement.

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We're still in the shitty timeline...aren't we
Every empire does dumb shit. How were Germans better? They were fucking sociopaths and terrible strategists.

>America is nearly gone already
Looks fine to me. Also creates all the cool tech.
Or they go could just start having sex and making more kids. What a crazy idea holy shit.
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Yeah that worked out really well.

Anglos are the best goyim. They could have had half of the world but they preferred to become jew slaves. So be it.

Took a screensho, you nailed it
when you step back and really think about it, it's astonishing how targeted whites are. this is true racial hatred.
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>looks fine to me
Thanks to our guns we can maintain order most of the time. You should come visit, it'd be good for you to see what's left of it before we collapse.


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Kek, you are literally an accomplice to the kikes
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by the way, I LIVE in Florida and i've been to Miami numerous times. If you think that road trip through the nice areas is at all representative of what Miami is really like, you've got another thing coming.

>pic related

Kek, why do you always take the most extreme cases? Yeah, you have shit nigger areas, no shit. Doesn't mean it's collapsing. I'd like our central/eastern Euro shitholes to be "collapsing" like that.

It's still mostly a nice comfy place to live. The ones who complain are fucking losers.
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>0.02 has been deposited into your Good Goy account

It's probably Victoria Nuland, Assistant Sec of State for European Affairs.
She is the bitch that worked with Soros to destabilize Ukraine.

This. My whole impression of Lorida was based on Naples and Fort Myers until I saw the shittier parts.
Naples is nice though.


You are a prime example of the "ex commie syndrome" who just does a 180 and sucks capitalist dick blindly.

Communism AND Capitalism are both two sides of the same Shekel
I didn't vote for this shit, Hans. You gotta believe me.
>new york is a 3rd world shithole, totally collapsing, I swear guise

What I see is nice cool architecture, clean well maintained streets, nice cars, wealth and generally everything well organised. My pile of shit will probably never look like that, maybe in fucking 100 years


Same for Chicago


Same for almost every American city.

>You are a prime example of the "ex commie syndrome" who just does a 180 and sucks capitalist dick blindly.
Yeah, probably because I don't want to be a slave for 500$ a month, be treated like shit by our European """""brothers""""" just for being polish and live in dirty, grey, depressing post soviet "based" shithole. Capitalism is great, and we wholeheartedly embrace it, fuck you.
>Fort Myers
Nigger shithole, some good fishing out that ways though

> Capitalism is great, and we wholeheartedly embrace it, fuck you.

First I typed a longer response, explaining how Capitalism will lead to the same resuls as Communism but than I realized what a rude, dumb potato head Slavnigger you are.
I wish Generalplan Ost was real and not just propaganda.
with is why /pol/ hates liberals/SJW. go figure.
Bullshit, unlike the fact that the Russian government openly and admittedly stirs up hate among immigrants in the Baltics and Estonia in particular, to their host nation. Any native Estonian would verify this. The US isn't perfect but we're not fucking orchestrating this, for Christ's sake.
>explaining how Capitalism will lead to the same resuls as Communism
I don't give a fuck. I want wealth and prosperity. Fuck your gay ideologies.

Also funny how you bitch on capitalism, where you're one of the best capitalists and merchants ever. Wealth created by capitalism is the ONLY reason why Germans achieved what they did. Eat shit kraut neet.
Still believe that ZOG is a cospiracy theory?

Your prez literally sold his offspring to (((them)))
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>muh extreme cases
You won't wish that Eastern/Central Europe was "like us" in another decade or two, mark my fucking words.

I was born in Chicago, I KNOW how fast diversity will destroy a city. Nonwhites are a more destructive force than nuclear bombs.


I just looked it up; we lived in Colonial Oaks, Estero.
>not Germany.

This is funny because Germany achieved more in 12 years of the Third Reich alone than you in your entire history.
How do you explain that?

Capitalism means that culture will be commercialized which means it will be killed.
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Yep, US.
You brought Europe under jewish control in 1945. Allied with the Bolsheviks.
Than the jews decided to bleed both sides try in a cold war while they culturally infiltrate you and your education system.
You declared the war against Germany.
>This is funny because Germany achieved more in 12 years of the Third Reich alone than you in your entire history.
Hahaha. OK now I know you're retarded naziboo.
>muh Hitler economic genius
>muh Germanic mustard race

>Capitalism means that culture will be commercialized which means it will be killed.
No you retard, it means it will be exported and relevant. And that's what I want, I want my culture to be relevant and known and make money on it. If you don't export products, you might as well not exist.
Hail Capitali$m! Hail Product$!
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>tfw my hard German pronunciation even shows in my typing
We lost more people in Chicago over the past decade than we did in fucking Afghanistan.
I really hope this is just a shitty attempt at Slav humor, because otherwise you're completely retarded.

Nope, to hate Slavniggers you do not even have to be a Naziboo.

I choose the third Reich because it was the German state with the shortest lifespan which emphasizes even more how pathetic Poland is.
If we count the Second Reich and modern Germany you lose even harder in comparison.
You know what I've realized? The elections in America are entirely pointless.

Policy is set and run by a massive institutionalized bureaucratic machine. Totally unelected barely accountable to anyone. This machine has rules, procedures, and policies of it's own. It sets it's own agenda and acts it out with a routine head nod of assent from congress and the president.

Remember when they were freaking out about Trump leaking our secrets to the Russian ambassador? Well who has the authority to give out these secrets, if not the president of the United States, who is literally the highest officer in the military and the head of state? Well, the bureaucrats of course. These secrets are parceled out daily by low level bureaucrats in the State department, according to policies and strategies developed by some academic or intellectual working with a policy consultancy firm in the Beltway.

Therefore, the President does not have the authority, these bureaucrats do. The president is supposed to be some kind of ceremonial face of the party, while all the advisers and donors within the party fritter away in the background turning gears, pulling levers, and setting policy.

Therefore it doesn't matter how Trump feels about Russia. We have longstanding inertia behind this anti-Russia policy, and that will keep marching forward despite what anyone else may do

They are just blacks though, so no one cares, including blacks.
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Lol. And Lenin said that the end goal of socialism is communism. So communism is inevitable then?

You just figure this out? I am 34 and have never voted, it is a waste of time. They have a policy in mind already, they will distract you with stupid social nonsense that the government has no business being involved with while they pocket cash.
USA is the great satan. They are jealous of Europes historical ethnic homogenity and want to destory it because their own country is a melting pot cesspool.
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>just blacks, so no one cares
Not always.....better start caring
>wasting your time hating something
kys fagit

Communism and Capitalism are both anti natural, and anti traditional which means both have the end result of destroying the Aryan race in one way or another.

This does not mean that I am against trade, productivity, profit, welfare and charity.
What did Estonia ever do to deserve the cruel fate of "diversity"?
It doesn't matter what we do. They will still side with us versus the ruskies.
>I choose the third Reich because it was the German state with the shortest lifespan which emphasizes even more how pathetic Poland is.

Well yes, because it never had capitalism, didn't have protestant work ethic, industrial revolution and generally the values that made America and Western countries great. The fact that you gay Reichs were great was a result of centuries of prosperity and the right values, but you're clearly too thick to make that connection. You think history exists in some kind of vaccum, where Second reich was created and it was just great, because muh German mustard race.

I'm a slavnigger because I want my country to be wealthy and relevant. OK.

BTW bashing Poland doesn't work that much on me, I'm from Wroclaw and have some German ancestry/influence, but I don't care that stuff much anyway. I'll stay in Pooland, it's comfy enough and I'm used to it, but still is generally a pile of shit, just painted better now.
>only 2 choices
>Global Capitalismâ„¢ or (((SO-SHULL-IZM)))

When will this meme die?

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I hate myself too.

Having a culture and identity. This is not needed in (((their))) brave new world.

Have you ever wondered why you, as the supposed "victor", of WW2, are 56% white right now?
It is almost like being a good goy does not spare you from the goy treatment.
Eastern Europe need to get the fuck out of EU asap.

Why are you vodkaniggers such innate failures?

Take 10000 Danes, put us on any soil you can find and we will turn it into a paradise. You cannot even manage your ethnically homogenous nation and out-compete fucking Africa.
oh yeah multiculturism works out rill good, sick and disabled white devils forced to work so me and my niggas can get paid. They know the revolution comes the day after the checks stop so they take all the money they pay blind crackas to feed they kids and give it to us crying emojix3

Fucking hell mate, why are you asking your economic policy to also take care of your culture, traditions, religions, etc.,? It can just be an economic policy, those other things can be separate.
You get to be brown in public and receive the same quality of services as a white person.
Yeah, where do you live fag? Probably from some cucked western Europe country that keeps voting for people that allow migrants to rape your women and leech your tax dollars.
>Capitalism section is spot on
>Communism is either bullshit or spin
Really makes you think
>. The fact that you gay Reichs were great was a result of centuries of prosperity and the right values


>constant wars in Germany
>gets invaded by every neighbor
>30 years war kills 50% of Germanys population

Yet we recover and still outperform you. How is that?
Service quality goes down anywhere there is a large population of blacks or browns, so...I guess that's a plus for mudskins.
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At least you don't have to worry about getting run over by a truck everyday, or gang raped on your way home. At least you're allowed to openly love your own people without half of them turning on you and trying to ruin your life. At least your country is likely to exist in 100 years, the US and Germany are doomed.

Wealth & relevance are NOTHING without nationalism and strength.


Look what the USA became.
Unlike most Germans I get the idea of libertarianism because I live din the US for almost 10 years.
You can't maintain such a system as long as (((they))) are around. They will infiltrate you and use the liberties you grant them against you.
The US is the best example of this.

Everything in this world is linked, you can't seperate culture from economy.
If you're implying it's because their racially inferior I would have to disagree with you chum; it's because poor people are easier to con into voting socialist programs in, and are prone to violence.
>says the German jew
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Pretty much. American cultural achievements can be summed up as mass cultural coupled with capitalism. Let's export our McDonald's to every corner of the world. America has never had high culture, and will always seek to destroy high culture wherever it stands.
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>he says, from house #17375
dont be a cuck to europeans. being american is about hating all races equally.

>blames WW2 on Germany
>claims not to be the jew

hmm really made me think, Chaim


Wrong, rich blacks are more violent than poor whites.
I can verify this.
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>muh spin
>muh gommunism
The point was to make them both look equally bad. Putting "Gulag" or "literally barbed wire fences" on the list might've made capitalism look too good by comparison. If the choice is limited to those two, capitalism is OBVIOUSLY less shitty than communism.

based xD so bad ass dude
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This so much. Ironic that they stole the divide and conquer tactic from an empire that almost destroyed (((them)))
>we never had a high culture
We did have one in 1880-1920, which was pretty much a subculture resemblance of the old world.
>Yet we recover and still outperform you. How is that?

I already explained, clearly nazi retards can't read. Superior values.

I'm like 50% Germin by ancestry, some of my family lives in Germany, but I don't even want to learn your disgusting language. I'd rather be Anglo if I had to choose. Anglos have superior values and aren't as crazy or obnoxious as you are.

>constant wars in Germany
>gets invaded by every neighbor
Other than 30 years war, what else dipshit? I'm frequently in Germany, other than stuff that got bombed during ww2, most cities look untouched for centuries. And how does Eastern Germany look like?


So invading nations and not paying debts are not the fault of the germans?

Japanese don't speak English. However, the process did destroy their culture, beginning with the ten year occupation. Japs are weird and have no kids. Compared to 1945 they're cucked.
go back to the desert you dingo butt
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What a little basic capitalist bitch you are.
>At least you're allowed to openly love your own people without half of them turning on you and trying to ruin your life. At least your country is likely to exist in 100 years, the US and Germany are doomed.

Kek, don't ridiculous. I'd rather be 80-90% white and be wealthy and prosperous.
One of the truly great american exports, racism, especially between ethnic europeans.
You spelled Africans wrong...
president obama was a globalist, leftist commie our country hasn't seen the likes of. He will go down as the worst president in american history.
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Why is the American government trying to destroy every white country?

Was it really the American government or George Soros using a US gov. slush fund?
Can't see nothing wrong with one world goverment and single currency.

I would say though that you had your best culture before 1861


I guess you won, I got BTFO.
I wont bother you any longer


>likely American
>talks about invading nations

Fuck the Americans and their jewish talk.
You should know when congress found out they opened an investigation.
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Well looking at the date this is under Obama.
What a surprise that someone Obama put over there would advocate destroying a white society, because he is so tolerant if your skin is the correct shade.

the eternal anglo thirsts for aryan blood
Debts for what? For losing WW1?

Stupid debts should not be paid.

The Soviet Union invaded Poland too. Why did the (((Allies))) not declare war on Stalin?
But Libertarians advocate voluntarism, not forced acceptance of any kind by the government (which the U.S. does ever since the Civil Rights Act, and the fact that you can be forced to bake a wedding cake for gays now in some states).
If you, and your Nazi friends wanted to establish voluntary national socialism, there would be nothing stopping you from doing so.
Why should American govt s and corporations care about the genetic make up of their economic competition? America isnt European
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>likely a WE WUZ NAZIS
>cannot use nazi flag in fear of being reported to govt.

It was under Bush.
Really stupid comeback. Not even a surprise.

You are part of a collective by birth. White and male for example.
If you want to survive your collective must be strong.
If you think being the last white person in a non-white society is all okay and your rights are respected you are wrong.
The less important your collective gets, the more it has to share interests with other collectives the less power you personally have and the less freedom you will have.
Libertarianism is what made you 56% white because it can't defend against marxist infiltration without using, in your mind, unjust, and undemocratic methods.
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People slate the Uk for going against Germany in world war 2. Well there was a support, and the Krauts had a chance but nope they were fucking stupid, making mistakes and lost.
As much as I see Nazi ideaology favourably they were doomed from the start, think for a second what it would be like after they won. After the Jews are gone and the commies btfo, they would have run out of steam.
The Nazis would have hated most of us, I mean if not for our genetics then our behaviour we are on 4chan. I dont think Adolph would be pleased.
Keep on LARPing, just realise and learn a bit of history instead of claiming to know shit from /pol/ infographs and 5 minute youtube videos.
Childhood is thinking their were good and bad guys.
Adulthood is knowing their were none.
And being elderly is knowing both sides were stupid.
>still being surprised at the American government trying to subvert other countries via state apparatuses
Wake up. You've got decades of evidence of this shit..
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Spain sucking german cock again! SHOCKED
It would be pretty convenient desu. But there's too much shit 3rd worlders for this to work. If the world was only whites and Asians, it wouldn't be a problem.
I can only speak for my country, but I imagine it's similar in most other post-soviet nations.

Our current generation of government officials is old and corrupt to the bone. Spineless cowards who don't give a shit who they bow down to, as long as they can line their pockets.
I have no doubt that these greedy fucks will let in as many refugees as the EU wants and all the "resistance" is a facade to throw off the population and fool us into thinking that the government is powerless and were forced to do it by the EU parliament, which is beyond our reach.
The problem with staging a coup is that any governmental destabilization will immediately be acted upon by Russia. So we're basically choosing between two breeds of subhumans here. But I imagine that if things start to get worse there will be one.
Not anymore we're not.

It is more like your fellow burgers are surprised about it.
I mean both our general populations are delusional faggots and cuckservatives at best but how can people who browsed this board and saw all the evidence still think the good side won ww2?
You president doesn't give a shit about Europes make up
>All Americans are (((Americans)))

Stand against jewry, not humanity
>but how can people who browsed this board and saw all the evidence still think the good side won ww2?
I honestly believe that nobody who's been on /pol/ more than 2 years believes that. Normies only don't see it because they're forcefed the holohoax.
>there are good and bad sides to war
If anything the closest we get to a bad side are the ones who lost.
Germany can start a war but cant finish one, and wont stop bitching about the last one until another happens.
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Yet the guy who tries to change that is portrayed as the worst American of all.
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>being this bluepilled
My grandparents grew up poor as fuck in Chicago. They didn't vote for socialists & they had virtually no crime problem.
>what could've possibly changed since that time....hmmmmmm

It's not "poor ppl" it's the fucking nonwhites.


maybe.. this board has gone to shit since the last year and especially in the last couple of months anyways
Western Civilization died in 1945
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>my tax dollars are funding this
I'm so sorry
It could be worse, like sucking American cock.

It was murdered to be precise. Now we are living on a rotting corpse

Literally the epicentre of degenaracy
Jew S A

But goimany is it that much better. All that we can say is that our politicians serve them in stead of the german people.
Isn't Estonia a poor as fuck slavic country?

"Diversity" doesn't want to go to countries where niggers and arabs can't jew the citizenry out of their shekels.
The eternal burger strikes again
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>says the meme ideology created by kikes
Literal toddler mentality.
"I know wat to do, letz just all share guise! Fuck having rules and responsibilities n' shieeet"
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>"Diversity" doesn't want to go to countries where niggers and arabs can't jew the citizenry out of their shekels.

Yeah, migrants who get sent to European countries with less gibs get upset about it.
How long until your country breaks apart?
Because Germany doesn't exist, you're an occupied country.
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That's EXACTLY what the boomers said, and now they're leaving us in "Le 63%" hell with $20 trillion in debt and hated worldwide.
America is going to break before.



It is not about Shekels, it is about destroying natural grown, homogenous nations, especially European ones.
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>Muh declining birthrates.

Anyone have some good rebuttals for this shit? This argument is stale as fuck but keeps being used to support mass immigration.

They won't let that happen, US goes, the rest of the world goes and everyone knows it. Stack that with the immense armory all over we have in homes and bases all over, we would be a clusterfuck to be reckoned with.

Pretty simple, what do they need more people for? Jobs are being automated, jobs that used to need a fleet can be done with none, millions upon millions of jobs will disappear and a bunch of random 3rd worlders won't do the work that will exist. They will just give them gibs when they wear out their use to keep them quiet on the backs of the working.
>How is that?
you are the master race. no kidding. the slavnigger cant see the pattern

Ask them if they were running a successful horse breeding enterprise if they would just replace half of the horses with donkeys instead of having more foals.
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Should I just kill my self? Being American is a curse from god. I've lived all my life here in this country in depression, anexity and loneliness in a Jew infested society. There's no soul, no heritage, no culture, nothing important. All that matters is making the most (((money))) and having tons of shit that you don't need.
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The fatal flaw of your "system" is the lemmings.

Since you're An-cap, I can assume you are an above average IQ white male. You take it for granted that because YOU can handle the responsibility of freedom, that everyone else probably can too.
You're dead wrong, and "muh NAP" is not going to save you from a gang of 50 niggers running up on your private propertyâ„¢ at 2:00 am. They must be removed, and there must be a strong, nationalistic government to prevent this insane degeneracy from re-emerging. We tried "libertarianism" during the post-Civil War era, it failed. We were NOT VIGILANT.
>I am 34 and have never voted, it is a waste of time.

Me too and for the same reasons.

sic semper evello mortem tyrannis
>Libertarianism is what made you 56% white
Do you really think that would be the case if we had a closed border, and no welfare state/ no government handouts whatsoever?
>without using, in your mind, unjust, and undemocratic methods
I have no problem physically removing commies from society, preferably by helicopter.
Then their people need to stand up to this.
This shit needs to be called out.

Our media and political elites are all in on it.

I wish we could hang them all for treason and attempted genocide.
Say automation will take away the jobs we need to import mass unskilled workers for anyway so fuck off
It took me a week on pol to fully realize this.
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Nice trips,
Here faggots,
Nom on that.

Behavioural change science to counter propaganda.
They are raping the free will of these people.
America should Nuke itself.
And as you can see, it stands for Canada too.
Quebec can stay.

Bringing in hundreds of thousands of migrants who are only capable of low-skill labor is worse than having a restaurant dishwasher deficit.
Yup. Elon Musk noted that everybody's birthrates are falling, and people from high-birthrate states also suffer declining birthrates after they migrate.

Immigration isn't the answer. Even if all the bad shit associated with migration didn't exist, and it were nothing but good, it still doesn't address the basic problem of declining birthrates.

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>I want to go to Sweden
he probably heard about pic related
pretty much this.
Blame the election. The shilling went into maximum overdrive as various interest groups realized this board was ground zero of the ideological opposition. Hell for a good month or two they didn't even bother arguing, just spammed threads to the point where HALF of the entire board's threads were created in the last 30 minutes.
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>>Muh declining birthrates.
>Anyone have some good rebuttals for this shit?

Since they also believe we're going to be replaced by robots and need UBI to survive ask them how any of that fits together?

We have chronic unemployment already, young people can't find jobs, how the fuck is adding more competition or even worse, earmarking a % of all housing and jobs and welfare for foreigners, going to help us - or them, in the long run?

And if
>declining birthrates
was a problem you wanted to solve, how about solving the things holding birthrates down by natives? Offer more money for having kids. Make sure young people can afford to buy a house. Make sure young people don't need to stay in school until they're 30 to start their lives.

But nobody's interested in that.

The "solutions" are the exact pile of crap we - as leftists - rejected two decades ago as being exploiting the third world for cheap labour, undercutting the existing workers all to make more money for the rich. I mean, hello, is this thing on? We had this talk many times already and concluded the left stands with its workers and against globalist exploitation.

But whatever I guess we jumped into another timeline where the left just loves more megacorporation profit margins.
Westerners not breeding is symptomatic of dehumanizing marxist brainwashing. People should be happy and proud of their heritage but instead they are dehumanized like castrated cattle.

Also point out how leftist like to belabor how the world is getting less intelligent like in the movie Idiocracy without connecting the dots about how the world is getting less white
Good, for Equestria

If true, I would have zero problems with the people of Estonia raiding and destroying the American embassy there.

Idk why it is but to me it appears the percentage of subhumans among slavs is much higher than in Germanic and Mediterranean people, so soulless and empty, ready to squat or jump off a high building out of boredom.
And this existed before communism.


Yep, what we are witnessing right now is the Kalergi Plan being carried out after we ware mentally prepared for it since 1945.


Don't you get it? Because Libertarianism does not allow you to drag all kikes out of their beds at night and shoot them in a trench they will always find a way to be in your government or control it.
It is a systemic weakness.
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There is nothing wrong with declining birth rates. 90% of humans and all subhumans should be genocided. Fuck capitalism.

Yeah but those were paid shills who leave after the election is over.
The people right now are ex redditors and based MAGAPEDES and Kekistanis xDD

They actually believe that conservatism was the new counter culture and that having your daughter fucked by Jamal is ok as long as it is LEGAL and he wears his MAGA HAT

There are so many of them that I dont know if we didnt hit a critical mass where we are too few to convince them and they can erect their the_donald echochamber on pol
I'd still rather be you than me. It's still a great country.
i have never heard of him before but he is probably the greatest public speaker ive ever heard, the content was well known didn't care much for it
>2010 census

Hold up let me get my 1990 census to prove that whites make up 80%+ of the US population

This is why you will always be inferior. Your kitsch patriotism belongs into a garbage can as well
Are parts of America constantly having referendums to secede?

Also please watch this speech


It is very important to understand what actually happened.
The secnd half is even related to this thread. Only takes 5 min. Watch now
bbut i hate niggers and mmasculine women
Hello can someone reply?
Thats not the cause. The cause is less jobs for low skilled people. Which leads to prolonged education into mid 20s when people used to have their first child. People are only good for child rearing between 20-40. Add in the expenses of raising a child.
America is great, fuck off. I want to be American. Or make America in Poland - make great products and culture, and export it.

>Your kitsch patriotism belongs into a garbage can as well
I don't give much shit about Polish brand of hypernationalism, I agree it's shitty and useless.
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yes, yes you should,and you can do it a thousand times over while playing your favorite American made vidya game
>the british empire is not the head of the snake

Shitty, overpriced, food too diluted to even be considered a cultural cuisine, as well as cheap, skillless (wew what a word) labor, that'll probably run off with your tools and scaffolding, anyway.

No. Your death is certain, you could still make a difference. And every new day is still a day where you could blow your brains out, do not hurry.
While American culture barely exists because you are
1) A colony and
2) got jewed hard
there is something I would call American culture. The frontier life, enjoying the open land and the rich nature and what it gives to you.
If I was you I would live like Varg somewhere in the middle of nowhere and be happy.
And if you are lucky you get to fight in the race war.

>inb4 Varg LARPer supporter

I don't really support him but sometimes even he is right
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>should I kill myself
No, you should devote your life to try and fix it.
You aren't alone.
Too bad your best budso are just going to import a shit culture

It was till 1945. After the kikes sucked it dry they made the US their new main host.
They almost certainly would if they could.
Sweetie are you watching speeches by Nazi's again?
Yeah, shit culture that created a great global empire. You really don't fucking deserve it if you can't appreciate it.
Literally Churchill and Patton wanted to, on their own terms as well.
fucking britlets, please stop trying to be clever.
>Why are you vodkaniggers such innate failures?

Wrong values, terrible tragic history, generally a bad place to be.
Maybe when Churchill was younger, during that period he was a good goy, and hugely indebt to jews
Chechen War vet. If they try to enrich Estonia, I'm coming over and starting to methodically kill those responsible



Mosley is a God.

To be fair, the figure right above that (61.6%) is calculated for 2015 and we haven't changed immigration policy.

We might be at ~60 now, but not 54 that's an absurd estimate
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how'd other western societies manage to get fucked before the US if we're the head? is it just cause were bigger so it's going to take more time and our guns?
God speed, Yuri.
No its a massive divide and conquer operation by jews to keep goyim distracted from the sinister things they are doing.

>How do we get these white goyim to not notice us?
>I know we will fill their land with outsiders that constantly cause trouble
>your waifu on the outside.
>Sweetie, I...
>I know we will fill their land with outsiders that constantly cause trouble

This doesn't make any fucking sense. And how will Jews survive in a 3rd world country? I don't seem them being keen to move to Brazil
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This this a million times this

>Polish intellectuals

jews literally funded Brazil. i lived there and you can live like a god if you are rich.
Jews remove whites because other than asians they are the only ones who can kill them off. Jews have no problem ruling over brown subhumans. To a jew a brown and a white is the same worthless goyim.
It didn't fail, we did. we allowed the federal reserve to come into existence, we allowed the federal income tax to become a part of the constitution, and we allowed our entry into one of Europe's wars.
Forget Libertarianism for a second:
The Jews would not be a factor, were it not for the shabbos goyim who allow them to have this power. Was Woodrow Wilson a Jew? Was LBJ a Jew? Was George Bush a Jew?
For example, it was the Israelis who attacked the USS Liberty, but who was it who decided to cover it up and not retaliate?

Before you think about rounding up people in the night and shooting them, keep in mind that there would be no Jewish problem if there were no traitor problem.

This, traitors are the worst scum.

How is a libertarian state supposed to stand a chance against conspiring groups like jews?

Obviously jews need good goyim to act but they will always have them unless you cut the connection through antisemitic education and literal deportation.
And this is my point. You can't enact such protective measures in a libertarian society.
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>this doesn't make any sense
So you don't understand what a diversion is? Jesus christ, even the niggers understood this basic fucking concept and recognized the Jews desire to use it on us.
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Hans, not Americans, (((Americans))).

Small town white Americans are some of the most based people you will find in the Western World. The New York Jews hate us, which is why they go on about the "redneck," "hick," "inbred" BS.

We're the realest Americans left.
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This, right here.
>bullshit or spin
Communists were extremely direct about destroying tradition and culture. Just look at what Mao did to China.
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Exactly my point m8.
We (a quasi-libertarian white country) failed because the lemmings OUTNUMBERED people like you & me who understand what the (((problem))) is and we had NO POWER to stop them.

Even whites only have an average IQ of 100, that is NOT enough to defend against subversion and infiltration. Your an-cap society would fall exactly the same way after a generation or two of our people had passed on and dropped their guard.

The only way to stop them is NATIONALISM because it accepts as a fundamental rule that Jews are not allowed, and it gives the government power to clamp down on subversive groups within our own ranks before they can metastasize.

>b...but muh tyranny
I'd be a LOT less fearful of a tyranny if I was in a 100% white nation.
>our leaders wouldn't be foreigners or beholden to any foreigners
>I could count on my neighbor to take up arms with me against them if necessary

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>meanwhile in Texas
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There is no benefit. Quite the opposite.
No that's Sweden which is the Canada of Europe, then Canada itself. UK is about 5th
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They would be physically removed, so to speak.
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